I . ANNIE 0. KUAMPI1, City Editor. Meso-$'$oOe TUESDAY SEPT. 12, 1899 Fresh oysters at Marti's. Bran 003 a hunilreil at Wilcox Dopt Store. "Wanted A girl for goncral housework. Mrs. J. II. IlttRSHKY. Mr. W W Illr.fn ....'II n I rt r t n i it . f, . r Lexington this morning to spend ... . . three weeks. iurs. ,uou, oi wuicago Trait Jars at Wlloox Dcpartmont Store Have vou read "In His Steps Dr. Anna Peckham has decided to locate in North Platte. The doctor hus lint considerable exporience and comes to our city very well rccotn mended. Iiomono 25o a uoscn at WllcosOcpt. Store. D. P. Aslibum was in town Sun Ralph Uny left this morning for Lincoln to enter the state univer sity. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Roche expect to make a trip td Denver in a few (lays. kj John Johnson, of York county, is ) visiting his fatherin-lnw Geo. W. Ai R-wc KM Capt. W. II. Hamilton went to Miss I21izabcth Adamson is visit ing her sister Mrs. C. F. Jennings Wilcox Department Store. in Iloldregc. lion. Jack McColl spent last . . ..' evening in town as me guest oi Judge Baldwin. J. D. Cox hus been compelled to lay oft for two weeks to recuperate trom the strain of severe firing. Miss Laura McColl, of Lexing ton, is sncndinir several days in Mr Aul,h.,m io nn i a mv IOW11 VlSllllltr iHTS. A. O. UiHUM III. home from Sidney where ho had Miss Aiuui Lenzen who had been been attending the opening of the visiting her sister Mrs. Chas. creamery separator station. Breternitz, returned to her home in Corn Chop 70oa hundrocl at Vilcos Sidney yesterday. Dcrt. Store. Miss Grace Bratt went to Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meldrum this morninir. She will take a spent yesterday in town. They were special course in art and literature 15 enroute from Cheyenne to Omaha. Mr. Meldrum formerly fired out of her.- but lately has been finny on the Fourth district. Onlv SO. 70 to Denver and return Sepf 24th, 25th and 26th, via U. P. Diamond C Soap 0 bars for 25c at "Wilcox Dept. Store II. B. Fleharty, who is at present located in Ogallala, spent Saturday in town making arrangements to turn over the Keith County News to its new proprietor a gentleman by the name of Woods. James M. nay, Lawyer Mrs. Julia Struthcrs, of Denver, will arrive baturday and spend a weuk here as the guest of her brother, P. J. Oilman. Mrs Struthers is enroute home from a visit in Plattsburg, N. Y. &59 the Now Dress Goods at Wilcox Dept. Storo. Last week Jci-se AVeavcr, n four teen year-old boy, was thrown from his horse, while he was riding near his home ten miles northwest of town, and seriously injured. He had been unconscious practically all of the time since he was injured. Eovoe's Mixed Painta at Wilcox Do ptvrtmont Store, at the stule university Quite a number of North Platte people are planning to attend Ring lings Bros, circus which holds forth in Kearney on Thursday. Mrs. Win. R Clark arrived from Ft. Robinson last niuht and will be the truest of Mr. nnd Mrs, P. II. MclCyoy for several days. Air. and Mrs. C. T. Whelau went to Omaha. this morning. Mrs Whelau will spend several daye there but Mr. Whelan will return tomorrow. Mrs. C. L. Wood is exhibiting a tomato which weighs one pound and nine ounces. The tomato, which is of the Ponderosa variety, wns raised by Mrs. Wood. J. R. Lucas, of Rockwell, who had been visiting his sister Mrs, Albeit Muldoon for several days, went to Ogallala Hub morning to visit some old acquaintances. Armatul 13. Laugdon, who has been visiting his uncle II. C. Lang don for oevcral weeks, left this morning for Norfoll lie will go to his home in Brooklyn Mrs. 13. W. Crane and children V. W ih HARDWARE DEPT. Stacker Ropes, ;" Wood Pulleys, Iron Chains, Pitchforks, Bolls, .j- Braces, . ' Drill Bits, Babbitt Molnl, f Seythoa, Pitcher Pumps Granite Praserve KaltleS, I'lour Bins, Kitchen Sinks, - - One-Half Uushola. HARNESS DEPT. l4-hch Halters 85c IX-jnch Breast Straps H5c li-inch Pole Straps 45c llnrness Leather, cut in strips, net" lb 45c ... mm m . . Good Heavy GROCERY DEPT. Horse Shot Tobacco, per lb 45c Standard Nnvy Tobacco, per Ite 35c Salt per barrel $1.55 TabloSalt, 2 sacks for 05c Kerosene Oil, per gallon 16c Pearl Barley per lb , . , . 05c Tapioca per lb 05c Sago per lb ,. 05c Oil Sardines par can , 04c 35 pounds Corn Meal 25c Powdered Borax per lb . v. . . 15c Potted Ham per can 05 Sloncware, per gallon 10c Team Harness, IX inch Breast Straps.li Pole Straps, 1-inch lfi.Foot Linen. Good Wool Faced Collars. Per Set $21.00 Riding Bridles. Team .Bridles, Throw RopcB with Hondu braided in. DRY GOODS DEPT. Kearney Home Muslin per yd. 04c Good Apron Ginghams, per yard 05c Canton FlaunclB per yard, . . . 05c Lining Cambric per yard.., 04c Fine White Goods per yard, 10c to.. .. 25c Straw Ticking per yard. 08c Table Oilcloth per yard 15c Lawns, per yard 03c Dress Prints per yd 5c, Gc and 7c w i it) ft it it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) t) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) t Goods marked iu plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash Only. jjj WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. 1 it) NORTH PLHTTE, NEB, it) it) CROCKERY DEPT. . Handled Cups and Snucerc per set.. .. 45c 7-iuch Plates per at 45c Vegetable Dishes '...12c, 15c and ISc Sauce Diftlies per tet 20c 100 Piece Dinner Sett $7.50 to $28.00 Table Tumblers per set 20c Thin Tumblers per set 30c No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys.. .. v 0fc Tubular Lantern Globe ". 07c No. 2 Rochester Chimin y (Lend glass) 10c NOTION DEPT. Tfirend 3 spools for 10c 50.yd Corticelli Sewing Silk 04c Curling Irons 04c Hair Pins 4 bunches for 01c Brass Thimbles 01c Sterling Silver Thimbles 25c Velveteen Skirt Binding, per yd 03c Two-quart Fountain SvringCB 55c Silk Mitts 25c to 50c Ladies' Velvet Grip Hose Supporters. 20c 4 yards Finishing Braid 05c Vaseline per bottle 05c Corset Laces, per dozen 05c Alarm Clocks 85c White Bed Spreads 70c Baby Ribbon per yard 01c Bone Buttons, for Underwear, per doz 02c ? Thos. Ditlte has an ugly scalp J? RoilrAorJ NivfpC . K ft W 111 W ttVWW left this morninir for Lincoln to T liotr in of mnfivnA n ,nr Ini.l nf P'" '" " house at Lincoln for several months. Mrs. Jas. B. Scanlon and her daughter Mabel went to Omaha Sunday. From there they will go to Washington to visit Mrs Scanlon'a parents and later they may go to Northampton, Mass. Col. Loom is Langdon, who had been spending a lew days Here as the guest of his brother II. C. Lang don. went east Sunday morning He will visit for a few days in Nor redwood stock tanks. These are the best and cheapest tanksmnde. Call and get prices. C. F. Iduinc.s. Fred Letts has purchased the lot just west of his present residence, and has let the contract for a new house to be built thereon. The new building will be 30x30 and two stories in hciirht. The house is to coiunletcd within sixty days. 13 W. Symonds is the contractor. J. F. Schmalzried nnd daughter Hattic left for Lincoln this morning Mr. Schmalzried will spend the wtek there taking in reunion sights Miss Hattie will enter the Nebraska Conservatory of Music and take at least a vear's course there. In ad dition she will study languages at the university. Sf.70 round trip to Mountain and Plain festival at Denver. Tickets on sale Sept. 24th, 25. and 26th. The case of T. 13. Heskett vs Jas. wound a the result of his head coming in contact with a uiailcranc. Tom was bringing a stock train down on the Fourth district Friday night and had his head out of the window, when pulling into the station at Poller, looking for signals. He was watching the train and the track o intently that he failed to observe the close From therev proximity of the mail crane until it struck his head. As the train was making over thirty-live miles an hour the blow was a severe one. His head was badly bruised and a severe scalp wound was innicieu. At first it was leared that he was in danger of concussion of the brain but he has recovered from the shock and is able to be around again. His head was dressed by Dr. StoWitts and he came home on the second section ot train No. 2 Saturday morning. A Scriouu Injury. Will Boyer sustained a very.scr- lous injury Sunday afternoon. He folk and then return to his home iu Brooklyn. A special train having on board the Minnesota ISditorial Associa tion will pass through here on Sim- day. The editors will spend t-cveral days in Denver taking iu the sights and will then retard via the Union Pacific. The board of county commifeiou- ers convened yesterday morniiii Gadscu was up iu the county Quite a number of bills ware al lowed during the day and various other routine business matters were disposed of. IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE TO OREOOW The Union Pacific in connection with the O. S. L. O. R. & N. Co have added a Bullet Smoking and Library Car to their through tram to Portland, Oregon, and a Dining Service from court yesterday and the plaintiff was awarded damages iu the sum of S107.V3. This is a case LTowuur out of the sheep scab controversy which is raging in the Birdwood country. Heskctt charged tiaden with damaging the Heskett sheep by bringing scabby sheep to the Birdwood range and brought suit to recover for the amount of damage .Inun A .mMw.r fumtttt flfirlci.il I ,. .... IVlll I'l.'IWl.C VvlllV.rtL:iJ ill.U was up in tue conn mis morning. Coundl mufr8 1U8 Ilhlo bccn i(1 aiifirurated. The train is enuipprd with Palace Sleeper, Free Rediu- Harrington & Tobin will re- was going out on the third section of train No. 19 as brakeman. When the train was only a slmrt distance out of town the brake on one of the cars stuck. Will stepped on the Side ladder to see where the diffi culty was and in some manner his foot slipped and he fell to the ground. He fell iu such a fashion that his entire weight was thrown on Ins lei t leg. l lie lorce oi ins fall was so great that it snapped both bones just above the aulde and dislocated the ankle joint. When the rest of the crew enmc to Will's assistance his foot was bent back against his leg. He wns brought back to town and his leg was set by Dr. Lucas, who was very ably assisted by Dr. Anna Peckham. The injured man is resting as com fortably as could be expected but it will be a great many week before he'll be able to step again, Take in the Omaha toda'y and tomorrow only JKi.85 round trip, Judgo H. M. Grime, rejwrter Cary, and attorneys Wilcox, Haiti gau, J. S. Uoairland and W. V J t -ill. dJl.i 11. " kM WW V 1'. t r receive tine lor-n oi wuh munbu ,11Jf Clinlr Cars, and Coaches mak- UonShuu went to Gundy yeiterday it. t. . r i i! i nn- Tvrir,v,nanfn 1? rtnr 1'nciuo vousi. uircci coiiuecuoiiB . . " ""T, t T , V made for Tacou.a and Seattle. wnicix cnoy win son $i.io jASt u, scanlan porsaok. Agent. aiHWI.7 I.I IMJ 9 m Makes the food mrord delicious and vvlmlesomo lft)fl (St&a PoUttn 8 Mm t bn, to attend court. ?6.85 to Omaha and return Sept. 12lh, 13th and 14, via U. P. P. A. Norton's house iu the southern part of town is rapidly approaching completion and will be ready for occupancy in about ten davs. Arthur Strahoru ha accepted the position with the sugar fuctory at Grund Island and commenced working tltis morning. Omaha and return only $0.85 Sept, 12th. 13th and 1 Ith. Take a cheap ride via the U. P. Bert Babbitt will go to Sidney to fire on the Fourth district. Geo. Vroinau will go to Omaha tonight on B. of L. 13. bubiness. Richard Cox went to Sidney Inst night to fire on the switch en gine. H. C. Langdon is bundling the throttle on engine No. 846 while Geo. Vromnn i lading off. P. li. Mcl3voy is presiding over the destinies of the rip track while Geo. Rutaell is in Lincoln. John G. lCrickaou. who has been working iu Brosvn's gang, has gone on the road as an extra brakenian. Geo. V. Russell and daughters Lit yesterday morning for Lincoln to spend a week taking in reunion sights. Win. Jeffers came up from Grand Island Saturday afternoon and is now working as mini tnclc dis patcher here. Vic Anderson went to Sidney Saturday afternoon to assume bin duties as dispatcher. Mrs. Ander son went up Sunday afternoon. Train No. 102 now carries a pas senger coach into Omnhii every day and does a thriving business ns it is more apt to be on time than train No. 2. Chas. McNaiunrn, who has heen clerking in Kngiueer Stenger' office, will go out on the road will) one of the engineering corps to learn engineering. Elmer Duahiicll, Win. Chambers and Wallace Mainline are amont those who have iticcefully paswed the firemen's examination and been enrolled on the list of extra firemen. Josh Barraclough had the mis fortune to gel a piece of steel in his eye while he wns at work Satur day. His vye i very painful amid it will probably a number of days before lie will be able to re sume work. Another shifting has taken place smoog the passvngr brakemeu. G. R. Hammond goei'ou with Conduc- i i . t i. I.....I.. . , . iiir ; uuci aun, u. it. iviiiiKiu lawu Hammond's place on Conductor Woodinunsee's crew and Asa Seaih- takus Rankin's plac; a swing brakenian. The wrecking ttaiu cume back Saturday morning from Pine Bluff whjjre the crew had bet u picking ut lh remains of Thursday night' wreck. Yesterday the train went to Sutherhind and picked up Hit three gravel fiats which were over turned into the ditch Thursday. m... ..!..t.i. j, . , iue uiguiBcuiii train crew was put into service oil the Third dis tricl Friday. Geo. Smith, conductor and Thos. Hughes and 10. Rebhati sen, biakmen compose the crew. They were given caboose No. 2040. Hostetter goeson Gilfoyle's crew in ' (- .. i... 1 . . . i 1 . amiiu t piuce iiuu V.T1111U111 uii Rork's crew in Hughe place. John. L.Dick is now on the list of extra lircmcn, having passed the necessary examination on Sunday. The road men's pay checks came in this morning, and consequently there is wide-spread satisfaction, ns a-considerable portion of the checks aru good fat oiicb. Leo Sullivan has made his trial trip as a fireman, and expects to join t lie rniiKs ot i lie men wuo shovel dusky diamonds. lCnginc No, 1100 ban gone into tin back shop lor repairs nnd engine No. 781 is being used ana switch engine. lOntiiries -No. 1735 and 'No. 173S. which were sent up from the First district will be used an extra en gines to lake the place of the 1700's which are iu the back shop. Supt. Park went to Kenrney Sun day where he joined Geu'l Pass. Agt. Lomax, Gen'l Agt. Kiilin, ot the C. N.-W., and several other rail road men, and the entire party went up the K. it B. H. yesterday morn ing to spend a few days iu hunting. Five coach loads of Chinamen constituted a special train which went out of hero about half past eleven this morning. Just cast of the bridge, where the new steel is being laid, engine 822. which was, pulling the train, jumped the track. A rail which was not properly fas tened caused the difficulty. Con ductor Murphy ,who was iu charge of the train walked back to town and notified the ollicials. The wrecking train, was sent down nt once and t tie crew is now at work getting the engine on the track. Very little damage was done except to i he nerves of the Chinamen who thought at first that they were se riously injured. The Chinamen were dressed iu all the hues of the rainbow, and some hues which the rainbow never heard of, and made a kaleidoscopic picture as they clus tered on the plotforms. They are iu charge of an old C, P, conductor, and are eurotile to Philadelphia under bond Mrs. Jos. Wccko, Mrs. S. Friend, Mrs. Jos. Fillion, and Mrs. John Alexander returned Sunday after noon from a short Tisit at the Murray ranch. The ladies report a glorious tints and arc lottd in their praises of the hospitable way in which they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Miss Then Hansen returned last night from a visit in Grand Ialnnd and Lexington. EME'S 1MR1 SALE. lluckien'fl Arnloa Snlvo. THE lEHT SALVK in the world for (Juts, liruifios, Korea, floors, Salt Rlioum Fover Bores, Tstter, Chopped Hiimli, Ohllbliiinn, GomB, mid all ftklti Krup ticiiiM, nnd positivoly ours 1'ilus, or no pny required, it is RURrinitwHl to glvo Hitiiifiii'tioti or money rsfuuilsd. Vrtet, li, wU per bust. FOR BALL' BY A. f StreiU. Champion Sweeps and Stackers. For Sale by Jos. Horehoy, Locust St, Wc must sell all Spring and Summer Goods this month, and in order to do so have made the following prices: All $1.25 Dress Goods 75c pr yd All 1.00 dress goods ,...05cpryd All 75 and 85c dress goods 50c pr yd All 50c dress goods 35c pr yd All 35c dress goods .... . .25c pr yd All 25i dress goods . ... 15c pr yd All 15c dress goods 10c pr yd 35c Fri iich Ginghams .. ..20c pr yd 25c b rciich Ginghams .... 15c pr yd 15c French Ginghams ....10c pr yd 2c French Ginghams ..8j4c pryd 10c Fn uch Ginghams ....OJcnr vd 25c Organdie 15c pryd 20c Organdie 12icpryd 15c Organdie 10c pr yd Organdie 7c pr yd 10c Organdie 6c pryd $1.75 Table Linen $1.00 pr yd 1.50 Table Linen 90c pr yd 1.25 Table Linen 75c pryd 1.00 Tuble Linen 65c pryd 75c Table Linen 50cpryd 50 and C3c Table Linen ... ,35c pryd 3cc Table Linen ..25c pryd 25c Table Linen I5c pryd Ladies' Summer Corsets at 25c each Millinery at cost All SUM and ?15.00 pattern hats at 6.50 All 10.00 pattern hats at 5.00 All 8.00 pattern hatBat 4.00 All 7.00 pattern hats at 3.50 All 6.00 pattern hats at 3.00 All 5.00 pattern hatB at 2.50 All 3.00 and 4.00 pattern hats nt 1,75 All 2.00 and 2.50 pattern hats at , 1.25 All 1.00 and 2.00 sailors at 50c to close Special cut prices in Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, Shoes, Parasols, Underwear", Waists, Skirls, tc. EENNIE'S.