The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1899, Image 4

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    1UA L DARE, Editon and PnorniETOit
Ono Year, cash In advance, , tl.25
Hit Months, cash In advance, 75 Gents'
TUESDAY, JUIvY 25, 1899.
Former Governor Holcomb lias
not yet attempted to explain why
he "salted" that extra twenty-five
dollars per month which he received
from the state over and above what,
he paid for house rent. Silas ts a
rci'idy letter writer, but on this sub
ject his pen refuses to work.
Onu by one the populist patriots
arc announcing' their candidacy for
county officeB through the columns
of the ICra. Two have announced
themselves for clerk of the district
court A. D. Orr of this city, and
W. N. Parcel of Somerset. In the
case of the latter the office is said
to be necking the man, but with Mr.
Orr in the field, the office will not
find Parcel. Gus Heckler is bold
and brave enough to aspire to fill
Sheriff Kclihcr'B shoes, but as Tim
is a shrewd politician and Gus is a
uovce in politics, the latter will
last about as long in the conven
tion as a snowball would in hades,
II. J. Kinley of Maxwell wants to
be county superintendent, but as
A. P. Heeler of Ilcrshey seems to
have the inside track at this time,
Mr. Kinley will still be wanting
when the convention adjourns.
a sale, and two more levies' being
able to build a better school house
than the board contemplates erect
ing. It can't be done and another
phrase of the matter is the fact
that the present location is the best
and most central which can be
This year at least $2000 of the
building levy will be expended tn
necessary buildings. This docs not
leave a very large balance, only
about $300, to be used to build a
high school. Next year, unless the
bonds carry and a new high school
is erected, the major portion of the
amount raised by the levy will have
to be expended on repairs for the
present building,
JuuciNC, from Mr. Belton'H com
munication in the Telegraph of Sat
urday evening he has been mnde
the victim of misinformation from
Home Hource. The superintendent
and the inciubcrH of the class of '99
who circulated the petitions for a
special election to decide whether
or not bonds should be fssued, did
ho at the request of the board of
education consequently there is no
"conflict of opinion between the
School Hoard on the one side and
the Superintendent and children
who graduated the last term of
school." The school board realized
when they decided to make a live
mill levy for building purposes
that the income derived from the
kavy would not be sufficient to
erect a school house in at least ten
years but at the time the levy was
first made they had almost decided
that because of the lack of interest
among the citizens which prevented
any active work in behalf of the
bonds the leavy was the only pos
sible way to obtain the money
needed for the new building. Every
member of the board is heartily in
favor of the issuance of bonds and
realizes that the only economical
way to build a school house is to
isBtie them. It is folly to talk of
celling the present site and build
lug and with the proceeds of such
Tho High School Bond Election,
The time of'the special election
which will decide whether North
Platte will have a high school build
ing commensurate with the needs
of the schoolchildren or will be con
tent to pursue a false system of
economy, paying out several hun
dreds of dollars each year for the
rent of buildings, and hampering
the mental and physical growth of
the children by compelling them to
go to school in poorly lighted,
poorly ventilated crowded school
rooms with very inferior cquip
mcntBis, drawing near.
Every person, man or women,
who is entitled to vote on the ques
tion ought to put in ;rnppcarance
at the polls n- baturday, Angus
Slli -u vote "For issuing $25,000
in bonds of The School District ol
the City of North Platte, and for
levying a tax sufficient to pay the
interest and principal on the same."
This question is one which ought
to be of vital concern to every loyal
citizen. The absolute need of bet
ter school accommodations is evi
dent to any one who has taken the
pains to investigate the present
rooms in the high school building.
The town is constantly growing,
the attendance in the higher rooms
is increasing each year, and the
children who are seeking an educa
tion ought to be given the very best
advantages at the disposal of this
district. There are hundreds of
boys and girls in this town who
will never be able to obtain any
thing more than a high school
education and it is almost criminal
to force them to accent the nresent
indent equipments and deprive
them of the advantages that the
town is amply able to give them.
"The public school system is one
of the bulwarks of our nation" :mil
we ought to strengthen our part of
the bulwark by giving our boys and
girls the opportunity to obtain a
first class high school education
No matter how brilliant the teach
ers may be they cannot do justice
to the pupils in the present over
crowded conditions of the school
There has been some inquiry as
to who arc entitled to vote upon
this question wc therefore print in
tun tuc Bcctiou of the statutes
governing that matter: "Every
person, male or female who has re
sided in the district forty days
and is tweutv-one years old, and
who owns real property in the
,i :. i .i . .
inauiti ur personal mat was
assessed in the district in his or
her name at the lust annual assess
ment; or who has children of school
age residing in the district shall
be entitled to vote at any district
HoikIb. if voted at once, can easily
be sold at a premium as there is
considerable idle money in the
country awaiting investment
Grand Island was recently able to
dispose of $21,000 school bonds at a
premium and the lunula of this dis
trict will certainly sell as well. The
time is just right for the issuing
and sale of bonds and if we let this
excellent opportunity slip by with
out grasping it another one may
never present itself.
Tilers has been some fear ex.
pressed that the school board, if
the bonds are voted, will fail to give
the home architects and builders a(
fair opportunity to bid on the con-
struction of the building; that they
will be partial to outside architects.
There are absolutely no grounda for
such fears because from the time
the poecihjjity of voting bonds wbb
first spokeuol evary nienjberas the
board has expressed himself of be
ing atrongly in favor of home arch
itccts and builders.
Mooting1 of School Board.
The school board held an adjourn
eu meeting Saturday night. The
secretary was instructed to renew
tuc contract with the Baptist
society tortlie use of the Baptist
church for another year.
The plans and specifications for
a new school building to take the
place of the one now in use in llin
man precinct were inspected and it
was decided to advertise for bids.
The new building is to be 2 1x32 and
to have a good rock foundation.
The building is to cost about $700.
Bids arc to be in the hands of the
secretary by Saturday, July 29.
Ninty scats were ordered from
the American School Supply Co.
TIicbc scats arc to be used for the
new wing in the Third ward and in
the new Murphy school house.
A few bills were allowed and a
new oak office table' and six new
chairs for the superintendent's of
fice were ordered. A bill of twenty
one dollars for the tuition of non
resident pupils will be presented to
the board of county commissioners
for payment under the new high
school law.
MM.n l.-.t ...!ll I...I.I II
aiiw uuaiu win IIUIU ilUUlllur
meeting on Saturday night.
Additional Local.
itoiiio. u. uieiii, wno was in
town last evening, we learn that
the com crop in Myrtle pre
cinct is badly in need of rain and
unless rain falls within the next
few days the crop will not amount
to anything. Jn that section rain
has not fallen since before July 4th,
and as the corn is now in tasele
moisture is absolutely necessary
neat in Myrtle precinct will make
a partial crop.
l' or Kent Four nice rooms for
residence, over Meckiu's meat mar
ket. M. C. Hakkinrton. Airont.
A number of Miss Blanche War
ner's friends tendered her a sur
prise party at her home Friday ev
ening, tlie occasion being Miss
Blanche's seventeenth birthday.
The young people spent the cven-
ng in playing games and had a
royal good time. At eleven o'clock
a feast of dainties w.ib served,, to
which the guests did ample justice.
Bright new McOormic'k
Twine at 10 cents per pound
or Sale by Jos; Hershey.
Tom O'Kourke, of Gasliu, was
a caller atthiw office yesterday and
reported two heavy raws in thai.
section Saturday night and Sunday.
n :.. .. . .... ;
-uiii in in excellent caiiatiiou in
n that precinct, better than it has
been for several years, and wheat
will yield well.
Capt. William Astor Chanter,
congressman from New York, is the
president of the New York Star
which is giving away a fortv dollar
Bicycle daily, as offered by thejr
advertisement in another column.
Hon. Amos J. Cununingp, M. C;
Col. Asa Bird Gardner. District At.
torncy of New York; ex-Gov. Hogg
of Texas, and Col. Fred FeigJ of
New York, arc among the well
known names in their board of dU
lie didn't complain if you were a little
t .. t i- . . i . i
Anotlior cront d SCOVOrv fins boon order of II. M Orlraes, Judge of the district court
desnoildent or irritnl.lo nt H.iir-a N, L.,i. ...Hi... i I... - 1.1 .! of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made i on ithe mn
- - - .-. i iiuiuu, uuu mm. iwt ui i iiiui in win i ,,. nf Jnn. 1H09. ror me saie oi ine souiuwei
11C OC3. He's Pni,nf,v I'niRPnRn fnslonodltfl clutches qunrteV of Section 8, In Township 10 north, of
the same man. wunl 'soso raBtoncu lts ciuicucs i w wesf) , UBeo,a coaDt. Nebr;kn.i
He didn't 1111- Upon hor fltld for BOVOD j onrfl SlIO With- will sell at the east front door of t ie court house.
.1 ..'. 1 u !... I.... .,lnl ,- in Norin l'iniie, neorns.a on u wuru.iy.ii
"tisiiuiii men. siuuu no soiuiooi uut uu ,nn ul I June, 1HV9, nt one o'ciock p. m. nt punnc venuno
lie doesn't gnnB woro Undermined nntl cieaill BCOmou to the highest Dinner lor casn me auovo nescnue.i
now. Then lio imminent. For throo months sho reI eftnte. Bald sale will remain open for one
thotiglrt it wis coughed incoBantly. nnd could not onied this K-Ui day of June. 1899.
ennrico mm n eon, alio linni v uificovorou a wnv 10 okhin a. iiauon.
liked ft. Now rocovcrv. bv tiurclinsinff of US n bottlo of A.lmlnl.trstpr of the Ertatc of Alrln O. Uacon,
. . ... ... - ' IT 1 - " . TliwnaaAfl.
ne uitiiks it is caprice Ur. Kings JXew Discovory ror U)nsump-
and doesn't like it. Mod, nnd wns eo tnucli rolifvod on tnk This into la postponed unUl September soth,
iiut now lie's busy get- ing tho first doBO, tlint eho slept nil one o-cioc p. m.
lllltr tttntlnt ntnlitl nit.1 HltlK li.m 1 nMtnn linn llftM nil. I
If lie realized tlin full truth I cntntnlv ..ii,l tTnrnnmn la Afro. T.ntli. I BPEfiTAT.MARTRR fiOMMIRSTONER'U SAT.K
ne would he more than anx- orLutz." ThtiB writes W. O. Hnnnick ,. TTT. a. ....
mil In invi. in ... r 1.n f. n .f dl.ii... at n ni.!..l !...! I Jy . .nuo u. u uruor m ." mrucu iiuu iuo
.1 . "V " ui.,ui onuiuv.n, u J.r.111 uutuun District Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska.
uikc mc ngui remedy to restore Her to froo Ot A. F. Stroitz's Drug Sthro. wherein The Nebraska Loan and Trust Company
true womanly health. Most men don't Reculnr sizo GOo nnd S1.00. Evory lapiainuirtnd iienrr wiikinaon. Barnh wiikin
kllow that When n woman it wrak. tiorv. lwnM .1 ' ;on'.?.t- nl., are t efen.lants, nnd to me directed,
! :ii.t.. i :. v ; i " Kui.iuuivu. i i win on ine min aar or adrusi. mi. atone
y., iiiiiuuiu mi uespoii iciu, mere IS I o'clock p. ra., at the east front door of th court
nivnnniuy Fotncimtig radically wrong JPilgrlmatro of Cryptio Maaons of house in North rintte, Nebraska, sell the follow
with the delicate feminine nrcmtit witii ni .i- t . n in Inffdescrllied real estate at public ancllon tilth
Which her entir ti1iv.n..n t. t.? ...iii... .. "B. highest l. . .Ier for cash, subject to prior morf
ti. !. J.' !... ' For the nliovo ncffls on i ho Tin on . ! i.u.won.i inicrcsi nun taxes, to satisfy
'""n" iimu isuiit, mm nisi one rem. sni.i decree, in-wiu tub east nair or Hm-iinn
ruirieen nnrui, in itnnRO
Amount uuu on said
t. cost 12.1.10 nnd no.
Colorado Dntcd North l'lntte. Nebraska, July JR, lWifl,
, .. t r- ... 11. H. 1U1H1KI.Y.
opruigs ana 1'UCOIO irom poinis HI jur, Special Master Comnilssloner.
Kansas and Nebraska. Do
fes'ShrwUrthe' T- W,H put .I,fc5ficlia'adct,ie Kreatlyreduc nrnM
round trip to Denver,
The guns, belts aud.cantcctis for
Campany 10 arrived this morning
Arrangements for an armory have
not yet been fully completed but
drill will be held In the od hall to.-
A. D. Scars, of Fremont, is in
town in the interests of the Fre-
inont branch of the Nebraska
Creamery Co. They arc desirous Cash nnld for Hides.
of establishing a separator station 'B'st raarkot prieo pnid for fnt cnttlo
weak or diseased. It is
Dr. I'fercc's Favorite
Prescription. It re
stores perfect health to
the weakened organs,
ami makes them strong,
clean and virile. It
makes wifehood happy,
nnd motherhood easy.
It banishes mornintr
sickness nnd all other discomforts that
precede maternity. It makes lnbor Unlit.
short and almost painless. It helps to
make real "new women." An honest
druggist won t urge upon you a sub
Mr, l'merson Allen, of Dorset. Ontario Co.,
Out., wrltei: "I enn truly say that I think Ur.
l'lerce'n Medicines the best 1 lmvp rvrr iivcl. I
was In very poor licnllh for n IoK time, dntliiR
iroiu ine nirin 01 my nine Kin. I irieii iilllcrcnt
doctors nml different medicines. 1 derived very
much more benefit from your medicines thnn
from any other I linvc ever used. I took four
Domes oi -i avorue Prescription ' nnd three hot
ties of 'Ooldcn Medlcnl Discovery,' nnd I nhvaya
keep the ' relicts ' 111 the house.''
I n 1 n rt i l t -r
complete arrangements for your otUO 01 OCnOOl LaiM LGOSeS
trio witnout first askiup- votir
t 1 ml. ? an ... -w .
nrrnnr nlin.if flu. mnin,d lni J. no V.omraiB810nor Ol 1'UUIIO JjUnilS
, , 7 . b ""'" nnd Buildings will offer nbout 30,000
service and fast time to Colorado nercs of eehool lnnd for lon?o ntpublio
via the Union Pacific. auction nt North rlntto, nt tho County
rrensurorB onico, beginning nt D n. m.,
For tickets, sleeping car reserva
tions and full information on
Jas. D. ScanlaN, Agent.
August 7, 1800, under tho following
iiruviBion oi mo now scuooi innu inw.
"if. after tlslnir dllnfllHtr.inrn Ir.
nt an annual rental of six por cent upon the ap
praised valuation, the Commissioner Is unnblo to
do so, he mar offer tho same for lease nt less than
thonppralsed valuation nnd tenia It to Ihu person
or persons who will pay six per cent on the hi
est offered valuation, as annunl rental, If, In hi
No. C Locnl PrtBSoncor 8:10 A m Jndmont, It Is i to tho best lutorestp of the stato tu
No. 2-Fnst Mnll 8:30 a m I nc?',, "ucn bT .
No. 1-Chlcnco Snocinl 11:00 vm. ror.BonB "oeinng to oinmitio tho Innds
No. 28 Way Freight 8:10 a m , 00 ,onB?a my Boeuro Iiatsof tho enmo,
TrninsNo. '2 nnd -1 stop only nt Losing- sl,lowlnfr,t,ho P'Csontnpprnlfomont thoro-
Inn nnd Ifnnnnn.i 1I,. M-tl. Tl?.. Ol, nB WOll II B linv Otlior informntinn.linnn
' " " ' ' v UV.TVl'U llUlbll 1 ILLU . . . . " .
nnd Grnnd Islnnd. nppncntion to tho county trensuror or
m.. n.... y nddroBsintr tho CommiRnlnn nr. nt.
No. C-Colorndo Snocinl 0:3."! a m ti,uva. n nAh " V""img ot tho nuo
No. 1 Limited 4:15 p si
Nn .'llfnof Mnll 10.01 .
j-r , a m ,1 t . .. i-.ui .i
numngcon os l ODin want No. isj Wny Freight 7:15 a m
No. 21 I-'nst Freight 3:00 r m.
JAS. 13. SCANLAN, Agont.
30 cars new baled Hay
for immediate delivery,
Highest cash price paid.
The Windsor
Meat Market.
You onjoy trndintr nt n woll con-
uuoicd mont ninrkot
niRB onp wljiph pouimnnda
tho boBt triido jp North
l'lntte. you should trndo
thoro, i.,,,..'.
tion, tho Commissionor will glndly nns
jvor nil imjuirioa in rognrd to tho school
lnnd business or tho workingB of tho
now law.
Lnnd Office nt North rintt . Neb.. )
Jnlv 1 1ll. t CHrti T
Notice la horeby oWen that the followlnjf-nniued
lett er hns filed notice of her Intention to raako
nnal proof In sunnort nl hr rlnim nn,i it... .....
proof will bo made before ItoRlster nnd llecelTer
nt North l'lntte, Neb., on August 23d, 1890, vli:
Who made HniimstnAil Vnt
i Houthwent quarter of Section 8. Township 16 N..
Hho names Iho followlnt? Un
continuous rosldence upon and cultivation of said
land, vli: Stephen H. KHner,lIenry Kilmer, John
Kl mer. Sr., and Charles 8. Kilmer, all of Oar
fleul, Neb.
im QEO. E. FKEN01I, Heglster.
icre and a vigorous canvass will be
made among the neighboring far
mers with that end in view.
The new walls of the roundhouse
have commenced to go up. When
the remodeling of the round house
s completed it will be one of the
most convenient roundhouses on
the system and the work of hand
ing engines will be very much ex
pedited.. Employment has been
givejj to a large number of North
Platte men on Ue work of rcbuild-
Untod Stales -t(lrpmce.'Kotth rlatto. Neb.,
... iljinii lftji, 1'bVff. "
ufUplnnl MnlA.I nm.l..i 1. ..I .... ' .
P; ll'R.' F'WStnilt;
A snulclpnt poptpst nmdaTjt' Ji
vj Aipprf U. 1 ur
east nuarter and tie porlb half of thp poiithpnit
In this olticp by Alborl
i . .1.1 r w.- - '
Kninsi iiiuppr PRiiiirp pntry Wo. I
Decembor t, 1SP0, for tjio past half of
General Repuirer.
Special attention given to
bicycle mmi
quarter of Bcptlon 7, Township V. itnntre 110. bv
Lenn .. onrpqntpr, poptostnp, n which It Is nf.
IcRod that Lonn E. Carpontcr wholly fatlpd ntul
mvrei. ... uipii niuruu in pe uroxen or cm.
yeara ieuu
ly part of said tract of lnnd during tho V
0Ml2.lO l.HW-tl8 nnd 18W, that sold
SulToriiiK Immunity should bo sunnliod
with ovory inoiins possiblo for its roliof.
it is wltn ploiiBiiro wo publish tho fol
lowing. "This is tocortify that I wiib n
torriblo suiroror from yollow jnundico
for over six montliB, nnd wns trcntcd by
Homo of tho best nlivsiomnH irf our citv
hum u 10 no avail, wr. liull our i riii-
ist reooiiit;fenilj;d Elootrio Hittors and
IlllUr II1HIIH' Lll-O llOI.IIXfl I U'liu n-tir.ilv
cured. I iiowtnlfOKn-nt pfoiipjjrpin rro. NotlOO of Snfima.l Elnnfinn
ommoncltiK thorn to any norson sulfur- r-.-
irom tins ifrriblo innliuly
flriHPiniiy yours, m.
liiBtnn, ICy," J''i?r sal
Legal Notices.
Lena t, Cnrpentor wholly foiled nnd neglected to
plant or caused to bo planted, any pnrt of snld
trnct of lnnd to trees, seeds or cuttings during the
yenrs lWi01.923-ll-03-litM)7.1i8 and 1BW, and said
defect exists to-duy; said parties are hereby notl.
fled to appenr.rcspond nnd offer testimony touch
ing said nllegnUon ntlO o'clock n. ra., on August
17th, 18W, before tho register nnd receiver nt the amies imwi ijmce in worth rintte. Neb.
The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit
filed Juno 17. 1WJ. set forth facts whlrh .h,.th
after due diligence nersonnl snrvleo nf im.
j cannot be made, It is hereby orderoil nnd directed
iicntloiil , uuo nu proper pun.
IT Us p.KO. E. f ppj, negjstor.
a sumpippt ppptp,t nmdflrit hnvfou mh'mm
ih s olffcp .y prnpt K. JUkFom cpppsnY, K ft
I,117'llc,h " lB.nllBm"l Iroyl'. Clonsohas failed ti
treo seeds or cuttings durlug tho years of IMC
18(13. Ml 1MK tknr? pit i?no .ml .'''! 1B"-'
any porson suitor- 1
lo malady. I am .N'ft'rc Js rebv Riven that on Satunlay,
A Hnrrnrtv T .. "le Rtn l'Ai' 'll AuC'St. lul. Ill Til L' SChoi)
I J. Bn ?lRtrlct ot'the a(J-0r Wort M.ittf'. In the
o by A. P. Stroitz. County Ot Mncoln; In the yttito 'otWai-
18H3. 1K9I. W 1MW, 1807. 1W)8, 18011, but hns on
Lne.,y r?iotea nd nbnndoned said claim since
Mi.', and the part of said tract formerly broken
dp has gone back and umwn in a n.i ,
nud thera are no trees urnwlmr ihom.,., ...
defects exist to dntej said parties ore hereby no.
Ifled to appear, respond and offer evidence touch
ing said nl legation at ten o'clock n, m on August
10th. 18W, before tho lteglster nnd Receiver nt
the United States lnnd offlco In North l'lntte. Neh
Biiiuu"i..iiat Having, in a tironor nm.invii
i i ry.: mc.iuv ui iNorin
I ' Illl HI 1 tin l.'IA. ll'n.. It '. . . . I HI...I V....1.
- Sf r fjlirt V9V of thef V i v of North Platto at Jw that after .fuo dlllM, ier.bnal'SrfrvlcLi j
mm &r krch u a v lis n w h
duriihy Bchool hOUHc on tli,6 Niirthcant nuar
tT of Section ! , I'ow nsiii'p u, ltaW il in
al.l precinct, and n okoAi 'iirccincT at 1 tn"
NQ'flOK FOH l'pilI,JOA!'IIth.
rJinf) ojllci) nt North; I'lnttji, Nph.
v.,ii iu i,,..i. .. i..,ll r.-V.'f" ff h.
iiiutati' ot Npiiraska. hup ISHI In fhp range i) wpl.. ' "r ""i
iVi .?nrri,iliw.,,i,iMlr,iCl; 'P"'"lll,1t oiiHof "t'IUnpslofnoHng wtnp.M lo prove tils
MOST VIOLENT CASES HAVF Ti,Rrcut,stcarosi.0id bo given to S's se ' 'V ?yNu.mi
HIUOI IULtlH UHOCO nMC nnylittlo fiore, pimplo or BcratcTt which iliy J,A oeo. k. fkknoii, itegitBr.
innranrn fcv rinor .n , BhoNvanodUimitlotUohealiiiulorordln. iHtiaVh year'ftiSrekncr m
APPFARF l Al MhnT ry treatment No ono can ti-1 how booh thrso .IV"'1 al'V"',1"1" 1,e miiiiWrui from to .,,, conteht notiok.
irrCMllUU il nflOl HO wfil develop into Canror of tho worst tvno i!'".H!:v,ivt".ly- a' ''' 'mmber land a ' l onu-o, North l'lntte, Neb.,
uzor niRAni ro JZ ,,ua,,??,',I,, al lton Cim?r s,'piy '"V''', t,A "''"''f''1 ..M?.ln&
MrHF P MP FS i?,lSS t 'h W - '.7ow just what tho disease is; l" ""'? year thereafter until all, W """"c7 willlnmA. Putnam, ",ln,
nromplly returi.H. howovor. ami M oven moro yiolei pnd ilo.Wn irtlvti tl M w anil each year there- ,,r lu",,,u ',n!"8 nu 'nl11 ,rnct '"r mori! hu,"
Uoro. Cau.'.u- i . u deadly lmbum In tho hloo,!, ,h ,,1H'r, li . f ,, hater or Wc tiMl$2 f "f.'SfW-' 'I'll SUf- Sv VmLCi' .' ,e, Jo)"' H
olhoroMerna I treatnu'iit ran l.nyu no ellett wlm ov t io,' ' 1 ".ocuKusf ' fc6 1,1 I 31! I'HI'V "'tfr ;, Z W&MWA
coino fiom last voIko of xlo.t i,.4 ,0 rr UiM. ' "W. f 'fW ,? tax, , rcmiired (l),v . to H .ilWltTiS X " M
llftlo hlotelt ulmiit tho hlzo of ii lieu camo iiniler iiiv left, TV,",'1" ai , , , , 1 3 . riJ
a,viut freely. Thix gradually Rrow ess nm turn d won" l'roWa, ami 'fur levyl ik a t x i iiclont tn : "' """tr
iVfS,,f1llf '"'w onlva iK'allhy Ittlownr remaiim who o lu verVt.c fS t 'uj S. I Vil r ''iS RfiPJ 1 In,lomre '','' rintte.
- - - - j v nn nf I i ll.m,.,! ... it.i.7" .; . . v- "v, ..ou uii August iiUlb. lNMI. X.I-.
It la tho only romodv which cn ao .Ilvm, Mi. July dtli, im. .wuon t u. n olhon, '
tuwitud foreoltoutof tlmm ,mr., . m Vnir- "0:S?i. VZ.. ."",?! . "ohinso.v. ! hiro h. HmiihS lL?Jb'' h
roncll the blood-fho ,..,il nf'llw, ,li;Sli:,"'.? ' K'flB , .. I'rehWcnt. !'." I'oNorthoa.tnaarter' n h,m " ?' r"1
away. imM limn K. H. H. : not in if nun ttUn li i.l
K. etiren nlan nnif '.man ,.t R,f..l,i i.i.'T. .'. .F . 1 ' JIUllKltT HlIllMtAsJI J ' c.milm , ,. :l.T,., D Pe"' prrvo hr ,, v in, I'lMlfNi ur rc'f"" iii.nofini swmh , . ; , ; " r; rr""'!!'
tho dise
does not
hot Im cut
S. B.
Dlood 1
IxKikrt on
Swfft SpocUlo Comiwuiy, Atlanta, CJeorgiu.
h FPPNPJI. Ttpg.ter