if' h. -,- JSC . k4 - 4 cmt Wf cfetu Srtbunc. ANNIE 0. KRAMPI1, Cm- Editor. FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. " Mrs. Jennie Crisswell is visiting- lneiius in sutiicriaiiil. Rev. A. J. Armstrong-, of Brady, juhi yesiercmy in town. J. J. Ilallignn and liis son Ralph arc spending uic day in Uiruualn The school board will hold an ad journed menting to-morrow night. P. C. Letts and Miss Laura Letts returned this morning from a visit Ico Cream Troczcra at Wilcox De partment Store. The W. R. C. wilt serve ice cream and cake on the court house lawn baturday evening, July 22d. The Methodist ladies will serve ice crcatn and cake at the court house park to-morrow evening. A. M. Allen, who is larirelv in terested in the Gothenburg Water Power Co., spent yesterday in town. Try Ur. Longlcy's Little Lazv Liver Lifters. Guaranteed- Mrs, G. II. Lawrence and Miss Murray Johnson went to Lexington una illuming lu visu ineir inuicr Mrs. Geo. 10. French returned . Sunday evening to Omaha where she id undergoing medical treatment. II. O. Smith, the secretary of the i km. v-aiiai uo. tit Jexiugton, spent yesterday in town attending the sessions of the state board of irrigation, Geo. W. TliPinas came up from Gothenburg "Wednesday afternoon , . . . i . , ' . . iu u,uihiiti home (egai ousiness. lie returned yesterday afternoon on his wheel. Linen knee pants for boys age 3 10 a, at ,'3C iJutcness boys over fills, "bib" at 50c. Age 4 to lf. Cheaper ones at 25c. Stau Ci,otiiin Housi:. J. C. Bock is visiting at his home in Council Bluffs. Mr. Bock h very seriously crippled with rheu matism but is in hopes that the change of climate will benefit him. Judge Wall, of Loup City, was a passenger on train Ko. 1 yesterday afternoon bound for Sidney where he expects to traunact business for ll few days. On his return trip he will stop over here. Dovoo's Mixed Faints at Wilcox de partment Store Complaint is being- made that the slaughter of young prairie chickens lias been commenced by unscrupu lous uunters. ah enort will ut made to prosecute any person found indulging iu that unsportsmanlike pastime. A gang of steel men, fourteen men mid a boss, arrived last night and will lay a number of temporary tracks in the yard on which to handle the 1700 class of engines while the round house is being built. The track will be removed as boon as the round house is finished. Woodman Boiled Linseed oil 55c a gallon at Wilcox Department Store. Elaborate prcpapations have been nuide for the reception to tin students pf the summer school which is to be given at the Odd Fellow's hajl to-morrow night- In addition tqJ. Hinckley's lecture a program of musical 'selection aijc) readings will be given. John Ltmkiree, of the bridge and building department, was in town yesterday looking after the round house improvements. A consider able, portion ot the outer wall has been torn away and the excavation for the foundation of the new wall is almost completed. A large force of masons will be put at work in order to hqvu tlje walls progress rapidly. for lent Four njee rooms for rpsidenpe, over Meekiu's meat mar ket, M. C. IIRKiWjTON, Agent. Javier Tojllion returned last night from a ten ciuys trip to Okla homa Territory. Most of the time he spent at Shawnee. lie brings back very enthusiastic accounts of the country and its products. He may decide to locate there if he is able to dispose of his property here. If he goes he will make the trip by wagon hoping that it may be of benefit to his wife's health. General Joseph Wheeler, better known to thousands of soldiers as VFigljtipg Joe,' was a passenger pi'i f?o. 1 yesterday afternoon. He was agoompanieil by his daughter Who wil go with him ay far as San Francisco. General Wheeler has been detailed for service in the Philippines and will bail lur Manila shortly after reaching Snu Fran cibco. He i small iu stature but mighty in valor ami will be a val uable addition to the lighting lone in the Philippines. Uias. A. Walker, of Dfmltnin was in town yesterday testifying unun. ucicui j 1ISOII, The 0. K. S. is planning to give an attcruoon social at the home of one ot its members next week. Taney Parasols at Wilcox Donart- incut Storo. Hank Chestnut returned 1nt night from Omaha whom lm im.i gone to market a carload of cattle. Mrs. L G. Iloxie and daughter ;iud MihS Helen Carnalmn. nf alia, are the miesU nf Mr Aihi-i Muldoon. Miss Mvrtle Co.V firriveit Albia, Iowa, Wednesday night and is visiting her brothers, II. 10. and Chas. K. Cox. Mrs. Fox, of Council Bluffs, is isiting her sister. Mrs. Will Har din. Mrs. Fox. who is n trriiiintl nurse, may decide to locate here. Mrs. Clarence Turner and ehil. drcn came tin from Gmtul Ul.nwl Wednesday night and arc visiting iwrs, is mouier. Airs. Jas. Moran. Miss Lulu Salisbury has resicmwl her position iu Ronnie's store and will ouco more take un the roil ml teach the young idea how to shoot. R. II. Longford returned last igllt from a trio to l,inn1n :uul other points iu the interests of the insurance companies wlncli lie rep resents. Wow Idea Patterns lOo each at Wil cox Depni-tment Store. The board of conntv cmnmU siouers li.is appointed AIoiiko Mc- .Micneai as a member ot the soldiers' reliet commission to suectiotl Con Nauinau. i uc term ot summer scimni is half completed. The students arc nil very much in earnest in their work and are making verv satis factory progress, Trv lr. Lonir cv's little Lnzv . r, , - . J iivcr umers. unaranteed. uavui Artiii) was brought in from his home over south several days ago and now lies at J. 15. uussins home very dangerously ill wiin out uttic nope ot tits recovery u, moeiecKe uas succeeded in recovering the horse which lie lost several kl.iys ago. It is not known ..... ... , i . ,. . . wuuuiec uie uorse straved or was stolen hv some one who. when lm discovetcil that it was lame, turned it loose, The work of writing un the batch of county warrants has been com menced tllld in tun rlnvu tlu lionrto of nuineVous people will be made glad by;i slice of county funds, as cash will be naid for all 1R')) warrants. Pruit Taro at Wilcox Department Storo. i A SriOllnl (mill irlll l.invn l.nrn nine o'click to-niLMit for Hprsluv It will cftrry a load of merry-makers UOUIHl Icir tllo ClailPi u-lin-li i tr, lm given in) Scebcrger &. Co's big hay oarn tofiignt. rue dance promises to eclnc any social event which has occi rrcd iu western Nebraska Western Washers Large Clevis Singletree Clevis, 2 lor 12-inch Flat File 14-inch Flat File Babbitt Metal, 2 squares for 12-quart Galvanized Pail One-half pound Box Copper Rivets. Alligator Wrench 24-inch Go Devil Steel each Mrs. Pott's Irons, per set Maynard Irrigation Shovel DeVoo's Best Mixed Paint per gallon Gilt ICdge Shoe Dressing 20c j jewel urovvtt Shoe Polish 10c .urn iilt gauoii. i.-ui Woodman Linseed Oil, per gallon 55c for lo tlise many moons. Price the Citv men am abidiiiL' disturb the per our sole the bust to fairly push them all over livigin wmte and col lored shirts $1. Cheaper shirts for bos 50c and 7bc. Star Cr,oT"iN; Housi:. The ipceiul serenity of this law Kommunity was very much t Weiinesday morning when le awoke to the fact that ind or.ly piece of statuary, tl'if Siduev Dillon. Sr.. li.nl disappeared from the park around the superintendent's ollicc. Ru mors Ot itnlditiirllt nmrniiflnrfi ivin afloat and mutters of vengeance to be wreiikod upon the head of anv one who could be so base as to steal such a work of art. were bonnl. When the editorial passed tliroiii.li here several weeks ago one editor asked if that was Bryan's tatne. It is understood that thi remark rankled in ili. breast of the statue to such an ex- tent that it decided to steal aw.iv and hide its head for very shame, and this, it proceeded to do with itance of a team of horses fon during the darkness y night MfHM llMllfl liP.. . VImO,.'..!! 1. 1. ...... .........I,.... Hut wuuK w). i fi lends near Sutliurlaml. man of nf Il.'ill tin tlt'fK III lilt' the assi and a w; of Tuesd f.orrn Slin;eH Jr., a HterlhiK vim 111- IKMltTon Sixth liury and VI oxi'ecls to tako luutHuuiiriti nf it Hn li.il ..St I in itiwn. 'm ... n,,V i .11 Ml!.', ,1.. lift ..r li.rj t r ni-ii t v final' M M tllC I'l.iUtH -ll' . t lul t'.i.i in ii'm . "ii n.l.iti.9 M.i' irl ....; u 1 1 til V ' - t Hi lurt. at'n. tit iil th. ilHt..lllcu ycHturdav Till! llostS irk mreui iiaKju'eii liurciianvil liy w. N y ami next week; Miury came in yesterday from a Morrow Klatn. He repnru the 'mdltlon; wheat will wnkc ' n.i. ' Thr u-i' i nic tit .inn m.lximuii I. ni orJiiur wan lit. Iwo .iui)t:r min it un a yenr . , ..ui.HM anil family hiibiu veHtenlav ey ire kowik wohi in mow Htak'et ui . nir wiu oeneiu 01 trie neai in iern of the party, Hi ii Hi Ui Hi Hi il' Hi Hi il) ( l Hi Hi ill il) Hi ill iti $i Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi iti Hi Hi Hi ill Hi WARM WEATHER PRICES. HARDWARE DEPT. GROCERY DEPT. .$3,00 . 10c . 15c . 17c Pint Bottle Horse Radish 10c Tumbler of Jelly iQc Comb Honey per pound 15C Atiucrson s Jam per can, sci California Peaches tier can : . . ico riif,,-..:.. .i tit . vi.niuiiii.1 i-jr i-uiiiiB cans lor.... 20c California Grapes 2 cans for 18c California Chcrrlon tr mi 15c Pine Annie ner can Baby Klitc Shoe Polish 30c .51.00 , 1.20 1.40 10c 15c 25c 25c 15c 10c 10c ''') Powdered Borax per pound '"-. Oil Sanmina tinr.vm DRY GOODS DEPT. Lawns, per yard Kearney Home Muslin ner vd 42-inch Pillow Tubing per yard Mosquito Netting per bolt Good Apron Ginghams, per yard Fine White Goods per yard, 10c to.. ., Good White Flannel per yard Canton Flannels tier vard. 5c and Lining Cambric per yard 04c 03c 04c 12J 45c 05c 25c 25c 08c HARNESS DEPT. Hamc Straps Trace Chains 1-incli 18-Foot Lines Breast Snaps Good Heavy Team Harness, yi inch Breast Straps, 11 Pole Straps, 1-inch 18-Foot Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars, Per Set S21.00 Buggy Nets, Team Nets, Leather Team Nets, Saddles, etc. Mustard Sardines tier can Mustard Sardines, large size, per can McNcal Si Libby Plum Puddinir nr can 10 McNcal & Libby Wiener-Wurst prcan Me ?!c5ca! lAbby VlZ' Fcct Pcr ca- 1,cMcNeal A: Li liy v.nt t ..r S2.50 1 Boneless Chicl Jon ntr f n n 05c) Potted Ham per can Condensed Milk 3 cans for !! Condensed Cream 2 cans for Battle Ax Tobacco, per lb Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb Standard Navy Tobacco, per lb Table Salt. 2 sacks for.. Kerosene Oil, pcr gallon NOTION DEPT. Thread 3 spools for 10c 04c 50-yd CorticclH Sewing Silk Amsterdam Silk Mitts tier nair 25c White Cotton Tape pcr roll 01c s Dress Shields pcr pair 08c J Binning Ribbon per piece 12c I Invisible Hair Pins pcr box 02c Fine Belt Buckles 50 and 65c Ladies' Muslin Drawers 25c to SL.50 Ladies' Night Gowns 50c to $2.00 Ladies' White Skirts 40c to $2.65 Corset Covers 20c to 85c Ladies' Crash Dress Skirts 45c Ladies' White Dress Skirts 70c to $2.25 Ludies' Covert Dress Skirts. .. ,90c to $2.25 Velveteen Skirt Binding, per yd 3c I'ns 2c to $1.50 Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Prico for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE NORTH PLKTTE, NEB. Hi ill Railroad Notes. liuginc No. 1710 came in with ;i Hat tire yesterday. Its tires will probably all have to be turned. F. F. Godso and his gang of sur vcyors arc at work to-day laying out new tracijs tor-iiic round House Lngine 816 is iu the shops for liljht repairs, and entrine 740 is uoing uouuie duty until tormer is out. W. N SaU trip to ,la i forn In t.T alioul li.il t fyre'-aHt: (iviu;i-;lly fair to lay; rgntuntril warm. tu iii'Krt'iiit th n Hare entertalneil a niim frlenilH last nlijlit at a par- .1111 nllHH I' I'.IU. ..i i un, in. I. nu-rt.ilnliiu If.-iiiir. H ui Hi,. iiH-ht ' Tlie Wi'ddlni: .iiiioiik unit e Stuart made t lit.- rin,,t it ai lati.ni and auirdi.l j. Il.l or Kltimlkr n.rhid ili(' pi ie. lit li. i. (ti jelri .limeniN id Un H.ill! Makes the food more delicious fiyVBB. Ind wholesome The order comoelUnir ballast trains to con hue their snet-d to fifteen unles an hour has been annulled, The Q. S. L. and C. P. connee tions of train No. 2 were vurv much delayed yesterday by a washout west of Laramie. Chas. B. Thompson has rosimied his position as brakemau and will return to Broken How where he wil go into business with his father, IMic Colorado Snccial on the Union Pacific has been domf a tremendous business for several days on account of the low Colo rado rates from eastern' points. The wreckinir outfit returned from the wreck near Bradv Tues- day night. The wreck did not prove to be a serious one and the damatrc was soon rnnaiw-il. 'Pin, cause is still an unknown quantity. flie men iu all ilcmirttniMits of the shops will work four hours to-. morrow and every Saturday after ward until turt ler not ce. T iU gives the men forty-nine hours pcr week regular time, nine hours more a week than under the old schedule, lSuirinc No. 880 has come out nf the shops at Omaha and been turn ed over to the tender mercies of Cyclone Bill" ol the First district to be broken iu so that it will develop speed enough for Geo. Austin to break the record on the Second, The number ofcuuiuu crews on the Second district has boon tie. creased to fourteen and on the Tihrd has been decreased tQtwelve. This throws tpvcu more men an the list pf extra engineers making scienlceu on that list. J no. Wein bertreraud Jno. Baker are the day hostlers and D. Moynahan and IC. Hrickson are the 'night hostlers. The decrease in the number of en gine crews is due to the large en gines but the men who have been placed on the extra list will prob. ably make as much as t',;ey did when they were on the. regular list as the enghieeis on the 1 Toll's can't st.iudthe strain of continual run ning ou them as they mu m very hot anil thety a co on the road so long. The number of train crews, fifteen on the Third and sixteen on the Second, remains the name. Hinder for Sale. A second baud McCorinick binder for sale cheap. hiiquire of Mn.To.s" Doomttm:, Receiver. Vov Rent. Handsome reticence in west end. grss'hiwn, shade trees and barn. ' ,' T. C. PATTUKSWiN. WANTED. Harrington & Tobin want 30 cars now baled Hay for immediate delivery. Highest cash prico paid ASK any ot tne tollowing persons wnat tuey tninlc ot tlie Vnpor Bath Cabinet they each have one: Mrs. Watte. Ihhuu Dillon. W. W. llirpo. N. A, Davis. I. N. Iloiinor. MissTliooloek. U. L. llliiek, Mrn. Swarthoiit. Thtw. O'Nonl. (J. T. Wholan. Mr". Tobin, ). L. Minor. W. V. Hoiitthnd. Ifonry Waltoinatli. L R IliiHtiiiKH. Hov. Haloy. O. S. Clinton. W. T. Wileox. Mrs. CoIuiiihii. John Status. Mrs. Ii. Fnrrhifiton. Grooly Uiindy. (. Vr. Vroinai). II. W. Ihrd. Mrs. W. If. Ouly, ( J. H, Hiisttinu. violin WoiHuerlwr, A. M. Mason, J. W. Hush. Dr. Hudoll. John 11. Day. Oils AndoiHoii, Mth. II. (j. Unnnio. D. M. IIojjHolt. tloH. CiiHoy. O. L. WillinniH. JuiIko Unldwin. (J. I' Mock, $tJ.OO. Willi llWt Atlai liliient to Ml. 0. M, NEWTON, Local Agt. NOTIfK IOU I'llll.K A'MO.S. Liinil Olllciuit Ntirlli I'liill,,. Nl., 1 .Inly llllli, lh!C) f Nllth'l. In lii.n.hv .Hi,.,. Iln.l II... I..H. mil ur Iihh ilk., nolle,, ., ,r ) nt cut l ti In iirik.i mini irHr lu ftijiiM.it i.fln.r rlnlm, mill llmt miI.I irii.if will lm iiiii.li.lntfiiin lii.;Uliir i.m.I lt...'iM, lit Nnrlll I'llitln, Ni l n Aiiiit iVIlli, HU1. vlit la.l.lIN OI.HON. ttlin tiimli, ll(iiiii.li.iul Hiiiry Nn, liJSSl. f,,r it,,, uiuit linir..r il... w,.,,ii,..,..i ' . ' . i . ....... ' - 'r."i..' him i un, wttbi '"' Niiilliiiat.imilm ol Hii.ii.in M, .tvii It', ItllllM 'Jll tV , Hill, lirillllld III., r..llnujl.i(. u.llt...UL.... ... . ciiiillHiiiitiH rtwlilmict, iii.iii iiikI eulHiiUn il wilil Iiiii. viz: CliiirliiH Oiu mi t N- o. .VmlurHHi. Iltmry M' Ihoii i ninl Amlri" W,iiui, ullof Hiiniiutb, Jtl-ll vlWlliOE K. Vllf.vrill, ll,.K,lur. t. II. IJIIMUNIW. J. M. C'Al.lltil'N Esmonds & Oalhoiiu LAW AND COLLEOTION3. Over I'imtiinite. VOI4TII l'I.A'n.T NUIl gm wrwifnti w ww wnir w w itfununinMintf ltrmmffl Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for tho Prico. BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. . n , . T . PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, A OomplotO Lino WIND MILLS. MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. Latest Improved and Best WALKING ) siSy Listers. HADQER, ) HD?flc j CHWvators. one now, ) two now, Cultivators. THIlEEnOWj 3 Tho Oolobrated Erway 3-Row Cultivator, JOS. HERSHEY. I.ocusl St., North Platte, Neb. The Sibilant Sizzle of i jf J i 5 J-''''''',''I ;n x x s z x t r t t t a H$H$M SO itttffj4 ll. ( "4ii. ll. .-K STREITZ' SEDUCTIVE SODfl i-5IS'i- Sntisfvitirr ntirf Stomach Soothing 3m a Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si f? When the Mercury Reaches 100 Just remember that Davis the Hardware Mm carries a full line of hot weather specialties - Refrigerators, which will use the least ice and keep the coolest of any, Icecream Freezers, Wire Netting and Screen Doors, all grades of llofe, and every conceivable variety of Nozzle and Sprinkler. All at prices to suit tho average pock-etbook. m n w m m m n m m H H n H H X H H H H H H H a. St 1 Rani tiMi phlM tb..ttk