3 Ik Horth UVll t til m m m am am 9 FIFTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. NO. 49. 7i WE BUS BESS Wo aro now conducting one of the Clearing Sales for which this Store is famous a sale which will benefit all who share in its distri bution of reliable merchandise at OUT PRICES. Wo have done a remarkable half year's business, therefore the number of rem nants, short lengths, odds and ends and broken lots which must bo closed out is much larger than usual. This moans bargains for everybody, and such low prices as only this store is noted for. Wo challenge comparison on any item quoted bolow, confident that our prices arc unquestionably the lowest. Wash airs 1 lot Ladies' Linen Skirts worth 50 cents re- OCp duced to , Jk 1 lot Ladies' Linen Skirts worth 75 cents re- Efhp duccd to JXjK, Hot White Duck Skirts worth $1.25, re- 1 AA duced to ioUU 1 lot Ladies' Crash -Skirts in stripes and 1 70 checks, worth 2.00 to 2.50, reduced to Ui 7 Hot Ladies' Tan Colored Skirts trimmed with 1 braid and buttons, worth 1.75 and $2 now lrO 1 lot Ladies' Blue Skirts, trimmed with dark 1 70 blue braid, worth 2.50, reduced to & 7 1 lot Ladies' Blue Skirts trimmed with white OCJ braid, worth 1.50, reduced to ULtO Skirts that do not fit will be altered in the store. cf'.&e1e-'OC-.eiefC-ft&c-cc-c6-.&CiC.fe&c-Jti Summer Capes. We have a few Spring t $ and Summer Capes that we t will close out at Half Price. S 8 These goods arc all new S & and desirable. S SUMMER CORSETS to 23c. Clark's or Coats' Thread s to to to to 4c, or 7 spools for g 25c. MILLINERY. We have a few elegantly trimmed Hats left that will be closed out at extremely low prices. All trimmed Hats, $8 to 15.00, reduced to Ml trimmed Hats $5 to 0 ZH 7.00, reduced to 61 0 All trimmed Hats $2.50 to 4.50, reduced to..,,..,, I I li One lot ladies' and chil dren's Hats at 75c. Sailors and Walking Hats at greatly reduced prices. This Sale will. Commence Saturday, July 15th, and Continue Balance of the Month. THE FAIR 9 S. RICHARDS -1. Commissioners' Proceedings. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present full board and county clerk. Bill of Geo. Schined was allowed on Road Fund for S2.00. General fund bills were allowed as follows: P. II. Sullivan poormaster's salary 3d. 4th and 1st. qr., also steel bars 78.00, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co. Rent 24.00; Bills on Reed inquest, B. Buchanan, J. C. Fleharty. J. F. Schmalzried, L. Walker, G. S. Huff man and A. M. 'Michael jurors. 1.10 each, Walter Eavy, Wm. Bailey and Wlllard Eavy witnesses each 4.00, Bam Richards mdBC. 14.90, Dr. Pinkerton services 1.50. N. P. Water Co. 40.50, W. S. Pcniston insurance 50.00, N. W. McCabe in quests 22.60. State Journal Co. sup plies 153.50, Neb. L. & T. Co. 24.00 Neville & Parsons services 25.00, A. L. McNeel co. comr. 89.50. Wm. Maloney digging graves 10.50, Win. Woodhurst services 189.40, A. M. Lock delivering ballotts 8.00,. N:. - op oa ti mi. . McCaoe inquests oo.ou, u. j. imuv ecke salary C00.00, C. II. Stamp canvassing 2.00, Tudgcs and clerks of election for Nov., 1898, 603.00, F II. Longley fees in Love insanity. r . . case 8.00, W. T. NYiicox ices sain im. W. C. Elder fees same case 6.40, C. C. Purgeou labo Dr. N. M. McCabe co. phy I 00 417.00, A. W. Mathewson expenses 3.00, Peter Mmr k Mrs. Snear 2 mos, JU.uu, .w. Dermott delivering' ballots 'i Stebbius delivering bn-llol G. A. Metz, Chas. Sear Fisher. D. J.'Antouideselect; vices 2.00 each, claims of tinrcrinn In CISC of Rush vl combe 17.93, State Journal plies 70.40; Claims allowed March term ltm as iouows; Hamilton 10.10, A. F. Han i 'MO. J. B. Murphy 17.50. Roberts 14.50, Jacob Miller W. Lloyd 10.10. Greeley Bundy 12. 10, II. C. Rcdinger, J. II. Cunning ham 10.10, J. B. McDonald 2.10, L. R. Beckford 15.00, Frank Haller 16.00. G. W. Rose 12.70, Wm. Gar- man 13.50, Wm. McMichael 5.50, IJ. W. Besack 12.10, R. Hanson 14.00, Ed" Johnson 15.00.C. L. Bowen 12 00 D. W. Harshfield 13.50, Fred St. Marie 12.30, Wm. Hubbartt 12.50, L. D. Rich 13.50, L- Kruger 400. Talesmen Win. Heise q.00, E. B. Johnson 2.00, Chas. Baker 2.00, II. B. IIollhiKsworth 2-00, E. D. Sny der 2.00, Jesse Sayrc 2.00, J. E. Cussius 5.00, W. II. Wclty bailiff 12.00, State Journal Co-43.00. II. C. Rcnuic mdsc. 2.15, Jurors and wit neees in Mann inquest 13 80, E. W. Symmonds labor 16 50, Waterworks Co. 40.50, J. S. Meyers taking' out trees round court house 19.12. A. L. McNeel services 77.00. Whereupon board adjourned until Monday July 10, 1899. Tin: populists of Indiana will go it alone this year. They arc weary of acting1 as cat's paws to further the ends of the democrats. NERVOUS WOMEN Do vou feel like screaminc Just before and during the monthly sick ness? Are you easily irritated? Do you get the blues and wish some times you were dead ? If your answer is " Yes" to any of these questions, you should lose no time in taking JiRADPIJTyD'S FEMAZH RnGUI,ATOR It will overcome and cure every form of irregular menses, leucor- rheca, tailing or the womb and other uterine trouble. SI at DruooMH' TUE nmUflCLD KCCUUTOIt CO.. Atlanta. R. Eotwcon tho Rivers, L. A. Renglcr, of Paxton Suu- dayed with relatives at Hcrshey. Rev. A. Coslet from down the line gave a graphapouc entertain ment to a fair sized audience at the Ilershey school house last Monday evening'. Sheriff Keliher.of North Platte, was in this locality on business early In the week. E. F. Scebergcr is now the proud owner of u dandy new carriage re cently purchased of W. II. Hill at Ilershey. A majority of the farmers in this country are at this time irrigating their com. The mail crane at HerBhey has recently been changed from the south to the north side of the track. The U. P. gang that has been located at Ilershey for the past ten days pulled for Paxton Wednesday evening. Certain parties who &old eight gallons of milk produced by two cows at one milking to the U. P. gang at Ilershey recently are now Baid to be out of the business for the want of customers. The click of the self-binder as well as the clatter of the mower is now wafted on the breeze. Al Tift is at this time loading baled hay at NichoUfroin the Col ton laud over south. 10. F. Seebergcr and S. L. Funk houser are putting up the hay on the old canal company's laud this season. J. M. Smith, wife and daughter spent the 4th in Cheyenne. Mr. Smith who is foreman of the Her shey section returned on the 5th to resume his duties but Mrs. Smith and daughter remained several days and visited with relatives and Iriends. W. A. Loker returned the other day from a business trip to Holdrcge G. I. Campbell, of Lodi is visit ing his brothcr-in-law A. J. Thomas and lamily in the valley at this time. Dick Shinkle the Ilershey livery man made a business trip over to Wallace the fore part of the week. The old board previous to the innual school meeting in the Platte Valley district hired a young man by the name of E. C. Thompson, of Missouri, to teach the school the coming year but the time one mem ber of the board, who helped do the hiring, expired at the annual meet ing, and he failed to be re-elected. The new board has tendered the school to another party. Trouble is likely to ensue and what the out come will be remains yet to be seen. Miss Laura Murray will teach the school in Che village of Ilershey the coming year instead of the one at Nichols as was reported. She applied for the one at Nichols and was informed by the board that she could have it. But it is stated that after due consideration of the matter she thought it was too tough a school. Landlord Ilarkney of Hcrshey was a county seat visitor on bus iness one day the first ot the week. A" gang of men are at work re pairing the dam to the F. it M. Preserves V ( frulLi, Jcllko, plcklcn orrotui .r 4r,4t moru nully, moro quickly, mora .tih lienltlifilllv wul(.il with llellnad IWi I'onilllne Wax than by any othrr VWI mrtlKMl. DoxenaofotucruBvawUltjo Y" fuundfor . Refined ParaffiBie Wax In every liounchoM. It U clean, tantt'lcivt ami (Morlcsn ulr, wator ami nclil proof. Oct H Kuiid cukuof It with ii llt of ltd ninny urna from your druggist or grocer. rwui evrrywuere. juuuuuy hTAMIAIIll (III. CO, canal., M. C. Lindsay, of North Platte is overseeing the work. Rev. Randolph, of North Platte, conducted the funeral services of P. F. Erickson's little baby at the residence last Monday. The in terment took place at the River side cemetery. The bereaved par ents have the sympathy of the en tire community in this their hour of trouble. Bob Carpenter and Em Moore, of Sutherland, are assisting Win. Ware in plastering the new church at Ilershey, Loge Loker has returned from the vicinity of Holdrcge where he has been at work for a short time. Lon GraveB of North Platte haB been the guest of E. F. Secberger at Hcrshey this week. A lady by the name of Erickscn has been engaged to teach the north school in the Ilershey district the coming year, She resides down cast; Pat. Sanitarium. I can assure you the company who proposes to build the institu tion are ready to organize as soon as I can get time to appear in Chicago. I wish to send a picture of bathing lake and resort in ad vance and I hope the people who are interested in building up our portion of the country will appear at the resort Sunday afternoon July 15th, and assist me in sending a good picture to Chicago. Yours truly, I. Lamim.ugh. Next Tuesday a large number of farmers living along the line ot the Burlington road in Nebraska will go to Lincoln and spend the 'day at thestate experimental farm. The Burlington gives the farmers ahalf faro rate, "Embalinod" Tlcn. Tho Burlington road is building a plant at Edgcmont. S. D., for the purpose of embalming- railroad tics. The plant will cost $65,000. The tics are to be immersed in a solution which contains zinc and other materials. The life of an "embalmed" tie is conaidernhlv longer than that of an ordinary tie. The Bystem has been in use on the Santa Fc road for some time with very profitable results. On account of a shortaire of baggagemen Roy Vernon was Bent out as baggage man on train No. 6 yesterday. Cant. William Astor Chanlor. congressman from New York, is the presiuent oi me New York Star which ib giving away a fortv dollar Bicycle daily, as offered by their advertisement in another column, lion. Amos J. Cummiugs, M. C; Col. Asa Bird Gardner, District At torney of New York; cx-Gov. Hogg of Texas, and Col. Fred Fcigl of incw lorit, arc among tlic well known names in their board of di rectors. vr. numpnreys Specifics net directly upon tho iIIhooso, without oxclting disorder in other parts of tho HyHlcm. They Cure tho Sick. mo, cuncs. rmciDj. T ' " I " K .. -. . L J-H'orini, Worm Kovor, Worm Colic... ,'J5 a-'rrrdiliiij.C'olle.Crylnif.Wakeruluoun ,'45 U 4-lllnrrlii'a, of Children or Adults. ., ,".3 ? 7-CoiiiiIh. CoMi, Driiiicliltla,.. S3 H iVriirnliiln, Tootliacho, Fnccaclio..,,, .'J3 ' O-llrndorlic, Hick Iloadaeho, Vertigo,. 1 0-ll viprpaln, Iii(lletlon,WcakBlomach.a.1 , 1 l-Hupprrwrd or Painful I'crloda "3 1 i I-J-U'lillm, Too I'rofuiMi l'crlodi "5 M l.'l-i.'roup, l,nryniilll, lloaricnosa U3 1'1-Knll llheuiii, Kryilpulai.Kruptlona.. ,'iH l.-1-ItheiiinntUm, Ithcumatlol'alni SS 1 0-Mnlnrlu, Chills, Kovcr mid Abuo V!5 l'J-Cnlnrrli, Influenza, Cold In thollead ,23 ViO-Wliooplnii.Coiiuli 33 V!7-KUiiuv llene 25 'JH-.Vervoim Debility 1,00 ao-l'rlnnrv Walim-. Wettluullcd... .33 77-lrlp, Hay l'ter 33 Dr. Ilumpbrnya' Manual of all Diseases at your l)rUKKltiirlullel I'm-. Hold liy druuHiiu, or Kent on receipt of price. . Niw'turk C" Cr' W""am Jo1"' & ' ' f0 1 4t