f 4. fflkt Mmi FIPTEENT1I YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1899. NO. 47. ' f ! '1 1 to r i SI c Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, iaris, spring wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price. BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. . n , , T . PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, A UOmpletO LlDO WIND MILLS, MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. Latest Improved and Best Ttr A v r t r a r Listers. ONE ROW, TWO ROW. J- THREE ROW Tho Celebrated Erway 3-Row Cultivator, JOS. HERSHEY Locust St., North Platte, Neb. iiiiiuiiiiuiuiuiuaiiiimiiuiiiiiillilliiiiaiiyiiiiiiaiuji J When the Mercury Reaches 100 Just remember that Man carries a full line of "Df..:,. 1. i i. ...:n 1 l xvuiiiyuiutura, wuiun win usu uiu leasu ice aim keep the coolest of any, Icecream Freezers, Wire Netting and Screen Doors, all grades of Hose, W and every conceivable Sprinkler. All at prices 1 1 etDOOK. daw 1 st.e.e.e-e.e.ec.tie.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.f.e.e.c.e.e.c.1 h$i iji $ (i tyi STREITZ' SEDU 'm -r G. F. IDDIHGS ILi a,: Yards and I51cvatorB at North Platte, Neb Sutherland, Neb., 1. Julesburg, Ooloracip NORTH PLATTE MILLS, iinutiaciurcr 01- HIGp AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CfrOP PEED, f Order by telephone from Newton's (look Store. p OUR SOLE? snocs time s our. uusincss. GEORGE TEKULVE, Up-to-date Shoe Repairer. Yellow Front Shoe Store. - wmmm www www i& liADQElt, ) 0H ( Cultivators. DISC J Cultivators. 3 9ff Davis the Hardware hot weather specialties variety of Nozzle and X tq suit the average pock- I I 9f The Sibilant Sizzle of BT1VE SODfl II Satisfvincr and II " " -i' atomach booming 1 - tLX - "toer, Goal 1 f J 1 How about it? Does it need mending? The cracks and rips? They need to be re paired. We can doctor your Mcotlnp3 of Board of Education. The board of education held a regular meeting on Monday even ing and an adjourned meeting Wednesday night. R. W. Grant, the Lincoln architect, was present Monday evening. The board also had a proposition from a Arm of architects in Chicago. Mr. Grant made several different propositions to the board regarding his plans, and the board finally decided to ac cept the following: If the bonds carry the plans to be accepted if the contract is let for not more than $23,000, Mr. Grant to receive as payment for the plaus and specifi cations two and one-half per cent of the contract price, and if his ser vices are needed at any time dur ing the construction of the build ing he is to come here and receive eight dollars per day lor his ser vices. The per cent for the plans and specifications is just half of the per cent usually charged by arcln tccts. A framed sketch of the proposed building will be placed on exhibi tion in one of the store windowp The plans were described at some length in Tub Triuunk several weeks airo. Bids for the wing to the Third ward school buildm? were opened and it was found that the following contractors had bid: D. M. Hogsett SI, 162, Sam Adams $999, Jas. Mc Michal $870. The contract was awarded to Mr. McMichacl. Work on the wing will commence as soon as the material arrives. At the Wednesday night meeting the principal business transacted by the board was the canvassing of tho. bond election petitions. It was found that there were cuouirh signers to the petitions who were legal voters to make the call for an election legal but it was decided to iidjourr until Saturday night and in "the meantime procure more signers in order that no question as to the legality of the call might hereafter arise. The board can vasBCd the nctitionq verv rnrefnllv A proposition from Miss Eliza beth M. Bratt to teach commercial law, book-keepinir, stcnocraphv and type-writing a half day for five days in the week at forty-five dol lars per mouth, was rejected on the score of cconomv. Miss Bratt's proposition was an excellent one, and it is unfortunate that the board was unable to accept it, Hound House Improvements. Jno. Lanktrcc, the head of the ridge and building department. came up from Omaha yesterday to oversee the work of re-building the round house. One gang of builders came up Wednesday night and another gang came up last night. In addition to these men a number of local men will be employed and ;i force of fifty men wilt be kept at work as the additional space in the round house is very much needed. The amount to be expended on the round house is $15,000. The stalls lor the new engines will be lengthened forty feet . This will necessitate the rebuilding of the walls. The ro'of twill also be raised to accomodate the 1700s. Now that the Union Pacific has commenced work here the .citizens arc begining to hone that the w w 4 much-talked of improvements in thestation will cease to be a mir age and become an actual fact. Adjutant General Barry will arrive on train Mo. 1 this afternoon to muster in Company 15. The muster-in will occur at Kfith's hall at eighto'clock to-night. The com pany will start out with fortv-five members but this number will probably be increased in the near C. 1 mure. rjliipi 11 casy to I -M'X-f Jt? E1 j I haul n bigJH jpS2 tho wagon B jH wheels -with f MICA Axle Grissi BrvuMweriiutbiiHiinile. HJ Hold uvorywliTt). Muilo by v HfANllAHl) OH, CO. WALLACE. Dr. Cann's Electric Belt Company closed its shows here Saturday night and started for North Platte. Saturday afternoon a very large crowd was in town to witness a rope walking exhibition by Blondiu one of the show's attaches. It was a good exhibition of tight rope performing and elicited loud ap plause from the spectators. The company was taxed $20 by the vil lage board for the privilege of showing in town. Mrs. G. C. Stoddard and little daughter, Florence, came in on No. 154 Thursday night. Mrs. Stod dard will visit relatives here for a few weeks before joining her husband who has a position as book keeper in a store at Cripple Creek, Colorado. Mrs. O. C. Jones met with what might have been a very serious accident while out driving last week. She was driving a young horse which was hitched to a road cart when the animal became frightened and unmanageable. Mrs, Jones was thrown from the cart and her foot caught and she was dragged some distance, bruis ing her considerably and rendering her unconscious for some time. She recovered however and is now in much better condition than the road cart which was literally torn to pieces P. O. Courtney, of Grand Island, was in our town a day or two with a stereoscope which he was can vassing for. He is a telegraph operator on "leave ot absence" and did very well while here, His brother will deliver the goods in about bix weeks. J. C. Egan, who is farming the Smith place near town has a splen did field of com which he has taken care of entirely alone, Mr. Egan is over 2 years of age and is stil able to raise good corn and keep it free from weeds. Six day in a week he can be seen early and late in Ins held. Rev. McKac preached a very in tercsting sermon at the Cong' church Sunday, taking for his text Gen. 49:8. The hour of meeting has been changed from 8 o'clock to o:ju ior ootu btiutlay and prayer n r . . meeting. At tuc annual school meeting A. J. Mothersead was elected as director. 25 mills were voted for general purposes and 8 months school with two teachers. The district is about $400 in debt and t is intended to cut down on the teachers' salaries to make it up. Mrs. P. h. Harper accompanied by her two little daughters took the train Saturdav morn inn- for Chariton, Iowa. Little Helen has been ill for some time and does not . - - seem to get any better and the trip is taken for her benefit. Win. Lakim returned Saturday night from McCook Nebr., where lie has been undergoing treatment. - Mr. La kin has been in poor health for sojne time but returned 'feeling much improved. Clarence Allison made a trip to the county scat Tuesday. Brad Nichols is becoming quite expert in the manipulation of his kodak taking'somc pictures that can b,e recognized without ati intro- auction. During the tight-rope walking last Saturday he got a snap shot at Bloudin poised in the air standing on the rope with one foot and stepping over an iron pipe. It is a good one and looks quite odd. Miss Lydla Salyards and brother John returned from Colorado Thursday where "they have been working in a hotel in a mining tistrict, The mines closed down and the hotel had to - follow suit. The 8inging class organized by the Bridges Bros. Concert Co. meets every 1-Vidav evoninir at the Cong'l church. E li. Nicoluon was chosen leader. Elmer Chase returned from near Maxwell last week and departed again last Sunday in a prairie schooner in search of employment. ur.-isBiipppcru are doing an im mense amount of injury to wheat fields as well as every thiuir else thev cau cat. Just how long they will keep it up is the serious question. Buvinsf Here i Means Money Tills is the basis on which we solicit your patronage. We would not expect to obtain it on any other arrange ment. In these days of close buying wc wouldn't be apt to get the large business which comes to this store did we not win it by value giving which attracts all well posted shoppers. And people should always bear in mind that low prices do not always indicate good value. Quality must back up every price quoted, otherwise the goods are not cheap This is the key note of our success. richards. N. MoOADE. Proprietor. i North Platte Pharmacy. Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. We aim to handle the best grades of goods t jfc Sell everything at reasonable prices, and warrant all goods to All Prescriptions Carofully Flllod by a Llconsod Pharmacist. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway ia respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. ACIovor Trick. It COrtflinlv lnnlcn lllfn It lint tlmrn id ronlly no trick about it. Anybody enn trv it. wlm linn T.nmn Ttnnlr nnil Wnnl Kidnoye, Mnlnria or nervous troublos. Wo menn ho enn ouro liiniBolf ritfht nwny by tnkin Elootrlo Bitters, This lliodlnlnn InnnH tin tlin uOixln milium nots ns n Bttinulnnt to Livor and Kid' noyn, is it blood jnirith'rnnd norvo tonio. It OlirftR rVinntlnnt.lnn. Tfnnilimlin liVilnt. (na Snollfl. Rlnnnlnnnnnnn nnil Mnlnn choly. It is nuroly vecotnblp, a mild Inxativo, and restores tho Byotom to its natural vlor. Try Klootrio lilttora nnd bo convinced that thoy aro a tnimulo worker. Evory bottlo guarantood, Ono ly O0o n bottlo at Stroitx'H Drug Storo. 3 One of the laughable incidents of the glorious 4th which might have resulted seriously, was a religious discussion between a stranger and old man Haves. In the r our hp nf the argument the stranger made a very disparraging remark regard ing the birth of the Saviour when quick as a Hash Hayes jumped up and Btruck his opponent on the side of the head with a heavy cane. saying at the same time, "O'll brain you, Sor, O'il brain you-" He threw the cane back to strike a much licavier and more effective blow when a by Blander caught the stick and prevented what might have ended seriously, After a little ex planation, Hayes went away m a measure mollified by the-soothing words of the party who" prevented the second blow being struck. Woman's rx Severest Trial. Until ffffnt Vfira urnm n' 4 trial has been the bringing of children into the world. Today nearly all the lckne, pain, discomfort and dread are avoided by those expectant mothers who use moincrs Friend, that wonder ful liniment made famous by the great (rood it fiat Annr. Tl i ,.rA II.. I hat is the only sensible and safe way ia rcucvc morning sicunese. Headache, tightness, swollen, hard or rising breast. The bearing of children need no longer be dreaded. Mother's Friend has been called a Godsend by mothers all over tills land. Sold at drug stores for Si a bottle, and by The BraMletd ReeulstorCo., Atlanta, 0. n i"!'.V" f,M "'""'''I l. milled Utfof a Saving for You. iit The Fair, J. E. BUSH, Manaeor. J 3 be just as represented. J Y. P. S. C. E. CONVENTION Dotrolt. Mich., July 5-10. The Union Pacific and Chicago v ixortn western have Jjecif.selected' as the official route hvtlio V."f P.s' C. 15. societies to the convention aKs Detroit, and. have made the greatly " reduced rateof ONI3 FAR 15, plus two dollars;for the ROUND TRIP. m. .' it. i . . . . xiie uirougu trains via this line arc solidly vestibuled and elegantly equipped with double drawing room palace sleepers, free, reclining chairs, dining cars, meals a-la-carte For tickets, sleeping-car reserva tions and full information call on Jas. 13. Scan&an, Agent, J. F. FILLI0N, General Repuirer. . Special attention givcn,to WHEELS TO RENT VtTcRiNARYSPEC F CS Plumber rinworker rev cu'itsa I'HVEnS. Liiub Foyer. Milk Furor. cun'iBH BtHAIJVH, Lameiiei, HUoumolhm, coiuil iBl'IKOOTIO, ni.temper. cuura WOn.MS, lloU. O ruti. S?lMCOIUO,l8 VoU; lulluenxs. - ' X " cvnui(:oLI('' "elly actio. Illarrhea, '' a.Q, I'ruvcntiMIHOAUIUAUIi. J ; . " 'V "'Hi KHKVIJV de lILAUDUn UieORIIKItS, ? W couw I MAMOK, fihln nUonet. t cvim j I,AU CONDITION, SUrlnn Cof 00c. cachi fltablo Cftto. Tn Spoclllo, Hook. Stoi. tT. ' u ruTOi or ut'tii pi euoia on rwaipj or price.--Iluintihruva' Medlclno IV f'r. wnnm inh . eta VlCTItUlHAHY MAKWAI. Km 1'RSK. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAli 1VJBAKIWES8 ond Prostration from Over- ' work or othor causes, v.HuJE,Ji!,rys Homoopnlhlo Spoolflo No. EO, In U80ovop40 yoni-e. tlo onlir 8uoco8rul ramedy T v $1 per vlil.or a villi ana Isrs e vial powiUr.for 45 Itold tr DrnifiUO, or Mot i4l cn rotli ol rrtca. HcarumilHKu.co.lcr.viiuiuijiiiMi.',itinlk . ; Tj f; J "-3 ,S A