The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 17, 1898, Image 2

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ctnttni sttfcelTortag lseoriglra jportapt i n
3GOQftwfl4eaaW S440Cr J
17, 1893.
j J. T. Imsgdok, who for
.moaths was editor of
the SMatr.
tBionard, has, according- to the;TeIe-
"fjrapfe, left that place for greeaer
acids, leaving" a number of uupaid
"Jbilis. Langdon was a populist.
V Having been so overwhelm
defeated under the banner ef J
silver, the populists are gratiaallv
o -
N!Eb:ttrsurely dropping the .white
metal and. pinning- tkeir faith to
that other hallucination thegreen
back in unlimited quantities.
Those fellows who fifteen months
ago declared that if McKinley was
elected, wheat would sell for twenty'
five cents per bushel, never mentios
wheat or politics these days.: They
are ashameed to admit that they
ever gave evidence of' being Rattle
Reformer Edmisten's
r "
railroad fare,
and which was paid
by the state, amounted
to $716.17.
But Edmisten did not pay: a cent
of railroad fare he rides on a pass,
just the same as do all sta te officials.
And this is what some people call
Tse populist papers exhort their
readers not to allow war to distract
their attention from the icause o(
reform" in Nebraska. That
right. The present state; house
gang- needs a complete reformation
and the party editors Teali2e the
immensity of the task and :
anxious, apparently, to get down
to the work early in the season.
IP Johnnie Bull will "tote fair" in
the matter of acquisition of terri
tory, which may be- acquired
through an alliance of the United
States and England, there will
probably be no -great objection on
the part of the peoplet.this coun
try to such a tie-up. But Mr. X
Bull-is a very avaricious individual
and will, if permittedHnsiston tak
ing all the plums which the alliance
may bear.
The Banner County. News in its
last issue saidr "Tbereis consider
able talk of Judge H.rM. Grimes as
a congressional
The judge
ftTe-of the
most able jurists -that has
graced the bench of the Thirteenth
judicial district, and ivhile
would like to see him' re-elected to
the position he nowoccupies,
believe he. would fUWm. Greene's
place in the, house' representatives
f ully as woHas awy-man in western
Ivflhrocl'-i. - mT
u-TK--r A I
bCmi-&UHaiPfnPTiatlOnOr. SCnOOl
5 - 'ji W . . I
monies Ura?
naar. the oooulist
press is Tm
ig;, witch-ado over the
t to be appropriated
the lacrease is due
administration of
state 'a
is. claim is as fiat
t - The populist
ijt'for several jears
ia western Ne-
tha greater portion
land is srtu.ated,
hiar and could not
on the leased lands.
became delinquent
ik- amounts which
large sum. The
li 1896 and 1897. how
wun ie increase in
tf arm products brought
publican national ad-
bled these delin-
part of
rotrsjirtons were
ferse, increased.
-officers are en-
Whatever for the
14 The First
cavalry left for
.lawton. The two
i an -early hoar, ro-'1
irawtca4 to
Bnok, with
rematt. Jadg-
ateona, the places
will aot m
S6 hoars. Ofli-
beeu, reeired at
pectod to ft ia
eebl, age at
tfobga aad St
faiag received
J about Mean
leer regiiaeotf
pan, im, lua
and aaasaa,
.the Nashville,
ivt foad . for
-as it t MUMpcs
editors mm
pkit tlKB
Of the'-aflai
I illl I I 1 I
' mrwr mi - -
inn : Hflfi inn ram
- 0
Starts Tor SanPrancisco.
TkoiMd at tie Depot to Bid tie
1- -
Soldiers 6ed Mr.
XiZXCoLX.Xar 16. The first battaliea
of 'the Zst regiment dropped ititeaes
ia TespoBiBe to the signal from abugle at
o okx5k: thk morning and the loadiar
el ih bagg9e oa the traia that was to
a in over the Barlingtoa and ICis.-
soeri Biverwas begun. Word had
come that the Bock Island woald he
aaable to furnish cars for the third bat
tylioas until 4 o'clock -hi the afternoon.
The TJnioa Paoific was ready" to receive
the seooad -battalion, but as Colonel
Bratt aad .the headquarters officers
were to sro with . this battalion it was
held uatil the third could he started.
Shortly after 9 o'clock the fpur com
-names comnosing tne nrst Dattauon
rmaxched'dowB to "the train, which had
been backed-into the skiing in the fair
At the depot down town a crowd of
several thousand people gathered to get
a last' glimpse of the departing soldiers.
It was after 11 o'clock when the train
appeared and a short stop was made
while the engines were changed. At
11:26 the train palled out, the boys
waving flags and cheering. The train
was composed or one iuiiman, nine
tosrat sleepers, one baggage car and
oae bos car. From the side door of the
baggage car floated the flags of the
United States and of Cuba. The crowd
at the depot waved hats, flags and
.handkerchiefs until the train was oat
of sight.
City of Fekln to Xeave Saa Francisco Witk
1,900 Men Fer De-trey.
Washixgtox, May, 16. It is said at
the qaartermaster general office that
the City of Pekin, with over 1,000 men
aboard, will leave ban, JFrancisco on
Thursday for the Philippines. Briga
dier General Otis is expected to go wish
the first 'detachment of troops for tne
Philippines, to be followed later by
General Merntt, who is to bo the com
mander-in-chief of the expedition and
the military governor of the islands.
General Miles has recommended to the
preskieBt that two additional brigadiers
also be sent, but their names have not
yet been announced.
SKtmt s lata a Crowd aad XUle Tkree.
BntsoXGHAir, Ala., May Its. John.
Leo has shot three men here to show
that he was not afraid of the Spaniards.
At Mitchell's grocery store the topic of
conversation among a dozen young
men was the war with Spain. Lee, who
was one of their number, made the re
mark that he ceuld whip a dozen Span
iards. Lee had a reputation for coward
ice, and the crowd commenced twitting
him wkh the faoa Lee stood the ban
tenng for some time, but finally bej
came infariated, and with the remark,
I'll show yon whether I am a coward
or, sot," gave theorowd the contents of
a 6-shooter. There was a great cram-
bliBg to get oat .of the wy, but before
the deck was cleared three men were
dead. The dead are: Samuel John
son, Peter Abernathy aud Thomas
Warrstt. Sam Spadden was shot in
the neck and will die. Previous to this
difficulty Lee was noted for his peace
ful disposition.
SHeklgan Men More.
Tworr. Mav 16. Three lomr trains
hnn u Thirtnr.rah MirKtmn in.
1 -t
fanfcry passed through "West Detroit
early this morning en route from the
state camp at Island lako to Uhicka-
mauga. They proceeded southward
via the Michigan Central, Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton, and Cincinnati
Southern roads., beveral hundred from
the city assembled at the suburban
station to say good by to the Detroit
battalion, which occupied the seconu
sectioa, bat they were not permitted to
visit the soldiers, jnoet of whom were
asleep. The Thirty-second regiment is
awaiting orders to follow southward.
Seats Opea Tire eg Spaahh Soldiers.
1L&X west, May is. Abe govern
ment tag Osceola reported this morning
that while cruising along the Cuban
coast with the torpedo boat Ericsson on
Friday they saw a large body of Span
ish soldiers patrolling the shore about
eight miles west of Havana. Both
boats sent in af asilade of shots, which
scattered the-troops, bat it is not known
if any of the soldiefa were killed. Tho
Spaniards did not return the 'fire.
Departars of Iowa Telaateers Delayed.
Dw MociBS. May 16. Captain Olm-
itoad aad Xieutenaat Waterman, me
tering officers, are now awaiting the ac
ttoa ef the governor ia commissioning
officers of the Second regiment. The
work is at a standstill, because the sec
retary ofstate is sot in the city .and
commissions cannot be issaed without
his signatare. The command is not ex
pected to move inside of 10 days.
Spaakk Xraaaert Ordered Oat of Pert.
23kw Yore, May 16; The British
steamer Erawood, which left Barda-
dees May ji, arrived today. She reports
that am May 3 the Spaaish transport
Alpfeoaeo AlU, wun MX), troops oa
hoard, pit in at Barbadoes, but was or
dered to leave again by the authorities.
3?Alg P101C THE WHES.
Owiar. to deiaoiaetrations noon the
part of Italian students, the aniversities
of Kaples, Bologna and Borne, have
Johu GslTiaof CiBoinaati was Jftnfod
pweidoat of the Elks oa the third hal-
tot Jfradar at .New Orleans, whidi r.
sailed: Galvih, 154 ; Phelps, 96 ;ABea, 82.
senator UaUem aas Draeented to tha
wnt r a pettttea' atfaed hr 21 of thp
lwialaryaeidaigT-aad: hhipptag Arms of
VTlweafwu.aaaag Jtec retaijxy; tegisia
tie afpnaet Frauct oaf aeoount of the
aatoa af jLaty oa hapoiiBHaa af lard aad
nswaugp jeoeatly . impbeed by the gor-.
J, S. OoUIbs, one of the "most promi
nent cUusaaiof Tobeka; and a' well
rm Jcflied ia
by aa aa-.
kweaponased was
r - .... i, " i
wiw? 'inftMim
aad ArcJRHilW
U-U iviii
of 7,000
rifles aad2eo,000 fendatrf amitmitioa i
intended foe tfc iBnxgept&jbCtlM
i the ooMt Thiu:fdy, Tniaj ami Str-
day, cxaYoyL bj tb BTilWy gai-:
host Mannig, ia tmb attUMt. to'
lasd her, cargo." Oaptaia ' H. Dorst,
i of the staff f General Xfles aad -fecm
Yieake(wk4.?UMr ' earpeditiMiwhiek
retfttriiGd here Skiaiay mormiiBc
commander: who appeawed to b1 aMgah
creetfalieh, having failed to accomplish'
the m tswoa iatrasted to him, related
to disease the matter beyood admitting
the failure. aad sayiag ik' Gaasie
woald rtra to Tampa, Fk. -
x-reyjawaie ieavwg-.jvBwwaen,
the Dorst expeditiooarj- ?f ere had a
skirmish with Spaakh cavalry near
CabMBM; 3J miiirwefe; of: Havana,
where aa attempt wa made to land
part of tne cargo Ua JTrvday moraing
Captain Dorst abaatenod r "the attempt:
at that Jiut aad steamed eatwara to
Matanzag, where aa' arraageinent had
been made with the iaeargeBts to send
supplies ashore at Poiat, Maya, a mile,
or so eaet of the entraace' of the harbor.
The Gassie and her coavoy Saturday
moriiBg steamed aa ahoat two mSea
ofEahorewheatho i xattte.of musketry
from a considerable' force of Spanish,
soldiers concealed behind underbrush
ashore, warned them' that' ;f hey would
receive a lively welcome if they landed.
The Spanish troops seemed to have,
been furnished information of the con
templated landing at both points. After
this second faUufe, Captaia Xtorst de
cided to abandon the "attempt to land
the arms and ammunition and. returned
to Key "Wefifc
Ciea faeces Keyaled Witk'Sterfes f Jpia-
,k h SaeeeM at'Vaatla.
Kingston, Jamaica, May 16. Ad
vices which have just been received
from Cieafuegos, Cuba, says. the Span
iards atthatplace attended the chant
ing of a Te Ueum at the 'principal
church there in celebration of the
"news" circulated hy the Spanish gov
ernment to the effect that the Spanish
forces had been victorious at Manila.
When the'first "news" -was received, at
Cienfuegosfrom Madrid all the bells in
the city were rung, and General Pando
and his, staff, attended church in full
uniform. In addition a ration of wine
was served out to the soldiers, and,
though the American blockading ships
were outside the harbor, and meat was
costing 2 pesetas a pound, the city 'was
gay, and rejoiced at the announced
'success" of the Spanish army. Since
then, howover, ugly ramors of the de
feat of the Spaniards have been, in cir
culation, but "officially" Spain has won
'a victory" in the Philippine islands.
Roosevelt Joins nis Regime at.
San AxTOuio, May 10. Theodore
Boosevelt, lieutenant colonel of the
regiments of rough riders organized by
him,- arrived in the city Sunday and
immediately went into camp. He was'
busy all day receiving callers. Relig
ious services were held in the rough
riders' barracks Sunday afternoon and
was attended by nearly all the men in
the regiment and thousands of visitors
from the city. All the troops' are now
in camp except aoo irom tne Indian
territory wno are looKed, lor at any
moment. All the men, are uniformed
and equipped and the men . of the first,
or Arizona sqnad, will receive, their
carbines, six shooters and machettcs
today. Colonel Boosevelt; is enthusias
tic over the showing made by the. reg
iment and thinks it will move-in a few
days. .
Ker. -Green Made a Bishop.
Das Monnss. May 10. Bev. T. E.
Green of Cedar Bapids, cliaplain of the
First regiment of national guard, from
which-position he will resign, returned
from Dabuque Sunday after attending
the funeral of Bishop Perry. j The
standing committe unanimously elected
him to undertake the administration of
the diocese, until a new bishop should
be elected, subject to the advice of the
committee! when he might ask for it.
A call will be issued in due time for a
special convention of the diocese to be
held in tho cathedral at Davenport,
Tuesday, Sept. 6, for the election of a
Candidate for Ceagresg.
Atlantic, Ta., May 16. Mayor H. G.
Curtis has announced that he will be a
candidate for congress in the Ninth i
Joe Goddard and Peter Maher are
matched to meet again in a 20-round i
go at Coney Island, May 28. k
xfearly every business house in the
town of Chipley, Fla., was burned,
Sunday, also the new railroad depot and j
many private xesiaences. xne loss 13
very large and a number of the fami
lies were made homeless.
There has been little material chanire
in Mr. Gladstone's condition since Sun
day. His debility is extreme and!
seems to be increasing. Happily he is
free from suffering and his mind is
perfectly" placid.
The Baltimore Biscuit plant wa3 dam
aged $60,000 by fire Sunday night. Three
hundred men had. worked all dav on
''rush" orders for the government and
this stock as well as a large quantity of
flour was coasamed and. the machinerr
practically ruined. It is thought that
tne are will senouslydelay tne govern- J
.ment orders iortlie.araiy and navy.
Gov. Tanner has received a messaee
from Major Crowninshields calling for
jA( 1 th:
The naval militia will be mobilised at
Chicago. There are eight divisions in
tho state and some of the 900 will be
taken from each division. Four divis
ions are located at umcago, two at
Moliac. two At Qniacy.. The first, regi
ment of Uliicaco received .orders from
Washington jfo move, at once to Chicka-
j Slartial Law at TeaerlSTe.
Tkkkrcte. Canary Islands.May 13.
Vartfal law hit "htvn rimOafnici? Vim
' t - nr-niiimni ir i
and tne Harbor lights have been-ex-
tinguisaed until farther orders. The
exportation, of food staffs is strictly
prohibited. Spaalth fleet Is at Mariialqae.
Loxeos; May 18, Lloyd's agent at
at. rierre, Islasd of Xartimqae.French
"West IndPfcs, "cables teday confirming
tho earlier advice 1 to "the effect that the
Spanish aeetis at.Fort'de Fraace, cap
ital of the Islaad of Martiaiae.
Tarpede Beat Sail.
Newport News, May 18. The lor- j
pedo boats Gwin Talbot aad Morris I
have left here aader sealed orders.
. jTwa JttlHoas a Var
Whe&. people buy, try, apj
iwfc u ihu-v; mm nm
Xnrr Knt; WKn'mci 2Cev Arrival
tit OwpaeHy ef ib Kallri V
J - Carry llie.Treep.
Chattaxooqa, May J8. Ohkk-
J masga park, left vacaat by the depart
.are oi.tue ragniRra, is aow rxpiu.y jiii
ing p with volunteers. From all parts
cf. the country the volunteers are jqoyt
pouring into the park in traihloads, aad
the work of netting them camped and.
properly accommodated is an immense
task.7 The' Third Wisconsin, T.diW
men, under command of Colonel M. T.
Moore, arrived at an early- hour this
morning on soecial trains. Thev were
taken fo'the park at 7 o'clock. The
Third Illinois regiment of infantry, 12
companies, 1,079 men, under .command'
by Colonel Bennett, arrived on four
trains this morning. The Fourth Ohio
infantry, formerly the Fourteenth,. 2
companies, BOO men, arrived at
o'clock. Trains are arriving every hoar
aad- considerable difficulty is experi
enced in. getting all the commands
transported to the park.
Admiral Dewey Taen Parade the Callea
Xa fall View ef Ms b tin.
Hoso Koxg, May 16. The United
States dispatch boat McCulloch arrived
here Saturday from Manila with dis
patches for the United States govern
ment. She reports that the Spanish
guHboat Callao from the Caroline Lu
ands entered the bay of Manila being
ignorant of the outbreak of hostilities
between Spain and the United States.
An American warship fired across her
bows and signalled a demand for her
surrender. The demand being disro
garded, the Amorican ship, fired direct
at the Spanish gunboat and the latter
The population of Manila, is reduced
to eating horseflesh and the prospect of
relief seems far distant.
The Hugh McCulloch also reports
that the Philippine insurgents applied
to near Admiral .Dewey lor bis ap
proval of an attack by them on the
city. The admiral, it appears, ap
proved of the plan, provided, no ox
cesses were committed. Tne insur
gents then pleaded that they hatf no
arms with the exception of machetes
to which the real admiral said :
"Help yourselves at, the Cavito ar
senal." The city has not yet been attacked.
About 5,000 Spanish troops aro guard
ing the road leading from Cavite to
Ther is no truth in the reported
massacre of a number of Americans.
After the Callao's crew landed they
were released on parolo and the Calla 3
was paraded in full view of Manila
city, accompanied by the United States
gunboat Concord. When Mr. Williams,
the American consul, .landed at Cavite
last week, he was received with great
enthusiasm and followed in tho streots
by a crowd of 2,(00 people shouting
Viva los Americanos. ' '
Spaaish Comiiwnder Tries to DrawSoma
' of tho Americaa Vessels Under Fire.
Ket West, May )G.T-Cftptain Blanco
two hours before sundown Saturday
night attempted to execute a ruse,
"which, if successful, would have clcarcd
the front of six of, the blockading ships.
Unable to come outside to do this, he
adopted tlio tactics of the spider and
tho fly, and although a pretty scheme
as an' original proposition, it was prac
tically a repetition of the trick by
which the gunboat Vicksburg and the
little converted revenue cutter Morrill
were last week decoyed by a fishing
smack under the big Krupp guns of
Santa Clara batteries. It was due to
bad gunnery and both ships managed
to get out of range witbout being sunk
with some of the shells bursting close
Late Saturday afternoon the ships on
the Havana station were dumfounded
to gee two ships steam out of Havana
harbor and go eastward. By aid of
'glasses Commander Lilly of the May
flower, which was flying the pennant
made out tho larger vessel of the two,
wbicn was about zuo leet long and
about 4,500 tons displacement, to be. the
Alfonso XIU, aud the smaller one to be
tho gunboat Le Gaspi, both of which
were known to be bottled in Havana
harbor. At first ho supposed they were
taking the advantago of the' heavy
fighting ships and were making a bona
fide run for the open sea. As superior
officer he immediately signalled the
other ships -on the station, the Ticks
burg, Annapolis, Wasp, Tecumseh and
Osceola, to form an attacking column
with gunboats on the right flank. The
little squadron moved in obliquely
toward tho fleeing Spaniards, keeping
up a running fire as they went.
The Alfonso and her consort circled
inBnore about nve miles below and
after running in for half an hour
headed back to Morro castle. Our gun
boats and thin skinned vessels of the
mosquito fleet did not follow them in,
Commander Lilly saw that the wily
bpamsn ru3e was to draw them in un
der the fire of the heavy batteries.
"IVoanded Seaman Dies.
Ket West, May 16. Erner Snt-
zencch, one of the American seamen
wounded at Cieuf uegos last Thursday,
died at the Marine hospital here Satur
day and was buried Sunday. He was
a first-class seaman apprentice and be
longed to tho cruiser Marblehcad. He
w s shot through the left leg ia a boat
while assisting in cutting the cable off
Cienfuegos. Ho died after his limb
had been amputated. Deceased li7ed
in Brooklyn.
Aastrian Gaaners Seat to Cabs.
Chicago, May 18. A special to the
Journal from Washington says: Un
official information has reached tho
stato department that a number of Aus
trian artillerymen wero sent to Cuba
some time ago. It is said that at least
30 trained Austrian- gunners were on
the Montserrat. Germany, it. is .said,,
has also a considerable representation
of gunners with Blanco's soldiers.;
These two facta account for the differ-.'
ence in the -report of the recent en
gagements. Badd Xs Gfaaaapiaa.
Ites Motxes, May JS.-hfxl'W.
Budd of this city, is now ohamplea of
the world, reverse angle shootiagA He
woa the title yesterday at the big tour
nament hy a score of 96 oat of a poLu-
100, and captured- the Smelzer ro-
cup, , emblematic of the
F.tero-.'' " u$opahin. - j
fcha.'"WIM tlkaV- TMfttke
16 It looks like
business whe&r the hoseital eoras
m jkmx to. we iron. - Te snt oc tbom
who will attend the wounded oa board
ship reached Key West o Wednesday
hut ia the United States ambnlaueo
hipoiaoe. The Sola hMa'miaekm to
fnlill beforeriairforthewoimdedad
that is to oroas the- Florida straits aad
vkft eaeh of the warrirfps f the blook
sding fleet. , '
..The ambulaaoe ship has been boaati
fully supolied by" the womea 'of Amer
ica wks good tatags taarare geaeraUy
laokiag at sea and ia. the sold. Per
kapslaoahip will he: the ceater of
much coooera as the Solace. Her white
sails and her Red Oroes flar will mark
her to friend or foe; Her missioa will
be iat ofz'meicy to baUd. up that
which Baa' beea 'partly destroyed 1 to
care for the -wounded, "to comfort the
Ta Drep StratecyBaard.
Chxcago, May 16. A speck! frosa
Washington says : 'Within, a, week the
naval, wax4 board' of strategy- will be a
remiaieeeace except as. to the same.
Captaia Baker of the board has been
ordered tocommaad:theNewark,which
goes into' comminon next .Saturday.
Hut departure will mark the breaking
up of . the naval board of strategy. The
Newark, by the way, will become the
flagship of the blockading squadron. It
will be the plan. of the secretary of the
navy after this week to leave more to
the discretion of the officers in com
mand, reserving to himself aad his de
partment advisers the. right, to JuncU
and veto anything which mar be, in
then? judgment, entirely an error.
Slak Witk Twelre ef the Crew.
Liverpool, May 16. The Norwegian
steamer Klondike, from Antwerp, was
docked here today with her bows badly
damaged. The captain reported that
on Saturday night, off Point Lynas, on
tho. northern coast of Wales, his vessel
was in collision with the British steam
er Benholm, bound for Cardiff. The
captain further says that the Benholm
was so badly damaged that she soon
foundered and that 12 of her crew, in
cluding the imaster, went down with
"her. Nine of those on board the Ben
holm wero.rcscued and brought to Liv
erpool on board tho Klondike.
German View oa laterreatiea.
BERrjDfBiay 16. An evidently in
spired editorial in the Post, treating of
the question of European intervention
in tbo Amencan'-Soanish war. savs:
"Tbo timo for a decision upon tho ones
... . " w
twn is rapidly drawing nearer. If the
powers eventually intervene, it will
only bo on condition that the Spaniards
shall remain loyal to tho reigning
Nebr Mka Towa Scorched.
v . -kT.t . r ...
uAfcXAau, ix eo., May 10. ADout-l a.
mrfire broke out. in I ho building occu
pied by Lindqiust Brothers. The build
ing and stock is nearly a total loss. Tho
ppstoflice building, on tho south, was
badly damaged. All inail mattor was
gotten.out safely before tho water be
gan to pour in. Incendiaries are sua
Weak Stock. Market.
New Yoke:, May 10. Stocks showed
marked weakness at the opeuingr The
internationals wero down to, and in
some cases below the London -parity,
and a number of share3 showed losses
of a point or over. Some of the lead
ing specialties showed equal declines,
and the general-list was off a fractioa
all around.
Coarse Grains Sympathize and .Provision
Are'o Exception 'to the Galu.
Chicago, May 18. Whoat today advaacct!
harply. Tho strength ivas due to Liveroool
cables, which were ltd higher. World..
hipmente -were very large 9.8U0.O.-0 DRsheia
according to Ucerbohm. Wheat ca pan-age
showed! aa iccrcaso ot S21.CW bushels. Jmy
opened at M6, against ll-MKc fc'atnrdav's
cloaing1, and climbel to tl.O. Tho market
then dropped to jl.O 9. Tho decrease la the
visible supply was a factor.
Corn and oats sympathized with wheat.
Provisions were no exception in (he ccncral
display of strenRth. Gains ranging from 2oo
to 4Uc were recorded.
Wheat May, JL50; Jnly, Sept,
Coax May, 3GJ6c; July, Ggi37c.
Oats May, bOc: July, 2!5i26Jc
Pokk May, Jliia; Jnly,
Lard May, iQ.8); Jaly, (0.8). .
Ribs May, ja53: July, ?8 55.
Cash quotations: No. 2 red wheat, 9M71.4;
No.3red,l-l(Sl.23; No. 2 hard,;
No.Shard, J1.J5S1.U: No. 2spring, $1.13; No'.3
spring, Jl.UoSl.2U: No. 1 northern spring, H jj
l.W;o. 2 com, STcJ No. 2 bats. ii(jgac.
Sonth Omaha Live Stock.
Soura Oil a ha. May 18. Cattle Receipts,
1,UW; strong to oluc higher; native beef
steals, H.()A9'-S: western steers, ta.8j6t4.-l
Texas steers, IU50S1.25; cows and heifera, Ji2i
1.5i; cannew, 2.2o3.1l ; stockers and feed
ers, f3.8XS4.Bo; calves, i.o.aJ; balls, sta;
etc, Jiflj3.70. Hoj i Receipts, 4.7J0;
higher; heavy, Jl-lDi.d-'JS; mixed, ii.-jL25
light, ?tUS4.j; dulfc or sales, H.S3. Sheep
Receipts, 11.5U); steady to stronger; fair
choice natives, $3.70&4.; fair to choice west
erns, j3.uj.54.ij; common and stock sheep, fiS..o
(34.i.u; lamDs, ji.uj(3o.u
Kaasas City Live Stock.
Kansas City, May .18. (Mtlo-Receipts. Z.
o'.w;steady to strongnauvo steers, 4Jiji &i
Texas, steers, 5 J.X94.4j; Texas cows,
4.w; native cows ana heircw, SiCO4.S5: stcclt-
crs and feeders, ?;.o,so.5j; balls,
Hogs Receipts, 1U.0-J0: strons to 10c hiuhe
oaiK oi e&nsi, ?4.w(S4.iu; heavy. Slxa4.4
packers, s4.lwflfi.35; mixed. 4.145; lighf;.
J8.0X54: yorkurs, f 23; pijs. $yc4 10.
aheap Re jciytd, 3,0 JO; strong; lambs, 54-oui?
a.oo; mutton-), iJ.zogi.M.
Ciiearo Live Stock.
C-jicaoo, May IA Hogs -Receipts, 43.0C0
active, 5(siwc Iiighcr; light, t4.1oj.4.4j; mixol,
44.WK34.da; heavy, 74.25(4.05; rough, f4.A94.-u.
uatuc Keceipts, l,l(M; strong to 15c higher,
beeves. 44 U5Jy; cows and heifers, 2.UeM4.76
Texas steers, t3.9u4 50; stockers ami feeders.
fa.iMs4.So. Sheep Receipts, 17; steady ro
IOe. higher ; native sheep. 13.lUW4.45: western-.
St. Louis Grain.
bT. LOUIS, May 18. WHEAT ClosiBK lc
higher; No. Z red, cash, elevator. tL23: track.
.1 23;.My. L2u; Jnly, 4UW; Sept., Kc;No.2
bard, cash, ;i..
Cohn Higher; No. 2 cash, 85Kc; Mar. SZc:
July, Sic; Sept., 88c.
Oats Higher: No. 2 ca3h. ElcJ May, Mc.
Fraace Denies the -Report.
Paris. May 1U. A semiofficial note
was issued this afternoon denying the
roport that a number of French artil
lerymen were landed at Havana by the
Lafayette, which was allowed to enter
that port recently. The note adds
"France has not departed, and will not
depart, in any way from tho rales of
the treaty."
Seatk Dakota Troops.
Fort Mkads, May ia. Trcop K of
the Eighth cavalry has received orders
to proceed to the Tongue River agency1.
Xontaaa, to put down an expected In
dian outbreak. Troop B left yesterday
for Fort Washakie, Wy. The Black
Hilk.cowboys are drilling every day a(
the Boat:
Baaaty 1 Steed Baea
Awfkd , .
Hiiitt Hooofs WoriaTi
OoW MeM MWwloter Pair.
A Faet 6nec Creas e Tatt-r.Fewer.
Wnf Alxrat Oie Hiidred Miles -Off
Yeiezaela, Gwig West.
Report Tram Madrid That the SpaBtsk.
Sleet West first ta Newresadlaad,
late&dlagr ta Xaid Atlaatie Sea
board Cittea.
Waikgto.v( May 14. The Spanish
aeet-has beea sighted, this time about
100 miles off the coast of Venezuela, go
ing west. This movement a surprise
to the navy department officials here,
who caa only surmise that the Spanish.
admiral desires to avoid aa engage
ment, and; is waiting an opportunity to
make a dash for Cienfuegos or Havana.
The fleet when sighted was going at
full speed and had steamed about 650
miles since last from off the west coast
of Martinique, two days ago.
Had Orders to Said Coast Cities.
London, May 14. Tho Star says a
Madrid dispatch throws intereetiac
ight, gathered from an official source,
on Admiral Co rv era's movements since
ho left the Cape Verde islands. It ap
pears that he headed for St. Pierre
Miquelon, on the coast of Newfound
land, where sealed instructions awaited
him. There colliers from Sydney
were met and the Spanish fleet coaled.
Admiral Cervera's instructions then
wore to raid. Portlandj.Boston and New
port, and if Bear ' Admiral Sampson,
bombarded Havana, to draw him off.
The news from Manila seeru3 to havo
changed the plans. Tho nest proposed
move was to decoy Bear Admiral
Sampson to Porto Rico and then, sail
rapidly for Havana and destroy the few
ships left there. Finally, should Ad
miral Cervera, on reaching Santiago de
Cuba, learn, that two American, squad
rons' were coming to meet him, thus
leaving the sea free, his plan would bo
to avoid them, sail straight for Charles
ton and bombard that city.
Armada Has Left Martinique.
St. Pierre, Island of Martinique,
May 14. The Spanish torpedo gunboat
Terror of the Capo Yerdo fleet is still at
Port de France, capital of the island,
but nothing can be seen, of tho other
vessels frbm,here. The United States
auxiliary cruiser Harvard, formerly tho
American line steamer New York, is at
this port.
aiovemeats of Warship.
Sr. Thomas, Danish "West Indies,
May 14. The United States auxiliary
cruiser St. Louis sailed from, here this
morning, going in a westerly direction.
The United States cruiser Montgomery
arrived here" at ? o'clock in order to tako"
on coal.
New Orders For Schley.
"Washington, May 14. Tho flying
squadron has been sent new orders.
They will meet them at Charleston, S.
C, today.
Upholds Harvard's Right to Kemaia la
Martinique Forts to Make Ilepalrs.
"Washtngtox, May 14. Spain. has
protested to France against the Harv
ard being allowed to remain in Mar
tinique port? to make repairs. France
has replied, upholding tho full right of
the Harvard to remain, as long aa nec
essary to complete her repairs. Tho
Spanish protest is an important de
velopment in the present critical naval
situation in the West it serves
to permit France to give a conspicuous
evidence of her friendly attitude
toward the United States, and to offset
the insinuations which have been made
as to French favoritism to Spain.
Cart Xoads of Dead Detag Takea Dally
Through the Spaaish Lines.
Washington', May 14. News Just
received from Havana says therecon
centrados are dying of starvation, cart
loads otdead being taken daily through
the Spanish lines.
May Need 100,008 Morn Tela ateers.
Washington, May 14. "You can
put it down that the president will is
sue anoiher call for 100,000 volunteers
withftx. the next 10 days," remarked
Representative Lewis of Washington
this morning as he was leaving the
"White House.
Dadd Shoot adei1.
Das Moines, May 14. Live birds
handicap events were contested yester
day, the last of the C. W. Budd shoos
resulting : First, Gilbert, Fanning and
Power: second, Marshall; third, Mer
rill, Grimm and Hallowell.
Saaalsb Cafelaet Grists Ceatlaae.
MAOBiDMay 14. An official state
ment was issued this morning, saying
there were no disturbances in Spain.
yesterday. The cabinet crisis continues.
The list of ministerial ohanges is still
undecided upon.
Gold la tke PhlUpplaes.
"Wasbtsgtos, May 14. Senator Tel
ler has.received a letter from a constit
uent ia Colorado iadicatiBg that the
Philippine islands may be found to be
very rich in gold deposits.
Brazilian Depntles Favor Calted States.
New York, May 14. A special from
Janeiro today says that the radieals ia
the chamber of deputies are about to
declare in favor of theUnitfad States.
Gladateso Is Weakeaiag-.
JUwardex, May 14. The conditiea
dtfladstoae this moraiac- ij ;
in mmi
T-igateae ay Ww-
Flre mm TIac m Traee.
Majmus, MayH. A gfaaiih reject
fremMaaSa admits the 9eaih Jkt
SdtldQed aad had 60 woaaded whea
Bear Admiral Dewey anaihHated. tke
Swaish fleet.
A ajspaeehto the Liberal fjreea Ma
aSa, dated May 9, aad seat by a epeoial:
steamer le Hong Xoac, say:- -"The ae
seaal has sarrea-dered aad Cavite has
beea evacuated hy oar troops. The
enemy gaffered ooaeiderably, iacladiag
aa officer killed oa the Oiympia. The
Baltimore was damaged. Oar shells
dkL&et burst sad all the eaemy's sheik
sent. Admiral Dewey had a loag cost
fereaee with the foreign ooesals. The
Taakees took aad haraed the meroaaat
ships. Ctorregidor island was betrayed.
A cofisaltative assembly u discasslae;
the horrible sitaatiba created by hanger
aad misery. We are isolated, by the.
hk)okade aad' are ia fear ef ' aa immedi
ate, attack. Siace the eable was oat
little aew has happeaed. The block
ade, coaeiaaes,, bat Admiral Dewey
says he will not bombard the towa
wKboathM gOTernmeat orders. He
also says he hopes that, a general, rebel -liou
will take piece, withia four days.
xiew bands are oa foot iaPamanga."
Opea Batteries ea Tatael Scat ta Giva Jfo-
t4i of ISom aMUrdBCR ta
Copyright, lm, by New York Jearaal.
Port de France, May 14. Captaia
Converse of the Montgomery telkj me
that the Spanish fired the first shot at
San Juan at the tug Wompatack,
which was seat ia first with a nag ef
truce to give notice of the comiag bom
bardment. It was then that the Span
ish batteries opened are, the, Iowa aad
Indiana immediately respoading.
The Americaa fleet steamed at a
xtine-kaot speed aad remataed statica
ary alternately . Trifling damage was
done to the cruiser New York by the
bursting of a shell.
The French cruiser Admiral Gen
ouilly was hit four times by Americaa
shots. Her captaia pat oat from the
wharf, bat' subsequent shots made a
hole ia her f anaeL
I have beea unable to verify the
story that a shell struck a school hoase,
killing a score of children.
The Yale came ia just now for orders.
There is ao news of the Montgomery.
The coaling fleet was to have gone, to
CapeHaytiea tomorrow, but I under
stand Admiral Sampson has changed
his miad. It is reported here that 83
Spaniards were killed at San Jaaa, bat
this has not beea verified.
War Raman ea XesdaB 'Caaasa.
AiOKDOjr, mot 14. xae iatocK ex-1
shaage today closed distinctly pessimis
tic. War rumors were freely circa-
lated. A member of the government
is reported to have prophesied that war
between France and Great Britaia will
breakroat withia a month. Precaution-
aryinsaraaces are purported to have
been effected at 15 per ceatagaiasfc
the risk of war between France and
Great Britain within tho next six
The Spanish embassies in Europe are
circulating an official dispatch saying
attempted landings at Cardenas and
Cienfuegos have been repulsed with
lose to the Americans. The dispatch
adds that thn American fleet has been
much damaged and forced to retire
from San Juan de Porto Rico before
the severe fire of. the forts, one vessel
being towed away..
SpeeJal Sates te Oaiaha. -
New Yore, May 14. The managers
of the Joint Traffic association have
approved of special rates to the Trans
miseiseippi and International exposi
tion at Omaha, Jane 1 to Nov. 1, the
annual meeting of the National. Medi
cal association, at Denver, June 7-10,
and the annual convention of the
Travelers' Protective Association of
America, at Omaha, May .31 to Jaae 3.
Geaeral Otis ta Go First.
New York, May 14. Major General
Merritt, governor general ef the Philip
pine islands, said he woald remain in
the city one week, before starting for
Manila. A first detachment of troops
will be sent to the islands under Gen
eral Otis, who will be second in com
mand to General Merritt. General
Merritt will follow later with a larger
body of soldiers.
Graad JJoge Adjeara.
Waterloo, la., May 14. Tho grand
lodge of the Ancient Order of United
Workmea voted to-go to Muscatine for
the next meeting and also voted to keep
good the policies of any of its members
enlisting in the volunteer army, assess
ments to bo paid from the general
funds. This latter applies to privates
and noncommissioned officers.
A New Xpiseopal See Xa Io
Sioux Crrr.May 14. With the death,
of Bishop Perry much of the opposition
is removed which has hitherto pre
vented a division of the Episcopal
diocese -of Iowa, aad leading members
of the church in thk district think a
new seo will soon be established. Sioux
City, Des Moines and Council Bluffs
are in the race.
Des Meiaes Fallare.
Des Moines, May 14. A receiver for
M. Beigelman, wholesale milliner, was
appointed today. The assets are $200,-
000 and the liabilities not over $100,000.
All creditors will be paid' and baoiaosg
resumed. Bad weather and warcaased
slow collections.
Iowa JjMsraaee Baslaes.
Des Moines, May 14. The fire and
casualty insurance companies did a
very successful business ia Iowa dar
ing tke past year. They wrote a total
lnsarsace of $224,832,965, received $4,
308,75.7S ia premiams and paid $1,514,-
301. 11 ia losses. The percentage of.
losses paid to premiams received was
87 per cent, a decrease of 10 per cent
over the previous year aad a siga of
profitable bueiaess.
XeWs Tkkl
We offer Ose Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can sot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care.
F. J. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We.-tne BBderswrBed. have- knows P.
I Infer l3-1itfi&g
; ffliflrMgi
J. Cheaey for the last 15 years, sad be
lieve mm perieetfy boaerabie m all bus
iness transAotkme and financially able to
carry out say obKgstieee made by their
vast o7xr comtAL stars.
pfo. 0 Leeal Psoaengor. 7:06 a m.
9w3 Fast Mart 8:50 ax
Hei Cbicafo Special -.11:40 Px
iw. way rrtifni.. ........ i;toax
TraieeNd. 2 aed 4 stoe oelr at Lezma--
tea aadKearaey belweea Iferth PlaUe
a4d Grand Island.
Xo. 5 Colorado Speeiai. 6:10 a x
No.1 LiasHed....:... 430 p x
Ke.3-Fet Mail. 11:30 a x
No. 38 Way Freight. M....-v7a ax
ltv . m. x-mbv f -mat ..... .a w x- A.
N. B. OLD6. Ajeea4.
. J. PINKEK'i ON1, "
NORTH PLATTE, - - --hmkW.
Omee ever Model Cothleg H&eeA :
Office over Finst Natiosei Bask-.
OScee: North Phttte Nattoesl BemiL
BeiHiag, North Phitte, Neh.
Over First Xaa&aaJ Bank, ' --
g S.BIDGELY, "7-
Office over Loogley's Dreg Store,
OAVee ever North PMte XaHeBal Baakv
First National Bank Building, .
OSce over Yellow Front Shoe Store,
The best
Can be found at,-...
Our Ten-Cent CiVars are the
I i r
" Your attention! is invited to
our fine line of Chewinp-and
r? i t t. , S ,
onlOKfnK tooaccosana OmOK-
ers articles.
U. P. R.R. Land Agent,
Is'Ieasing lands in this-county for
the low price of
' Sio Per Quarter
or $35 per section, for pasturelaad.
.300,000' AORES3 .
for sale or lease. Call at his office
over Harrington
ContraetoK and BuildeK,
As usual, I: am again prepared to
furnish the peopje of North 'Platte
with a superior quality ot lake ice.
i have an abundance of it, and my
customers are assured a. full sup
ply throughout the season:
Orders left at Streitz's drugstore
will receive prompt attention.
Wm". Edis.
Plumber, Tkorier
General Kepairer.
laptd 8B0OC8
.NZsvax, irbeieeaie
fff TliSlfP