The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1898, Image 3

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I All the poetry, all the
roaasce, all . that is ideal
in the wide, -wide werkL
is bound up in that one
-svord : "Mother
hood." A -woman's
happiness, her
greatest duty and
her greatest priv
ilege is to become
the mother of a
healthy, "happy
child. Untold
thousands of -wo
men fall shortrof
this because of
-weakness and dis
ease of their wo-
5MBly-se!ves. Either they live -childless
'. Jives, or lor a Dnef spell are the mothers
j?f paay, sickly children that bring them
wy pain, ana leave inem only sorrow.
Tkc woman who suffers from weakness
asd disease of the distinctly feminine or
.... i - . ...
gw is certain 10 oecomc an mvaiiu. xio
:iwaa can suffer in this way and be a
jfcealtfey, Happy, amiable wife ana a compe
tent mother. Troubles of this nature sap
"the strength, rack the nerves, paint lines of
sh String apon the face, destroy the temper,
sake the once bright eyes dull and the once
active brain sluggish, and transform a viva-
OetW WOBBIUi lnio a wcas, bicuy, luvaiiu.
- This is all wrong. It is all unnecessary.
Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a mar
veleas medicine for ailing women. It acts
directly on the delicate and important
-ergaas that bear the burdens of matern
ity and makes them strong and healthy.
It allays inflammation, heals ulceration,
soothes pain and tones and builds up the
serves. It banishes the discomforts of the
expectant months and makes baby's com
ieg easy and almost painless. It guarantees
the little new-comer's health and an ample
sapply of nourishment Thousands of
' weaen have testified to its marvelous mer
its. An honest dealer will not endeavor to
substitute some inferior preparation for the
- sake of an extra little selfish profit
"I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
previous to confinement" write Mrs. Corda
Culpepper, of Tanks, Cottle Co.. Texas, "and
sever did so -well in my life. It is only two
-weeks and 1 am able to do my work."
In most healthy families you will find
Tr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
vtecr. For a paper-covered copy send 21
eae-cent stamps, to cover mailing only.
. .Cloth bound 31 stamps. . Address Dr. E. V.
Pkffce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Uitold Damage Done by Waterspouts
and Toraadocs.
Arkansas Fonr Inches Higher Than the
'1892 Record Railroads Blockaded by
Washes ts Many Persons Believed
. to Have Been Browned.
Yas Buren, Ark., May 6. Water
spoatsand tornadoes have played havoc
urG and done hundreds of thousands
Or dollars damage. Three houses were
blown down at Ruly, eight miles east of
here, last night, and it is reported that
"Wiaslow, a summer resort on the top
of Boston mountain, is entirely
gone. Two bridges on the Prisco rail
road over Clear creek have been swept
away and the road abandoned. Van
Baren is now cut off entirely save by
w.y of Li'tle Hock. The Arkansas
river is 25 miles wide in places and is
bow four inches higher than it was in
IWrS, which was the highest on record.
All last night boats were busy in the
bottoms rescuing the inhabitants.
Thousands wcro rescued and it is feared
maay have been drowned.' Bain is fall
isg in'torrents and the end is not in
Costly JTlre at Cleveland.
Cleveland, O., May 6. The big 0
story brick block at the southwest cor--Ber
of Bank and Lakn streets, was
gutted by fire early today. The north
era half of the building was owned by
the Bradley estate and the southern
part by the Boot & McBride Co.,
wholesale dry goods. The fire was con
fined to the former, but the stock of the
Boot & McBride company was dest
troyed by water and smoke. The total
loss will amount to about $125,000,
fairly well covered by insurance. The
fire resulted from an explosion of
chemicals in Beman's chewing gum
factory on the fifth floor of the Bradley
ead of the building. Nearly a dozen
aaaaaf acturing concerns occupying the
several floors suffered losses ranging
from 5,000 to $25,000.
Wreck on IVtaltehreast Hill.
Chariton, la., May A. serious
wreck occurred today on Whitebreast
Boll, five miles west of this place on the
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy. As
far west MWhitebreast siding here is
a double "track. West of there the
reacL'fcafi soly one track. Freight train
Fo. 91, the conductor of which failed to
carefully check up the register at
WhHebreast siding, met eastbonnd pas
Banger No. 6, on Whitebreast hill west
Bf tfeesMLiag. Fifteen cars were de
railed were destroyed by fire. A
trawp who was stealing a ride on the
freight tr In was dangerously injured,
aseL is expected to die. The engineer
6B the passenger train sustained a ser
ieas injury to one of his feet. No other
perdDBS received serious injuries.
Ctm of Belay In the Sailing of t!ie Span
iel Fleet.
: London, May 6. The Vienna corre
gpoadeatof the Daily Telegraph says:
Apartments have been reserved at a
Tiofcel here for the queen regent of
Bpsia in case she arrives before apart
xaeats have been prepared for her in
her brother's palace. Telegrams from
the Austrian ambassador at Madrid,
CoBt Dabsky, indicate that the queen j
regeat is only waiting for a suitable
no&eaite quit Spain without detri
ment to the interests of her son. .
The Paris correspondent of the Daily
Mail says : "I hear on indisputable au
thority that five of the Spanish, war
ships, iacludmg the battleship Pelayo
&hL the fiae cruiser Alfonso XIII., have
aot yet been supplied with amniuni--tioa.
Thk was the cause of the delay
is the sailing of the Cape Verde fleet
&a probably will compel it to return
te Cadiz."
A dfefatch to the Daily Chroniclo
dated Cadiz, says: "The battleship Pe
layo and the Alfonso XIII. have left
their aachorage in the bay and gone to
the oekyard. The cruisers Patriots
aa& 3$spidio are preparing with all
gpoodjiad all are expected to sail to
gether. Cadiz is overwhelmed iy the
aews of the Philippine disaster, the lost
Km BHRibering many Cadizians."
Maala For TralawrcckiBs:.
HuitOK, S. D.,May 6. George Cough
- li'arMGted here for attempting to
pteek jaesenger traia on the Chicago,
sffittiw ttiBliP and St. Paul mil way. near
AqgMittW before Judge Kwap.waivea
ana was commuted, to jau.
iaNLng maRadissaid to have
jftMtoMew ior trainwrecKicg, this Do
imk00k Wwrd attempt!
Beaaty Is Bleed Beep.
itbeut it. Caeca re ts Cssdy
Icleau j-our-biood aad;keogit
BtirriBfr a p tbe kxy v-jid
lively Debate.
"Waseuxotony May 'S. Dsring al-
xioft .the satire session Thursday the
senate had anaer? consideration the
postoffice appropriation bil1 The meas
ure carries "', being very
much the heaviest oixll tne appropri-
ation bills.. The most Important actios
taken upon the measure was the adop
tion of an amendment offered by Till'
man (S. C), reducing the number of
deliveries of mail in all cities of the
country to a number not exceeding four
each day. The amendment was
sharply antagonized as a blow to bnsi
ness interests in the large cities, but
the feeling of the senate was such, that
despite the vigorous opposition it pre
vailed by a decisive majority.
A lively debate was precipitated by
an amendment of the committee strik
ing out the appropriation of. $2,000,001)
for rural free delivery.
The proposition was discussed for
nearly two hours, Chandler (N. H.),
and Butler (If. C), leading the fight in
favor of rural delivery. By the close
vote of yeas, 25 ; nays, 2a, however,
the committee was sustained and the
bill now carries no appropriation for
such delivery.
An important amendment to the bill
was one which will prevent star route
contractors from subletting Jtheir con
In order to get their money they must
be able-"to swear that they performed
the service themselves.
Just before the adjournment the sen
ate passed an important. wax .measure
authorizing the president and general
officers of the army to supply 'the Cuban
insurgents with arms and munitions of
war and empowering officers of the
army serving: in Cuba to supply needy
inhabitants of the island with medi
cines and subsistence.
Labor Arbitration Measure.
"Washington', May o. The house
Thursday disposed of two important
measures. The Alaskan land bill ex
tending the homestead laws to and pro
viding for certain railway rights of
way m the district of AlasKa, as
amended by the senate and agreed upon
in conference, was passed. The labor
arbitration! measure, providing for the
arbitration of labor disputes between
employes and certain common carriers,
a out winch had received very wide
indorsement by labor organizations
throughout the country, received the
approval of the house. A number of
minor bills were also passed. The
house adjourned until Monday. "
Roosevelt Goes 10 Texas.
Washington, May 6. Assistant Sec
retary Koosevelt will leave here today
for San Antonio, Tex., for the purpose
of assuming his duties as lieutenant
colonel of the regiment of mounted
riflemen recruited by Colonel Leonard
Wood. He will practically sever Jiis
official connection with the navy de
partment at the close of business today,
although his resignation may not take
effect until after the appointment and
qualification of his successor. "Who
this will be has not vet been disclosed.
"FIchtlnff Joe" Wheeler Keports.
"Washixgtox, May 0'. "Fighting
Joe" "Wheeler, who was nominated to
the position of maior general in the
volunteer army, reported at army head
quarters yesterday. He was he first of
the major generals to signify to Secre
tary Alger his readiness for active duty.
The president, however, as yet has .not
determined finally upon the organiza
tion of the volunteer army and in the
absence of any action in this direction,
it is not likely that any designations
will be positively male.
Three Cases or Leprosy.
Eldoka, la., May 0. Three cases of
leprosy have just been discovered near
here, all in a very advanced stage. One
case at Graettinger is that of a young
woman who is suffering from a tuber
cular type of tho disease. Another case
is that of a young Norwegian at Eidge
way, who is affected with the nervous
type. At Roland there is a case where--by
the victim is obliged to be confined
to his bed.
A terrible story of cannibalism cornea
from New Guinea. Fourteen escaped
prisoners from Mana attacked a friendly
village, killing and eating J 8 men.
Biot is still rampant throughout Spain
and continually threatens to break into
revolutionary war. More and more it
is apparent that the Sagasta ministry is
afraid to act heroically. The mobs are
temporized with where it is feared that
shooting will lead to more serious dis
turbances. 1 The officials of the Newport News Ship
Building and Dry Dock company have
-been notified by Brigadier General E.
T. Frank, commandant of Fortress
Monroe, that two field batteries had
been detached from the Pennsylvania
National Guard and ordered to New
port News to be stationed at the ship
yard to guard the battleships ETearsage,
Kentucky and Illinois, now building
In the German reichstag Thursday,
Baron von Thielman, secretary of the
imperial treasury, replying to an inter
pellation, declared the government had
no intention of asking tho bundesrath
to suspend the duties on grain. He
added that the fears of a blockade of
American ports were exaggerated, as
serted that there was no likelihood of
such a blockade, and concluded with
the remark that, in any case, the Cana
dian route would remain open.
Senor Da Bosc, late first secretary of
the Spanish legation at "Washington,
lectured to two thousand people at
Toronto, Out., Thursday night, on the
causes of the present war. Senor Polo
and many prominent men were pres
ent. The lecture was in aid of the Red
Cross society work and was delivered in
a private capacity. Theseno? made a
severa attack on the American people.
He tmced the history o f the trouble, re
iterating the Spanish arguments and
spoke of American senators as "border
ruffians, whose illiterate boorishness is
inly equalled by thier venality .and
pompouf conceit.' p
4 Burner From Spanish Searces.
LosDOK'.May 6. The Spanish-authorities
are intimating that Commodore
Dewey has been entrapped by Spanish
gunboats, kept concealed outside tho
"harbor. It Is believed, however, they
are only trying to make "ta much as
possible of the absence-of the American
fleet. . .
Fleet Sighted OSf Porta deaaes.
Kingston, Jamaica, says that four Unit
ed States warships have -been' sighted
off Porto de Banes, Cuba. -They are
supposed to be a part of Bear Admiral
Sampson's fleet.
, ' Still' "So Messatre From Manila,
j Hoxo Kosg, May 6. Inquiries made
t the office of the Eastern Telegrapb
'company show tHat cable communica
tion betweea Hoag Sxmg and Manila
has Bet vet- ba. .restored.
AvVare aaxtous to do a little good in
this world and can think of no ple&san
ter Or better way to do it than by recom
mending Ose Minute .Cough Cure as a
preventive of pneumonia, consumption
and other serious lung troubles that fol
low neglected colds. North Platte Phar-
'Aiaericai Officer Captured by Spanish
,-J5Me3rjiDg tolBeacli Jomez.
Several Newspaper Me a Were With Him.
Xewt Cemea-From General Iacret and
Is Authentic Captalu Dofit Ea
Konte to Washington.
Tampa. May 7. A telegram from
General Lacret, received here tonight,
gives the information that Major Smith,
who on April 24, landed at Canbnen to
escort a pirty of newspaper correspond
ents to General Gomez' camp, has been
captured by the Spaniards and killed.
The messasre was signed by a Cuban
officer named Lorens. Ho has been
with Cantain Dorsfc of- the Fourth
cavalry, who, with two other officers,
was. sent by General Miles to confer
with the insurgents. Captain Dorst
reached America today and is duo in
Tampa tonight, en route to "Washington,
where he will lay "beforo tho president
and his advisers the information he
The telegram regarding bmith is
Ibrief. It simply says that when his
captors discovered his identity and
nationality, they beheaded him. The
news is regarded as authentic. Noth
ing is said of the fate of the newspaper
sien accompanying him.
Sner Canal Open for All War Vessels.
Washington, May 7. "If Spain de
sires to send a neet to tne .rniiiipine
islands to attack Commodore Dowey's
forces she is at perfect liberty to send
it through the Suez canal," was the
statement made by a high official
of.the state department. "Of course,"
he continued, "the serious question of
coal supply would greatly harrass her,
but if tho American vessels can find
dealers willing to take the risk of vio
lating the neutrality laws of tho nation
in which, their coal piles are located
they will probably be willing to do the
same thing for the Spaniards, provided
the latterpay the necessary. I doubt
very much if this government would
direct Commodore Dewey's force to
leave Manila and proceed .to the Med
iterranean for the purpose of harrass
ing Spanish commerce in that sea and
of . attacking Spanish ports which lie
upon it, but it would be possible for
.American men-of-war to reach the
3 Mediterranean through the Suez if they
were ordered 'to do so. Thereis a great
deal of popular ignorance on this point.
As a matter of fact, the Suez canal is
open to belligerents."
Activity at tho Canaries.
Liverpool, May 7. Steamers arriv
ing from the Canaries report that the
United States consul nt Las Palmas left
suddenly with plans of Las Palmas' har
"bor. They say, also, that there are
12,000 Spanish troops in Grand Canary
alone, under General Sngara, most of
whom are armed with Mausers. Every
Spaniard and Canarian has been pressed
into the service and the business of fruit
packing was Jof t to the women. Forti
fications were rapidly being constructed
and a new fort on the hillside at Las
Palmas, facing these, will mount heavy
guns. Military authorities were taking
possession of buildings of British sub
jects, for which they refused to pay, or
make exchanges, and tho government
was selling at auction all sorts of mo
nopolies, arms, paints and the like, in a
desperate attempt- to raise revenue.
Flying Squadron In Trim.
Old Point Comfort, Va., May 7.
Yesterday's developments in the flying
squadron would seem to indicate that
Commodore Schley, one of tho best
strategists and most daring men in the
navy will be given a chance for action
within a few days. The cruiser Min
neapolis arrived hero yesterday after
noon at "5 o'clock and tho New Orleans
arrived early this morning. These ad
ditions make a squadron of exceptional
fighting ability. The New Orleans, as
u fighting vessel, is superior tohe Co
lumbia which was detached, and tho
Scorpion, with her splendid armament,
helps to fill out a squadron that will
give a good account of itself. The Min
neapolis was ordered to Newport News
for coal immediately on her arrival.
Martial Iiir Prool.iiinjJ Xo Tmcany
Account or Bread Riots,
- Rome, May 7. Tho general situation
here is regarded as being distinctly
grave. It now seems to bo clearly dem
onstrated that politics are mixed up in
the disturbances, which have occurred
in various parts of the kingdom, owing
to the liigh price of bread, and the Cler
ical party is believed to be fomenting
the disorder:
A royal decree issued today proclaims
martial law throughout Tuscany, one
of the most fertile and best cultivated
parts of Italy.
There was a renewal-of serious riot
ing at Florence, tho capitalof Tuscany,
last night, and there were further dis
turbances at Leghorn, capital of a prov
ince of that name, situated on the MSd
iterranean, about 50 miles from Ploria.
At both places a number of rioters were
killed or wounded by troops detailed to
maintain order.
Martial law has been proclaimed at
Milan on account of tho' bread riots.
The troops occupy tho main streets.
New Tork Stock Market.
New York, May 7. Sharp fractional
advances were the rule at the opening,
the market ignoring the heavy tone of
some of the international stocks in
London. Tobacco jumped 2 and
sugar, Metropolitan Street railway and
Union Pacific preferred, were up a
point or more. St. Paul was a conspicu
ous exception in the list with a 'decline
of There was a temporary setback
after the opening upon realizing, but
upon official confirmation of the re
ports from Manila, prices again bounded
upwards at a rapid rate. The special
ties were very buoyant and showed
gains of from one to three points. The
standard stocks rose between 1 and
cents, and the heavy buying of the
grangers and Missouri Pacific was a
Missoari Guard Mobilising
Kansas City, Mo., May 6. The First
and Second regiments of the Missouri
National guard-began moving yesterday
taronte to the state camp at Jefferson'
barracks, near St. Louis.
Ks-Qaeea Isabella Mourns.
Paris, May (5. Ex-Queen. Isabella
refuses to receive political visitors. She
has gone into mourning for the sailors
'killed at Manila.
Everybody Sa)s So.
Cases rets Candy Cathartic, the' most
wonderful medical discovery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to. the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver,
and bowels, cleansing the entire system,
dispels colds, cure headache, feverha
bitual constipation and biliousne?B.
Please, buy and try a box of C. C. C. to
day; 10, 25 and 50 cents. Sold and guar
anteed to cure "by all druggists.
ppearaaees at Tampa Iadtasta Barly la
vaslea pi the Islaad.
Tampa, Fla., MyjS..-vetraosport
boats are now at Port Tampa asd sooa
will be in readiaoss for the loading of
the'troops. The 'Florida has already
taken pa a full supply of coal and. a
largo force of carpenters was put to,
work today erecting stalls for horses
and pack mules. Tho Whitney, Comal,
Berkshire and Allegheny are tied up at
the docks taking on coal, and this fin
ished, the work of making alterations
necessary for their use as transport
ship3 will be rushed. As to the time of
sailing there is still great unccrtainity.
It is not probable that the long looked
for orders to break camp will be given
before-a-. decisive, action between the
Spanish and American fleets.' "Tlie
time of sailing will be made known to
day. "This is too big an expedition to
get away in a hurry. When tho time
comes everybody will be notified."
Expect important News From Porto Rieo.1
Washington, May 6. it is expected
m administration circles that Porto
xua; ixx latiu uy iuu umieu owie
tomorrow cabinet officer said today
11..L - I 1. " 1 A 1 1 .
- ' -7
from Porto Rico Sunday.
Limb iiiiiMjrLiiiiL nmvs mirrnr. m Rxnpcran
.v.wvw olfc uE.u.. CU i uuuu iu mo guvmui to nausea and Other distress ne con
front Brazil vesterdav that the trovam-! taVo all nf tbn mon flnrl v-nmni nnt nf ... .. 5 v-u"
ment had declared neutrality. There
is now no cause to regret such action
on the part of Brazil, for however
beneficial the. delay has been to the
United States in getting" its warships
safely along the Brazilian coast, the is
sue of 'tho proclamation just now is
likely to be still more beneficial in clos
ing Brazilian ports to the Spanish fly
ing squadron it it should be headed in
that direction. It taay bo noted, how
ever, that wliile the first reports wero
received with little credit, the advices
coming to the navy department though
not conclusive, inclined the officers to
the belief that the Spanish flyingsquad-
ron really has turned back from Cape
Verde to consolidate with the home
squadron at Cadiz. I
Great pressure is being brought to
bear upon the war department to se
cure appointments to second lieutenan
cies authorized by the" recently enacted
Hull bill. The list of applicants in
cludes many bright young men, for the
regulations require them to be under
SO. Among them are former students
at "West Point,, newspaper men and
others with political influence back of
fhom ' r
Xatcat Arrival From tho Yukon.
Victoria, B. C, May tf. One more
Tnkoner, A. B. Miller, ha3 succeeded
in coming from Dawson to this coast,
over the trail. He left Dawson on
March 31, arriving here on April 27.
It is his opinion that navigation will
open betweea Dawson an! St. Michael
about June 1, or two weeks earlier
than usual, owing to the warm weather.
Fully $a(,000,000 in gold will leave
Daweon this summer, according to
Miller's statements. No new strikes
have been reported near Dawson, but
Miller says that vecent developments
show that Sulphur and Dominion creeks
are each f ullyns rich as Bonanza. He
confirms tho story of big discoveries on
Monte Christo island.
Karnes of .Murdered Missionaries.
London, May 6. The colonial ofiico
today received tho names of the Ami ri-'
can missionaries who were murdered
during the rebellion at Rati funk, Sierra
Leone, west coast of Africa, as an-
nounced. on Wednesday last. They
are : Mr. andv MrsGaiae. .and. jthe
Misses Archer,' Hatfield and"'"SchencE
The oth r missionaries, Mr. and Mrs.
Burtner, Mr. and Mrs. Minshall and
the Missis Mullen and. Ward, are safe
- ..l
at Freetown.
Volunteer Army to Consist of Seven CoVps.
Washington. May C it was an
nounced at tBe"war dcplirfrSSlitrtoday
that the volunteer army will consist of
seven corps, each in command of a
major general, but that nothing had
yet been settled as to their organization '
Mob Lynclirs a Negro.
Oleary of the police force was shotand i
killed by a negro at the comer of Per-
dido and Rampart streets. Jjater the
same negro shot and killed Police Offi
cer Trump. A crowd chased the negro
into a barn and riddled him with
Americans Land at Cavlte.
Madrid, May (5. Hong Kong advices
say the Americans are reported to have
landed at Oavite after a fresh bombard
Governor Budd of California has been
warned of what is alleged, to be a plot
against his life by Spaniards.
Mauss Bros.' and "Wolff Bros.' shoe
factories, at Seventh and Sycamore
streets, Cincinnati, each seven stories,
were gutted by fire Friday. Loss, $200,
000. The United States government has
bought 1 ,500,000 pound3 of short, clear
sides of pork. The sellers are the In
ternational Packing company and Swift
& Co., Chicago.
Anna Held, the French actress, Fri
day, at Springfield, presented General
Charles Fitzsimmon3, of the Fir3t
brigade, Illinois National Guard, with
an American flag. She herself made
the banner.
Tho westbound Chicago limited
train on the Pennsylvania railroad
jumped the track at Bristol, Pa. Friday.
The engine and four coaches were de
railed. The engineer and fireman were
injured, but "not seriously. No pas
sengers were hurt.
First Assistant Postmaster General
Heath says that the friends and rela
tives of soldiers in the field in address
ing letters to them should mark plainly
the company and regiment to which
they belong, as by doing so tho distr.i
bution of the mail will be facilitated
This applies to both the regular troop
and the militia volunteers.
Sampson May Attack the Canaries.
1 London, May 6. A story is published
here to the effect that the British ad
miralty has been notified by the "Wash
ington naval strategic board to remove
he British subjects from the Canary
islands, -nd it is said this accounts for
the British second class cruiser Charyb
dis being ordered to Lai Palmas, and
to the conclusion that Admiral Samp
son may attack the Canary islands,
which would either draw the Spanish
fleet out of Cadiz or give tho United
States a naval base from which to at
tack SoauL
Qaeen Will Net Abdicate.
London, May 6. The Spanish em
bassy denies that the queen regent im
fends to abdicate.
Try Graia-0! Try GrsiH-G!
Askyourttwoee todevto show von a
package of Gin-0,'the. new food drink
that takes tbe place of conee. The chil
dren may drink it without injury as well
as the adult. All who try ' it, like it.
GRAIN-0 has tho rich seal brown of
Mocha and Java, but it is made from
pore grains, and the most delicsto
stomach receives it without distress. J
the price of coffee. 15c and 25c per
package. Sold by all grocers.
fluujjuiw.aui ituutiiuiu. au ia faur win proiecc BO iar as possiDis vxerman said will, at which time aar place you. and all
erally understood, however, that Fort navigation and commerce from moles- jnwrned, may appear and contest ttie probate of
Myers, Atlanta, Ga., will be oae of the ' tation or ininrv." Dated Anril a. ins.
Thvsleal SxaaiaatleB of the Nebraska
Militia Is Very Strict.
Lincoln, May 6. Today the weather
has been tbe most favorable the soldier
boys have experienced since Camp
Saunders was laid Cmt. The physical
examination of the men was taken up
this morning, company G, the Omaha
Guards, being the. first taken up. The
examination is so rigid that some men
who have heretofore, appeared as the
pink of .physical perfection, are re
jected, and this is casing great anxiety
snroughout the camrV. One of the old
members of the militia said today that
luily 26 per cent would fall to pa&3.
Dr.F.C; Wirier of Falls City, has
been appointed by the governor as first
assistant surgeon of the Second regi
ment, to fill the vacancy caused by the
failure of Dr. Crofchan to pass tho
physical examination.
Chinese Far the Omaha Exposition.
bAX Jb'KAXCisco, May 6. The 215
Chinese for the Transmississippi ex-
position, who arrivjDd here on the
steani?hip Gaelic, have been taken to
Omaha by Customs Inspector J. B.
urqunarc oi tnis city, wno will get a
receipt for them. Thirty -five of the
f . . "
brought them for the exposition and
i mnnea nra trrnnon Who i-nmnom.
this countrv within three months after
the close of the exposition.
Kerr Tork Stock Market.
New York, May 6. Tho market had
to face marked heaviness for Americans
in London at tho opening. Declines
there reached near a ' point in interna
tionals. Prices dropped below last night's
closing, but not as l4w as the London
parity, except in the Case of New York
Central, and the Northern Pacific
stocks. The losses were fractional ex
cept in the case of tobacco and a num
ber or prominent stocks were" un
changed or showed small gains. The
market rallied after the opening.
Sow la National Gsard.
DeS' Moines. May 6. The National
Guard has another row on hand. The
regular army surgeon began the phys
ical examinations yesterday and turned
down all but four of the 14 sur
geons and 15 per cent of the officers ex
amined. One of the colonels came near
being turned down and indications are
that if the examinations continue as se
vere the forco of th& Guard will be re
duced-one-third. A nig political muss
is being stirred up.
Schrfoner Olrca a Scare.
hew xork, May u. une or tne cap
tains who have been recklessly disre
garding the new harlsor regulations for
this port, for passes to avoid the mine
field, received a rude ahock to his nerves
during the night, when a blank shot
was fired at his schooner from the bat
tery at Sandy Hook a3 the vessel was
passing over the mine field in that
neighborhood. The. shot was a warn
ing that the authorities intend to com
pel the obedience to the regulations
Court Kemovcs a Receiver.
Sioux City, la., May 6. The district
court has removed James Dougherty
from the position of receiver of the
Home Savines bank of Sioux City on
account of his connection with- tho
American Surety company. The surety
company is on the bond of the ex-treas-
tu-er ot the school district for $50,(X0,
j which amount of money is tied up in
the defunct bank. The court appointed
"W. E. Cody receiver in his place.
Wklle XeeBlac NeHtral. Commerce of
Germany ta Be Protected.
Bksejx. May 6. The ceremony of
' it. - -O 1 ?1 1 .
ciosmg in sewum oi i uu rercustsg wum.
place today in the Wl'it hall or the
.royal castle. The smperor, in the
"speech from the throne, referring Jp
tho war between Spain and tho United"
States, said: "The government will
fully fulfill tho duties involved by its
neutral position, but on the other hand
All Qalct OCT Havana.
Key "West, May 6. The blockade of
e:?. JLl f ih-H
United states is as effective as ever.
No vessel has entered one of the block
aded ports. It is monotonously weary
work, drifting idly about in the burn
ing Bun during the day and patroliug
the coast at night, with only an occa
sional chase for diversion. There
fore, it is not astonishing
that the officers and men of the fleet
alike are looking eagerly forward to tho
dav when the rumored movement of
the United States army will fake place.
The glorious news of lewey's victor',
meaeer as are tho details which have
found their way to the blockading
squadron, was received with intense
rejoicing, and there were many hearty
cheers for Uncle Sam.
Mutiny oa tbo Alamo.
Key "West, May 6. The Mallory line
steamer Alamo, having on board tho
detachment of West Point engineers
bound for Cuba, had a small mutiny to
day among her firemen and coal passers.
These men on learning that the Alamo
was to proceed to Cuba when troops go
there refused to do duty under the cir
cumstances, claiming that the steamer
is not sufficiently protected against tho
enemy. The mutiny threatened to re
sult, in a serious delay to the ship's
movements, but the captain of the en
gineers, in charge of tho troops, took
the matter in hand, placed the mutinous
men unaer resirainr, wiui a strong
guard, and the threatened trouble uoon
fizzled out.
Ask to Go to Philippines.
St. Paul, Minn., May 6. Governor
Clonghand. the officers of tho Thir
teenth regiment have telegraphed Sen
ators Davis and Nelson asking them to
use their influence to have the Minne
sota troops selected to assist tho troops
of California in case reinforcements
are sent to the Philippines.
Big Shipment of Monitions.
Davenport, la, May 6. Eighteen
carloads of ' munitions of war, includ-
1 o rA nnn . a r . .. 1 !
tion. were shipped to eastern and south
ern ports from the Bock Island arsenal
Temararlo Sails Northward.
Buenos Ayres, May 6. The Spanish
torpedo cmnboat Temarairo, which has
been undergoing repairs at Ensanada,
and which was said to be without a
crew and disabled, sailed today, pre
sumably going northward.
A Sure Thing-for Yob.
A transaction in which you cannot lose
is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head
ache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a
thonsaad other ills are caused by con
stipation and a sluggish lirer. Cftscarets
Candy Cathartic, the woaderful new
liver stimulant and intestisal tonic
oy an druggists guaranteed to cure or
money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day; 10a, 23c, 50c.
Sample and booklet free.
Baby Mine!
Every mother
feels an inde
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suiferlne and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of miserv.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not onlv made
painless, but all the danger is re?
moved by its use. Those who use
i mu n-.mi.ijy die If U longer ac-
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
this remedy are no longer de-
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
ana uie serious accidents so com-
uiuit iu critical nour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. It is a blanmr in wnmni
Sl.OOPEBBOTTIi: at all Drug-Stores,
uonwjnins mvaiaable information of
interest to all woaea, trill be sent
to any address, upon application, by
Ts URinriEXD BEGCLATOK CO Atlssta, Ga,
Legal Notices.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
Am-il 4th. 1808. t
Uotico is hereby Riven that the followiof-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
tuts! p root in rapport oi Us claim, and that said
proof will be saade before Register and Rweivor
aixonafiaue, neo.. on May ilia, 1888, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No, 17780. for tha
soain BSIX Ot tne nortfiirest aMrlec nr.ii Intx 3 iu
-i, secuon z, lovnrnip li north, range SO west.
lie names lhe follosini; witness to nrnvn hi I
continuous residence epos aed cultivation of 6ald
wnu, nztjoim worthier. irankEbele, waiter K.
Oovell nnd Charles Keeae, all of North Platte,
HINMAN, Eegigter.
In the mcttep-cf lhe Estate of Robert McDnwnll
In the Coaniy Court of Lincoln conntv. Nebras.
ta, April urn, ly-ja.
Notice is hereby riven that the creditors of raid
deceased will meet the administrator of said es
tate before the Coanty Judze of Lincoln conntv.
Nebraska, at the coanty court room in said arauty
on tbe 28th day ot May, lSvrc, end on the 30th day
of September, 1S98, at one o'clock d. m. each day.
for the purpose of presenting their claims for ex
amin'ition, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their claims,
and one year for the administrator to settle said
estate from the 25th day of April, 1K8.
an a. o. u&iAJViin, coanty Jde.
To Dennis T. Allyn. non-resident defendent: You
are Hereby n-mtied that on the Vta clay of April.1898
Annie B. Allyn filed a petition against you In the
district court ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, the
object and prayer of irhich are to obtain a divorce
from you on tbe grounds that you are of sal-1
ficleat ability to provide suitable' maintenance for
her. have crossly and wantonly and cruelly refused
ana neglected to ao so, lor two years lastpest end
ing June 1,1898, and also asks for the custody of
the three minor children the issue of said mar
riage. Ion are required to answer said netltinn
on or beioro the sum day oi May, vsss.
By her attorneys, Davis & Bldgley.
United States Land Office, )
North Platte. Neb.. April 23th, 1S98. f
Notice Is hereby riven that Georee W. Snyder.
of Maxwell, has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof before tbe Register and Receiver
at their office in North Platte, Neb., on Friday,
No; 13,1 W, for the west half of the southeast quar-
ter aBd the east half e tbe swthwert. oaarter -nt
Seotloa i, la Township 13 north, rase 38 west.
Ha aaaes-as wlteessee: WHKua H. Plainer. Jafca
McCulloBgfc. George V. " KoSerft' tfSaWHaSn-
XJintz. all of Maxwell. Neb.
8288 JOHN T. HINMAN, Berfste
In tho Matter of the Betate of Lester E-lIi. de
To all persons Interested la said Kmte:
There has been filed in my office an instrument
purporting to be the last will and tertanient of
Letter Eelis, deceased. I have appointed May 21,
iSau. at one o clock p. m.. at the coanty court room
in said county as tne time and place or provln
A. 8. BALDWIN, County Judge.
feVl! ui.thJLd
Atttrust Johnson, defendant, impleaded with
day of April, 1898, W. H.Lanntaff, plaintiff herein.
niea his. petition la the ilistnctcoart of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against faid defendants, tbe
object and prnyer of which are to f orecioso two
certain mortgages executed by said August John
son to the McKlnley-Lanqlng Loan & Trust Co.
upon the southeast quarter of Section 18, in
Township li Bange 29, in Lincoln county Ne
braska, one of which was riven to secure the pay
ment of a coupon bond dated April 23, 1890, for
tho payment of $300.00 and duo and payable May
1st, 16U3, and one was given to secure the payment
of ten promissory notes of SI. 50 each, one falling
due November 1st, 1690, and ose each six months
thereafter. That there is now dne upon raid
notes, bond and mortgages the sum of t'i.lO, for
which sum with interest from this date at ten ner
cent per r.nnum, plaintiff prays for a decree that
defendants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
tound une.
Tou are required to answer said cetltion on or
before the 13th day. of Jane, 1898.
W. n. LANNING. P alntiff.
a2k By T. a PAnsasosc, his Attorney.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
Anril 20th. ifm.
Notice is hereby given that the f ollowlne-named
settler has filed notice of his intention "to make
nnai prooi in support oi nis ciaim and that said
proof will be made before the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Neb., oa June 2.1th.
1698, viz:
H. E. No. 17078 for the east half of. tbe northwest
quarter, lots 1 and 2, section 18, town 11, range 31
He names tbo following witnesses to nrove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Jesse Kidder, Edward Wilson,
William Griffith, and Cbarles Boyce. all of Somer
set. Neb.
a33-6 JOHN T. HINMAN. Serfster.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
May 3. 1898. f
Notlco is hereby given that Oliver N. Arnold
has filed notlco of Intention to make Una! proof be
lore ma itegigier ana jteceiver ac tncir orace in
North Platte, Neb., on Monday, the 13h day ot
June, 1833, on timber application No. 13,467, for
tbe southwest quarter ot the northeast quarter
and southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and lots 3 and 4. of seciion 6, la township 10 north,
range 23 west. He names as witnesses: Jeas Ras
mnssea, Chris "Keldsen, Thomas J. Undeamath
and Frank Grgax. nil of Curtis, Neb.
raS.6p JOHN T. HINMAN, Register.
DEFENDANT: The undersigned has this April
28, 1893, filed her petition in District Court ot
Lincoln County, Nebraska, praying divorce from
you because of your desertion for two years last
past. You will answer thereto on or before May
31 1808.
United States Land Office,
North Platte, Neb ,
April 19, 1898
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed la
this office by John W. Johnson, contestant, against
Homestead entry No. 15818. made March St. 1)n
for east ballpf northeast quarter asd east half of
southeast qaarter section 23. townshio 10N, range
27W, by James M, Tinier, contestee. In which It is
alleged that James M. Flnley has abaadonsd saU
claim aad that the eight' years have passed with
out proof and that James iL Xlnl-y docs not in
tend to make proof on said taad (awl that final
hearlag wilt be held at K o'cloe a. a. oa May 28,
1888 before) the Register and Receiver at the
Untied. States Land Office North Platte, Neb.
Tbe said eoatestaat having. In a proper affidavit,
filed. April W.JfcfS, set forth facts which show that
after due diligence, personal service of this notice
cannot be made, H l. hereby ordered and directed
that each notice be given by dae and proper peb
UcatleB.t JOHN F. HINMAN. Bsgister.
IioHce is herds? air en that oa the 36th dar of
April, 18G8, the iwewr of the Sabarbaa Irriga
tion' District of Liaseta eoaaty. Nebraska, made a
re (urn of the assessment of the property icsald
district to the Secretary's office where .the esaue Is
now npea for the inspect km of all eoaceraed.
The directors wilt eoaveae as a beard of eqaatl
zatios at the office of-saH,distriet ta North Platte
on the 17th day ot May, l.-8, at tea o'cloeta. el,
aad will eoattaae- in. sessioa fseie day to day as
long as aaay be Beeessary to hear aad. determine
so eh objections to the valaattosa tad. "aw earnest
aforesaid as may eeme before thea.
JMied April 38th, 3W.
TnOS. C. FATTEB30NV -k5-2
Secretary Ssbarbaa Irrlgaikffl pitfe-fet
1 ifPH A
I a. . t
I First National Bank, i
1 j aVW'
S aSsS?lHlsB cncral banking business
wv -ISHPr transacted.
RATTS port
: 1 Gasoline Stoves, 1
: ; Refrigerators,
1 iiuiiBBnaMa Q
e Lawn Hose
I Garden Tools,
1 Seeds in Bulk.
If you need any of the above seasonable 3
goods first-class makes see 2
Lt. A UJUJ i'luv'a
H. MeCAlE, Proprietor.
North Platte Pharmacy.
3Jrugs and Druggists' Sundries.
3fc We aim to handle the best grades of goods
Sell everything at reasonable prices, and
warrant all goods to be just as represented,
All Proscriptions Carefully Filled by a Licensed Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Bank.
Order by telephone from !Newton's Book Store.
To ail Suffering
MHMmvws Wiia aHAlW
to a health v and haooreaiulUinn.
when job are getting thianer, yea seeea fatigued, have pain ia your back, your legs Ret vrea
and yon have lost aU amblUoa, yon look fairly well, there Is not mnch outside decay, bi
yoar mind knows all'ahrmt
werea tardea to yon. Do not despair, as oar Capsales aerer fail ta cure every case.
i'arjtlsli Lost -MaHhood Capsales will positively restore yoa to a healthy condition. Not
only do we say so. bat willretara themJtairria marc nw -rluu- ;riii.ifnii.,.. r r
coarse, one box will not care a severe case, bat six boxes will ewe any case. Remember! if ii
does not cure, yoar money is retaraed, so yoa lese oethiae. We caarantee to brine ran idli
cawes by Yos4l frff" or prensArfftace (a Tssacss, Lh;r or 9fiam KsMs.
Fuli. Txtatwskt, le.W,with wnttea Gnarastee; Sjaaue Bsnw; 4-60, (ao ptinU'ns oa outside.
Turkish Taasy and Feaay
royal I'llls, a positive rewKiyfoc
bringing on monthly messtcaa
tlon, a Godsead for married, wosmbl
Every woman esgbt to have a, box
or two on'haad so as te i-nfii"irlinn '
polatmeat aad delay. Nevar
falls; sare to the day. $.60 Fix
Box ar Mail.
MthaasFaraMSk. 6MAIA,NBB.
Y0ur ehickeiis
Will ; earn you more
money if you feed-theii t
Pratt's Poultry Food.
j r
It's a good thing, there'r
fore vre sell it..
- , - :, m
Lawn Mowers. 5
(Who no one owes.
Men and Women ! l
mrrelop. remedy ever prod need f
strtfagtheBing and toning np loss of Brain antf
Nerve Power. It will positively reiore them
Do not consider vrhea job are losingesh, forget ewrrthinc,
a were ever vt yonr life. Always send
t ujii ttn C I- . - "
Ffa 5, 0MA)tAr NESItASKA.
... " -healthy
aadwitheat pain as not. Turkish.
TeBsale Tonle, a-positive cnreJor
Female. Weakaessr .Sapprcsrion or
Meases, IaiaauaMift ot the Wb
or OvariCr Prcfui or Painful Jlch-.
strnatJoa; Ulcerajw ot the WouiU
nfe,KidjBWrlWM, ImKm, Lncerrhxa
aad the oa!y rassedv that w eare Nervousness,"
Stele Headoafce 3mA Hysas4ct:sa ecsassoa t Wasen.
Twe Months' TasATMWtr it Mn. rocftJaV
3 .