The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 03, 1898, Image 2

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rnn Hatto nWYi 1 m 1 vrr7 i a pbtboig
Illlvlllln. 1 fffvi nJLJt -i A IV f ft . .
Will XeftTft'-TSere Today.
5,000 ysm to inyade guba.
cretry Aler Simply Says the War De
partment Is Preparing Ferlamedl-
- r
Me Aetien Otteera efthe Block
adt&g l"Iet C safer.
Bepablieaa Senator! Ptopoged. ts Rcdee
Am ant et Isaac. -
:IepOTt CfllTeetllj.Tarapa That TrOOgS senate thiB.wesk fesln tho war-'reYsnUo
bill -whick 13 expected o reachrsM
body early in the week. It will bere-
ferred at once to the committee on
finance, and probably will bo reported
back Wednesday or Thursday.
A meeting of the finance committee
has been called for today with the view
on the part of the Republican members
of having the consideration of the bill
in committee begun, informally. They
have even intimated that they may ask
that a vote be taken at: this meeting
with the view of reporting, the biD. as
soon as it is referred. y
The Democratic members of the com
mittee will oppose this program as they
desire opfortanity to have various
amendments considered. It isnow be
lieved that they will offer a provision
for a tax on all producing-industries,
another, for an inheritance .tax and a
third foe Bon-interest bearing treasury
notes. It is also probable that an
amendment-will be suggested for the
isaaance of $100,000,000 in greenbacks
to take the place of -those outstanding,
which are snpposed to have been de
stroyed. They mil seek to have the
bond provision of the bill eliminated
entirely on-the plea that the, time has
not arrived for a bond issue.
There is a possibility that the Repub
lican members of the committee may
amend the bond provision, as there $s
more or less dissatisfaction with it
among Republican senators.. 6ne of
the changes suggested is 'a reduction of
the amount of the bonds.
When the bill reaches the senate the
opposition, will insist upon having time,
for the various factions to state the
reasons for their opposition and it is
now predicted that two weeks will bo
required for debate. While they will
insist upon the elimination of the bond
feature they will all state that they
will vote for bonds, later if war should
be prolonged sufficiently long to require
their issuance.
The program of the senate until the
revenue bill is reported is uncertain.
The postoffice appropriation bill proba
bly will be reported and passed and the
omnibus claims bill may be taken up.
JACKsosntrs, iia., May 2. A spe
- Gift! to the TmesrUnioa and Oitizem
from Tampa says: General Shafter,
who is looked noon as the officer who
will have charge, or the army or occu
pation, gave an audience last evening
to several newspaper men. In the
course of the conversation the question
of countersigning war correspond'
enta' passes was brought up- General
Shaf tersaid he woald nol assume com
mand fer a week' or 10 days, as he
would be busywith other matters. He
would take up the subject in ample
time. ' '
, The general, while he came to no
conclusion an the subject, will be in
clined to limit the number of accredited
war correspondents to as small a nun
ber as possible.
Four regiments of infantry from
Chickamaugua, Mobile and New Or
leans arrived Snnday, being the First.
Tenth, Twenty-second and Twenty
fourth. Seven train loads, made up of
. 95 cars, reported from points along the
, Plant system arrived here this morning
; The trains brought the remainder of
the artillery,' cavalry, horses," stores,
etc One hundred additional pack
mules came in with the First regiment
It is reported that a dispatch was re
ceived here last night, the contents of
which indicate that 5, 000 men of our
army and as many Cubans here as
desire to accompany them, will leave
on Tuesday, and that the steamships
'Olivette and Florida of the Plant line
were officially inspected to ascertain if
"their capacity is sufficient for that num
ber of troops. Matanzas is mentioned
as the destination.
Washixgtos, May 2, When asked
if the army was preparing for an inva
sion of Cuba at an early .date, Secretary
Aleer replied: "We are preparing for
immediate, action and we try to keep so
prepared, but plans made today may of
necessity have to be changed tomorrow,
and that i3 why we are compelled to
keep absolute silence, for -every detail
that becomes doubtful .necessitates an
other change."
Blockade of Harass.
On Board New York Off Hataxa
(via Key West), May S.-r-The blockade
of Havana continues. The United
fleet at this hour is somewhat
bout 10 miles off
MuinifMBT. 1 '"' cruiser Montgomery
and tfo'Wjf jQsceola have ust arrived
fronEeTVeet. The Indiana, Detroit
and Mayflower are lying close to the
flagsJripNjiwYork The Mayflower is
. r - -; TT -
Provisions Scarce and Prices J?eyond
the fieaci of tfie Majority.
Sfvaaiik Threaten Death to Eajllak aad
Stone the Cemalate New Toriilica
tloas Being Thrown Up Bad Con
ditions In Porto Bice.
: British ftfllsr
t. i- T i.. ' . v
Key West. The weather
stiff breeze is blowing.
ana Taylor came on
p daring the day ana
n with Rear Admiral
;ptam Chadwick. The
Strathdee, Captain Cur-
Progress to Sagna la Grande
? j , i
imhuu 10 iieavu to cany
r two shots had been
ihip. The Strathdee
Sd her iflpntitv and
ti j t-i
a , sceea, as oagua la
ueo. pore, jap-
a topped twice
Now Orleans Puts to Sea.
New York, May 2. The cruiser New
Orleans, in command of Captain Folirer.
left the navy yard dock at ll -An o'clock
Sunday morning. As she steamed down
the river toward the upper bay, she
was greeted with a chorus of steam
whistles from tho craft in the river.
There was a large throng of sightseers
on the Brooklyn bridge and a mighty
cheer was given to the vessel as Bhe
glided under the big span. -Off Tomp
Mnsville, S. L, the Topeka was sighted
at anchor and both vessels dipped their
ensigns in mutual recognition. With
out stopping the New Orleans put
straight out to sen.
Gsardlag Powder Mills.
WnaoxGTOX, DeL, May 2. Yester
day batteries G and M, Fourth artillery, I
TT-:f.J O i. i . ? 1 r ,
uimeu. oiaies nny, arriyeu at juonnu
Ohanin, a small station near the Du
pont Powder works, k via Wilmington.
They will act as a guard at the powder
works. Since the-explosion of powder
mills in different parts of tho country,,
the government and the Dupont com
pany have feared treachery on the part
of Spanish agents, and the government
decided to place an armed patrol about
the works. The artillerists came from
Washington. Only employes are now
allowed near the factory.
'May U. Comparative
ith the army in Chick-
ay. lio new orders of
I been received, and
nicates an immediate
can be noticed. Hard drilling
and the work'of thoroughly organizing
the various Mgiments and divisions
goes steadily oft. The First regiment of
cavalry, composed of 700 men, is spend
ing the day getting in shape for exhibi
tion tomorrow anderits commander,
Colonel A. K. Arnold. Tho regiment
Will appear in the big parade which
opens Chattanooga's spring festival.
General Brooke and staff and many
other officers will be guests of honor.
a.fl VVIl tfnt n . r. A n t A n n
Horss Coagrratalates Dewer.
WASmxaTOX, May 2. Representative
Lavingstone (Ga.) has introduced this
resolution in tho house i "Resolved,
That the thanks of congress be, and
they are hereby, tendered to Commodore
sqnadronTtor the eminent skill and
valor exhibited by him and his squad
ron in the recent engagement, resulting
in his glorious victory and the destruc
tion of the Spanish fleet at Manila."
HoBe Pastes Emergency BUI.
Washikgton', May 2. The house
passed wituouc division-the army
emergency bill. The bill includes 150,-
084 for expenses of the Cuban expedi
tionary force, and also $350,000 for tor
pedo work. The bill appropriates about I
136,000,000 for war expenses. It was
explained that volnnteers would be paid
from the time of enrolment and their
expenses from their homes to the place
of enrtdmer,Boni3 by the government.
Government Secures Illinois.
Philadelphia,- May 2. It was an
nounced yesterday that the steamship
Illinois, formerly of the American
steamship line, has been secured by the
government and will probably be used
as a transport. The Illinois was one of 1 lave
four boats built by the Cramps for the
American line in 1874, her sister ships
being the Pennsylvania, Ohio and
Indiana, and they were the first to fly
the American flag in the trantatlantio
trade. The boat is !M0 feet, long, 43
feet beam, and 8'i.l feet deep of hold.
She has three decks, five bulkheads and
triple expansion engines.
Mexican Officials Cautioned.
Mexico City, May 2. The govern
ment has cautioned its employers to ob
serve in act and conversation entire
neutrality regarding the American
Spanish war. The masses of the peo
ple are undoubtedly for Cuba, but the
i , t . i-,
uoenu papers are lor spam, aud it is
suspected that Spanish influence is
actuating their policy. The clerical
papers are naturally hostile to the
United States.
MJaatoaomah Sails.
Charlestok, S. C, May 2. The
monitor Miantonomah sailed at noon
Sunday for Key West. While here the
monitor took on a full supply of coal
and fresh water and also had some
slight repairs made to her machinery.
She went out with everything ap
parently in good condition.
Vermont legislature to Act.
CfTKKTER. Vt.. .Mav 2. Govarnor
Grout has called an extra session of the vill be sent
Kingston, Jamaica,. April 0. Ad
vices from Santiago de1 Cuba 'are that
on Saturday last, Pombo, commandant
general of that division, proclaimed
that every man between 15 and 50 must
volunteer in the Spanish service under
nenaltv of arrest, trial and death. A
reign of terror exists in the city and
thousands leave nightly. The British
consul there has cabled for a warship,
A strong anti- British feeling prevails
in, Santiago de Cuba. The street crowds
a few nights ago cried "Death to tho
English" in front of the British con
sulate and threw stones at the consul,
who has charge of the American relief
work. He has been threatened with
personal violence. Tho authorities
have placed a guard over the consulate.
Senor Chucho de JJianduiey, mag
istratof the high court of Santiago,
and known as an intense .Spanish sym
pathizer, one of the ino3t prominent
men in the city, left for the camp of
the Cuban Brigadier General Chavellos.
.He was accompanied by several kins
men and his going produced a vivid iin
pression. The exodus from the city
has continued by night, the Spaniards
making no opposition, except that a few
men have been arrested as examples
Five thousand persons have.lefc-for the
i country since, the proclamation, lour
j fifths beintr women and children. The
I Spanish, soldiery now assume a ully
ing attitude and threaten to Jail every
Cuban left in the city when the block
ade begins. When the American fleet
appears, as it is daily expected to, all
tho noncombatants will be expelled.
Though the governor of the city, En
rique Caprilles, has seized for the gov
eminent all the large stores of food in
private hands, many shops still do busi
ness with small stocks, the prices
doubling day by day. Monday meat
was 40 cents a pound, Tues
day 70 cents and today it is $1
a pound. Chickens are $2.50 a
piece. The governor announced today
to quiet public alarm that a ship loaded
with provisions was expected, but
when, where from and what is her
name, nobody knowsj Tho story is not
The Spauish soldiers, and especially
the sick, are also abominably fed.
About 1,400 sick in the military hos
pitals bere get nothing except bean
soup three times' a day, with aii ounce
of meat to a plate. Two thousaud sol- f
diers in San Luis hospital have had !
only salt fish this week, and the coudi-1
tions are now so bad that the Spaniards
would almost rejoice to surrender after
onogood fight The preparations for.
defense are going forward, however.
A new battery has been erected
the west barbor entrance with four
rapid fire guns, and 10 or 12 more rapid
fire, small caliber guns will be mounted
on Morro and the cast side battery.
The Morro fort has at least 50 ancient
brass cannon, marked 17G1. There are
reports about torpedoes in tho channel
and harbor, but they are confusing.
Preparations have certainly been made
to lay torpedoes, but whether it has
been actually done is not known.
Strong floating mines are ready to be
placed. The Spaniards assemble night
ly in the chief streets yelling, "Long
Spain" and "Death to the
No Direct Report Expected From Dcyrej
Jor Two Days.
Y'-WASHiXGTOJr, May 2. Joy beamed
fea every countenance, at the navy de
partment this morning and the officials
exchanged enthusiastic congratulations
on Commodore Dewey's victory as they
entered the department to tako up their
daily tasks. Many of tho officers were
tired and worn to the verge of nervous
prostration by tho exhausting labors of
the last few weeks, but all fatigue was
forgotten for the moment as they
stopped to talk of the battle of Manila.
There was anxious inauiry from, all
sources for some kind, of news of the
details of tho fight. It was" realized
by the officials that nothing can be cx
pected directly from Commodore
Dewey in tho usual course for at least
two days more. -There is, however,
possibility that some information, at
least more reliable and freer from color
than that which comes from Madrid,
may be f orthcominghrongh the Brit
ish .foreign office. The cabled report
that the British consul general at Ma
nila, after the conflict, held a confer
ence with Commodore .Dewey indicates
clearly that he is at least in possession
of the American story of the naval bat
tie, and probably has been acquainted
with the" extent of the loss suffered by
the American ships. It is not doubted
that if the opportunity offera tho con
sular officer will communicate promptly
the facts to his home government, and
it is just as possible that he has been
requested by Commodoro Dewey to see
to it that a brief and fair statement of
the facts ars transmitted to the United
States government.
Secretary Alger declared that it was
a glorious victory," but, in common
with other officials of the administra
tion, declined to make extended com
ment on it. Navy and army circles,
after manifesting throughout tho day
the greatest eagerness forx news from
the Philippines, received with intense
joy the news from Admiral Dewey's
fleet. Their satisfaction that tho defeat
of the Spanish had been overwhelming
was strengthened by reason of tho
news coming first almost wholly from
Madrid and they wero quickly unre
served in expressing their gratification
upon the signal triumph of tho Amer
ican forces.
Acutnaltla'5 Policy.
New York, May 2. A copyrighted
cablegram from Singapore to" the World
says : Upon his arrival at Hong Kong
General Aguinalda, the insurgent
eader of tho Philippines, will probably
be transferred to an American dispatch
boat to join Commodore Dewey at Ma
nila. Aguinalda's policy, after the.
Philippines have been enptnre'd, em"
braces the independence of tho islands
and the internal affairs to be controlled
under European and American advisers.
The insurgents desire American protec
tion, temporarily at leas, on tho.samo
lines as proposed after tho Cuban cam
paign. The Echemo includes freo
trade to the world, safeguards!
I enacted against an influx, of
Chinese aliens, a complete reforma
tion in the corrupt judicature under
, European officials and the abolition and
expulsion of religious fraternitie3.
at ' Spaniards have committed horrible
massacre of defenseless population.
Cebu City was almost entirely destroyed.
. J!
Sa&iefeas Circamstauees Sarroaad the
j' Disaster.
Eastok, Pa,, April 29. The town of
Dojjer, in Morris county, N. J., and tho
country within a radius of 30 miles
waf startled last evening by a series of
teriific explosions, the first of which
occurred at 2 :10 o'clock.
-The explosions eccarred in, the At
lantic Powder company's works, and
theTplant is a mass of ruins. Six work
men- were Killed, four serionslv in-
junjd, some probably fatally. The re
mains of tho dead have not been re
pv!red. The dead are:
JlLyred Rarick.
CisperRay. - .
David Scherer.
William Hatcohs. '
All the killed were married and leave
The works were situated in an iso
lated spot seven miles out in & rough
country from Dover. There were 10
buildings in the group, and all were
destroyed. The first explosion occurred
in one of the packing houses, cau3ed, it
is thought, by a spark from the pipe of
a careless smoker. The concussion set
off the explosives in another house near
Debris and burning timbers of tho
wrecked buildings were carried high
into the air and fell in a shower over
Highest Honors World's Faky
Golii Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pare Grape Creas ef Tartar Pewtfer -40
first Cjcloae of tke Seasea Create IIjitoo
Ih Thrco States.
Sioux Crrv.May 2. The storm which
originated Saturday near Valparaiso,
Neb., crossed the Missouri, river to
South Dakota, where it struck the
towns of Elk Point and Richland, and
finally wound up in Northern Iowa.
the remaining buildings, setting fire to Westfield, Akron, Mallard, Archer and
me.mainiaciory ana uie other five Maurice suffered. Another brannh of
Status of Spanish Subjects In America.
"Wasiiejgto.v, May 2. Tho president
has in course of preparation a proclama
tion which will bo issued within a day
or two, fixing tho status of Spanish sub
jects in this country. Generally speak
ing, the proclamation will mate it
known that such subjects are under sus
picion and, it is believed, will announce
that stringent measure will be taken to
prevent their hindering a speedy and t
successful conduct of a war against the
kingdom of Spain.
Bad Conditions In Porto Rico.
St. Thohas, West Indies, April 30.
Famine and smallpox are killing men,
women and children in Porto Rice The
conditions in the interior are horrible.
Children are perishing of starvation,
and the villages are petitioning the
government for succor. Smallpox is
epidemic. Draught animals are dying,
and the desperate, starving peasants
are killing beeves in the highways, cut
ting them up and distributing tho por
tions among the hungry.
Patriotic Enthusiasm at Detroit.
Detroit, April SO. A stirring exhi-
; bitipn of patriotic enthusiasm was en
acted at the inaugural of the new Detriot
light guard armory last night Sousa's
musical spectacle, (r,Troop of tho
Colors,." was the feature of the evening
and the national airs and waving flags
fired the patriotic ardor of the audience
of 8,000 to an unwonted degree.
Neary every one present joined in the
"Star Spangled Banner" .finale.
Oregon Will Nat Tarry In Port.
Montevideo, May 2. It is announced
here in a dispatch from Rio Janeiro,
Brazil, that the United States gunboat
Marietta, as well as the United States
battleship Oregon arrived at that port
yesterday. It is added that the vessels
W.U resnm6 their voyage north today,
accompanied by the United States
dynamite cruiser Nictheroy, recently
purchased from Brazil by tho govern
ment of the United States.
legislature for May 5 to provide f undd
for the subsistence and transportation
of Vermont troops. Tho state militia
will be -mobilized Saturday, May 7, at
A. Spanish Story.
Madrid, May 2. A dispatch from
Havana says that many Cubans are
Eagle For the Gaardsmen.
Eldora, la., April 30. A large
golden eagle that has been kept in cap
tivity for three yeais has gust been pur
chased by a company of citizens and
to Camp McKinley, Des
juoines, as a present to company G,
Iowa National Guard, of Fort Dodge.
The bird, which is a beautiful speci
men, has been named ''Fort Dodge."
' Cyclone Wipes Out a Town.
Perry, O. T., May 2. Parties ar
riving here from Duncan, L T., a town
of 3,000, southeast of here, report that a
cyclone struck there last night, nearly
wiping out the entire town. A child
was killed ind 10 persons hurt, some
Chased by Spaniards.
Turks Islajcd, May 2. Tho Ameri
can steamer Cherokee, which arrived
yesterday with J ,b00 bags of sugar, was
chased by Spanish ships Tuesday night
when leaving Macoris for San Domingo.
General raf&naKdr Doaanage oi me
Missouri PmiSc, has announced that
the positions of any of the employes of
the road who enlisted would be re
served for the.nntil hostilities ended.
Sixty torpedoes, ordered by Brazil at
the Whitehead torpedo factory in
Fiume, havo been ceded, with Brazil's
- consent,-s-theUnited States. Jtorty-
five have already been 'forwarded to
The .Bad (Droefship, State of Texas,
with nurses -sad -medicine, arrived at
Key West Aril 38 from New York. She
wilUnroc&e k Sagna la Grande. The
State of Teias carries supplies from
Nebraska, western Iowa. and South Da
The east hoa&d sail train on .the
Soathem PaolSo was stopped- by six
masked hkrhwaymen Thursday night
atCoButookr Tex.. 206 miles west of
San Antonio, aad the mail and express
oar were blown' open with dynamite.
. Nobody was iajkred.
The Haytiaa goveraiHeDt lias officially
lniormed the United States minister
in response to im demand on the sub
ject that Havti will jf b211 all the terms
of her tmty wick the United States, in.
regard to privateering, etc., daring the
war oetween Spainand the united
Spanish stMM nrft Vrnnwn tn "ha af.
work, not oidy ja WwshiMtba,' bst in-j
u nuw Ui HW OtHUtrf. XJB8 expOHKK
oi im powder null at San -i rancisco
several days ago and the scgioakm of
the powder miR at Dover, N. J., are be
lieved to have bee, caused by Spanish
The 'officers of 4e Buois If&bnal
Lira stgaed a comatainc&tien. and
i to Governor Tanner, strongly
opposing and proteeuB? against tne
aetton of congress and taVseeretary of
"war, whieh, the oemenioatk)n al
leges, will result in breaking np the
Jfhtional Gnard otjjiwil Ann, of Illinois.
The cocaaiaHioaiioti will be siwit to
Fwsident KeXinler with Governor
Tanaer'a indoraosnMt. -
Bancroft Sails For Norfolk.
Boston, April 80. The United Stales
gunboat Bancroft sailed from Charles-.
offering their services to the Spaniards morning. She carried her full arma-
to -repei tne American attacKs ' and it menfc of r
Brings Explosives from Enslan d.
New York, May 2. Tho Atlantic
transport line steamer Michigan, Which
arrived last night fromliondon, brought
566 cases of cordite addressed to the""
commandant of the Brooklyn navy
Salisbury Returns to .Loudon.
London, May 2. Lord Salisbury re
turned to London this afternoon. He
appeared bronzed and robust and his
private secretary said he had nevor
seen the premier looking better.
packinghouses and the shell house:
In f. brief time the explosives iu these
buildings wero exploded and left death
and destruction in their wake. The
works have baen running day and
night, turning out rush orders for the
government, and a largo amount of am
munition ready for shipment was
stored in the packing houso. This.
with all other explosives, was com
plelely destroyed.
The scene presented at tho place was
terrible. People who 'felt tho shocks
and saw the flames ;of the burning
structures flocked to tho place from
mites around, but could render no aid
to tho injured. Tho people wero terri
fied and held back in constant fear of
otb!4r explosions. .
A few men who were in tho buildimrs
mahaged to escape, and Ihey ran about
the, country bewilderfed. They could
givo no intelligent account of the ex
plotdon. ;
Soldiers at Chlckamauir-.i. JSr Orleans
and Mobile Ordered to Move.
CmcKAJiAUGA National Park, Ga.,
April 29. The two companies of tho
Ninth (colored) cavalry, which arrived
pa Chattanooga lato yesterday after
noon, were stopped after having started
to Ohickamauga and switched into the
"Western and Atlantic yards. Orders
weie received to have the troops pro
ceed as rapidly as possible to Tampa..
Fla., to which point troops from Mobile
have also been ordered.
Ii; is positively known that all of tho
Ninth cavalry, the Twenty-fourth in
fantry and the entire eight batteries of
artillery now centered at Chickamauga
will leave for the south as soon as they
can be loaded onto the cars, which aro
in ieadiness for them. By tonight it is
thought all of the. trains will be on
their way to Tampa. Shortly before.
10 o'clock last night a bugler of the"
Ninth cavalry with tho two companies
of that regiment which arrived from
Utah yesterday afternoon-, sounded tho
assembly and the few troopew who
had been given permission to leave the
cans hurried along tho streets to tho
railroad yards. News of tho ordering
of the troops south drew a tremendous
crowd around the depot and railroad
yards in spite of the late hour and tho
soldiers were cheered again and again
as the train pulled out.
Governor Gives the Militiamen to Under
stand They Must Enlist Individually.
Des Moines, April 29. Governor
Shaw yesterday took an open part in
the reorganization trouble among the
Iowa National Guards. He made
speeches to the men oa the field and
gave them to understand that if they
enlisted it was to be with officers, and
meij on 'an equal footing. He said
some officers would have to go as
privates, that an examining board had
been appointed to examine the men
wanting commisiions. When civen
the storm struck Ole, Whitney and
Smithland, but did comparatively lit
tle damage. John P. Johnson, a farm
er near Richland, S. D. is the only vic
tim of the cyclone so far as known.
Along the path of the storm many
houses are demolished, and crops have
suffered greatly from the hail, which
accompanied it. At Maurice two grain
elevators and the Sioux City and North
ern depots wero blown to pieces.
New York Stocks.
New York, May 2. There wa3an
enormous, pressure to stocks at t-heopen-ing
on the strength of the naval vic
tory in the Philippines, and quotations
were almost lost in the scramble.
leven thousand shares of St. Paul
changed hands at-the opening at prices
all the way from b9l to 92. Simultan--
eons sales of 3,800 shares of Burlington
wero made from Go to 97. Sugar was
also eagerly brought, and rose quickly
4J to 130. Gains in specialties ranged
from 2 to 4 points, and in tho railroad
list generally the rise was between 1
and 2 points. Heavy blocks of stock
were taken in tho trading, and there
was great, excitement on 'change.
Bewej's Instructions.
Washington, May 2. It can be
stated on authority that the president's
instructions to Commodoro Dewey do
not involve specifically bombardment
of the city of Manila, but the commo
dore was instructed to do whatover was
necessary within tho limits of civilized
warfare to take possession of the island,
.and if a bombardment is necessary to
this end one will take place. It is ex
pected, however, that our Asiatic
squadron will not bombard the city of
Manila unless it harbors troops who are
operating offensively against us.
Iowa and Nebraska Postmasters.
Washington, May 2. The president
today sent these nominations to the .sen
ate: Postmasters, Nebraska William
H. Harrison, Grand Island ; Frank D.
Reed, Shelton ; Samuel H. Steele.David
City;E. T. Pruitt, Arapahoe. Iowa
G. A. Watts, Clear Lake ; Joseph S
Morgan, Dubuque ; William F. Thero,
Farmington; C. B. Sander, Spencer;
Thomas L. Green,- West Union.
General Barrj's Orders to Break Camp.
Lincoln, May 2. General Barry has
issued the order fixing the exact time
for the departure of the volunteers
from Camp Alvin Saunders for old
Fort Omaha. The order recites that
tho camp will be broken at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning, and the troops
marched from the fairgrounds into Lin
coln to the Missouri Pacific depot,
where they will board the special cars
provided for them.
Vatsr Tta DW.
Washington, Acil .The hw
y oc towlay passed' the war rsv&BWbiii
with only the amendments agreed npen
by the Republican members of tho
ways and means committee added. In
order to accomplkh-thk a. parliament
ary maneuver was necessary, as the
whole time for amendments was ex
hansteU by the minority in trying to
amend the bond features of the kxlL
Mr. Dingley offered as a .sabetitate aa
entirely new bill containing these
amendments after the. bill bad been re
ported to the honse-. This was aoid
parliamentary trick freely resorted to
years ago. The Morrill tariff law was
passed in this way in its original, lecm
after if had been 4ofedX down with
amendments in eommitiee of the
whole. Many amendments were of
fered to the bond feature of the bill
ranging from a proposition for the stD- iT700I?HEES IiUCAS,
l.Ve. 6 Local f sesesger. a at
lb. 2-Fset MaH.-v -too ax
No. 4 Chicago apecwi
No. 25-Way Freigkt :05 x
Train Ne2 and 4 stop oely atLexiBg
ton ssd Kearney between Jorth Platte,
aud Grand Island.
,rx-r. unrNll VODMTAIN TIME.
Xn. 5-Comte Special GdO a x
Ncl-Limited.. -ffi
No. 3 -Fast Mail . . ... - -. -
No. 23 Way Freignt
No: 21-Fast Freight. . ... - --3do p x.
Office over Model Clothing Hpaee,
stitunon of
tho aathorizatioa f or an -issue of 160,- I
000, 000' in greenbacks.
But all were voted down and at the
last minute the .Democrats decided to
offer the motion to commit with instruc
tions to report back the income tax pro-
- . L A I
vision as an amendment inwetiu
snbstitnte to the bond proposition. This
was due to the fact that a number of
Democrats had declined to vote to
strike out tho! bond provision. The
motion was defeated. Fonr,' Repub
licans voted with the .Domocrats and
Populists on this vote, .out oa the
final passage of the bill wnicn was car
ried yeas, 11 ; nays, 131, the Demo
crats and Populists, with six exceptions,
voted solidly against the bill. The
Democrats who voted for the bill we18
Messrs. Cnmmings, McCIellan, and.
Gsggs of New X!ork; Fitzgerald
(Mass.), McAleer (Pa.), Wheeler (Ala).
Two Republicans, Messrs. LmneyXN.
C.) and Thorp (Va.), voted with the
opposition. Quito a number or demo
crats declined to vote.
Office over First National Bank.
Offices: Nerth Platte National Bank
-Buildisg, North PIatte,.Neb.
Over Rrst National Bant, . -
OQicex)Yer Loogley's Drugstore,
RhssUb Sympathize With Spain.
London, April bO. The Moscow cor
respondent of the Standard says : Pub-.
ic opinion m Russia,- so far as it is ex
pressed, sympathizes with Spam.
Apart from admiration for tho courage
that ventures upon a conflict with an
overwhelmingly superior antagonist,
Russia has received a severe blow in
the suspected friendly agreement be
tween the United States and England.
The Russians do not forget placing
their fleet at the disposal fit the north
in the war of secession in 1861 and they
are bitterly aggrieved that the United
States is not equally mindful of this
service now.
Woodford Sails.
Paius, April 80. General Woodford,
accompanied by Mr. Sickle, his sec re
tary of legation, and the naval and mil
itary attaches, will sail by La Tonrainet
today from Havre for New York. The
will go thence to Washington. Mrs.
and Miss Woodford will remain in
arisfor'the present. The recall of
General Woodford was highly unex
pected. Argentine Will Sell Coal,
Buenos Ayres, April 30. It is an
nounced that the Argentine republic
will publish a decree of neutrality dur
ing the war between Spain and the
United States, but ic appears certain
that the government will reserve abso
lute liberty of action in regard to coal.
Office OTer Nortb f Iatta Nations! 'Bank.
First National Bank Building,
Office over Yellow Front Shoe Store,
As nsual, I am again prepared to
furnish the people of North Platte
with a superior quality ot lake ice.
I have an abundance of it, Jand my
customers are assured a full sup
ply throughout the season.
Orders left at Streitz's drugstore
will receive prompt attention.
Im. Edis.
Madrid Papers S.y Oaly Oao Male Was
Killed. la Matanzas fiombardmnL
Madrid, Aprilaa. It t-was 'officially The.b.est
announced today tho fortifications of
Matanzas have not suffered "in spite of
tho 300 shells fired bv the American
fleet," and that "not one man was
dlled or wounded thereby." In offi
cial circles the stories of the bombard
ment received via the Fnited States are
read with shouts of derisive laughter.
The Imparcial says it regrets Dandet
did not live to write "Tartar in Yankee
Admiral," based, it adds, oh Sampson's"
glorious 18 minutes' bombardment Of
Matanzas, resulting, as the official dis
patch informs us, "in the death of-a
Can be Found at.
the chance to drop out none did so, but
the men have continued to threaten to
go home.
Telegrams from sheriffs in 45 counties
were received at Governor Shaw's
office yesterday, reporting men oirhand
to fill out the Iowa quota according to
tho proclamation. Eight hundred re
cruits were reported, 600 being drilled
men. Three hundred new men were
enlisted at camp yesterday.
Our Ten-Cent Cigfars are
- equal of any.
Captain General Blanco, in his report -Your, attention is invited to
of the bombardment of Matanzas, says Our fine line of Chewinp; and
tho French and Austrian consuls have ct,:'ri i
entered protests on tho eround that no JS uuaucus ana omOK-
provious warning was given. Crs articles.
is added they will be incorporated into a ' nition,
iuDan brigade, which is now being
' guns and all necessary animu-
Spain Knuckles to Italy.
Rome, May 2. A special from tho
Spanish government has notified Italy
that the decree declaring su7,nur an
article contraband of war would be revoked.
few fipanlaU Ironclad.
Madrid, May 2. It is reported that
a new Spanish ironclad, which is beiug
nuen out at uarthagena, will soon join
tno Spanish squadron at Cadiz.
Grant's NcpUew to Eeport.
Chicago, April 30. Lieutenant Ba
nec Dent, a retired naval officer, has re
ceived, orders to report at once on board
the, training ship Constellation, now at
V" s "T- T T - .
Aewporc, a. j.. juieutenant JLent is a
nephew of General Grant. He ten
dered his services to Secretary Long
and the oner was at once accepted.
Gladstone 3eaxlBKad.
Lokdox, April 90, A privato, dis
patch from Ha warden to a prominent
politician in this city says Mr. Glad
stone is rapidly nearing his end.
Will Kxpel .Americans.
Loxdox, April SO. A special dispatch
from Madrid says the Spanish govern
ment is going to expel all United States
citizens froaf Spain.
Bverxe3- 8a; s S,
Gaeoareta Caady. Cathartic, the meet
wonder f al medical discovery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act
gently and poeitkely on kidneys, liver.
itm bowels, cleaasmt? the entire svstem'"
urepets coioe, care headache. lever, ha
bitual coastipatxHi and biliousness.
Please buy una try a box of C..C. C. to
day; iu, 'Jo and 50 cents. Sold and guar.,
aateed to cure by all druggists.
Naval Appropriation Bill.
Washingt6x, April 3d. At Friday's
session of the senate the report of the
conference on the naval appropriation
bill was presented and agreed to. The
measure, as perfected carries a little
more than $57,000,000.
If en York Slocks.
New York, April SO. The stock
market developed quite" a buoyant tone
under the leadership of Sugar, which
bounded up almost- Anoints, to 125.
Spanish Spy Is Executed.
Key West, May 2. Jose Yelias, who
was charged with plotting to blow up
the. Puritan, has been executed.
Fifteen hundred stonecutters and
helpers, struck at Chicago Monday,
against a cut from $ per day to fJ. It
is feared other building trades will be
The town of Mobeetie, Tex., was al
most totally destroy d by a cyclone
Sunday morning. John Stocker. Mrs.
W. S. Wright, Mrs. Ruf us Kitchen and
Baby Masterson were killed.
New York Opens on Spanish.
0.v Flagship New Youk Off Ha
vana, (via Key West) April 20. In an
swer to a volley fired from Spanish cav
alry on shore at Cabanas last evening
the New York sent 11 shells in tho di
rection of the Spaniards. The enemy's
fire was silenced at the first shot from
tho New York. Whether any Span
iards wero killed or wounded could not
be ascertained. Spanish shots woro not
observed to como anywhere in the vic
inity of the flagship, which at onco re
turned to the station off Morro. The
-f Spaniards would never havo been fired
oil had they not provoked the attack.
Powder Exploaloa Kills Fifteen.
SANjFiiANCJijCO, April 29 News has
jnst "reached the city of a terrible ex
plosion of powder that was being car
ried by pack train to Colonel Dan
Burns' Candelaria mine iu Mexico. 1
is reported that 218 boxes of powder
and 20,000 caps exploded with such
force that 15 men and 50 mules were
New York Slocks.
New Youk, April 2&. There was
quite an animated opening to the stock
market today and prices advancer.,
Manhattan and sugar leading the way
with a gain of a point each. General
Electric showed,a loss of .
Tisrc is & Claw ef People .
wbo are injured by the use of coffee.. Re
cently there has been placed in all the j
grocery stores a new preparation called
GRAIN O, made of pure grains, that the place of coffee. The. most del
icate stomach receives it without dis
tress, and but few can tell it from coffe.
It does not cost over 14 as much. Chil
dren may drink it with great benefit 15
cts. and 25- cts. per package. Try it.
Lead and sugar are advancing rapidly
m ljonaon owing to the war. -
A steamer chartered hv Hon? Konc
banks has gone to Manila to bring away
una specie mere.
lThe New Athens, I1L, brewery plant
w as untireiy ourned, ij'ridav, causing a
loss estimated at $100,000 ; fully insured.
.rroi. Gary Betz, orginator of tho sys
tem of calisthenics taught in the Kansas
City public schools.died there Thursday.
Fire Jit Worthing, S. D., burned to tho
ground the armory. The ammunition,
uniforms and guns of company D, Na
tional guards, were totally destroyed.
Governor Lee of South Dakota se
cured a change in the order of tho. war
department making Huron the ren
dezvous of state troops, and the cen
tralization will be at Sioux Falls, i
Judge Asquith, 75 years of age; and
hi3 wife Marion, aged 72, woro found
dead in bed Friday in their homa'j&t;
Chicago. The old couple had evidently
committed suicide by asphyxiation. t
Whoopirg cough is the most distres
sing malady;but its duration can be cut
short by tbe use of One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also the best known rem
edy for croup and all lung and bronchial
troubles. North Platte Pharmacv. V;
- " ( -,
Xlttlo News at Navy Department.
Washington, April 30. About tho
only item of news that camo to tho navy
department from any official source
told of the departure of that part of the
Spaiiish Cape Verde fleet which con
sisted of torpedo boats and transports
for the Canaries. Tha fact that two of
th.e -torpedo boats were in tow of tho
big transports, naval officers regarded
as a' sign that in the collision which
thesa vessels are reported to have had
yesterday tho machinery of tho boats
was, disabled beyond the possibility of
repair at at. Vincent.
Will Be Held as Prisoners of War.
Niiw York, April 80. The Evening
rostis iiey West special says : All the
ao pjisaengers on the captured steamer
Pamima will bo held as prisoners of
war; They left New York with the
intentions of belligerency, not of keep
ing tho neutralities,-, one of the men be
mg on the way to join tho Spanish
army. The United States marshal will
turn them oyer to tho army authorities,
What will iodgo them in Fort Taylor.
Dolphin Cap tares Another Prise.
WisHixoTOJ, April SO. A Key West
special says the Dolphin captured an
other prize, the schooner Lolle. The
Lollcj was taken off Havana harbor.
Cloan btsedt-
Beaaty Is Bleed Deep.
a eteaa skin, tfn
.clean; by starrta up the i&zy lirer and
driving all impurities from tbebody.
Begin to-day to banish .pimples, boils.
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,
beauty for ten cents. All druggist.
satisf iction guaranteed 10c., .25c., 150c.
Plock to See tho Guards.
Des Moines, May a. The largest
crowd ever assembled in this city gath
ered atr Camp McKinley Sunday.
Twenty thousand visitors camo in on
excursion trains. Farmers drovo in
from all directions, and with the peo
ple of Des Moines the crowd aggregated
60,000. Each of the four regiments
field a dress parade, and all were given
great ovations.
Movements ot Warships.
PROVixcETOWjf, Mass., May 2. The
cruiser San Francisco steamed into this
harbor at 9 7 and. dropped anchor near
the KatalTdin.
Death of Ex-Jadse Day.
Des Moines, May 2. James G. Day,
ex-judge of the Iowa supreme court, is
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
Chicago, May 2. Wheat today opened
down ono point. The chief influence was tho
witwa trow jaaniin, as uewpj a victory sug
gested a speedy- ending of the war. July
wneac opened at advanced to 95Jf and
reacted to 04c. '
Corn, oats and provisions wero without spe
cial feature.
"WnBAT-May,H.2j; July. WTio.
Conrr May, aio; July,
Oats May, aoc ; July. 255io.
Pobk May, UO.0):July,H.12Jf
Labd May, tt.75 ; July, 15.83.
Bijh May, I5.5J; July, J5.55
Cash quotations: No. 2 red wheat. J1.20;
No. 3 red, L1U($U7; No. 2 hard, H.08:No.
3hard,JI.02lO3; No. 2 spring. J1.08; No. 3
spring, Jl.00Ul:No. 1 northern spring, JL20;
No. 2 corn, W31Ke: No. 2 oats, Slc.
Soath Omaha Live Stock.
Knirrn Ouini AJTv 9 TVattlA T r a n
000; 510c lower: native beef steers, jiuxst&i.- Neived here today from Manila oanital LUIlLPSE flTirl PATP"R"A"MTrQ
cu .vs ana iiMuera. toa(Si.; canners, J2a
(SAiw: stocicers and feeders, KJ.7o($4.&5; calves,
;j.00(i.73; balls, stags, etc., 5J3.73. Hogs
Receipts, 2.6J0: 5c higher: heavy. jaoorS.i.95-
mixed.3.9u3.92; light, W.e53.R); bnlk of
sales, J3.9J. Sheep Beceipts, 7,100; steady to
easier; fair to choice natives, VSTOQsL&i: fair
Extraordinary ftaTal aad Military Actlr- T 7K T "V v-v t v
Ity Disputed. . A TO
Paris, April 29. It is announced that J A. J 9
extraordinary naval and military activ
ity is displayed throughout France. All
the ships recently mobilized are kept in
43 1-1..? a mi
uguwng mm. xne reserves expect to
be called out.
At Brest there is much comment on
the fact that tho work on the arsenal
continues until a late hour every night,
and the workmen are employed all day
Sundays. Large orders for war ma
terials have been placed, and all the
coast batteries have been supplied with
provisions aad munitions sufficient for
several months. It is also announced
that fresh batteries have been erected
at Ushant.
U. P. R.R. Land Agent,
Is leasing lands in this county for
the low price of
$10 Per Onarter,
or S35 per section, for pasture land.
300,000 AORES
for sale or lease,
over Harrington
Call at his office
&-Tobins store.
Bpanlsh Pallor oa the Fnrltaa Can eh t
Tampering With s Magazine,
New York, April 29. A Key "West
special says:, A sailor on the monitor
i-uriiau nas oeen convwted of treason.
tanzaa. Ho was caught filing the lock ? uODtFaetOK QDa BUlldeK, f
of a magazine and was fnnnrt miih, ?
a drumhead court martial and was sen
tenced to be shot.
Advices From Manila.
-""""' -ffw. JlSDaiQfioi ro
ruuipoine island, ur W TT.,;.
ed States fleet is expected to arrive b
Manila on Sanday. The Spanish fleet
u oeen niviued into two squadrons
Two cruisers, the' Oastilla and other
Tesseis remain near the front nf u,.,;!
to choice westerns, W-RXsl-M; comraoa and The remaining Spanish warshir! nnflo
KfyvV k(wn i.rno'Al fti. i .. I . , , . , o l n oxflmpg, under
"""' umirai aontejo, are patrolling the
western coast, awaiting the arrival of
. laencan snips. The Spanish fleet,
j i-iua, " Deen remlurced by a
auxuiary cruiser, said tobecaoa-J
u mrauuiiK jokhs and. armoH oa
I a warship.
Charleston Dens War Paint.
Vaixejo, CrL, Anril 29 tk ;
Charleston will be ready for sea service
the usual war color. Work
ionctown and Phaadelphia
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, May 2. Hog3 Beceipts. 38,000; ac
tive and. 5c higher; light, I3.0st06; mixed,
J3.9j4.b7K; rough. IS.Ojgl.0a Cattle fie
.ceipts, 20.W0; weak and generally JOo lower
beeves, $a.&X5.:3 : -covrs aad heifers. nda.i s
I Texas 8teers. j:t75LW;tockcrs3 and feeders!
f r7liS. Ifeeep ReceiptH, 22,000 ; weak to lite
lower; natives, riaxstao westerns, ti.7altt4.m
lambs, .7oS.l.
Kaasa CltyJLIre Stock.
Kansas Uitt, May 2. Cattle Keceipta, 3,
500; riow, wsak; Texan .steers. )8-Sia..i .
Texas eows, t3,504.1u: native steers, t8.S3
4.93; bvb eews aad heifers, 2.&4.$7
Btock&rs aad feeders. .Xi3L TTt. '
ceipta, 5,201; steady to higher, active; halk
of aales, J8.7si96; heavy, OAaeirpaekera.
13.758.96; mixed, J3.7u.5J.9j: lizht. SLftkaa si.'
Beceipt, 2,W) ; steady ; lambs, Jl.OOSe.STr.
on the
is being.
Ploier, Tioworier
General Eepairer.
St.Xeai4 Grata.
St. Lome. May WEAr T-nvra-'. w
red eaefa, efefRtor. illS: tmat. si.ui. w,
UBB: July, 8f!s; Steet . gj'rc
Joly,a!32e; Sept., ate.
There are three li'ttlA fhin -u:u
do more work than any other threcr little
things created -they are the ant, the beo
and DeWitts.iittlo Early Hfcer the
last being )fae famous little, ru'lic
, yw-. .. j u
Momacn a.fd liver trouhlaa. VorK
lalie Pharbaavr.
Marine Arrive at Key West,
Key W6T, AprU 3fe.-The troop ship
Panther arrived this nnn;. .
.Hampton Boads with 809.mariv.aa
voyed into jortby the Montgomery.
When peefte buy, try, aad by asrsin.
it Beans they're satisfied. The people
w me UBitea States are now buying
Oaecarets Candy Cslbartio at the rate
oi two million boxes a veer and it will be
three -millioa before 'New Year's. It
means merit proved, that Cascareta are
the most delightful bowel regulator1 for
every body the year roand. All Jarog
gists 10e.,25c., 50c. a box, OBraguar-
snieeu. -
rniincNCPn SMOKE, ma
uirkor Waad. coatalnlmr a nt
mmt pren-ativc- A liquid to .
applied to meat witn a
iimn lahor. money. an
IM ill U - - . .1
73c Mttia
SoWt.yaIIflnjrl-w. Oct inegenuiac' A. F, STREira-