The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 26, 1898, Image 1

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JAHiu -All. . -
SO. 34
ft itl ill W ill ill fo ft itl itl itl lTl iti 3ft til ill itl iti ffi
Women's Shoes. I
I Two Dollars
Iv ia toeck with ch treat ercats aad f
ideas himself asd fcdpt his
The assoaatkw-coHvened. at Sid-1 in that coaditlos also. The atostsC
sey, Friday atoTHisg, April 22d- j tfee teachers agreed with kiatiahts
last a lew days before, the resigsa-j ideas.
f tioa of X. P. JKillen, as president, J The first paper give ia ike af-
bad bees received, so the associa-1 teraooa "was. "teachers JSeed
Son was without a head. Friday j of federation,"' by O. W. 2eale, o
morain orgaaizatian was "made by J Xoctk Platte. Mr. Keele thoaht
electlagp Mrs.
Most any store that sells women's shoes
"will sell yon a pair for two dollars, and 4
tell you better ones could be bonght hivered by j.j. Mcintosh, of sid-
f Or the Drice. That is a Deenliaiitv that"" j ney, wboiaa few-well chosen words.
. .
Anna Gray Clark,
county superintendent of Keith
county, chairman of-ihe meeting.
The address of welcome was de-
dealers have when showing their own
welcomed the teachers to Sidney
anil frlr? tTrm tTmf Tu i-lT"
ROods. Strange, isn't- it? We have that theirs duriBjr their stay. Mrs.
aja, w -
same peculiarity, but our statements are Kosa Dodds, of chappeii.responded
founded enlarge experience and careful on behalf of the teachers
-T T . Tne first paper was by E- W.
cuuipansons cnere is no lorce-oi-nauiu wolf, of Chappelh its subject was
Or guessing about it. If yOU are looting gj. "Opening-Exercises and their ef-
for Women's 2.00 Shoes, look at ours. on th!f ThJ
paper was qaite good and advanced
They are tans and blacks, Up-tO-date qniteannmberotthocghtson the
Styles, good fitters, long wearers. Buy a T subject of opening exercises. The poem was thoron
, r , -t .1 j. ii t f paper provoKea quite a long aiscus- all xts hearers,
pair, test them, then yOU can teU where to Ln among: the teachers oa thesub- ChancellorttcDowell haviug-been
get the most satisfactory $2-00 shoes after- ject of religions exercises. The ma- detained at home by sickness, his
tkatfederatloa would be of is?
mease value to the teachers In their
work, by Interchange of ideas,
etc His paper was well writtea
asd his thoughts were forcible. Ih
the discussion that followed tfee
idea was brought out that not oaly
would the teachers be beaeitted.
bat the childrea also.
iVfrs. Anna Grar Ciark read ,a
original poem that might have bees
entitled "A Dream of the Future.
It told of a teacher wearied with
school room cares falling asleep
and dreaming of the future of some
of her incorricribles. .Of coarse tfee
dream was a roseate oae. This
hlv enioved br
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
jority of the teachers seemsd to be j place on the programme was filled
decidedly In favor of religious ex- j b7 Miss IdaTonGoetz with a. very
$ ii $ iti ip fi ii i i $ ii i i ti ifr $1 $ i i $ iti iti ii $ ii $ i $ ii
T t 1 t t r r M 111
l nave aeciaea ro go out or rue ciotmng
business, needing the room for other lines,
so I offer the entire stock of Glothing, jJJ
Furnishing Goods, etc., atiless than man- 2?
uracturers pnces. i cannot quote prices,
butjoods will be sold cheaper than you
Closing Out
I Clothing
erases. The other opening exer
cises were to be of a general char
acter. Sorae of-the primary teach
ers advocated a. short course of na
ture studies to be given during- the
opening' period.
This paper concluded -the morn-
msr session.
The afternoon session was opened
by a motion song given by some of
the Dunils of the Sidnev school. It
was very good.
The first paper in the afternoon
was "l'ne Ssonrce Metnoa m ts-
tory." The paper was excellent
and entered fully into the details of
the source method. Onite a strong j
discussion followed the reading- of
this paper and developed the fact j
that the method has some very
!stronr admirers andalso some very twM nf th.-e officers. Prof Brisrs
bitter opponents. The discussion Df Kimball and O. D. Lyon of Sid-
convinced neither party. nej. They have not yet settled on
E. ilduernon, a member of the I the nlace of meetinsr for next fear
t - - - u
but it will probably be Ogallala.
enjoyable paperon "Thebeaeats-or
European Travel."
O. D- Iyon, county supeiiatear
dent-of schools of Cheyenne county,
read a paper on "The Will. "It was
a splendid paper and led to qafee a
discussion of will power. In speak
inar ot the difference between firm
ness and stubborn ess one roan De
fined firmness as a "strong- will
and stubbornness as a "sironj
At the conclusion of this discus
sion a business meeting was held
and the following officers were
elected for the ensueing- year
President, Mrs. Rosa Dodds. of
ChaoDell: secretary. Miss Josie
X- L- -
Day; and treasurer, J. C Orr.
The excutive committee is com
WASGSGrcs-, A&cR ig. The
Seat te3yjat ceagrees the fnHnw Iiiil
war agaasiSpnfa;
the coukxub for ie conoid oratiea tmA
eersos3 y had. wkk ike
trreof Sauk ia tkeTJaeel SaW wkk
the Uiiked j States -mfiiwtcr at "WwwW,
aacbthzoaali the latter, wkk tke ger--enHBeaef)SfaiB,
skowng tke acdes
takes, -aadiar tke joiafc regolatiea ap
prorsd Apcl ae, JjfiS, "Foe tke rseeg-
luttaa a tie ladeaaeBce of tke
pie af Caba, dnmffTiiTfng tkat tke
eraaest oil Spaia gilinqamh lis aa
tkity aad goyeaateat ia tkejafea&ef
Caka, iad' to wkkdraw its land aad
aaval iora from Cuba aad Caksa
iatss aaili 3iisBds the yosideat ot
tke TJaeJStates to aee tke laad aad
mmI fmxxs of tke TJaked States to
c&zxy these' leeelaaeBs t eCect.
Hfm eagmrrnicnHiig- wiik tke Ssaa-
ask.' aiiBJiz' ia .Waskiaciaav tke de-
Mtad wkkii k feecaaetke daty of tke.
execauTe Kt aoaxees te tne eoveraseat
ef Spaia&efeedisaaetssBidTesshKioar
tae saieL'saaueter agksd farkin aassports
and witad:few. Tae United State
HEtac atlMadrid was ia taraaotified
kytke Swurinh miaigter foe foreiga af-
-tans vac wie wKBOsawal ot the: Saax
i .
rnijiw)WHluUvu ike Uaited
Spates had iarminatod dialMatic rsk.
news becwasa tke -tw aairatries. aad
tkat all d! tke eaaBlcatiaB3 h-
tweea tke respective xeexescatatiyea
eease taereintk.
Jrecomassd to year especial attea
tHW the ao( addressed te the Uaited
bcates miauter at3adxid by tke Spea
ish sinistra for ferea affairs on the
Slat iasc, whereby tke foregoiaa; aoti-
acatioawaB conveyed. It will be scr-
cerved taertifrooi that tke geycrameat
of Spain, Jaayia cosmiaaace of the
joiac resoIaBsa ef thetTaited. State
eoegreffi, arsdiaview of tkcags which
tke president is thereby required aad
aatkorxsedto doiBcpoada by treatiag
tkeTepreseidatrve dewaads of this goy
erBmeatas'measaresof kostfliries. fol-
lowiag-witli that iaetaat and complete
WinsBTSer, April 35. Tke war de-
partoeat tasaftecaeeawaerstete
gvyexaorstkeqaotaef treaps ftey axe
peefea te fazatsk aad aaate ef
ccaaMage. Ideatiesal tafefrraaw wia ke
Beafrtaeachgoyeraer, aye thai tkere
wm e, ec csarse, aereaees as ia de-
WBs,aea stele's aaeta ef txeowl
aaed, fogetkerwitk tie peats af
It pesMvely atoted that ike
aea dees set nwitmplnte a call i
dkioaal yeiaateeis far ike preseaC
-Later Tfee war depanaaeBi Jm&
caHcd ea fee states fee tkear eaaia fl
Kkw York, April Tke Herald
"r.r r Tr- v . i
bb, v s jKajecxnrFBo.u oroaie, wao u
ceaga BactaaintwnnHnB, saoesd
froaa lfnHhiagteg.ia regard to tke aiaa
af oaaa is Caka. 3fajer Jerosse
speat severaLdajssa Wakgtoa 1
weeic aad saw tke prumdoat aad hm
"Tae ptea wkick was keag dis-
oassed, " saii34ajer Jeme, w aet
aa iavaaoa ef Oaka hy akunreKlitary
force, hat tke. captse ef aeae aortxai
wfeick a garriBQKKkt ke placed saf-
Boeatir ktrge ta koM k aganet tke
ispaaiarctg. Tae seadmg; ef a huge
force to Caka kTeaazdedasa.diScal't
If a port him Marrmwn, for iascasce,
saosM be taisa, aras and aauaazkios
coald ke fazaasked to the iasareeata
aao rood, xa aaliaxed qaaatities coaM
be landed aad dutrlbated to tke
aaaer cover of oar gaas. By this
waas, accordiajj to tke talk mWaak-
iagtoa,tae safferiagsof tkerecoacea-
rraooH coald be relieved while tke
Spaaisfa, owiBg to tke blockade, weald
soon he without provisibas aad Havaaa
woald be compelled to sarreader. It ij !
eebeved tkat tke receaoaatrados caa ka
fed ia some sack war aa this, as all
course all sappliea falliBtr isto tke
kaads of the Spaaish woald fee. appro
priated by them to theirowaase a
gBLlB LaLLaWtalBBafialalte
Are always of interest to la-
dies, especially sr nice look-
imgCape or Jacket- We i
can suit-you witb a Gap'e or
Jacket if yon are in search 13
of anything of this kind. s
"Ll r- i it it , -i -i
ty c oare rnem in ail srrifts ann at nnpp? to
Dress Skirts.
5 Ye also LaYe a fine as-
g sortment of Dress Skirts
:tr in black and colors in bro-
caded Silks, yovelties.
oerges, Bnlhantines, etc.
These are all of the latest
,5 designs and patterns, and
s are snreto please yon. Ask to see them.
is. mils. The Fair.
war aad tker woald have a aerfect
eyeraace ef retaoag ky its action. I to e them.
waereey tae aeage or aaooas accom-
ever knew them before. My stock is new
and clean, just received this spring and is
well assorted. Come quick before sizes are j that subject and
broken. Don t miss this great opportunity.
Sidney board ot education, read a
I member of the school" board and
j his relations to the schools." Mr.
! McLernon is very strongly of the
fP opiaion that women ouht. to be
iffl Ion the boats'. His remarks on I
the other!
The committee on the military
reservation at Sidney reported that
the matter was still beiore con
gress. Mrs. Clark added Messrs
Mcintosh. Ivon. JBnsrsrs and
Ebriffht to the committee and ask
ed them
to make a strong effort to
Boston Store Clothing Dept
A. LEYIV Salesman.
Sii'Northroom o! TQ Boston Store,
matters .ie bronghbefore. a4tJ 4kr awtfcec?T ke eaaliee, j
m (them- Most of the teachers sidedM wm be forwarded to or aeabcrs of
I - t t t r I .
wiin jar. - mcueruon in laiiiKinr i murr asktsr laai lo try ase
paaies aa .existaafr state of war be
tweea axvaBiga powers.
Tae position of Spaia beiag tkas
asaie knowa aad tke nMg of the
Uaited States deaiedwkk a comalete
rapture of ;ereoarse ky tke act of
SpaiarXha're 'keea coatraiaed ia exer
cise of tke power aad authority ooa-
ferredapoaeby tke joint resolatioa
azeresaia. to nrodaira. aad- rW nf
April 22, ISte, a blockade e certaia.
ports-of tke, aorth coast of Caha, Iyiag
ketweoa Cardeaas aad Bakaa Hoada,
aad of tke'poort of Ctenfagos on tke
sootk eoast! of Gaba; aad fartker.ia
lay coaedtiitfiwial pa vrwu aA
i ,r..f
The creamery building on aven-
"R it; nnw nssnm5nff the nronor-
jto Stewitts presented her liege L.Qns rf a . fae sIdes bein
on, the roof nearly completed, and
work oa the Interior being- pusned.
The creamery will be a. money making-
institution for the farmers if
conducted rightly, and the Hub
Is glad to see the enterprise being
pushed. The machinery will be
on hands early enough to be placed
in the building when it Is complet
ed. Kearney Hub.
A lively scene was presented at
the militia'hall Friday night while
the boys were drilling for the in
spection of Gen. Barry. A large
lamp was knocked to the floor. The
spilled oil was Ignited and for a few
minutes it looked as though the en
tire building" would be set on fire
The hall was crowded with women
aad men spectators who rushed
frantically to the door for exit. As
the room became almost immediat
ely filled with smoke great confu
sion prevailed. As the doors were
not large enough to satisfy the
frfgkteaed crowd the large panes
of glass ia the froat of the building
aad doors were broken out. Sev
eral ot the boys ia. xeasovisg the
burning lamp fro the hall got
their clothes badly saturated with
with oil aad 'scorched. Caster
Coanty Sepublican.
doctor, with a Baadsoaae
10 aessd baby girl on Wednesday.
Mother ad baby are doing well.
gldsey Poaiard.
mu-. wH-rrf for the buildins" of
a tew school house atPajrton.Neb-,
w bst Sr. tarda v to a builder!
fra Gothenburg, and work wiU be
gi M the same at once. Keith
. CMty 3ews.
The dedicatory service "at the
gta6copal church was liberally at
Uinarr 1 Sunday morning. Bish
em Graves preached the -sermon
Ce&raation of 20 persons was-oae
r u tf nres of the service. Iex-
iBgte Clipper Citizen.
Joha T. Mallalieu is preparing
ta 'raise his military company now.
awd tks prospects are that it will
"be needed pretty soon. Mr. Mal
JalSea woald. aadonbtedly make a
geed co standing oScial in the
ekl ad will aoibabt be saceess
f ia getting a good strong com-
japr- CbeU Is makiagprepara
Immmi soon leave wits his family
- --- -where they will locate
tlr. Mr. Campbell ana
tons- bees res idea ts or
eacaty and we are sorry to
tbeas. but they will take with
the well wishes of a host of
frlunnr Keith County Kews.
ifrris, aa old resident oi
cam sty, liviag aorth of
,seriesly injured
TTuiarrrhrT t runaway.
Jfe bad beet to SkeltosCaad was
oc home past Geecge
s resideace wkea a. bicy-
yast aim. scanag ais
oMsiag it to raa away.
tbrowa fro the wagoa
a kaatlr MRaafed, it beisp report-
ad ; iftat tk-k his neck badkeea
- T.awr r reports were laar
was ix a jpre-
Xeacacy Hab.
Tae Saadaj J aazaalfree.
During" this great war excitement
people caaaof- get eaoagk papers
to read oa tae all absorbisrr topic.
-Tke State Jours al, as a special
offer, will sead. free the Great Sea-
day State Joaraal three m oaths
that women uujrht to be on the
E. P. Cromer, ot Harrisburg;.
gave quite a humorous paper enti
tled -How to Squelch em." The
paper, even if written in a humor
ous vein, was full of excellent
thoughts regarding the way the
average teacher Is prone to squelch
the good traits in his pupil and al
most force the development of the
bad side. Mr. Cromer advised the
teachers to be more in touch with
their pupils and strive to make
them self-respecting instead oi
helping them to be sneaks. Quite
a little discussion followed this pa
per, but the larger share of the
teachers heartily agreed with Mr.
Mr. Crabtree, of Lincoln, having
failed to appear, his place on the
program was filled by Prof. "W. H
Clemmons, of Fremont. Professor
Clemmons gave an excellent talk
on recitations and the best way to
conduct them. He pointed out to
the teachers that in the average
recitation the pupil was not allowed
to think for himself, enough. His
intormation was simply pumped
out of him- The paper was an ex
cellent ou and, gave the teachers
many new thoughts on the subject
oi recitations. Prof. Qlemmons'
paper closed the afternoon session.
In the evening state superintend
ent W. R. Jackson addressed the
association on "The best education
for the masses. The address was
quite lengiay ana containea a
great many thoughts on education.
The first paper Saturday morn
ing was "Effects of Literature". by
H. E. Worrell, of Brady. This
paper was very fine and empha-
3i l-v tetbaac my;
April ;U!v
eazrrktto effect l&eta-M
JafeflKef Aiaaiji, iSfX Cmk
haste matters m the hoase as the
tion giving- the land for educational. vkk a TiffJr to tfefi adoB&m nf ' 6
Rereasa Bill X ta lay Orr.
r Aii.uTu., Apm zj. xae wax
reyeaae tariff bill was aot reaorted. to
tke koase today. At tke atee&ag of ,tke
ways aad. raeaas cosaaittee this men
iag. wkea tkeJaH fraaaed kytkerepak-
iKaas was lonaally presented fee cea
sideration, the deaocralB pretested
earaestly agaiaat a program that
woald pre v eat. tkea from oTainfipg its
provisioas tkoroaghiy. After some die
cassiofi it was decided that tke bill
skoakl be gone over today, tke Repab
licaas explaima its provkiesg, aad
stated that tomorrow tke Deawcrate
skould be allowed to "Tfr Turndnnafir
Tke KH wM ke japortad ta .tke. ham
ybafcnw inn lilt in 1 1 fan, ago a
rw Yok, AprS
I One jvicli
7ational Bank,
first advertaJfcilt 6ttnis 5
-4." r t,, - -rrr xxtf Ui LUIS AX111L- U.11U ,T.
I am
ftai. Ir
Music, both vocal and instrumen
tal, was rendered between papersat
all the sessions and was very much
enjoyed by the teachers.
The teachers all left Sidney feel
ing that they had a very profitable
meeting and had thoroughly en
joyed it all.
Much credit for the success of
this meetinsr is due to the secretary.
Miss Chase-
Saturday evening the association
attended the declamatory contest.
' Mrs. Leonard Wood, of Gaudy,
spent yesterday in the city.
Miss Ajrnes Costin. of Brady;
was in the city yesterday.
Miss Stella McCain. ofGandy.
is soeudinsr a few days m the
Peter Burke, of Maxwell was m
the city yesterday transacting bus
H. B, Read, theMcPherson coun
tv cattleman, spent baturdav in
J A.
the city.
Geo, Snyder, of Maxwell, spent
yesterday in the city, transacting
O. A. Mulliken .and Jas. Ovens.
of Somerset, were tnthecity yester
day on legal business.
Charles Leack and Jno. Hardin,
of Callaway, spent Saturday in the
city transacting business.
Mrs. Jas. McCnllongb, and" Miss
Rose McCulIough. of Maxwell, are
visiting- relatives, in this city.
Y. E. Wisner aad son Scottwere
In the citv vesterdav. Mr. Wisner
sized the necessity of allowing the is the county treasurer of McPher-
children to read nothing bnt good j son county.
literature. Soare discussion fol
lowed the paper and one teacher
advanced, the idea" that .children
sioald be given all Mads of Iitera-
tare. but that tker skoald be care-
to aay person seadisg-ia H-00 for j fHHj taaght to read the good liter-j
a years sabscnptiott to the Semj-ature and reject the bad and im-
Lawerence Darnell, of Wellfleet.
was In the city on Saturday, making-
final proof on his homestead
John Knowels and M. McDermott
were his witnesses.
neesiyjoaraai. uanag- taese ex- pare. Tke general opinion of the
auKg-ries iaeceHU-TeeKiy jour- I teachers,- however, was that the
aal beats the old weekly all tot
bad aad that tkerefbre they should
be allowed to have access to noth-
Isg- bat good literatare.
Mtss McKee, of Sidaer. read
ery ad paper oa Eleaaeats
pteces, and with a big- sixteea
page paper throws ia, is the great-
bargaias eyer oFered for 51.CKL
Jat thlak! you yet two big weekly
papers each week for a wb4e year,
aad 2. bif- sixtaen page gaaday
paper three jaeatks Jf 31,0. Ia'
order te be e titled ta this sfadal
premiasn yoemastsesdjoar Dollar
irect te the htattjoiirual, Liacola,
She sfoke of
the aeral traisiaff secesearily dm-
aected with the aieatal traialHg" ia
the schools aad f the best way to
doit. There was, sesae Jittle dis-
camskm cosceraiag the paper.
"Aa XTp-ta-date Teacher" was
the pfer ia by I. S- Saafrd.
; tfrfj-j-nir.
other measxrresas may be necessary to
enable lae to carry oat the ernressed
will of thi coagress of the United
States ia the premises, I sew recem-
mend to yocr hoaogable hcAr ta
adopthmofra joint resolution, declariag
that a state of war exists between th
United States of America and thekiiig-
uum ot opam, aaai urge speedy action
thereon, to the end that the definition of
the international status of the United
States as a belligerent power may be
made known, and the assertion, of all
Its rights axui the maintenance of all its
duties in tha conduct of a public war
may be assrxed. Whxiax XcKxsxet.
In the kozse the president's raessage
was ordered! printed, and referred to the
committee on foreign affairs by tke
speaker. The foreign affairs committee
raet immediately, aad Senator Davia
furnished Acting- Chairman Adams of
the house foreign affairs coBaxnitteea
copy of the senate war declaratian, as
follows :
"A bin di ."claring that Trar exists, be
tween the Uaited Statea of America
aad the kingdom of Spain. Beit-enacted,
"Kisfc That warbe,aad there same is
hereby, declared to exist, aad that war
has existed since the 21st of April A
B., IS9S, iacluding; said day, between
the United, States 01 America and tk
kjugdoiaol Spaia.
Secoad Thav the president of th
United Stales be, aad he is hereby, di
rected sad 'impowered to use the entire j
. w . t,. 1 wp iXT U1ULM1
States and" call into actual service of
the United; Sates the rnTTTrf of the
several states to such extent assay ke
accessary to carry this act iato effect."
It took tke kaa&? oae miaate Vf
forty-oae stssoads to pas? the declara
tioa of wax:
Seaate alio pased tke war resolatioa.
36- Tke war de
an miu il Jfw
ef war hatekeea
jreamgated. 2So vessel will be al
lowed to pass Saady'Haok or tke Xar
. 1 . .
iwws Between, saneec aad ssnnse, or
uarraa; that tiaae to approack within
three miles of Coaey islaad, Saadv
Hook or the Narrows.
out ,o business,
Saa frxaeisra Afloat Azais.
xta iosa, .pru 2a. ifie eraser
fcaa iranosco wae Seated oat of dry
ooctia tae iSrsotlya axvy yard Saa
day. Jascat daek: tke lines of tke
coaverted Wa, formerly tke yackfc
Colambia were cast effaad ske left tke
yard, presnmafely for Haaptee Beads
to jn joBBoaore sciucy's fleet.
Dw Wax- to Be Uanecejarr.
St. Joseph, April ae. Bishop Barke
has created a miM soanatioa a Catholic
circles here by declariae that the w
betweea the United Statea aad Spaia
is nanecesBBxy aad tkat it will be ca
lamity to this goveraaeat aad forever
abiGtoaoaraatioBal character.
Siehard Croker sailed farLiverseol
Sarsrday 0:1 the Campaahu
Pukhc :tamiaer Taylor of Soath Da
kota forwarded Ms report in tke case of
OU iaspectsar Dowdell to tke goveraoc
Martin. Olaacey, frraad secretary aad
treasarer txl the Order Cliailway Coa
dactors, dSai Jpril at Cedar RaaiaW,
Ia-t of case of the atom a, aged 3&
A man lac eoasigacd to J. H. Ham-
mill, attasey for the JjOsisviDe aad
yaahvffle read, at BeDeville, UL. waa
rrt- rm , r . r , j 1
coataiaed letters, eSd&l decameais aad
a ratastared teeter is winck were sev-
eral drafts ferabseet $30,600.
its cotes tc ftke aaaefc-Aca meeting of tke
aseetots i; was -aamriawawdy reasiyed
tkat the Aericae. aag t)e hointed crr
tkebcuctirjraad trot taere aatu tae
W ASHiXGTOjr, April 25. Taeedore
BooseyelthasresigBed as aggistaat sec
rstary of the aavy, to take effect at the
preadaaf s coaycaieace after tkeceaa
meaceffleat ef active mflirary opeza-
AM far Ke4 Craaa Saeletiea.
Pars, April 23. The Preach Society
ac tae Asasiaace of Wounded Soldiers
aoa&ted$10,00aadha6opeaed a sab
scriptioBfor the pcrpose of aiding the
Awertcaa and Spanish Red Cross so-
Stjr S&ipmoBt of PeTrier.
Sastx Chu, CaL, April 25. The
powder werks here shipped east last
aigkt mt,dOQ poaada of browa powder.
Tke coseigasaea-t will ke raaked
tkroagk. the raa to Chicago beiag" made
iag Oaka eoeapfed witk.
taaCwa. Bt diseteywtK ca
ever tne beara at
Coaler Is OS Tor Caiaa.
Des aforsis, April 2a. Edwin. H.
CoBger, Uaited States aaiaister to
China, left last eveaisg fee St. Paal aa.
as way to his new statioa at Pekia.
He was accoBpaaied by Ms wife aad
daagkter aad a aiec.
eteaaks Woe Is the Bebat.
CateitiBO SfitrsGs, April 25. Tke
jatsreeOegkte dekate betweea studeats
f tke Uarreraaty of Nebraska aad
etadeateof Coierad college reeeliad ia
a victery f or tke ThatoBL
Aoneor to protect iseieeeig.
Tanen to StmA Ssascete ts the UttMeii
Stetes aatf Saabu
Berlin-. April 23. There has besa
alivelyexckaageaf aotee iR regard to
ke proposed eoacexted. actioa apoa the
pact of sosaeof tke powea srthepre
baard oJ trade hasaaaedlo tfeat Garaaaav. Traace. Aastria
aad Italy kaveahcat agreed ta seada
Jfcreagaoteto both tke Uaited States
aad Spaia, warawg them to exercise
tke greatest; eaatie w deaSac wkk
astral akippia,; iiiding that eiiter
wise faK. Ti:awinTtia wM ke infiitnii
Tkeee pawe aiaa intonii t
to the seat at war tosfe-
sarvethenavai asd etker
Gaaaaay wffl jMobakly eaad tke
TnTiaif nriaiTa inif TTannlft ate
Tae Genaaa geyerxaH( ia ateoagly
oeeamdattke aafe ef tke
lour. 21
Fwraiskziiff Goods, X
Will riA Qflrl afTkrinpsi
tbatirillASTOJaSH YOU This Do t
t.r 3ore-; Milliaery.
of ererytl
store Sxtnres Trill be sold atprices
regular quarterly "ad- its no clieap ad- S
vprfisrmor cola -JPp -r,t 4.1 OT a 'V ui rT
my intention to
sell yon my entire stock at prices that T
you have never Lad quoted as yetT with
an honest intention of going- out of busi-
ness. I give you the opportunity now, St
when everything is new and in season,
noAaft r tbe test of the stock has been
soJd; It will pay you to investigate this
Mrs. G. S. Huffman, f
$ 0 0 0 $ $ Q 0 0 1I1 0 0 $ $ -ft $ 3 $ . ft ,:, ,
Eeady for the Spring trade with
uue iiue 01 cnoiee suinnsrs-
Nb. 6 local Passenger. .7:05 A H
o.i Fast Matt 80 a
o. Chicago SBecial IlrJO v v
-No-s way rreifat... 7.-C5ix
xraias iNo. aad 4 etoo oalv at Tjpxjm-r.
ton aad Xearaev hetweea North PL-ttt
aaauraaa Istaad.
Xo. 5 Colorado Soecial fT-10 , sr
Xa. 1 limited ... ,...40 r jr
Jo.3 ret Mail 110 x x
N. B. OLDS. Agest.
-v.. j, npfc mail .......... ...,iA3X A.
No. 23 Way Freight 7rJ0 a
No. 21 Fast Freight. .3L5 r-;
eoaatry'k jisBaad apoa Spaia rsgard-
Tke abjg
dariag' tke ; atTil war.
A ahsastersas- acaste- ace swept.
praeticattyr&e wkaie of the .HocGoaa
attraaaw ia beata Unaariuae-
laayac tlkinnnwiir at horseg. So fr as!!adwaslost:tkehrHTas. The
Ireawuullumctke greater part of a re-
sutes Joag aad I wide, extead
sap-J AaaerieaaaeMlfa
. g to tie Jiupi'iajlni hae. Its
k . X j . I w
S. 5. GflRONKL
sailing bttwttn Van
couwr and St. Ifcich
aals that carries -
and ia fully protect
ed from th Spanish
It n taakkes aadoa safe way
toAksha, The hBgeetasd best eamm
ped otooaiflr ia fee Afefaa tnwkv eea
eetwrwitii aarSae river -trniwcrr at
St. Michnolo, SMkiag the jeraey
pwrwat aad eoifuitahte aar trip oa
TerfartiMrpart'KatMa adfesgr
Soodike-Cniicago Triiafpor-
Me&rT S aie tram
applied to mat vlth. a 6raA
Saves tfcae.laSm-,!. .ur-
Cherry, Plum, Apple -and
Pear Trees. -
Raspberry, Gooseberry and
Currant Bushes.
A few Hardy Boses For Sale.
of aH kinds in their season at th-
Mat airOe Fare for the Konnd
Trip, rfaS 3E.Q0, torn dl points in
SMsa8 ebcaeka. Colorado and
. l"iWli"5- Wjo. Dates
wji.n tKBets. wiil be sold 1st
. BMSaj! 1H t. Jane
JajT, Ar-, Sept-, Oct. aad Nor.
mtsm. aa-W-desie
-r. 5.
BBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBaHg'' J -BBBBIBBBaiBBBBlBBBB , -..: '. v-..J-2i;::'i-f