The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 22, 1898, Image 3

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, J
WjKa aba-
smiles he its sJeea
tt is the- mrrfWt
fbad belief' that
?TT?r7S the SH.- 1
prene Joy of wo- j
aaaHieod xatil i
or a
jfcsews tie
sayieaie soruw
ef woEianhoai
Kuril she sees her
baby in tie ccl
embrace of rf-f-V
cf women fiaiT-c- irm.
"5 SKOSenieSt IDT. nmTr tn
c weeis or -mi-gra laterTrts
rhafries are bora rato the -srorld -ssrili
llrJtS-Cf abdrsown iir their
fieiies. If a wona wield fave
rf"3 fofeast cHIdren. stiuaK and able
tie rsal little illnesses of
" lock before she
IT aiTOTOa Trill take the proper rare cf
JKalth; tn a woraaalv -war-, during the
or prospective renTcTsitv. she hex
herself against nccii past asdsuf
d possible death, sad insure the
f child. Dr. Pierre's Favorite
;jJgg.lstae greatest cf all raediciires
prospective mothers. It acts directly
ggtker deSce and isrportast organs tTnrt
gtae am'airs of raatermtj-and ttt-iV.
wheahvigorota and eTntre:
eotheapai-r and tones the tortirredgervesl
it r?MThes the usual drscorafbrts of the
"pesst pence, and. ranges baby's advent
to-tMs world easy and almost painless. It
laserra ample supply of nourishment,
i f grrafest known, nerve tonic and
-iMiijpwutfcBr tar women. All gcjod dealers
Nod StTitlta
a. o&y
rr- to accept a snbstitnre said to be
jwt as gooc as Tr. Pierce's Favorite
?r3f ntrsenrried twice and rras so- weak I
Sjndon nty feet," -writes Sirs. llianie
SSf'J'-ci LorelLIjne Cc. Oregon, T
twa battles cf Dn. Pierce's Favorite Pre
SCSgSeg gad ncny hare a healthy baby and m
?jwggrth32.fbrfweluj tta,"
Q quick eenstipatioa-enre Doctor
'Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Never grine,
Accept no substitutes or irritations.
Toree SesaSe toTield.
"WxsHryros, April IB. The hoase
pftar one of the hardest and most des
perate fights in. its history succeeded in
forcing the senate to yield the Tnr"n
contention in the war resolution, tha
tae&pesdenc2 of the prfgtjng' govern
ent in Cuba. "With that exception
the liouse accepted the senate resoln
tiaas. The Republicans who Joined
the Democrats to concur in the senate
amendments entire rallied 14 votes at
one time and on every vote thereafter
!the vote dwindled. When the fibril
isrpte was taken shortly before 3 a.m,
SJ18 votes were cast for the declaration
trpcir which we are going to war, if
war it is to "be. Six votes only were
cast against it. They included five
Xepnblicacs and one Democrat.
The resolution as agreed to is as fol
lows; Joist resolution for the recognition of
the people- of Cuba, demanding the gov
ernment of Spain relinquish it3 author
ty and government in tha island of
Cuba aad to withdraw its land and
a.vsl forces: from Cuba and Cuban
yitoxn aad directing the president of
the XFxated States to use the land and
savalforces of the United States to ;
carry these resolutions into effect.
"Whcygac, The abhorrent conditions
whack have existed for more than three
yea ia the island of Cuba so near our
owz-horders have shocked the moral
seaae of the people ot the Us ited Scates
have hea a disgrace to Christian civH
izatiaa, culminating aa they have ia,',
tha destruction of a United States bat-1
ties hip aad 26fi of its officers aad crew
' while on a friendly visit in the harbor
of Havana, and cannot longer be en
dured as has been set forth by the ,
t ot the United States in his 1
message to "Degress April II, 1SS8, 1
Troon winch th.1 action of concresswas '
invited ; there core, be it.
Resolved,; First That the people of
the Island of Cuba-are. and of rifrt .
ought tcbe free and independent.
Second That it is the duty of the
paired States ro deninad, and the gov
ernment of the United States dees
hereby demand that the rovernment
of Spain relinquish its authority and J
gorernmentin the island of Cuba and;
withdraw its land and naval forces
frbm Cuba and Cuban waters.
Third That the president of the!
United States be, and hereby is directed
aad empowered to use the entire land !
'BBBBBV '-Yj' .
iRadnaval-forces of the United States consul canon ,vua uukwi touy,
and to can into actual service of the 1 arranging for co-operation in the con
United States the militia cf the several j duct of the campaign in Cuba against
states as maybe necessary to carry
these resolutions into effect-
Fourth That the United States,
hereby disclaims any disposition or in-
f ention to exSCise sovereignty, juris- j
dictioa or eoateol over said island, ex- t
cept 25c use pacmcation tner-eoivana
psserts its determinatmm when this ia J reposed from Alatanzas that theinsur- j bafl park by the Euflding Trades Coun
accGJEpIished, to Jsare the government , grjvemment of the province, at the -a nA Tabm- Th bovnott
asd centred of the island to it3peopl8.-
Droftnse Propose a Plebiscite.
LosBOApriL 1SL-It is reported that ,
the dreihand, or tnple.
wv- -
Tjoge! of Germany, Austria and Italy),
actag-apoa suggestion of Italy, has
jaopojcdto the-powers a plebiscite, un
kr -whfcri the- Txmulation of Cuba
tihnald be allowed to vote for the form j
rjf roverament under which ttey smut i
-KBtMFledjre f Ketired OOcce to Be 3ad
" " &MS Of.
John G. talker, retired, may be the
Seccessor of Theodore Roosevelt as as
sistant secretary of the navy, says the
Washington carrespondent of the-Her-aTd.
Rear Admiral Walker has been
amemberofthe naval strategic board
aad is thoroughly in touch with, the
plans of attack and defense prepared
both. by the war and navy departments.
Tfi experience in command of two na
val squadrons, his handling of delicate
natters in the past, and his general and.
Varied knowledge ef naval requirer
zat3 peculiarly fit him, his friends tier
cla, for appointment as STr-Roofe
ficlt's saexssscf.
-Th2 ilissouxi
St- I3tns, Asm 20,
cic w3 jiaeeic esect a rate of 3
wee 1WI liuiiwi I 1 1 or p.CairrK noeaa
iet5 ana xresn meats
car loads, from the
ar Ti -.t,.7 ?aasa:
TT : . i. xin amalirl
Smth. Omaha, Pirtte-f:
nr- i
"w c fikr f
points. This 5
ymt asanounced m tae
the Missouri
itKk 3rket.
JUeA 20. The
its cue
i &-tumimtt bosrses, audi
all arouodV'
TT a. A aX "Mkao.1
' JiiiliilXirr"- " blue "Nrj3
Aidreae Roa tie Uroie lapses tie
latao&m. of Tier Sabjects.
AH X'xrtfes ta XTaite Ts Setee ef
; Their Cooatrj- Ijuarxe&ts Sajpgnd.
KoatHltluj Ban Carloa at Mt
Alffleat a Panic at Porta Kiea.
aQxanrv ' SO. The Sp&rtisk
nxtes were- oeened tins af teraooa. The
q-aeeszeat read the speech, from the
tferose. She revie-ed the Eiirsatio&r
asd referred to the eSrirts o the pope
far peace.
The q'aeen regent anaoTxriced that
had amKmoned the cortes to ttefpTuf
Spain's Tight?. Her majesty appealed
kj the SpAniah. people to gather behind
her son's throne.
Theqceert regeni read the speech
with the little Ving-on her rhrht. There
was great eathnsiasH.
The openisg of the cartes was a mag-
mftr-iii siirhfe- AH th -rewttf. a?
beauty of iladrid Eathered in the sen-
aterwhere every available foot of sK
1 was occupied.
3tIaDSlD April 20. ATI is quiet and
' rlji and rxotMns-Tinnsnalhas
cccTXirea. xwo poiicemenare stationed
at the corner of the street upon which !
is situated the residence of the United j
States rairdster, General Stewart It
' Woodf orri. who began yesterday pre-'
' paring for his deoartnre fsom lyfadrTrl. j
The crews of the Spanish, squadron.
ct Cadiz vowed before the shrine of j
the Virgin never to return unless vie-1
: torious.
j The newspapers cf the Spanish capi- i
I tal this morning- were eagerly bought. '
! They are very war-like in tone. j
The Liberal, which is the organ of :
Senor Sagasta, the prenuer, heads its
leading article today with the single
word "War," and savs "the resoltridbns
passed by congress) are tantamount to
a declaration of war. Spain is fearless- ;
ly and unitedly prepared to defend her :
rights, single-handed and abandoned
by the powers,, bat fortified by the jus
tice of her cause."
The Imparcial contrasts the manner
in which the United States and Spain
enter into the conflict, saying: "The ag
gressor is noisy, insulting and clamor
ous, and the aggrieved is reserved,
calm and self -contained."
The public generally accept the situ
ation without apparent concern. The
United Stares vice consul here has re
signed. Almost a Panic at Porta Itiea,
St. TnoitAS, April 20. The food
question is daily growing graver in
Porto Rico. The people are panicky
over the prolongation of the suspense,
and there are frequent disorders. At
Carolina there was a demonstration
amounting to almost a riot, in which
-1.500 pscple participated.
It was a-pro-
test against the rapacity or the mer-
chants. Everything combines to in
crease distress of the people. The tariff
is excessive; exchange is going higher
daily; the products ol the island are,
steadily decreasing, and many mer- ,
chants are Trr?bT to replenish their
To Laad Spanish, subjects at Havana. i
KewToke, April 20. Spaniards in
humble circumstances, residents of this
city, were amazed last night when they
learned rr?ns the Spanish government
-mnt: ohrv to sive free uossase as far
3 Havana. The mdigaation at such a
mm-s vm -widesnrcad in the local
Scanish colony. It was pointed out that 1
far the impecunious Spaniard to leave
mte tTiptp ri-rrit to life and -no-
lice protection is guaranteed, and DQ
landed in a town which wfll be starved
or shelled, cr both, within a few .days,
would be to place his life in jeopardy.
Mile to Co-Operate With Gomez.
TVashtngton, April 20. The state
ment is made on high authority that
rP.OTm TT t- r? o TXilm, fcl, rJT'racaTittt.
trves ot tno uuoan repuauc m cms
countrv, in company with one of the
... . L t - - J T -
brigadiers of Gomez army, has been, in
p- .My
ninonot ine ouaau reuu 4 a
sted that Palma v summoned here
lasErsents Xeclare a True.
ewTqsk. Anrfl 20. A dispatch to
Herald from Havana says: It ia
teai of -which is Pedro Betancourt,
chief of afl the insurgents there, has is-
sued a circular suspending hostilities
territory under his com-
Snsh ef Applicants Por Enlistment. 1
London, April 20. The rush of ap-
plicants for enlistment in the United j
States army or navy was continaed to- j
nay. -oesweenu aim ou sunu -ux
Irish saflors or soldiers applied far en- j
listment at the United States consulate
this morning.
Dob CoyIgs Arrives at Octead.
OSTENB, Belgium. April 20. Don
. n JZZr, W arri
l here. It is understood that the pre
tender will remain at Ostend for sorae
time to come.
Movements of Spafc& Sfcfp.'
St. Vincent, Cape- Verde Islands,
April 20. The Spanish cruisers Vizcaya
nnrl 'MrnT-Tfr.P Oquendo arrived here
at noon to reinforce' the Spanish fleet
in these waters.
Watson For Csseveas,
Bkooeeville, InL, April 29. Tha
Republicans of the Sixth district today
nominated James E. "Watson for con
gress. " H is "the rau who beat Hol
tnam." Cera Goiac to California.
San F&ancisco, April 1&. California
a& presr&iiii mioa n,- '
corn or .eorasha una u -"
Larce shiomsnts of tats cereal are now
rroTn"-xrjr. The needs of the cattle t
"mi r rmrrTi or southern, uaiuomia, aaa ;
the failure of this year s
are the reasons far the in-
tenand for corn.
fmnntnry-i Dyia.
ArtriT 10. Senator
(Miss-l,who ha bees critically
M W Megal davs. is mot exnected to
Aariac the day. His physsaa
this raocamg that there was
aaiwNace in ase theasaHd for his re-
aitward Kellamy Xmprsva-.
Amrfl ia. Eaward Bellay,
lis xelapee last SoTarday, hag
via?, and hs coadkiSB is
ccaeidereeL danceroas. Mrs.
is aow sick in coaeeqaeace af
aitensaoB. to her husband.
Gjadatone Xt Near Sis Ead.
1 TjflafDON. ASCII !. AflC
' I 11 aiuii !l froiii which Gladstoae k
War Department Decides ta Ealilt Gady
te XfHtia. at First Caitr
WASONcrro?, April M3iary asd
with usabaied vigor.
yaeate seiteMe &3riTatioe. is. Cbsx
waters were tkscsccS. x&eL grrrn MitT
&ar s4eea ceHiers were saae. ArraHre-
j iseste we makmg to atHise a ssb
' e tie jOTrexfal ctw verted, siaootk feora
I gcas, aaxvivars cf tbelaie war, aa ae-
iEasy aesHte fer skip owaers were at
! the aavy iepaztEaeot offeriag- so seS
craft to the govwHw onfr, gat the pries
are said to be essesesre. sad bo par
ehaees were ma4ft. The iapoctast
evtxa the war deBartraeat' was the
sJ-ecisioH to ealst esly saiioesl jgHarus-
serfBsder the rst call for trooos.
which will he very gratifyiasr to the
Same idea of the cost ef trauspartmg-
trocps msr he formed fros. the fact
that it was necessary ts aQottfW,
to defray the expense- of the roove-
- Eiertts already ordered. Bsporfs frcsa
i ffi OTer coHatry indicated that the
i sioverafeiits were. gtHHg oa with
; osz gratlfylag celerity-. A
. esqiie TRTniBfter of the warlfare
; &3as psseated right ia "Washing-
i ton by- the departnro for the wk of
the Sixth cavalry, and Secretary Alger,
hameaas he- wae with nmr-fal tasks,
aumaged to take time to get to fry- sta
tion to see them off. As. allotment of
funds for a balloon service shows that
the war department does not propose so
ignore, any of the latest scientific aids
to warfare.
Patriots'" Hay Obserretl.
BostOS", April 20. Patriots' day was
observed yesterday in the usual way ia
this city and in the nearby places which
figure in the history of April 39, 1775.
The old North church on Salem street
was decorated with flags oa the outside
audits interior was draped with the
rtrttifinal colors and plants from the
city's green houses added to the adorn
ment. The Tft-nfprn were hum? from
' the belfry last night as on the memor-1
occasion when they gave the sig-
nal to Paul Revere. During the after
noon the Daughters of the Revolution
held services in the churches, commem
orative of Paul Reverers famous ride.
The priacxpal attractions- octside of
Boston were at Iiexmgton and Coecord. '
Pereeaat ot Jtall7ead Decision.
Chicago, April 20. The railroads
have the opinion that the supreme
r court will this week declare that the
Joint Traffic association is an illegal or-,
gardzation and they are already' pro
ceeding to manage their affairs with
out any reference to it or its orders.
Instructions have been quietly passed
gronnd among the railroads to contract-,
ing agents that they need pay no atten-;
toon to the rules ot the Joint Traffic as-
gncfaHrm in rrnng- tpfr hrtnpaa fl
the result was that there was a lively
general scramble for business in winch
contracts were made for handling grain .
between Chicago and the Atlantic sea-.
board as low as 10 cents.
Win Pay Soldier Employe. 1
St. Lous, April 20. It is announced,
that many of the St. Louis banks, trust
companies and big business houses wfll ,
follow the example set by similar insti
tutions in ITew York, is guaranteeing
the positions of such of their employes '
as are ordered or volunteer for service
in the coming war. Some of the lead-'
ing institutions, it is announced, wfll .
also pay to the families of the employes J
during their absence the salaries due j
the latter. j
Pythians Volunteer. j
PorrrsiiocTH,0 April 20. The Tenth 1
regiment, uniformed rank, Knights of 1
iias. offered its services to Goy-;
ernor Bushnefl in the event of war with ;
Spain. regiment comprises about
oOu tin 1 tea men aividea into six com
panies, located in this city and sur
rounding towns, and two more com-
panies are being organized- The regi-,
ment is commanded by Colonel Cook,
whose headquarters are in lronton.
Encosra jre PatxiotisHi.
Detroit, April 20. The National Ex
press company has sent to all its offic-i
ers notice that afl employes who are
members of 'militia companies or other
military bodies or may be called to ac-,
tive service in the prospective war'
wfll be allowed half pay during their,
entire term of service and all who re-j
turn alive wfll be reinstated at full pay
either in the position he vacated or in
one carrying equal compensation, !
Clerelssd Club TJcycottetL
Cleveland, April 20. A boycott has t
cfl andKhighrs of Labor- The boycott
is Trindp owing to the refusal of Presi
dent Robison of the Cleveland team to
give a contract for making extensive
improvements on the grand stand to
contractors employing n 1111-117 Tnpn or
who observe the eight hour law.
Kansas aad Oklahoma. Wheat. j
Topzka, Elan., Aprfl. 20. Report'
from afl sections of Kansas aad OVTa- j
homa agree that the prospects for a
roagnificant wheat crop exceeds that of
any year for 1Q years. The central and
western part of Kansas is covered with
green and the earth is thoroughly
soaked by the recent heavy rains.
Dsadlock BrokeH.
Postsxouth, 0.r April 0. The Re
publicans of the Tenth Ohio district
last night on the 1,477th ballot nomi
nated S. J. Morgan of Jackson for con
gress to succeed Congressman Fentoa,
who is serving his first term. The cani
vention was in session a week.
Tormer ComraisaJsner lass Dead. - (
LouiaViLLEr Kyr April 20. Hector
D. Luo, formerly commissioner of ag
riculture of Alabama, and president of
the American Cotton Growers asBOcm
tion, died at his home in Athens,
today from the effects of a stroke of
Missouri Taxes Foreign Cuaipaaies.
Jeffeison Crrx, Mo., April 20.
Superintendent of Insurance O'Rear
today levied taxes against - foreign in-
compamea doing business in
ea $li,606,243.SU premiums received by
the costpaaies.
of $13i.6.
The taxis an iacreage '
Weedssea Protect X embers.
Rocs Island, Ifk-, April 20. The
executive coaacfl of the Modem Wood
raea of America, ia session here, rle-
t eided today that airy of its 30,80 m-
fraaeat of the Uaised States ia a war
with Sfs. withcFHt iavalMatiag their
JNctt Terfc Stack: Market.
STswYoaK, ApiI2J. Late strength
iuuiLum win1 ihrrrfrTT frnin 1 frnrnn
to two mists hefoce the ope aisg here.
Prices ia 2ew Xack respeadea-Wa.
sharp fecaaes, the leadisg iera-
tiBBafelniiiiga patat erapwarfe. ia.
ao cage, however, was tae aeoiiae rafiy '
s the Leadaa paoty. rciae -SasL
ilff BE B PM.
Ik- Teiiateers.
Xh&b ay the War :
Tar Traaagertn Mon. aC Troop te
Cate XsTee9t eC5alers Pram
ftke Wat.
Wasetsgtos", April 3. There was a
fcreaaesoas demcs&rratiaa is. the homes
iramediaiely after the readisg-ef the
joBraal, whenXr. PradeH the preei
deat's execative clerk, aaaosaced the
presideafs appreval of the CHhaa rajo
intioas. 'The callanes caeerea aaelthe
eaibers oa the floor applaadea: vigor-
The speaker, with diSculty,
suppressed the ovatioa, when the an
soaBceraent was greeted.
TUV. Tin IT asked anaxdmoaB coaseafr
for the consideration of the bill he in
trodaced yesterday at the request of the
war department aathnrfemg- the presi
dent to call for volusteers- He ex
plained that the committee had agreed
to the measure at a special meeting-this
morning. It was a very urgent meas
ure he said. The secretary of war had
appealed to him this morning to press
it, and he had just had a message froos.
the White House saying that the pas
rage of the bill today was imperative.
Mr. Hull said that the committee had
made only one important change in the
b.IL as prepared by the war departraeat.
That change-reserved to the governors
of the states the power to appoint com
pany and regimental officers, which the
bfll as drawn, conferred upon the presi
dent, and was in harmony with the
law of 1861.
The house in committee of the whole
volunteers hfll afr
debated the army
some leagth. Representatives Cox,
Savers and other Democrats supported
j Representative wirm faffed to
r,rnr an amendmenc to reduce the ea- .
listment term from three
to one year.
The bfll was then passed.
t- , . . . . - . , i
in nme ox war tne army is to consist
of two branches, the regular and the
volunteer army, the latter to be main-1
tained only during the existence of
war, while war is imminent and is to
be raised or organized only after con-l
gress authorizes it. An enlistments for j
the volunteer army are to be for three '
years unless sooner terminated.
Concerning the national guard it is '
provided that when the members of
any company or regiment of the or- j
ganized militia shall enlist in the vol-'
unteer array in a body as such company
or regiment, the regimental and cam- j tenthm to restore the rate on pacMng
pany officers in service with the militia hoHse nroducts from the 34Issouri rrrer
organization thus enlisting may heap-;
pointed by the president subject to an
examination as to fitness and capacity,
to be officers of corresponding grades in
the same organization when it is re
ceived in the service as a part of the
volunteer army. The troops in time
of war, whether belonging to the reg-
mar or volunteer army or to tne minus
are to be organized into divisions of
three brigades, each brigade to be com
posed of three or more regiments, and
when three or more divisions are as
sembled in the same army the presi-
dent is to organize them into army i
corps, each corps to consist of not more '
than three, divisions- The president is
to appoint in the volunteer army not
exceeding one major general for each,
organized army corns and division, nru
one brigadier general for each, brigade, .
to be selected from the regular or vol
unteer armv or th TTiflitT.
Tzaauportatiaa of Troops ts Caba.
"Washington, April 20. Arrange
ments are being made by the war de
partment for the transportation of
troops from southern ports to Cuba, and
it is expected that they wfll be perfected
tomorrow. Colonel A. S. "KTmrtaTT,
chief quartermaster of the department
of the east, wfll open bids at 2Te w York
today for the charter of steam vessels
for this important service. The gov
ernment wflL have no difficulty in se
curing a sufficient number of first class
steam vessels of good speed for the
transportation of the army to be sent
to Cuba.
Allen's Xtoad Resolution.
"Washington,. April 20. The follow
ing resolution was presented by Sena
tor Alien: That in the opinion of the
senate no circumstances can arise in
the relations of the United States of
America and the kingdom of Spain that
wfll warrant an increase of the inter
est bearing banded indebtedness of trtfa
government, or that wfll in any man
ner interfere with the reform of the
fTnartr-inl affairs of the United States on
lines laid down in the national People's
Party platform of July 1M6." The
resolution went over under objection.
Troops Keceive an Oration.
Chicago, Aprfl 20. The Third in
fantry, 650 strong, en route from Fori
SneHingr Minn., to Mobile, arrived m
trriq city at 4 a. m. Thousands of peo
ple greeted the soldiers at every station
through Minnesota and Wisconsin. At
Lake City, Minn., the soldiers were
loaded down with flowers. Most of the
regulars were asleep when their trains
reached Milwaukee, but the cheering j
and music brought them out, and they
remained up until the trains reached
XoTrmeBt of Troop- Prom, the West.
Chicago, Aprfl 20. Three special
trains, in charge of Major Hathaway,
from Fort Juabrara, 27eb., reached
here on the Chicago and Northwestern '
j railway this evening- The troops coa-
t sisted of HO officers, 520 men and SS i
horses. They
New Orleans.
xpresa Sympathy Pox Spstn.
London, April 20. The afternoon pa
pers of Lcndon today, while generany
friendly to the United States, express a
certain, amocntof sympathywithSpaia. 1
' Bad Crash, ac KIo tXInelro. !
New Yoke, Aprfl. 20. The World's'
correspondent in Rio Janeiro tele
graphs that the large firm ofLeraos,
engaged in the importation of petroIeE, !
machinery and other American prod-'
acts, has suspended paymeat, with
ea"T liabilities. Several banks are
lice For Gttmc of Cab.
Hex West, Ap
Key West are to
Kinley to appoint Ccimul I Use first
territorial goveraair af Qaaa. Skis ia
to be done as an ovMaagc at" Oahaa ap
preciation of Lee's atnaieiniMK of
the affrrg of Tire
t .Tot-, T T '
I MAKTvnxZ,MoJm-!laWTtaeca
in the case cf
VrcNSAprfl 30. A.
fesaed today iggnf diwag
Asasuaa frih trait.
cag where 1fee
hem. He. mmc a wmT . T-ndiwrinnrri
Txz : a ar - - rt
TTah 2mrv or tWtBWHa W TTn 1 T 1
Dec 21, retaraeda-weJftat a(Biitel.
psawka, stasia
fer Jarmf arf XTy Are
TTr.lHI Mi'IflS, Awi jf . J ISe
? cpawitMin 'jar aetfoa. are aha at
platod, the wtatis wwxe4aoed to
jerfecBs; aefefe. Theacaay Mfcetag
aim all that resaag ig to ia-
theaiHft ggpgij ef &g rinmrr-af.
aaaae was seated at the
aavy dopnrfeseat teiay, tfir nmrVot hag
heeagJeaaeC of sTaSahie veaeek, aad
it ew csies to
laerfectrae xaetheek ef
aad. co-opera Hog. Geaeral Greefey, ia
charge of telagraph aad tiniuphoac caa
musMsxioa. Ijetwe&x sea ceetlertiaea
ilsBS, aaaeaaces that this work isixa
gratifyiBg- staie efJorsrardaees.
SspennteT-Ht Hisball sf the Hfe-
fiaTirsg-service has wwfrrreal with As-
aetaa Secretary Baoeeve eepiey-
iBthemes.;ef the coast gervicehft.a
regularly organized systeHs. e rgpertisg-
war vessels ssamo. at posses remote
frora. ordiaary pocte ef entry. Sack, a
system, win be a valaa&e aojaact to the
regular ebservatSoB service- A acvel
- 1 - A - T
Gep&nsTc m aavai pracoce jh tave
wfll acccrapany tie Xorth Atlaatic that abound during the hot sum
squadroa, asd wSIhe used, ia laading mer season. It is a very gmTT
operatMBS. The qaartermascer
eral's deparfcacHt ef the ary is rush
ing work oa tents asd tent equipage.
A censzgnmeat cf teats has been al
lotted to the-mHItia .of the states amnr
the act cf congress. The war depart
meat wfll seed about 2G0 men. as peck
ers for the mule teams now being col
lected by Captain Thomas Craee, at
Jefferson barracks.
Pel la EaB- Deefains.
Chicago,. April Judge Grosscap
in the Unced States circuit court,
i 1 . r T .7 - . r t.
R. Beard, receiver for the First Na -
thmal bank of Pella, Ia., against id -
mine, BodaKia & Co.. and a B. Con -
& Co., stock brokers, in Chicago.
xaesuawae orougac oy tne receiver to
brokers before the failsr of the TwsTc
in order to jroecalate on the hoard cf
The decision of Judge Gross-
nnLimkKRir.M rgvprsprt hr tha hTehdp
' " . .
The gr2unfe for bxanging the suit
werc tkat def eudants kew the 1
raoney wa being- loar aad should have'
whether it betoaged to
Ca,"or to I '
which he wiis connected. About $23,-
Packiasr Hesse Kates Staad.
CmcAGO, Auril 19. Official
has been filed by the Rock Island road
enneelllEir itn farmer noticft at its ia- 1
to Mississippi river crossings and Chi-
cago April 2L This notice makes it
impossible for any advance on this class
of freight to go iato effect until after 10
days additional notice has been given.
A meeting cd the interested lines wfll
be held, in St. Louis Thursday to see if
some agreement cannot be reached to
have an cut rate; on this commodity
withdrawn. Should that conference
fail the Santa Fe wfll reduce rate? to!
the same bads as the
house products.
rate on packing)
civil Service Law Upheld. , 1 1 have an abundance of it, and my
TvAsmNGT ONyAprfl 19. In the United customers are assured a full snp
States supreme court aa opinion waft! ply throujrhont the season
delivered by Justice Harlan in the rases Orders left at Streitzs drug- store
involving the constitutionality of the will receive prompt attention.
civil service law of the state of TlTnoig. 1
The case involved the application, of.
the law to the superintendent of police
requiring him to supply a list of va-l
cancies, etc He refused to comply,
taking the case into the courts upon the '
plea that the law was contrary to the
federal constitution. Justice Harlan's
opinion affirms the opinion of the state
court and sustains the constituMonalrty
of the law. The decision was based oa
the fact' thaft the case did not present
any federal question.
Trap Shoo tln Tourney at St. Xoaia.
St. Loue;, April 10. Thirty-eight
crack amatJjurs from different parts of
the country are at Dupont park, near
this city, participating in the most im
portant amateur trap shooting-tourna-1
ment ever held in the west. WflUam.Uiir I en-Cent Cigars are the
S. Sergeanh, the "MTssouri champion, equal of any.
shot in every event, and carried off the! v 7. - - --. i
honors in the first day's shooting, with .Ynr attention IS invited to
an a v erase tif92aer cent. Graham of our fine line of ChewinT and
Ealamazoo, 31ach., was second with an "
dianapolis tdiird, with an average of fcs
per cent. Dr. Ehowlton of 3Tew York
made a run of 23 straight in the 7th
Indian Prisoners Uneasy.
i Denver, Aprfl 19. Telegraphic j
orders were received from Washingtoa '
. yesterday by Colonel Volkraar, adja- .
j tant general of the department of Colo-1
' rado, dirsctiEg that a detachment ot
30 cRvairyiHsn rrom tne seventh, cav
airy statkBi!d at Fort Grant
. '
6 Q-S-
patched at Once to Fort StTT to guard
the Apache prisoners of the govern-
ment. It is a?rT that Since the issuance
ofthemobflbatitHi orders the Tnrtft
prisoners have dfeplayed considerable
uneasiness and that an outbreak among
them is feared.
Saalztesa Sioclc Destroyed.
Hofktsston, Ia., April 19. Fire de-
. stroyed the main block in this place t
last night, and swept away property tc 1
1 nated ma small shop at the rear Oi. th
! crocery stocj of Reed & Petrie. and was
SOOn beyond COntroL Buildings hi the
Mnrt rTTfTh?: fire, bat
were fjnj saTEd. The cause of
xe is a mvjterv, but it is prenerany
Drtmken 3Ian. Khs Eawi.
Axes, la., April 19. Sylvester Bry
, ant, wnfle iintoxicated, attempted
tC t
! walk fro hi this city to bis home in 2Se
. vada. He was caught on a bridge by a
! Northwestem. traiaand instnntly kflled.
Oid.Xaddy es the Else.
SiocxCrrr, April 20. The Missouri
river at Skarr City rose seven and one
half feet y ei terday, aad the tBdicntioas
are that it vrill go some higher. The
current' is visy rapid at this point aad
it is feared notae damage will be donp,
before the water recedes- Inrcad3 aiM
r arreauyBatie oo.ute aan uu. uicuira
dykes do aat seera o he of much pro
tectioa. tKaasaa Pepallirta.
Topeka, llaa, April 20. The Pop
aliet stae citral committee met here
today to seSjctr a place for holding the
Tto date has already
Tnao - B -BtoJI "a- Inu 15. Five tOWBS
pna to the selectioa of To
Needed Par Sea tety.
I WASrOt, Ajril 30. The Uaiied
States savtl attaches ia Berlin aad.
Tlsaaa hsvs heea recalled, by the aavy
tTnpn-rmnnt' The attaches are aeeded
frsea ay. Afl a&val oScers aet
sMk ac jweawf ac
it is trae wisdom, lor every-
body to take & thorougk coarse of
Swift's Sfeciiic Jct at this seosoa
of the year. The bloo is sInggfsA
anHi-'&jjoTeik&edv and the svsteas
is fall of imparities which shoeld
be iiBftlite. la addifioB. to
t -t1 , - -1.1.13
orosghlj cleansm- the blood,
aM-tomiTro tne sjstem so as to
avoid loss of appetite 'arid a gefl-
erai nm-down feeling" in tne
gprinr S. S. S. so strengthens and
builds np as to fortify against the
jjy fni.: - rian Tllna
matter to take this precaution hut
it insures health and strength all
scrsHier. Swift's Specific
C C C Fot"
is far ahead of all other remedies
for this purpose. It is a real
blood .remedy- which promptly
purifies" the blood and thoroughly
renovates the entire, system,, tones
C mucuu
, xenew3 appetite. It is the
; only safe tonic, being purely vege-
table, and the only blood remedy
guaranteed to contain no arsenic,
mineral SUhstsnce, which IS Ot SO
much importance" fo all who tribwf
( the injurious effects of these drugs,
' Vo4npa c-kttTh T,q r--ri.j 1
i,aiulc c""u-tu- w iaLcu. uj 11a-
ture s remeav. fa. b. S. Take
S. S. S. and be well all summer.
w- 5
cpuacu lu
furnish the people of 2orth Platte
with a superior quality ot lake ice
a t t - .
Wm. Edis.
The best
Can be found at
j. 1 immiwi
Smokin"TobaccOS and Smok-
ers articles.
Legal Notices.
By virtae of an order of sole issued from the
District Court of Xincoln county, Nebraska, uraler
a decree in an action wherein Samuel Goozee is
piainUS and Nellie C. Kelner. Henry P. Kehier.
NeineC Kelner; formerly NeiHe C. Freeman,
rnardian of Ada Freeman and William M. Free
moruanii'Jacoo J. Myers are defendant?, and to
me-directed. I shall on the-Ttlrrfar nrTi-r iscs
at one o'clock p. nu. at the east front door of the
court hocse in North Platte. Nebraska, sen the
&Uo-3-described real estateat public auction
' creel'too!1 foS. trS&?2i
1 "ad twelverlll). in the city of North Platte. Ne
fgofSdlSg"1 offiggogta9
The amount due on said decree bein 53060
f "oggSrU
Tnt t. keliheb.
Lda Office at North Flatte. Neb.. )
April 1th. ISSS. f
Notice is hereby riven that the fotlcwina--named
: seaier na nieti cones or sis intention to make
proof win be mada before Eegiater and Eeceiver
at North putre, Neh. on May nth, 1233, vn
ho maIe Homestead Entry Not ittsq. for the
sonthhalt of the northwest qotrter and Iota Zand
I. section Z, township It north, rane 3 west.
HenameUIoUowin?wnTeee to prove hi"
e-mtthnocs residence apen and cultlrariiin ef uid
land. Tte John Worthley. Prani Ebeie. Walter K.
Coven aad Charles Eeene, ail of North Platte.
s3-5 , JOHN P. HXNMAN.Eegister.
At a cocnty cGnrt held at the county court
room, in and for asid county, April 5th. JL D.
Present A. S- Baldurin. County Jndge.
Xa the matter o the Estate of Eofcert It. Dow-
eH. deceased
One readiwr and Hun? the petition of Sidney J.
DoweE praying' that dmmistration of said satate-
may be crantea to aim es Aomtntstiator.
OBDEKED. That April 23th A- XX. at 9
otsioek A 1L1 aasioned tor hearinjr said pet-
Uan.-whenaE peruns interested is said matter
may appear as a cmxaty court to be Held in. one.
for -aid eonnty.and show eanse why the prayer of
petitioner should not be granted.
a-8-3-w County Jodye.
A. K-Dasseron and Dameron, wife ef said
A. R. Dameron. defendants, will tale notice that
on the 11th daynApriLI89olns Boxes, ptais.
tift herein. &!ed his petttina in the district court
of Uccola cnanty. Nebrasha, aainsc sakf de
fendaatsand Jameo A. Dameron. Mary Damercn.
J prayer of which are to foreclose a certain, mnrfc.
' case ezecated by Ra enact A. Brittisaham and
Jeresiah Briltiaham to the-plaiatiS sponthe
in Townhfa nine (3. aorth of San brecrr.
"eves CSl.ln TJnaate ecasty. Nebrufca. to secar'
the aaysest cf a proedMory cote dated Amrast
fi Ifi fertfcgJiiUBaof S0EQ.Oftacd dnaaadpaya
hle in are years frost date thereof, the time of
which ysestbeisc ertended by agreement be
tweea piaiatiS and JcsesA. Daaeroa aad
Xary aawron to Aagnst rd, 1 -S5, thar there
soar due an ssM note, mnrurup aadexteBesoa
agreesest the sa3Brfco. for which som riih
iaterestfrM Ail 2J. isse. plaieti pwys far a.
decree that defeasiaste be nroired to pay the
sasearthaCnidpreadjesaerrbit sofd to satfcfr
ihe aasesst food. dae.
Tea ata. -wnaf sd taaaswe4aU.ptia8asor
" lac r
oars. JMhr ifwiigftort E.
-t-iri the north, lutf of! ifee
rane 27 wt, i Dacnia cowtr.
So. wiife a Tieir to k i-awroHUan e(iKlialrr,
tkeraU: jnrtloa are Tiiinifcj 111111 flu Hui
at thisr oca cs tke la dsrof Jsm,t
i o eocc s. is iiiijiiMiitaag. fiinlnt ti.
nmrrrnrrrnTt-r TirTi'iTfinn iT itminliinni lit
Xa 0ck at 'orti HteT 5e4)
seteraaKM aoeoe ac us
fiaatatoortawiigutt otitis elate.
prprfn-ill be Tit rtii atinie EaaiMer awt aeeeiTsc
t.SOia.Zlame,ye-.oa.2taT atk. IStlg. vie
wao made Ki-rm -ti-arf Satrr JTa- for
f cTrta.aatg eg at mntk mnr. nmra
half ecseatbwe Quarter of scetioa 3S. :
U.&artitTrasge3twet. Ha irnnin Ue ftiOn utiuv
aBdeamrattoeorsaU lasd. v4k SasMet
HsxTC.WieavDB. Gaedia aa XreA
tuqt SiBiffiNC Sea.
3Xmcr PO. erBLICATjOX-.
Xaad Oaf atSortk late 3eh
if-4ice is hereby fgTen. that the aaflirtBgnmnt
seuier-Basnmx none or his mteoc to
proof-fa (rapaott cfh clitisi. aeil that raid preef
wiU he Bade before BesiKsr asd BeceiTerat
Sorth PlaKe. Seb.. on April h. lSaS.ffei
Who made Home Stead Zctrrlf a. ISiK, tor the
neteec.u,Tt ii n.rZUnr.
Henaraesthefanowter wltw it to Brore Ms
contisnoca residence crmx asd ealtrratioB. of!
said land, ttk Williaai Schnit. Jofat Salteir-
-ueotxe w. Jjtbc aad Stchard. Prffius all ec
zaEJr i'laile, sebraska.
Iaad OSee atyorthPIatte. Tfeit,
Xarti35.L9eH C
SotJee is hereby gtrea thattemoa B. Iseahszt
has filed notice of irrWatiocfo isahe proof he-
"ks xwjiscer-ana aeeenrer scina oca la3orta
Plane, i efx. oa Sitcrdar. the Tlh day of Star.
ISSS. on tiaiber coltare arraticarinn Vo. 12J1U.
for the northeast quarter of aecsion. So.t0.fa. tnwn-
up Jto.ii3orta.raage5o.30 west He namesas
witnea: JohaTJeyetie. A Bejerie. Chariee
Seen aad George E. Hsrdrs, all of X7rth Platte,
m2 JOHyr HTSXAX-.nesisr.
TJ. S. laal Ottlee. JTorih Platte, yebt.
3Csrch.3I.lS98. f
5oticfrihsrefijKiTea that Albert W ITathcar
Jon has filed notice of hi iniectioti to make --T
prooChetorttBKisSerand.BceiTeratIuoSc9 In
North t Ia:te. eEi ca Hataniay. the Itih
3aj. on. tinier caltare appUcatinB XndfT.
f TSr 2
Mlpnnotta, maze- SwesC H ramtr aa it
Eaara spricswieeorse d. aiatheTrson.
t cer ana umier. an or Bray,
1 ato.
Tc Deanis T.AIir. Eoesuieot defendeci: Toa
are herby notifled that on. the 9th day of ApriLJlSS
AEuieE. Al!jn till a ptiliniigai3t joa in the
district court ot Xincois. cwxatj, Nebraska, the
cbjectandprajecaf whichare to obtain a ditoree
1 jou nn the gmtmtt that yon. are of sof
ScientahUirrtoproTideasitahleEiatriteaasce tor
f her.haveirroHlT'aaitwastoQljacd craelljrefjaed
). ami neglected to do so. for two jeors last past end
laR Jane i.1503. aad also- a?3c?fur the castody of
1 rhtr three oinor children the issue of said mar
riage. Ton are required to answer said petttioa
00 or before the 30th day of 3tar.l08.
, , B; her aiJorney. Ihrria t Sidgley.
723 RSISrK3 -
First National Bank,
N. McCABE, Prsprleto-r.
North Platte Pharmacy.
DJrugs and Druggists' Sundries.
We aim to nandle: tne best grades of goods
dj- Sell everytHiig- at reasonable prices, and
-warrant all goods tobejnst as represtmted.
All Prescriptions Carafutiy Filted by a Licensed Pharmacist:
Orders from the country and along- the line of the .Union
Pacific Railway- is respectfully soIIdtecL
First door north of First Kational Bank.
Sfattex oi mlinrTnn of searv WalleKam
farXfepiar Uceas.
3Mfcela aerebygiveataat Hry
awtkited rraoatae KdavoCAjrO-AJXISas.
fie ate apaCcaticB to tae eaty coaacil or
Xectk PlaSftf. liacoiH ronrr, Xcbxaska.
ec Seeaaeto selLXaUiSBferitaoBsaad Tiaoss
Tlnaiiru oart-i. Bit rft. Sjrace street irt
the- ciy of Xortk Katte. IJacoIa corrnrj-, e
hraetau frow 1st ay of Mzy, ISSr to the
If there bao oi)Jeciio. xeaaosstrance or
arefceetCled -art tain two ireeks from -PP1
latk- A. D. ISW?, the sa Ilcen-e -wiU be
graateil. KSaJWJXTEXATH.
Tae Tribaae Bevsapez' wffl pnhusa the
afeeve aodcefor-two-eeteattbe expeiwear
the apB&aat. The city of Xorth Biatte
aotto be charged theirwith.
FKED S. GISX. Gty Gerk.
of the application of Gay A. lints'
forXiquorXicesse. .
Vtfri-ilTnTrwiirmT that Gtrv A- T.aiTTg
iK4oHthe3dcayotAprn.A.rJ.l3iR ale kfa
aapGcatioe. to the cjtv council of orta
V bttff. TJacote cotmrr, Xebra.sfca. for license
tosettStalt-Spirttnons and Vinous Uqaors
os Lot X Sit K. Froctstr ect. in the dry ox
XarthPlirte. Iincole coantr--N'ehra3lra- frora
the tit day or atav. ISS6 to the 1st day of 3ar.
It there heno oWectioc remonstrance or
protest ttlett within two- Treets from Aprli
otav -a- JJ- use, the saia license wiii
graated. GCT A. LAXSG.
The- TrCmEff ncwsmwr -wfrt Tin hliah. the
above notice for ttro vreeis at the expense of
the asplicant. Taedtr of North Platte
sot to charged, theretrita.
fRED K. GrSN", City Clert.
APPr.TCATioy ros liqitok ucesse.
Matter of aDOIicition of Prank Wetnsrantt
for Liquor lJcen.e.
Xotice is hereby zlven that Frani Wein
ranii did rrpon the Ilth day of ApriL A. t.
JS-file-hi an-cIJcorion tnthe-cirr cntincilef
North Platte. Lincoln coenrv. Nebraata. for
license to sell malt, spiritnoca aad Tiaoo-s
liquors on Sixth street- ia XeviBe brivfr. in
tcecit-r of North Platte. Llircoia county,
Xebrasia. frnin the hit dar of Mar. ISB8. to
tae jsz. aayoi jut. vjh.
If there ce no obfectioa. remonstrance ht
protest filed 'srithia Vscr weeks frora AprK
lata. a. u. us. me sata license tfiu ec
granted. FRANK W KING AND.
The Tribcne newsTaner- -riH nubaah the-
above notice for two weeis at the expense of
the applicant: the City of North Platte B
not to be charged therewith.
Matter of the aunUcatioa of O. L. SparHBC
for Liciuor License.
Notice fa heretrr given that O. L. SnarHnr
didrraonthe3d dar of Anrii A. D. lSSS.liie
his applicatiod to the City Council of North
Platte. Lincoln Count-. Nebrassa. far He ease
to5eUXait.SpiritBods and Vinous Liqaur?
on Xiiidle i, of Lot 5. BCc ICS. Spruce street,
in the CUt-of North Platte. Lincoln County.
Nehraata. frora the tat dar of May. IS. to
the 1st dar of May. 1X0-
If there be no objection, remonatrance or
protest cicl trithin two weets fronr April
nth, A. D. 1SS the said BcenaewiHbe eranted
above mtice for two "weeks at the expenseseC
f the applicant. The City of North. Platte S
not to be charged therewith.
FRED E. GINX. City Cleric
In tit TBaner of the Estate of George W.
TXllaxd. deceaeed.
By Tirtae of an order therefor of H. 1L Grimes.
Jade of tae Elstrirt Court ef said county, nsule
this Tth day of April. 13JW. I will sell at the east
frost dcor of the court house is North Platte, is.
aaid coasly, on. the 9th day of Hay. lZ&i. at 1
o'clock p m. at public Teudue b the highest Ju-t-derfarcavh.
Lot 5 in Bloct 151). and Lot 2 fax
Block Iffl. both, la North Platte, Neb which sole
nill remain open one hour.
s-t-w Adnurdatratae of raid Estate.
Yotr chickens I
Will ears yon more
mome? yoe feed them
Prates Poultry ITood
It's a good thing-, there
fore we sell It.
J. E. BUSH, Manager-
" -Ajfe
m x. a. Ti
IsssssssLl: ISIbIl;