The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 12, 1898, Image 4

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    ANNIE. C. KRAHPH, Orrr Editor.
TUESDAY, APKIL 12, 1896.
Manager Lloyd has booked the
Spooner Dramatic ' Coaipany Hot?
, Rennie's store.buildiag is being
thoroughly renovated and -will be
occupied 1y him in the. near future.
A young' fireman came to make
bis home with Jas. P. Roddy Sat
urday night. .Jim's happiness -is so
suoreme" that war "and rumors
1 -
of war dont botber him a particle.;
-CapL H. C J3varis,of Co.B. has
issued 'a call for '20 -volunteers.;
TJie intention Is to enlist enough
nienv -to briar "the-number in the
company up to to, tne tun numoer.
allowed by the governor.
E?M. Day, a "former resident
of thisdty, but now living at Hew
'Whatcom, Wash., has- been, ap
pointed paymaster general on Gov
ernor Rodgers' staff. The'positioa
gives him the Tank of colonel.,
Bay ycur eggs at Ti "Wileex !-
jartaaent Store 7 cents a doaea.
3Ctie secretary of the Boafdotr
Education has already received
about , twenty school applications.
With only one exception every one
of these applications is for the
. 4. -
-position of superintendent of
The knights ot Pythias will
entertain the members and their
friends at a card party to be given
at Castle Hall Friday night. The
rank work will be given on Thurs
day .night instead ot Friday night.
-The Schubert Symphony Club
aadJLady Quartette wiligivCa per
form aace at Lloyd's opera houseman
May nth, aadartfec aipices offlw
XaicMs jaPytkea. ;TJik.MJMir.l
c cart cMHWMy aa4 they jyjU
rat KMC"
ctf Walkar pre
cit,'iiiM,kt before the Board
of Insanity yesterday morning and
was adjudged insane. Stephen Mc
Dermott was appointed adminis
trator of his property. Mr. Morgan
will be taken to the asylum as soon
as there-isroom "for him.
EdLoveland sold a bunch of
forty Tiead of cattle to A. Kunkel
yesterday. JSr. Kunkel is feeding
a great,many cattle on his ranch
southof town. Part of them will
-be-in shape to ship this summer.
The balance hewill feed till nest
spring. w
The publishers having failed
o fulfill their contract in furnish
ing covers, the Bird and Arbor Day
programmes for the schools will
not be available for those days, but
"the state superintendent hasvsug
gested that the teachers carry them
out at, a. later day.
Charles P. Ross, went to
Ogalalla on No. 1 Yesterday to
sMftftrm&tMi tke aawotrHcti gf a-
f : tlfct, Alfiftte district.
TIM ax '3(TwbltMMc.
dhtweter find wrii, wha' fikfchoa,
coivky water acre two canyons,
oneO feet wide and thtTbflier 230
feet wide. The bottoms of the can
yons are 29 feet below the grade of
the canal.
The Olell Dressed Jfan, f
:other things beisg equal-45
-will make more oney fthaa5
HVn ian who is carelesslv
We have
a lot of
$ suits for men at$7vS0aad$10. $
,Worth your time to see.
S Star Clothing House
Mrs. S. GoozeeeatertaiHed the
"Taesday'Afternoo Social Giub amd
a few other friends this afternoon.
The members of the club responded
to roll-call with quotations from
the Carey sisters. The early part
of the afternoon was devoted to "A
trip to JClondke." Each lady
present was handed 'a string and
told that at the end of it was a
y5aangget which she was to find. The
: 5rstooe discovering a nugget was
rs. J. H. Hershey and she was
given anotner very large one for her
" proficiency in mining. Later in
the afternoon a spelling match -was
held, in which, Mrs. . Hershey again.
proved to be-the most proficient one.'
Delio-htful refreshments were
s '. served in the latterpart of the af
A telegram was received' this
WSaf teroa costmiifrittMfe startling.
atkj jtu. uw lima, w.
has lien
tim. ceTeral months he had
bea stdcfim a ; vtry severe
bnaMs8 nm iett jer. as it
'lai' M('1iiifirnT" 1e finally decided
W6 to Hot. fB4 AfteHafc.
tog tcBauwBi;pws him-wi
jneral healtlT iAowe a. deidk
Improvement a4d his tomeneas wa
reltjjtred. lie expectca
gZ:: r TlMlrTTiiTfTlTr I II JTT1
When y ok hear people say tkeyicaa
not get some rare bargains. in.i..
in the month pi February We have, some great
bargains for this month as we expect our new
Spring Stock about March ist, and we must have
room. We have decided to give the people a chance
to get some tgood goods for little money. "
To Clothe Your Boys
Healthfully, Tbstefully
And at the same time ECONOMICAX,IY, is no
easy matter to most pater-famiiias or mater-familias, as
the'ease may be. It is not generally known that Boys
Clothes cost more, proportionately, than men's clothes.
But it is a well known tact that it is always cheaper to
- buy the best quality in boys' clothes. "We sell only that
sort, butatvervJCorsr JPrdces. Every article in
our boys' department we GUA.RANTBB to give
perfect satisfaction, no matter how low the price, or
" money will be cheerfully refunded. Is not ours, then,
the sort of store you want to trade with? The new
ones we received for young men, age from 10 to 20 years,
long pants, are worth the time to see. Price at $5.00
and $7.50. We have cheaper and better ones.
W. A.-VOLLMEE, Proprietor.
Opposite Postoffice across the street from old location!
1 feiiie ltmn Sale
presewte to yxni the opportunity of ahfe.f time - to5
urchise standard goods
avail yourself of this
Is in charge of a competent trimmer, -and
ladies, will be delighted with her creations.
Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose.
Blue Grass Seed, Farm and Gar
den Seeds. Onion Sets, Ice Cream
Freezers. Seed Sweet Potatoes,
Base Balls, Foot Balls, Marbles
and Tops. Barb Wire and Hog
Fencing. The above specialties
are sold by us in addition to THE
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Graham
will entertain Thursday night in
Mr of Miss Wiseman.
Bntler Buchanan has moved
his office to the Wm. McDonald
tailding where he has very pleas-
Mt' quarters..
-One.of the. items inihe tran
sactions at the county clerk's office
yesterday, was the release of a
$4,746 chattel mortgage,
TheLadies of the G. A. R. will
clear about forty dollars from the
entertainment given at Lloyds
Jastevening. Rain interfered some
what with the attendance but those
who were present were treated to
an enjoyable program.
Perry Sitton is m aking a screen
tor Mrs. iL. H. Dow of Ft. Mc-
Pherson that is a decided novelty.
One panel of it is composed en
tirely of badges. The badges have
been gathered at conventions held
all over the United States and they
area very unique collection.
H.M. Appleford's large barn
near Maxwell was burned to the
ground last Saturday. It caught:
from a prairies fire. Mr. Apple
tord carried $350 insurance but he
will lose fully $1500 on grain, har
ness, bngg. ) and implements that
were destroyedbr injured.
The board of directors of the
Suburban Irrigation District met
yesterday and canvassed the votes
cast at the recent district election.
The secretary issued certificates of
election, as director!, to M. C.
Lindsay, W. M. Hinman and At Ml
Stoddard; and as treasurer to H.
C. Rennie.
. r
- At the annual parish meeting
A of the Church of Oar Saviour held.
i6t night'the following officers
s, Ark., fptJwsere elected": Wardens. F. E. Bul-
lard and T. C. Patterson;j?estry
men. Milfoil Doolittle. 'M. K.
BarnwBi, M. H. Douglas, H.J. Roth,
L. Walker," W. M.. Cunningham,
and Miss Annie C Kramph. A
Terr encourariar report of the
JlHncial coaditkm of. the church
wat made. The total amount of
Raster offering was reported as
The signal service bureau has
aent Lawreace Daiagerfield, of Ax$i
- . - J -4.1.' XA.-"S
U m Mertations byJ
at low figures. Why not
grand opportunity?
Wm. Gregg has rented, the
store room formerly occupied by
Vesey's restaurant and will open a
grocery store.
Several of Col. Cody's buffalo
were shipped to Omaha yesterday.
They will be exhibited at the com
ing Trans-m.ississippi exposition.
A little son came to brighten
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Per
kins Saturday morning. ' Mother
and son are doing well.
A petition for a divorce from
Dennis T. Allyn was filed in the
district court on April 9tb, by
Annie B. Allyn of Wallace.
Last night's rain was a splen
did one and came just in the nick of
time. It we have a few warm days
now, the grass and wheat will grow
so fast that they can be heard.
The largest and most artistic
line of lamps ever seen in North
Platte are shown by the Wilcox De
partment Store. There are an end
less variety of patterns to select
The Pacific Hotel, Hotel Ne
ville and Vienna Restaurant furn
ished special dinners to their pa
trons on Easter day. The tables
were handsomely decorated and
Easter eggs were given as souven
irs. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
Society will hold a cushion sale on
Aprill stfrom 2 to 7:20 o.clock
the residence of Mrs. Iddings. They
will also serve ice cream and cake,
The public is cordially invited to
The right Hat is more im
portant than any portion of a
stylish man's attire. Buy.
"THE LONGLEY" at $3.00
for style and quality. We ha ve
cheaper goods.
Star Clothing House.
Presiding Elder Lnard spent
Saturday in the city. Easter Sun
day he officiated at Ogalalla in
place of Rev. Chandler Mr. Leon-
afSiis atill very lame from the ef-
feefs ofa runaway he was in in
the southeastern JfarLot the coun-
Salt 1. CO a barrel at the Wilooz
IHpartmeat Mere.
Jay Smith, the 4 yearbld son of
Hugiueer. Jake Smith, met with
quite a painfal accident Friday
evening, v He was " playing in thej
barn when he -fell into one of the
mangers. ,He,;. caught .his little
finger on. Jth'va.edgtf of the manger
ana Daaty.iacecaiea lr, necessnar
ing a physkiaVakiHgv, several
stitcheimt.; ---t " , - .
-Yihtox.Mer Tiajfd wa re store
vaaAki auM.hamiSHMWHBanaaaniaAiunniaaaaaaHiaaaHHfle raina VKai I Jf aHiBBBBBBarwiiiiHBrvBaK zKLsaaniaKivaiMVBi bc&bb jbi Liuia 1 - mM rJT - raara''
Saater at tfce Ckux&tm.
JCaster Day m North -Platte; wm
warm ana clear with scarcely any
wind an ideal Easter day. The
ladies had been studying the
weather charts for several days and
were prepared to make a raid on
the signal office if -proper weather
was not furnished, but it was all
that could be desired and, conse
quently the church congregations
looked like animated posy beds.
The children's Easter festival at
the Methodist church Easter night
wasa very enjoyable entertainment.
A large congregation was present.
The children's singing was espec
ially good. The church was taste
tully decorated with blossoming
xcev. u. . 4. i? ouiK connrmea a
class ot six at the morning service
of the Lutheran church on Easter
day. The church was beautifully
decorated. The centre of the decor
ation was several magnificent
Easter lilies. Around these were
banked a great many plants. The
capacity of the church was taxed
to its utmost at both services.
The services at the Presbyterian
church on Easter Day were all well
attended, and Rev. Verner preached
two very- strong sermons. The
Sunday-school was extremely
large. The children's Easter of
fering was ten dollars, The dec
orations of the church were quite
Large congregations were pres-.
ent at all the Easter services at
St. Patricks's. The church was
beautifully decorated with cut
flowers and potted plants. The
special Easter music was exceed
ingly well rendered.
At the Church ot Our Saviour on
Easter night the rector. Rev. G. A.
Beecher, presented a class of 28 to
the Bishop for confirmation. Large;
congregations were present at all
the services of the day, the one in
the evening being especially large.
The church was very handsomely
decorated with lilies and. other
plants. Another feature of the
decorations was a large number of
calla lilies. The children's festival
in the afternoon was participated
in by about 175 children. The choir
appeared for the first time in their
new vestments.
Supper and
The ladies of the
M. E. church
will hold a fair at Lloyd's opera
house on April 19th Chicken and
waffle supper will be served from 5
to 8 o'clock. Fancy and useful ar-,
tides too numerous to mention will
be for'sale.
The supper will be followed" by
the following programme:
Piano Solo ,Mss Langdon
Solo Miss Randolph
Miss Josley's Waxworks
Quartette.. Messrs Besack and Do
lan Mrs. Huffman and Miss Lytle
Tableau Courtship 1768-1898
Duet.. Misses Irene and Neleye
Ladies' Quartette.. Miss Lytle and
Mesdaraes. Orr, Huffman and
Drill Hamilton Cadets
EEET are crJjS aloud for
w j uiii helo all ovefnhe land w
m Here is the help they
want.- iii
W Health deoends unon comfor
table feet. The Dr. Reed
S Cushion Shoe all styles and
rolors at $5.00,
Our strong
lines are $1.50, $2.50, and
Notice show window.
W r1 i J 1 T "
w oiar uiotmnff Jttouse.
J. A. Goodman shipped four
more cars of cattle from the Scout's
Rest ranch yesterday. Mr, Good
man left last night for South Oma
ha to see about marketing them.
W. S. Cox. of Willard, is build
ing a house on the land owned by
him on the Jno. Hinman ditch. He
expects to farm this piece of land
during the coming season.
Recorder Wm. S. Peniston, of
the Knights of Honorlias received
a draft tor $2000 in fayor of Mrs.
Lizzie L. Donaldson. This is the
amout due on the insurance policy
carried by her late husband. Dr. N.
F, Donaldson.
Suyyour window shades of the
Wilco: Department Store.
Friday night a gang of young
men amused themselves by smash
ing the glass in the windows of
Wm. "Vesey's resturant. Mr. Vesey
intended to prosecute the voung
men but as they offered to pay" for
the glass he finally decided to let
the matter drop.
At about three o'clock Sunday
morning officer McNamara sajp
sereralf8fsp.& moving abou.t?fJa
the - Boston "$tore room. Sup
posing they were burglars he be-i
gan a closer investigation and
found the parties to be the" twol
lady milliners and proprietor who
were at work finishing tip delayed
orders for ladies' hats. "The sales
in the millinery department of the
Boston were very heavy.,
Fred Ouimette returned from.
Pittsburg, Kan., on No.U:
Fred is pretty well-cemviM
iNorfh Platte,T a mjr mem pbm
After .ali The wetfc in Pitta-1
Hardware Dept.
Nails . ......,...,.. : , . . 2$ cents a . pound
Alligator Wrench .15 cents
' Madole Hammer . . . tv55 cents
12-quart Galvanized PaiL. 20, cents
Best steel Stove Pipe .. , . .15 cents per joint
Red UTest, Cowboy Rope. .12i cents a pound
14-inch Plow Lays 75 cents each
14-inch Lister Lays . . , 90 cents each
14-inch fitted Lister Lays' to fit John Deere
. Listers $1.75
Cultivator Shovels , 40 cents each,
Subsoilers, . . .. 60 to 90 cents. each
14-tooth Malleable Rakes. ... 14 cents each
Full size Garden Hoes 20 cents each
Coil Chain 6J and 74 cents a pound
Copperas 4 2 cents a pound
Sulpher 5 cents a pound
King Bolts, ( 28 to 35 cents each
We carry buggy rims, wagon felloes,
buggy tongues, wagon tongues, spokes
and a full line of buggy and wagon hard
ware and woodwork.
Paint Dept.
Pound Cans Devoe's Mixed Paints. 15 cts
,Devoe's best Mixed Paints ..$1.40 a gal.
Best WhiteLead 7c a pound
Best quality Linseed Oil 55c a gallon
Wagon Gloss Paint 45c a quart
Pine. Tar 8c, 2 for 15c
We carry a full line of brushes of all
kinds. Call and get our color card.
Goods sold at one price and that for cash only. NORTH FLATTE, NEBRASKA.
" J. J. Halligan went to Ogallala,
on business yesterday morning.
Miss Josie Day, who is teaching in
Ogallala, spent Sunday in the city
Aribur Rush returned Sunday
afterdtoon from-a trip to Atchison.
Captain R. BHaskell of Lena,
Neb., was in the city on business
Sunday. - .
Miss Lucy Sullivan of Brady is.
spending a few. days visiting
in the city.
Prof. Wm. Ebright came home
from Nebraska City on No. 1 Sun
day afternoon.
Fred Black, of the cattle firm of
Black Bros,, of Gothenburg, was
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Wood White returned yes
terday from a" short trip to Omaha
and Grand Island.
Miss Kutu Patterson, wno is
teaching near Curtis, spent Satur
day and Sunday in the city.
Miss Jennie Frazier closed a very
successful term of school in Dis
trict No. 79 onsSaturday.
Bishop Graves and Rev. Geo. A.
Beecher will hold Episcopal ser
vices in Ogallala this evening.
Mrs. W. J. Roche who had been
visiting a short time in Shelton,
came home on No. 3 Sunday night
Deputy Sheriff Ledgerwood took
Oakley Swarthout to the State
Industrial School at Kearney, yes
tMrs. McCard, of the southeastern
part of the county, was in town
Saturday and Sunday shopping and
attending Easter services.
W. D. Maxwell came in from
Omaha Sunday afternoon and will
regulate the weather until Mr.
Piercy is able to be at his post
again. v
Miss Libbie Clark" is visiting her
sisters, Mrs. Jas. Downie and Mrs
A. Craigie. Miss Clark has been
living in California for the last
few months.
Jack Rodgers and Clint Nichols,
of Bradshaw, are in the city. They
expect to remain here till the grass
gets started and then buy up horses
to drive overland to Bradshaw.
Mr and Mrs. Elmer Coats came
in, from Julesburg yesterday morn
ing. They will prdbably make
their home here for the present.
"Mr. Coates will have charge of the
Iddings elevator at this point.
Miss Lulu Salisbury left on
No. 2 this morning to attend a two
weeks' term of school atthe Fre
mont Normal, the young lady hav
ing recently closed, very success
ful terms of school in the southern
part of the county. ' ,
WiAJ Paxton spent yesterday
in the city looking after his. busi
ness interests. Mr. Paxton has
recently disposed of his interests
in the Ogalalla Land and Cattle
Co.. a firm he has been identified
with for a number of years.
Attorney Hidgely returaedFri-day-
night from Cherry qounty.
The1 judgement of the lower court
i1&aorof Davis. & Ridgely in one
suit 'ym -affirmed and a partial
jtuigBMtat . in their favor was given
another suit.
ea Agnt McGovec Mi&
make the
Best harness oil , ; 50c a galloa
Hame Straps 10 cents each
IX iach breast straps.. r. . .- .35 cents each
1 inch breast straps 45 cts each
1 inch halters 75 cents each
Sweat Pads..,-. 20 cents each
Trace carriers ....... -. 4 cents cash
Breast strap slides 4 cents each
Tug buckles..4c each. Cockeyes. .5c each
Terret rings . .5c each. Rosettes . .5c each
Terrett Hooks 5, 7 and 10 cents each
Buggy and wagon cushions 50c each
Bridles ....50 cents each
1 inch double and stitched tug ferret pad
farm harness $21. We carry a full line of
buggy harness, saddles, leather, etc.
Grocery Dept.
Package Coffee ; .10c a pound
North Platte Patent Flour $1.25 a sack
25 lb sack Corn meal 18c a sack
Corn chop 65c per cwt. Bran, ,55c per cwt
4 pound package Geld Dust. . . 18 cents
Yeast Foam , 3c a package
Kerosene Oil .14 cents a gallon
Lewis Lye 9c a can, 3 for 25 cents
Merry War Lye 7c a can
Pearline : ,4c a package
10c size PaddleBluing 7 cents
5c size PaddleBluing.. 4 cents
2 sacks Table Salt 5 cents
Rock Salt ...65c a hundred
Father Haley went to Cheyenne
this afternoon.
Joseph Schatz went to Cheyenne
on No. 1 to-day.
Fred Douglas will return'to Elm
Creek to-nforrow.
Mrs. H. C. Blickensderfer lett on
No. 6 this morning for Cozad.
N. A. Davis lett tor the eastern
part of the state state this morn
ing. Mrs. Ottman and daughter went
to ChappelJ on No. 1 yesterday
Miss GraceBarbee, of Campbells-
ville, Ky., is visiting her brother,
Geo. Barbee;
Miss Laura Irish left this morn
ing on No. 2 to attenda two weeks'
term of school at the Fremont Nor
Br EL Sherman returned last
night from a two months' stay in
Council Bluffs.
Robt. Finney was calling last
night in the place of Roy Vernon,
who is afflicted with a case of meas
Mrs. C. L. Adams went to Cen
trai uity tnis mormnjr to attend a
meeting of the missionary society
of the Kearney Presbytery.
Guy Dawson. John Babcock, Ed
win Frear, and V. F. Davis, of
Farnain, are in the city transact
ing business at the land office.
Rev. A. W. Verner, and Mr. and
Mrs. Hilliker went to Central City
this morning to attend a session of
the Kearney Presbytery. .
Mrs. J. H. Hershey expects to
leave for Pennsylvania soon after
school closes, and will spend the
summer there visitinir friends and
Miss Frolke, who has been teach
ing south of the city, was granted
a week's leave of absence by the
board of directors on account of
sickness and has gone to her home
at Garfield.
Last night while E. L. Miller,
who .travels for Paxton & Galla-
srher, was hurryinc towards the
Pacific Hotel he slipped and fell,
breaking both bones in his wrist.
Dr. McCabe was at once summoned
and the broken arm was set by Dr
Jonas and him.
Ethan Triester who had been
working on one of the ditch farms
and Vvho has been sick for about a
week was baought to the city yes
terday morning. Dr. McCaw de
cided that the young man was suffering-with
an attack of catarrhal
appendicitus. He was taken to
the Hawley House where he is re
ceiving treatment. Later The
young man died at 9 o'clock this
Business in the land office is on
the boonC Fburlfonsfeads 'were
taken up yesterday and one this
morningv Considerable sand hill
land is now beintr ore-emntiH hv
parties who are going to use it for
grazing purposes.
Wm. Smalrwei-. racer ed a
telegram yesterday af tern con
taining the sad iatraauon that
his brother Joseph had priah-$ff-
f tit. rpcon f rlrpariftil ww Wlir,' 1' - I'
the Gkalkoot trail.. Jomft
wood itraa on his way to ffce xioa-
aik wham the aad t va t1aooed.
lSMefyed,iyictor Meyera
these are only a few of th articles-on wh5cke :saw
V. We do not need to be told wheri arke' is right; we
prices and know they are.
O. E. Hughes spent Sunday and
Monday in the city.
Tony Stolle went to work in the
laborers gang- this morning.
Hank Gilfoyle has Gus Ander
son's car while Gus is doing extra
passenger work.
Dr. A. F. Jonas, the newly ap
pointed chief surgeon of the Union
Pacific R. R. Co., is in the city.
Conductor Lew Pierce has laid
off for a few days and has gone to
Denver to visit his family. Gus
Anderson takes his run.
Fireman C. J. Perkins leftfor his
home in Lodgeville, Wis, on No. 4
last evening. He was summoned
by a telegram announcing the sud
den death of his brother.
S. H. Donehower, who has been
in Omaha attending the sessions
oi the B. of L. F. Grievance Board
spent Sunday at home, "He return
ed to Omaha Sunday night.
The grievance boards of both
the B. of L. E. and the B. of L. F,
have been, in session in Omaha for
sometime. They are. endeavoring
to come to an agreement with the
new management of the U. P, on a
wage scale.
Tom O'Neal has been busily en
gaged the last few days planning
new styles ot lumpers, tne rumor
having reached his ears that after
the 15th all foreman would be com
pelled to wear overalls and iurap
ers. It is also thought that after
May 1 Messrs. Graves, Hendy and
Adams, the clerical force in the
master mechanic's office, will be
ordered to don overalls and jump
Engineer Cbas. Ell has gone into
the horse-raising business. As he
was pulling No. 3 into Big Springs
last night a horse attempted to
cross the.track ahead of the engine,
but the engine, was too quick for
him and lifted him several feet into
the air. Then instead of deposit
ing him peacefully by the side of
the track, he was thrown about 20
feet till he struck the side of the
station breaking a hole about six
feet square. The agent says he
woke up to find moonlight shining
in his room and a horse occupyinS
half ot the room.
George Lannan's son son Robert
is quite seriously ill.
Anna Dick is confined to the
house with quite a severe attack of
hip disease.
Good brood sows with pigs to
let on shares. Inquire at once ot
Walter Kocken, Wilcox Dept. Store.
Frank Brazelton is moving into
the rooms oven his store- recently
vacated by Hank Gilfoyle.
Henry J. Wells has gone to Lex
ington, Neb., to take.-charge of
the coal chutes at that point.
Hank Gilfoyle moved yesterday
into the Jack Sullivan house in tbe
kiwwt of. -UMKliMeMiMlNr'
Peckei (free)
-man coma.
-. L
Leits PostelO. HeavyKedCfflttaftClJ SowtAl
Wmtta rH rants V.
'-"i t ar rvww v fr eM
rrankHn XaeTMfh, C, Otah
dab Hoae Twoafcxw , , HZ
Clab House Cora ' qL
Ctb Hoaee Suoc-oteeh - -J3- f1" tJT
OtabHowe Peas 14c3,wae tor jQe
Notion Dept.
Vaeeiiae.. .Tie m Wife
Thread 3 speete Jr We
Cotton Tape "Z"
Croobet Cottoa 3 apoda for Ke
Ctwtield Dre Shieldg. 29b pmr
2 aaarfc fountain syriage
IX iaoh Telveteea BSadiaf -3 J
50 yd Swit Silks 'i!
Silk Battoa Hole Twist "V3 Sf1r
Ladies' Belts from, lOo to $UO each, 35 or 30 wyJea
to select from.
Dry Goods Dept.
Drees Goods 10c to $L6Q per yard
Kearney Home Maelia ,...3Kcayrd
Good Priuts fro 3 cents a yard up
Ladies' Maslia Underwear in all grades; we
have a very large liae. If yoa have so time to
sake a drees we eaa sell yoa a ready MHtde
wrapper at price that will surprise yoa. Lack ol
space prevents ne from gmacTou a deeeriftica
of ear Dry Goods Hoe but a call will abow yon
that everything we have k new and up to date.
Handled Cupe aad Saucers 45c a set: 7-iach
Dinner PJates40caset;Tamblera20ea8et;7-iBch
Dinner Plates GOaa set; Decorated Tea Cups aad
Saucers 60c a set; ntckie plated eeotre draft laap
complete with dose $1 G5r vaee lamps wit slia4e
$1.25; banquet lamps from IL50 to $10. Seveateea
differeat patteras ot Dinner Sets to select froai.
Keaaty is Weed Deep,
dean blood a elesa skin. No
beaaty without it. Caeca rete Candy
Cathartic cleaa your blood and keep it
clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and
driviag all impurities fro ..the. body.
Begia to-day to beaten, piaaplee,. boils,
blotches blackheads, aad that sickly
bilious complexion by taking' Cascarets,
beaaty for tea cents. All druggists,
satisfaction guaranteed 10c., 25c, 50c.
Sealed bide will be received by J. C.
Federhoof at R. A. Douglas' jewelry
store, Spruce street, until noon of the
16th day of April, 1806, for the erection
aad completion of a residence. Bidders
may bid for the building complete, or
may bid for the materials separately,
and for the -work-, or for any portion of.
either. Plana and specifications can be
seen at the office of R. D. Thomson in
tbe rear of Thomson AS wartbout's store,
corner Sixth and Vine streets. The
right is reserved to reject any or all bids.
j. cfederhoof:
April 15
Engagement of tbe eminent
The world's renowned Magician.
2Gth annual tour introducing his won
derful entertainment ot
Seats now on sale at Clinton's.
Just Received,
a carload of Agricultural Im
plements, Buggies and. Car-
x i nl
nages. Latest styles, riease
call and examine.
Jos. Hershey Locnst St.
Why not supor;t your local trades
people? F Let-youc money re
main ia aad circulate in vour own
town. - .
JOflH won
Suits to measure
Overcoata-tp measure!
Trousers to measure
we have the finest of. wocler
for tbe least money reliable warkb
maaship (made right in our owa
iyj oltjish nc aaa latest style.
Why scad voar orders to omu .
large, city aad get rottea. goods aa4
n gac oeiter values at ttoai
JLajrD snrcaJcpicmx
pTrip. ptas $6.00. froall
thifur forhim. WnK
maa-d! fy
onlJte. 3 last
, Aafc your awwr today to
tentipn givi
rr in , in 111 linn t "T--"T itMMmnmTii-rriir'
in PorthuiCflJ