3 1 -.. 030m ttMlAt&a? a WjRLl12. 1896. TUESDAY In Madrid atlhe presenttic igold coraraandsabremiusi of forty- two per cent. Tim is evidence or Spain's destitute condition. t- The man who invests 5L25 year's subscription to Tks bune abdls not satisfied with investment, does not know a thing when he. sees it. ". in a Txi- his rood r SoWiers at XatxBsag, Co.' weeklr: rmkir of JEEE AT THE JLMEEIOAH'St Satber fc-y the Severe tfee Ceanlata ' gaaaliea. Three murders were committed Denver Saturday within a- per--of seventeen hours. Denver ?JTkas -always been noted . for enter :prise, even in the matter of crimes. f.THE gamblers in prth. Platte vJSwill be without vocation after May 0 JeL They might as well employ the time between now and theninlook- &iiw uo a new location. M - - i. A New York life insurance- com pany has offered to lend the govern-. gjiient, in case of war,, ten million iallars on its own terms. This 'is evjdence that there is at least oa fS5rpbration that is not s'unpatriot-; ind treacherous." , y;- The Cuban matter is mow before congress in a definite, shape, and it is hoped that the question wilt be dealt with in a firm and manly 'manner. No longer delay on adefc inite course to -bagaisaed atokl be made the MaAWe'ha been loaer MsJMJ&Mi Kansas Ocrr, April . The, Star vrinte the following from its New Otasoorresnondent: Tkere has en tered into qaar&Htine the ship UMsin, which recently took to Mafcanzas, i;uDa a great careo of supplies for the starv- iw rMynGnteidos. The dock at Matanzas -was crowded awaiting the comine of the TJletoin. The was one of rags aad gaantness, which represented the starving .reconoentra dog, aad the gold lace and showy nni fens of the sneering Spanish officers and soldiers. Dmring Saday Cosenl General "Bricegave oat ration tickets afitil 14,000 had'eea gijen out. At 4 o'clock in the afteraooa Consul Brice teght a lot of bread with Star relief aad distribated several huH- died loaves in front of ' the theater. It -was fought for by a crowd of 1,000 or ore. In the meantime Consul Brice had given a great deal of the great west's ElOfiey in 30 and 40-cent pieces to xteedy wobob. Sunday evening the feeling aeaiseib the Americans i&eensified. In Mite were offered thea. everywhere Spaaiiah soldiers crowded them off the sidewalks. They-were hissed at, spat at, aad -whittled to as if dogs. ,C iv&a Ga. Qait Thlr Ferto. "Washukjton, Aixil 9. Permission speaking of the ckaafee ic dfortk PlattejwsisJtiirtfc Soale,the "vTallace Tug says "The Tug heartily congratulates North Platte on the loss o the young man from Washing ton and the result of the mumc loal election. It means peace ana - - - prosperity. It is said Mayor-elect B raft will favor a redaction in the salaries of all city officials. While labor is worthy its hire, the finaancial con dition of the city demands retrench lbnt wherever such is possible,' and a temporary cut in salaries reuld not work hardship to any the be in does not look as though Tarmistice issued by Spain "will , taken as evidence of her good rations to help the Cubans to any "particular degree. The. armistice is xeerarded. with skomm. . adrth v - it - -- . x- rfrfereMc .k) it fey FresMMttt 1 , -efc'a will VaYe-.Ky,dFect' m tb MHM'of congress. says: A prom- London IS' re- deal T later Ocean isent Spaniard iu rted as sayinir: "We shall Aaierican trade more rapid and tel ling blows than America can ever deal us, for if we cannot capture i-assels we can wreck them." One swallow does not make a summer. The Spaniards wrecked the JCaine, bat any further attempts .on their part to wreck American vessels are not likely to prove as successfal. Forewarned by the Maine deviltryf we are now forearmed. ""HsSsS-' loaais lake "Copperhead." Talk. fThe 5. message of the president will f"f ? 0 conSress tomorrow (WedneS"1 5 ' 3sy.) So that red handed Avar may "declared before the issue of the Veteran -this week". If so in antici pation, we bave'painted the inside of our office the same color as the navy. We are for war when the pcesident and congress declare for iuf Later The me'ssage will not txisent to congress until next Mon day. McKinley's backbone was " -Grashed by Hanna and he had to "withhold.. The above clipping is from the Veteran of April 9th. 1897. The andersigaed are old soldiers, that we consider the latter part.of this ar- .ucie unwortay xne utterance ot at falxitien; sounds like the utter ' jmccs, of CoDDerheads'oarinr rebel- s. - a a, o Ixmi "Signed:, J..JEI Evans,-TV. C. EI er, T. H. Gould, A. McMichael. WrT. Browa. George E. Knox, Geo. Kaamaa, Jaco J, Meyers, J. W. Voodry; W. rUter.tlJkholaa Ogier, Capt.P.Rny, J.E. Sal-' yards,'- - beea givea by the state department to the united .States consuls in Spain te leave that ootm try, if - they so desire, pending the threateaed severaace of all diffeMatic relatiojas between Spain aad this eaaatry.. They have not beea or dered to leave, as such a step 5a not re sorted to except in case of a rupture be tween the two nations, bat theyare permitted to exercise -1mht ewi dkete tioaia the yaHor? Tbeeffeeie of- the saehier iaotaaoo a ; awr.'jiitati-a -wifihe jicKSied ortrM the; teeroeontaTW of MMefxieaiif gorentweai. AsGea4 Britaia has aathemao hereeaealaraf fleen ik Cabala tahe abaaga of .the ef Jeota eif all TJalied States consulates there; ft is presumed like authority will be vea to English consular officers, in 8pain. So far as the officials here have been advised, none of the consuls have left their posts in the peninsula. Tor DefaialBS the President. 1arshalltown, la., April 9. An annsual proceeding in the matter of disciplining a resident in the Iowa-sol diers' homo was resorted to last week. For a time the homo 'was under mill tary discipline, ae it were, and a court martial held fall swayaver the case of oae of the members, James 6. Orr, who is a sergeant commanding the home's ra squad. The charge was that he had need defamatory language in speak' lag of President William McKinley, The romnrk came to the ears of Com- mandaat Horton, who thought beet to hold a co art martial and determine what panishment should be given the defendant.. He was found guilty and sentenced as follows: That he here daced to the ranks and reprimanded by the commandant. Whe& everybody Ja- askine whether k ia to "be waror peace, the state pf lwL- m is not eaayto iadge. Since no body oan judge: juat how wiee cbaaken maybe in an emergaaoy, there k some aacertainty, bat that far scarcely any toppage whatever of ntaoataoiariag conceraa ajipears, nor aay laHtoationa that the producing force' ialfeely to.be dinuni8hed, nori8. any soeh aynptotaa to be 'seen in pastneH; reperts. , Jfyi deuce of exigtiag eoudittees is iaet aak fusing nor unfavorable. So far bank isg conservatism bas"not caused faO- ares which, coatiaae sauOler than" for many years, as is. JCarchaor has it caused steppage of aay'ssanufaotaring concerns, sor lessened, tae volame. ol brown ess reported,, by railroads' ia ton- crowd laage, or clearings afpriacipal points. The wheat outgo conats for much and continaej, Atlantic exports' having been 31,217 for the. week against 1, 621,122 last yoar, and Pacific 1,2,574 against 447,o55 last year, bince corn exports continuo 3,483,6o0 bushels against 3,323,277 lastyear, the strength of -the' demand is not to be attributed to. speculative agencies.. It is fortunate that-western receipts of .wheat do not fall short of the extraordiaary gala bat are stili 1,901. 806 against: 1,786,110 last year, so that, the, stories of the nearly exhaasted'sapplies of: wheat are -fables for children. Tho ' nrko rose steadily and closed 3c higher for wheat, with corn J c. higher. At the same time the exports of cot ton are extraordinary, though jast now deferred by the. caution which caases larger shipments .to Jtfew York instead of outside from gulf .points. IFoc four weeks it has averaeed' aearlv ta.500.- 000 per weoklowsr than in 1895 from the largest crop ever grown. - Sales or wool are insignitcant and prices have declined 2 cents for finer grades, and over 1 cent in the average for all quotations only because specula- A- 11. "M . r, ... uia wuuuy uxiuero&amat&a scocxs n&Lu. by manufacturers; In the iron and ateel indnstry, with; eUmands ereater ,Oiaa evar 1 jEce fpoanneral sources, r w ne , govern meat aterge wxk, .. hat dp hot advance PMaeteraia trade shown this week by separate Tniaachnbf businesafor the jaieh of " Jfacbii, aad also the first iaarterbri84Hkevthe best report that has been possible for five vears. It is interesting to note that nearly all branches of business show surprising movement. ICeanwhile banks are ex tremely cautious and commercial loans are but 10ier oenf of their aggregate. The belief that, quick' expansion in all branches wouldfollow greater liberality ana patriotism by the banks, is not "Wholly unfounded, and the heavy re ceipts of gold from Europe .counts for little compared with the greater or less liberality in loans. by banks. Disturbance does not appear, however. and failures for tho week have been 232 in the United States against 252 last year and 32 in Canada against 36 last year. i - n?c- m ill, m - ' i si-.,. ir .1 STOPS THAI PtaUdeMral Bfwieo ritrs GeaM-. "Wot of Bostilities la Cti. PEOOLADfS -ARMISTICE ArtMii at MadrM. " ' llltMt HesiDca Wortd'i mMM iul; JWWrwiator Fair. , mm CREAM WxmrxGTOX, Aprfltl. The seate.de Mxtineat' today Teceived Geaaral Blanco's proclamation orieriag.a cassa tion of hostilities in' Cuba: It -was cabled to the Spanish minister here aad by-him delivered to the department. The proclamation is as follows His maiesty'g srovemment, yietaiar to the reiterated wish expressed by his holiness, the pope, has been pleased to decree a saspeesion of hostilities with the object of preparing and.faciliteif : the restoration of peace on thia.island, in virtue whereof I believe' it coavea ient to order : Article 1. From the day following the' receipt in each locality of tne present proclamation,-hostilities are ordered to be suspended in all the territory or tae , island of Cuba. "The details for the execution of the. above article will be the object of spe - . . .... . cial instructions tnat will oe communi cated to the HUONG mm of Ch ba, 00StJLHYATTAWD STAFF GO . BreekliM AttIth at' Pert Aa- ta4e WIMi AmsrMM JTrem Saatiags 4 Cuim ACaagrere Arrives at Key Wtft Wk S8 Faataasen. "WxmxsasoK, Aprils. The Spanish Ameriaan, sftaatiea: is regarded today ae.evea;ore:graTe than at anytime heretofore. The hopeful views of peace heretofore entertained 'have given way to the conviction-that the issae between, the United States and Spain has beeoaw -well nigh irrecoociliable. The prepara tion for all eventualities is proceeding steadily, i "Evidence in this direction de veloped today, when it was learned that the United States consul at Porto Bkso was about, to leave his post. Assista'at Secretary Day announced 1 this afterhpoa jhUt all the citizens of the United Stales' new ia Cuba who de- APart OrsftCrtaa M Tartar Ptwsar. 40EATrffiSTANDARIX I " i AM DCPOSTAlfT LAID ;.0AS ItfiMM Oaart. Iowa Xaaae Ia-ira J- " Tfctrty-tkree X e e U 1 o ag. " DV5 ICotxas, April 11. The saprense eoart (dosed its recess sitting by hand lag BtwaN; decisions,, one of the nspet important being that of the American naWrtnt TVuiiruBr va. Taa'hnlla V. Long, appellant; from Calhoaa county.: sired. leave would positively be oat of The case' grew oaf of the title to certain ' that aland by Saturday. He also reit- lands in that eoanty which the Aaeri eaa Emigrant Company claimed under, the swamp, act;. In reversing the decision of. the lower. several commanders-in.- coart, the supreme court" says the case chief of the army corps for the1 easy and prompt execution, according to the Bit- nation and. circumstances ot ine case. "Blanco." Xbj ArresU aUCadrld. Madrid, April 11. The most import ant arrest, politically, made in conaec.- tion with the demonstration or yester day, was that of "Baron Sangarrsn, ,a narlist leader and former denntv. It is reported that the Romeriste, Jtepublfc- arts and Carlists were at tne oottom oi the manifestation, the Carlists taking the principal part. Over 100 arrests were made during the disturbances. Among the persons' taken into .custody, in addition to Baron Sangarren, were Senor Galvez, a former deputy ; Gen eral Castelvi de Bourbon, and .many newspapermen. The police scattered the crowds who attempted to reform at the Puerto del Sol at about midnieht. Some persons were injured. The prefect today published a proclamation, urging the people to be calm, and adding that the demonstrations yesterday were in stigated by a political party. Com parative quiet prevails this morning, but the precautions taken nave not been relaxed. Although the newspa pers insist that General Woodford will eavo Madrid today, the United States minister lias not yet taken any steps in that direction. At the Princess theater Sunday even ing a spectator shouted "Viva Espana" and the entire audience rose, while the building resounded with frantic cheers. The national anthem was demanded by the people, and was played amidst'en thusiastic acclamations. leave on that date, and says there has been no delay in getting the Americans out. KefageM Fram Saatlage de Cafea. Kkoctok, Jamaica, April .8. The steamer Brobkline arrived at Port An tonio this morning from the city of Santiago do Cuba, having on board United States foneal Pulaski F. Hyatt, the staff of the consulate and 25 Amer icans, children included. AH was quiet at Santiago -when the Brookline left of the interior.. The subreme coart of that port. There are tbree small bpan- lowa.musfc, therefore, make its decision.' 1h. warships there and the entraace of conform to the one rendered by that116 nar&or 13 protected by torpedoes. ivmexiCRn interests ac ssannago ae uaoa have been left in care of the British consul. is similar, to the one already taken to the supreme court of tho United States, in which it was decided that the Rog ers Locomotive company held title to these lands, which took priority to the title -held by the American Emigrant com paay, for the reason that the saaaej had beea deeded tout by the secretary iMBT IFHSr AJ MfPlATK XXPLT. b w xaHWQTOjr. A-pcti raerawac a soeoe of grea easilimtsat ia the howe Tharsday aftemooa daring the ooasid- eratioa of the MU for ths reorgaaixattoa ac. the amy." It was passed by Lenta (Deas., O.), who neade a vieiaos aosaolt or the administration, charging that the delay was in the interest of stock jobbers ia Wall street. He alleged that Wall street was ia poosoeoion of the in formation tint the atessage wonW not. go ia before it was known at the cap ital aad profited heavily ia.tha.advaao of stocks which' xaasMed. .He eraa charged that there was no warrant for the alarming statements aeoat the sttaatkm ia Havana, which were made as justifying the delay of the message. Mr. Lente' speech eceated a profound sensation aad was-met. with an em phatic replyfrom General GrosTsaor, ndir generally regarded as the admia istratioH spokseman on the floor. Mr. Grosreaor not only indignantly denied that there was jusiifieatioB for the reports, bat held Mr. Leutz up to scorn for alleging corrupt motives against the president. Mr. Leaks dig claimed this, bat the irate friend of the president gave him no mercy. He was thoroughly aroused and' laid, about him with a. veritable bludgeon charging that the Democrats, were seekiag political ad vantage and paying his respeote to John J. McCook and, others. Before he con cluded, he expressed the opinion that war was as certain as that we would live until next week, anless it was averted by Spain. The debate oa the army bill developed more and more opposition. Mr. Hall tried, to save the bill by trying, to strike oat some of its provisions, even the three battalion formation features, but it was in the end committed yeas, ISO ; nays, bl. The. hoase adjourned until Monday. f ewery. lovti strong to treathl kneel bafara death wrnizea its proach. trouble men ia t theydoaoti ogmut deal aalesa it i in soi teor raau uonswapt Jems: than? ral aad aactdest BatntaaDi msKnoas, aad aien do sot Taaaae thT are m lis clatca. 'While a. germ disease, the bacilli wl mot -vade soand aaa iteakay langa. fheMt mmat lrst.be in a dfaaaaea cottditiaa. Hrst a warn, feels a little oat af sorts, frobably ae is. overworked aad has givea too little time to eating, skepiag -ied ret ir. Hffl appetite, falls oC His dlestioM gets oat' of order aad his blood docs aot receive the proper amount of Hfc-rivic aatriaeat, The Hver becomes tanM awl tae blood is filed with, impurities. The are pumped into, every organ of ihe hoar, haiknag up unhealthy, half-dea Hcoulo. The meet barm ia dose at the weaawstaMt, aad most frequeatlv that mat l h, iug3. a aiiac com ieaos to n tioa, the bacilli iavade the lunaa Ninety -eight per cent, of all eaaaa of cumptioa are cured by Dr. Melee's Golden Medical Discovery. It k the gnat blood-maker and flesh-builder. It ihjSoi h the lost appetite, makes the digaa&M par- . invigoratca the liver, patties the blood, builds new and healthv iasfc. aaWl drives oat all impurities aad disease aataaft It cures weak lungs, spitting of btaoaTaki aate coughs aad kindred ailment. If neat est araggisc win recommend a higher court. Zawa Wnaes xe CoBtiaae tke CampaiffB. Des Moines, April 11. Despite tbeii defeat in the Iowa legislature last winter the women of Iowa who are or ganised into' the Iowa Equal Saffraga association are not going' to Praf af OaaafjaaHc PltaWgiaifc. Theorist proofs of the composite photeraph.of the, most haadeome ;.i :f.f--yjijat; woman of -jthe transmiasis ; I Iwippi at. ate have beea received by 0 releprt"menlpiiblicitj aad Pre lrtdtion. S!ha photograph is froat -hephotcffraphs ' of -the two pret ' tljftMi'iiiik- woaten in each of the Bock wood (jfter ' H 2 dyhas seoceededia. : jssJaaj IW'I'iW mm local lalwr aaiaaa, . aad iTk 4kh toWlRaitttil- 4Mi Ifaai tta boyeatt ijTuUm 11 j ,Ti itjifitiiT ll Tp li I Ijirl Kmom' frsyaiaad.: Meranca of the, Obwofe C BaBHBBBalBBWZslHte SMavasa- For IsterreHtloH Oaljr. WAanxGTOX, April w. There was no meeting of the senate . committee on foreiga rolnwens today, the oomrsiWee having adjearasd after its last meeting awLIaoaaay. beyeral of the ntenher j were at the aapitol, however, aad fcbey saaaally draaped lato the committee r36ii;'-wlirw the .Oahan sitaatioa tyas Ae apperatost topfe.. There no longer appoaic.to ae aay toat that the com- fttoe will change its verdict on the method of recognising Cuban independ ence sons not to include the present government of the insurgents and to practically make the declaration one for intervention only, if the president preseata the necessity for thus limiting the official action, of-the country. War Freaaratleas la Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., April 9. Following the military coancil Wednesday night and tender by Governor Holcomb of the state.militia to the president, war preparstioas in Nebraska have been active. Captain Campbell of the Lin coln company has issued a call for vol- aateers to fill out the full strength of the company. There has been a num ber of, responses.. Governor Holcomb s made a requisition on the war de partment for supplies needed in the event of marching orders. At post offices in a number of towns unofficial enlistment blanks have been posted and are being signed. Ieira Ib Ch ef War, Das If oikes, April 9. In case Gov ernor Shaw of Iowa is called upon for troops he will Pead the National gmard to the front and then call for volun teers. The namerical strength of the IowaJNational guard is 3.700 men. It could be doubled by enlistment of for mer gaardsmen within 48 hours. After the Natioaal guard has beea sent to the front it woald be the plan of the gover nor to all apon the volunteers who have had" considerable drill, and who have a good knowledge of tactics. This wbald include volunteers from the col lege battalions at the University of Iowa, the. State Agricaltural college and Cornell college. JEartkaaalce Sfcoeks Ia JBekemla. Prague, April 9. There have been severe earthquake shocks ia theyicin ity of Iiberhowitz At the village of KlafTai seven Ixmses collapsed and 88 families were rendered homeless. The sabterraaeoac dfatarhaaoes coatinae. Xaecks 6nt Batterlae lair. Chicago, April 9. Judces Bretana. Hancy and Chetlain today handed down a decision which, m effect, knocks out the bntterinelaw passed by the last legislature. The jadges, sitting en banc, decided that mannfactnrers have a constitutional right to color butterine or oleomargarine yellow or imitation. Under the terms of the lawthis was prohibited. The, law was enacted through the influence of thi .country members. . lire Xaglag Near Valeattae. Talentike, Neb., April .9. Reports have reached here of a terrible prairie are that is raging in the range" country 20 miles northeast of liere. It is feared much damage -will bo done. Nothine aennite nas been received. There is much dry grass in the district, and there nave been no recent" rains. Family Xead Costs "Four Urea. Kxoxville, Tenn., April 9. This morning, near JCcGhee station, Monroe county, John "afcGhee and his son, Joe. shot and killed Henry and ) Ernest Howard and James Mnrrand, and mor tally wounded Tom Howard The kill ing was the result of a family lend. The McGhees are prominent people and highly .connected. ailaersKeBiH9 Work. Oknterviixe, Ia., April 9. The coal minera of the Centerville district, who have been out on a strike since April 1, went back to work yesterday. The operators cut the mining price on April 1 from 90 cents to 70 cents per ton. The, men had asked 80 cents. Twenty-five hundred men are affected. Damaged by a Prairie Fire. Huron, S. D., April 9. While the wind was blowing 50 miles an hour yesterday Are swept over a vast tract j of country in the Tvestern' portion of ' xseadie ana the eastern part of Sand county, entailing a loss of $1 0,000 or! $12,000. Many farmers lost their homes. The town of Wessingtoh had a close call. States Spaniards Make Demeaatratteas Madrid, April 11. A large crowd paraded the Puerta del Sol last night crying "Long live Spain" and "Long live the army." The civil governor of Madrid was among them, promenading up ana down and begging them to disperse peacefully. General Castelvi was ottered, at tne military club a banner to head the delegation, but he refused, declaring that the crowd was composed of the. dregs of the city. Several of the ring leaders have been arrested, the civil governor threatening to call ont the civic guards if the crowd did not dis perse. ' liloa mA Ball Fight XaMezlee. City op Mexico, April 11. Five thousand pedplo witnessed a cruel and bloody fight between two African lions and a Mexican ball on Easter Sunday. The audience included the whole Amer ican colony. The first lion was very. large. He.had been starved for the last week. The bull, without a moment's hesitation, sprang at the lion and caaght him on his horns under the foreleg and threw him backward fifteen feet against the bars, knocking the breath and fight completely out of him. Another lion was then provided. It made a good fight, but -was gored unmercifully and taken from the ring in a dying condi tion. The governor then stopped the fight. rasseaBein!s Measare. LAxsnfO, Mich., April. 11. The Pin-1 greo bill for the direot taxation of rail roads and other corporations having met Its death in the senate, the house Saturday took up Representative Bemis' bills, providing for an increase in the taxation of railroads under the present specific tax system , which now annually provides about $750,000. The bill practically doubles the taxa tion of the companies. After a general discussion the measure was passed, by a vote of 80 to 7, and it will confront the senate at the session Tuesday night. uus state. Xiasc wees they began a campaign of the .Btate, which in its per spective is comprehensive. The work ing members of the state organization will cover the northern part and the workers from the national organization the southern half of the state. The northern campaign was begun at Ne vada las t week. The workers will hold i meetings in all tho counties of northern sme Iowa, and wherever lhey can arouse enough interest they will organize local clubs. The Iowa women working are : Mrs. Clara Ritchie and Mrs. M. Y. Camp-, bell of Des Moines, and Mrs. Adelaide Ballard of Hull. Miss Ella Harringtoji., of Carthage, Mo., is the oatside worker, who will, accompany them. The na tional workers, under the management of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, are Mrs Martha Conine of Denver, formerly s Colorado legislator, Revi Henrietta G. Moorvof Ohio, Mrs. Jennie Wilson of New xY5rk.aud Mrs. Laura Gregg of Kansas! Their campaign will be opened the coming week at Anamosa, Jones county, and they will work across the southern half of the state. Mangrove Arrives at Key West. Key West, Fla., April The light house tender Mangrove arrived here abandon this morning from Havana. She had -More leprosy Ia Iowa. Des Moixhs, April .11. Since the sec. retary of tho state board of health was ! sent to investigate the one known case of leprosy in lowa two other cases have been reported to him. One. of these is at Ridgeway, in the person of a Nor wegian, who has what is known as the nervous variety and who, in conse; quence, is fingerless and toeless. The other case is also a Norwegian, at Ro land. The young man lives with hia parents and is so far gone a;, to be con -fined .to bed. These are tho only known to be in Iowa. Shoot at Des JHetaes. Des Moines, April 11. The Charles W. Badd shoot to be hold in this city May .10 to 13 inclusive will bo the first dfa series of three shoots, the second of which, will be hold at Kansas City the , following week and the third at Omaha the next week. The most noted shots in the world-will; be present at all three shoots".. SaaBdlaarJaas Are Orgaalzlag. " Fort Dodge, Li., April 11. The Scandinavians of northern Iowa held a meeting in this city the last week and organized for the coming political cam paign in Iowa. It was decided that the annual convention of the Scandinavian Republican League of Iowa shoald be held in Fort Dodge Juno 22 next. Willing; to Bar War Beads. Ddbdqus, April 11. Dubaqne finan ciers sav $500,000 worth of war bonds could be placed here within twenty-four j jjji the necessary explosives are at the hours, and if necessary tho amoant, forf ami the harbor can be thorom?hlv 38 passengers on board. After landing her passangers, the Mangrove proceeded to her wbarf, where she will bo fitted with rapid firing guns. Predicts Startliag Dhclesares. Washington, April 8. Representa tive Lorimer (Ills.) is authority for the statement that General Leo will make startling disclosures before the senate committee regarding the con spiracy to blow up the Maine. It is said- the information General Lee is expc.Id to testify to, relates to tho extinguishment of tho.electriclights in Havana at the instant of the blow ing up of the Maine., Electrical experts have said that if the lights went out in Havana at the time of the explosion it would be conclusive evidence that tho mine under the Maine must, have been fired from a shore electrical connection. Captain Sigebeo before the foreign rela tions committee said he had informa tion that the lights had gone, out, bat did not think it advisable to give the name of his informant while he was in Cuba. His informant is said to be Gen eral Lee. Sharp War Talk Ia tke Sesate. WASim'OTON, April 8. Some sharp war talk was indulged iu by the senate Thursday. When consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill was re sumed, the question pending, was the amendment of PeUus (Ala.), providing for such improvement of the harbor at Mobile as would enable war vessels to obtain coal and other supplies there. Allison (la.), in charge of the bill, made a point of order against the amendment. This called out a bitter speech by Mor gan (Ala.), who charged the appropri ations committee with discriminating against proper measures and threatened to assist in dissolving the committee. He-followed with an argument show ing; the necessity for the improvement proposed, holding that it would open to the government in time of war the coal fields of the south and enable it suecessfally to fight the treasonable monopoly that had been formed to con trol the coal supply of the country in the event of war. The amendment was lost. At 2 o'clock the bill had not been completed and -was laid, aside, the sear ate devoting the remainder of the after noon to eulogies of the late Senator George of MississiDpL Mrs. Ursula Paahaai. of Stetersvflla. Tvier W. Va.. writas: " I aad a paia ia my aMfcait k time, aad bat little appetite a ml jrreir very . Tae 'Gokfea Xea&al Discovery' liiaiaSf cared tke pate, restored my appatfta aadM. creased aiy vraigat." - - DISASTER Off OEELIGOT nooa tan To Eagag-e Ia Coasting Trade. Berlin, April 8. In view of tho probable outbreak of hostilities the German, admiralty, which at present has not a single ship in-West Indian waters, is considering the advisability of sending at least one cruiser iu the interest of Germany there. The Hamburg-American line is sending it3 steamers across to various American ports to take up the coasting trade in event of war breaking out. It is stated that the. American steamers will not risk running, fearing capture by Span ish privateers. afoTf meats ef Warships. ITew York, April 8. A dispatch to the Herald from Lima, Peru, announces the departure of the battleship Oregon from Callao, after taking on coal and provisions. She has not yen been painted the war color. A dispatch from Valparaiso announces the arrival of the gunboat Marietta. She will remain there for orders from the navy-depart ment, or at least until the arrival of the Oregon ivhich is expected on Saturday. The Spanish torpedo boat Temerario is still at Buenos Ayres. Mlalag the Harbors. Norfolk, Va., April 8. A detach ment of 12 marine engineers from Wil lets Point, New Xork, has arrived here to lay cables and electrical apparatus for the mooring and operation of con trolled mines in Hampton Roads. A detachment of army engineers will go to Fort Caswell today to mine a harbor. Bam Satahdla Sail. Philadelphia, April 8. The ram Katahdin left League Island navy yard nnder sealed orders late yesterday after noon. The ship's destination will not be known until she gets to sea, but it is be lieved she will go either to New York or Key West. Lieutenant Robert G. Peck, who had been detailed for duty on the monitor Lehigh, was suddenly assigned just before the ram sailed to the post of navigating officer of the Katahdan, made vacant by the death of Lieutenant Da- id Daniels. The Katahdin has on her war paint and is prepared to do terrible execution with her ram should opportunity present itself. The ram's main battery consists of four guns. She is commanded by Lieutenant. G. F. Wilde and is manned by a full crew. This is her first trip at sea since she was laid up at the League Island navy yard over a year ago. would be increased to several millions. Iadtaa gefeael. SaUdlsa. WAaKTWGTeK, April 11. Estimates are freinr made at the ladian ofltoe for the oeastraotioii of new school bnildings aa the Omaha and Wiuaebago rsserva- frioa a. Nebraska. Faads for this par- pose, will aot. be .available before July,, bat the ladian ooaaawasioaer desires o have the plane completed in order that warkntay . be began shortly after, the begianiag of the fiscal year. -"SayeeU ASat Xratoar KalteaV - Kansas City, Mo., April 11. Samuel Compere, presWeat of the Amerieaa Federation pf Labor, SPARES T1QM THE JHBES. The revenue'catterGrosham-has arri ved at Cleveland and is awaitihe orders- She and the Calumet, .a smaller cutter, have been ordered to the seaboard for navy duty.- Geueral Graham, commander of the department of the gulf, has wired the war department at Washington recom mending Atlanta as the point for mobil- aauoa ui troops in case or. war. The remains of Miss FranciaE. Wil- lard were; cremated Saturday at Grace land cemetery.-Chicago. Although lit tle if anythinglukf been said in ad vance as to cremation of the remains" of the celebrated president of the W- O T. IL.at, instated that each a proced- tjurts ty as -iu. aoeoniaDce yum. ner re peated expressed.shea, . life Order Tor Tewtfer. WnaoMofox, Del,,. April S.Tho'E. I- Dupoat-Denembara. company, it is understood, hag received a contract foe famishing lS.OOO.uGO worth of pow der, aad the milk are; being" raaned to tara oat the material as rapidly as pos ble. Most of the powder manufac taredat the mills at, present is Ted, and being more difficult to-ignite than the blaok powder, there are fewer explos ions, and. it can be prbdnced more rap- WoodCerd Beady to Leare. Madrid, April 11. It is said the United States minister, Stewart L. Woodford, leaves Madrid today. It is further alleged that he will be accom panied to the frontier by an escort of. gendarmes The ambassadors meet' at the Italian, embassy today; It is undei- stood this meeting was called as a re sult of news received frbm Washington. Cr alters (fall From Cad fx. London, April 1 1 A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph from Gibraltar says the Spanish cruisers Cristobal Colon and Infanta Maria Teresa have left Cadiz for a deetihationundivulged with' six' battalions, each 1,000 strong. Ad ditional troops, the dispatch astem, will leave.Cadhrr-themil- -steaaMiB daring the nexVfew days for CubaJ ! Tertj- Thiaaaad Orphan. ' Coxsr AxnnpLE, April lis The Ar menian patriarch has sent to the Turk ish xelief committee a list of-'-fp charchee wholly or nearly destroyed dunag the i recegt massacres m Anatolia. He axes tbe.namber pf orphans whose parents wero killed, at 40,009. Jail a a Brothers Arrhre. , New York, April 11. Henri and Victor Jallau, the champion cycle team, with their electric tandem, arrived on the French steamer La Gascogne. They have been booked to appear on various bicycle tracks by tho International Cycle Track association. The electric mined in Y3 hours. Bushlag Work oa tho Audaz. Queesbtown, April 8. A large body of workmen has been brought down from the Clyde to assist in repairing and fitting the damaged Spanish tor pedo gunboat Audaz for sea. The men arc working night and day, as she can notleavo if war is declared. The ens- tandem has a speed of ,50 miles an hour toms officers have been instructed from and has been used successtuily in pac ing the leading French riders last year. The JaUaubrothers will go to Chicago thk'week to meet- their father, who lives there. Statu Briag-s Salt ta Eeet. Lincoln, April ll. The state ha brought aa ejectment suit against the Society of the Home for the Friendless in a second attempt to gain pessessioa of the institution, the suit having beea filed in district coart. by the attorney general. In his petition the attorney general says that the society is an in corporation adder the laws of the state aad that .it has since Jaly 16, 1W, wroagf ally kept-poseeseion of property to wbiajLtha.sJate.ia on titled.' Xto TiUard'a Barlal. i''' " Chicago, April The remains of Frances E. Willard were baried at Horn Hill cemetery Sunday aftemooa. The hedyof the late temperaace leader wae cremntod Saturday and previoas to theUhe skall. He -was ran into last evea Writ oT Kaadaatas Isad. Pibrre, S. D.. April 11. The preme coart has Kxanted a writ of idly by ;the, machinery, . The company error, in the oase of Carringtoa, the is ouiKUBg a new nuU Ma tae lower condemned Stoax-ifaUs marderer, sea- yard, and also aiaohines f or; the mann-! teaced to hang.- The arrumeats en factare of prisaiaic powder, wwhich is j the writ are to be presented to the oiprt 'to.be: he ,hweie-4he woriSTha hJaae 15. , ' " T 'oeatlv-haa bM&&Mi.' -S '-1. JemiMi eC Jadge Heetar. A v. fMM afa CbMae; Ut Ofaaka,, - ' ' 3ES3 - ' iiXAS,-Tex., April lLJjiamV mu tm. April ll.M v ?S3SMK at'-'iL" hitiaJ'tiieJobn-:B. B4JtThM of Wmmm9m-.m 3Bn mmm iitwoyear;5T i. waadaaidad. that the a-toa pereaaoay a small metal box, wrapped a wkjie jbftd motaiaing the ashes, was plaeed ja tha grT' Will; ard'smother- WUI ane FaVJeatlo.. Worth "I,TNeb. Apni' U. Th North TwaXoyalist will be resurrected aad pabluiwd aSU.manageme Mtioallr TTilLitf jasrtaai Pablfc catic Trill hiaabo too days, t. the admiralty off! e in London to take possession of herimmediately in case of war. Derrbbes Badly Defeated, Cairo, April 8. The Anglo-Egyptian forces nnder General Kitchener attack- 'cdthe dervish position at 7:45 this morning and rushed Mahmoud's zariba, the center of his fortificationa, without check. The attack was entirely sue- cessiai aaa me aemanes jost very heavily. , KetUlaAtraHa Orderc t. Vincent, Cape Torde Islands, April i. The. Spanish flotilla in com maad of Commodore Yillamil is still here ready to pat ,to seafbai awaiting eraers zrona aiaaria. SPARES EBQM THE WIRES. The Spanish, consulate at Tampa, Fla., is deserted, Senor Pedro Solis hav ing departed for Washington by order of Ins government. The Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Got ha, as head of the family, has assented to a divorce of Prince Phillip from his wife, the Princess Louise of Belgium, eldest daughter of King Leopold. The Rev. Wesley A. Hunsberger, Mil waukee's "marrying parson,1' has with drawn his acceptance of a call to As bury Park. He will go to the First Meth odist Episcopal church of Trenton, N. J. Thursday four prisoners confined in the jail at Marysville, Kan., murdered the jailer, B, C. Batterson and made their escape. A posse has been formed and it is pursuing the jail breakers, who escaped from town on horseback. Reports from all over Tennessee, north Alabama and north Georgia, show that the damage done to the fruit and berry crops by the frosts of Tuesday and Wednesday was very heavy. In many sections the peach crop was entirely killed and the berry crop cut in half. Early vegetables were killed, nearly everywhere. The loss will amount to many thousands of dollars. An audience of 5,000 people greeted William J. Bryan at Tomlinson hall, Indianapolis, Thursday night, when the second convention of the League of Bi metallic club? of the Ohio valley ended. Samuel E. Mores presided, ivr-uon-gressmanTowne spoke and H. S. Taylor of Chicago read an original poem. Mr, Bryan was tendered an ovation. Ho spoke for an hour and a half, mainly on the currency question. He touched upon the Cuban question casually. A disnateh from Madrid says the am bassadors of France, Germany, Russia and Italy -waited together Thursday upon Senor Gullon, foreign ra nister, ana presented a joint uwo m ie in terests of peace. Senor Gallon, reply ing, declared, according to the dispatch, that the members of the Spanish cabi net were unanimous in considering that Spain has reached "the limit of inter natioaal policy in., the direction of ooa ceding the demands and allowing thsr pretensions of theJUnited States." - TITtj Geld Seekers aa Their War Mlaes are Killed Outright or Skaguav, Alaska, April 3, ria tie, Wash., April 8. At a bo at day on the Chilkoot traQ, between .Scales, and Stonehoase, at least 31 mm. met death and a large number of etfceea were injured more or less serieasly ia a anowslide. The dead were crashed aniir a avalanche of snow aad ice, whieh'eaaM down from the mountain side vpo the left hand side of the trail at Midway between the Scales aad Stonohoaaej -At this writing the known dead are : Gets Sebarth, Seattle. Frank S Prague, Seattle. Steve Stevenson, Seattle. Tom Collins, Portland, Or. CP. "Harrison, Seattle. W. L. Riley, Seattle. One Woxan, name uakaowa. . Ed Atwood, New York. C.Bscs, Sanford, Fla. L. WiDLEiN, Kansas City, 34. ' Mae. Ryan, Baltimore, Md. r John Morgan, Emporia, Kan. Grimes, Sacramento, Cal wha a brother in business at Dyea. Two of the seriously injured are Wal ter Chappey of New York aad Jaha C Murphy of Dixon, N. D. , Fully 50 people were overtake h? the slide and are cither baried ia the snow or scattered along the hordem eat the avalanche in a more or less iajared condition. The point at which the curred is some five miles ahava Camp. The nearest telephaaa is four miles distant. The wires at thu point were carried vmr by the slide.- This fact makes it Mi cult to obtain further partieehus at thk time. A blinding snowstorm was rr Blair ci" day upon the summit andaaa quence many of those in Mm were makmg no attempt to travel. Se barth, Sprague and Steveneea of Seaetia were traveling together as partaew m& were found side by side in bed. Thousands of people were encamped in the vicinity of the accident at the time and were soon upon the scene ren dering such assistance as possible. Upe receipt of the news, points hakaw Dye telephoned up to know if UMiotaaea was required and received answer to Mm ef fect that 5,000 people were at week att the debris and were only ia eae ease's way. All day Saturday and faaiay a southerly storm with rain, wind aad snow prevailed in this vicinity aad W is believed the softening of the on the mountain side by those was the cause of the avakuMfce. The quantity of snow and ice MmA down the slide is estimated at andsoftons. It swept direetfgr the trail which, notwithatunilnr Mm fact that the weather was anaaitaMe for travel, was thronged wik way farers. The lost vestige of Mm trail ia the vicinity was wiped out ef eais and where it led is now a snow and ice, under which dead bodies that cannot he for days to come. Later reports bring the that tho bodies of three tunates have been taken freaa. Mm One is that of Garrison, iaMahi residence unknown; Ritehia, and residence unknown ; Darker, unknown, residence Seattle. Women' dacatieaai Awooiatlea. Sidney. Neb.. April II. The annual meeting of the TfMMs'i tional Educational asaocialie wl , vene at Sidney on Aprils aad at, addition to the regular awpw educational subjects there wM ht aa oritorical contest between Mm Herth Platte, Of alalia and Sydaay athaeto, also a lecture by Gbaaeeller MaDeweM of the Colorado anivewity There be a report of the committee last year at North Platte aa Mm Sidney nuHteryreservatioa lookUgie- ward secariag the property fx Stato purposes. , , ' of Ia af Editor Smith XMes ef Hia lajarlea. Dayton, O., April 8. This morning J. McLaia1 Smith, citr editor erf fcbn Ev&aing Press, died from.a fraotare of weald lag by the proceesio&al bicyclist, Boy Lefevre, while crossing- the. street. Lef evre gave" himself up to the IwjMCaBtIi3l Qaa getWtd. 0EYKlfNE,tA jHl I.-T1M pass Ma- Bay State Land aad OaMtopw against tne yaeM. fefltaa, leWTiac ISO.OWaores of rwl Nebraska, has bfj ted bjr ' aMiea Wacreeit braaa tUe to Boshaa airfMtraa aged epe wha tfv whwRaa fcW ia thairlamp M etnditiba fom hfeijtlt. &atl gm.. V Mr. Boaluui wfte wlfi reoeirar. Spata Keady ta right. Madrid, April 8. A cabinet minister in an interview on sue present situa tion is quoted as saying: J'All the min isters have sank their fadfria'aal opia- 10ns, a&tt m wamag aaaaiionoty ia Mm iatoaaste .of Mm ooaaky. It is en aely aasiiog to attompt to araaawe iathe faeeef the aaMWe a nqatare- ;a aay saat. The jayreraaiiBt- WjiaW, waaJwa ffeelf ' by eanoaotains laijiewinittc to pablic sen s Catter Greahaia Ka Keaiev3(Mt. DgTRorx, April 8. The reyenae aatter Walter Q. Gregham, en rote to he At- lantic oeast to join the wrMMJ. nary, ) t r 1 .1 H I MH ba jra io wrid by thf na of cotf- Ke- esntfer there baa town" aiacad in afi tha foreaaaew praparaiioa caupHj O, made of par gntm, aa mm Twa MjIJeaa a Year T Whea people ay, kjv aad bay sfaia," it mmnri tli ny'rr Hiigg .TTk peeI; of the United States 3 aw baying Casoarets Caady Cataarttt Mfea1' of two milKon boxes a year aad it will be three miliioa before New Year's. It means merit proved, that Caecarete are the most delightful bows regalator for every body the year round. All drag giete 10at,96c., 80c a box, care gaar-aateed. 1 nw - iaa. wb m I J. r, HLUWL 1 -m-aisi rrc.t . G.caewal Bapalra, ffl itmate flMMcb lAJlMaatHl boj