- v. i' " .... 4 V is? it, IL ANNIE C. KRAMPH, Cur Editor. FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1898. Mrs. T. J. Foley arrived on No. 1 Thursday, and will spend some time visiting friends. The Junior Epworth League contributed $9.65 to the Christian Herald Cuban reliet fund. The Independent Era plant will be moved to the second story of the Win. McDonald building. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McEvoy are mourning" the death of their little son born to them last "Wednesday. C. R. Rankin, of Orleans, Ind., is visiting" his sister Mrs. J. B." Je- ter and may decide to locate here permanently. A great variety of beautiful Easter novelties at Clinton's. To-day being" Good Friday ser vices appropriate to the day are be ing held in the Lutheran, Episco pal and Roman Catholic churches. The millinery openings this year are unusually large and there seems to be no reason why the most iastidious lady can't find a bonnet to suit her taste. The street sprinkler made its appearance yesterday afternoon. It was a welcome relief to pedes trians as they Had been swallowing sand all morning. Isaac Dillon came in from Omaha this morning. Mr. Dillon had been down looking after a car of horses shipped by him during the first oi the week. The vote on candidates for the board of education in the Second ward is not included in the official returns, because the poll books were not to be found last evening. Mrs. J. A. Goodman returned f rom Oskaloosa, Kan., last evening. Mrs. Goodman brought with her her two grandchildren who will make their home with her in the future. The Whist Club held an inter esting meeting at the home of F. T. Redmond Wednesday night. The.next meeting will be at the office of C. F. Scharmann next Tuesday night. As soon as business begins to increase on the road Edward Storm will be transferred to another de partment and Robert Shuman will be given the position of crossing watchman. There are about five hundred acres of winter wheat along the old ditch and Supt. Seeberger says that it is in splendid condition. Some of the spring wheat has been blown out by the high winds and will have to be plowed f under. junt the following licenses to wed to- ! day: Andrew P. Shostrom andj Miss Sophia Bergstrom, of Goth- i enburg; and George W. Tilford and Miss Lily Eva Sawdon, of Wal lace, Neb. Three hundred and fifty head of cattle consigned from Mowhin ney Bros.. Ontario, Ore., were re ceived at the stock yards Thursday afternoon. These cattle will be taken to the southern part of the county and fed till they are in shape for shipment to market. Plants and cut flowers for Easter can be found at Marti's. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church held a meeting at the parsonage yesterday after noon. There was a large attend ance and a great.amount of work was accomplished? The ladies are busily engagedti finishing articles for tne fair. At the Suburban Irrigation District election held on Wednes day, the following officers were elected: Director of First district, M. C. trictv Lindsay; director Second dis W. M. Hinman; director Third district, A. M. Stoddard; treasurer, H. C. Rennie; assessor, G edrge Vanghn. "EASTER SLIPPERS. Ladies Fine Strap Slippers, with bow and buckle, turn sole; two styles at S1.25 per pair. Yellow Front Shoe Store. Attorney Wilcox came in on No. 3 last night. R. H. Langford came home last night Mr. Langford - has been absent for several months and has been traveling through Colorado, Kansas and Missouri in the inter ests of the book firm he represents. Mrs. Lester Eells returned to the city on No. 3 last night. Mrs. Bells will make her home here for the present. The'Chicaga.3lfcWflSc forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair to-night and Saturday. Che maxi mum temperature atorth Platte yesterday was54: same date last year 27. 4 Preparations are. being made by the Presbyterian chirch fer the celebratwn of the quaiter-centen-nial of its orjra.Hlaai.km" Jjue -ltfe. This promises to be airiuterestirMr : .event-in UkjstQryof ?tfcfis cturcfil -udreGrirae?ittinsfitt chamr tn nrawnns,. r -- IT IS ALL TALK When ou hear people say they can Pf 1 R W t Tl R F not get some rare bargains in.... 1 UlllillUllLrf in the month of February. We have some great bargains for this month as we expect our new Spring Stock about March 1st, and we must have room. We have decided to give the people a chance to get some good goods for little money. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. There is a certaiu air of dignity, and high-class char acteristicness about this hat that must appeal to the taste of a well bred man. Three-Distinct DDTrC1 glQ (f Three shades Propositions, i llvCr oJO.lVfBrown.Cuba.Blk GLf-4- IIafc of every description Pashas, Fedoras, Xlct-Xa Tourists and Railroad. Shapes Grae co. Dakota. Planters. Crush. Boys' Pashas and Fedoras. Buy you an Easter Hat and keep up with the Ladies. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A, VOLLMER, Proprietor. Opposite Postoffice across the street from old location, Rennie's Removal Sale I Presents jto you the opportunity of a life time to 4 purchase standard goods at low figures. Why not t avail yourself of this grand opportunity? I I Our Millinery Dept. - x : . - Is in charge of a competent trimmer, and J ladies will be delighted with her creations. . The Newton house is being treated to a new spring dress of paint. Mrs. Reardon, mother of the master mechanic at Alliance, Neb,, is visiting at Rev. Father Haleys'. C. J. Perkins has moved from jthe McDonald block in the 1st ward to th Mavorh--in tn Third ward G. T. Chapman of Evanston, Wyo., shipped a car of hogs.bought of Loveland and Baskin, to that city "Wednesday afternoon. LADIES' KID SHOES Fine, and good Kid Shoes in the newest shapes 2 to 4. Yellow Front Shoe Store. Copies of the photographs re cently taken of the Hamilton Ca dets were sent to Grand Chief En gineer Arthur and Grand . Chief Fireman Sargent. They will be printed in the magazines published by the two orders. Tuesdaylught Elmer Baker's dog was locked&p in Streitz's drug store. During the night he decided that he would like to get out and made an effort to get through the window. He was unsuccessful in his efforts to get out but he suc ceeded in smashing a show globe and lamp, causing Fred Grau to indulge in a general house cleaning after he opened the store. j-See the attractive Easter dec orations in the window of Clinton. The jeweler. A Weary Willie, while attempt ing to board No. 1 yesterday after- noen, slipped and caught on one of the pony switbes in the west end of the yard. He bent the switch al most double, but clung to the car and finally succeeded in boarding the train after having been dragged several feet. The switch looks de lapidated and the Weary Willie probably feels the same way. From a copy of a Little Rock (Ark) paper received at this office. we learn that W.. T. Chadwick for merly of North Platte, but now .running an engine out or tuat southern city, recently saved sev- eral women from a burning build ing. Mr. Chadwick was going through a small village with his train when he noticed a building on fire and women calling to be rescued. Mr. C. slopped his train," rushed to the burning building and rescued the inmates, thus saving them from a horrible death by cre mation. The transfer of lhe postoffice from Major Glair to Colonel Hill will occur Saturday night, the ex pectations being: that the new f ur- aiture will arrive and be in po-UjPJL-by that time. Patrons of the office, will get their jpail at the new location n Easter morniar ' L Colonel Hdl orooow tr . E. B. WARNER. 1 J. Q. Wilcox and his mother have moved into the house recently built by Mrs. T. F. Gantt. On Monday Max Kirschbaum will move into the Ell house made vacant by the removal of F. W. Rincker. J. W. Bridges came up from Gothenburg Wednesday and is try ing to inakearrangements to enter the saloon "business in North Platte. A. H. Davis is having the -waterworks put in his house and yard. When he gets tired of sentencing bums to bread and water he ex pects to recuperate by raising "garden sass." Dressmaking on east Fifth street. Mrs. H. L. Walsh. Do not forget that the Ladies of the G. A. R. entertain at Lloyd's Easter Mondav evening, sion 10 cents. Proceeds Admis- for the proper observance of Decoration Day. Dr. McCaw has rented the front room over the Model clothing house for office purposes, and will occupy the same as soon as the Era re moves, which will be this week. The room will be repapered and otherwise improved. CHILDREix S SHOES Our collection of Children's Shoes beats them all. Tans jjj and Blacks in proper shapes at jjj low prices. jj t Yellow Front Shoe Store We are in receipt ot a paper from Hot Springs, Ark., which gives mention of Guy Laing's pres ence in that place, and says that while he is improving from 'an 'at tack of rheumatism, he will not leave for the north betore June 1st. The Fair store show window has been trimmed in a very hand some manner by the young -ladies employed in theestablishment. The exhibition is one which attracts the attention of all, especially the ladies who at this tints especially interested irifche class,of goods dis played. Lincoln county real estate is feeling the effect of the general prosperity throughout the coun try. On April 7 a warranty deed was filed in the county clerk's of .ficeconveying lots 23 and and 14, in block 19 and lot 10, block 1J, m Wallace, Neb., from F. W. Penfield and wife to C. E. Hoag, of Story, Iowa. The consideration was $5400. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society met at the residence of .1." Mrs. 3. H. Hershey yesterday. The annual election of oflicers was held and the following officers were elected iresident Mrs. B. Bu chanan;, JV ice President, Mrs, P. W.; Sitfbn:' aridkSWrand treas.. jicar Wal- Sam'l Speet lace. Neb., who hs charge for several yar", nesday. - Perm "fcitton has rMr . Zf "sit . v . . ouildingjBnwcgly-occupiedWPi Garlicb open a. working itig shop. x ne Y.-c;c Qbimecd holding a series; V'swSafterl noons. The first ee; w VfeeWat the residence of Mnfc-jtV-iR. Hie on -Thursday. J. C. Flehar ty, formerly , of Lex ington, Neb., has decided "toiwak; his home in North Platte. "iiCr. Fleharty has purchased an inter est in the Independent Era. Buy your eggs at The Wilcox De partment Store 7 cents a dozea. Will Richards who has been spending the last few months at his home in Odessa, came in on No. 3 Tuesday night and has been placed on the list of extra firemen. One reason of the recent repub lican land slide is that Dan'l Burke voted the straight republican ticket. This is the first time that event has occured within the memory of the oldest inhabitant On Monday, April 11th, at the home of Pius Carrico a double wedding will occur. The contract ing parties are Leonard Laubner and Miss Stella Carrico and Syd ney C. Harshfield and Susie Etta Carrico MIRIff'R TYR.TRRS SJTTfYElR jjj Our Shoes are correct in style. See our Tans at $3 and $3,50 jK Yellow Front Shoe Store. $ George Hammond was very busy Wednesday afternoon taking up a subscription among republicans to give Mr. Cheyney a farewell ban quet, He thinks the republicans owe him that much for the service he has rendered them by disrupting the populist party. Every day the demand for thoroughly dependable merchan dise at reasonable prices grows more emphatic and in exactly this lies the strength of the Star. See our show windows. Our Children Middy Suits from $2.50 upwards Star Ci.otiiixg House. On 'Wednesday, a license to wed was issued to "Erik Burke, North Platte, Neb., and Miss Anna Pers, North Platte, Neb. On the same day a license was also issued to Leonard Laubner of Hershey, Neb.,. and Miss Stella Carrico, of North Platte, Neb. EASTER SHOES. 2 t Ladies' FineTan Shoes Silk a Vesting Tops, fine style and good value--S.OO. . YelloTtfrFront Shoe Store. -1r:&S-:ee&333333e&f-:&&es-:&Ci&C-. The funeral of Chas Cramer was held at the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon under the auspices of the Jr. O. U. A. M., his relatives having requested that he be buried here. The benefit due him will be spent in paying the necessary funeral expenses, erect ing a small tombstone; and sett ling a few small bills owed by him, It is understood there is no lack ot applicants for the position of marshal, mayor-elect Bratt hav ing already beeu waited upon by a number who think they are excep tionally will qualified lor that po sition. Mr. Bratt, is a prudent man, will take time to consider the applications, and the public can rest assured that his appointee will be a first class man; one whoj will do his duty without receiving instructions from the council each meeting night, On Wednesday evening next the railroad engineers will meet at their hall in the First National bank building for the purpose of organizing a local aTccident and in demnity association. It is thought that between forty and fifty mem bers can be obtained. The by laws as drawn up provide that a member who suffers accidental in jury which incapacitates him from work shall receive ten dollars per week for a period not exceeding twenty-six weeks. The initiation fee is placed at six dollars per week and a fund for the payments of claims will be raised by assess ment. P. C. Gibbs, of Nesbit, was transacting business with our mer chants yesterday. S. Snell, of Sutherland, was transacting business in the city yesterday. Harry and Maggie Lute, of Paxton, spent Wednesday and Thursday in the city. A. B. Johnson, of Gandy, was in the city yesterday making pur chases for the Gandv merchants. Royal asakes the food pare, wheltsoaae Mid delicie. 3 Sunday is Easter day and all the churches have made prepara tions to properly -celebrate the fes- iivaf. ! This church festival is kept . -:.--- . . ... wi fitvemory 01 an event on wnicu tHewhble christian faith hinges rewcfection of Christ. The 111 be beautifully decor- ts and cut Howers. the. Presbyterian morning and even- and "8 o'clock. Morn- jecti "Victory Over the order of ser- chnrch Easter morning: , Organ. VolantarTiV:: Quartet-"He Is MSfK. .v AULlUll. ....... Gloria Patrl Kyrie ....... V - Confesslos." Creed. V Gloria in Excelsis QM CTMMt Lesson for the Day. mag, o Joyful Easter Bells Trrratr Conflrmation. Jf-' Bass Solo.'. c.F. Scharmann Sanctus Bortnlcinthy Communion Address. Agnus Del TLayriz Offertory Organ Solo Announcements. "Love, Love, on Earth appears"... .Emerson Benediction. Postludlum. At the Methodist church, Easter morning, the pastor, Rev. C. C, Snavely, will preach on the "Resur rection of. Christ." The evenins services will be a children's Easter festival and will begin promptly at 7.30. At that service the fullowing programme will be rendered: 1 Opening Anthem, "PraUe God." 2 Song, "All Hall." 3 Prayer, by the pastor. I Soug, "Come to tho Temple Bojoiclng." 5 Scripture Heading. 6 Song, "Bins the Easter Bells." 7 Opening Address. 8 Beading, "Easter, its Origin and Customs." 9 Song, "Bright, Beantlfnl Morning." 10 Recitation, "Easter." 11, Recitation, "The Immortal Dawn." 12 BecUition, "ThronRh the Night." 13 Song, "The lord is BIsen." It Becitntlotf, "The Angels of Easier.'' 15 Song, 'Hall all Hail." IS Class Exorcise. 17 Becitation. "Tho Carpenter." IS Becitation, "Truly 'e Have Freely Given." 19 Doxology. 23 Benediction. The services at the Church of Our Saviour on Easter will be as follows: Holy Communion, 8a. m.; Morning Prayer and Holy Com munion," 10.45 a. m,; Children's Easter Service, 3 p. m.; Evening Prayer and Confirmation, at 7.30. The bishop of the jurisdiction, Rt. Rev. A. R. Graves, will be here and will preach both morning and even ing; The.following music will be ren dered at the Church of Our Saviour pnEasier Sunday: MORNING. Prpccsstoqal Hymn, "We march, re march to victory," Barnaby "Christ Our Passover," t Farrant Gloria Patrl... Norris Gloria Patri, .' ..Elliott Te Deuin Landamus .T.Elliott Jubilate Deo Barrett IntroIt,.,lAi the Lamb's high feast we sing" .' ;....Elvey Holy Communion. Kyrie Eleison, Smedley Gloria TibI Carpenter Hymn, "Come ye faithful, raise tho strain," ; Lissant. Sermon. Gloria Patri Elliott Offertory. Anthem, "Thanks be to God''.. Small wood Presentation of Alms, doxology Gail Franc Snrsnm Corda Warren Sanctus Warren Hymn, "Bread of tho World," Hodges Gloria in Excelds, Wilkinson Ilecesslonal Hymn, "Alleluia, tho strife is o'er" , From Palestrina EVENING CONFIBMATION SEBvlCE. Processional Hymn, "Tho Son ot God goes "forth to War," Whitney Gloria Patri, Norris Gloria Patri, ." Elliott Magnifies!1, '. Wilkinson Nupc Dimittis, Wilkinson Hymn, "Angels roll the rock away,'' Boper Sermon. Gloria Patri, Elliott ConftmaUon hymn, "Soldiers of Christ, Arise.'' : Elvoy. Offertory. Largo, violin solo by Alvin Pool Handf ( Presentation of Alms, Doxology, Gull. Franc Recessional hymn,'All hail the power of Je sus' name," Holden At St. Patrick's church Easter morning- the following1 programme will be rendered: . VWi Aquam Dressier Choir- Kyrie Rosewig Choir. Christie Rosewig Mary Redmond. Et-in-terra : ..Rosewig . Ella-Sullivan. Gloria Rosewitr Choir. G ratios Rosewig Gus Chamberlain. Dominc Rosewig Ella Jeflers. Credo Rosewig Mrs. M. Tobln. Incarnattus Rosewig Gas Chamberlain, Etin Sanctum ; Rosewig F. T. Redmond. Rcgina Coeloe........?. Lambillote Choir. Sanctus: , Rosewig Choir, Gloria Taa Rosewig Mrs. M. Vaughn. Benedictus .Rosewig Gus Chamberlain. gnus Del.. ......Rosewig Gertrude Grady. D. B. Haddock came in from McPherson county yesterday. J. C. Piercv is confined to the house with an attack of la grippe. Four verv large rooms to rent over Nauman's meat market, city ,vrter a good house on north side also four very desirable rooms over, the iSgan. store roouw Apply -ttARRTNGTOX. of dff. lie- rrb ter knic . .w.w .w--..-.-.-.-.-.-c;ftftftfe::&- lOur Customers Know That Hardware Dep't. W Alligator Wrench . . .'. 15c W Madole Hammer. . . 55c )jjf 12 qt Galvanized Pail r 20c ifo Best Steel Stove Pipe. . .15c per joint A U tw af u ;t'WUU Red West Cowboy Rope 12)4 a pound 14 inch Plow Lays 75c each wf U inch Listor Lays 90c each W 11 inch Pitted Lister Ijays to fit John Deere Listers 81.75 ai uwuvator onoveJs 4Uc eacn j.-iA it an 1 nn u MiwwiHre. w w jvu eatu CMrator Sfeovel Poiats....? and Sc Tooth Malabie Rako 18c each 11 Sixe Grd Soes 20c each 18..?.. .3 and lYxG a pound W o , , oc a pound Uf We carry Burf'Z" 6 Felloes, Buggy T6ii rf Buggy and Wagon Hardware TTT T TTT . 1 wooa woric. 6 W T i TV i i to rami iP.nrrriiP.'nT Jjf Pound Cans Devoe's Mixed Paint 15c W Devoe's Best Mixed Paints $1.40 a gal iHjf Best White Lead 7c a pound U Best Quality Linseed Oil. . .5ca gal iV Wagon G1ob3 Paint 45c a qt v- Pine Tar 8c 2 for 15o Wa carry a full line of brushes ot W all kinds. Call and get our color card. Harness Dept. Best Jlarness Oil GOc a gal Hame Straps 10c each TT? ljct inch Breast Straps 35c each w . Goods ft T 'ri 48 Wilcox Department Store, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ft WW WW w Prof. Jibright is in Nebraska City attending court. M?rk Underwood of Lamar, Colo., is the guest of E. P. Seeberger. Miss Jennie Carlson is slowly recovering from her severe siege ot la grippe. A. M. Johnson of Curtis, Neb. transacted business in town Wed nesday. Miss Minnie George of Brady was in the city Tuesday and Wed nesday. P. L. Harper of Wallace, Neb., was in the city on business Tues day afternoon. Toney Stolle is worknig at Har ngton & Tobin's during the ab sence of Arthur Rush, Chas. Brown, of Ogalalla. Neb., was in town on business before the pension board Wednesday. H. S. White.left on No. 2 Thurs day morning for a short visit to his ranch in Dawson county. John Polzkill and John Schrolder of Logan County were in the city transacting business Wednesday. Major J. K. Paxton, oi Carrico, Neb., was transacting business in this metropolis Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Schrecongast of Echo ; P. O., spent Wednesday and Thursday transacting busi ness in town. F. M. Spegal has gone to Gar field, Neb., to make arrangements for working his farm during the coming summer. Miss Neleye Hartman is teach ing in the First ward primary while Miss Blankenburg" is affecte'd with the measles. O. O. Carnahan went to Grand Island, Neb., Wednesday morning. After a short visit there he will go to his home at Sandy Lake, Pa. E. H. Wood,, of Clinton county, Iowa, was in the city Thursday paying tases on land in the eastern part of the county, owned by him. Miss Ida Deans, ot Cozad, Neb., who has been spending a week with the family of S. E. Douglas, returned to her home Thursday morning. Mrs. Sam Clapp, 'Mrsl E. H. Powers and Miss Powers.of Brady, who had been spending1 a few days in the city, went home on No. 6 Thursday morning. Arther Rush went to Grand Is- o. 2 Wednesday morning. At that point he will ioin John Herrod and make a short pleasure trip to Atchison. Kan., and St4 Joseph. M. M. C. Harrington returned Thurs day morning" from a business trip to Omaha. He says tha excite ment over the prospect war is at fever heat in OmaAia Immense crowds are gthered in front of the bulletin brfards at all hours. eofGrant.Neb., is - i , these are only a few of the articles on which we save y money. We do not need to be told make the prices and know they are. m inch Breast Straps 45c each 1)4 inch Halters .-. 75c each Sweat Pads 20c each Trace Carriers Ac each Breast Strap Slides 4c each Tug Buckles 4cech Cockeyes... 5c 6ach Terret Rings 5c each Rosettes..'. 2c each Terret Hooks 5 7 10c each Buggy and Wagon Cushions. 50c each Bridles 50o each 1J inch Double and Stitched Tug Terret Pad Farm Harness $21.00 We carry a full lino Buggy Har ness, Saddles, Leather etc. Grocery Dept. Package Coffee 10c a pound 3x0. Platte Patent Flour. .8155 a sack 35 lb sack Corn Meal 18c a sack Cora Chop 65c a hundred Braa.... 55c a hundred package Gold Dust 18c 3c a package . . . .14c a gal i iw,"v Browne cmr? Lewis Lve..... . 3 for 25c invuj n til u;e. .... . . . o Pearline . . . i'iiS; . ... 4c a 10b Bizn Paddla TMttimer.- 7c i 5c size Paddle Bluiar??rf' 4 i 2 sacks Table Salt.. ..TTTrrrrtTfio j Rock Salt (55c a hundred Franklin MacVeagh. & Co.s Club House Brand of Canned Goods. Club House Tomatoes. . .13c 2 for 25c Club House Corn J.lc a can Club House Succotash.. 13c 2 for 25c Club House Peas (Earljr June Sifted) 14c 3 cans for 40c sold at one price and that for cash only. Mrs. S. S. Kaufman returned to her home in Gothenburg, Neb., this morning. Air. and Mrs. u. L. .Black re turned yesterday from a pleasure trip to the eastern part of the state. J. W. Cheyney shook the dust of North Platte from off his ieet Thursday morning and departed for his beloved city of Washington, D. C. John Ellingsworth, of Lexington, Neb., was in the city last night on business connected with the case of Gurmully & Jeffrey Mfg Co. vs. J. L, Minor and others. Mrs. Jas. A. Edwards ot Ridg way, Colo., arrived in the city on No. 4 Wednesday night. She will remain in the city several weeks visiting friends and relatives. Miss Thoelecke went east on No. 6 Wednesday morning. She expects to make a visit to the schools in the southeastern part of the county before her return, Mrs. E. W. Keene went to Jules- burg this morning with her son, Conductor Will Keene. Mrs. Keene will spend a few days in Julesburg- with her son's wife and daughter. Miss Maud Keene is compelled to spend quite a time in Julesburg, Colorado, on account of weak lungs. &SSS&:S&:5;S-:6SS;6:S-:g;g-:&:W & KftTTittOAP NOTES. & Hi 9 Eli McCart went to Ogalalla this morning. J. W. Mahoney traveling- auditor spent Wedndsday in the city. "&oi Mcuraw is switcumg in the yards while Abe Armstrong is laying off. Conductor McBride went out on No. 2 yesterday in place ot Wilcox who had taken the Gould special east. special car yyu, .e;rie k. k., cou- i - " . r T-s rr? taming a. party ot nne omciais passed through on No. 4 Wednes day night. Hank Gilfoyle went to Julesburg, Colo., Wednesday on No. 1 and piloted, in the special Thursday morning. Gene Kiser has been switching" in the yards this week during the sickness of several of the regular switchmen. Ered Hanlori has finally been dis charged from the Union Pacific company's service, after having been in its employ twenty-seven years. Charlie Yost went out as swing brakeman on No. 2 Thursday morning. He took the. place ot .Ctm Welch who went out on the Gould special. A special train of four cars con taining George Gould, and party passed through at 2 o'clock: Thurs- and a M. P. train crew. EBrineeg Wood White and Conductor: Wilcox took the tram out. ,.Try Grain-0: Try Qraia-0! Ask your grocer today to show you a Faakage of Grain-O, the new food drinfc- ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Oil when a price is right; we Notion Department. ft VaMliae Soabottto 3soooteforl0ca Cotton Tape' lc roll IfJ Crochet Cotton 3 spools for 10c 0fi Canfield Dress Shields 25c a pair 2 quart fountain syringe 55 cents j 1 inch Velveteen Binding 3c a yard -jr 50 yd Sewing Silks 4c a Spool Silk Button Hole Twist... 2c a Spool f Ladres' Bolts from 10c to $1.50 each ffi 25 or 30 styles to select from. Dry Goods Dept. Dress Goods.... 10c to 1.00 per yard ft Kearney Home Muslin 3Jcayard ffi Good Prints from 3 cents a yard up Ladies' Muslin Underwear in all fa grades;we have a very large line. If you have no time to make a dress we can sell you a readv made wrapper at price that will surprise you (f Lack of space prevents us from ffi giving you a description of aur Dry Goods line but a call will show you jjL that everything we have is Lew and -Jr up to date in 6tyle. t? ft Dept., ..45caMt 7-ia Diauac Pk4aa. .. 4Cc T..mV.lora - VU oaf. 7-m Decorated Dinner Plates GOca'se Decorated Tea Cups and Saucers ft - - -- -- -- - 65c a set fjfl. Nickel Plated center draft Lamps complete with 10 inch dome S1.65 a Vase Lamps with shade - - 31.25 Banquet Lamps from 81.50 to S10.00 f Seventeen different Patterns of M Dinner Sets to select from. - i ft ft f. -ElmerW. Sawdon, of Wallace, is in the city. $100 Seward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actiDg directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so muoh faith in it curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 2- 8 A Sure Thing Tor You. A transaction in which you caunot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head-, ache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by con- stipation and a sluggish liver. Casoareta Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c, 25c., 50c; Sample and booklet free. EASTER NOVELTIES. We have a very pretty line, of Silver Novelties suitable for Easter remembrances Book Marks, Paper Knives, Church Spoons, etc. Would be pleased to have you call and see them. Jeweler and Optician Engraving- free of charge. 1 door south Streitz's Pharmacy, Just Received, a carload of Agricultural Im plements, Buggies and Car- nages. Latest styles. Please, call and examine k HersleyM - : DON'T BE FOOLED. Why not support your local trades people? . . . Let your money re- main in and circulate in your own, town Merchant Tailor, Makes- Suits to measure from S18.00 up. Overcoats to measure from S17 up. Trfusers, meastire.trooL. i i 1 n