The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 05, 1898, Image 4

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    r. " . " fi ' 3-
O, KRA.MPH, CfeTr Bdeto.b.
L2,&BfAX, Air JvlJU .O, AOyO.
Isaac Dillon shipped a car of
' tlsocwijgiiWed horses lo St Ivouis
yesterday. They were in splendid
cxmditk and . will probably bring
'top priced
IdMs of North Platte and
.riciaiitT ahoHld not fail to attend
Scookrs millinery opening on
Tferdyt Friday and Saturday of
" Ray Barnum. of Omaha, is the
guest ot his brother M. K. Barnum.
34r. Barnum is state agent, of the
Gleas Falls Insurance : Company and
is transacting' some business with
the local agent.
--Rex.Geo. leader, who has been
teackiMg- the Nichols school, left
on, Tuesday morning' for a week's
1 ft- ftT rHam&
-risit ia Cbzad. On Sunday, April
10th, he will assume the pastorship
5 of the Christian church at May
wood; Jfcb.
Rennie will have his millinery
opeiiinon Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week.
List Thursday J. A. Goodman
.shipped six cars of cattle to the
South Omaha market and on Mon-
- day skipped six more. He says
tfcef are bringing" a very good
price. Part of the first lot shipped
were placed in the export list
Fred Marti will be able to sup
ply our citizens with flowers and
plants for Easter.
TSyery day the demand for
thoroughly dependable merchan
dise" at reasonable prices grows
no re emphatic and in exactly this
- lies the strength of the Star. See
oar show windows. Our Children
Middy Suits from $5.50 upwards.
Star Cithing House.
The annual election tor officers
of the Suburban Irrigation district
will be held to-morrow. In frthe
first directors division the election
will be held at the Lindsay resi
dence, in the second division at the
Wyman residence, and in the third
district at the Stoddard residence.
Maurice Cronin and P. H.
Stack, Ihe latter traveling fireman
on the Union Pacific have pur
chased an eighty-acre farm of John
ISllison. It is located in the ditch
country west of town and they ex
pect to raise enough this year to
feed all the starving Cubans.
The. offer of W. P. Collins to
donate the use of his entire apiary
to Captain Hamilton in.fighting the
Spaniards, shows that there are
lew more patriotic and generous
citizens than Mj. Collins. Armed
-with this apiary Captain Hamil
ton :ould put to flight not only
- thousands but tens of thousands of
- We are agents for Spurr's
Beyere M. & J. coffee "and
Morning Glory Flour. The
Hub Grocery Oo.
Capt, W. H. Hamilton, Pres.
"of the state Association of volun
teer Fireman has been correspond
ing with the several association
throughout the state with a view
of organizing a regiment composed
. of volunteer fireman. The Captain
isof the opinion that such a regi
ment would be able to wipe Spain
- off of the earth.
r In looking over the marriage
- . license record in the county judge's
office yesterday, it was found that
a license had been issued to O. W.
Sizemore on the 19th, of last month.
No certificate showing that he has
become a member of the benedicts
yet been returned, and his friends
are therefore in the dark as to
whether the ceremony has been
performed. "Doc" is a sly old boy.
Ladies1 Fine Tan Shoes Silk $
Vesting Tops, fine style and
Tellow J? ront Bnoe Store.
Mrs. J. S.- Hoagland enter
tained the Gypsy Circle at her resi-
dence last evening, xnere were
about twenty-five present. A short
programme, of music and readings
was rendered and Fred'Schraalzried
displayed a number of magic lantern-
views. Ice cream and cake
were served to the guests during
the evening. The young 'people
had a splendid time; fc
' W are. meeting any and
all vwntition in. our; line.
Htib Gfrooery Oo.
The Board of Education held
their regular monthly meeting, last
Tkev allowed the bills
bronrht before them. "The- teach
m were o-raated leave of absence
to" atteid r the -Wet; -Nebraska
Teachers Asociat1oflT which meets
at Sidney. The teachers who at
lead, the Association - Mil receive
tberr reAtfaur pay., Trhe members
of the L, A. R. will address the
schools ia the central "building. TJn
itariaa hall ad Baptist church ;j on
y ftneroooo, may uto; o :cpc-'
-When you hear people say they can
not get some rare bargains in ... .
in the month of February. We have some great
bargains for this month as we expect our new
Spring Stock about March, ist, and we must have
room We' have decided togive the people a chance
to -get some good goods for little moneys
ri i i ri titiii rirf f i rigtifi -1 -w - tt-
There is a certain air of dignity, and high-class char
acteristicness about this hat that must appeal to the
taste of a well bred man.
v Propositions.
d -CM TJa4rr ot every description jrasuas, jcuuias,
&OTT XlflTS Tourists and Railroad. Shapes Grae
co. Dakota. Planters, Crush. Boys' Pashas and Fedoras. Buy
you an Easter Hat and keep up with the Ladies.
W. A. VOLLMEE, Proprietor.
Opposite Postoffice across
Rennie's Removal Sale
Presents to you the opportunity of a-life time, to
purchase standard goods at low figures. Why not
avail yourself of this grand opportunity?
Our Millinery Dept.
Is in charge of a . competent trimmerj vahd
ladies will be delighted with her creations.' '
G. F, Chapman of Evanston j
Wyo. is in town buying up hogs
for shipment.
J. C. Honaker of Gandy, Itfeb.
was in town on ousiness,; csaiur-
day. '
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
M. E. Church will meet with Mrs.
C. C. Suavely Thursday aitemoon.
Miss Nellie Lonergan closed a
very successful terra of school near
Dexter last Friday and returned
home to this city Sunday.
Alfala seed and supply of
fresh garden seeds at popular
prices. nuD u-rocery uo.
Saturday afternoon the Hamil
ton Cadets invaded Victor von
Goetz' studio and had several group
photographs taken.
Miss Maude Hinman pleasantly
entertained a party of friends Fri
day evening in favor of Miss Wise
man, of Grand Island.
Mrs. Anna Gray Clark, county
superintendent of public instruction
in Keith county is spending the
day in the city, the guest of Miss
The programme at Lloyd's Dpera
house Eester Monday evening will
consist in part of a selection by the
Mandolin Club, violin and piano
solos and duetts, songs, etc.
Admission only 10 cents.
The Y.- M, C, A. closedtheir first
quarter of 1898 entirely free from
debt. The members have decided
to organize a basket bp 11 team and
are lookincr around for suitable
Quite a few of the faithful
gathered at Keith's hall last even
ing to hear the position ot the re
form administration on the .water
works question explained and de
fended by city attorney Parsons.
Ladies' Fine
Ladies Fine Strao Sliooers.
with tow and buckle, turn sole
tit i . j. e-1 or .- W
4 two siyies di per pair. 3
2 YtllowFront Shoe Store. S
The Chicago forecast for North
Platte and vicinity: Fair to-night
and Wednesday; warmer Wednes
day. The maximum temperature
at North Platte yesterday was -43:
same date.last year 47.
The 2?orth Platte whist club
was organized a few days ago with
a membershio of thirty, and the
fnllowinir .officers were elected, F.
T. rRedmond, president; L. D. Jack
sat.. vvice-oresi'dent: and Walter
I HMlaad:secretary aad treasurer.
t- -4.
I . - 1 A. At
The club will sena a team to iue
"tournament -which will bfe held at
Three shades
- j T- 1 "TT J
the street from old location r
Mrs. J. H. Robinson, daughter
of Mrs. M. J. Simpson, is in town.
She was called here by the severe
illness of her mother.
Thursday, Friday and Saturr
day- will be red-letter days in
North Platte. Rennie will have his
millinery opening on those days.
Peter McGovern started in on
Monday as an apprentice in the
tin shop, and David Adamson as
an apprentice in the machine shop.
The Cody Guards will meet
each evening this week for drill.
If the services of the'boys are need
ed by the government they will be
in fine shape. .
Wallace Tug; A letter lrom
Rev. James Leonard states that he
was more seriously injured than he
supposed, and that it will be some
time before he will be able to be
with us.
Fine and good Kid Shoes in the
newest shapes 2 to $4.
Yellow Front Shoe Store.
: E. H. Smith of Council Bluffs,
Ia,, and Millard Hosier returned
Saturday night from a two days'
hunt along the Bird wood and "V? hite
Horse creeks. They haven't yet
finished counting the slaughtered
3-lb cans Table Peaches,
Pears, Apricots and Plums
at 15 contsper can. The Hub
Grocery Oo.
A Mr. Tennett, representing
E. V. Price & Co.. merchant tailors
of Chicago, was quartered at the
Star Clotding house yesterday and
took a large number of orders for
suits. He had -an exceptionally
fine lne of samples on exhibition.
Many complaints are heard
relative to the dilapidated and un
safe condition of the sidewalks on
east Fifth street It is believed
that certain parties tear up the
boards at night and use for them
kindling. The officers will investi
gate, the matter. -J
The Union Pacific expects to do
more work on the road bed this
year than has been done in a great
many years. The grading and
ballasting between Grand Island
and Lexington will be finished by
the time cold weather sets in. Next
vear the work will be continued
westward to Julesburg, Colo.
iverybedy Sajs So.
tiiBcarets Candv Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical discovery o the age,
pte&snt'aiid. refreshing to the taste, act
ntlyaad poBitffeliron'krdneye, liver
ami bowek. cteanslne.tbe entire system,
.dispete coWoare headache, fever$ ha-
TleB bay andltry, a -box otC C.j.0. to
day; 10. aad'SO cnts. Sold,andgar.-
Miss Gertrude Baker
day commenced teachinga two
months' term at the Nicho(s1ichcMi
The Knights of Pythifs, w?llko
work in both the rank of page, and.,
esquire at the hall next Friday
evening. ' j
Fred Marti will receive ioAhe
Easter trade a handsome stockjjbf
Easter lillies and other flowers aid
plants. , j
J. E. Bush is the proud, tathler
of a young lady offender age vho
arrived in JSTorth Platte yesterday
morning- . j
Mrs. G. S. Huffman's spring
stock is now open and ready for in
spection by the ladies. '
The Jewish Passover begins to
morrow night, and for seven days
the orthodox Jews will eat un
leavened bread.
'- - "
The clerk of the court and the
county judge have been kept very
busy making out quarterly pension
affidavits the last few days. jj
Rebekahs will not have staff
practice on Saturday evening, but
on our regular meeting night April
15th. By order of the Captain. ,
Dressmaking on (east Fifth
street. ' Mrs. H. L. Walsh!
At the North Side Chapel Sun
day afternoon, RevfG'T A. Beecher
baptized six children. On Monday
evening he held an adult baptizmal
service at the church.
The committeeof arrangements
for the Engineers'
Party are
now at work preparing for that
eyent, which will be held on Tues
day evening. May 3d.
The Hamilton Cadets contrib
uted ten dollars to the Cuban re
lief fund, an action that speaks
well for the humanity and patriot
ism of the young lady members.
. Twenty pounds fine Gran
ulated Sugar for SI. CO. Hub
Grocery Oo.
C. A. Moore, of Myrtle, trans
acted business in town Saturday
and called to enroll his name on pur
subscription list. Farmers in his
section are still at work putting in
North Platte contributed, all
told, about one hundred and seventy-five
dollars to the "World-Herald
Cuban relief fund, which is evidence
that the heart of the average North
Platte citizen is in the right place.
Buy your eggs at The Wilcox De
partment Store 7 cents a dozen.
At a congregational meeting held
afteiservice Sunday morning, the
Lutherans decided not to extend a
call to Rev. J. W. Buzzard of Colo-,
rado Springs, but to endeavor to
obtain an older man.
Our Shoes are correct in style.
g See our Tans at $3 and 3.50$
Yellow Front Shoe Store.
. a
Dick Bangs came in from Dick
ens 3'esterday. He will spend sev
eral days swapping stories, help
ing to fight the war with Spain,
that is being daily fought in
Streitz's drug store, and transact
ing business.
The show windows and the
millinery department of the Boston
Store have been handsomely decor
ated by Miss Tulley, the trimmer,
assisted by Miss Jeffers. The
millinery opening of this store be
gan to-day ana will continue to
morrow and Thursday.
Mrs. Huffman devotes her en
tire time to millinery. It is not9K
"side issue" with her.
Within forty-eight hours three
newspaper changes were made in
North Platte the latter part of last
week. F. D. Wright leased -the
Telegraph, the Record suspended
publication and the plant will be
moved to Superior, Neb., and the
Independent Era sold to G. F. Cop
per, of Ogalalla.
Ten bars lOoz. Soap for
25 cents. Hub Grocery Oo.
The Daughters ot Rebekah
will clear twenty dollars from the
elocutionary entertainment held at
Keith's hall Saturday night. Miss
Tillotson gave quite an interesting
talk on Delsarte, but her elocution
ary numbers were not as good as
were expected. There was a good
sized audience present. During the
latter part of the evening the ladies
of the lodge served ice cream and
Best.Two Orown Raisins
at 5 cents a pound. Hub Gro
cery Oo.
At, 10 o'clock Friday night
Elmer Crawford and Oakley S warth-
out broke into the store of Thomp
son & Swarthout and obtained
563.35 in cash. The boys were
placed under arrest' Saturday. Tile
most of the money was found in
their possession and the balande,
which young Crawford had spent,
was afterwards obtained; Some
effort was made to settle the mat
ter out of court was, "unsuc
cessful. On Monday the boys were
brought before County Judge Baldr
"win aiad they pleltd ?guilfy tQ.-tlje;
charge of burglary. They were
bound over to the district court and
their bailixed at $700 each. Thjiy
wercuuable" tov iiirnish bail atw
. tt: : : I 1 . 'ILi-fkidS. jm
Our Customers
Hardware Dept.
!jf Nails. . ... : .2J a pound
W Alligator Wrench 15c
iff Madole Hammer 55c
12 qt Galvanized Pail. 20c
CiV Beet Steel Stove Pipe. . .15c per joint
JP Red West Cowboy Rope 12) a pound
J? 14 inch Plow Iya 75c each
W 14 inch Lister Lays 90c each
ijjjf U inch Fitted Lister Lays to fit John
Deere Listers 81.75
j Cultivator Shovels... 40c each
W Subsoilers . . 60 to 90c each
7 Cultivator Shovel Points 7 and 8c
W 14 Tooth Malable Rake 18c each
jjjf Full Size Garden Hoes 20c each
y Coil Chain Q and 7c a pound
Copperas 2c a pound
Jj? Sulphur 5c a pound
ijf King Bolts 28 to 35o each
m We carry Buggy Rims, Wagon
r Felloes, Buggy Tongues, Wagon
3& Tongues, Spoken and a full line of
vX Buggy and Wagon Hardware and
Jjj? WoodWok.
tt Paint Department.
Pound Cans Devoe's Mixed Paint 15c
W Devoe's Beet Mixed Paints $1.40 a gal
ir Beet White Lead 7c a pound
Beet Quality Linseed Oil. . ..55ca gal
Wagon Gloss Paint i . . .45o a qt
W Pine Tar 8c 2 for 15c
We carry a full line of brushes of
W all kinds. Call and get our color card.
tt -
jjj Harness Dept
Best Harness Oil; GOc a gal
Hame Straps . . . . .10o each
ff inch Breast Straps 35c each
G. T. Chapman, of Evanston,
Wyo., is the guest of L. D. Jackson.
Jno. McGuife, 41 cattleman of
Grant, was in the city on Monday.
Walker Haiqlinc has been the
guest of Grand Island friends for a
few days past.
H. 13. Worrell, principal of the
Bredy schools, spent Saturday and
Sunday in town.
Capt and Mrs. L. N. Dow of the
National Cemetery at McPherson
spent Monday in town.
A. C. Barry, of Maywood. and
John Driscoll.of Buchanan precinct,
transacted business in town yester
day. Miss Mabel Yates returned to
Sutherland Sunday after a brfef
visit with North Platte acquaint
ances. Miss Minuie Sorenson ' went to
Grand Island on No. 2 Saturday
morning and returned on No. 1
Miss Annie Schwaiger, who is
teaching school in the Sutherland
section, spent Saturday and Sun
day in town.
J. H. Turpie, manager of the
Turpie Bros,, Lincoln county in
terests, has been spending the past
few days at the Birdwood ranch. .
Mrs. Jeanette Adamson is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Jen
nings, at Holdrege, having left for
that place last Saturday.
Prof. H. McVey, principal of the
Sutherland school, who had been
attending the meeting of educators
at Kearney, was a Tribune caller
Saturday. -
Miss Bourbeau returned, to her
home in Albany, Wisconsin, on. No.
1 yesterday. She has spent the
past year with her sister Mrs. W.
E. Parle .
Lawrence Beard, of Deunison,
Iowa, has accepted the position of
night clerk at tbePaciHc Hotel. He
commenced his new duties Satur
day night.
H. C. Rennie returned on Sunday
from a trip to Chicago and points
Tn Wisconsin and Iowa. He reports
business as being in-splendid con
dition everywhere he visited.
H. S. Jidgely went to Cherry
county yesterday to look after mat
ters pertaining to a big law suit in
which he -has been employed as
counsel. " ;
Mrs. J. B. Aveline and daughter,
Mrs. Lottie Tulo, arrived in North
Platte Sunday afternoon from Chi
cago. They wilT risit in ihe city
'for about two weeks and tken move
into their new house on the ranche
west of town, Mr. Aveline will re
main in Chicago during the sum-
I Wilcox Department Store,
That these are only a few of the articles on which YtfKsave you
money. We do not need to be told when price is rht; we
make the prices and know they are.
1)4 inch Breast Straps 45c each
ii inch Halters ,75c each"
Sweat Pads 20c each
Trace Carriers .'r 4c each
Breast Strap Slides 4c each
Tug Buckles -.Ac each
Cockeyes ...5c each
Terret Rings 5c each
Rosettes... : 2c each
Terret Hooks 5 7,10c each
Buggy and Wagon Cushions. 50c each
Bridles 50c each
1 inch Double and Stitched Tug
Terret Pad Farm Harness $21,00
We carry a full line Buggy Har
ness, Saddiee, Leather etc.
Grocery Dept.
Package Coffee r.lOc a pound
No.Platte Patent Flour. .$155 a sack
25 lb sack Corn Meal 18c a sack
Corn, Chop 65c a hundred
Bran 55c a hundred
4 pound package Gold Dust 18o
Yeast Foam 3c s package
Kerosene Oil 14c a gal
Lewis Lye 9c a can 3 for 25c
Merry War Lye . . .7c a can
Pearline 4c- a package
10c size Paddle Bluing 7c
5c size Paddle Bluing 4c
2 sacks Table Salt 5c
Reck Salt 65c a hundred
Franklin X&cVeagh. k Co,s Club
Souse Brand of Caned Goods.
Club House Tomatoes. . .13c 2 for 25c
Club House Corn .lie a can
Club House Succotash.. 13c 2 for 25c
Club House Peas (Early June Sifted)
14c 3 cans for 40c
sold at one price and that for cash only.
Judge Grimes went to Grant this
morning to hold a term of court. -
C. P. Iddings transacted busi
ness Saturday in the east part of
the state.
S. A. Lloyd, of Gandy, passed
through the city en route to Oma
ha, Neb.
W.Q.Mahan and Nick Brosius,of
Logan county, spent Monday trans
acting business in town.
B."F. Reid left this
an extended visit with his
ter at New Cambria, Kan.
W. T. Wilcox went to Lincoln
tuis morning to loot atter some
cases before the state board ot irri-
Hugh Merntt, one of Dorp pre
cinct's most prosperous farmers,
was transacting" business on our
streets to-day.
Co. Comr. Hudson, of Logan
county brought in a load of hogs
Mondav, which he disposed ot to
Loveland and Baskin.
Miss Louie Thompson, represent
ing the publishing firm of Thomp
son, Hood & Co., is in the city es
tablishing agencies for the firm.
Cecil Tuell of Somerset trans
acted business in town to-day. He
says he finds the farmers busy put
ting in wheat and very hopeful of
a large crop.
Leoma Howe and family of Gandy
Neb. passed through the city Mon
day night enroute to Perry, Okla.,
where they expect to make their
home .hereafter.
Mrs. C. C. Coates aad Mrs. J. C,
Clinton returned Saturday night
from a five weeks visit at points in
Perkins and Keith counties. They
enjoyed the trip immensely.
Miss Corbett of Iowa is visiting
the family of Wm. Maloney. After
spending a short time here she wjll
sro lo Colorado to visit her brother.
Miss Corbett is taking this trip
for her health.
John Ifowe cf Logan County has
disposed of his ranch interests in
that county to the Milldale Land
and Stock Co., and as soon as the
grass starts will drive his horses
overland to his new home in Perry,
Fred Douglass is spending 2.
week with his parents. He is in
the emplor of tber Penney Mer
cantilevCompany at Elm Creek.
Neb. It is rumored that one rea
son of his visit is that he may be on
hand to start with the Cody Guards
when they leave for Cuba in the
near future.
nr collection ot . Children 2
Shops beats them all. TaniC
and Blacks in proper a.hape6V'aV'
ili 1 z
Yellow" Front Sfcoe
cut m
Vaaelibi Jfe.a bottk
Thread . 3 spoofc for 10c fa
Cotton Tape vis a roll 0fi
Crochet Cotton 3 spools for 10c M
Canfield Dress Shields 25 a pair jmL
2 quart fountain syrisge.. .56 cents
1 inch Velveteen Binding 3c a yard
50 yd Sewbg Silks 4c i Spool fl?
Silk Button Hole Twiet. . .3c a Spool 0fk
Ladies Belts from 10c to $1.60 each ji
25 or 30 styles to select from.
Dry Goods Dept f
Drees Goods .... 10c to $1.00 per yard fa
Kearney Home Muslin . . .36 iryard fa
Good Prints from 3 caste a yard up ff
Ladies' JSIuelin Underwear ia all kk
gradee;we have a very large li&e. jL
If you have no time to make
drees we can sell you a ready made fa
wrapper at price that will surprise you fa.
Lack of space prevents ue, from
giving you a description of eur Dry jm
Goods lice but a call will show you jjL
that everything we have is Lew and
up to date in style. fa
Crockery Dept.
Handled. Cups and Saucers. .45c a set jm
7-in Dinner Plates.' 40c a set
TumbWrs .....20c a set jJJ
7-in Decorated Dinner Plates GOc a set fa
Decorated Tea Cups and Saucers fa
-------- - 65c a set fa
Nickel Plated center draft Lamps jflk
complete with 10 inch dome $1,65 ji
Vase Lamps with shade - - S1.25 2j
Banquet Lamps from 31.50 to $10.00 fa
Seventeen different Patterns of fa
"Din nor Qnfo catonf fmm
Jr. O. U. A. M. ATTJUI T103T.
Special meeting to-night in the
Cody Guards armory at 8:30 to
make arrangements for funeral of
brother Charles Cramer.
. .EVS. Dayis, Sec'y. .
, 3
A fresh line -of- Lake's
Vermin Exterminator just re-,
ceived by the Hub Grocery
-Four very large rooms
to rent
over Nauman's meat market, city
N otion Depanm
water a good house on north side ,
also four
desirable rooms
over the Egan store room. Apply,.
M. C. Hakrington.
We have a very pretty line
. of Silver Novelties suitable
for Easter remembrances
Book Marks, Paper
Knives, Church Spoons,
etc,1 Would be pleased,
to have you call and see
Jeweler and Optician
Engraving" free of charge.
1 door south Streitz's Pharmacy,
Just Received, ;
a carload of Agricultural Tm- ,
plements, Buggies and Car
riages. Latest styles. Please:
call and examine.
Jos. Hershey Locust St.
Why not support your local trades-
people? . . . 'Letyour money re
main in and- circulate In your ows .
town. ' a"'
Merchant Tailor,
Suits to measure from $1.00 up.
Overcoats to m sure from $17 hp
Trousers to ir.cfrom $4.00 up.
We have the finest or; weeiCHft
lor the least money r.eHa.Tfoiife
mKnip imaue ncui in uuuoh
mtty Styhshjit and latest st
hT-jaeflcU Jppur orders to so:
large, citi
t rotten goods n
cah. jet
nshio, when voa
.Vmlttfiis at hOfhe?
'1 . - - '-
W&fe rjwand&l id jail. '.-
6 April 15th, v