- - r.-. -.. - - - , - - jr - - '"jj3&mmm " j i. Mjjmwmm''' . J - rr- , . fSErSb- cSWttl ffltotte tp -16 3fei6tm - " til: nr. : a sohi isn iekrisii, mfcE matic, jisiua as, lm r ri&gr A ougar is Going Down! i tp-bas Toi-f S e w -""r L m tbeTl M. d:lL iMciLW footed of lrintiM t Ok tracts ad . r w a a - '"M. GOOCKS ZXKPZV jVKIilSBIlk& jNSP2V M of octkPiatlfc: , ?r hfccec eowafaj. As a. nrie stock growers Jtifc yi jgygha iiijoTiMifceto; ol-oky Jocor r Si i- ' s pSSmST I wwoT -S': S. f1 J"fe iaTaeTerjr- Xeamey Home Mmiisi -I 4o 5 ; I Tggg ffaSTTmT' I JJ5L?T5?Lr T!r. toatiieie waUttt cMw:t tte sfiJua tint is aynmi to I tbc fl T . . " IB I gSS 4"W" 1- .4cDd5e JVOJZOX: DEFT- I SBTO.JEMBJST. S eceoc pteWidj- i frinleij. ootaiaTKarycoat ocees or wiat j m ggo Slid 40c IfOTeltf Goods for 25C ' ' 9 Gecwm&KsiMme jmsm -..fcJ3ea rio Trnffinr TifTirnn aai CTiTIIiiiVr J fco -9; Wkikt ioefc xIwroTffce: Cafcfc- khwre ofttbe MKets k "tt&j" u jm -H $ 8 STfe "3lTofStJ ! SloSilTi?S5fe S pariskof Trj.fe fittfe otttie fro. tfef feeders of Ke- S Veiwftrtaa irg gj. 1 - S aw cS!!!!!!"r:::::::i ol Sil 5" s tkattb4i.Pii . frter r sfCewai,aaooft jNtt5 - HoiyXifcioa ..S ycoote I Mfetoaheorsooir. 9 octklPliibcteaTerS. aJoocmOacMOfera alfe! fteJ eaai" - J m . .v, S Tkai-tiere-is jeJ;tbo:e ov Jei wsers-wmI ti j out B . . ft tjfjw M a m aoA a. Tfcrj aoloy.ooiiiy.lttTeeTCrj be onpf fcicatcg; oy fk c?saers ' Trt-f W1 ft m FoHrs foar Ctsfc QfleP-rfee 9 raofttebdfe Arecrife r f Texas or Mfe.Tsrrxtorr, ft I Ma rflff ft lf5 ' TZT. JSfOfS, roj. 1 IT TTTTTP j iiti-a3oofsLtrk in&iocae:tSo:ifi se- X xJLW JL till jf W , jiW ioklcat saj iL.k tiat I wiat SSaeat m tke growers of YTrTTiY!z HWK ft m ' ; ..ww,,w, v., w,T 35 4 . 51"- HftoCAiBCy Pvo)ciotoc- IF. BMMiy. MtaMROjOjor- . '"'.jsE' If North Platte Pharmacy. j f --J,i3i 1 ! Xlrng and BrngisitB' Scmdziee. AVI rWOOOTOOjOOjO OOOOPMOf .OffMt JBJp tJOOWOOW 3WOjOOwOBC MK I ' Ocdecs&ooxfcoowirjaaiooiiMtliKof tte Uaios - . J rarxt inciiiiEll ofTfnitTrorrjiiofTlBdl - r SBk' :-" -r -' " -jK SC E Jb&Bm 994fet fiwr pniBr,'ls8iSiowt 3Htoov$io?!'v4B iHwt taBof ygsetirigfcuimifLlufciio SagfatMr aarf: 3umiiaL ; Hyim.L imn fcamfc lit -ami, larty ifeawgggog "MIk- atferfk Ci iiihi OggtrfTiiaiifci -nrfwrrTrir r-rrr inW ililfiiB, in rninafi. -cjB mTWKxzzMK. MsIbI Mill ml taiS . ' H-'J''Mmttf Cttuf aLimutTir 3tMtrtUir ' fcw hftt lenhiir tlfeal3Nfc Ttef iOt3 . rinh i mini H m irtir nf Ttt-i Bf Tiih J- : Wauixsx, . Z Great Jaisary Clcariig Sale Dug i vii i vnEi We- lare joot fitseel ntvoicg osr stock fcofapp &e arrin ef fcot of FeOCTorr igftw jfcag og Bot. Wn wit mulw nram fer 'CTjOjfc" ,fef6 JHTB X. few SOCMC tmtiT thn MieBifle ftfepietoa M sot kickMiifer oil ccoost of tke storm. Ltaat wocfc a. ttayeler iw the ioctoojciobaTe a. fcorsesiep tifroojfk tie oriige itlT. Mmcfkf cei- I treated CatoeitcsiKZ. clases- It tiis age Cztkoiks Hcs Otlit to toeoJogeI r frowt all ooo-CatSw- WVn-j r OaOJ; CZ-0UCS AMD GAPES Voioasioa1haJBfrtaoVaff Mar1 luv ' yj ivs' Jscsmv jfc. wnsk- swqj .at it WlMtewiale 3a.innif ,'WdcjuHL ahafit tec WLSSL D&ESS GOODS. OC JL. . "iff imJi!t4I WrMs per jJ. jESOXC .mOT MW9a- BKPQ JOOK. SWOS AJVD ART tCSt UiEXESAMD OH'fUyREfTS UNXMEAJZ, iijtfck s? ter If junnTHlMi: Jar- t Oaeiataf sNfar sdbai sImmm 2. K-Xa-iw at FT OF" AL- IESCRfPTfOWS aimoijt gxveai away. OrateT f.ii afLtiiiiB". Ca8; 1 AH Trent Waaiefeff sail priee. !mt Cki- J8J-FI2 fit Tne Boston Store L-TLTS PTZER. PROP- Lorgeot m.- QoooHlr. Bset Qn. SoiTtk teeter aefceC mmL jcsaif ti cJke?8s o teocoC. caee mrwlTag the mme Trimwi aa tfewiair TlnithnrtT Ech TTniiii?n Toatufllinj, I cioSgCSK WLSftiat tJfcC OMfalifffe COt WAfiKDwaosr,, Jom. 31. TJt& 3isas&ofi Powgjg&cerMi nnWrif- Tl j. vk -g rJ ; agwmpfe Burdgylirnionm no. sod. m m J z. I torojcy- JjBCXUKreo.r 3iot- Dc C- H. TTiimolfo if TTr-rHr-, ia torgiowiog tire, Oonm Oflg ragoci s tc tie V Csrrr Jk. r. is ISovioSr woo w KSSec ox- MbrMtk of Tuuijwirii r gamut 19oMaoooo&S OMOfcMWf ww to Soofcue w. I3tl lir m, J'3iioym: . jBBl' wHfer o&Mont-oliw 94BliS EfBC o99E f toe 5rj7 assets ( ie w comTKtefi. UGHT HAHHE3S RACING CWGUCT. rfflOaKasIfc wagfcraas lartsoat 9t- Joseib. Xtesrar zi. Gokoasxr Sfcags. TJKMoloft w& SKosirat-r frsie. tie cities tie r-, t ie fecti of of tie mliaWif yat JSw i mignf.M oot to iiiHiliiy wlii tin joaof tie ikoar oast of Jij-- o comt Jooo-St o JoiT Ekte 0Bdea vitei Mrs. -SkieMxiocsfc Sew ojbijs retaoBOg: toeroeML Cad tieJiece part of tie week Tie ooipes ai caffrerts vSomg; toe rzilro ar&ix a. depiocabie coh ditioa aooToo-;i7KacfkMc tie cog- tj CT.K lowsrd reBe j- f fct xiat I pceaciei tie goer ji el' to If&oi rwioTf ion coatat- will oenloiiiiotiM'pas- sibfceroycia. XcrtTaT services cooieacevlSom- Gi Krxtaeoetioe is to rve tie Wa radicals frieij'jo it- iroot JMs:13EGti woo- was iere at-teaimg-.sciGi retred fo oisooose 0ite crowti of geogie fro aferoojoTw5 fceseoat tie Wood ne&V ioM Friior; Gotienfesxv WiSewV Cmmdamd. Maxwell were repceacowcrf. aad a. joHier crowtT it Fata:tter. I a w!Kig-1 krare tie w-M oer loxrcL to Sad- Tie oaoce was a k'Og-soccess. aad may be re pea.ted xo tie sear tatare. GotieojCjseea5 1 ie fergig to tie freojt witk etertaiKex.ts. Hawfev Soittk was tiereT fest weet aod sow a ooted vieii5t Is to- csMoteT (CobM ot UaoI& COMtlT '"gioger p. a!5; et la. tie gae-" Mr. Steams wis worked for 3r. Beattj cae sear saTukis wagpo. strock a. pstg- traia tke earlj part ef tie week. Ckris Parsons was a Gotiea bwrg: Ttsitoriredoesdaj Cxtks Carooo: kas sold ki& otack soMtk siop tolfr. Xewis. Mrs. Wax. Stoae is quite, sick at tie kerne ef ier ootierr Jfrs. Browna. o tier Sowtksioe. Mrs. H. Corer, woo iad so far (fec&Tered as to be emfto ckxrek Soodajv is aais coa&ae& to ier Bootoesc koooes close at eigkt accaoojfc of tke oreetmsrs. Tke fooeral ef Mr. Decker, fatk er f Ciaries .Decker, was kekL at eieres edock T&orsdar. B. Mrpkj, wk Is kc Owaka re ceiTiofr treatjet for catarrk ef ietter. creaoierr atStrooxs- : . owootlr SooXoei-dr- SWtLAit TP HKXMOI. i m Werners e coo At-et Wiroox De-r " fotkeko, aod tke 1 " " ig15 : gy ofkortcooiot0" w'l'r"'i''Wr f , r T j f?? IT M8!5WL??al Jimi iinrij1 m tko-otihwoiora. Ifaowol rrmgrm cofootefloedof SKr" . ; fL " anieoig m . qiMt- ojc, 3i orooATieooioaooi. 3LSu3)ooir of I BMIC. jff: S-gglS? klSL!!!! lAI rfooKr cow of QMklootr oot 4- . Xooo3TsoMofao?v i jwTiiofrLlo rfnorlM:Sj ' " ' ISg ' 'SSTf "''LSjcSb-SL2r mtmitj aod to ttce iojcotAcr is a' fries&j-onsserv eifeiertie Catk- oScs sec tie pco4eataBWtv of fke presest fey axexesp anciiir. Eor tie $tTisiL ef ckristroiooi Oociark ersvCatielicaae! prosicfttzstrsisoed asd we are sow oeaxkiftie cosae esesces. TkeiatelltCtkocs f kctk PfattewiU Lestifj- t tie wlt akiKtr asd tkatipoct trsoe wkiek tke ie&t of wkdel did set ekbs oooteatasfe to keg or pCToSct- faLoipacal asd spirit- sal mgjCoctoac-afe fie sortiot oft tsoce wko were oackward "is -ooer- tssr tkelkws of set dMrck; X pcosKsed ae Catkolfc pcwocSgie xogTstxiorrt .tie ojjgtittj,; of. tie ckocck uctact. Tkereare aosra. pee-; -piewkssekr5tasds&arsswjotkt; tiat of ike c!k. Tkat-sock people wilt wot tkrfreasdikHfriakSs tkfe age is my &rst cooinctiotT. A- xe. garas; tie cossecrJott of tie Catke- Ifcsofjwoa: owK.WTrfktke-YM- C 1 -A.I ssed orrowK isdfsteat is ike tie atsatios. or efoe re sat pre psxed io act spos tke Isfiorsratioo: wkick tier akeswj kare. IsriBg: tke humt Sew jemrs tiere kas sees a eecioed ckase is tke character of tke sessasd focpockv asd kogs list wooid kfeflfe all reoKtre- s tkepaotaoesofjooger tie test -sellers. Tkere was- a tiwe wkes tkick asd kearj tat pack scestcd to kaeikelesd is tie siar- ketsof tkewocMr brt tie ablic appetite kafeappftrestlj ekasesL Tki asd ratber leas iscos asd sti1t. sad leas iastsaregiresike appro yal ocdisappcffralot sxj to srj speriorrtket.Ser. Bskop, asd tkeCatkolicof Kbcfk Pfstte. Xosrs KespectfsH.Fr Tie free-trade surer stoma metal- tsts woo are lajisg; ike cottos-srili j; iraska ssd Iowa. trosoles. is iSew aglasd to pco- tectios skaskl kear is susd tke isiportaat asd decrstve facttkat tke sckedsle ef 'tke Disgfler law eaectiss tke cktss ef fa&cics stade f pcfscipalljr or tke stiSe wkiick kare asked ior a - reSscties of wages resreiss precfeetr tke saste as tt was. is tke Wiisoc-Gocasas icIL Tkejossg- Xekcaskas. wka isTeigked agaisst itat tke Ckicago Jacksos basegoet wasls cosgrese wkes tke WiIsos-Gocsmui hSL was f rasKd. TIpos. tke assowscewest of tke passage of tkesseassre is: tke kosse ke was eseof rroo. west kers to gatker ap Irllses asd kesr ktsc t tripk iroor tie kaB. Tker dids't rea&s tkes tkat it was afkseral pcoceosios. asd tker wiS sot afstlL it sow, ier tket perferesce sow asd tie oessd for tkat kxsd of sseat is still rartker iscreaioed sjr tke rewtk of tke ex- calls for tkat ieeSed.sE kog". weip sisg 2d9 or 23ft posses, t& tie kfsd of as Tnrfsial reowirei to pcodsce tkat kisd ef scestv asd coose teeke err jeeseraMra tkekoKsw sf&kr 'wi faetke s AsterksE "kuv wffi takesoetkerasdtiekioMj Ofr od is -eosstastlj growing;. At tke sastesee tke rariess ssbstitnetes for Sard, sock ss cottos seed uH, kare dtsttoTrkrrf still ficrtker tke sesiasd for tke orer grows lard . At tke preseat ttste tke oacoc rkogis prodsced oslj to a Hsu ted extest estsrde of tiose states- lo cated alosg tke sostkers borsec of tke great cccs. belt. Tkss. Earssas Gtjv krreasooiof its. pesitioa. re- ; cetTes a sjoc-d. setsr ii.5Tkt or bacos aosfroQt,l liiiiwi, Mxssosrtasd I Arkassas, bst tke farwers of Re located is tke keart oE tke cors kelt. tow almost E exclssirelr kearx packiag; or lard wosld ?ire awar tkeir wkole Tie joosg- sns frooi 3fekcasfca asd sis satellites cassotcessisfcex tlr bfajse tkeewEsfasd'sitsa tio to tke Disier biiLaetkat wesM cosdesta tkesr ows. week. wko ars igjaredky feoe see: of codao. Se- aaaarTv tliflirff Wae1 ovaust. vStsS vsr .YT f slffl SQi ISC16 MSB S5BSSr IrBKCA SSS. OSOS- itinWf atoree & sow scsosnLtios eaQed of ?re jEtsiss, thml tskee lie Iee of aofee. TbeTwoetaoI iootc atflsioci seoaeves it withcrat die troar, osd ost few ass teil it Imm. oiffee komMtcox war s-KK. CkO d&BMks:itwkfrreo iooogt.15 efe. sod S etejec paeiraga. Trrit. Ask far J3XADT-0. Two sea drwre sp witkis a few teetof tke door fa district school kesse sear Berlia asd red fomr kear j soots tkroogk tke beHdxsg, riddlFsg; tie sklso asd ckarts kasg isg:os tke waSs asd peribcatiog: tke store pipe. Tkisis a Terr brntn.1 war of dkcoscagisg-kigker edoca-tios- As esitessire fire swept down tke ka j ooitoscs os tke sortk side of rrrer, epjposfte Geriov destrojisg; trotw 5i to tos of kar. It is oeBered tkat os accosst c tke ex traorsMsarllr' iargejNMoker o cat tle keg- fed is tie cosstj tke less of eyes tkis astosst will a feet tke price of kar. Tke weatker. kow- erer, still costisses fise. asd ras ers are ssisg-little or so- kar. Ciadssatt ssrgsoss are to oper ate spos a girl wkose "-'keart is tke rigktpfec&r Hereto- fore Cspid kas perfocsKd all ssdkr oeiicaie peratieas as tkat. Ex. - a " . - - ---a :. - "- - ' z" ' '