The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 21, 1898, Image 1

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' w -OL4- I - I1!' WW I II -1 Iff! 1 ' iUWWmjjmA, XJnqfiiK.
.. -X. .. r
2 J akat we caa aai!wSav yajttSraTyMrMwa SjCTacOtijW tiy fwm.1fcftMr S mysm
I ' S waalaaaad aaaaaw....,.falPtejd f Baaigwoaiicto. ' & jTb3SSmm tf rn
IS GiWft&itjia... J5c s stem i TnafinyMkaaT aad .CkWvnn Sbaes. la: feet- flff atkakaaearad- kafeaasnff
j W MMatlk JpMt farSoeate f imcm vmaiwfmlk ilk8rpiN; Omm. SJS to ike X.M. CL A. kseaaae,
i' aar - - 4 2 r- n i itinr 4k j --k r.Jiiin i triii iii
I' m BaecKoaoloc IT f ocmci gupor I arvhiB lew it, tbf (Jew wa k i U
f S Cirtir pm MM Mek - 3 easts I jKatjcaoFfogjtfrillSwaOittm saS Soys', m seeisty. oa Pjir jfr as
r-w f 9 TwDiiDiy.- agate & set I Tjfrf-ia-afetslfftr. Saaee w sat aearit tfefrwaUar-aar iMtfaai it jawraajwr
5 2 jaakataCaacfc comfec Taaaas aask aKamale ciaaat wmW - aece 'jmart S wi&liaTjijHiiBriifl, aajf tha. gfrapfar of
I C S jasaViarsaaate iPtirftaW gaode. 2Sctkarta. wm11'
..cjc- rj???-t i . y , ..t.- i
Jtot a Dtrfl ffltecDent"
JwmmsLTT ISt 1396.
Baard aetceses;t fall ba.Tiaji
iTmiimI I I Tl I j
CkiiaK were alkvwed as falfewsf
G. AppJegate. kciage wack, 5H,
allowed sjd warraat irawi oai
asd; G. W. Asakf&te.
ibbm tf3l. dam allowed j
$cSc$ aad certikcateie&aed aa dis
tricts. Heard fcikkcd ckecklag-skerrFs
Woks. SkeriJTs report af ices from
July 6. 1997, te Jaary 6, ap
pemed. Jaaaary If, 186.
JBoard eU preseal: fall koard
aid cavatr clerk.
Earned appcoTod settieaaeat aC BL
i. avetseer district 13.
Tke ftifewiag- estiawte at ex
peaces iec tke year 18 waeramde
tke Ward:
Foe caamtr eseral fkd. ;SH.O
Fee caawttr kridaje fad;.-- S,ft0
Fac cawntr road Td -
Foe aider's relief fad 709
' Jiffwirn'-fir- ff j ; Jf"
SrsaTj Ieiad.
... $ iom S
WJ iBiiwwaad ... S0 18te
WT . 'Oalkaae
rafaa. 716'
afaaacMae !Kaad. ' .369 aWt
. McPaecs-.... 56 , 19m
si- . " . .F
11" ' H. CT-i M I MB)
.- - laasrri ans3& nrr.
. ' .'-"ti. " ' - rw infra ar
-;:-.w- , i rml cammcmcT ateaaaaer lae
' -gg - ':l3t. pkake kaafe wfcaid frieattK Mom.-
- ' :i ' .-r - f . , - iaaer 4.aa cars. Taas was 3;W
. s " . T "Sv"Mjk- wJfaarte2wrtkElataireaaaiat
v - ' 'Ss-wr. wjtiJKawiSar- -Ktaeraear iwcarev t raau. mutare stm jxkvgv carioniiai
m -I IKaa Miaaie aae, rf fttka.
Dr. C T Bedell recetxed tie f ol-
iewiag coaxrawaicztioai Wateesdaj
froaa tie sta.te aoaxd of esJikr
State o JS&tnsksu ex rcl Daaalal-
soa. etr atl.r ts. Cfcaries V BedelL
Wlere&s tie coaaptaist sat tbe
testiaKmr eered isppoct tkersaf
! lite Okse: t IS. 7. UeaguaaiBa c
L ts. Cfeaxies T. Beiell wag s
Kitted to ike secretaries ef ike
state board of kealtk, ual
Wkereas szM secretaries' kave
recoaiisjemaed to ikts beaxal imtt
tbe pcarer f co pteisaxfcs e re
faeed Therefore be It xesolTecL liiat
tke pcarer otsaia ceasaisisaH ts kev
aM tke kerekj vs. aented a jaa
saji cowpIaiMt is kerekj a!saxTs6efL
Signed br Qclal Boani-
XieKols Nek- Ja-14.
Saxisger, a.ejr wa Ifattkeir
som kelk. cars -week.
Tke teackeife maatiwg- -Saturciar
.was. qute wteremg" ajd ick
Miss Aagie Ifaetieaaw teack
fag: aboat foasrfceea awies saatii &i
Tke little daakler Mr. De
5 J1?
ikeieiaad. was ia-
Fridar wkile eiarlae' at
sckooL Her arm was iistecaied.
aad oate kaae cracked. Dr. Sojt
Tke sectlea. ere sag were redaced
Modaj, twaSKK w wockiag- a
tke tiate of oae
Satxrdaj alkt tke 'lastallatioa
of o Seers la tke Ifeedmest ladge
was well attended. SxceBeat re
freskatests were served to tke
large crowd afi weat awaj
feelfa- well repaid foe coatlagr.
Mrs. H. Corer Is qaite sick.
Mrs. Powers eKtertalaed a few
fneads Friday evealag".
Misses Mamie aad Xaie
Ski elds returned to tkelr boe Sa
dajr Moraing after a pleasaat visit
kere with tberrb-rotkerPat S4ieit5e.
Miss Edrra Keasedy is Tlsitisg"
ker aant. Miss CostiE aad Mrs.
Mrs. Marcott aad Mrs. Powers
weat to Go the aba rj Wedaescay.
IPb. Dolaa caate dows Saadajv.
Taax aad George Carrj, wk left
kere lac Iowa. last spriagv retaraed
tkls week to reaiaia a skoct triaev
Miss May Dafaa has goae ts
Cdar Falte. Iowa, to xeeaMne ker
ia tke JfacaiaL.
Facxeii Doiaai fettiaar to ke
atte a. trapper. Be kas dajkt
aariea aaatkeraif cavates tke past
Jew aamfks.
Seport. says Miss Mad kifer-
aarried aad is, ar Idrs
D : yowlea skipped a carlaad af
cattle froai kere tke aat weet.
a tkis district kat aawa
tratH is-
Ike coatedr
Artkaar Jarkttev wko kas bees
cml oi tcn f?r sce awetbs, kas
1-retHnaei a ad takex us bis old
Hiss XII a McCalian;k. ko Is
feackiag: Is JPecfcka. s dl tri ctr s pest
Satarfej asi Saadaj wltb ber
Mks Xieaaa Erems ot 2 otk Platte
Is at iSTrs. James McCaHowgks oh
Tke secQoc Jrareama at tbls potE
iaM f eoe oC Jus men. tke sest
week; le&Tiag tralj aae aK.
Xast Taesiar" Txmcrsx tkat
kaaM Te&ck kere. Wedsesa.r was
to Waliace sad dM ot
e -tUL tke &nowissr Mon
Tke sppeaaemt of Tuesday's
TrIbae;ife-TFerpMterestIg" reading-
jlnaf?:aajti& cxiaM- 3ta- 'tke.akD
Tke weifrscafp boanty swiadlers
Jaases Mdateek Artkar Grosv-
eaer aad Tkoe- Jefersaa wbo- were
aoeetedlait ike iaataaceaf tkeMad-j
i6Mt coaaatToascers ar rraaaaie&t
cofiectieB& ot kosacjr kare beea is
Scted ky tke graad jaryr aad ft is
kebend tkat three of tke cklef
swiawlcrs ia tkls Hae are aow safe-
Vly a tkeic wair to tke pealteatlary-
Mclaas&k. while -fa castod y of tbe
aftoers at Qasaka, talked freelr coe
ceraiag" bis ackteresaexts fatkelme
at iaipacter aad prodacer, and de
clared tkat ke bad doae Eatkrag:
else foe a Iivlh: for tke last tweatr
rears, xaerecorosat tae cotmtT
coart boase skow that ke kas beea j
well paid for bis eaterprise by tbe
Pettawattaane coaafy taxpayers.
Drtag-1897 ke drew ot of tke
pablic treasury SIf2. Tke Harri
ses csaatr records skow that ke
was eq sally saccessfal iadlsposla
of iarported scalps la that coaary
aad tke saae state of facts are re
ported irost Mills, From oat aad
Paye coeaties. It is estimated
tkat ke aad his co-workers have
draws, sereral tkoacaad dollars
eack year freaa tke Tarloas coaatles
imxae westeea. part or toe state.
froar tke ra rages f tke ckolera
asaecresetai as aecretarr nr iisoa
aad tke experts ef ikeagricaltaral
departaKat befiete It, to ke tke. es-
tisate(rfHTM0 as tke Talae
t tke diecmerT to tke Aaaerlcaa.
iarsaers aat extraTacaat. It Is
estiasated tkat tke lasses teiaraaers
ky .deiaatarioai of tkelr aerds
amoaatte froai30;5X'9 to
Tar. If per cea t c?f tke
caa, ke saved kr a swoie
w a.
treataeat tke aaaanT prat tkereoa
waB-'-ke gaarjaoag. TkeexperiaKats
caadactad lastycakaw eacaaxaa;-
Bossatke atst fteaa.
tkis .aaatk tke Brhana
cars. Xkas
Jar tke
periad. at iast year. It is e&tiafated
raaU: eearestaime car
af ca.cribied. aieactaecoaaeajrrs.
tracks ;ia Searaakav tke ataioritr
is o-waed. tor Ckicao
aad bad ii readst tka atesaaaaaac
tMita wit kit a of
af 1?ntkoTTif
Dke pcaper pecsaai
iaerairy oakt to ke
Rt. Xer. ZBtskoe de
coald aad woald .
voiee of aatkoriy.
be a leacaed
tkat It is eaatrarr to
Catkeiic W joia tke wag- Men"
gaalzafiaa tkereis
fall aiemkerskior, mswmmtt ilt
ccBipkfke.feliowskip; aad. m tkie
fall aeatbersktt ao asa caa eaier
wkHe pretesdnw fake -a GatkoSc
adeedtke very raleaif eX. 3L
C. A. would forbid kia. eatraace,ke-
caase tkaserales pceserjwe: as acaa-
dltxoa arecedeat tkat tke ateaihers
arast keaateaiber of soaae-gvaagcl-IcaL
ckarck. wkick rale strictly ea-
forcedT waaW exclade aea Spisco
paliaa freas tke assacJatioa. It is
aa artieieof Catkoiic aactriae tkat
tkere emm ke ao copaaraity of re
liIea s wacskip oet wwca Catkolks
and pro4estaatr aad - ao reliioas
exebaagev A aaaa eitker a Catk
olicorkeis a Jataalic 3To
caa. ke -aassw iCatkoic
kecaase tke:
witk kfe Catkiic.itkaad wwcsklp
woaM aaike aJ" eaaitradact: ia
terarsp aaartke ckaack. wiR aot tal
erate ei fckec caat rsdictiaa daakt or
Tke- raie tkat fecfeids asewker
skrp ia tk X. C A. at 2vactk
PIattewaW fockiditfa tke east
era stales, at 3?Me or at Caastaa
tlaepfe. Catkaiic disci pKae: amy ke
udifed or relaxed; kat Catkof ic
faitk isiadaexiaieaarrexsai aad eter-
r oai; ike
a wko kecaaiecK a
ker ot taeX.SC CL A. 5pB facto
places kiaaseif owtside tke foid oi
tke Cafkalic ckarck- S aack for
tke fall ateaiberskip.
Tkere is la tke X., M. CL A. wkat
Is. called a gaaHaed aeaiberskip-
A Catholic say iawfallj keloa: to
I tke M. C A
make aseof tkeXMl C A. katks.
He atlkt,. we-sapaoseaasist or ea
cosrage la tkewock of its iectare
coarse, pcarlded fke lectaxes were
haot ot a sectarian ac caatroversial-
sort; aad: it woaldalso sees proper
tbafc ke augkt ca-operate ia works
of keaeroieace,. or iaaayotaer Mat
ter dearly aatside- tke doemia of
fkitb aad wocskipw btke aaast aot
takepartla tkeicrellgioas serrices.
aor attesd sack. semces mc by bis
preseace at sack serice skcrike
f o tke peowcioas dactriae tkat 4toae
rellgioa as geadas aaotker.7
Tkea tkere tke aaestioK of
ofcedieace. Wkea tke deiag" of a
paxticalar tkiag: isforbiSdea'ky tke
priest, aad tkeact arxaarseiiKatd-
dea Is witkia-lke aamia af ialtkaad
atorals diook aaSeaceJiLraak: apas
tacy. Tke poestaiay ke very poor
aad very aiaiar iaacedJte aarr fee
rask aad icraacibiev bat ke isr witk-
ia tke escape- of ksatkorrtyfiaei
appoiated ariaseter of JesasClarist.
To xeski tl adtkerity k dieedt-
3Tte cil-
: f
niilmiai HiMiT - I
eaai wia aaas9aaketaeC citII x-
aaaas of tke caaKia aad tiac aaaexs.
of civil -goeraaea. we caM a
aaace keep ikia gayernmnaf. aC awfs
irom aaarcay aad iiLtapfioa 'ftu
laleHaay la? tke aaaiaipr sam.
All tkifrissaid wifek
f and defereace te tke
Ifacra-lTfesteni Cataeakr
Jhfelr KfltiMaeacs f jesard aad e
"IferreeafigaCTe ite wleleioaie
i lakariar fke axwal aad aiateriai
eleaatioai otpiatesfeaatyoaaf- aaea;
Its aOY-
it we staad
tFW" aaraac te aepartare ac aa
oceraa vesseL ITewiekit Godspeed
oa tbe Tyaer kt tke gravest coa
sideratiaas iockid as io sail witklti
Oar place taiartkeaxk af tke ckarck
foaaded kr Jesas- Ckrlst; aad ta
tkat ark we-citag- as 1e safest as
saxaace of etecaal-salTatioa.
Georye Taoaras. a barker, Jaatp-
ed from tke Fast Mail as It passed
tkraagk Soatk Cuba, asd is laid,
kyfocaeceesary repairs.
Soate of tke sports of Sotzik
Oaaaka pcopoae rka kare a priae
paBad oft ia tkat citr. bat
jaLJorEEaar says ao. Tkat set
tles It.
Tke farmers of Terdoa are en
tkasastic over tkeir aew creamery
aad jeport receipts for at ilk as ex
ceediHg' tkeir expectarloas.
Eradk Coeaaa of Red Willow
coaaty wkile oat kaatlng" rested
tke aiszzle of kis gaa oa bis right
foot. He is aow ia a kospttaL
Tke paving; brick ataaafactttrrag;
basiaess at Takie Eock reports a
prosperoas year aad a proposed ea-
Iaxgeeat of tke plaat for 1S96.
Am iadepeaaeat teiepkoae liae to
coaaect a aaarker of tke to was lit
Ricbardsoa coaaty is aader dis
caeeioai witk prospects of cocstrac
tioa. Tkewoateaof Edgar wao care
coatprlsed tke library associatla.
of tkat piacKrare taflfelag step "ter
ajere tkeancacjji tioa lato aa ap to
date woatta's. cia k.
aoctraces m Rickardsoa
tr were decreased Ial955T8!M-
Tw record, kowever does aot take
ia accotiat aar partial pkyaasats oa
Oaeof tke receat estiaiates tkat
kas been ade is tkat taklag- tbe
old cora of 18 aad tke crop of IS97
rtkat there is close to 300.000.000
bashels of cora to-day iaZiebraska.
Xocfc coaaty is after Tiolators ot
local prokikitioB. Illegal selliagr
kas keen detected botk la tke city
Lof Xock aad at Greskaat aad rlTOr-
oes prosecatioas are proatised.
Miss Carrie HeiIowayr wko- kas
beea deputy skeriff of Cass "county
tke last two years is, declares tke
Plattsaaontk Zfews-Herald. oe
woaiaa of a tkoasaad who has kept
tke records of tae office in better
tkaa tkey were ever kept be-
Artkar Jokaeoa a bid I-f years
of age, was rooked ia broad, day
ligkt aear tke Webster street depot
ia OeaakaMoaday by a coiored foot
pad. Tke bay was oa bis way to
fiooae coaaty, this state, from H
HaoiSr to awke kis koaie witk rela
tives aad wkile waiting" for kis
traia, walked aboat tke cty aad
was. saddaly laid koid of by
assailaat aad relieved of Ifti
aaaaey. Tke aegro was later cap
tared aad idemtf&ad ky Jobasoa
bat theawaey was ftfae.
Jaates Pierce of SoaaerJbcd aiade
days tke Broke Bow Repaklicaa.
Mr. Pierce is oae tke progressive
faraers of Caster coaatyr wko real
ises tkat prosperity aaaer tke re
pablioraradaHaistratioa is a real
ity. Be aad kis boys raised 2.4i0
baskels of wkeat last seasoe aad
oiker crops ia proaortlos. Tbe
proceeds; of oaeseasoa kare beea
saakaeat 4a pat klai oat of debt
aaotker eirktr acres of
land to his- posscseioasJ He savs
factT-tkree acres of tke ezyktv
ke koag kt sprlajr ke raised
wiieat to par foe tke far ax.
bulda boaseoa. It, pay for tbe
sedaaa aK expeases of kanotiar
aaaaaA SlIi Marpias VTko savs
it does sot par to farat ia Caater
eaoagk wia-at to pay for tke farat, t . . - - T. t T t-'M
Baer a reoabitcaa adaIa- . . . . ..... - ., - I
1 -"V l lllMam. I Fkat door aortk of FlratliaaaaiBaaic. c zTMM
J Ticaefa wilfbesoidoa: tke -arat f '
. J aad ikird Taeadajs. Jaaaary. j SJ
j ynrraad Maccfc -via ifce ITaa ( H-
. ' ?'Tgxai owiaiaara. Arisoaa and ';J
, I Tar eaaaal territocr aawl lal. ia-f " J '-J'
We Jure a. few rjajraiBS m ajaoes wiaicir you
seoeid sec. before
We axe oSstmrioc a.
m il.75 and $3 shoes,
8:50 shoes, for
4.50 shoes, for
The.axe brokee sizes aad are gowg; fast.
First National Bank, M
y aaaBiaa-lBarBBBBBaaa9BaBaar vn. AV
- aaMaaaaa
Great Janary Ocariig Sale
We. have jaot Jfeaiakad ievoiei agr oaratodkkaa laarnvaic oar Sacaa;
Goods. Waaaaogarkar ia aiaafktac aaada at arioar from aow uatil tb&
fasfc otabraary rag aidioni of east, lla ataot iwhi vaeai foe oar Spcggr
tfoada. iMffi ut a mw i
Gate-yM!iriL atatc W-tTJc tL Warikj
at H wratTr
LiTi'iitafw tec oar uMa-. 8wir i?3r?
goW to mM I'linr nr. i "' '' "'" ""'
rnnMiper 1 ?r MILUMERY
aPMK' CiaNjafl Nft 388 aaflal IHia. aBwalKt 'HR aaHEMBa
TtLe Boston Store
Lacgaat ia Qaaaiky. Baaiia Qmiaj. Xawaat
ft BaCABiTj Pvaarlaaar. 2. E. aWMi SaaMkaac- J
; c
j North Platte Pharmacy. i
J linigs a-iid Tyrmggps Snndriee. j f
l :- 1
; I to aaabijrraaes of goods 4jk i
; ? Sell egytkaaf; at inaGoaabie ppces. aad "
. yoaot'laiiaaaf Oafaoaity . . ! jE
i OoiersTroaitke coaatry ajoag ggtle .5 UIMB
.4 3-f
siawttiaae oml
- $1.50
- $1.75
The Fair I
is br tk i!t.fac cna
for r,T.
to yatffcriffn fee aeate. Tii
99 1(0 of
it war t
!iJc for
t i
m r.
-5 . W """'-1' - 5 A ipTitiMii:af :a.iaakiaiag: at!akkoaSLH&L: :
P-r: 2R.. c . l,,,,, pi jMiti - " :a aay'aAifc aaaiaj't ajiiij aaaag
ti. . fjafR. f 3tiae.aaytowaiiaiiBj, BaM byal jpaaawr .
.f i-" " - . ; "c :.-J tit, iJ--'"-
-aaaaaaaaaaaj '
at! : W -
j PBJaPiBaaaaaBj"piPaaV
afj . -- .
J. ..- t r , - , - j it
rfc - -