JaTfifeswaaaBK?- v . Mwtlx zvxx- UOBTH PLATTE,- MBRASKA, TUESDAI EVMffiG, DECEMBER 38, 1897. yol. xm. -.. 1.1- I -I I i - - - -.11 !! - if. 10. -1 We "piave no glosmg-Oai i To advertise. Xever had snch VtinrV-rsnr TjrTce; that has done srroplv all and every want of our NOTION DEPARTMENT. German Knitting yarn. 15c a skein Full count Pins 3 papers for 5 cents Adamantine Pins -1 cent a paper Best Needles 4 cents a paper Curhngjxon, nine inch -- 3 cents Twin Brees Stays cents a set 7-inch metal back combs -7 cents each. Side Combe 1 cents a pair Bafav Bibbon 6 yards for o cents 3Ien Olinioid Collars 10 cents each Men's linen Collars, four ply 12 cents each Men's Cashmere Hose 5 25 cents a pair Mens Cotton Rockford Hose pairs for 25 cents Men's Cotton Bockford Hose, heavy. .3 prs for 25 cts Men's Camel Hair Underwear. - -21 cents a garment Men's -wool fleece underwear,ex heavy. 50c a garment CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Glen's Union Cassimere Suit for 8 5.00 GREAT . -rSOZEB SI We are overstocked 1 Look and Mens Woolen Cheviot Suits in brown and black, sizes 36 Fine all-wool men s suits, all sizes, for $5,50, $6-50, $7.50, $8.50 Up to $16.50 Men s Overcoats from $2.50, and as fine as you want them. Boys Overcoats $1 up A good heavy suit for a child for $1, better ones for 1.50 up to $5. Boys Long Pants Suits from $2 up to $10, ages from 12 to 19 years. Good working pants for 90 cents which will not rip: in fact everything will be sold so cheap that you can not help but buy. Please give us a call, Model Clothing House, - - M. Einstein, Prop. C0XJCISSI05ZS3" zaacEssiirGS December 15, 1S97 Board met. pursuant to adjourn- ent; present Commissioners R. D. j - m Tlmmnn. CJeo. E. Hardin and E. i L. Garrison and county clerk. The- fnllowin"- claims were al- Tnwf-ri nn the bridge fund: W. W. I Young; 2 claims for lumber S25LS0; Mike Cox, bridge work. 17-25; W. A. St earn, bridg-e work, 9.00 A. TV. Johnson bridge work. S.00; Win. Johnson, bridge work 9.00; A. B. Longpre bridge work, 5.00. Claim of Paul G. Meyer (county surveyor) for surveying and plat ting. 5S.40 was allowed on road fund. The following claims were dis allowed: Ernest Calling, tax under -protest 18.72: J. H. Abshire, tax under protest 1.60: JohnH. Savage. Russian thistIev40-50. Claim of Royal Irrsirrance Com pany for 1L4S. tax undejrotest was allowed and the txeasurerofc, dered to refund. Official bonds were approved as follows: Assessors Joseph D. Hawkins, Robert E. Giesberger, D. MdN'icol. W. S. Braugh, Edmund E. Smith, "W. H. Aldrich, T. I. CRourke. C. F. Shits John E. Cooper, John W. Baggott, E. H. Springer. Road Overseers Samuel Endsley, Henry Sykes, James Ovens. C. P. Weaver, "j. M. Smith, H. F. Price, E. J. Baker, Fred St. Marie. Henry Edier, M. W. Nickerson. Constables F. E. Barber, John Davis. Justice of the Peace M. W. Baker. , Dec 16, 1S97. Board met, present the full board . and county clerk. The following officials bonds were approved, viz: Assessors John A. Cushing, Francis H. Horn, Ashley Peters, W. C Beard. Clinton Lr. Patterson. Jas McGrejror , A. J- Smith, W. A. Latimer, "VT. Hunter, John An derson, A. J. Gambred. Road Overseers Martin Witzke. Adam Sense!, J. B. Murphy. J. S. Melton. Jr. Andrew Gnstafson, J A. Dameron, Henry Xelson. . Justice of the Peace I- A. Fort, C L- Wood, Chas. Pornell. A. L. Pierce, J- M. Souder. F. A. John son, David Artlip, J. S. Robbins. Costables A. E. Haarington, WH. C Woodhurst, Geo. E. Knox, Geo- E. Prosser. Tke o&dal bond of Assoc S. a run of trade; in fact its a regular it. We have new goods arriving daily. We are in a position to customers at prices never thought in go Men's all-wool Cassimere Suit for. 8 650 Men's all-wool Cheviot uit far ..8 6.50 Men's all-wcol Clay Worsted Suit for S S.G0 Men's all-wool Clay Worsted Suit, satin lined. .S13JX) Men's all-wool Clay Worsted Suit sarin lined. -Slo 50 Men's all -wool BeaWnOvercoat for S 9X0 Men's all-wool Meltcjgfrvercoat for -S 9JO Mens all-wool CasrSere Overcoat for ... $56"j65 31 en's all-wcol Cassnnere Overcoat for -JglOj Men's Black Beaver Overcoat for. ..--?TJX Men's jrood union Gassimere Overcoat for S Sy Boys' Suits for $L L25 and 5L35: these are BAR GAINS, but vou will be more pleased with our bet ter suits at 8LS5, SliO and S2.S5. These are goods that will give the bovs good wear. Boys' Overcoats at S2.90 Boys' Overcoats at S4J90 Boys' Astrakan Beefers at SLSo Boys' Chinchilla Beef ers at S2.00 22T When in need of Clothing visit our store and inspect our stock. W. . Saints, f rop. 9f CLE ARING SALE with goods and must unload as compare prices with airy city in the FOLEY'S OLD STAND. ' Baldwin, countv indg-e, vcas ap proved. The following claims were allow- ed on bridg-e fund: Henry Brown. , 01 -r ttt t bridjre work, SlO; J. W. Alexan- der, bridge work, 521; Albert Stein- houser. bridge work. 57.SQ; Jas. H. Moran. bridge work.o4.50; A. E. Beer, bridge work, 57.04; "R. D. Thompson, bridgework. 521; E. B. Johnson, bridge woEk, 57.50. December 17, 1T897. Board met: present the full board and county clerk. Board examined the returns oi overseers oBhighways. December IS, 1897. Boarr;rn et; s ft. present the full board and county The claim of Thos. Hanrahaagwed by the former. Such small 59. for bridge work, was allowed, ems are frequently overlooked Board cie tinned to examine over- seers returns. Board adjourned to meet Decem per 27, 187. . An authority has figured oat that the apple crop of the entire country available for the trade is thirty-eight million bushels, or about one-half the crop of 1S96. As the demands this year are as great as last year, to say the least, the prices to be paid will surely add much to the wealth of the growers and dealers. Keeping iti mind that it is more blessed to give than to receive, the good people of Lincoln, under the direction of Mayor,have inaugurat ed a system collecting provisions and other things with which to make the poor people of the cap ital city happy on 2ew Years day and are succeeding splendidly in the effort. A crib of popcorn caught fire in Hastings the other day and popped till it covered a two-acre tract of rround. Some of the natives thought it was snow, waded into it and froze to death which shows ' the power of imagination. EaUartPs Snow Liniment. This m valuable remedy is one that ought to be in every house hold. It will cure your rheumatism, neuralgia, spraniS; cuts, bruises, burns, frosted feet and ears, sore throat, and sore- chest. If you have a lame back it will cure it. It penetrates to the seat of the disease. It will cure stiff joints and contracted muscles after all cthar remedies have ! failed. Those who hav been cripples for years have usedBauards Snow Lin iment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as well as ever. It will cure yon. Price 50 cents. Sold by JSorth Platte Pharmacy, J. CJ. Bush, Manager. I land - slide. If s our spot cask of by our competitors who days' etc.,. etc. we need, money. Union. to 42, at Iff 02E OB LESS Since open gambling" has been prohibited by the city officials, it is f said that games are quietly coa- ducted in two or three private It is the dntv of the au- rooms. thorities to ferret out these places. confiscate the paraphanalia and arrest those - who are engaged in jramblinsr jjames. We believe that under the statutes the owner of a building in which gambling is coo ducted is liable to legal punish ment. It would, therefore, be well for property owners to "fire" ten ants who use their rooms tor gam bling purposes. Tke Tribune thanks the Era for callinjr its attention to the taxes pfiweallhy country printing offices, However, tnose taxes nave oeen j pa.lU, cLLlU. L11C SliCLlli. Uy LUC LilLC of whose patronage the editor of the. Era is enabled to live on a diet other than of crackers and cheese will not have an opportunity to make fat fees by serving a distress warrant in this particular instance. The Era can perhaps do a further favor by informing The Tribute of a way in which it can recover the money it has paid m taxes il legally levied by the populist com missioners for the bridge fund. Xext week the populist county commissioners will have an oppor tunity to accept a bid for doing the county publishing" at one-third or one-fourth the legal rate. The commissioners or supervisors of Cheyenne. Dawson, Buffalo, Cus ter and other surrounding counties have for years past accepted the lowest bid for doing this work, but the populist commissioners of this county have ignored all bids aad awarded the contract to their party organ at full legal rates, thus vir tually defrauding the tax-payers of a thousand or more dollars each year. Will Commissioners Hardin and Garrison continue this unwar ranted practice, or will tney as honest men set their seal of disao- proval on this "hold up by accept ing the lowest bid? There is a das af People who are injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there has been placed in all the i gTOcerystores a new preparation called GRATN" Q, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most del icate stomach receives it without dis tress, and hut few can tell it from coffee It does not cost over as much. Chil dren, may drink it with frreat benefit. 15 cts. and 2o cts. per package. Trv it. Ask for GRATN-O. SUIT IS TEE IDOF. . A press dispatch from 5Tew Xork dated yesterday says:, Itis officially announced that Horace G. Bnrt, third vice-president of the Chicago & Northwestern railway, has been selected for the presidency of the Union Pacific Railway company and will assume his duties January 6th. Mr. Burfs election as presi dent is expected to carry into ef fect the policy determined upon by the reorganization .committer when it was supposed that Mr. Clark would be able to continue in the management oi the property, bnt which is impossible owing to Mr. Clark's ill health.; The board is to include WinsIowS. Pierce, chairman; James StiUman, Marvin Hughitt, Roswell Miller, E. H. Har riman, Louis Fitzgerald, Henry B. Hyde, John W. Doane, Otto H. Kaha T. Jefferson Coolidge, jr., George J. Gould, Oliver Ames. George O- Can non and Jacob H. Schiff. Oliver W. Mink is to be vice president in char ire. of the New York office. A HOTHE-TC AILJTJETG. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McNeel living northwest of town gave a grand house warming and Christmas din ner, throwing open the entire new residence to the use of the, ruests. of whom their were aboat 3 sixty. The residence is the finest on the north side of the river, its fine workmanship being due to the efforts of D. M. Hogsett as builder and Mr. Sptcer as painter. Follow ing the dinner Miss BniHy McNeel brought in her school children vrho had prepared a very interesting programme, the chief feature of which was the arrival of Santa Chins in a decorated carriage drawn bv four little girls dressed in white with gay ribbons.represer.ting four fairies. Old -Santa was represented by Master Eddie McNeel who sang a song of the land of ice and snow upon entering the parlors. The evening closed by every one wish ing the host and hostess rnanv happy returns of the day and a long and enjoyable life in their new dwelling. Miss Emilyjs efforts as a teacher wertTcly appreciated by1 alL S. t ' - - iJW"iiiiTS Za & f;ri rf.fTffA. The young people of Willow have resolved to quit their foolish ness and get married. The young son of County Treas urer White, of Red Cloud, was ser iously injured while coasting on Wednesday. . A 500-ton sugar factory, says the Tribune, would be a. sweet morsel for Fremont to roll underher tongue and no mistake. The ranch house of L. H. Bord well, near Sidney, was destroyed last week by fire. The origin of the fire is not kown. CGSsible uiT xrnxxr uiuusr 10- iizux uy xiss ski a little boy of 8 or 9 years. I teije hTcccm - A day cr two after the hi Chiekaniauga the little fellow wij putiful camp. The general rede during; tie a horse which went by the r. - - ' L J. Anderson, Benjamin Yates, A. G. Blodet and Carl C. Thomp son were adjudged insane this week by the board of insanity of Saund ers countv. A team of horses attached to a bob-sled in charjre of Joe Hicks of Fremont, ran away Christmas eve and spoiled the fun of a crowd of merrv makers. The challenge of the Gothenburg- school football team has been ac cepted by the Cozad school team and the game will be played in Co zad on the afternoon of Januarv 1. It is so seldom that a Fremont citizen cleans his sidewalk that the Tribune finds space in its columns to make the event a matter of his tory when anybody is caught in the act. Coyotes are becoming numerous ind bold. They visit chicken coops Royal BtafcfS the feed purs, whalcseHje asd delicieus- PQW0S? Ais5 e l ate ly Pure sctai. uk5 pcwsct caaarireiac. the village of Bayard almost nightly and without leave, and carry away the plumpiest yellow legs in the place. Down in Nebraska where they have dollar wheat, observes the Denver Post, people expect to get a ton ot coal or samethinir like that in their stockings. Kansas girls j never look in such a receptacle for j anything larger than a lead pencil. J Some good Samaritan should rush uooa thestate dairymen's meet I ing which is now in session at Lin coin and expiaia to that -aggregation of intelligence what a cow is. The question seems open for discussion and should be settled before adjourn Kent. Charles Turner, a colored man of Lincoln, plucked a nice plump goose from in front oi batcher Wag goner's staKd. and when he got his appetite worked up to the proper j pitch, a policeman stepped in at his place of residence and lagged him ' off to jail. Charley will take his Christmas dinner at tliejioiet de Otto. Report comes from vorfork that the citizens ct that town are hot on the trail of another sugar fac- tory. The jNciorkians- know a igooa thin"" when tbev see it. A bgdod many of them bankrupted themselves wheti thev srot their first one, but they can plainly see the factory has been the salvation of the town. Court has. been grinding- regu larly at Lexington- this week. The Peters rape case of Gothen burg which has: been in court for two or three years was brought to a dose by a verdict of acquittal for young Peters. Thus far as our information gees, the state has lost every case which is adding no stars to the legal crown of County Attorney Gttian. Czad Tribane. The organization of a co-ooera-tive creamery company in this city, which has been under way tor a few weeks past, bids fair to ter minate very successfully. The stockholders are aM 'business men -.or - representative farmSrsrwh have embarked im the enterprise with a determinatwa to make it a success, and a belief that it will prove to he a paying investment and open up a new line of basiuess for the farming community. Lex ington Pioneer. The trial of Thos. Maudlin of Kennebec precinct which heM the boards in the district court before Judge Sullivan at Lesingtoa last week, came to a close Saturday night when the jury acquitted Maudlin of the murder of S. D. Wiseman, his neighbor. Maudlin's pJea was sef defence and by the verdict, the jury evidently agreed with him. The siurdered man has two wines living, one cominsr from Illinois who claims was ever granted. that no divocce She will ask tor a generous slice of his estate. -Cozad Tribune. IN TKE MERRY WORLD. The "Weather rrophct's Woe. I prmiEod. tfeua a ratesswzzs, Aal is never rziaed a jt, Then, pcapfcaned nmrfeeocm. And the sea. was pipfflg hot. X vaM. tfaem samr was wwinf, Aad thit sky was snmaar'btee. Thea I wrot of frcstu and TMi ni'M, And hath, of thera ftftt ihraBsjh. AikL Bcceoier eaiae jftMwL rT4t I said, is wmhl Ik daoegr, Asi tkesfcy -was. etenr zi red. SO'Bsw I Sake af cassse An antai, his r nitis, AisafeKw of thssand A S3kf WE of this. I s&afcr t,aesx m a lot&e, piamii r wiad -no-wr jindl jwta Brkhi4 vttNMks and cteawrwaftsr !r a BKmsec brief aatl plain. T?t tiriB"rasrn sera te hie cs TCriehr'er way tke wrinti say Vfow, Asd aest day I eahntv Urfi 'em: "Cenataij ! I wW jo o!" E. S. Earaes m 2Gew Yrk cn. Too Smart General Hencock was sorely rrieil in IS6I by the extreme fresfcn35 of some of the cfiscess of bis command. Ona day the major of a western regimeat rode up to EaiKK ck'shfwiqaarsrrHaad, with out dismoEHtisE, asked that General Haficsck sttio out of his tent, as he de- sired to speak with him. When tha "superb" came forth, the pompous ma- 'or c"? to the general that he had come over far the purpose of getrimt orders as te what his reghsent should do that aft - ernoon, and without waiting for Han- cock to gfvo directions be went on to f state that in his opinion, a tae eon- mander of the recueenE ia the ahseaco of the ccloncl and lieutenant cohraei, his regiment should devote most of the af ternoen. to cattalian anlL Jdxmeocs. quietly gave directiGns that his regi - meet remain in camn and fix un its rmn-H-P5 ni Tjicsbr s?T wsible. When the major rode away, Hancock squared hfnwpTf, folded his hands and leaked after him. Without addressing any par- ticular person he said : "Tha major in smart, d dsmaxtr to d d smart! Heavenly hEtsT bet he is a mighty smart man!" -J- A. Watrous in Chi- caso Trmes-HeralX- in ENGAGED! Ste TfnPT stEL iaeidririas' axist. Sir Is nig to keephigfonricrar in sight. There's a treniniocs asile on the lips he hss JnsaesL In her eyes shines a. new street light, Attt the sodden, landscape fades away. A shining- path spreads- before, her feet. Love's deathless domnm she has altered tcdsy, w!, oh, to be living is srreetl HE. He. hurrying- ofT to catch the train, Eapes that hia people tvfllEiB tiw aiatak- That a leaky giri snch a hnsbandto gain. For she -wasn't much of a. catch. Well, the deed is dene; the vie am must pay. How much did that dres3- cose she -wnre to nhrht? Ehe should -min fcsr own; there's & sarin thasway. Once msrried, heU set all snch. things right. E. D- Piersoa mXew YorJcSun- LOST HIS BEAED. "Bezonvilie! Gravelctte I Montre tout! What a lcng-trme ago it all seems h?-Tf a lifetime, monsieurl" said urr old friend Philipe Alibert, the ex-dra-rrnnn. as w& stood before BrisHfiu's Tiic- tnre in the salon of 1S9-L "Tea, that is Gravelotte I was there. Is the picture THtp it? Oh, no doubt I The artist knows I cannot telL I had to fight, not look about. Yon want an anecdote of our troop, monsieur? Well, you shall have one. Yon may take it that we were picked men. There was but one youngster among us, and to us old mustaches his beardless face seemed strange- Ah, he was handsome, with the beauty da en able, fairly tTt and very slim. He had a caustic tongue, and nothing pleased him better than to use it on us, his comrades, in such a manner that we feared him and left him to hfmsplf. How it was we could not tell, bur Leon St Paul carried ! everything before him. Did one of us offer attention to a pretry grisette mere- j ly pour passer Ie temps, Lean would cut ; him out and cover him in his retreat j with confusion. rn,, in truth, was bad enough when the intent was merely to ; amuse oneself, but, sacre, it is hard to bear when a man was in earnest, as poor Cambert was with MamTselIe Ma rie EmmanueL the vivandiere. 'A good creatare, that Marie. We were devoted to her to a man, but she reserved her grrrtTAs for Lean, and, if I muss say what I think, the inmost re- ! cesses of her heart for monsieur le doc- j tenr. "Poor Marie I M. Tendame thought nothing of her. "Cambert hated Leon and would of- ; ten say while stroking his thick, black beard: 'This voting cockerel crows too loud, messieurs. We must cut his comb ; forhhi?. ' " 'Thers- are plenty of Prussian combs-, far cutting, Corporal Cambert, our ser geant would reply. 'Let us carve them, my friend, before we practice on each other. Who knows? he added thought fnfiv on one occasion. 'The time may came when we shall none of us have the heart far crowing. ' "Ah, well, the campaign was in its infancy then, and Prance, like a bride who decks herself far her nuptials, had , gone out to espouse the god of war, lit- tie dreaming what the children of her marriage bed would be. But to my story, monsieur. It was the eve of Graveiotte, and Cambert, moody as usual, came across Leon trifling with Marie, the vivandiere. He found her smiling into the youth's handsome, beardless face, and in a burst of sar casm unusual with him far monsieur will understand that he had no great command of language except for curs-1 ing he said to her, MamTse!Ie Marie Emmanuel, if yon would have us con tinue to be your slaves, at least give us a man for a rivaL j "Lson's face turned scarlet. 'Man or bov ' he answer"!?!, I will wager my silver rosary, hfessed by the holy fa- ther himself, asainst that beard of ! yours, of which you think so much, ' that I ride before yon into the fight when next we charge the Prussians. " 'Agreed!' replied Cambert lightly, i 'Have the goodness to accept my assur ance mademoiselle, that I shall present yon with a silver rosary in a little 1 time " 'Marie shall have the rosary, but she shall also have your beard to stuff a pillow far her favorite poodle, ' an- swered Leon, and then, looking daggers at each other, they parted. "The morrow was the day of Grave- lotte, and we heard that we were to charge the blue tunics and drive them , out of she plantation of hop vines be- : hind which they lay concealed. j " 'Ah, this is work far men,' grunted , Cambert, as he looked to the left, an which side rode Leon, with myself next j inline j " Look to your beard, Cambert an- swered Leon, I?nghing scornfully. 'You , will never carry it into another fight. j "The ward was given, and oil we went. Tell you about it? What shall I say? Only that the air was thick with ; a mist which smelled of sulphur and that a sv.anu oi bees from hell itself 1 seemed buzzing round our ears. j fcPingI We were not half way across the space which intervened between ! our starting point and those green rows of hop vines, each one masking a blue coated Prussian, when I got it! My right arm was stung by one of those bees and the bone shattered. I transfer- ; red my saber to my left hand and let rny reins fall on the neck of my gray mare. On she went, her head down, her necfc srretnbed cut. her nose to tne ground. j " 'God of war!' I said to myself. 'Had, ' it only been my left arm same Prussian i should pay for tnis : was tmnfrmg ox ; myself, of course, for it is not good or i asreeable to charge Prussians with one j utttt -nseless. but I saw what rgisred near me I saw very well, though the gray mist seemed turning red. "Young Leon was the next. A bullet struck TiT-r below tho breast just above the belt, a little to the side a disci- preeable spotthatl Strike yourself with tout lsc, monsieur, so fust there, and s voawiil kaowwhat I mean. Ihaaxdl him gxcffis O JesnF and saw hfex threw out both his fciiTids inso tsiri Thrn I knew what had happeietL "In another instant he would fail backward ovec iBsfiiorse's' haunches, and lie on the gronntl'with a Prussian bullet in his internals and his com rades horses trampling: the heausyhx his young face. Crtjgl went the bd tricMimj down, on toiny saddle my teeth gritting together and a pretty strong resolve in my soul to see some Prussian fhnd very soon- " 'Holy Virgin ! Jesn Joseph Cam here's voice reached me thraugfe the screaming- and the hissing af th bul lets. He was speakhKr grimly. "Coer age, comrade he said; yoa win your wager, for you. ride befere metowasds the enemy's lise. And, raonsi9ErT K" was so! Lean Sc. Paul had been caught, as he f elL and lay across the saddft his rival, supported by his left arm. "What followed then? YonsaustfpSB tcre it for yourself, for I cannoc Same of us never reached the hop vines, some never returned, but these wholflExishad Prussian comrades on their journey ra the other wcrhL be sure s that- AhT har on that journey a good soldier of France is comforted by the presence of adowst ed Prussian, though in life no read H: broad enoush for tTn to travel amiaa hly. "When it was over we returned, and we three, Cambert, St. Paul an&L wrti srHL together. "Cambert bare St. Paul to tha pfate where-ML Tendome and Marie Bwotob uel were at work. They were bosh sev ered with bleod and sweat. Thosurgaan groaned as we brought the youth ia, fur, as I have said, he loved St. PaeL hut rnrift nttered a cry which was herd en Cambert made him look mora grim than ever. "JSI was in very great haste to pert company with my right arm, bu I ssecd aside to give young Leon his chsaee- A right tvt" is a good friend and sJMkwfch closer than a brother. But even the hast frfgnrT is sametimes de trap. "The surgeon ripped thegarawass h -with his scissors and tore them from tea -wound, disclosing: the white Sesh f th patient's body, but just then Leon; roused and tried to drag himself n tm his side, away from the heater's haad; mnttaring' something that seemed so ha ply that, exclusive to the last, be would not be touched or handled in our pres- ence. "The surgeon drew back irresolute, which was indeed straage wish mo- ments so precious and gaping wounds waiting far him en every side. "Then it was that the vivandiere spoke, turning to thosa wfaossead with- in the door of the hut, saoved by such cmdQsity: as men can feel who are nsad toscenes-of J)Tccd, "Goi gor ray mends,' she--safdi monsieur must find that bailee, and ffcix is no place for you. You all have had mothers, women of Prance; sisters, same af yon wives or sweashaarts. Berire, I beg. If I cense to She dear of the hut andlsay, 'My friends, it is the death here her strong-voice brok 'then pray pray for the soul of a bcawe daughter of Prance. ' "We who had called the young sol dier comrade and loved or hated hira far his srniring; handsome face cast a strange look, upon the s3eat CTre--sfH.-der the doctor's hands. We saw witk opened eyes, and every head was lars in an instant, for patriotism and tha courage which God himself gives soxbo times to his weakest caxamaaded aer respect as no other earthly ataafcete might. "The doctor, with a gasping; sob; turned to us as we drew toward the door af the hut. I loved the yossfe, ' he said. lI find that I have loved our sit ter. It is well that yen shocM ga she wishes it but courage, my brothers, tha frhrtA frrw not yet come to say of out brave comrade in anm may the soul of the faithful departed rest in paces.' Well, monsieur; my arm. wae taken off and I did well enough. Theyox tracted that bullet from young Laos's body, mid the doctor kept it. A hie of German lead, of course, but raado pco cions bya counLry wunum 's bis ad. They moved us to the house ex a wealthy pa triot, and she lay in the temporary ward ft-rnnng- the men, but separated ay a screen. My bed was next to is. j "Cambert came to visit us, dton shaven, and not half so fiarce and gra j without his mustache When ho laSa, he was weeping like a child. ! "One dav I heard Marie RwwTwtneai talking-to the patient behind the seraao ?rrjH then I heard the voice of Leonthsft St. PanL " 'How shall I face my oasmaa, she said; 'how meet theaa, sow I m longer dare to wear the orese m whack they knew me?' "And the vivandiere answestd: 36iat them, dear friend, as the of brave surgeon. He lavas yoa I said it. Surelv such woman as yaw "WisM ' meant to heroes. " be the mothers of oarfhSHaa "And what became at GaaoartT" ii demanded "Oh, he married," said A old sai dier. "He has soos andoaadbsats. Pte haps he married Marie THiamiimaa I have seen his danghieK'- 9s is -wary Tftra Marie." Cora. Laaglafc in 25wr ' York Journal. " lust- h Been a. xooa Screw, Far several minuses the young mg did not speak- Hie heart was wofaH. It -was enough for him to kaowdja this glorious creature hived hira; that sfca , had nromised to saare has rase- r a; new and dslightfKl sense of canKEshiB he feasted his eyes once acre boob fcax beauty, and as he realised tha aoaee- i forth it wouM no ns prrruegB aw- vide for her welfare aad haopiacse ha rrmTrF nan almost WBOC With jOV- Hi j -mr.r? fnrrrrn sesz-ied mcredible. Esal- ly he -whispered tenderly; I " "How did it ever happen, aarfeg. , that such a bright, shmiag aagal a yourself fell ia Iova with a oufi, sSaonl fellow like me?" j "Goodness knows." she murmured ' absently. "X must have, a sexawr loose snmevrhere. ,r Pearson's Weeklv- 4 1 -4k 4- 0