1EA Ti BARE, Editor and- Proprietor SUBSCBEPTION BATES. One Yer, cash in advance, t. f 1.25 Six Months, cash in advance 75 Cents EnteredattheNorthPlatte(NebraBis)postofflceas second-classmatter. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1897. The telephone company this week received a large consignment of supplies. Union services will 'be con ducted Thanksgiving" morning in the Church of Our Saviour. This week will perhaps wind up the special services now being held in the Methodist church. A turkey raffle was pulled off last evening at -Kob't McMurray's home in the Third ward. The foundation for the Jake Miller residence was begun yester day on a lot south of W. R. Vernon's. Fred Ginn has recovered from his seige of sickness and' is again at work in Warner's furniture em porium. Some unscrupulous cuss called at Will Price's place the other night and appropriated a dozen of his nice plump ducks. Mica Axle Grease 2 hoses for 15c at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. T. F. Gantt has awarded A. Picard the contract for building a house on the lot east of her pres ent residence. It is understood the house will be for rent. Received a car of Fancy Winter Apples. Ask our price and see the fine stock. Harrington & Tobin. The home missionary society of theM. E. church will give a dime social Friday afternoon, November 26th, at the home of Mrs. A. M. Mason. The public is invited. Will Blood, of Cleveland, Ohio, nephew of J. S. Clinton, arrived last evening on No. 1 and will take E. J. Newton's place checking up cars for the railroad company at this point. The North Platte friends of Charley Erswell. of Cheyenne, will be glad to learn that he was ac Quitted of the chanre of murder last Saturda, the jury holding that he shot the two soldiers in self defense. There's money in Suspend ers if they're the right kind. The windows are filled to-day money in them for you, Twenty-five cents. Star Clothing House. The teachers' examinations for professional state certificates will be held at the office of the. state superintendent, Lincoln, beginnin at 8:45 a. m. on December 2S, and continuing two days. Those de siring further information may ob tain the same by addressing State Superintendent W. R. Jackson. Joe Todd, who suffered an in jur to his left eye a few days ago, went to Omaha last night to coi suit the railroad company occulist. His eye is greatly inflamed and very painful, and he will likely be obliired to lav idle several weeks while having it treated. Cornxneal 18 cents for 25 lbs at the Wilcox Department Store. Saturday was the regular meeting night of the G. A. R. and after the routine work had been disposed of the ladies of the W. R. C. served refreshments, after which a short musical programme was rendered. An apple-picking con test and a cake walk were also pleasing diversions. Those fortu nate in being present report having passed a very pleasant evening. Joe E. Barstow, formerly clerk of the Pacific Hotel at this poiut, but who is now serving the railroad company in the same ca pacity at Pocatello, Idaho, stopped off here Sunda night on his re turn from the east, where he visi ted relatives for several weeks. Joe has many friends in North Platte who were exceedingly pleased to see him. He continued his journey homeward last night on No. 3. Granulated Sugar 17 pounds for $1 at Wilcox Department Store. On Saturday .evening about twenty members of the Epworth Xreasrue reading- circle and invited friends met at the home of Prof. J C. Orr for the purpose of beginning a study of the English people, American authors and current events. Atter the necessary amount of business had been transacted, the subject of current topics was taken up and discussed at length. Papers on the ancestry, childhood and manhood of Washington Irving were read and discussed; the sub ject to be continued at the next meeting. The first studies in his tory were outlined and leaders ap pointed on the different topics for the next meeting. The members are entering in the work with zeal and energy, manifesting a desire to make this year's work a good suc cess. The next meeting will be held Saturday evening at the home of Mi&s Eunice Babbitt. IT IS SAID "American men are growing taller." We know many of them are not "so short" as they were a year ago and are buying our late and artistic FURNITURE, A.2?L) THIS JPJRICJSS -have and Over 200 Varieties ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. 1 ALL STYLES OF OVERCOATS Rcadv to wear overcoats equal to tlie best made "-S to order ones, and prices decidedly lower. 3 few's Vita Beavers, Chinchilla 10 w on f $ 4 overcoats 5 6 10.50 " 13.50 15 " :55 The cash business allows us to quote you Ihc-e prices, so don t send yonr .jg, money awav from home. We always show you more styles than most city stores show you, and furthermore wc know and study yonr wants. 3 " PLEASE NOTICE OUR SHOW WINDOW. "SEE" SLACK KID. i STKR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Prop. Opposite Postoffice Across the street from old location. I csfnU., RENNJE'S ! From now till Christmas we will make the great est clearing sale of the age. An elegant line of Ladies' Coats, Jackets, Muffs, Collarettes, Boas, Mittens and Gloves, at cost and less. Elegant S25.00 far capes at $15.00 ! Elegant $20.00 fur capes at $12.50 15.00 " 10.00 " 12.50 7.50 All our Jackets and capes at cost and less. S25 coats and caues at - $15 , 15 " - 10 j Elegant $12.50 and $10 Jackets and capes at $6.50 to close. Eieganlfur collarettes, S2.50to S10.00 All our $1 50 and $1.73 kid gloves AllourelegantSl-dresspatternsat 8.50 in all colors at - $10 patterns at - - S7.50 Elegant fur muffs, from S1.00 to $8.50 patterns aL - - 6.00 All dress goods at cost and less. fa is lie time of your life lo hy goods at your own price, A. Crimped Valve Leathers 4c eacL. at Wilcox Dept. Store. C. S. Clinton has on exhibition souvenir spoons on which are en graved the Episcopal church building- in this city. Mrs. H. L. Walbh received this morning" a very handsome souvenir spoon on the bowl of which is an engraving of the Moline. 111., high school building, which is a magnif icent structure. " J. E. Manlick. of Broken Bow, who was the guest ot Messrs. Ed and A. L. Davis for a few days, left Sunday night for the east. Mr. Manlick's visit here was osten sibly to clear up some old paper held by the J. I. Case threshing ma chine company-, of Racine, AVis., of which concern he is collector for this territory. He met with good success here in making collections, Mrs. Manlick will continue her visit here a few days longer. Pillsbury's Best Minneapolis Flour $1.50 per sack at The Wilcox Dept. Store. Several youngsters were enjoy ing a spin around the city Sunday afternoon in a light buggy attached to a sprightly animal, and when in front of the Neville hotel the horse and front wheels parted company with the rest of the vehicle, caus ing the occupants, in the midst of their pleasure, to tumble out pro miscuously into the dirt. The lit tle fellows were so completely taken by surprise that they stood gazing for some time in awe and wonder ment at the wrecked concern before they could comprehend what had happened. The coming social event of the week, and one that should elicit the patronage of all who indulge in this mode of" pastime, is the Thanksgiving ball to be given to morrow night at Lloyd's opera house by the Gordon cornet band. The affair is looked forward to with eager anticipation b patrons of the dance and its success, so far as the social feature is concerned, is already assured. Show your ap preciation of the band boys' efforts by turning out to-morrow night. The admission fee is only one dollar. Christmas is almost here ! and it is time you were buying presents for your friends. Remember our promise, we will sell you goods in our line cJfyeajpeir than they can be bought anywhere else, no matter where you go, and it will save you money to call and inspect our stock before purchasing. Finest lino cf novslliss e?er shown in oat city, Ho trouble to show goods. HARRY DIXON, Jeweler and Optician. u considerable to do with it. Call inspect our FALI LINE, of Picture Moulding, E. B. WARNER. Llama. Clay Hista, whip Cords, worm $ o 7 o Pi MM o 8 10.50 13.50 17 20 J $20 coats and capes - $12.50 Wild geese arc reported to be quite plentiful in this vicinity at present. ! Mrs. Thos. Hughes is confind j to her bed from a vicious attack of neuralgia of the head and shoulder. Conductor Geo. Smith, while coining east with a train of cattle, stepped off his car at Ogalalla and sprained his foot quite seriously. The case cf the State vs. Elmer Crawford, charged with petit lar ceny, that was continued from last August, came up in Justice Sulli van's court Saturday. He plead guilty and was fined 51 and costs, amounting in all to $20.25, which he paid. We knqjv every shoe value in town. That's why our's are better. Three Dollars. Star Clothing House. Mrs. Ed Davis entertained very prettily last Tuesday at a Ken sington. Ouite a number of ladies were present and had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of Mrs. Maldrick, of Broken Bow, in whose honor the affair was given, Milton Doolittle left Friday night for Onarga, Illinois, in re sponse to a message bearing the sad news of the death of his father. Deceased was quite an aged man and had been an invalid for several months. Mr. Doolittle has the sympathy of his large circle of friends. Bran 45 cents a sack at The Wil cox Dept. Store. The funeral of Mrs. Geo. Wagner, wife of the North Side cigar manu facturer, who died Saturday night after a sickness of long standing, occurred vesterdav afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Cathloic church Deceased went to Chicago early last summer and underwent an op eration for cancer ot the stomach. She was discharged from the hos pital and returned home apparently greatly improved in health, but she has suffered intensely the past few weeks. Mrs. Wagner was aged 48 vears and leaves a husband to mourn her untimely taking away. The sympathy ot tlie community is ex tended the bereaved husband. Jim McMichael has tlie contract for building the Jake Miller house and will cemmence work on same at once. It will be a five room house, 28x30. Dentist. Dr. Allwine, ot Omaha, will be at the Nebraska house November 29, to remain a few days. All kinds of dental work. Will Patterson, the obliging clerk of the Neville, has accepted a similar position in the- Palmer house, Grand Island, and left for that place Sunday. George Takulve, an experienced shoe-maker, has opened up ? shop in connection with the Yellow Front shoe store, where you can have your shoes mended cheap, neat and quick. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Mono Mining & Milling company Saturday after noon, November 27, at2oclock,in Masonic hall, for the purpose of electing a director. On New Years day the Y. M. C. A. will lipid its customary din ner. In the evening a short musi cal and literary programme, to gether with the secretary's annual report, will be given. Genuine Glidden hog or cattle -wire only $2.35 per hundred at Harrington & To bin's. Mrs. Dell Bonner returned from Omaha Sunday night with her son Harry, who since last March has been receiving treatment for a maimed shoulder at the St. Josepl: hospital. He was discharged from the hospital last week. Jake Federhoof and son Martin had an exciting experience Satur day morning with a vicious horse while driving up Sixth street. The animal became fractious and before it was subdued it had kicked the dash board into smithereens and injured the harness to some extent Mrs. M. E. Watts and daufifhter Mayme had planned on making a visit in Iowa the first of the week but the latter was taken seriously sick very suddenly Sunday after noon and the trip had to be post poned indefinitely. Theyounglady's many friends here will hope for her speedy recovery to good health E. J. Newton, who has held the position of car checker here for sev eral months, 'eft Saturday night for Axtell, Neb.-, to accept a position as manager of a drug store. Mr, Newton's many friends will be pleased to learn that he has secured a good position, and as he is a firs class druggist. there is no doubt that he will give his employer entire satisfaction. NOT jMUGH CHOICE IN THE FANCY SHIRTS WE OPEN TO-DAY, BECAUSE NOT A BAD STYLE IN THE LOT. IT'S KIND OF PICKING YOU ENJOY. FIT? OF COURSE. ONE DOLLAR AND ONE TWENTY-FIVE. SEE SHOW WINDOW. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. wiien sroinir irom the round house to the depot last Friday after noon it was necessary in passing through the yards for W. W. Wat- kins to climb over a car that block ed the way, and in jumping from the car he stepped on the end of a tie in such manner as to sprain his ankle quite seriously. The injury has caused him; intense pain and will oblige him to lay off for sev eral days. The K. Iv. club held its meetinjr at the home of Nellie Zeibert Saturday, where each one 01 tlie juveniles naci a cap ital time and abundant good things to eat. Next Thursday is the semi monthly meeting night of the club but as Thanksgiving is booked for that day and some of the members will eat turkey away from the city they held their meeting a few days in advance. " Rev. C. C. Shaveley this morn ing at 7 o'clockj spoke the words that made Nathianiel Weaver and Miss Lucy Reed, man and wife The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mart Cryderman. The groom is a well-to-do ranchman of New Cambridge, Kansas. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Cryderman and is held in high esteem by all who enjoy her acquaintance. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver left on the morning train for New Cambridge followed by the best wishes ot their friends for a long and happy mar ried life. The eveningiof the 21st being the end of the fourth year of the Cody Guard's existance, the four officers located at this station, met at the Armory and celebrated the event. A light lunch and refresh ments were served by one of the members and a very pleasant time was had. An officers lyceum was organized of which Maj. Scharmann is chairman and Lieut. Grau re corder. The past record ot tlie company was gone over and plans laid for the future. Those present were Mai. Scharmann, Capt. Evans, Lieuts. H. Jeffrey and Ered Grau, and Sergt. Hammond acted as or derly. Some People Pay Gash For Their Goods. We sell goods foit'oasli only and our customers do not pay interest on somebody else's debts When vou trade with coupon books or with a firm that runs book accounts, that is what you do.' OUB PEIOES PRO YE IT. NOTION DEFT. Crochet CottQn, three, spools. for 10c Thread, three spools for .10c Imported Saxony 6c a skein Spanish 'Yarn 12ic a skein German Knitting Yarn. 16c a skein Fuir Count Pins 2c a paper Best Needles 5c a paper Curling Irons 4c each Lace Edge Handkerchiefs.. 5c each Twin Dress Stays 5c a set 7-inch metal back Combs 8c each 7-inch celluloid Combs 20c each Side Combs 5c a pair 144 Agate Buttons for 3c Baby Ribbon lc a yard Knitting Needles 3c a set Silk Handkerchiefs 10c each CROCKERY DEFT. Handled Cups and Saucers.. 40c set Dinner Plates 35c set Wilcox Goods sold for cash and one Newell Burritt Sundayed in Cot tonwood precinct. Fred Elliott spent Sunday in Lexington with friends. Miss Mamie Thompson.of Broken Bow, is visiting the family of A. L. Davis. Mrs. Chas. Newmannarrivedyes terday morning irom Florence, Col orado. Attorney W. S. Strom, who was here on legal business a few days, returned to Omaha Sunday. Mrs. McGlone went to Hershey Sunday to visit her daughter who is teaching school in that vicinity. Chas. Brown came home Satur day night from North Bend, where he visited acquaintances for two weeks. Miss Ellen McCullough, who is conducting a very successful school in district 95 was the guest of triends here Saturday. Mrs. J. J. Wilson, who has visited her son Norman since September expects to leave Thursday for Sac ramento, California, her home. Henry Appleford, mayor, and J. W. Nugent, president of the city council, of Maxwell, were familiar personages on our streets yester day. Louis Richards returned yester day morning to Gothenburg. He is still quite sore from his recent ex perience and moves about with some i difficulty. Judge Coole, who will conduct ! tne aetence in case ot tlie state vs. C. M. Duncan, and Dr A. A. Eding ton, of Omaha, were in the city Saturday. J. C. Hollingsworth and daughter Mrs. Albro, spent Friday and Sat urday with H. B. Hollingsworth and family, returning to Nichols Saturday evening. Geo. M. Graham made a business trip to Grand Islsnd Saturday night returning the following even ing. His wife, who has been visit ing her mother there for several weeks, came home last night. Gus McNeel, of the Birdwood, is going to the Klondike countr next spring. He left for Butte, Mon tana last week and will remain there until spring when he will join the rush that will be made from the western coast to the golden streams of Alaska. "Buck- McPhcrson, cashier of the Union Stock lards. South Omaha, Attorney Will Learned, of Omaha, Judge Grimes, Attorneys Hoagland and Halligan and Court Reporter Scharmann went to Tryan, McPherson county.yesterday morn- ig where the case of the Union Stock Yards vs. Haskell will be tried. HOESES AT AUCTION. On December 4th at 1 o'clock p. m. l will sell at tne winte uae- phant Barn about 40 head of grade Norman Horses, including oue stallion. Terms cash. H. OTTEN. chas. Mcdonald, SOE AGENT North Platte, Neb. Would Rather Lose Money than Pie Plates 25c set Eight patterns of decorated ware to select from. Twelve patterns of chamber sets running from the cheap to the best. LAMP DEFT. No. lLanip Chimneys 4c each No. 2 " 6c each No. 1 hea vy,8c each No. 2 14 heavy.lOc each No. 2 Rochester Chimne. .10c each No. 3 mammoth size 15c each Lantern Globes 7c each Glass Lamps, Base Lamps, Ban quet Lamps, Nickel Plated Roches ter Lamps, Night Lamps in fact the only complete stock of Lamps in North Platte. HARDWARE DEFT. Galvanized Sheet Iron.. 5c a pound Department Store. price only. Groods delivered to any part of the City. l u we have SHOES shoes for women, shoes tor children. Our school shoes for children can not be surpassed; there are none better made; their wearing qualities are money savers to the purchaser. In Our Dry Goods Department We are receiving new novelties almost eve ry day. Come in and see us. I a. Mrs. Frank Foster has quite sick for several days. Willie and Dot Besack were been sick sick several days last week. Mrs. H. M. Wells has been quite sick for several days. Saturday Lester Eells sold his cor ner lot east of the O'Connell place for a cousideration of $350. Elmer Coates started out Sun day to buy up wheat for C. F. Id dings at points west along the Un ion Pacific. Irwin Selby, of Farnam, brother of Editor Selby of the Gleamor.was in the city Friday on business be fore the land officer. G. G. McKay yesterday pre sented -his wife with a valuable gift in the shape of a handsome up right piano. Fred Weingand and AlvinPool were quite succesful Saturday in shooting quail They bagged over forty birds near Brad. From start to finish G-loves are a skin game. Confidence in the seller helps you to worthy hand coverings. We have them from 25c upwards Star Clothing House. Friday was Master Eddie Saw yer's eighth birth anniuersary, and in honor oj this important event his parents. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Saw ver. ravehim a oarty Saturday af- ternoon to which about thirty of his playmates were invited. It was quite a swell affair. Several of the neighboring ladies assisted in serv ing and entertaining. The hours were from two to four. The young sters had a merrv time at their in nocent games and devouring large quantities of sweets, Eddie was the recipient of quite a number of pretty little presents. Thanksgiving Proclamation. Ilk THANKSGlyi6 PflOCUHATIOtf You see the Thanksgiving prcclama s it mean anything to you? tion. Does it mean any If you have trouble with your 'eyes we will make you thankful by giving you glasses that fit. We have the glasses and the ability. You havo the eyes and the necessity. Let's get together and both be thankful. I make a epe cialty of fitting glasses and warrant all work to give satisfaction. MHMCMifroET, Jeweler and Optician Engraving free of charge. Nails ly, cents a pound Western Washers S3 each Washboards 15 cents each Best steel Stovepipe 15c a joint Russia Stovepipe 40c a joint Common Elbows 10c each Adjustable Elbows.. 15c each Russia Elbows 23c each May dole Hammers 55c Liquid Stove Enamel.. 10c a bottle Rope 7 cents a pound Red West Cowboy Rope, 12ic pr lb Brass Hondas 8c each Glidden Painted Barb Wire 52.35 per hundred. Baker Perfect Galvanized barb wire $2.85 per hundred. 5-gallon barrel churn $2.90 GROCERIES. Kerosene Oil 15c a-gallon Pearline 4c a package Minnesota Patent Flour $1.25 a sack Package Coffee, : .... 9 lbs for $1 . 00 Michigan Salt $1.80 per barrel THE REPUTATION gained for selling GOOD at a LOWER PRICE than any other house in town is well merited. Shoes are one of our specialties and we carry a stock which embraces all sizes, au qualities, an prices. We have shoes for .men. John H. Day. Arthur, son of Mart Cryder man is having quite a tussel with the croup, and in consequence has not attended school for a few days. Logan Loker of North Platte husked 105 bmshels of corn last Thursday, U. G. Welch 97 and Os car Nichols 96 in ten hours. This corn was husked and unloaded in this time. The corn was irrigated and will make about sixty bushels to the acre. Gothenburg Independ ent. In speaking of the production of Uncle Tom's Cabin by the Burk Company, the Eau Claire (Wis.) Daily Herald says: "The house was packed to see the best performance that was ever given in the city. The company will certainly be wanted this way again. Every member of this company is a singer or an actor, and perfect at that. They fairly took the audience by storm, and encores and recalls be came the order of the evening. In a special manner should be men tioned "Eva,'' the most angelic vf unr thf "ATnrlrQ" stnnrl nt tlif head of the vast army of such in the country. The colored jubilee ! sinirers are oarticularlv deservincr of note." This company will be at Lloyd's opera house next Thursday evening. WHEN IN DOUBT.... about where to get that new pair of shoes come to the3rcowi;roJt Shoe Store. Afterwords there'll be no doubt you'll alwajs come, Men's Slippers A man always likes a nice easy pair of slip pers to put on when he gets home from work. We have them. Velvet Embroidery Q 7 Slippers & Velvet Embroidery "1 9,h Finer -J'-J Bright Dongola 1.25 Tan Russia, Turn i kA Soles J-.cv . .. yellow tat -; Shoe Store DECATUR & BEEGLE.Jt Geo, M. Graham, Mgr. NOTE--Your old shoes can be repaired at our store In a pro- , per manner and at reasonable prices.