W' " ' ' ' ' ' -52PB If MEtTH PLATTE, BBBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 80, 1897. - -NO. 91 vol. xni. Go K 4 - SEAS 0MB LE Blankets. A Good Cotton Blanket for - - .35 cts Full 10-4 Cotton Blanket for. .50 cts Full 11-4: Cotton Blanket for. -85 cts An all-wool Blanket for $2.25 An all-woll Blanket for - - ... 3.00 An all-wool Blanket for 3.75 An all-wool Blanket,the besti or 4.85 Furs, Muffs, Boas and Collarettes. Children's Sets just the thing for a Christmas gift. - - GREATCLEARINGSAL 023 sxrir id-asts iSWe are overstocked with goods and must unload Look and compare prices with any city in the Union. Men's Woolen Cheviot Suits in brown and black, sizes 36 to 42, at gScSO Fine all-wool men's suits, all sizes, for $5,50, $6-50, $7.50, $8.50 Up -to $16.50 Men's Overcoats from $2.50, and as fine as you want them. Boy's Overcoats $1 up I " " J Pants Suits from $2 up to 90 cents wnicn win nut up, m -vu; ..... not help but buy. Please give us a call, Model Clothing House, - - M. IiIAXWXIi. C. H. Kuhns spent Monday in North Platte. Miss Maud Xickerson com- tMi-liino- school about fif f North Platte,fathS5last Wednesday which he teen miles north of Monday. Miss Madge Nickerson spent a few days with friends in Goihen burg this week. Peter Burke shipped a uumber of car loads of cattle to South Omaha this week. C. H. Kuhns and J. W. Nugent our former merchants sold out their i store interest the past week to par ties from near Kearney. The new firm has put in a new and large stock of goods and will keep a gen eral store. Mr, Coddington ot Coddington & Co., of Kearney was in town three days last week. There was a rush of commercial travelers to our town the past week. Our people were laying in their supply of hard coal Tuesday. Hunters are getting quite r. urn- erous in this vicinity. Mrs. J. D. Keliher spent two days in Korth Platte last week. Mrs. Julius Essig spent Satur day and Sunday m North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. James McCuliough spent two days in town the past j week. Dr. Galbraith and son, of Omaha, and Chas. Pool of North Platte, spent three days in this locality shooting quail in which sport they were quite successful. J. D. Keliher spent Saturday in North Platte. Mrs. Emily Plumer and Miss Anna Dolan spent Friday and Sat urday in North Platte. John McCuliough spent two days in North Platte the past week. As there has been such publicity given the matter regarding the de struction of the Cottonwood pre cinct school house belongings, it would be well to say that the young man, Joe Sullivan, arrested on the chanre, was in no way responsible for any part of it, as a young boy eleven years of age and a pupil of the school was caught in the act of writing one of the many obscene notes distributed in different parts of the building to be found by the teacher. To Core Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c If C. C. a fail to cure, druggists refund money. GOODS Underwear . A Man's good garment for 35 cts A Man's wool fleece garment, 50 cts A Man's all-wool garment for 95 cts A Man's plush wool garment, 1.15 Children's Cotton, size 18 5 cts 2-cent rise for s:zes. Children's Wool, size 18 25 cts 5-cent rise for sizes. Winter Dress Goods Late, fabrics at low prices. THE HUB W. T. . ir for a child for si , better ones for $1.50 Sio, ages from 12 to 19 years 11 lip qnlrl FOLEY'S OLD STAMD. BETWEEN THE SIVESS. The roads in the valley were never in a much worse condition, owing to the recent wet weather. N. B. Spurrier sold a car load of ; shipped to tneyenne. uwc m Cheyenne Mr. Spurrier called on ' Dr. Hingston whom he found very i pleasantly located and doing a thriving business. The aid society met Wednesday ; with Mrs. J. O. Cole. Rev. Evans preached at the school house Sunday evening. Rev. . i Hill will preach next Sunday even ing at 7:30. A couple near Nichols were out driving Sunday evening. A nice single rig is quite" handy to have when you take a short drive be tween the twoPlattes and you are a. i . "D..4- ifli.in i f i-nm fQ i not in i ti u i ij. uui u.u - to the whole journey ot life, a sin gle vehicle is a one horse affair. But O muse! we prophesy that these two lives like the two rivers will in the not far distance come to a junction. The supper given by the ladies' aid at Nichols on Friday evening. November 6th. was well attended ! notwithstanding the fact that Her- shey was running opposition on the same evening with a dance. The receipts of the supper were be tween 59 and 510. All enjoyed a good supper and a good social time in general. Mr. Lilm, who uaa oeen 111 ior some weeks with typhoid fever died at noon last Friday. The deceased was born in the northern part of Sweden in 1845. He came totbis country in 1S66 and has lived in Nebraska for several years. He leaves a wife and three sons who were all, at the time of his death.in Galveston. Texas. A sister Mrs. Edstrom and her family, were all the relatives present at the funeral but the beautiful florial tributes and the many tears shed attested the love and esteem in which the denarted was held bv friends and 1 1 r - T neighbors. Mr. Liln was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church, and was a leader among his people and a good man who will be much missed. The funeral was held at the O'Fallon school house both rnnmc nf which were crowded to overflowing-. A very touching- and impressive sermon was preached by Rev. Randolph after which the re mains we interred in the Riverside cemeterv. A son-in-law of Mr. 'Hollingsworth has moved into the ditch company AT LOW- PEICES; BANKS, Prop, 7 I ojrz-fsr- as we need money '3" S 4& 4 Iff ill up to $5 Boy's Long Good workinor pants for so cheao that v ou can- L Einstein, Prop. 1 house north of Mr. Cole. Mr. Winters is in the valley with hi?; thresher and at oresent is threshing for L. E. Jones. Navier Toillion is threshing for N. B. Spurrier. A great deal of the alfaifa seed was lost by thelate storms. Tra Bailev visited his father this week and ourchased a horse while here. Mrs. Maoie Toillion has resinned a her position as treasurer in school district No. 11. and John Toil- linn has been aoDointed to fill her place. Mrs. Toillion, as well as the lady who preceeded her, made a verv efficient officer on the school board. Mr. Rader attended church at Platte valley last Sunday. Rev Randolph preaches there every two weeks at three o'clock. Misses Marv Goslet and Stella Goodwin of Hersbev were visitors at the county seat Saturday. Henry Hollingsworth went with Mr. Kelsey's car to Mountain Home, Idaho. The wedding announced for Tues- da' failed to materialize. & T? ATT.Tf OA-n NOTES. I The 6S0 and Sb went out of the shops Vvednesdav morning-. 840 went into the shop Enirine Wfdnesdav for a new fire box Joe McGee, machinist helper, was transferred to the round house Mondav. Win. Gorman returned Tuesdav niffht from Omaha where he visited his friends several days. Geo. Davis, ot the round house force, is off dutv a few davs this week, suffering from rheumatism. Supt. Park and General Fore man Barnum went west with the nav-car Tuesdav eveninsr, return- 1 -ing last night Joe odd. macumist, is now working- night in the place ot Ed Donehower who has been trans ferred to the day shift. A Sore Tiling for Ton. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head ache, furred tongue,fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by con stipation and a sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Trv a box to-day: 10c, 25c, 50c. I Sample and booklet free. i I TEACKEES' MEETIKG. The Iorth Platte division of the Lincoln County Teachers' Reading Circle will hold its second monthly meeting in tne high school uniia- Saturday, November 27th, at 1:30 p. m. The following persons will lead in the consideration of the articles in the Northwestern Journal of Ed ucation for October: Mr. Rader Studies in Literary Interpretation. Miss Ida YonGoetz American History Studies. Mr. Snyder Studies in Munici pal Government. Mrs. Oberst Teaching- of En glish. Miss Thoelecke -Primary School Department. J. H. Kinley Outside Education al Forces Department. Miss Froelke Secret Language of Children. Mrs. Walker Child Study in the Home. Mr. Getty Heredity. The Circle will spend about ten minutes m the consideration of each of these papers under the leadership of the persons named. It is hoped that there may be a good attendance and that all may come with the determination of making- the meeting live one. Mr. McMichael will arrange for some rood music, ana a general live time is expected. SOMEXSET. The B. & M. section foreman is burning guards along the track. A Mr. Davis is visiting the fami- lv of A. Green, his wife s parents. A number of young people gave Miss Nora Latimer a surprise par ty Tuesday evening, the occasion being her 18th birth anniversary. An enjoyable evening is reported by the participants. A number of the friends of Mrs. Rhoades tendered her a surprise party Wednesday evening. Those taking part in the affair think their hostess ail excellent entertainer. Joseph Beyer-is expected home Thutsdav from Oklahoma where he went some months-agoo grow up with ttieTcountry and carve out his fortune. Lincoln countv is a toler able ?rood camDinsr oround after all isn't it Joseph? " O w George Rhoades has made some o decided alterations in bis dwelling house, as has also J. F. Brittain. Mr. Mullikin is eniovinsr a visit from his aunt, who came this week. Mr. and Mrs Rhoades and the Misses Alice Heed and bopna Keoniri were shoDoinir in North Platte Saturdav. W. R. Lemmons, recently of Som erset. has located in Alma, tnis m I state. Mrs. Darnell is very low with aropsv. rue attenamg puysindu reports her case imminently sen ous. An application of plaster was "iven the kitchen of W. E.Gartrell's dwelling recently, administered by J. F. Brittain. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled lor in tne post omce ai j.oriu 1 ir i -V- Platte. Neb for the week ending November 19, 1S97. GEKTXiEJIEX. Blaslifield Charles Grassee S Clark Thomas E Gnnsuer Henry Dowell Eobt McDoeald U -b Fitzgerald John C Peabody Wilfred 1 Geiser Jean Schack Ed wosrzx. Conrad Martha Two citv fathers at Oakdale en- rrra cr(r in H disoute which was ally settled in a fiit fight in which A. some oaa oiooa was &ueu H. Legrett of Cherry, lost eight head of horses in the recent storm, and is now rendered homeless by a fire that burned his dwelling-. The business men of St. Paul have their gram buying; company organized and running-. They are forced to it to get tarmers to come there and trade. Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure I K3YAL SAUK3 CO-.MW V8BK. mm kloy d$ Opera fiouse I THANKSGIVING EV'G THURSDAY.NOV.2597. BURK'S Big UNCLE Stupendous TOfl'S CABIN. Revival of 20 PEOPLE It THE CAST 20 The most masniilceat anil costlj' scenic, caldom and mechanical effects. Th.3 -world renowned. . . . Jubilee Singers in Quartettes, Retrains, tfanjo riaying, imi tations, Camp Meeting bongs, Etc. STEEETEASADE AT 170 ON. FBEE CONCERT 7 P.M. Prices, - 25c, 35c and 50c. EVENTS IK KEBEASKA. 33333333333333333333333 The 13-month-old child of Jeptha Cox. of Fairbury, fell down a flight of stairs and received injuries from which it died. Ed. Rider, of Fairbury, grew tired of life Monday and shot him self in the head while sitting in a chair in a livery stable. He leaves a wife and one child. 4Big Mike" Wagner, who was on trial at Fremont for attempting- to rob the station agent at North Bend, was sentenced Monday to ten years in the pen. P. E. Her has commenced to build a new hotel on South Six teenth street, Omaha. It will cost the whiskey maker an even $50,000. He is getting- ready for the exposi tion rush. The Nebraska City lodge, An cient Order United Workmen, ini tiated forty-six new members at one whack a few nights ago. It was the biggest thing ever done by the order in Nebraska. A Holt county boy bit the end off .a dvnamite cartridge under the im pression that it was a sort of new fangled molasses candv. The doc tor says he will never again be jrood-looking- unless he can have a celluloid jaw fitted to his face. Aerenaut Winterringer had a narrow escape with his lite atWausa afav days ago. In ffoing- up he col lided with the cornice of a building- which did some damage to his knee. A doctor had to take twelve stitches in it to repair it. According- to government reports Nebraska and Iowa tie on their av erage production ot corn this year, the record showing 29 bushels an acre. Kansas is only credited with 19. which leaves that state a little low on material for drug stock. If linois is the only corn state that shows'a higher average than Ne braska. E. VonForell, one of the populist regents-elect of the university, is nlsn chanlam of the Kearney re form school. He will have to resign one or the other and as there is some bread and butter in the Kearney job he shows symptoms ot freezing- to that one and throwing the entire burden of running the universit v on little-George Kenower, of Wisner. Omaha World-Herald: J. F. Rus sel, the postmaster at Fanton, has frmnd it easier to secure an office than to let go. He has been send ?no- in resignations everv three "ti o - . . , . . 11. Rveks tor tne last two raontns, and at last in dispair of ever have ins l-bem acceepted, boxed up the office and hauled it over to Stock ville, where it has been placed m cold storage. This is the only au thentic instance on record m Ne braska where a man was unable to pry himself loose from a public office when he wanted to. It has been noted the country over this year that the .election re turns from the farm districts have, as a rule, been more favorable to the republicans than the first fig ures from the cities and towns. This is the first time for several years that this condition has pre vailed. It indicates that the farm ers have recovered from their at tack ot populism sooner than the people in the cities. They are the first to feel the effect of the boom in the price ot wheat. When a man begins feeling: nopeim uc au r- . t i to go straigntwav ana voic iuc iuu Hcan ticket. Ex. SPECIAL NOVEMBER SALE! AT THE BOSTON - STORE Bargains in the large store in every department. We are overstocked with goods we are not after profits we must unload the immense stock. Our goods are of the best quality made, latest in styles. See-ino- is believino- that no one can undersell us. Shoes. Youth's and boys' shoes of the Lewis make, worth S2.00 "at $1-25. Ladies' fine shoes, worth $2 at 81-15. Men's fine shoes, worth S2.50 at $1.50. Urrl?S 8011001 SDOeS aL ' ' worth SL2o. I Dress Goods. Yard wide Henrietta, worth 35 cents at 22 cents. 40-inch novelty goods, all wool, worth GO cents, at 42 cents. Blankets. 11-4 California Eed Blankets, all wool, worth SI. 50, are being sold at S2.93. Cotton Blankets at 40 cents, worth 60 cents. Underwear. 25-cent ladies' garments, worth 50 cents . For h balance cf His wnk with a 55:00 p&rto a calico d?ss palters m awaj f:& MILLINERY AT 50c ON THE DOLLAR. YOTJKS TOE. SAB.GA33TS 11 DRY GOODS, CARPETS. SHOES. ETC. julius piz:eR, prop. We l?aire already received over r;aif of oar I Holiday arqd are getting trjeirj ready 3 for ii?spectioi). i as everybody knows we are head- E quarters for nice goods, and -this year . -1 1 r i we will have a larger ana better as- B. sortinent than ever and at prices 3 Ej lower than before. 1 CM. NEWTON... 1 jlUliilljluliiliJIliilWiliJiUilillJllJilJlliliiliJlUiUllJuJiUiiiv John A, Ehrhardt, ot Stanton, commander of the Nebraska De - oartment G. A. R. and a well-known attorney, is reported to be in a very serious ohvsical condition. His i physician has ordered rest and quiet as the best restorative. The senior class of the state university has chosen Chancellor Canfield of the Ohio university as the class orator in June. He was chosen after McKinley.Bryan andE. Benjaman Andrews had all been proposed, which is a great compli ment to the old head of the Nebras ka university. The tact that nearly twice as much sugar is manufactured from beetsas from cane will be a sur prise to many persons, but of the 7,837,000 tons ot sugar made in the world last year 4,931,000 tons came from beets. The people of the United states consume more sugar than than the people of any other country and they ought to be very sweet tempered with the near ly 2,000.000 tons of sugar they con sume annually. Bee. The Araohoe Indians in Wyom ing are reported to have made such progress in mastering the English language that the traders and agency employes now seldom have to speak the Arapahoe language and an effort is being made to have the Indians all discard the use of the Indian words and leave the in terpreters with nothing to do. ! Slowly but surely the educational policy of the irovernment inaian bureau is bringing- the Indians to a point of self-support. Beauty Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candv Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirrinj: up the lazy liver and driving "all impurities from the body. Befjin to-dav to banish pimples, boils, hlntches. blackheads, and that sickly Hions cbmplexion by takinc Cascarets, - beautv for ten cents, au -arugcisu), satisfaction guaranteed 10c.. 25c 50c. 50-cent auahtv. worth 75 cents. 75-cent qnalitv. worth SI. CO. Capes and Jackets. All our trade on this lice has bean verv heaw Whv? Because wo sell these goods 50 pe'r cent cheaper thsn any other store. Mackintoshes. For Ladies', and Misses' $5.00 mackintoshes at $3.00. $6.50 " $1.10. $8.00 " " So. 00. Misses' mackintoshes at $2.60, u'ecth, $450. Corsets. 40 cents will buy a 75-cent corset. Knit Goods. Fascinators, Shawls and Hoods at the very lowest figures. The Boston. - Goods ! Rev. Palmaster. a Baptist evau- . g-ehst blew into aiclooi junction and delivered a couple of red-hot lectures Then he announced he would hold a series of revival meet ings. They began and while he was engaged in driving the divel a sheriff arrived from York t get him to go to Kansas, where hes wanted in a sensational woman case1. Two SIHlions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy-again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States aro now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at tha rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Year's. It means merit proved, that Csscarete are the most delightful bowel regulator lor every body the year round. All drug gists 10e,2oc, 50c a box, cure guar anteed. I Short Horn Bulls FOR SALE BY E. M, flEB. J5S-A11 these bulls have pedigrees LEGAL NOTICE. First National Itenfc. WWletr. WK. Phoenix Ingram- qoffliwwr. mr('T. rendaata, rtll take notice Ut on tfce WthKarl Sta, al.. the e andVrayer JZTh U,e soath-west Barter aad lots yJ pectfoa six in towwWp eleven, nor ot raage twentrlx, t of the Kh PC . octh paymcat ot one iromfc-orT no KiV . April 1. IrSl. with sixteen coupon tatere-t o. t:5l each, attached, aul V pecare - pjio oc one romirr note .rf . 1S91. upon which promissory oti ??'fl2? there is no due and payable l Jj with interest from November, 1-. J'- a,w " of 10 per cent per annum, awl 1 a decree that Ud prem p wn,ryf said debt and that Use liens of ai rtrs Ntintinm iank, of Whitewater, Wi., and Phoenix If Company be decreed to be jwjior awl tetorior to the mortgage liens of plaintiff. Yon are repaired to answer sajd pettM or before the 10th day f January. Dated this lth day f November, l - David. Hcrcireo. PtainwH. 374 My W. D. GriftV. hi- AMMmey, Edncute Yonr Tlowel TViUt Cascaret. Candv Cathartic, cure constipation, forever." 10c If C. C. a fail, druggists refund money. 1 I fTrffife-fjfcB'- . nil i i -