The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 12, 1897, Image 4

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    1BA L BARB, Editor akd Proprietor
Buy your groceries of the Wilcox
Sept. Store and save $5.00 a month.
-.. P. H. McEvoy has been quite
sick for several days.
Father O'Toole, of New Castle, is
the guest of Father Healy.
If you know a good thing- when
you see it buy real estate of Thos.
F. Healey now.
- E. B. Warner received a large
consignment of a superior grade of
furniture yesterday.
Smoke "Wright's Havana Special,
the best five-cent cigar on earth.
Wallace Baskin is storing his
household goods into the McDon
ald building on Spruce street.
Mrs. Chase the music teacher, js
moving into the Ell house, vacated
by W. H. C. Woodhurstf who has
rented the Joe Marsch place.
Cash! Cash! I am selling oil
for 15 cents a gallon and gasoline
five gallons for 90 cents, Remem
ber these prices are strictly cash.
Claude Weixgand.
The next issue of the College
News, published by the American
Business College, Omaha, Neb,,
will contain a lanre number of
testimonials from students and
graduates of the A. B. C.
George E. French went to Lin
coin yesterday to attend the meet
ing of the Grand Lodge of the K. of
P. which is in session there to-day
Mr. French is the representative
from this district.
Don't fail to call at the North
Side Hardware and examine the fine
line of cooking and heating stoves.
Prices low as the lowest.
J. S. Kernaban, representing
the North Fork Orchard associa
tion of Colorado, is in the city for
the purpose of interesting, our citi
zens in buying a home in Colorado
on the co-operative plan. "We can
recommend Mr. Kernahan as a re
liable man with whom to transact
Suits made to order from
$13.50 upwards at Star cloth
ing house.
Judge Grimes and Court Re
porter Scharmann returned Satur
day night from Scotts Bluff and
Banner counties where court was
held. Several irrigation .cases
were heard in Scotts Bluff county.
The attorneys were granted time to
file briefs by the Judge, and he will
go back on the 19th of November
and hand down his decision.
S JtDid it Eeir .
Occixt to Yoa?
That a Watch -which does NOT
ran is better than a poor one
which DOES ETJN1 A "Watch
which does not ran is right
twice a day, while a cheap
"Watch that rnns is never right
If yon contemplate buying a
"Watch call on ns and we will
furnish you one that will al
ways be right.
HflY 1X03,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Engraving' free of charg-e.
A representative of the Kearney
Suit Store is displaying a fine line
of ladies' liatsat J. H. Day's store.
Miss Belle Hartley will enter
this office for the purpose learning
to handle' the metallic messengers
of thought.
On account of the differences of
the democrats and populists over
their respective county tickets, it
is a question whether W. J. Bryan
will be here nextweek.
J. P. Large, a Wyoming stock
man, walked out of a caboose door
at Cayote last week while the train
was running fifty miles an hour.
He received but slight bruises.
The Chicago weather forecast for
North Platte and vicinity: Fair
and warmer to-night; unsettled
weather and warmer Wednesday.
The maximum temperature yester
da7 was jSj one year ago it was 6o.
Because of the great profit in
Colorado fruit raising, many peo
ple are longing for an orchard home
but have not the necessary means
to buy the irrigated land, teams,
implements, fencing material, erect
buildings and support a family
for five years until the trees come
to bearing. All such are invited
to investigate the new co-operative
plan of the North Fork Orchard
Association. Its name is derived
from the location of its lands on
the north fork of the Gunnison
river in Delta county, Colorado.
J. P. Kernahan, who represents
the association in Nebraska, is in
the city,, and parties interested can
learn full particulars by calling on
him at the Hotel Neville.
wjg aTew Chamber Suit of fts
I presume you would. We cannot sell you one for that money
but you can purchase a good one for a little more money. We
have the finest line of FURNITURE ever shown in the city. Call
and see our new Couches and Lounges. We have something cheap
in an extension table, and our dining room Chairs arethe best
made for the money.
5 Begin to fall, it's time to think about
. Heavy Clotliing.
S They have began to fall. See our line of OVERCOATS
3 We have cheaper'ones. Complete line of boys' and child
!5 ren's OVERCOATS from $1.5 upwards.
". Opposite Postoffice Across the street from old location.
Millinery ever opened in
French pattern hats, walking
description, now on sale. Miss Tulley, of Chicago, has. arrived.
and will take charge ot the department. All ladies are invited to
call and seethe choicest line of Millinery ever exhibited in North
Platte, at
Look at This !
9 Pounds Package Coffee for $1.00
5 gallons Headlight Oil for 75 Cts.
Correspondingly low prices on all other goods in our
line. We will not be undersold by any concern in Western
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Weiberg of
Myrtle precinct, mourn the loss of
a two-year-old child, which died
The latest in liats at The Wilcox
Dept. Store.
Our method of instruction by
mail is highly recommended by our
patrons. Send tor testimonials and
list of names and addresses of stu
dents. It is free. The American
Business College, Omaha, -Neb.
Healey has got what you want
in real estate, see him.
Sheriff Miller went to Brady
Island this morning to sell at sher
iff's sale fifty acres of the Mathew
son corn in Blaine precinct to sat
isfy a claim against Mathewson
held by Rector, Wilhelmy & Co., of
Omaha. Walter Hoagland accom
panied the sheriff.
Samuel J. Pierson, of Omaha,
with the Smith-Premier Type
writer Co., is in.the city in the in
terests of his house and is repre
senting to the business men the su
perior quality of machines manu
factured by that firm. Mr. Pierson
will be found an affable man with
whom to transact business.
Dentist Dr. Alwine will be at
the Nebraska House on Monday.
Oct 18, to remain a few days. All
lines of work. Come early.
Last Friday evening was the
occasion of a pretty little surprise
party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
B. I. Hinman, perpetrated on Mas
ter Minor by about twenty-five of
his young friends. Refreshments
were provided by his guests and a
capital time was had b' all.
The Wilcox Dept. Store handiest
salt Tjy the carload.
Henry Wells has moved his
family from the Frank Winn house
to the Baker property in the Third
ward. John Woods, who recently
sold his farm south of the river,
will occupy the Winn house and is
moving his household goods into
the same to-daj'.
While at -work in the shops
lastnight Otto Thoeiecke kicked his
right foot against some sharp in
strument and sustained a very pain
ful flesh wound just below the in
step. Dr. McCabe dressed the in
jured member, which required sev
eral stitches. Otto is certainly hav
ing more than his share of trouble,
but very recently the same foot was
sprained and, broken.
Worth of the choicest
this city.
hats, and hats and caps of every ,4
W. M. Cunningham and wife are
expected home Friday night.
--Mrs. W. H. Fickes will enter
tain the ladies' guild Friday after
noon. The W. R. C. sewing circle
was entertained yesterday by Mrs.
W. H. Hamilton.
Cups and saucers 40 cents per
set at The Wilcox Dept. Store.
John Evans came home Sunday
from Omaha, where he went to tes
tify in the Bartley trial.
John K. Sherman has moved
his family into his residence prop
erty in the Third ward.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
aid society will give a chrysanthe
mum show and supper October '28th
The Lamplugh building occu
pied by Nauman's meat ma.rket,
which was damaged by fire recent
ly, is undergoing repairs.
The wells at the waterworks
will be overhauled next week on
account of having. struck air, which
effects the speed of the pumps.
Radiant home hard coal burn
ers and smoke burners at Victor E.
Meyer's, north side.
Mrs. O'Lary, of Fontanelle.Iowa,
after a pleasant visit of several
weeks with her daughter, Mrs C.
S. Trovillo, of Nichols, returned
this morning to her home.
Car of apples just received at The
Wilcox Department Store.
The annual chicken and waflle
supper will be given by the Luth
eran ladies October 19th in the
building formerly occupied by New
ton. All who desire r good, sub
stantial meal are invited to attend.
David Potter, who has land
under the Hinman ditch on the
Birdwood, raised 125 bushels of po
tatoes on just one-fifth of an acre
of land. This is no fairy tale, but
is a fact, as a number of person
will testify.
Cheap: Why that house and
lot I bought of Healey was the
cheapest thing I ever got in my
The American Business College,
OmaliaNeb.. has a notice in the
local colums of this paper offering
a thorough course of instruction in
Book-keeping and Commercial
Arithmetic by mail free of tuition.
To avail yourself of this liberal of
fer is the same as'accepting a pres
ent of 550. '
Mrs. George Grady gave birth
Monday morning to twins. One of
them survived but a short time.
The'ladies' sewing circle of St.
Patrick's church -prill be entertained
Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Joseph
Mrs. D. H. Eyerly, of Suther
land is reported seriously sick with
erysipelas. Shevas preparing to
take a trip east on a -visit when
stricken. Several weeks will elapse,
says her physician, berore she can
venture from home.
The Wilcox Dept. Store will call
for your oil cans, leave orders at the
Burke's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin
company, under the management of
C. E. one time a resident
of North Platte, is coming this way
and will stop with us over night to
oroduce that ever popular play at
4. A. A.
Lloyd's some time next month.
The ladies of the W. R. C. will
give their annual chicken supper
Friday evening, October 15, at
Lloyd's opera house. Among the
amusing and entertaining features
of the affair will be a cake walk
and a drill by the Hamilton Cadets.
Among the callers at this office
Saturday was our old friend John
Schopp, of "Vroman. His mission
to North Platte was to pay off the
mortgage on his farm, an act made
possible by the return of prosperity
under republican administration of
national affairs.
A son of Sam Farmer, of Wal
lace, who is rapidly losing his eye
sight, will be sent to the blind asy Hastings for treatment. Mr.
Farmer is a member of the G. A. R.
post and the soldiers' relief commis
sion donated $10.50 to pay the boy's
tra veling expense.
Nels Gunderson, a Swede re
siding south of Sutherland, was
brought to this city last week to re
ceive treatment for insanity. He
has been subject to a mild attack
of fits for some time, but the attend
ing physician says he is doing
nicely and thinks he will fully re
cover if the proper treatment is
Copperas 2 cents per pound at the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
Win. George, of Brady.but who
has been taking care ol Russel
Fowles' cattle in McPherson coun
ty for some time past, was taken
sick two weeks ago . with typhoid
fever.. He was removed,to-this city
last week so that theproper medi
cal treatment could be had.' The
prospects lor his speedy' recovery
are very bright.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Kirchbaum
were .very agreeably surprised last
Thursday evening when about forty
couple gave them an unexpected
visit. The visitors were given a
hearty welcome and they remained
until a late hour, spending the time
in social conversation, high five and
partaking of a fine collation. It
was a .pleasant event throughout
and those present think that Max
is all-right as an entertainer.
Whatever your pursuit in life may
be, a thorough business education
is what you need. The American
Business College, Omaha, Neb.,
now offers a complete business
course by mail free for advertising
purposes. If you wish to obtain a
good business education you will
do well to investigate the matter
and make application for admis
sion as a free student at once.
of good shoemaking can
fre seen on all our shoes.
''Good shoe making"
means more-than making
a shoe that will wear. It
means getting a shoe that
will WEAR, that' FITS,
and is ATTRACTIVE to J
the eye.
buys a Ladies' Fine Kid
Shoe, lace or button, new
coin toe, quality as good
as" other stores.sell for
$2.50. w;. - ' -
Geo, M. Graham, Mgr.
Dawn goes the com-
bination price.on
Nine pounds of Coffee for $1.00.
Will give you. more bargains in this line as soon as we have
. i completed marking the stock. 1 -
The Wilcox Dept. Store.
JC2Delivery wagon will
Mrs. Tobin returned from Denver
this morning-.
Mrs. Judge Raj came home from
Denver Saturday night.
F. S. Joedem;an started this morn
for Pana, Illinois, to visit relatives.
H. C. Rennie will co to Chicasro
Wednesday to buy a new stock of
. H. E. Worrell, principal of the
Brady scliool.Sundayed with friends
in the city.
Fred Douglass came up from Co-
zad Saturday niglit and Sundayed
with his parents.
Mrs. Harry Iangdon and daugh
ter Grace will be home from Den
ver to-night. T
Misses Lenora Cummings and
Louise Gilmaii returned from Den
ver Sunday morning.
W. F. Case returned to Nehawka
last night after visiting friends on
the Birdwood for a few days.
Mrs. D. W. Besack. son Willie,
and niece Miss Lula Iytle, came
home yesterday from Denver.
John Keliher, jr., is expected
home from St. Louis about the
middle of this month on a visit.
Miss Josie: Day spent Sunday
with her parents, returning to
Ogalalla on No. 3 yesterday morn
ing. Mrs. Wm. Blood went to Grand
Island Sunday to spend a few days
with friends before going to Chey
enne. Miss Emma Penn, of Fulerton,
arrivedFriday night and is the
guest of her friend Miss Calia Mc
Donald. '
Herman Rogge, of Cleveland.
Ohio, who has been visiting his
uncle, Louis Rogge, returned yes
terday to his home.
Miss Ella Foster, who visited
relatives in the city tor two weeks
pist returned to her home south of
Lexington this morning.
J. E. Moffelt and A. F. Slump, of
Boston, Mass., traveling awheel
from New York to San Francisco,
Sundayed in the city.
E C. Brown, of the firm of Brown
& McKinstry, Sutherland, was - in
the city on business and greeting
old acquaintances yesterday.
Rev. Verner went to Omaha this
morning to attend a meeting of the
Presbyterian Synod of Nebraska,
which is in session there to-day.
S. W. Thornton and wife, of
Kearney, stopped in the city over
night. They are traveling home
by team irom a visit with their
daughter in Wallace.
Will Briggs, a former Third dis
trict conductor, but now a fruit
rower near Grand Junction, Col.,
came in on io. I uns morning to
visit a few days and look after his
property here.
Chas. H. Monagan, a former em
ploye of the shops here and well
known to most of our citizens, is
temporarily located at Custer City,
Idaho, where he is assisting in put
ting in machinery for the "Lucky
Boy" gold mine.
It you wish to be enrolled as a
free student in the mail department
of the Amenaan Business College,
Omaha, Neb., send in your applica
tion atoncb. Their offer of free
course by niaiLwill be open for a
limited time onlv.
Requested by a number of my
friends, who do not consider the of
fice of county surveyor a -political
one, I have concluded to be a candi
date for said office by petition and
ask the support of .my friends all
over the. county regardless of poli
ties? Respectfully,
Paul G. Meyer.
Ijlas just been receiyed and is being marked
is only
Your Trade Solicited.
be run in connection with store.
shoes for women, shoes tor children. Our school shoes for
children can not be surpassed; there are none better made;
their wearing qualities are money savers to the purchaser.
In Our Dry Goods Department
We are receiving new novelties almost eve-
ry day. Come in and see-us.
C. E. Eager, a brakeman out of
here, has resigned.
Conductor Anderson's car was
taken out of service for a few days
for want of men."
P. H. Deering,' of the Foifrth dis
trict, took the conductor's exami
nation here yesterday.
Tom Young, of Cheyenne, came
down this iriorninfir with engine 741
which will do service on the Third
Arrangements are being made to
equip the Pacific hotel with steam
heat and possibly the freight house
F. E. & M. V. special car 100,
with General Manager Bidwell on
board, was attached to No. 2 Mon
day returning Irom a trip to the
Engine 743 went into the shops
Saturday night to receive a general
ferhauling. The 1808 came out
of the shops with repairs to her
C. E. Unaugst, with the bridge
irans- of this division, commenced.
to-day to put in a new platform on
the north side, ot the Pacific hotel.
which will fill a long felt want.
Wm. Whitlock walks with a cane
and a limp, trom the etrects ot a
severe attack of rheumatism. Jim
Fonda is manipulating the throttle
of the 1403 while William is off
A. C. Kurts, excursion agent ol
tne ijuicafifo cz. iNortnwestern, was
in charge of a party from southern
California in a special tourist sleep
er attached to No. 2 Monday.
These cars make regular trips to
and from the coast once a week in
each direction.
The latest joke on one of the
popular Second district engineers
will bear repeating. At the differ
ent restaurants in Grand Island a
contribution box is left by the Sal
vation army, to catch the pennies
of the charitably disposed, and re
semble somewhat theever present
slot machine found in such places.
Our friend deposited his nickel and
waited patiently for his cigar un
til the clerk told him he was in the
wrong pew.
Alex Stewart left Saturday night
for Sidney where he assumes the
Union Pacific foremanship, a po
sition that pays S125 per month.
The tender of this position was
made to Mr. S. Friday by Mas
ter Mechanic Manning, and was
somewhat of a surprise to hijn. We
are glad to record this promotion,
for we consider it well merited
and worthily bestowed, and while
we regret to see Mr, Stewart leave
North Platte, where he has resided
for twenty-seven years, we congrat
ulate him upon receiving this recog
nition of his ability. He will re
move his family to Sidney as soon
as he can secure a sutable house.
Stock.. 1
and shelved;
5c a gallon
we have gained for selling GOOD
any other house in town
is well merited. Shoes
are one of our specialties
and we carry a stock
which embraces all sizes.
all qualities, all prices.
We have shoes for men,
John H. Day. f
Jams Auble, of Garfield, and S.
C. Wills, of Buchanan, tarried here
I. L. Miltonberger is having put
up on his place a barn 14x28 and 12
feet high.
Mrs. Church is having some re
pairs made on her dwelling in the
west portion of the city.
A. M. Mason is having some im
provements made to his residence
in the First ward. J. A. McMichael
is doing the work.
The beautifully engraved diplo
mas issued by the American Busi
ness College, Omaha. Neb., for
graduates are the finest ever seen.
They are steel engravings, 22x28
inches in size.
Geo. Westfold, an aged man who
w anted to go to Rawlins, Wyom
ing, called upon the county for as
sistance Saturday and was pro
vided with a ticket to Ogalalla, the
next county seat. He claimed 'to
have relatives in Wyoming.
Your attention is directed to the
advertisement of the American
Business College. Omaha, Neb.,
which appears in this issue. Thejr
offer to give a thorougJi course, pf
instruction in business branchps-by
mail tree of charge for advertising
purposes. Thisisararechance. The
i a f s- r t i
a- 15 one OI l,ie mosc sccess:
fnl business colleges in the United
Spates, and to take a
them means success.
course with
Are sharp ones, uuually, and see
more than we care to have them.
Sometimes they, like older ones,
do not see enough. It such is your
case you cannot, for your own good.
consult us too soon. Our charges
are always moderate, and we guar
antee all "lasses that we fit to nve
Jeweler and Optician,
Farm Wagons
vHLiin t If