The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 12, 1897, Image 1

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W0'Wk- Jteth tote mi-lHWtlj itoaa'ffl
: YOL. XIIi: : - flQKTH 'PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY1 EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1897. ; ; Hq; 86. - I
: '1
Poor Old Time Gets Another Rap,
merchant can keep house without it. We are showing a line of
Up-to-date Novelty Dress Goods at 55 cts.
per yard. They are beauties. You will need a .
Nice Winter Wrap
and we have them fifty per cent cheaper than last year. Don't you believe
that goods are higher than last season. We are satisfied with a less profit
than ever before. We have not lost a cent in bad debts in six months, so
you are not compelled to pay Mrs. Jones' bill. Keep up with the times by
1 : J L n OnnU Qfnvn Cl inc. fn PvArvhndv. it ffooas are
I 1 1 I U M I U Ul III I 1JIIIIII7S Y. e. ItT.7 II L I 111 II V V7 llVj Jl 1VU VJ V 1 w "
' ' .1-. i n - -l T P L. lmi
not as represented money will be rerunaea.
A surprise party was tendered uaniai auaner, an oiu resiueut ui
Mr. and Mrs. Henry waitematn .uincoin county, uiupucu ucau uwi
Saturday evening by the members the railroad company's sand house
of the "German Ulub" and tneir Saturday evening wucu iciuimug
wives'. The occasion was a pleas- to his lodgings from supper,
ant one to all who participated. The deceased took His
Singing and dancing were the prin--Ridgely's lunch room on Front
cipal features of pastime which street during the absence of his
were freely indulged. At llo clock wife, and he had left the lunch
supper was provided by the good room not more than thirty minutes
housewife as only she knqws how. when word came to Mr. Ridgely of
his death. While eating his sup
per Mr. Maher was. taken sick, and
he was assisted from the table to
the side walk by Mr. Ridgely's son.
Later two gentlemen, apparently
friends ot Maher's happened along,
and noticing his condition -they as
sisted him to his feet and started
to take him home. When within
twenty feet of the sand house Ma-
The guests were:
Messrs and Mesdames-
Sam Richards, . Tony Puschman,
Henry Pohlmeier,
Fred Westenfeldt,
Joseph Herrod.
Alma Lowdin,
Syl Friend.
Herman Welse.
; Russell,
Ernest Tramp,"
Augusta TSskelson.
JohnF; Soltaw,
Tours for a cash business.
W. T. BANKS, Prop. J
We liave jusl opened up a large stock of MEN'S AND BQJ'S
TRUNKS, YALISES, ETC., in the Ottenstein building, north room of
Boston Store, where we will be pleased to have the public come and ex
amine our stock and prices. ,
Men's Suits, good ones, from 4-25 up. Youth's Suits from 2.25
up. Children's Knee Suits from $1.00. Men's long Ulsters from $3.25
up. Kentucky Jean Pants for men at 80 cents. Boys' Jean Pauls for
05 cents. Dress Pants from 1.25 up. Men's Overalls at 43 cents-
j Children's Brownie Overalls at 25 cents. Men's Ribbed Underwear,
Fleece-lined, at 43 cents. Men's Duck Coats at 9d cents. Men s
RlfffiRI flAY f IT) Afl 17ATD! Can BUY MORE and bring BETTER Results than it ever Q00(jman uome w
THAT DOLLAR OF YOuBSdidsincetheDollarMarkWasmvented:ifyouputitmto &
-n r n 11 l M I - l unn a
We announce the greatest gathering of desir- bk? UOlldl OLieLClllUP V dlUCo. ?.
. "V ' I ILIC.
tiAvuinrojuTv uer sank' to ms Knees iuiu iuc
Xixk J. uavA a mmjl i
About twentv-fite young people street. He was carried to the-side-
spent a pleasant evening- Saturday walk and Dr. Donaldson sent for,
... I ... -m . . I
at ine VOUV id.u-u, iuc utv.aonii wuu muvcu nutitmuuv-i V.U() , . , , lo i Tr.
bein- a party given bv Miss Mabel not latter than fifteen minutesafter working uversnirts ac w cencs. iueu s iress omrcs a. ceuta.
nnnaimtpr Thp nttnir was to hpino- summoned, but too late to uuiaununea ouiris at o ceuta. jlulcu a wiuvea m w ucuto.
have been a watermelon feast, but lend assistance as the man was be- the Ox Breeches, if they rip another pair free. We have the exclusive
as the night was damp and disa- yond all earthly help. asrencv for the Kinssberrv Hats. fiNo shoddy or shelf-worn goods.
greeable out of doors and no water- As coroner, Dr. uonaiuson canea a A parfc of your patr0nage solicited.
1 ni-.i,ac- urorA ,ipnr hnnH. I infr wTir clpwpd flip rfttnain?i and I
nielli p"-" " - ' . Jvi,Jt . . mTin r rT T -it ArnrTTUn nrPAHP
that plan was abandoned. , The ordered them taken to Warner's tin- HH HA t H I. U H It
. I I I 1 m M M J m. . M M MM X. J -M- m A. X.- m. A mm mw w
aertaKing esiauiisuuiem.
An inquest was held yesterday gNorth room Boston Store.
morning to inquire into the circum-
pleasure seekers repaired to the
here they were
warm welcome ana
several hours in social ameu-
nkia ina--li?nrl!co wa liatro pi'pr sjircpened in
collecting for our patrons. Everything fresh and new, sparkling withthe bngntest tasuions m iuc uq.
A little of it will give wonderful satisfaction if invested in our sincerely honest qualities of reliable goods of known value.
stances attendant on his death.
Witnesses were called and crave
Games ot various kinds were
played and refreshments consumed testimony as above stated.
Because it is in close touch with the times, and anticipates your every want in
Without Doubt or Hesitation, Come and Reap the Best Values your Dollar Ever Bought.
The Tribune congratulates the
reoublican countv convention upon
i l ....... ii..L ii J I -
in astonisumg quanuues. f verdict ot tue jury was uiac uic uc- stronr aad excellent ticket it
The party was conveyed to the Ceased came to his death by disease no,tl:nated last Saturdav.
ranch iti a hay-rack, "chaperoned by of tije heart.
Edgar Donehower and Misses Lena Daniel Maher. was 73 years of
Scbatss and Nellie, Austin, and from ajre He was born in the city of
the general appearance of the young Thurles, county - of Tipperrary,
folks when they reached town, the xreiand. He came to America when
best of care ha'd not been given vr vears old, and .had resided in
them. Those who assisted" to make T,iucoln countv about 20 years. He
A Stock Thoroughly up to Date iu Qualities and Styles in Every Department.
Home and make your comparisons; they are the keys that unlock the facts gbout our Fine Qualities and Low Price
The simple, plain talk of THE PRICE THAT IS RIGHT is our convincing argument.
Take advantage ot this combination o Saving and Satisfaefaon and your mind will be easy and your moneyjaved.
Model Clnthinff House. Foley's Old Stand. M Einstein, Prop.
AIAW.WWA V ' " "
the party a success were:
Reba and XiOtta Day, Roy Vernon,
Myrtle Scnarmann. Andy Yost.
uiancne Mcrxauitiru, iwuu .iiiioLi.ujibr.
is not a candidate on the ticket but
is well qualified to fill the position
.... i
tor which he was nominateo.
and who does not deserve the
hearty support of every voter,
is of party, who believes
in and desires an economical, business-like
and wise administration
Winnie Beeler,
Nellie Seyfertn,
Arta Kocken,
Lillian Hendy,
Anna Sorenson.
Clarence Redmond,
Finley Goodman,
Chas McNamara,
Victor VonGoetz,
Walter Kocken,
Emory Murpny,
James Cronm.
Joan Ottenstein,
James .Keliher,
Henry Peterson,
Bruce Stewart.
The republican county conven
tion was called to order at 11:40
Saturday morning last by Chair
man French, of the county central
committee. Mr. French sreeted
iha with a brief but
hearty speech.
On motion SW. ; T. Wilcox was
elected chairman; and upon taking
the chair delivered a ten minutes'
speech that was as vigorous as it
was clear cut. G. A. Metz was se
lected secretary of the convention.
On motion a comittee of five was
appointed on credentials, which sub
sequently reported 74 delegates en
titled to seats in the convention.
It was moved that the appoint
ment ot members of the county cen
tral committee be made before the
noon recess, and the following se
lections were made:
North Plalte No-1 John Sorenson.
fforth Platte No. 2-W. ft. C. Wood
hurst. North Platte No. :i R. A. McMurraj.
Antelope Chas. Oman.
Buchanan August Hamer.
Cottonwood J. J. O'Rourke.'
CoxA. J. Geyer.
Dickens Wiley Mathews.
Fairview Jacob Koch.
Fox Creek Frank Petty.
Garfield I. A. Goodenow. X
Hall James Patterson. J$
Hinman Tj. E. Jones.
Hooker Wm. Lakin.
Kem-W. W. Jolliff.
Iiemon W.B. Ellis.
Medicine T. M. Lee.
.Miller Q. F. Meyer. X
Myrtle J. L. Combs.
Nichols N. B . Spurrier.
Nowell Henry Cordes.
O'Fallon E- C. Brown.
Osgood P, Mylandpr.
Somerset Alex Green. ,
Sunshine J. T. Humphrey.-Walker-B-
F. StiUey,
Wallage J, W. Salyard.
Wblttler F. A. Robey.
Willow-J. S. Robbins,
It was moved and carried that
the selection of the chairman be de
ferred until after the ticket had
been nominated,
The convention took a recess
until 1:30.
It was about two o'clock when
Chairman Wilcox called the after
noon session of the convention lo
vorder. Several duly accredited
delegates arrived in town during
the noon hour and were given seats
resolutions were
concluded, the
read as follows:
We, the republicans o Lincoln coun
ty in convention assembled, affirm our
allegiance to the principles of the repub
lican party as set out in the St. Louis
We congratulate the country upon the
return to power in national affairs ot the
republican party; upon the enactment of
an American tariff law; upon the open-
inir of the mills and factories upon the
satisfactory prices of all farm products;
upon the return of confidence and pros
perity throughout the length and
breadth of our land.
Wo denounce Joseph Bartley, late
treasurer of the state, for his betrayal of
public trust, and demand his speedy
punishment, and we condemn the popu
list governor of the state through whose
failure to do his duty it was made pos
sible for this state to meet with so great
a loss.
We arraign the populist state house
officials for their hypocrisy in pretend
ing they are against the railroad corporr
ations and for the common people, in
view of the f. ict thntoutot the eighty
two occupants it the state house but
one has failed to fill his pockets with
railroad passes granted for favors rer
ceived at the expense of the people.
We arraign the populist party of Lin
coln county for its extravagance in the
conduct of county affairs, for its unfair
increase of the assessment of all proper
ty in the county except that of the
railroads twen'y-fivo per cent in the
vear 1896.
j For its refu-al to follow the time hon
ored custom of letting the printing and
publishing and all other county con
tracts to the lowest bidder.
For accumulating a floating indehtedr
ness of 840,000 as shown by the records
of the county on the Hrst- day of July of
the present- year
For the appropriation of public money
from the public treasury in the payment
of illegal bills of its partisans in otnoe
We demand that the affairs of this
county Bball be conducted in an eco
namioal manner, acpording to law, and
in the interests uf the whole people, and
pledge the candidates nominated ny
this convention, when elected, to fulfill
this demand to a letter.
G. C. Stoddard, )
C. B. McKixstet, Com.
W. H. C. WooDHURSiy)
The resolutions were adopted as
It was moved that the conyen
tion proceed to nominate a county
ticket; the first ballot to be inform
al. The motion prevailed and J.
M. Hall and N. B. Spurrier were
reelected as tellers.
An informal ballot was ordered
TTnrv Pordfts 2, scatterincr 4. The
formal ballot gave Weingand 53,
Rice 10, McMurray 5, scattering 4.
Tii a nnmi nation of Wemsrand was
made unanimous and that gentle
man came forward and thanked
the convention for the honor it had
bestowed upon him.
On the informal ballot tor treas
urer the vote stood: A. C. Barry 28,
C. A. Glaze 11, W. D. Prey 20, scat-terino-
8. The formal ballot was
Barry 45, Glaze 8, Prey 15. Barry's
nomination was made unanimous
and he appeared before the conven
For countv clerk the informal
ballot gave W. M. Holtry 35 votes;
E. F. Seeberger 18, W. O. Thomp
son 6, J. O'Rourke 2. scattering
:legram was read from See-
announcing that he could
The home of Mr. and-Mrs. Gus
F. Mever, seven miles southwest ot
town was the scene of a social gath
ering Sunday afternoon. The oc
casion was an afternoon tea, and
about forty-five old and young peo-
owned considerable property in
. . r . 1 I
North Platte but uad not oeen aoie of county affairs. it is a ticket
to perform manual labor for a num- wllich COmmends itself; it needs no
ber of years. About 18 years ago, defense no apologies. It is a ticket
during the most severe wind storm f which every republican can
perhaps that has ever visited this work for with a hearty good-will,
section, the round uonse was .d this they will do The per.
wrecked and, togetuer witii several , f th ti k t ba o-reatlv dis
fear the
fnnhliran nnmt-
i ... -i i.
nees, and iney win prooaoiy at
tempt to wage a bitter and under
handed fight against the republi
can ticket. But their efforts in
this direction will be of no avail.
sustained injuries at the
which rendered unfit to do
He leaves a step daughter, who
is married and lives in Washington
pie participated in the event. The state; and a wife who was visiting The republican ticket is strong and
cozv home was redolent with her at the time of his death. clean, and will come out victorious
fragrance of potted and cut flowers, Mrs. mauer was summuueu im- at the polls
the large parlors being beautifully mediately by telegram, and a repiy
ornrotprl wllif-h tnorpHier With tUe Was TeCeiVeU lO UU1U LUC icuiaiiio -Ln ."'"b
'-"l ' ' o I . I , r 1 J
4 .r , x- ,.nf;i cLnrnmP Rlif is pvriected U. Holder tor cnairraan anu secre
many cueenui iaces, iciaau annua- "' r . ,
ohere to the affair that was ex- Thursday morning when the funer- tary respectively of the county cen
omoi.r niMcmir al will occur from the
j t O '
The afternoon was largely devot- church
ed to social converse. Several ot
energetic and aDie campaigners
fhp nnrtv were called uoon lor a
song or instrumental number and
they responded pleasantly.
About 5 o'clock tea was announc
ed by the hostess, and the party
repaired to the dining room to find
awaiting them, not merely a hurr
ried lunch, but a spread of delica-
(Omaha Bee)
On Thursday, October 7th, in the
trial of the suit brought by the
State of Nebraska to recover on the
official bond ot ex-Treasuer Bart
ley, in the district court of Douglas
county, presided over by Judge
Powell, John C. Cowin and Frank
T. Ransom, as attorneys for the
bondsmen, offered to show that
Governor Holcomb knew of the
shortage before he approved the
bond. The statement of Mr. Cow-
in, as taKeu down oy me omciai
court reporter, is as follows:
"Mr. Cowin: The answering de
fendant sureties offer to prove by
this witness, G. M. Bartlett. that
at the close of the term of the de
fendant Bartley's incumbency of.
the office-of state "treasurers - Jan u--ary
2, 1895, there was a meeting of
the treasurer, Bartley, and the gov
ernor of the state of Nebraska,
Silas A. Holcomb, .tor the purpose
of producing an accounting of the
treasurer of the funds and property
in his hands belonging to the state
i. e., belonging to the state treas
urer's office, as provided in section
17, of page 128, of the Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska, 1897; the
answering surety defendants then
. ... I n.nnnnn 4--k -f Al 1 - r "flio f- toctimntiv
Catholic tral committee.the members ot that k y
committee and the convention nom- "P with testimor-y trom tms wit-
mistake. Both are aess and otuer witnesses snowing
that at that meeting held for the
, o SOIICI Ul LUC uoa gico
other railroad employesx had a very turbed the populists, they
narrow-escape with -his life. - He str th o the r'epublicai
In selecting J. E. Evans and W.
inees made no
SUTHERLAND. Unpro-etic and able
The Epworth League held a very well acquainted with the political purpose aforesaid, the defendant,
pleasant social at the residence of conditions of the county, and they Bartley, presented a. statemen
Chas. Cockle on Friday evening. will map out and carry into execu- with which he claimed he wz
not accept the nomination if given.
tm;;o iM-irlo flip ivav rlpar for
TTrtHVv- anfl L the ormal ballot he provided tor, the guests withdrew
A..wai 1 T"T "
received 45 votes and later his nom-
a r r j a . . j
a F. Idd nirs came in on iNo. 1 Uinn n winninn- fitrht: but to do th s s .
- " o o - i . j : i. it. .
on Thursday afternoon. thev need the assistance of the M-" ,aifaic",c"1
Straw hats and shirt sleeves rank and file of the oartv. We
... - . . mf I . 1
-v :M TVinreln xr flif Cir I Ti 4Z A si4- nor;rfotio will f tOc
Y Ci w 114 wia i XCC1 tUUUUCUL Lino aaaioittuwu u
I IT 1 . i 4-1.A oil 4At1 . 1 1 1.1
cies tnat was nt iur iuc must j m j o
Foicurean aooetite. The inner man and oyster stews were in demand
about com-
inntmn was made unanimous. He
thanked the convention for the rec-
odnition it had given him.
For county judge A. S. Baldwin
was nominated on the first formal
E. A. Crosby will take possesion
i rrr,; l ?cf Pnpd ot tue ijuion rancu UUS WeCh.
I T T , T" j J .u m I n n
tn spvpml nleasing- instrumental enry uaS
cplprtJnnc; until the lanre baud Ot picicu u u,.wb.
fi,p i;r indirnted fhat it was D. LiOTC has taken up ms aooue
t;..,P tn home. the Talhuadge dwelling.
It was a day pleasantly spent and
those who enioved Mr, and Mrs.
ba lot, receiving sixty-two votes. - - . Thnrdav
. , y, , i Mever s "-enerous hospitality think on 1 nursoa .
Miss Bertha Thoelecke was nom- yert bcuciuua i j rvuc
in the convention.
While awaitjng the report of the Jon sheriff, and resulted as follows:
pommittee' qn resolutions, Judge' Claude Weingan 35. W. E4. Price 4,
Roagland delivered a short address j p. A. Baker 4, p. T. Rice 14. R. A,
to the convention. When he had1 McMurray 5. 'Enoch Cummings 2,
inated for county superintendent,
receiving 58 votes on the first for
mal ballot.
On motion the rules were sus
pended, and Chas. P. Ross nomi
nated for county surveyor by accla
mation and Dr. N. F. Donaldsoq
fpr coroner. .
A resolution was adopted eim
powering the county cgqtral com
niittee to fill any vacaucy which
.... - ! m
miirht occur on the ticket, antique
convention adjourned
The delegates from the First
district then held a conven
tion and nominated "Wm. Wood-
hurst, of North Platte Precinct No.
3, for commissioner.
Following the convention the
members of the county central com
mittee and the nominees held a
meeting and elected John E. Evans
chairman and W. C. Elder secreta
ry of the committee.
To advertise our college we will
give a thorough course of instruc
tion in double and single entry
Book-keeping and Commercial
Arithmetic by mail tree of charge
to a limited number of .persons.
ruis coupe wii be completed in
forty lessons. No charsre for di-
plomas. Address: The American
Business College. Omaha, Nebras
them ideal entertainers.
Those who took part were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
he was chargeable with funds to
amount of $958,078.75 at the
close of January 2d, and to com
mence the second term on re-elec-
The present republican campaign tion January 3d, the amount which
is one of the shortest in the history the state alleges and has attempted
of the county, and earnest work to prove by this witness he was
from now until the close of the chargable with at the commence-
polls will be necessary. The can- ment of his term, alleged to have
didates are losing no time m get- commenced January 3d, 1892. The
Messrs. Winner, Parton and Bow- s ,uvu8 I au3"tli"b u"v-uuuu 0"lv-t,l-
111 t. LI. 4.:.. ! r.l.n-4- will I . 4- 1 ... 4t ..mIU
man of Elsie were on our streets luuSu LUC Llluc suw u . piupusc wiuiww f im
probably succeed in visiting eacn timony that the detendant, $art-
i 1 1 1.1. C 4-V.o i , 1 -1 . , x,.l. C
White has received a new precinct, snon steicu iuc iey, aid not nave iudt iimuuui,ui
candidates will oe given in tnese funds on hand at that time at the
G. C
line of dry goods,
John Murray
John Keliher
Chas. Ell
Harry Flke,-
H. C. Rennie
Joe Schtz
Geo. Austin
J,oe Herrod
Joe Knddy
Tim Keliher
AT;il tnrtt- in rliP cirrhfc ,nf COlUOinS.
Patou on v riday. While the American Business
S, A. Hultman is sp'ending the c efre. Omaha .Neb., now offers
Oertrude Rehhausen
Anna Rehhausen
Nellie Austin
AUco Grace
Stella Blank
E. A. Garlichs
Frank Murray
August Wilms
Geo. Austin, Jr.
LQUHurns of Sqq City
Marv Rebhausen
Lena Schatz
Gertrude Friend
Anna Keliher
John Schatx
Tom Healey
John Ell
John Sullivan
week near Bradv Island election
Ppter and Auirust Linirblown of
o o
Elsie were on our streets Friday.
Jacob Koch of Nowell precinct
lmc: nnrrliased a field of corn of
Walter Beauchanan.
to give a complete business course I
bv mail free of tuftion. we would
advise our young people to investi
gate the matter and profit by it.
Send us the names and addresses of
three or more performers on the piano
close of January 2 and the com
mencement of January 3d, 1895,
and that there was at that time
a shortage of more than $350,000;
that that shortage was known to
the irovernor of the state of Ne
braska aforesaid at that time, and
that it accrued during the term of
office of defendant Bartley beiore
the 2d or 3d of January, 1895, and
that time or at any other time.
Tr IlnUr,, monf t-n "7rrf ll "Plnf tp
,uu' "um OPorfTan wether with ten cents m silver , ..J c: MCp
n TTrJrlnvtn 1nnk- after camoaiirn " l:r"D " a f " .i7" :i rnat tue anegeu pumu. xav..
v J. v.. - i J I 111 UUDKlLCi UUU VI D Hill U1U11 , UU KU I , i ,
mattPr.; pieces full sheet music, consisting oths thus to be controverted as io tue
I . . i - . i r j
Prof McVev has the republican popular songs, waltzes, marcnes, etc., ar- amount of funds Bartley, oeienu
irrui. mv-v.jr uoo i. ranged for the piano and organ. Address . -. -a it the close
minationfor superintendent in Popular Music Pen. Co. Indianapolis, ant, received and had at the close
Ind. ot January anu iuc wut,i,y.u-
ment ot January 3, 1895. That this
There is more Catarrh m this section -fMOCO Wic r.rpspnt at suck meet-
ing and can testify to tue torego-
Keith county and a Mr. Kelley trom
Ojralallv is acting as subsitute at
Sutherland during the campaign.
Several parties from here at
tended the festival at Denver. The
eforv is out that one of them tried
injr facts of his own knowledge."
What a Prominent Insurance Man Says.
TT M. Blossom, senior member of H.
ojuteiy Pure
fielebrated for its loavenlnc strength
and heaUafulness. Assures the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration common
to the cheap bracus.
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable, bor a
; great many years doctors pronounced it
i- Wotuiii nnt ,Pnimn ' remedies, and by constantly failing to M. Blossom & Co, 217 N. 3d St., St
not succeed. We will not mention . . . i'' it Tnls. writes: I had been left with a
his name. incurable. Science has proven catarrh very distressing cough, the result of in-
to be a constitutional disease, and the re Huenza, which nothing feeraeu 10 re-
r tr fcTS f n nPr wepk ' foro requires constitutional treatment, lieve. until I took Ballard s Horehound
fnntnrnrl hv I Rrrnn. One bOltlQ Completely UUretl
v vnn ,v?rrir ncriir nrnntifiiT T ni.., s. rpi j rh,n ia tha i ma i cent nne UOLL1B lo my BISIOL wu-j
A hrand new thinff ' Write only constitutional cure on the market, had a severe cough, and she found im-
, , j i ib mKon lULoriiiiiiy in uutsa uuiu iu iucuioid -- . -
us toouick! lou will be surprised at onc,, fi Tf nnfa i;pwtiv Uhia wrnn tn mv friends.
how easy it can be done. Send ns ! on the blood and mncous surfaces of the John Cranston 903 iiamsnire tree
,.rn,i(innvu"iV Tf .m1 hp trt system, inoy onerone nunureu uonars umcy,au.;
your address anyway. It wilbetOj J anycasei fails to cure. Send for lard's Horehound Syrup superwr to any
your interest to investigate, "tei - dte ti Ial Address, other cough medicine I have ever known.
tOrdav. Address; F J fiHF,NEY& CO.. Toledo. O. It never disappoints, fnceaand ouc-.
People's' 3941 Market St.. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Sold by The North Platte Pharmacy
, Philadelphia, Pa. Hall's Family Pills are the best. '7 1 J. E. Bush, Mgr. 2
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