The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1897, Image 1

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    6 Nrt
yol. mi.
NO. 3T.
Commpnoincr TTriflflV A-nril 93rl pnn- I Best Moquett Carpet 5,1.10 per yard
Y.ummIlc naayi April oa, con- BeBt Pluh Velvet Carpet from 85 ctBto 81i05 per yard
SIStmg 01 VYaSll VtOOQS, bilks and I Best Body Brussels from 81.05 to 51.20 per yard
DreSS GrOOds. I Axminsters 81-20 per yard
i Tapestry Brussels from GOc to 85 cents
1200 pairs Of Children's Black Bicycle A full line of 2 and 3 ply ingrain Union and all wool
Hose, never sold less than 16c;they go gffi.MlfiT'' faT0rab'6
at this Sale foi' 10c per pair. Borders to match with every pattern wo show.
Monl'ni-nnr, r, 1,K,4 I CARPET LINING Wo nave 5 different qualities from
Mackintoshes men S and ladies? 2K cents to 10 cents per yard.
USt in, a Complete line. Bring your Patent moth and insect proof lining, where no moths,
catalogues along. We can save you j buffaI Pests or insects w,u buriw
monev. I SHOES Do not forget that our stock is complete
and prices that will please.
These prices above mentioned are just a few of our many bargains new to the old time mer
chants who buy and sell on time. They will sell you staples at-or telow cost and then, roast you
to a "nice brown" on other lines. Our motto "Onward." We have all the confidence we want.
The sensitive part of man is his pocket book.
Thanking you for past favors and soliciting your patronage, yours for one price,
No. 3496
First National Bank, 1
pring Planting
Fresk Garden and Field Seeds
either in bulk or packages. These seeds come from one
of the most reliable growers in the country and we can
recommend them as fresh. We have also received our
spring stock of
the Hardware Line we carry a full stock.
! F. j. BROEKER,
. . .
Attention is invited to our
New Line of Spring Suitings-
Suits rr;ade to order it) a workmanlike
nyayyer aijd perfect -fit Quaraijteed.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
IDIaaaa-eirrfceu Spectacles.
Dexitsolie .-Ajpotlieke
Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
SALE at The
"will soon be here and we are ready
to supply you with
Who no one owes
Cleaning, Repairing I
and Dyeing.
Miss Kate Barker returned the
early part of the week from a visit
with friends at Paxton.
C. F. Iddings returned to-day
from a business trip to Sidney and
other towns along- the road.
ueputy biienir .Lenon was in
the west part of. the county Wed
nesday on official business
Alex Russell, Al Wright,
Henry Rebbausen and the two
Sawyer boj-s left this morning for a
few days' shooting up west.
The weather forecast: Rain
and cooler to-night and Saturday.
The highest temperature at North
Platte was 70 degrees; one year ago
63 degrees.
It is said that the work train
will be here in about two weeks to
remain about three months, and
will work about sixty men
alla-ewsrrr-c... -
I desire by this means to ex
press my sincere thanks to the
friends who so kindly assisted me
during- the illness and death of
my wife. Warren Lloyd.
S. P. Delatour, formerly of this
city, returned this week from
Texas with 200 head of cattle, which
he has placed on his Deuel county
ranch. He will go back after more.
While in Ogalalla a few days
ago C. P. Ross made an address
before the newly organized Y. M.
C. A. of that placs, in which, savs
the News, he gave a good many
valuable suggestions for our work.
"Owney," the celebrated rail
way postal dog was shot in Cleve
land a few days ago for attempting
to bite a postal clerk. "Owney"
traveled over the Union Pacific sys
tem, the last time about two years
The largest acreage of alfalfa
ever sown in this locality will be
put in this spring Charles
Wood, of North Platte, has about
completed his new residence on his
farm west of here, Four or five
parties residing1 in this vicinity
will each plant four or five acres of
watermelons this season W.
W. Young has ordered 1.700
pounds of wire for the new tele
phone line from this place to the
headgate of the old canal company
ditch. Hershev Review.
The news from Europe is of an
exciting character, and the pros
pect seems good for considerable of
a scrap between little Greece and
Turkey. If the other European
powers stand back they will see one
of the bloodiest fights that countrv
has witnessed for some time. The
news has had a decided effect on
the markets in this country, es
pecially in wheat.
American exports of iron and
steel in 1S96 were 125 per cent
greater than than they were in
1895, the amount having- been 205.-
367 tons last year as against 89,000
tons the year before. This extra
ordinary increase is significant be
cause it was not the result of any
unusual condition here or elsewhere
but followed as a result of legiti
mate trade enterprise and competi
To Omaha, Chicago and points in
Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PA
CIFIC in connection with the C. &
N. W. Ry. offers the best service
and the fastest time. Call or write
to me for time cards, rates, etc
N.B. Olds, Agent.
George Brown spent Sunday
North Platte.
Mrs. M. McGovern anddaugl:
May week the guests ot Maxwell
friends Saturday.'
Mrs. Emily Plummer and Mrs
Anna Dolan spent two days
North Platte last -.week.
Mrs. G. W. Roberts returned
from North Platte Tuesday morn
Mr. Chas. Burke ot Denver was
town Wednesday morning. He
bought cattle at Willard and spent
Wednesday night with his mother.
Mrs. Burke on the south side.
Brownfield Bros, of Gothenburg
purchased four car loads of cattle
and hogs from John McCullough,
W. H. and A. W. Plummer the past
A daughter of Mr. Hays is visit
ing at her father's home this week.
lour correspondent oio noc learn
the lady's name. .
Arthur W. Horne and Michael
McCullough Sundayed in North
Mrs. Julius Essig and children
spent Friday and Saturday in North
Mrs. Charles Heudy came down
from North Platte to the Hendy
ranch Wednesday morning.
Our road supervisor has been
doing some good work on our roads
the past week.
Charles Kuhns made a business
trip to North Platte Tuesday,
Mr. Chas. Burke left for Omaha
Friday morning.
Mr. Henry Appleford spent Fri
day in Gothenburg.
John r ve and tamily came in
from Missouri a short time
and will this this year farm the
Denny place W. C. Blackmore
has been quite sick the past week,
and Dr. Bartholomew, of Gothen
burg, was up Thursday to help
straighten him out The ap
pearance of the bank building has
been considerably , improved by a
couple of coats of paint Chas.
Richards has purchased of Nels
west of town Easter passed
of! very quietly at this place
Abe Dunkle sheared his sheep this
week. The crop weighed some
what over2,000 pounds James
Laughlin has been quite sick the
past month, but is now able to be
around Rumor has it that
Albert Wilson, of Paxton, will soon
become a resident of Sutherland.
Mesdames Carpenter and
llsworth transacted business at
the county seatMondav Gust
Dringman and E. E. Binegar com
menced work on the section Mon
day morning Geo. Dugan,
who left this section some months
ago lor Missouri, is now on the road
back. Since leaving here he has
been in Kansas.Missouri and Iowa,
and judging by this Lincoln county
cannot be the worst place on earth,
David Hunter transacted bus-
insss in Paxton Tuesday
Mortimer Johnson is this week rust
icating on his farm south of town.
Willis Record, of Keith coun
ty. Sundayed with friends in this
village Roscoe Zimmer, of
Paxton, was a Sutherland visitor
last Monday. New Comer,
Advertised -Letters.
List of lotters remaining uncalled for
in the post office at North Platte, Neb.,
for the week ending April 22, 1897
Foster M F Lindberg Peter E
Goldsmith T Sheldon A T
Hope A S Snavelv Ogallala
Koch William Wood V T
Law Chas Wood Milton
Clark Mrs L (Photograph)
Johnson Mrs John
Johnson Laura E
Persons calling for above will please say
advertised." M. W. Clair, Postmaster.
William Wood, a
brakemau, fell under the cars at
Elk Creek Wednesday and was
almost instantly killed.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength
and healthf nlness. Assures the food against
alnm and all forms of adulteration common
to the cheap brands.
Boyaii bakikg Powder CO.. New tork
, Wm. Seely has moved to his farm
the househerecentfy purchased of R.
G. Merrell at Dickens. He was as
sisted by W. A. Iatimer. W.
R. Lemmons is doing the carpenter
work on S. I. McConnel's house.
111 Eli Ridgley is building a sod
house on his farm northeast of
town D. E. Jolliff has rented
Alex Green's farm and will bach"
and grow corn this summer
The prairie east of town caught fire
Saturday evening in some unknown
manner, but the flames were ex
tinguished before doing much dam
age. Some think J. F. Brittain
started the fire, but he denies
doing so W. E. Gartrell has
built a 12x18 addition to his resi
dence Lee Smith is getting to
be quite a jojekey. He has traded
teams twice lately and has a better
team than he started out with.
Mrs. Jiara iuiowies was a
North Platte visitor Thursday, as
was also J. F. Brittain. O. H,
Milliken has about completed the
work of assessing this precinct,
A. Kunkle will ship cattle
to market about May 1st
Charley and Lewis Hublitz have
taken the two claims vacated by
the Rheu boys in Willow precinct
W. R. Lemmons has about
decided to locate in this country.
He likes to see it rain Rev,
D. L. McBride will preach at the
Little Medicine school house on
Saturday before the second Sunday
at two oclock and the fourth Sun
day at eleven o'clock. He will
preach at Somerset the second
Sunday at eleven o'clock, and in
the evening of the same day at
Ash Grove. Aunt Jack,
Editor Tribune- -It is said that
with every returning spring "hope
springs eternal in the breast of the
farmers." With the farmers of
northeast Lincoln county there
seems to be no great exception to
the general rule.
Not for several years has the
ground been ladened with more
.moisture than at present. There
has been a notable absence of high
drJ winds which has charac
terized and prevailed in Nebraska
in the last few years.
However, crops are not made or
assured by a propitious spring open-
In some cases quite the contrary.
We have had very good and bounti
ful corn crops on very short stalks.
and sometimes little or no
large and tall corn stalks.
corn on
In the
first case the fore part of the sea-
son was what is .characterized as
being dry and the latter part of the
of the season a plentiful supply of
moisture fell, forcing a good yield
of corn on small stalks. In the
second case the fore part of the sea
son was wet, growing a large stalk
and the latter part of the season
was dry, there not falling enough
moisture to. make but little corn
and in some cases no corn at all.
Tlie same may be said of small
nrmtn T71i n f- c OP m t n rrl r wne rnni
LUlli) II JwW.ll 11) IJ UO Will
ing a good crop of wheat and oats
has been blighted or cut short by a
lack of necessary moisture at the
time seed was forming and ma
turing. On the "other hand late
sowing, poor stand, bad cultiva
tion the cereal has made a fair crop
by a maximum amount of rain fall
at the time the seed was forming
and maturing. Other years only
the best prepared and cultivated
land have given any fair yield or
return of the seed sown.
These facts lead us to but one
conclusion and it is this: That if
the farmer would be a successful
crop grower in Lincoln county he
must be able to keep the crop grow-
r until the seed is matured. To
reduce to a minimum crop failure,
we are told to irrigate, fertilize and
intensively cultivate the. surface
This latter method is to conserve
the moisture and Increase the depth
of unused moisture from year to
year, storing the moisture down
deep in the soil to be used in a year
of possible drouth. Irrigation.
fertilization and intensive soil cul
ture are old methods in theory and
practice. Not all lauds are sit
uated or suited tQtheabove methods
on as large a scale of farming as
farmers haye'beeu in thehabit of cul
tivating in the last few years with
out a very large out lay to the indi
vidual farmer on the first start.
Too much ground has been taken
to cultivate in many cases. Acres
with scarcly reasonable limit have
been planted and while yields have
been most bountiful in good sea-
-Boston Store-
-jfe 3fe
Wc have just unpacked a fine line of Ladies Trimmed
Hats, Sailors, Children's Bonnets, Walking Hats and Tatn
O'Shanters that will be sold at prices which are sure to suit
the purchaser, We extend a cordial invitation to all ladies to
come and look at this line before Easter Sunday.
-"We are making a special low cut price on all our Dress
Goods. 'For instance, twenty-five pieces of all-wool 40-inch
wide Black Jackords at 50 cents per yard, worth 85 cents.
Twenty-five pieces of all-wool, silk mixed Novelty Goods,
worth 60 cents per yard, the entire dress pattern with trim
mings complete, for S3. 15. Black Ettemin Cloth at 25 cents
per yard, worth 45 cents. Henriettas and Serges in all wool,
yard wide; we lurnish the entire dress pattern with trim
mings complete, for $2.95.
JTGLOVES Poster Kid Gloves in all colors, at 95 cents
per pair. White Chamois Skin Gloves at 98 cents per pair.
JESfBELTS In all styles from 23 cents up
J5STVEILINGS The grandest display of veiling in the
city from 12 cents up.
JSST"SHOES Ladies Oxfords going from 85 cents up. San
dals in black, tan and ox blood at $1.45. Fifty pairs of ladies
fine lace shoes worth $2, for $1.23. Men's shoes from$1.15 up.
Yours for great bargains,
Dry Goods. Shoes. Millinery. Carpets. Furnishings.
We are still selling goods at the prices quoted in our last ad
been the general rule. Smaller
farms and better improved methods
of farming are gaining favor. The
more conservative farmers are cul
tivating smaller acres and using
more thorough and diversified meth
ods of general farming. A thor
ough reading of agricultural papers
and attending and taking part in
farmers' institutes will be found to
be very helpful to the one who is
trying to make farming a success.
Oh, but farming is old, says one.
So are other professions' ana-'the
men who make their respective call
ing a success are the men who
study their business in detail.
I once heard an old settler say
hat a man could work his arms off
and then die poor and I am inclined
to believe he was about right It
akes management along with phys
ical strength in any country to
make farming pay, and western Ne
braska is not different from other
places in this respect.
W. A, Gregg,
Willard, Neb., April 20th, 1897.
John L. Sturgeon, a farmer living
just on the edge of Columbus mar
keted 1,500 head of sheep last Fri
day, which he had fed just sixty
days and which netted him a profit
of $1,600. or a trifle over $1 clear
per head. Mr. Sturgeon thinks
this is a good way to dispose of 10-
cent corn and $3 hay. Many others
are feeding stock in Platte county
and it is thought almost impossible
o lose money on the transaction,
t is said that one heavy feeder
near Columbus will make several
thousand dollars on stock this
Contpaetop and Builder,
4-ft, 6-f t. 8-f t, 9-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft, 14-f t
and 16-ft Wheels back geared.
DEAL STEEL 10 and 12-foot
Wheels in direct stroke, and IDEAL
I am again in posititon to supply
he people of North Platte with a
superior quality of pure ice frozen
rom well water. It is as clear as
crystal and of good thickness; not
rozen snow and slush. A trial
order will convince you of its
quality. I have plenty to last
through the season.
Matter of the application of Oscar L. Sparling
for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that Oscar L. Sparling
did upon the 23d day of April, A. D. 1897, file his
implication to the city, council of North Platte, Ne
braska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors on the middle one-third of Lot 5.
Block 103, Spruce Street, First ward, in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from the
jsi aay oi aay, jkh, to we 1st any or 3iay, 1833. i
If there be no objection, remonstrance or pro- i
icsmicu wiiuxu ito weens irom me aa aay or i
April, A. D. 1SOT, the said license will be granted.
oscar r. BPATiT.TVrt Anf
from $24 to $45.
Imported Dress Suitings
FROM S2S TO $70.
Goods ?fafan teed and per
fect fit. Give us a trial.
Don't let man or beast suffer
with pain when you can get
Medicines at these prices: . .
SI Bottle Hood's Sarsaparilla Tocts
SI bottle Liver and Kidney Cure 50c
$1 bottle Indian Blood Purifier 50c
SI bottle Jaynes Alterative 75c
50c Cough Medicines 40c
25c Pills, all kinds 20c
SI bottle Stramonium Liniment 40c
SI bottle Radcliffs Golden Wonder . ,75c
SI bottle Gargling Oil 75c
50c Centaur Liniment 35c
50c Pain Killer 25c
50c Blackhavvk Liniment 25c
25c Nerve and Bone Liniment 15c
25c Pain Killer 15c
25c Gargling Oil 20c
21c Farrel's Arabian Liniment 15c
Corner Sixth & Vine Sts.
(No. 7654)
will make the season of 1897 at the
irrigation fair grounds. Service
limited to ten choice mares.
Sunlight by Sundance, dam Vera
by Belvoir. Full pedigree can be
found in Wallace's Trotting Reg
ister. Terms:
$25 with usual return
R. G. Southers.
Carl Brodbeck,
Fresh Smoked and
Salted Meats.
Having re-opened the City Meat
Market, opposite the Hotel Neville,
I am prepared to furnish customers
with a choice quality of meats of
all kinds.
A share of your patronage is re
spectfully solicited.
A full line Fruit Trees op Best
Varieties at Hard Times Prices.
Small fruits in great supply. Mil
lions of Strawberry Plants, very thrifty
and well rooted. Get THE BEST near
home and save freight or express. Send
for price-list to NORTH BEND NUR.
SERIES, North Bend, Dodge Co., Neb.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can thlaie
of some alapto
Protect -tout Mm. th ... .is wprnwif
Bwr w.bV.. kT li.c .UU--? Attest Attar.
"i'i'u"u'" , , .rpj. wor weir uuj prise offer
ad Hat ot two auacred laT&atlosa wanted.