Km TOL. JUL SOBTH PLAITE, MBEAKKA, ERIDAI BVBSDTG, APRIL 16, 1897.. BO. r t .1 All wx)l Serge, iff inches wide, 3S cts. per yard Cycling Tweeds, latest tiling- oat, 30 in. wide 12K cts A gsod O a ting Flannel 6 cents Best Mogfcett Carpet 31-10 per yard Best Plush Velvet Carpet from So ctrto 31.05 per yard Beat Body Brussels from SLOo to 5L20 per yard r 7Qr Sar Henrietta baif wool, 36 in. wide IS cts ; Axminsters SL20 per yard 2C A beautiful line of Lace Certains at 54 cents to8i-3S per Tapestry Brussels from 60c to So cents sSS g pair. These curtains are worth from oc to 36 a pair I A full fee of 2 and 3 ply ingrain Union and ail wool White Bed Spreads, tx to 3L7S. usual price 3L00 to j Carpets at prices that will compare favorable with SSSS L50 each. . j Chicago, Omaha and Lincoln. ) Genuine MarciIIe Bed Spreads Silo j Borders to match with every pattern we show. W C beei Llon Towels eer sold in the city ior 55 cents CARPET LTXIXG We have 5 different qualities from per pair. 2 cents to 10 cents per yard. W l Keosfra Turkey Red Damiaesk, worth 50c, at 35c per yd . Patent moth and insect proof lining, where no moths, Wft Full Bleached aft linen Table Cloth, worth 52-50, at 3L25 ( buffalo pests or insects will burrow. Full Bleached all liaenSTRbie Cloth, worth 15c. at 50 cts . jjST SHOES Do not forget that our stock is comolete Wt BsM Bleached all linecfTabfe Cloth, worth 50c, at 35 cts ! f and prices that will please. , Sr In order fix- yewi to appreciate our pricS come and compare tfaesi with. Omaha and sS Lincoln's leading- dry goods hooses (we have their price lists here in our store) and $$ be convinced, that we can, and do, save yon money on the same quality of goods. Do S m not send yocr money to eastern cities, for we need your money and yonneed the goods. H TOURS TO PLEASE, I No-3435 1 I First National Bank, W XOHTH FLA.TTE, XEU. M tlggfe. CAPITAL, - - $50,000. if SURPLUS,- - $22,500. jl $j; fi -Vniur McNamara, - Cashier. A general banking business Spring P m um mmm i i 1 1 i imi ii iw i n i i LANTING will soon be here and we are ready to supply you with Fresh Garden and Field Seeds ' MTvvS PE0M TEE J , COXmiSYrEECIHOTS. -- 5uTHESLAS3 ZTEvvS. As 'Citizen seems to be taking a rest I will send you a few items. E. Coates and wife visited friends in North Platte on Sunday. W. E. Alhs has purchased tract of iand of Mrs. Jno. Coker. J. W. Dixon, of Gretna. !Neb., visiting his brother Fred. Dr. Duncan, of North Piatte, has been attending- G. C. White's little boy the past week. union seea is oeisjr ptadtea in large quantities on the lots ad joining town, and Sutkerlaad will be in a position to supply tbe state, hail permitting. Chas. Wood, who had been a res- ident of North Platte for a kmir -4-tirne--hasxesinienced lin-ir oe ks homestead near town and has erected a small irame house there on. SutheriandTs new hotel is aeanir- ing an enviabte reputatioe as a first class hostierv and travel insr men gather in by -car load lots.'" J. H. Sandy, of Gretna. Neb., is looking after his land interests hi this locality. -Astin Lock, of North Platte, visited his best girl on Sendar. passable gan raining and a but Sunday night it be- boat would now be a very desirable piece of prop erty. A number of carloads of gravel were sent Monday to be used at a point about four miles east, where the track was under water. Mrs- Henry Ehllers returned from Grand Island Sunday, where she had been to : r i iuntrai. Frank Nugent came over from Cottonwood Saturday and stayed over Sunday with? Miss Mamie, his sister, who is taking chanre of the store in her father's absence. ueo. surse, or umana, came in Tue soar with four carloads-or, cat tle, to be fed at Peter ' Burke's rancn. x a is is tne second con signment this week. A public auction was held here Tuesday. Mortgaged property was sold to satis fr debts contracted bv LDel Ouerer. C. H. Kuh-ns snent Wednesday in North Platte. i mite a nnmoer at hosts were broug-ht here Tuesday. 1 z. Hell" says Judge Edgar Howard of the Papiiiioa Times, "is full of ! a better quality of justice than that ! dispensed in Nbraska." f Herman Easeka, a prosperous! ttand'her fathers i fermer Uvia" near Lei commit-j tt lcu suiciae jaonaar dt nanging himself in a ban;. He was tem porarily insane- The Dixon Tribune states that j the creamerv at that nlace nam- IS t r cents for railk in March. This is clear of expenses. A good" i show ing. m y The people of North Loup gave an entertainment the other eveninjr and sent the proceeds to the Ar menian relief commission. Other towns should follow the example. The remains of Abram Hill, j-armer iiYiug near oi. i'aui, we tound in the hills Monday. He had wa ndered away from home a few day before and perished in a storm. C. W. Tines, a young- man livinsr near Lincoln has been arrested on the charge of stealing a horse and buggy. He claims to have taken the property whf le under a hypnot ic spell. MILLINERY AT THE in from Dr. Plumb of Gothenburg was town SatardaT. Miss Elliott came down Maxwell Saturday and is visitinsr with her sister Mrs. Baker. W. G. GrnSn and wife of Gothen burg risited in town Saturday. E. L. Mathewson transacted bus iness in Gotbejibws: Satasdav. Several new roerabers joined the Home Foroam Saturday night. After the iastallation refreshments were served and very pleasant time was esj&yed by ail. Messrs. Parsoas and Mareott were Gotheaberg visitors Satur day. Little Fior Giffin is reported to be Terr sick with kmg fever. A Mr. Davis, sepresenting the McCocaiick Reaper 0.. spent sev eral days in town this week. Beatty & Mnrpiiy shipped two cars of boffs to Osnaha Thursday. Night operator A. Gilbert has be transferred to fee eastern part of the state. Mr, AlHsen takes his place here. The heavy rains at the fore part Boston Store We have just unpacked a fine line of Ladies Trimmed Hats, Sailors. Children's Bonnets, Walking Hats and Tarn O'Shanters that will be sold at prices which are sure to suit the purchaser. We extend a cordial invitation to all ladies to come and look at this line before Easter Sunday. ah reH of the week were very destructive to the sod houses in this vincinity. H. C. Caver and family were obliged to move to town, their house beinsr completely reined by the storm. Miss Nellie Grace left for Omaha Thursday night for a short visit with friends. Frizzles. Perhaps one of the largest cherry orchards aorth of the Platte river was planted by the Boone county nursery at Albion last spring. 1,000 trees, with almost a perfect stand. iK iriarce center tsignai says that Jad-ere J. J. Sullivan will be the nominee of the people's party next fall for a seat on the supreme bench- That lets out William Neville, asd is also a severe blow to John Kirkpe trick. A total of fQ0 is now offered for the arrest of the murderers of David Jones. Gasre county offers the state $200 and the heirs of the deceased S20Q. The offer of the county is to include expenses of ar rest, except sa:h as are otherwise provided for. DRESS GOODS. We are making a special low cut price on all our Dress Goods. For instance, twenty-five pieces of all-wcol 40-inch wide Black Jackords at 50 cents per yard, worth S5 cents. Twenty-five pieces of all-wool, silk mixed Novelty Goods, worth 60 cents per yard, the entire dress pattern with trim mings complete, for S3.I5. Black Ettemin Cloth at 25 cents per yard, worth 45 cents. Henriettas and Serges in all wool, yard wide; we iumish the entire dress pattern with trim mings complete, for 52. 55. 5STGLOYES Foster Kid Gloves in all colors, at 95 cents per pair. White Chamois Skin Gloves at 9S cents per pair. JS-BELTS In all styles from 23 cents up. VEILINGS The grandest display of veiling in the city from 12 cents up. SSHOES Ladies Oxfords going from S5 cents up. San dals in black, tan and ox blood at $1.45. Fifty pairs of ladies" fine lace shoes worth $2, for 51.23. Men's shoes from$l.I5 up. Yours for great bargains. i? m h? ir30srz,o:i$r stobe. Dry Goods. Shoes. Millinery. Carpets. Furnishings. 4 We are still selling goods at the prices quoted in our last ad commissioner is The labor paring Blanks to send out to the various county clerks, to be by them distributed among the assessors, under the provisions of house roll No. 277. This bill provides that the assessors shall gather the in dustrial statistics of their various precincts, to oe turned, m to tne county clerks, who report the same to the labor commissioner. A sea captain and a lawyer lived i next door to each other. One very windy night the lawyer was read ing a book in his study when a terrific crash upstairs startled him. Upon investigating he found that a chimney had hurled itself through his roof, doing considerable dam age, lie aiscovered it was the sea captain's chimney. down to his library, he pulled his jaw books ana nuntea up simi- e-lar cases, devising and scheming how he -could secure satisfaction rrom the detestable captain. While JQHM tf OLLEfiHDpT, ! MfflffliST TAILOR, I SZPAISJJG ASD CXSA5TJSG Hasten in 2" out he was thus engaged, a note ar rived from his enemy that read as follows: "Sir: If von don't return those bricks at once I will put the matter in the hands of the law." j Chas. Tafter. of jeith county. either in hulk or packages- These seeds come from one p5 a town with hogs on Satnr- oi tne most reiiaaie growers m tne country ana we can recommend them m fresh. We have also received our spring stock of OrJlDlT TOOLS. Im the Hardware Line we carry a full stock. A. Yho no one owes F. T. BROEKER, MERCHANT TAILOR. Attention is invited to our New Lise of Spring Suitings Cleaning, Repairing and yeing. Suits rrjade to order ir; a worhrjjarllke . , . rar;rjr aijd perfect it Quar29te4. FPJCHS PJS llOW RS TfiH ItOWHSTT. 3ri- E. Yates is running Bar krlKad's store while C. W, is oat on the. farm putting in wheat. Joe Perkins, of Grant. Neb., will deliver a lecture at the church in the near future. C. G. Singer will ride the ditch this summer and. rumor says that he has alrady taken at an acci dent policy. Mr. Singer seems to be a very prudent young man and evi dently knows that a shovel handle hurts. W. Holtrv shipped a car load of hogs to Denver last week. H. A. Winner, of Furnas county, has sold a large number of charts to the schools in this locality. J. HarshheM. of West Birdwood, was in town on Wednesdav. Xew Cqmsr. ZASTZB AT XEZ LJFTEERAJS GHUSGH. The following is the order of ser vice in the Lutheran church on Easter morning: L areata. S8BCs. Jtetei .r-mlcraf Zatea. Ktt eaKkkBMtafe QGartet, "3e Ib m&oT Saactes 3rrfcifs5c-r. JigBM HB T.n y r jw , Besartfe. QBartet. Ge4 Batk Snt Sfe BeKdictinB. A Cheveane gentleman. pent STREITZ Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, PA1NTESS' SUPPLIES, WINDOW GLASS, -r MACHINE OILS ?.r..ta Sioeota,cles- few past JDeTitsolie .Apotlieke Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts- Mrs. Fred Baker of North Platte Sunday in town the guest of Mrs. W. Roberts. Peter Burke came ia Saturday afternoon with four carloads of cat tle from Omaaa. Dr. Donaldson was called here on professional business Friday. W. H. C. Woodhurst was in town insuring the McCuilough residence on the Island. Mrs. Huntington spent a days in North Platte the week. The railroad ditch oversowed T" 3 i f isiunuay, rae water reaching the! lawn of W. H. Piumer. Miss Stella Elliot left for the east ern part of the state Saturday morninjr. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Geraghty has been very ill with congestion of the lungs;but is better at this writins". The rail-road bridge no- n- here making repairs on the section house. i It is impossible for children to ! ' "av- .iivrui. uwuic so mere was i no school the first of the week. i We have had a great deal of rain ' the past week; on Saturday the' roads were beginning to be quite bv the s name ot urawtorn, a passenger on No. 2 Wednesday morning, fell off the train between Brady Island and Gothenburg, and was seriously in jured. A Lexington phvsician who was on the train dressed his wounds and made him as comfortable as possible, and. when he reached Sear nev he was restintr fairlv easv but was unable to talk. He had several severe bruises about the head, but so far as known had no bones broken . He had a ticket to Omaha. some small change on his person, and a money order for a consider able amount. Kearnev Hub. The farmers of Nebraska to It bas been said that there could beno cure for internal piles without a surgi cal operations, but over ICO cases cured in Council Brafis, la., bv the use of whom is due the doi!ar-a-tou bounty false. There is a eure and quick perma- provided by statute for the sugar Eent relief for all who suffer with blind, oteeatng- ana protruaing pties. its use causes no pain, even m the most asra- vated cases. It is also a cure foe eoasti- beets they raised the last two vears. know now ia just what light to re gard the populist partv of the state. The legislature has had its opportunity to pay these just obli gations bet has refused to do so. T3EEQRTED SCOTCH STjTHS&S from S24 to $45. Imported Dress Suitings from S28 to 570. Good's guaranteed and per fect fit. Give us a triaL DRUGS CHEAP. man or beast suffer when. von. ran rret pafcion. cstreitz. Price 5L50. For sale bv A. F After a very "wet" stag dinner party at a rrontier post some time as we coaadeniiy predicted it would I ago, the subject that came up for This may not be repudiation, discussion was the Mohammedan a word which appeared to be some- ( belief in fate. To the Musselmans. what offensive to the brethern dur-1 a man's fate is written above and mg t&e late unpleasantness, but jrae time set and nothing can ad it, is neglect to perform an honest vance it. This belief had been duty, to say the very least. Fre- kxisr discussed and very earnestly moat Tribune. I One officer finallv amp nnr? cnwT ! it The damage suit of Crow vs. the Lacrtt was ao. use 01 cscnssing tne U. P. has come toan end, the plain- aa-T ae only way .is tj raise a practical test ot tne question, and that he would give himself as a subject. He drew his pistol and showed that it was loaded. He placed the pistol against his temple and pulled the tnsrsrer. The Dtsioi missed -fir?. "A trick yelled the crowd. The fatalist smiled, and recockingthe pistol, aimed it with a steady hand at the clock on the wall. He fired. and the bullet crashed throoh the "Apologize to "I have alwavs receiving a jnogment against the company for $5000- One nirht about four vears aro. before the passenger depot was moved to the root of Locust street, a Mr. Crow X? "V I T 1 T - ui uiu was KUiea oy oemg run over by a switch engine. The accident occurred at or near the place where the L. P. Telegraph office now stands. His widow sued the com pany and ootamed a judgment ior S5G00- The company secured a center of the dial new trial and the result of the sec- me now. he said Don't let with Dain Medicines at these prices: . . SI Bottle Hood's SarsaparDIa Tacts SI bottle Liver and Kidney Cure 50c $1 bottle Indian Blood Purifier 50c SI bottle Jaynes Alterative 75c 50c Cough Medicines 40c 25e Pills, all kinds IllSte SI bottle Stramonium Liniment.. 40c si Dottle Kadclifis Golden Wonder ..75c SI bottle Garfflinir Oil 75c 50c Centaur Liniment "Jill Js5c 50c Pain Killer ",25c 50c Blackhawk Liniment Sc '25c Ner'e and Bane Liniment ll lloc 25c Pain Killer k 25c 25c Garbling Oil VJ.lVJJ.2ik: 24c Farrel's Arabian Liniment 15c LEWIS E. MYERS, Corner SLrth iYine Stc. THE STANDARD BRED TROTTING STALLION - "SUNLIGHT" - (So. 7654) will make the season of 1S97 at the irrigation fair grounds. Service limited to ten choice mares. ond trial was a judgment against the company in the sum of $2,500. But the company was not yet satis fied asd wasted another whack at law. The attorneys fnr consented readily to a new trial and this trial has just been ended. The result is stated above. Grand Isl and Indepeae at. The readers af this narar wiH li believed in fate. 1 pleased U teara ibet tkere is- at leess i one dreaded disease tbat science has been abe io cure in all its stages, and that is cas&rrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Tree PiEs. Send yocr address toILR Beefcten & Ckx, Cbicaor and get a free sa-npie box -Pr Kins iBs A trial wQl cocvinee you of their merits. These piRs are easy in action and are psriica larly effective in the cure of cocskpa iioo. and sick head ache. Per 3Iaiaria and liver troubles they have been proved mvalB&bie. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deletertioos substance aad to be perehr vegetable. They do noi weaken by their action, but j U2 woe ir. stociflci aad bowels qzeatly invigorate the system. Regular srsa -Es per Box. boki bv A. p. Strettz druggist. " 4 National Turnlest Gymnastic Sunlight by Sundance, dam Vera by Beivoir. " Full pedigree can be found in Wallace's Trottinsr Res'-ister. Terms: 525 privileges. with usual return R. G. Southers. Carl Brodbeck, DEATE3 iy Fresh Smoked and Salted Meats, the only positive core known to the med- j Union at St. Louis. Mo., May 6-9 -but. v,a,arr& bemg a eonsti-' 1S9- The Union Pacific will sell S.SUi tisl tickets at one fare for the round trea-,iBea. KJTs Catarrh Cure is taken L - , uuuu mteFuaily. act as" direct ur,on tre H.,? triP- tov iiraits and roate see and mocoes surfaces of the svstem,!- B. Olbs. Agent. ' thereby destroying the foundation of the ; dEes.aad gtviHgthe patient strength FAST TIME Having re-opened tiie City Meat Market, opposite the Hotel Neville, I am prepared to furnish customers with a choice quality of meats of all kinds. A share of your oatronage is re spectfully solicited. TI REES AND PLANTS. full ma fa matt fruits m meat supply. Mil- line Fectx Trees op Best AmrrriKs at Haed Txxes Peiczs. POWDER Absolutely Pure, ; by bcudtaer a the coostitHtion and as , sistin- nature is. doiag- its work. The ' peopnewes nave o incon raitn. in ! curative power?, tnat thev effer 51- lv- j one THROUGH n&PZ ; lions of Strawberry Plants,, verv thrifty f and well rooted. Get THE BEST near name ana save treurnt or express. Send for price-list to NORTH BEXD VUB SERIES, -North Bend, Dodge CoXeb. EOVALBAKEiJi POWEZB Cj. TORSI Aaorese. Jr. J. Cfeenev z Co. c . . "ToIeio, O. Sold oy all 3roggistT 75c. Hall's Famiiv Pilis are the best. To Omaha. Chicaroand noint irr hnadred doBttis for asv casi that it faik r?ffd IHmois- tne LSIOX PA- ? to oure. Send for hst of testimonials CST.C in connection with the C. & , liN. V. Ey. offers the best service UJi j a 1 and the fastest time. Call or write H rMfifi--111 11109 to me for time cards. 'Protect M ' 1 t Hit ac ftr