WHO KNOWS? As -when the yelic- autiaa t'.r- is hers, r-" snu esxtUs, not doubtful of Puts forth. Etrzr teds -K-iicse hope the wanfcis year Has not the power into fan Toif to teirs Eo we -wiio sadly tread life's eownward. slepe. ChSL blooded, feeble limbed, and cent and grar. Put forth, -while passing, each hia bed of hope Tbas -we nay come apain to youth aadilay. And hrvrk! The'rohia pipes aaain. The stream Shakes cS. the frosty fetters it has 'VTom. The beds, aurakin- Jram their Iricsttn drear:. TJnfeki rejoicing in a spring- newborn And prophesy the Ely aad the reee. So spring xnayjaEae again ts ns. "Kb tnmra? J". I- jaeatan in "The Qnillin Bee." THE PAPER'S VALEDICTORY. A Farsrsreir Issnc That ITcnd ttl-.. oji Orasls to Survivors. Several years ago I was the Omaha SeTKibiicuiTs correspondent in Lincoln., 3eb., the Etate capital, -when the paper changed hands. The new proprietor had a policy in two words, 'Hednce sala riesl" 3k a few months he "was hfrocff reduced to the poiat -where he couldn't pay any salary. He asked rae to raise to Omaha and take the editorship at the salary I -was receiving as reporter. He "would ens mysaTaryin two if I remain ed in Lincoln. I accepted reluctantly. It was only a question, of a few -weeks "when the paper wouM have to suspend, and there was little honor or profit in guiding the wieek. For three weeks -we managed to get aloag somehow, and then the proprietor yrxmz into renrement. The Becu hlicait Had the Associated Press franchise and iad presses and material worth $20, 000. It had about 5,000 pud subscribers. I had tried to get somebody to buy-it, and, in the hope that soesehodv would, -we continued to get the paper out At last the printers announced that they wocld not "work any leaser. I prevailed upon them to wcrk that night, and they agreed to help get out a farewell issue. It -was a unique specimen. .For -weeks Mr. Rosewaser, the proprietor ox The Bee, and Mr. Hitchcock, the proprietor of The World-Herald, had been -waiting for The Uepuhiican's demise with eager expectation. They knew -we had heen endeavoring to sell the paper to outside parties, and I determined to give them a scare. In an editorial recounting the vicissi tudes through, -which The -Republican had passed I said that at last the pa per's troubles had come to aa end, and they had. For some -weeks, the editorial "went on to say, the future of The Re publican had been problematic, but how the suspense was over. "We kaew exactly "sshetwas in store for die paper, and we did. For enr con temporaries sbere might be rivalries aad annoyxBces, hut for The RepubSeaii all that was post, and it was. I learned afterward that there was coostemarion in The Bee aad"WorH HeraH ofaees the nest day and that it was not until the second night; when everybody fcsew the old Hr publican had gone under, that car contemporaries were reassured. New York. Mail and Express. Simple Xiemcdieg. For a coad in the face rrppiy to the cum a pieee of rotten wet with a mix pure of laudasom and camphor, using two parts hradafltna to oes part cam phor. For threatened hrilaTTUiatiou of the csaeaacfa take half a loaf cf stale bread, wat with hot water, Kid Sjiri&kla thiek ly wish ground ginger. Apply to ihe stomach white waiting for the doctor's visit. For a cold on the chest there is no better specific forraost persoas than well boiled or roasted onione, bods ior a cough and for the .dogging of the bronchial tubes, which is usually the cause of the cough. If eaten freely at the outset of a coid, they will break up oven a serious attack. "How to Breathe. at; children should be taught to breathe through the nose and to keep the mouth tightly closed. Many disease germs eater through the ppen mouth, while, if ihe south is kept closed, the air becomes puriaed whils passing through the lone, moist passages and tempered for the lungs. Philadel phia HeconL Sook Oat the Starch. William E. Cures, use newspaper correspondent, tells the following story of a Washington colored womanr "The wife of a naval officer in this city, whose husband has just returned frcm a long cruise, Is fixing up her home here p-nci sent her lace curtains' te a colored woman to be 'done up.7 The 'washlady' returned them on the-day agreed upon, but apologia" d because they were so rimpsey' and offered to do them over again if she were allowed a few days firne. 'I had em jus' as stiff as ycu Jike, heney,' she remarked to the naval officer's wife, 'but my husband's niece by his fust wife died jus' at the time I got 'em ironed, and he thin '11 take the E torch out of things so much as a corpse in a house." Another trial was given her. A Wonderf nl 31atlicmatlcisn. Zerah Colbum, bom in 1804, was the iHcst remarkable natcr-.il maiemasician avery known. He was able to raise 8 to the sixteenth power, this comprising 15 figures, and was right in every par ticular. Once he was requested to name the factors which produced the number 241,453 and immediately gave the cor rect answer. He was asked the square root of 105,929, and before the figures could be written down he gave the an swer. Chew far a few moments a cracker containing no sugar and notice how sweat it becomes. This is the sugar Into which your saliva has converted the starch cf the cracker. When a dentist in China is pulling & tooth far a patron, an assistant hammers an a gong to drown the cries of the victim. It is just as well to know that ophalia, i new color. Is a pale mauve. Arc turns Is not less than 70 and is probably more than 200 light years dis tant from us. This star certainly sur passes the sun in voinme mny thousand times. The British government stifl employs foreign mercenaries in ils army. The Gurkhas, fine soldiers of XepaL, are em "ployed in British Tndfa. The first submarine telegraph wire was laid In ISaQ from England to France. Two years later? Scotland and Iceland were connected. DOGS OF INTELLIGENCE. A. Strict Sabbatariaa and a Traveler Is .Hansoms. The ladies1 Sennel Journal consists of a number cf dog anecdotes select ed from many sources, new and old. The stories are arranged to Illustrate different features of the dog's character. Here is an example of what is called a dog's 'tenacity of impression, " vouched for by an Scinhurgh ministeri" "One sacrament Sunday the minister left his house to the care cf the servants, who thought it a good opportunity to grve a party. During the dav the do ifT ' (a Newfoundland) accompanied them ; through the garden, and indeed wher- i ever they went, in the most attentive ! manner and seemed well pleased. In! the e vaiing, when the time arrived that i the party meant to separate, they pro- ceeded to do so, but the dog, the instant , they went to the dcor, interposed, and, placing hrmgprf before it, would not al-, low one cf them to touch the handle. On their persisting and attempting to use farce, he became furious and in a menacing manner drove them back into the kitchen, where he kept them until , the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson." From which It would appear that . some dogs are Sabbatarians. At all j events, he seems to have been of opinion that revelers in. a manse on sacrament ' (, Sunday were out of place. 1 Another story, illustrating the reason Gf a dog, is quoted as having been told 1 by William Hcttou of Peushaw, the , owner of the animal The dog was in ; the habit of going about in hansom cabs with his master. One day, after being lest, he went home by h?Twtt?f in a hansom. j 'The cabman rang for his fare, and, ! iir he had somehow captured the ' runaway, I inquired how an." where he found him 'Oh, sir, said cabby, 'I, didn't hail him at all; he hailed me. I j was standing close bv Sc. James' church 1 looking out for a fare, when in jumps She remembered having once, as a child, the dog. I shouts through the winder, j eeE a -raiiar figure, under circum He wouldn't stir. So I gets down and , stances which seemed to preclude the tries to pull "hfa out and shows hfn nrv Idea that it was any person still in the wnrp, but lie sic; stui ana barKS as much as to say, "Go on, old man." As 1 seizes him by the collar I reads his name and address. My fine gentleman settles hiraseEf with his head just a-lcok-ing out, and I drives oo till I stops at this gate. Then out jumps nry passen ger, a-cleariag the doors, and walks in as though he'd bees a regular fare. ' " The driving in cabs dog is by no means a rare variety. It is toH of Lady Ashbumham's colhe that, after jumping into a handlers, he so plainly intimates that he wants his collar read that, as one cabman said, "Slowed it he didn't ask me to." Westminster Budget. AS AN ARMY RATIO!. Beans Briefiy Censidered by an Old. Army "Vetoran. "Take it altogether, " said the old soldier, "I think I liked beans the best of the army rations. Hard bread, of course, was essential, and we expected to get that anyway, but I am speaking now of the comparative luxuries on the army bill cf lure. I should prefer corned beef, if that issued in the army had been uniformly of a desirable quality. But often it was ef a hardness more like that of quartz and ef a saltiness post be lief by these who have never tried It "Salt pork well, fat sale park, even of the best quality, is not desnible as a steady diet of food, and we got more salt pork than any other meat, and it was most always not of the best In fact, bo old soldier will ever forget the salt pork of the army. But his recollec tions cf it will Bot be surrounded by an aurora bcrealis cf delight. ''Not everybody Eked beans, but ac cording to my notion they were the best of the army rations, all things censid erwL If we had. a piece of pork to put in the kettle, so much the better. But we bad salt anyway, and bean soup, with hard bread to break into it, and a cup of coffee made a meal that had de cided elements of hopefulness in it. "It is true that sometimes when we had beans day after day for days together some of the men would get tired of them. Bat you would grow tired of prsohms, wceJda'c you, If yeu had too many of them? "I always used to be giaa when we had beans, and to this day I like now and then a dish of bean soup, and I ' never emt It without pieasant rccollec- j tions of the armv. " New York Sun. i A Poet's CMvairy. The poetry of Longfellow reveals Its author's sensitive, ehivalrees spirit, so that those familiar with his verses will read without surprise this story told by Mrs. Phelps-Ward ia her "Chapters From a Life;" Loafeliew was reading aloud a poem one day to Mae. Modjeska, whose eyes filled with tears as the reading uro- ceeccd. 'I shall never forget, " observes Mrs. Phelps-Ward, ithe toae and manner with which he turned towardher. 'Oh,' he cried, 1 meant to givs you happi- j nessi j. save givu jua ptmi. i "His accent on the word para was i Ifkp the smert of a wound. " Jferve Strain. "It must be a good deel of a strain to j run a trolley car, saw. tne taisaive j man on the platf arm. j 'You bet it Is, " said the mo term an. i "Wy, when I go aloeg fer two or t'ree I weeks without rrrmrrn over anybody I t git so nervous I can't eat nor sleep." Cincinnati Enquxrer. Perhaps no country in the world is better suited for the cyclist than Hol land, where vou raov run for miles j without meeting with an incline thai J I even suggests a MIL In The iagne j cycling is a universal amusement, horse exercise far Indies being the occasional exception. A strong microscope shows the single hairs of the head to be like coarse, round rasps, but with teeth extremely Irregular and jagged. SoiaetMiiir to iaew- It may be worth something- to know that the very best medicine for restoring tired out nervous system to a healthy Yisor ia Seotnc Bitters. This medi sine is purely vegetables, acts by giving toae to the nerve centres in the stomach gently stimulates the fiver and kidneys, Japan. The total cosv is estimated at and aids these organs in throwing off if 175, 000, 000. imp urities in th e blood. Electric Bitters improves the apetite, aids digestion, and At the presentrate of production over ispronoanced by tDGe who mive tried it eS00,000,0C6 worth of fresh eold will as the very best blood ounfier and nerve 1 1 - , . , tonic Try it. Sold f6r50c orSlJSO.per;, tJie mrnesore another bottle at A. P. Streitrs drug store. 2 I Presidential electicn is held. CREDO. Hcrand the curtain, cf the zz VThat shall befall ns none may :u;nr Eava this: A manly heart and brave. Tree to a friend, fair to s. fee. That, passrrp, Issres a. record, clear, 2Iay face the void -crithont a fear. ,ATTr? not by homily, but deed; By upright life, not bended tnee; By grace r wurtfc, not garb or creed The honest man, Trhoe'er he be. Is proved cf heaven's bliss an heir Beyond the-grave if heaven be there. J. I Eeatcm in "The Qnfltimr Bee." WARNED OF DANGER. Apparition That Saved a Womsa Praia Heias Bitten by a. Cobra. The following remarkable occurrence, an absolute fact, was related by a lady visiting friends in Hartford as it was told her by her cousin in Meerat, north western India. It teok place in the house of the sister of the narrator. Of its absolute accuracy there can be no question. The two sisters in India are connected with families of repute and with officers in the British army in In dia. We give the story as the lady here related it. She is a devout member of the Episcopal church and is incapable of misrepresenting in the slightest par ticular. Her cousin, in whose house the occur rence took place, was seated at a lighted table engaged in reading, when, think ing it about time to retire, and happen ing to lift her eyes from the book, she was astonished to see seated in a chair before her, and between herself and the door to the bathroom, a man, a stranger to her, who calmly regarded her. It was tco great a surprise far her to speak and demand who was thus intruding unbid den upon her privacy and what was wanted. She remained for a moment in silent astonishment. Then it gradually dawned upon her that the figure was probably not that of a person of real flesh and blood, but a visitor from the unseen world of life. body, and in later years,, in revolving those circumstances, she had remember ed how the apparition had after a little while faded away into invisibility. Concluding that this new visitor also was not a person of fiesh and blood, she sat silently gazing at the silent object, while the intruder, whoever or what ever he was, sat also in silence, steadily regarding her. Just how long this state of things lasted the lady did not accu rately know, but It was probably not very long, when the mysterious stranger began to vanish into a thinner and thin ner personal presence, until in a mo ment or two he had vanished quite away. It was the lady's hour for her evening bath, but she thought she would first let out her two pet dogs from their confine ment In another room. They came bark ing furiously and running directly to ward the bathroom. There, through the open dcor, the lady was horrified to see on the floor a monstrous cobra the snake whose bite is certain and speedv death. Springing forward to save her dogs, she quickly shut the dear, but not so instantaneously as to prevent her seeing the reptile turning and escaping down through a hole In the floor where the drain pipes cf bathtub and wash bowl went a hole which had been care lessly left larger than was necessary. If she had gone directly to the bath room, as she would have done but for the intervention cf her mysterious visi : tant, her life would undoubtedly have 1 been sacrificed in the act. Hartford ' Times. The Sketch Club. The work of the Sketch club, a dls tincs display in the recent exhibit at the Pittsburg School of Design, attracted its own share of attention. The work sub mitted included pen and ink drawings and oil and water color sketches. The work done by the club is entirely inde pendent of the class work done in the school. Members Include both graduates ' and students. The club meets each Fri day afternoon during the wpater in one of the studios of the school and sketches from life. During the summer the club enjoys excursions in the suburbs of the city and makes studies of landscapea and outdoor life. For the ndeor-eketch- ! Ing each member pled&a herself to sit once as a model for the club. The club nas been in existence ior several vears. The present officers are Mrs. An- j m-a t? TTOBnf. tt-tc &. Bobinson, secretary and Mi Janey i Jenkins treasurer. Each year the qual- I lty at the worx grows in importance, while as an Incentive to industry the worth cf the club is tuUj established. Pittsburg Bisuatch, Wales csd the Tr-Hi-n Chief. The Prince of Wales receives manv peculiar, humorous and pathetic letter of appeal. One of the eldest of these ap peals came from the Wabigoou. Lake In dian reserve, in Canada, some years ago, when, the regulations being less strict than new, a party of white men, regard- less of treaties, were poaching uuen the preservea 01 tne lnuians. The red men resented this, and the chief dispatched the following cable message: To the Prince of Wales, Lcndaa, England r "Khite mea ccttias Timber on Eagle lake. Wasld yen kindly come asd settle natter? This was given to cs. Please advise. Kaf Sxwc.tSH, Chief. "Wiahigoca Lake. There is no record of the prince's re ply to this simple appeal by the red men to their future sovereign. Pearson's Weekly. - The parish church of Grove, on the borders' of Bedfordshire and Bucking hamshire, but situa ted in the latter coun ty, is said, to be the smallest end meat curious church hi England. The uarish contains under 20 inhabitants, and the church will comfortably seat a few more than that number. Xuita or Is. 4Yes," said Lungiy as the dock hands neared the midnight hour, "J think I shall accept the presidency af that gas company." ' 1 should think you would be fitted for the position, " she replied- Phila delphia jSexth American. The Siberian railway will measure exactly 4,741 1-3 miles from Tcbelia binsk, on the eastern side ef the Urals, and at the gate of Siberia, to Yladivo- SOME TRAINED CATS. TIk Clever Tricks They Hmt Seea Tssghi tope One of the most difficult things to teach a cat is to follow like a dog. As s rule, they will not follow, "but occasion ally there Is an. excepticc A Kew Xork young lady has a car that trails so close T. U I .. ... JJ The chief clerk of the state department emph, TeT skW ithat T w at Washington has a cct with the same j paid no attention to a'smaHlurrp which accomplishment. He has owned It for appeared In her breast, but it soon de seven or eight years. ItwiH follow hfm j veloped into a cancer of ihe worst type, about the streets far miles Just TiV a s notwithstanding the treatment of aos ana is eictssrveiv rrpin or irornc one far a walk, urovided Ite master selects evenings for his meanderings. In dav light It prefers not to go en these x hies, evidently because it does not like to came in contact with small boys and dogs, who are then, too numerous on the streets of Washington. It has often been observed that cats really care nothing for a mnscer or a mistress, but become attached to place and not to persons. 2tot rd with this particular cat, fcr at one time when. Its owner changed his residence he pur posely left his cat with friends who oc cupied the house he had vacated, but the cat was not satisfied until is had found where the new house was and taken up Its abode there, with evident delight at finding its olti friend and pro tector. In the treasury department at Wash ington there Is one very wonderful cat His name is Tom, and when, addressed he will quickly respond, even waking out of a sound sleep to go toward the speaker. Sometimes, to confuse brrrt, the clerks will sing out some word or wards in which the syllabic "torn" Is emphasized, and to that he pays no at tention. But let any one call, "Tom, it's dinner time!" and forthwith he walks across the room, reaches up with his paws to a tin pail, claws it down and comes bringing it in his mcufeh. Tom is passionately fond of music At the cry of "Hand organ!" he climbs to a high window seat, but at the words "Here's a dog!" he slinks under a desk. One of the most accomplished cats In England belongs to Lady Eandolph Churchill. It is a maltese Angora, with out spot and with a particularly cun ning face. This cat was bought for the late Lord Bandolph Churchill during that year cr two when hjs strong mind failed and every effort -wes made to amuse him. He was afraid of dogs, tak ing a sudden terror at the sight of them, but Miss Angara just pleased him.- She was sens from India by an officer in that country who had taken her parents there years before. Her mother had been a watch cat, able to keep guard over a tent, meowing if a strange step came, and of course her children were very bright When this Churchill pastas told to "Go play she piano, 11 pbr would immediately walk buek and forth upon the keys of the baby grand in the bou doir. 1 'Xow sit for yem uicture, " meant to assume a demure position, with her paws in line, her tail neatly curled to one side, as if trjir to IeoIr pias ant.- Our Animal Frizes. A Pearl Fnnn. There is only one pearl farm in the world. It is in the Torres strait, at the northern extremity of Australia, and be longs to James Clark, of Queensland. Mr. dark, who is "known as "the Hn? of the pearl-fishers, " originally stocked it with 150,000 pearl oysters. Now 1,500 men 200 of whem are divers and 250 vessels are employed in har vesting the crop. "I have been 15 years engaged in pearl fishing," Mr. Clark, told a corre spondent cf the Melbourne Ace. "Ibegan in a small way and have given the fish-i ! eries my close attention during ell this time. My experience has led me to the belief that, with proper intelligence in j rue tciiuii u. a uac i :m raise pearls and pearl shells as easily &a one can raise oysters. I started my farm three years ago ' and have steckeu it with shells which I obtained, In many Instances, far out at sea. To grow shells successfully, how ever, according to my eseerience thus far, the water must not be too deep. ! "My pearl shell farii covers 5,089 j square miles. Over most of it the water ' is shallow. In shallow water shells at- ; tain the greatest size, and, besides, it is , ' w"3 -v - , tcem- . Ni snip Ej pearls to Jjoncon m my Jf225- Jb cs;c- ea runs, roughl-Vjpakmg, from f200,QQ0 worth up to almost five times thus amount." Grest Good Fortune. Good luck is of all kinds, some cf it queer. The San Francisco Peat, far in stance, tells how a laboring man In that city found himself fortunate in a way most unexpected. When the neon whistle blew the other day, he sat down on a box In the shade, thrust his hand into his overcoat pocket, looked surprised and then remarked: "I've lost my lunch." He pondered over his predicament a aioment and then added: "Well, Pve got sKnehing to drink anyway." And he pulled a bottle of coffee out of his other pocket. He slowly drained the bottle, throw it aside and sat lost in thought for a moment. Suddenly he sprang trg shsp-t ped his rhirh and exclaimed;. " "It's a good Job I lost my lunch!" "Why so?" mquired another work man, "Why, I left my teeth at heme." The History cT teirj. The enircs hirxory of Tacitus, as we have the work, was regained from a sin gle copy found In the fifteenth century in a monastery of Westphalia. Thus we should owe the works of this author to one copy jg a remarkable circumstance, for the Emperor Tacitus, who claimed to be a descendant of the historian had copies of the history placed in every li brary of the empire, asd each year had ten copies transcribed ict presentation to scholars. All, it seems, perished save the Westphalian copy. The Discovery Saved 51s Life Mr. G. CsilkMiette. Druggist, Beavers vQIe I1L, says; uTo Dr. Eing-'s New ; Discovery I owe rav hie. Was taken i anr? t3 Trror, r,r, f t tj i " bV " r,. Z: . iiv e. navmc ur. txing ser iiiscovery i m my etore x seat tor a bottle and be gan its use and from the first dose be- ffan to get better, and after usimr three bottles was up and about acaiu. It is wurth its weight In gold. "We wont keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at A.F. Stettz'sdrug; store. 2 iwiv ic -j ippe itiiti snea ail tne pnysi- ueu ior an eye ointment, yet posess cians tor miles aboat hnt of no mn cii neaun'r power tnat wnen " " - IZ 1 .AT- Cancer if the B t -u- kuuuaacu. lu spread, and grow rapidly, eating two holes in her breast. " The doctors soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated. New York specialist then treat ed hsr, but she con tinued, to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had died from m-nr- he gave, the case up as hopeless. Someone then re commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and aa improvement was noticed- The cancer cornnencedto heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral vears nave elapsed, not a aignof the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.S. (guaranteed bursty vezeiableS is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism j Scrofula, or any other blood disease. : Our books will be mailed 'free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOnTG EAST CETTEAI TIME. No. 2 Fast Mail 8:45 n. m. No. 4 Atlantic Express... .11:40 p. m. No. 23 Freight 7:00 a. m. C-ontG WEST JIOOTTAI3" TLMX. X -r r T t oo. x jjumteu ax p. m. No. 3 Fast Mail L 11:20 p. m a.a r refgnc tui.) a. m. No. 13 Frefght 1:40 p.m. N- B. Olds. Agent "1 CHe lTmm DEALER IS Coal OH, Gasoline, -f Gas ;Tar, And Crude Petroleum. Leave orders at ofice in Broeker's tailor shoo. V t it Carl Brodbeck, dkat.fr rs" Fresh: Smoked and Salted Meats, Having-re-opened the City Meat Market, opposite the Hotel Neville, I am prepared to furnish customers with a choice quality of meats of all kinds. A share of jour patronage is re spectfully solicited. J. F. PILLION, i General Hepairer. Special atteation given to Mm nrnmi WHEELS TO KENT HUMPHREYS No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Ner No. 1 Cures fever. 2 " Worms. " Infants' Diseases. " jDiarrhes. " Neuralgia. 3 4 8 8 Oures Headache. lO li 12 " Dyspepsia. " Delayed Periods. " T-schorrea. ' Skin Diseases. 13 Cures1 Rheumatism. 16 " : Malaria. ' 20 ;Whooping Cough No. No. No. 07 SO 77 Kidney Diseases. Urinary Diseases Colds and Grip- Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on ; receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for SI. i Da. Heubhiizsk Honzo paxhtc Mutual of Debuses Mut.sp Pszs. ! Humphreys' 2Ied. Cc, 111 Wmktrz Ft.. 7T. Y. i . i A Cure for Piles, We can assure all who suffer with. In- ternaii-iies that in Hemorrhoidine we i have a positive cure. The treatment ia nmike any thing- heretofore used audits application so perfect that ererv ves- nrr - W - ? V-i a at i'1 -,J -ntz uteaseipartsr it ax once re- a is the snre result of its conttuueil use. ML who suffer with piles ' ie by Druggists, wui be sent iw?a tae iactory oa recero- or urice. $ad TheFostss MjL&fo CoQosast EhiSW I t?1 S 'SJSfSSS EUrmatIaa. fjnrsii ana xiiBnnatfoa- f C J -r - - T I SOLD BY A. F. STREITZ. reast sss Piute, Tiworker Spring Fresk Garden and Field Seeds either in bulk or packages- These seeds come from one. of the most reliable growers in the conntry and wre can recommend them as fresh. Wehaye also received onr spring stock of G-JESZDS3iT TOOLS. In the ;Hai?dware Line t F.J. BROEKER, MERCHANT Attention is invited to our New Line of Spring Suitim Suits rnade to order irj a rnanncr and. PHICHS RS liOltf A. F. STRE1TZ Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, WINDOW GLASS, MACHINE OILS D exits clie Ap otlieke . Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts. C. F. IDDINGS, LUMBER, AND GRAIN Order by telephone from CTT?, ATM k; , ,TNT AT,g WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WXSDOW GLSS. VARNISHES. GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES. PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUfE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMTNE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1S68. - - - - 310 SPRUCE STREET- NOBTH : PLATTE : PHAEMACT, Dr. N. McCABE, Prop., J.S. BUSH, Manager. "Ve i'tti to xiandle tiio Best Grrades of G-oods, sell th.em. au Reasonable Fixires. and VV arrant iCv erything as Hepresented.flaMaOTg Orders from fclie country aflE along t'ue line of the Union Pacific railwaj respectfully solicited. -'ffiggfe For Fine Rigs M ITS 1 11 Elder & Lock's Stable. Xorthwest corner Conrt-honse Square. FINEST SAMPLE EOOM Haviag rentted our rooms in ?j lxvvitpfl in rail anr? sap n. s? 3 nM5t Winp;. Lifiuors Oar billiard hall is supplied - and competent attendants J KEITHS BLOCK OPPOSITE Planting will soon be here and we are ready to supply yon "with ive carry a full stock. A. L. DAVIS, Who no one owes TAILOR. Cleaning, Repairing and yeing. workrnanlifce perfect fit Quaranteed. RS THH IiOWHST. Newton's Book Store. -AT- COAL 1 Reasonable prices -GO TO- IS" JSOBTH PLATTE the finest of style, the public instrrincr conrteotis treatment. and Ciar? at the Bar 3 with the nest make of tables will sxrpBiv all your wants. x'HE OKIOK PACIFIC DEPOT