lie 3ml - mtt Wtilmt. IRA. Li BAKE, Editob and Proprietor TUESDAY, MARCH 16. 1897. loom and County fleas. j Patronize the chicken supper to be given this evening" by the W. R. C. Only 25 cents. Attorney Parsons, attended court in Grant yesterday, returning- home last night with reporter Scharmann. Mrs. H. J. Roth left last night for a protracted visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jackson, at Grand Junction, Colo. Mrs. Jennie Jennings arrived in the city last night from Hold rege, and is the guest other mother Mrs. Jennetta Adamson. T. T. Keliher has been in Lin coln for several days past visiting old acquaintances and watching- the action of the legislators. Attention is called to the ad vertisement of John H. Day on the first page of this isssue. Mr. Day quotes some exceedingly low prices on dry goods. To-morrow morning- at the Catholic church Rev. McGovern, of Kearney, will deliver an address upon the life and character of the patron saint of that church. The Club House brand of canned goods are sold only by us, and if you will try one can of corn, peas or pumpkin you will never use any other brands but these. Harrington & Tobin. The Y. M. C. A. offers a course of three entertainments reserved seats for one dollar. The associ ation is surely doing a good work in securing for our citizens an op portunity to hear such good talent for so little money. The display in "Warner's win dow is certainly a very pretty one. In addition to the several fine pieces of furniture, there are a num ber of pieces of handsomely decor ated china, the work of that well known artist, Mrs. J. I. Minor. Hinman and Patterson will finish the construction of their jtsirawooa irrigation aitcn as eany - - iv - it i, . i mi. -as tne weaiuer win jjermiu xue ditch will be about twelve miles in length and is the only one in the county which runs north and south. The Dorcas Girls will give their gramaphone concert next Sat urday; afternoon at three o'clock and evening at eight o'clock. The pro gamme as published elsewhere in these columns will be given at - each performance. The assessors of the county are in session at the court house this ""afternoon, nearly all the precincts of the county being represented. There was talk this morning to the effect that the valuation of irri gated lands would be raised from litteen to twenty dollars per acre. " A telegram received from J. C. Ferguson in New York, announced the sudden death in that city of IMiss Luna Eells, who for several years resided with her uncle Lester Eells. The many friends ot the young lady in North Platte will re gret to learn of her death. Poultry Netting 1-2 cent a square foot at the Wilcox Dept. Store, Quite a number of small bets have been made by local sports on the outcome of the fight at Carson to-morrow. The bulletins from . the field of battle will be awaited f with much interest. The fight is supposed to take place in the morn ing at nine o'clock coast time. j Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees are sold only by Harrington & Tobin sole agents. If any one else represents that they carry and sell the same goods they misrepre sent matters to you. The saloon men are now getting in shape their petitions and applica tions for liquor license. It is under stood that there will be four saloons the coming year. "VVm. Landgraf will retire from business, and the Krug Co. will take his place as one 'of the quartette. New and second-hand wagons for sale. Jos. Hershey. At the Friday evening meeting of the wheel club a committee con sisting of Messrs. Barnum, Mc Donald, Redmond and Fillidn was appointed to arrange for an enter tainment to be given some time in April. The affair will be of the nature of a-medley and has been cnnstened "The Midway Jfiais ance." 1 The weather forecasts: Gen erally fair to-night and Wednesday. Warmer to-night. The maximum temperature yesterday at North ' Platte W3.S 45 Hoo-oc niinimntn ?tl past24ours 20 precipitation -none. ' For tkeisame Derm rnA timp nnp year agohe maximum temperature , was .36 degrees; minimum 6; at 7 a. hi. 7; jH-ecipiiatiou nJne Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis and. family returned Sunday from a visit with relatives at Wellfleet. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fikes and niece leave the latter part of the week for a visit with relatives in Omaha. Messrs. Mathewson and Ware two of Brady's brightest young men, were 'the guests of North Platte friends Sunday. Judge Grimes and Reporter Scharmann left Sunday for Grant, where the Judge will hold a brief term of court. Mrs. "W. M. Hinman is circulat ing a petition nominating Mrs. Chas. Boyer and H. Otten for mem bers of the board of education. Ten or a dozen members of the Maccabees, constituting the work ing team, will go to Hershey this evening toexamplity the ritualistic work of the order. Register Hinman has secured a leave of absence for a few days and will go to the Birdwood to look after matters pertaining to the Hinman & Patterson irrigation ditch. "W. F. Gates will to-morrow re arrange and paper the store room south of Streitz's preparatory to occupancy by Stamp and Clinton, who will move thereto the middleof next month. ' A full line of Horse Collars at Wilcox Dept. Store. Miss Francis McNamara, who is teaching school in the Sutherland district and Miss Blanche Weid meyer who teaches in the Brady district, came home to pass Satur day and Sunday. C. M. Newton moved yesterday into the house he recently pur chased of John Baireski. George Smith, who had been living in the house, removed to the property va cated by Mr. Newton. Seeds! Seeds! For the farm, field, garden and the lawn. Our extra fancy blue grass, direct from Paris, Kentucky, is the best sold in this country. Harrington & Tobin. J. W. Alexander, who was nom inated for councilman by the repub licans of the First ward, has de clined to be a candidate. A meet ing will be held this evening and some other good man nominated. Yesterday was the tenth birth day of Master, Gordon Laing and during the afternoon he entertained quite a number of his little friends. Among the. gifts received by Gprdon was a high-grade bicycle, of Which he is justly proud. Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose 5-cent cigar. Colonel Cody will this evening entertain a number of gentlemen friends at his residence. The well known hospitality of Colonel Cody together with his ability to. enter tain every one pleasantly is assur ance that the gentlemen will have an evening that they will long re member. B. B. Warner returned home Saturday night from Lincoln, where he assisted the local committe in the furtherance of legislative mat ters of interest to this section. While away he also purchased a large stock of furniture for the spring trade. Reserved seats for the Smalley concert, to be held at the opera house to-morrow evening under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., are now on sale at Clinton's. The com pany is a most excellent one, and those who attend will not be disap pointed'. Petitions are being circulated to-day asking that the state legis lature appoint an evening session for the joint discussion of house roll No. 403, which provides for an ap propriation for the purpose of ex perimenting with irrigation by the means of artesian wells. The peti tioners pray that they be given an opportunity to be heard upon the matter, as it is one of great import ance to the people of western Ne braska. Crochet Cotton 3 spools for 10 cents at the Wilcox Dept. Store. The Dorcas sewing school will open soon and any one wishing to attend may call at our rooms on Wednesday afternoon between three and five o'clock. We will teach plain sewing and fancy work. Twenty-five cents per month will be expected of those who are able to pay. Other attractions are being planned for the future. We hope to make it interesting to girls. School girls' class on Saturday afternoon. Our employment bureau will endeavor to serve any wanting help or work. Leave your name and what ycu want on our slate at the door any time, or call Saturdays, The Committee. DITCH FARMS. Irrigated farms on the Hinman & Patterson Birdwood ditch for rent for periods of from one to five years. Firslry ear rent freer-thereafter a per centage of the crop. For parti culars call on or address Hinman & Patterson, North Platte, Neb. DECORATE YOUR HOMES. A beautiful line of Engravings, Artist's Etchings, Im itation Pastels and Water-Color Pictures just received and will be sold at remarkably low prices and framed to suit you. f f BtR&MNS IN FURNITURE. -f This month we wish to make room for our immense spring stock ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. E. B. WARNER. RENNIE'S, BEGINNING TO-DAY WE WILL GIVE YOU A Grand Special Sale. . . 50 new dress patterns at prices from 5 to $10. These are silk and -wool, and not two alike. 50-cent all wool 40-inch novelties at 35 cts. per yard. 50-cent all wool Serge at 35 cents. 35-cent Cashmeres 38 inch wide, all colors, at 25 cts. 25-cent goods at i24 cents. We have just opened 50 pieces of French Ginghams that go at i2i cents. 1 yard wide 1 5-cent Picterines at i24 cents. We have also opened the largest and finest line of Dimities, White Goods, Percales, Ducks, and Sateens ever shown in the city. We have also opened up a full line of Dress Trimmings, Belts, Laces, Gimps, Brushes, etc. We have also just opened 500 yards of Summer Silks, worth 50 cents the world over, that we have put on sale at 35 cents. In our Shoe Department we are going to give you a special reduction of 25 per cent on all our men's, ladies' and child ren's shoes. We have also the largest line of Moquet, Body and Tapestry Brussels eyer brought to the city. Also a full line of Ingrain Carpets. Call and examine these goods at RENNIE'S, BEPUBLICAN CAUCUS. A republican caucus will be held at the First ward hose house this Tuesday evening at 7:30 for the purpose of nominating a candidate for council man from said ward. Geo. W. Finn, Chairman Frank Lawrence is home from an extended trip in Colorado. Chas. Burke, of Denver, is in town to-day while enroute home from a business trip to Omaha. - Dr. Aley, the Lincoln special ist, can be consulted at the Hotel Neville to-morrow. -C. (x. Hall and family will leave for Ohio the latter part of this or the early part of next week. All candidates who were nomi nated by. the reform club have filed their petitions of nomination with the city clerk. --On account of not being able to secure the hall, the meeting of the Sons of Veterans called for this evening will not be held. Hame straps 10 cents each at the Wilcox Dept. Store, Isaiah Beam, of Willow, J. W. Johnson, of Blaine, J. O. Wilmeth, of Walker, and W. A. Gregg, of Willard, who are in town attending the assessors' meeting, were callers at this office to-day. If there are any weddings in sight and you are interested in the contracting parties, don't forget to buy them a present from the mag nificent line of French and Carlsbad novelties in china ware at Harrington & Tobin's. Mrs. John Davis, wife of the Union Pacific special detective.who has been visiting in the city, re turned home to North Platte on Union Pacific train No. 3 Saturday evening. Kearney Hub. Charlie Palmer, livinar south east of town, brought in thirteen wild geese yesterday which he sold at fifty cents each. The geese were killed by himself and a partner the previous evening. The meetings of the Christian people in the Hinman store build ing is still in progress, with in creasing interest. The theme an nounced for this evening is changed to that ot "Existing Miracles." .Everybody should hear Rev. Han kins on this subject. Four-strand Cowboy rope 121-2 cents a pound at The Wilcox Dept. Store. Five cars of sporting men bound for Carson, passed through the city Sunday evening. Some of the fel lows were rather "tuff" looking while others were of the swell vari ety, and no doubt all were dead game sports. Two or three hun dred people were at the depotto see the excursionists. For rent or sale Land under the Farmer's & Merchants' ditch. Apply to D. W. BAKpR. The North Platte Mandolin club will render the following pro gramme at intervals during the stereopticon exhibition at the court house Thursday evening: Samona Waltz, Liberty Bell March, In the shadow of the Pines, Mandolin Band March, Irene Waltz, Cappa's Band March. No admission will be charged. The exhibition is only to show the work of the associa tion. The public is cordially in vited. No subscriptions will be so- j licited. The county commissioners con vened in session this morning. Miss Maud Hinman came up from Omaha Saturday night and is visiting in town. Dr. Paul was called to Suther land Sunday evening on profes sional business. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Clinton, who was criti cally ill from an attack of measels, is now recovering. Patronize the chicken supper to be given by the W. R. C. in the room next to Streitz's drug store this evening. . Dr. N- F Donaldson returned Saturday night-. f rom , Greensville, Pa., where he, was . called by the illness of .his mother. The Wilcox Dept. Store will order barb wire delivered at North Platte at $2.50 a hundred. Phil Schlesiuger, a former North Platte business man, was in town the lalter. part of the week making arrangements for the open ing of the Krug wholesale and re tail liquor house. The firm will occupy the building south of Mc Donald's, to which a rear addition will be constructed. Ira W. James, of Gandy, was arrested by a United States deputy marshal last week on the charge of selling liquor without license. He had a hearing before U. S. Commis sioner Peniston in this city Satur day, bound over to the federal court and taken to Omaha. James at tempted to evade arrest by skipping the country, but the deputy over hauled him after a very exciting race of ten miles or more. Sec'y Gates of the internation al committee of the Y. M. C. A. telegraphed that be could not pos sibly reach this city in time to give the stereopticon exhibition at the court house on Tuesday evening as was announced, but it -will be given on Thursday evening. The scenes will be that of association work and buildings. It will be free and is only for the purpose of showing the dif--ferent lines ot association work. The public in general is invited. Best grade Harness Oil, in bulk, 60 cents a gallon at Wilcox Dept. Store, Colonel Cody is carrying in his vest pocket a small bottle of virgin gold which he "panned" during his recent visit in the Big Horn basin. The Colonel says there are a num ber -of placer claims in the basin which will be worked this summer, one of which is on land owned by him. The basin is rich in mineral deposits gold, silver, iron and coal. Also petroleum and a very fine quality of marble. JOHH WOLLEJIHAnpT, MERCHANT TAILOR, IMPORTED- S00T0H SUITIIGS prom $24 to $45. Imported' Dress Suitings prom S28 to $70. Goods guaranteed and feet fit. Give us a trial. per- Miss Ella Dillon has been the guest of Omaha friends for. several days past. Messrs. Barnum, Graves and Cronin were up in the neighborhood of Sutherland last Saturday hunt ing geese. "Shorty" Hodshire, who has been located at Aspen, Col., for some time past, arrived in town Sunday. Mrs. "W. B. Conklin, of Austin, 111., is visiting friends in town, hav ing arrived here the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Black left yesterday morning for Kansas City, where Mrs. Black will receive medical treatment. Mrs. Bradford, of Denver, sister of Colonel Cody, has been the guest of that gentleman and his family for several days past. Sweat Pads 20 cents each at the Wilcox Dept. Store. Julius Pizer returned from the east, Saturday, where he purchased an unusually large stock of sea sonable spring goods for the popu lar Boston Store. The Cody Guard has accepted an invitation to take part in the entertainment to be given by the G. A. R. on April 9th. The full company will appear in the tableau representing the surrender of Gen eral Lee. The Ladies of the G. A. R. give their annual entertainment at Lloyd's April 19th. The committee on programme will publish details latter. For the present they an nounce dancing as one of the fea tures of the evening. Hunters who were out after geese Sunday say they never saw the fowl more plentiful and yet not a great many were killed that day. Even Jim Hall whose reputation as a goose hunter is known from the orient to the Occident, came home empty handed. John Sawyer has devoted con siderable time to hunting and trapping this winter.and up to yes terday had killed 574 muskrats, seventeen skunks, two coons, fifteen mink and several coyotes. By selling the furs he has succeeded in making good wages. Messrs. Park, Seeberger aud McDonald returned from Lincoln Saturday night. They had a con ference with the committee to which had been referred the irrigation fair appropriation bill, and received as surance that the measure would be favorably reported to the legisla ture. THE CITY COTTNCIL. The council met in rejrular session last evening, -all members but Day being present. It required just fifty minutes to transact the busi ness which came up for considera tion. Un motion the clerk was in structed to order six sets of poll books of the Fremont Tribune at one dollar per set. The following judges and clerks of election and special policemen for the ensuing election were ap pointed: First ward S. E. Douglas. John Kelilier and Fred Elliott, judges; Fred Douglas and Fred Baker, clerks; Gus Hesse policeman. Second Ward Geo. Casey, J. M. Cotton and Chas. Simpson, judges; W. H. C. Woodhurst and Will Mc Donald, clerks; H. G. Brooks, police man. Third Ward Frank Stearns, E. B. Johnston and M. W. Davis, judges; Greeley Bundy and A. M. Scharmann, clerks; Wm. Wood hurst, policeman. C. G. Hall handed in his resigna tion as councilman from the Second ward to take effect to-day. This action was due to Mr. Hall's con templated removal from the city. The resignation was accepted and to fill the vacancy the mayor ap pointed C. F. Tracy. The appoint ment was unanimously confirmed. The following bills were allowed: C. M. Newton, stationery, $1.00; C. G. Hall, salary, $45,85; Waterworks company, on hydrant rental, $2$Q. The city attorney stated that W, F. Gates had offered $5.00 as a com promise on the Keith hall license. The council thought that it was better to accept. the $5.00 than to engage in a law suit, and the at torney was instructed to make set tlement with Mr. Gates- on. that basis. The council then adjourned to meet in special session next Mon day eveni ng, at which -time certain parties whose sidewalks were re paired by the city will be given an opportunity to appear aud show cause why the cost of same should not be taxed against their property. Bncjden's Arnica Salve Tb best salve in the wqrid for cuts bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetor, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect -satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A.P. Straitz You would call a- man if you saw him throwing his. money away;. ! You can avoid living in a stones at the other party by trading with us We Sell Thread, 3 spools for 10c; Elastic cord, ic per yd, 6 slate pencils for ic, Vaseline, 5c a bottle, Sewing machine oil 5c, Liquid stove polish 10c, Breast snaps, 5c each, Line snaps 2c and 3c, Swivel snaps 5 cents, Queen City hats $2.00, 7-inch Plates 35c a set, Overalls, 65 cents, (the ones others get 75 Handled tea cups and saucers 4.2 cents ,a set, a;. saving of 29 per cent. . - - f - These are just a few of the many - items we can., save you money on. Tlie Wilcox Dept StoC NORTH PLATTE, JSE13. REPOIVT OT THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank At North Platte, In the Stato of Nebrasfcn, at tho close of business. March Oth, 1897. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $120 487 71 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 507 87 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 12 500 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 1 625 00 Stocks, securities, etc 11 531 75 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures. 22 612 49 Other real estate and mortgages owned . 4 874 84 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 2 209 49 Due from approved reserve agents 9 343 11 Checks and other cash items 1 023 40 Notes of other nutional banks ,. 483 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 11 65 Lawttji. money BESEBVE IK BANC, viz: Specie S7 128 0 Legal tender notes 5 000 00 12 123 90 Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer, (five per cent of circulation) 582 50 Total 5199 801 74 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50 000 00 Surplus fund 22 oOO 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 913 72 National Bank notes outstanding 11 250 00 Due to State Banks and bankers 631 60 Individual deposits subject to check.. . . 59 W7 51 Demand certificates of deposit 918 20 Time certificates of deposit 51 412 97 Cashier's check's outstanding 2 184 64 Total $199 801 74 State of Nebraska. Lincoln County s. s. I, Arthur McNamara, cashier of the abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is truo to the best of my knowledge and beliof. ARTHUR 3IcNA3IARA. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me.this 15th day ot Jiarcii, ltwi. , Ansik C. Kbampu, Notary Public. Correct Attest: H. S. White, ) Piatt A. WmxE, Directors. E. F. Beebebger, ) DON'T FORGET The Dorcas Girls' Charity Concert At Keith's Opera House, March 20th, at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m.f Introducing- the Gramaphone for the first time. A full programme of speeches, songs and musical instru ments. Admission, adults 25 cents. children 10 centSi PROGRAMME. PART FinsT. Piano Solo Princess Bonnie Waltz. Song Tenor Solo. . . .Tramp. Tramp, Tramp By Geo. J. Gaskin. Banjo Solo Titus March, Song Baritone Solo.. Starlight, Starbright. uy j. w. aryers. Recitation Imitation of a Street Fakir. si) uco. u ran any. Male Quartette Medley ...Mary An ft uu ouum..ijye,ijre, wa tione Cornet Duett Short and Sweet. xy xjiujr vioiuen song La Marseillaise. liy Slg. F. A. Giannlni. PART SECOND. Banjo Solo Medlev of Jitrs ami t?p1s oong-ienor aoio uown in .Poverty Row Rr fion T nnoVU Male Quartette -Negro Shout ....Blind Tom. Recitation Poem by E. Field Departure. urura ana (Descriptive).... spirit of T6 Song Baritone Solo.. I Want Yer. Ma Honey nv juan. w. yuinn. Recitation.....". Side Show Orator By Geo. Graham. Song (M. Farkoa's Great Success) French LauehlntrSone. Sonc Baritone Solo Sa' An Revoir, But Not Goou-uye. By J. w. Mj-ers. NQTIOE. All hunters are hereby notified that hunting is prohibited on our lands at the head of White Horse creeir. uur inenns are kindlv re quested not to ask us for hunting privileges, for we will be compelled to refuse them. A. Stewart. Gregor Scitatz. For Sale! 3facres of land three miles west of the. city and under the Suburban Irrigation Ditch. Will be sold in lots to suit purchasers at low prices and on easy terms. Apply to or address, Gus Chamberlain, North Platte, Neb. SACRIFICE SALE. 320 acres A No. 1 Fence j Land near Sutherland, Neb Address Box 208, Uorth J Platte, Neb. 07 i w- a.saving of 25 per cent. it t 15 C ( ( t i IOO r Ct. t( IOO " IOO (I- t 5" t ( 5.9- t - lit t V 1 1 It 1 1 it ct 50 I t t - ( t t it t cents for.) FAST TIME THROUGH CARS. To Omaha, Chicago and points in Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PA CIFIC in connection with the C. & N. Wr. Ry. offers the best service and the fastest time. Call or' write to me for time cards, rates, etc N. B. Olds, Agent. U. P. TIME TABLE.- GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME. No. 2 Fast Mail .8:45 h. m. No. 4 Atlantic Express.... 11:40" 'p. m. No. 23 Freight 7:00 a.m. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 1 Limited 3:55 p. m. No. 3 -Fast Mail 11:20 p.m. No. 23 Freight 7:35 a-, m. No. 19 Freight 1:40 p. m. N. B. Olds. Agent. TILCOX & HALIiICJA ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, rlORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA Office over North Platte National Bank'. D R. K F. DONAIJDSON, Assistant Surgeon Union Pacflc Bp and Member of Pension Board, , NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA. Office over Streitz's Drug Store. . - g E.NORTHRUP, DENTIST, "Room No. 6, Ottenstein Building, NORTH PLATTE, NEB., jjlRENCH & BALDWIN, ATT0RNJSY8-AT-LAW, . NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank: - r C. PATTERSON, KTTO RNE Y-HT-LHM. Office First National Bank BIdg., NORTH PLATTE, NEB.- Legal Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office st North Platte, Neb.. ) March 9th, 1897- f Notice is hereby given that Robert J. ilenzie has filed notice of intention to make final proof be fore Register and Receiver tit his office In North Plntte Neb., on Saturday the 17th dayof April 1897, on timber culture application No. 12,789, for the northeast quarter of section No. 8, in township No. IB north, range No. 29 west. He names as witnesses John . Fuller, Henry D. Phillips, Adam . Moore and Enoch Cummings, all of Myrtle, Nchraskn. 25-8 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. iNOTIpE 011 PrnLICATIOX. . Land 0co at North Plftffe. Neb., J March 15th, 1897. f Notice is hereby given that Joseph H. Murray has filed notice or intention to make final ' proof before Register and Receiver nt bis office in'North Platte, Neb., on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 1897, on timber calture application No 12, ISO, for the west half northwest quarter and the west half southwest quarter of section No. 8, in township No. la norm, range no.zi wesc ue names as witnesses: Horrace Fulwiler, Penkney Bradburn, Alfred B. Pierce and Ira Mann, all of Gandy, Neb. 26-0 JOuNF. HINMAN, Register. THREES AND PLANTS. I A full line Fbdit Trees of Best Al Varieties at Hard Times Prices. Small fruits in great supply. Mil lions of Strawberry Plants, very thrifty apd weirrpoted. CfefcTHE BjS3 bpat nqnie aqa saye ireignt oj express, aepa for price-list to NORTH BfiND NIIR SERIES, North Bend, podge (.,. Nefe. As I am going- out of the drug business. Now is Ik Time to Boy- Look at these prices: 81 bottle Sarsaparilla and Iodide Potash SI bottle Blood Purifier . !(3oc $1 bottle Indian Sagwa .j, . ,85c SI bottle Scott't) Emulsion ...800 SI bottle De Witt's Stomach Bitters. !8oc SI bottlelron Bitters ,85c SI bottle Pierce's Fay. Prescription! !s0c SI bottle Pafne's Celery Compound.. 9f)c , il. botfte SbilostanepmptWOurp.gpc 50c bot. Bhilob's Oonsqmption Cure. .0q 50o bot Ballard's Horebound Symp.45a 75c bottle Shiloh's Vitalizes ... ...,00o LEWIS E. MYEBS, Corner Sixth & Vine Sta. while; throwjn Jrii