; ' FOOTLIGHTS. Reminiscences of Charles Fech ter and Adelaide Nelson. . "WIEH:OHJLELES DI0H3S XiTtec Hike s. Kic sad jyyir.s ruke B Xr Tke Peerless "eIImTXcr Xarvel- ;- HHtfaBelr 3Eh4 ef a Gentle Seal. 'Special Correspondence 1 Keit Tokk, March 8. "When some genias in the art of dramatic differen tiation a couple of generations hence mm come to -write the Mstosy of the stage In this country, full and exact 3ns facewill perhaps he dace to the marvel jos ability of Charles Fechter, -who, shoagh his trimnphs-?rereon-Drinci-JsaHyon the other side of the Vater, "K'as nevertheless an American actor in sthe sense that some cf the best tvork of his career-was done in this rrmtirrr- t,a "uutss xefic m a utile Pennsylvania. Tillage in 3ke Great Tecktcr. Fechter Tras a man cf goodimpnlses, hat he had a t einper yrhi ch -was really un controllable. The great actor when suf fering: from one of these frequent ebul liticnsTras like a crazy man. Hc-VTonld stop at nothing for the moment, hut-was itjlge MAKAczn tikcext at texage of S3, always sorry afterward and -willing to Tepair any mischief he might have done. Still, to me le was a lovable fellow. Beneath his uncouth exterior there heat as true a heart as man ever carried, and I mast admit that I never suffered, from hi3 violent temper during my connection with .him as the stage manager of sev eral of his most impart ant productions. His greatest fault, which net even his warmest- admirer could fail to observe, was his intolerance. Im the opinion of Fechter, no one who held a different view from him on any matter connected with the stage was en titled tothe slightest consideration, and TTthg "temerity of others in differing from him was something which was always a source of genuine surprise to this pecul iar individual. These who met Fechter , in the usual professional way knew prac tically nothing of the man's character, except perhaps its worst phases, but in my intercourse with him a necessarily close one while it lasted I had the op portunity to study him like a book, which X did, for even his enemies ad mitted that he was a remarkably inter esting figure. Itis not generally known how Fecbter wa induced to visit this country. Charles Dickens, who was r warm ad mirer and personal friend cf the great "French aCtpr, had for years been trying to get hi to accept one c the many engagements which were offered for an American tour. Fechter, however, for some reason or other, was under the im pression that he would not be so great a success here as he had been in Eng land, -and. every offer was declined. Fi nally in 1869 Dickens succeeded in in ducing Fechter to sign a contract to ap pear in this country under the manage mesfc -of Harry Palmer, who was a great friend of the novelist. I was then the agQ manager far the firm of Jarre tt & - Pahses aad I was sent over to arrange th"prelimiriarie for the productions hicn were to be made in" this city, hen I arrived in Paris, I hunted up 3f FechtW, and he insisted that his opening in this country should be in the, role of Jules Obenreizer in "No Thoronghfare.'" I did not like the selec tion, but beyond a few mild protests 1 g&id nothing. I hurried oyer to London to see Jlrv Dickens, who was as much opposed to Fechter 's choice of an open iag play foe America as I had been. He communicated with his friend, and it was finally decided that the first bill iu 27ew Tork sbxmld be Victor Hugo's ro mantic drama, "Buy Bias." In this piece VrT Fechter made his bow to an AmcT audience at Nlblo's Garden ia this city Jan, 10, 1870, and peered an instantaneous triumph. Despite a few discordant notes from some of the critics, the people were delighted elec trified. ,. .'" JMkIhc Wltk Dickens. Apropos of my consultation with Mr. Dickens concerning Fechter, a descrip tion of the great novelist as ahost might he of interest to the thousands of ad mirers wham he won in this country. The fact and result of my visit to Mr. Fechter had been reported at Mr. Dick ens1 newspaper office in Wellington street, Lend on, and he invited me to go to his heme at Gad's TTm, .Kent, where he expected Fechter on a yisit. Natural lyl was not slow to avail myself of this gprfwnfcyJ 'When I reached jfhe placed Th he afternoon at about 4 o'clock, I fecad, "to my great delight, tl v Taylor, fbe aathor of scores: of really good plays, was also a guest there. A dinner -for three, plain but well served, lasted from $ until after 8 o'clock. JFhat4,a feast cf reason and a flow of I "I .sohI' ' tha dinHcr was for mel X ate lit : v "tie oc aothisg, althosghlwas veryhaa- gry after the ride, on the. train and the hwtle of a hssy day in the city. :. I shall sever forget that occasion. TJaese two teilliant meK were in high spirits, asd the jesis aad repartee new baak and forth with bewildering, rapid ity." "What a picturesque figare Dickens tool -tie wore- a velvet -racket J adwith geld "bcua, a waistcoat of '$ack, ordered with a ssIl gold cord wd ocaaaented with beautifully era- Sowers, aad .a watch chain of tally liberal KoportioBS. His scarf f satis, was ekcacaied with Sowers i wbc -Bie-siae aiaaaer as fhe vest Hk twHv face, set off by early hair; with the -stray "lock hanging cown upon uw, gave nirrr a poetic appearance which was never conveyed by his por traits. After the tablecloth had been re moved I was invited to occupy the his toric revolving chair, and, snugly en- sconced therein. T lief? tn tht cussion between the two great men as to the founding of Punch in Vinegar Tar tL I had no idea that the stories I had heard of the remarkably humble origin of the na oer which boasted such a list or contributors were true, but it seems they were, "and mare, too," as the clown savs. That nirrhfc I wrs acsi'medi to the formal guest chamber which had been occupied by scores cf famous men. Isaturally I did not sleep, and next morning I was really sorry when a tele - gram was received from Fechter savins that he would have to delay his visit to Dickens far a few days, owing to the serious illness of ids friend, Frederic le Maitre, the man who, the French people like to assert, was the greatest actor the i world ever produced By the way, I en- f Joyed the distinction of an introduction to Una wonderful player when I return- ed to Paris a few davs later. He was then just passing from the public view, although still performing at the Parte St Martin. 3?ecoliarities of Genius. I had a taste of Fechtcr's stubborn ness scan after Iris arrival in 2Tew York: He decided that -"Hamlet" muss be the opening mil, but the managers, who : were paving him 5.000 a week, object- ,nfl ;,frPT- tt- rw mr their point, and the original plan was adhered to. "Hamlet was given as tne last play during his engagement and was mare praised and condemned than anything the French actor had previ- ! ously done. ' Fechter illustrated strikingly the dif- j ference in the methods of preparation , far the stage in France and this conn- , try. He painted.-danced, boxed design- i ed, fenced read music at sight, and in a word, was adept at all the accomplish- j ments which were likely to be of service . to an actor. His foreign accent was a 1 drawback tp him in this country, but it was minimized by the man's great mag netism while he was' on the stage. ment for two nights of one of the plays, a dress rehearsal was called, and be-; cause I had provided artificial instead of , natural grapes for one of the actors to 1 eat Fechter stopped the proceedings ! Eummarily and declared that nothing should be done until the real fruit was provided And the grapes were got at an expense cf just 1. It is not to be wondered at that Charles Fechter died in poverty. "When he played in If ew York, his apartments, ; at the best hotel in the city, were sump- ' tuous, and he entertained like an eastern potentate. 27ever did a greater spend thrift live. He had no more idea of the . value of money than a child, and when , he became poor and retired to a farm in Pennsvlvania there were manv of Iris warmest admirers who declared that it would have been better for him had he , never visited America. Critics may dif fer as to the exact place Fechter should occupy with reference to the other great . actors of recent years, but they will all agree that the most brilliantly versatile genius that ever came to tls from a for- j eign share was this same Charles Fech- - ter. Adelaide ?e3son. Stay bat a little- I will exsne again." Lilian Adelaide Lee-Neilson. This was what that magnetic actress, Adelaide Nc'lson, almost invariably . wrote in the autograph albums cf the would have made lifeunbearable to one with less amiabilitv. The quotation is, of course, from "Borneo and Jaliet," which in her opinion was the grandest plav ever written. Adelaide had married shcrtlv after, her tTTont snrrr nr ih TTjitti nTlrpf; tW ater, London, a Mr. Lee, the son of a rlpr"vmaii. and Jack Evder. -crho had trained the budding genius for the stage, told me in the cafe of the Haymarket one day some cf the curious and quaint remarks which his old pupil had made about her home life. My brother Felix I were at the time guests of gut old friend, Ned Sothern, and the little epi sode occurred after one of the latter 's performances. Besides our little party there were present at the time the Prince of Wales, who was then known general? ly as 'Mr. Bertie Sothern. Buckstone, iilyder, Chevalier WyckofiT, Lord South ampton, Lord Boscbery, the present earl, and two or three others. The conversation had drifted to Ade laide Neilson. and Ryder said: "Why, she calls her husband 'the pink of man ly babyhood He is so lender, ' she says, 'that I am afraid that he will melt in my presence some day. His gcod heart and Dolly Spanker ways make me think that Dion Boueicault had a type of Lee in his mind's eye when he wrote "Lon don Assurance. " 1 " Miss Neilson was a lovable creature, and there never was an actress in Amer ica or England who attained greater popularity. Her supposed gypsy ante, cedents were noticeable in niany littlp ways. She was excessively superstitious. On one occasion while she was playing -under Henrv Abbey's management at Booth's theater I received from Mr. Ab- bev, for temporary storage, a large mir to nut It I ror. 1 directed the carpenters in the office. In so doing they contrived j to circp it, ana jc was MiraMteu. thousand pieces. An hour later Ade laide's picture was blown from its fas tenings in front of the theater and bro- ken into smithereens. That same even ing an ivory backed mirror presented to Miss Neilson by the Countess of War wick years before slipped from her hand in her dressing room and was ruined Tnming to me, the actress pbserveq with an expression closely approaching terror: "Fate, fate, Vincent! Something is going tp happen, M Her IJatii&elj Xb. Later in the week, during a perform ance of 'Twelfth Night," at the request of Oakes Ames, second, one of the pro prietors of the theater, she consented to have his daughter presented" to her. In the course of ccnversatian,withoufc any warning, Miss Neilson fell backward i Into my arms. It was generally given out at the time that it was a fainting fit but I and many others knew better. I got some alcohol from the gas man's torch and applied it to the region of the. heart. After vitroross xuhbmzs and a ghw? of wine -Xfeyeifeoa ifa6restored. sufficiently to be enabled to finish the perfomiaike. When aha was preparing to go home that eveninrr, she observed to oe: "Tate again. A repetioos of that attack TKrill some day VH me.' Asd, sreenosgh, it did . Oae day sfee toe driving in the Ikris de Boulogne, Park, when a similar faiting awav rendered her unconstneus. The physi cians treated her for a swoon instead of heart failure, and the career of this beantifnl and talented actress was at an end Mis jSeilscKi was as accesible as the most hmmble person in the world, Xre- member that I was breakfasting with her when an old man was ushered in. ' He presented a portrait of herself which j he had painted and wished her to accept. ; She took it most graciously, compli- mented him highly, and then, after a few -nleasanfc words about lack of annre- Ciation oc artistic ability, toOE oat a - -t e ! checkbook, and calling a boy sent him J to the office for the amount, $ 100, for which she. had written it This she put ! into an envelope, with her signature and , a sentiment on a card, and handed all to the artist, who little suspected that the package contained aught of value. It used to amuse me when Miss 2 eil son called for Tommy Sheridan, a car penter at Booth's theater, to "tuck her up" in the tomb scene when she played Juliet. Tommy was very painstaking in j his work, for which he always received ! a present of $2. She would not allow any one else to do this. I mentioned that fact one evening at the Manhattan club, and leonard Jerome and "Wright Sanfcrd promptly inquired whether I did not want some volunteers. 3Iiss JSTeilson was another of the many generous sculs of the stage. At the con clusion of an engagement at a theater ?f J3? ahcctto Tl-'T connected with the stage, from thelngh- est to the lowest I have still a valuable malacca walking cane - far which she paid C5, and after having it suitably inscribed presented to me. Adelaide ZN"eiLscn was excessively gentle, but she was one of the best busi ness women that ever lived At her death she was possessed of a considerable fortune, most of which, I believe, she bequeathed to a British admiral to whom she was reported to have been betrothed at the time. Some estimates placed the value of her estate at about $350,000. She probably made money more rapidly and consistently than any ; foreign player who ever came to this country. L. John Vincent. NIAGARA IN WINTER. 3io I co Britl-je This Tear Planning a Eotel, Special Correspondence. Niagara Falls, March 8. They say Hoyt's comic song, with its refrain of "IU never go there any mare," did an immense amount of damage to business on the Bowery in New York. In the same way a catch phrase has done Ni agara Falls incalculable harm. exeat a thief as a Niagara Falls hack- man" has been quoted so often thatpeo- . pie who plan to visit the falls are often deterred from staying more than a day, or possibly a few hours, between trains. 1 Travel in this direction is just as great . -Niagara is as much a Mecca for the ' tcrurist as ever. But it is no longer a summer resort, and this is in spite of ' the fact that the village has done much to redeem itself from the bad name which it gained many years ago. There ' are honest hackmen in Niagara now. But in these days the principal travel to ; Niagara is the excursion business. The j New York Central had to run its trains " in two or three sections on the Saturday j before Washington's birthday, and every j car was packed These excursions are a I boon to the people of the village in win 1 ter. They are all that make business far the place, and since the ice bridge failed I to farm this year there has, been nothr ing but the unfailing attraction of the , "brvr tuuxuv unnm aws. 4C takes a locS cold snap to form the lce 0x5 01 ; this tfi?" lfc bas begun to form, Vat each time a warm spell has rotted is-et wiunuwuctm wguw faILs and down the gorge. Once or twice f the dashing spray has frozen on the is I nees 011(1 made a beautilul spec- land trees and made a beautiful ! tacle. But altogether the winter has been far from lively here. The opening up of the electric power works and the starting of many new in dustries promise to give new life to the place within a few years, however. It may not become what it once was the summer resort of rich, old southern families. The southern families which are old are not rich now, and those which are rich are not old But it may be made more attractive as a general re port for tourists. Already there is talk of a great big hotel, one that will rival the Florida hotels in size and beauty. The suggestion that the falls become an American Monte Carlo has been made, but it has not met with much encourage ment Since Saratoga became virtuous, Long Branch is the only gambling place in the north, and there is a demand for mere of them. But gambling brings only a temporary prosperity to a resort, and it loses mere than it gains. Geant Hamilton. Qaer Xangtiage. The Saturday Beview says that when he was in Egypt Mark Twain hired two Arab guides to take him to the pyra mids. He was familiar enough with Arabic, he thought, to understand and be understood with perfect ease. To his consternation he found that h rnnld not comprehend a word that either of the S1123 nttered At the pyramids he met a friend, to whom he made known Q mm a. It was very mvsterious. Twain thought "Why, the explanation is simple enough," said the friend "Please enlighten me, thep," said Twain "Why, you should have hired younger men. These old fellows have lost their teeth, and of course, they don't speak Arabic. They speak gum Arabic" A WpBgerfsJ Scbelar, Antonio Jfagliabeecbi, the famoos Florentine scholar, -was remarkable not only for the amount and variety of his. knowledge for he knew accurately 60 different languages but also for his in cessant labors as a student and libra rian "He usually passed the whole night in study and when exhausted na- ture demanded rest a straw chair-served. lor a couch and an old threadbare cloak for a coverlet." Sectric Sitters. Electric Bitters -is a medicine suited. for any season hut perhaps more "eneral- iy needed: 'when -langa exhausted feeding prevails, when the liver is torpid u oiuggasu amu me neea or a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use ofthfe medicine has often averted long- and per haps fatal bilious fevers- JTo medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system frosr the malarial poison, headache, iadigestlon, consti pateTtKzzisess yield to EkctricBitters. 50 cents and S1D0 per bottle at Streitz's Drag Store. 1 Trsasferrixr PistKres. Prints' or lithegrsghs may .heisacg. f erred to glaes by a very simple wceessL The glass is cleaned with aJeohol and a, polisher, then coated with fine dammar varnish, laid oh very evenly. It is thes par away ih spiace wnere inere is no- dust, where it is to remain until it is so sticky t hat when touched with the finger the glass, if a-smIl plate,. may be. lifted by the adhesroe. The pictnreto he trass f erred must be soaked iu rainwater until . . " Detweeu snseus ta oiorang paper and gently pressed This removes all su perfluous water. Now put the pictures, face down, upon the sticky side of the glass. The utmost care is necessary in placing it as ones it touches it cannot be moved without danger of tearing oat pieces of tne print. When it is adjusted, begin at one-corner and press the picture closely upon the adhesive surface watch ing it connnuliytbseetliatno.air bub bles appear between the picture and the varnished surf acs. When this isnriished, put the pictura- away again, let it re main until guile dry, then lay a wet towel over the back of the picture until' the paper is thoroughly soaked Now begin at one corner, and, with the fingers, frequently dipped in water so that -they will remain wet, rub off the white paper Continue this until all the white portion i3 removed This will leave only the color of the picture upon the glass. At the finish give the back a rather heavy coat of transparent var nish. Let it dry thoroughly and add a very thin second coat. When this is per fectly dry, frame the picture with a very thin glass over the varnished side. Hang in the window as a trausparencv. A few attempts may be necessary "before expert handling is acquired but perse verance will bung success, and with care and a little ingenuity verv many beautiful pictures maybe prepared at the most trifling expense. New York Ledger. During the reign of Elizabeth the fashion in binding underwent a consid erable change, the graceful simplicity of the early work, with its rather severe and restrained ornament giving place 10 a heavy, overdecorated style, in which a superabundance of gilding hid pover ty of design. Thia style reached its height in the bindings produced for James I, which were commonly dotted all over with flowers-de-luce or thistles, wl-ile the comers were filled with a heavy block of coarse design. During the reign of Charles the bindings were as a rule copied from French work and the designs carried out with very small tools; but, though foreign influence was strongly felt at first, the English bind ers soon struck out a line of their own, and Samuel Mearne, the binder to Charles II, produced some admirable work and seems tc have introduced the quaintly shaped panel which gave the name of cottage binding to a certain -class of work. At a little later date an Edinburgh binder whose name is un known, but whose work is easily distin guishable, executed some marvelous pieces of work on very dark green mo rocco. Athensum. A Parliament Custom. Before the speech from the throne is read, when the houses are resumed in the afternoon, by the lord chancellor in the house of lords and the speaker in the house of commons it is the practice in both houses, tp read qne bill a first time pro forma in order to assert their right of deliberation without reference. Q the immediate cause of summom This practice is enjoined in the house of lords by a standing order. In the house of commons the same form is observed pursuant to ancient custom and of the following resolution, passed March 22, 1603: "That the first day of every sit ting in every parliament scene one hill and no more, receiveth a first reading for form sake." In the house of com mons the clerk cf parliaments produces an ancient document which has served this purpose for at least a century, .en titled "A bill for effectually pre"?ent ing clandestine outIawrie?,""which ia duly read a first time end ordered to be read a second time and will never be heard, ef again till the opening of the next session. London News. STarveloas 31eehanlsm of the Human Body, The human bedy is an epitome in na ture cf all mechanics, all hydraulics, ail architecture, all machinery of every kind There arc mere than 310 mechan ical movements known to mechanics to day, and all of these are ha modifica tions of those found in the human body. Here are found all the bars, levers. joints, pulleys, pumps, pipes, wheel3 ana axles, bail and socket movements, beams, girders, trusses, buffers, arches, columns, cables and supports known to science. At every point man's best me chanical work can ie shown to be but adaptations of processes of the human body, a revelation of first principles used in n ature. William G eorge Jordan in Ladies' Home Journal. The Daaee-THctator. The large private dances given in 25ew York afford a means of livelihood to a number of women whose work does not appear conspicuously in the results as important as it really is. The lists of many of the hosKsws that entertain in this way aw taken charge of by young women who make a business of sending out invitations, overlooking lists and generally superintending the entire dis tributicn of the invitation?. fhisBeces sitates a revision, of tke names and the omission of all who happen to be no longer available for sociai entertain ments from one cause or another: The women who attend to work of this kind relieve the hostess of all further respon sibility than the delivery ro her of the invitations This is a particular relief to-the people in society who happen- tq spend any considerable part ef their time in Europe and are, unfamiliar with the changes that take place in "Sew York. One young woman and her moth er have for several. years made a very good living out of work of hikind and there are a half doeea ocmore who devote their time to. it. At many of the large balls a hostess never expecte to kaow personally all the people she in vites. Some of them play no more im portant part in her acquaintance than a place ob her visiting list, and, .that dis tinction having once been gained, itis likely to be secure until something very serious happess. - One of the duties of the women who make a business of sort of thiuir is to see that invitations do sot -go.to people whose friends would ba grieved by the scsgestioB of their teadisg a balL New. York Swbl TSTTSe Cestury C.TC. Buel has a pa per ofi " Osr Fellow CStiaen of the White HoBse," in which he writes of the c3 (rial cares ef the presieBC. In opening his article Mr. Beel says: A president who sbosid not carry ia to the White Hoosea relish for drudg ery, business habits cf the nicest dis crimination, and a constitution of iron woeld be president only- in same, even as regards his more important duties. His sign stare oc the papers which he is told will not otherwise be legal might be as good as the custodian of his bank acccsnt would require, but within the meaning of the hrwit would be as often as notamorat fcrgerr Yet no com plaint should be-o5cred xmthis account. Presidents are mad for better or for worse Such as they are in natural f acul ties and strength. 50 fhey .must serve. some of them leaning on official advisers and- otrreautratis clerks iu every step they take and some of them putting tha stamp of their own uiaividualitycn tha papers ana acts which make up an ad ministration. When 2 president elect, facing the chief justice, has repeated the constitu tional oath. 'I do soiemulv swear that I will faithfully execute the office cf president of the United States and wilL to the best cf my ability, preserve, pro tect and defend the constitution of the United States, " he has indentured him self for four years of the heaviest servi tude that ever fell to the lot of any mor tal. By comparison the "hired man' talked about in the last canvass would lead a pampered existence, and a consti tutional monarch is a man of leisure. A president equal tc his oath is both king and premier. He reigns and he rules. He is bowed down by the crown of au thority and is encompassed by the man tle of care. IJacela aaa the VThls-w, During all that dreadful period when fhe civil war was ravaging the country Lincoln heid the reins of the govern ment, and although worn out with un- ceasing iou, ne never neglected an op portunity to help those who suffered One day a poor woman, whose tears had worn furrows down her cheeks gain ed an audience with Lincoln, and in a few words related the sad tale of her husband, who had fought in the Union army only tc lose his life, and of her three boys, who were then fighting. She requested the discharge of her eldest boy, that she might have same one to support her. Lincoln's heart responded to the appeal, and he replied, "Cer tainly if yoi have given us all and yorr prop has been taken away you are justly entitled to one of your boys." The poor woman went away light of heart, only to return later, tearfully begging th? release of her second son. The discharge of the first son had come too late. Eh vras killed before it reached him. Sadly Lincoln sat down and wrote the requisite order for the release of the second son, and, rising, handed the pa per to the amicted woman, savins: 'Now you have one and I have one of the two boys left That is no more than right." Weeping with 30V, the poor- mother blessed Lincoln and hurried out to send her precious order, -Harper's Round Table. A Qaaa Deal In Him After Alt Well." said Papa Bushweed. as he settled down to his jut before retiring cigar, "now that Bella has brought around her young man I can't say that I think there is much in him." "Guess you didn't notice the dinner he ate, Jacob," said the practical mam' ma. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 3arveIos Besmlts. Prom aletter written by Kev. J. Gan dennan, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: UI have nohesitation inrecommendingDr.Iung's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down withPneu mania succeeding Iia Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work nnd highly satisfactory iu results." Trial bottles free at AJ? Streitz's Drugstore. Ecgular sire 50 cents and S1.00. 1 HUMPHREYS' KHRiMARY SPECflCS Icr Ecrtac, Cittk, SLap, Ecp, Zee. JJH3 POXTLTET. 3M Page Soak oh Treatment af laimk BB4Ckaxt Seat Free. A. A. 1 baal Meaixsitis, Milk Fever. zraiss, Xta.m chcsmv. PhrBwiarlT, C.C. I)iMeiHperf Sasal Discharges. B. D. Betar sr Grabs, Worms. rr"c"HZ Heaves, PhchebosIr. F.F Calif-, ar tiriit7 -HmUnUm .G.Xi4eRrTiase. Heserrkages. StegleSotae(oTer58tioeesi - .gQ Stable Ca.se, irtth Sfeetfes. MsskAL eteriaary Core OH aad Xedicaseg S7.0O Jar Teteeiaaxr Care iT. l.QQ BtH T w-ir-"? -t T-rt rrntiiri r in 1 1 T tn mi yaaJ en nxcift of prie. m HQJOEOrjlTHIC 28 SPECIFIC Ro.j la an 30 jsa. The aslrcseeeaBfsLjestdTte femyMility, Vital WtafaNS, aggT98trfaea.fcgmui auU. er ether chests. 1 per TiaJ. er 5 na. aw tcji sawder; fee 9S. Soid ty Bractic? aeai poatf&idea resipt of erica. A Cure for Piles. We can assure all who suffer with In ternal Piles that in Hemorrholdiae we have a positive cure. The treatment ia nnlike any thing heretofore used and its application so perfect that every ves tige of the djseasa ia eradicated. He orrhoiuuH ia a harmless compound, can be -used fox an eye ointment, yet posesa ea such hcalins: power that "when ar tucu iu me uiteasea pariS, it at Qfice re icves and a cure 15 the? gnre resalt of its continued use All who suffer with piles suffer froaa Constipation also and Hem orrboldir,e cures both. Price $1 50 . Per Sata by tDruggists. Will be sent from .he factory on receipt of price. Send to THEFostER XaxVg Co. Council Bluffs, Iowa, for testimonials and information. SOU BY A. F. STREITZ. MECCA COMPOUND So grear are its HeaEnsf Poerer. and Pain Itcficnnij Properties s lo. Seem tmpoisisJc froeajs. $lCBPtsaB oas Prcpaistica that. a be escd -nriihalt tiesdoat. Fs Bazas alone it is often ;ot Jstcshlrri Cold. (Irrcs ha-r Veca sarett by its bsc ) aad for Ijjf sXtr.j; all kiatls cf sores its mer fttzcdsall &xpc:t.iTTrrr. Pro nipt ase is. aost,eff cctfre sad it shoold he ii xery feoaie aad" vnriobop. IVr 3?cd by Hie Foster Mfc: Co, Ccnrt cil ElalSs. low. Sold by the trade. - TOR SALE BY A. F. STREETS. J.I. EiTrptiTe Diseases, MweV .i.xw diseases ei xngeatMB. faral S3 C s o c a The 3 g SmofcingTobacco Made Spring pisesh Garden either in bulk or packages- of the most reliable growers recommend them as fresh. spring stock of o 8 S The Best I a-.rDsnsr tools. In the Hardware Line we carry a full stock. A. F. STREITZ Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, PAINTERS' WINDOW GLASS, ZDia,m.axLta, Deutsche A.p o tli ek e Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sis. C. F. IDDINGS LU MBER, C AND GRAIN Order by telephone from Eewton's Book Store. NOETH : PLATTE : PHAMACT, Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. B.' BUSH, Manager. JSTOSTB: PLATTE, - - 2vJ iBBASKA : "We aim to liaiidle th.e jBest Grades of Groods, sell tiiero. at JReasonaMe Fiixres, and "Warrant JSverything - as .Represented.. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific rail way respectfully solicited. Elder & Lock's Stable. Northwest corser Court-hoGse Sanare. WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS. TTABNISHES, X30LD IEAF, GOI.I PAINTS. BROXZES, AKTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES. PlAO.ANT) E POLJSHES, PKEPAKED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, ,-. 1 jli t.Eftid ESTABLISHED JULY 186S. - 50,000 3 S -. Ti lt - G'nrM Awiy this year in valuable ; articles to smokers of , B iackwel I's Cnuin S s i Durham Tobacco You will Sad oae cocpaa r side each 2-ocnce bag, aad two coupons inside each 4-oesce bag. Bay a bag, read ffcecoepsa and sec how to gctyow share. Planting will soon be here and we are ready to supply you with - . ; . v. and Field Seeds These seeds come from one in the country and we can "Wehaye also received, jour A. L. DAVIS, Who no one owes SUPPLIES, - : - MACHINE Spectacles. 9 OAL For Fine Rigs -AT- Reasonable Prices -GO TO- - U, WiaJ-rUlV Cj1AjLJ25. - - 310 SPRUCE STREET