The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1897, Image 1

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IfO. 26.
Wall Paper
EUniUCIRI.. Renr. Hampton, fonaerstadegtat
Tee farmers-of this precinct arefcotaer university, liscoin. is m
We have oar new stock in and ready for inspection.
iWny not see what yon can get in yonr own town before
sending away. If you buy at home yon get what yon
"buy: yon do not Lave to-get more tban you want for if you
take more tban you need you can return it If you do
,not,get quite enough we 'have more, and our prices are
10 121 15 20 25-30 35 40 and 50 cts. uer double roll.
I whole comnranltT Is with the
We have just received ror this spring oyer Three gicted oaes in their sad affliction.
Thousand Six Hundred (3,600) DOUBLE ROLLS off ArtBritting-ham sold fifty head
.Wall Paper with Border and Ceiling to match, if you of hog-s the past week for which he
Will Call at OUr Store We Will try to Convince yOU that yOU received four cents per pound. Mc
can buy Wall Paper right here in !North Platte as cheap, Emiey times.
if not cheaper, than vou can send awav for it. -Keport says that a. protracted
oe aeia aunnsr tne
making- active preparatioes for j -ar
spring" work.
Otis Moss who broke his leg-some
j time ago, is getting- along- nicely.
George Carer who has been work
ing" the past year for X W. Johnson
: left last week, for Iowa.
T. Mayfield mores on to his claim
oa Jeffry Canyon this week.
Scott Robinson soM his place
and moved to Frontier county last
Mrs. Joseph Beaver died Satnr
day of coasumptionand was buried
Sunday March. 7th. She leaves a
husband and five children to mourn
her loss. The svmoathv of the
meeting- will
-cm tT l wcavc u ui uux week in District No. 4
Jt0 even rolls (double) and will close OUt at 10 Cents per W. Johnson and attending School.
'double roll, we will be pleased to have you call and see
.bur paper whether you buy of us or not.
a. x.
Our farmers jumped into wheat j
sowing-with a vim this week and
will keep the dirt flying- until the
croo is In barcinjr
jailat Wattooa, HI., charged with
sedacisg a josg girIT a member of
his church- Peelig- against him
runs high aad extra -pcecantlon. has
been to preserve him froa
the danger which threatens him
threwgh the Indlgsatkm of the peo
Superlnteadeat O'Brien,, of the
state hatchery at South Bend, h as-
taken 8,008 sk from the Platte
sloughs. near-Ija Piatte. He says
the water was so low as to make
this necessary or the fish would
perish. People of Plattsmonthr who
fish there, are indignant and think
the fish should he left where they
It seems that the cat in wages of
the Burlington engine men has not
been a specific one. On the Colum
bus line in fact, the-salary of engi
neers was raised twentv-nve cents
and of firemen ten cents ,a trip; on
the Kavenna run engineers were
docked fifty cents per trip and fire
men five cents; on the run from
Aurora to Kearney engineers were
cat seventy cents a trip and firemen
forty-five cents. Kearney Hub.
Scotia, people have an Idea that
this poo legislature Is Groins' to
build thenr a state normal schoo
and a bill appropriating 525000 has
Or f
and an operation performed upon
the neck of the deceased, all of which
was done thnmgh the Igaorance,
I; incapacity, etc, of the attendin
of the parents of the boy, while
they were temporarily absent from
the room. 'Dr. Kcsenbergf states
that it has been mti mated to him
that if he wiE pay a sum of money
that the prosecution will be
dropped, which of course he de-
To the people of North Platte ana vicinity: We have
turned from the eastern markets where we purchased an
unusually large line of seasonable spring and summer goods,
riraed. Leek and Gaslin are at- embracing all the latest novelties in all the many lines of sroods
tDcmevsforlheolatntiffL "FL A Pnnt- ... . J . :
has been retained or Dr. Rosen-!we 2anclie- iiie Stock IS HOW arriving- and bein2T shelved. -
berg. Lexington Citizen.
blizzards end things. Spring never been jntnduced for that purpose.
Cottnnsnciiig Marcfi 16fli and
Continuing until March" 27th.
opened under more favorable condi
tions and the farmers'1 hearts are in
their work. As Billy Shakespeare
remarked: "It's a good thing; push
it along." Wallace Tug.
William Heyse will soon move to
North Platte, where he will estab
lish a beer bottling enterprise. Mr.
JEJver since Pap Barry entered the
legislature the citizens there have
had hopes of the consumation of
this scheme, but the sand hills will
scarcely get a schoo L this year.
man is doing a
business in the packing and ship
ping of garden seed." ne buys his
stock wherever they -may be had
This Will be the neatest ten days' Sale Of the Season Heyse will handle the Schlitz brand
jf Or We propose to put the knife right through OUr DreSS of beer, and will wholesale the same I imDOrting- 0me frDni Germany. He
'GrOOds. We need your trade and money and We will only. Geo, Velhrnyer has sued has"a.b?g. trade, the largest part of
which is In Atlantic coast states.
where are located the most seed
houses from which western people
buy their seeds-
Congressman Greene is reported
to have drawn his salary as dis
trict judge up to ApciL 1st, which is
said to "he a Tn-wthTrrKi'abaiF sore
than he is entitled to.amounting to
$312-50. And thisls populist reform.
Our congressman probably needed a
little extra change to in trod nee
himself to the bo vs. down at Wash-
A Zi- rv cronrna o lnh . school district Sso. i for the sum of
goods. Here are a few our leading bargains: LteeatsTJail
I 2,000 yards of Dress Ginghams to go at this sale
-3 Cents per yard. . . later date to give the defense an
Ten yards of bummer JLiawu for cents only ten opportunity tprpcure the district
yards to each lady Customer. records. Gandy Pioneer!
"2,030 yar4s a.Ferc4des,to-gaJthiswsaleQG 'frbeteLsu at the
per yard a great bargain. , Uast Whittier school house, Tues-
1,000 yards of OlltiHg- Flannel, regular price 8 Cents day evening, for the Orphans Home
at this Sale for 44 CCQtS per yard, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, was quite
mo not miss these Bargains, for they are Snaps.
M ciiavcttxcH jf u. I TJ, . 7 I insrton and we win probably hear
will sell at this saLe ior 3 cents per yaraT only ten yaras rnetteameomeiM, wmcn . I of him huYinz an atfaLCk of western
to each Customer. cooy,tue promoter ot the entertain- Lnnsnm- nn M;fern eKtm
Fifty dozen ladie seamless fast black Hose, regU- ment, remitted to the oficers of the The questIon Is, wfll it require the
i : o o- n i.-,, society, on Wednesday or this - Trrt.r l
.Remember with ereryS2.C0 worth of goods bough tyoii
will receive a nice piece qi Glassware.
We carry the finest line of Laces, Eibbons and Em
broideryln town.
Our regular 121 cent Percale at this s:ile f or 10 cts.
"We hare the nicest line of Dress Patterns in town.
Just received a fine line of Novelty Dress Goods
from 12i to 35 cents per yard.
"With everv Dress Pattern amounting- to 82.00 or durinsr the
week. Gandy Pioneer.
Curtis & Black has already laid in
40,000 bushels of ear corn for the
future, and are now building an
other crib 16x200 feet which they
expect to fill this month. They pay
ten cents per bushel cash at their
ranches ... Dr. Bartholomew and
Con. W. Llovd are making arrange
ments to put In a telephone system
oming month. The
was ordered Thurs-
s witch board
same perscnptioo. in Washington
that it did In Sidney to restore him
to his normal temperature. Goth
enburg Independent.
The party of workmen who were
engaged fn driving piling in the
river in the diverting dam being put
In at the headgate of the North
Loup Irrigation and Improvement
company's canal, met with a pecu
liar mishap when just in the act of
completing their work last week.
Thepresidents message was sent 1F3 i-prfT" A T H A f F i
to congress late yesterday after- XUWiil lJL I i
noon, contrary to exDectations. Iti fV'"'"tiitMMtMMMmMMMMWtMHnMM
was devoted to the necessity of se- ForWedne6i&y,TiiiirsdsLy,Frid&y and Saturday of this week:
curing more, revenue tor the con- Tn?-PQQ r-nrnc xr it t , .
duct ortnsluess ofttogarinofc iatest SSJfVil,. If?
He caJM atteufa-oa to the issnaace price of ffie goods 50 cSS rtTfirfe'
of 5262.000,000 in bonds In the last We will sell t vrrrdc: n-hi, KrrA kpm; t - r
ad minis tratration as a reason for goods 75 cents per yard, with, trimmings complete for $5.65.
more revenue. Jfcle said that for the we will sell 7 yards of all-wool 40-inch serge, with all trinrmimrs
past three year there has been a de- complete tor 3.05.
iNOTT- is your tune to buy your Easter Sunday dress goods.
Wash silks at 32 cents per yard. - -
Organdies from 7 cents per yard up.
25 yards sheeting for one dollar.
SPECIAL Each Iadv bavins- worth of merrhvnX fr? nrrr
store will receive a gingham dress pattern free. This offer is only good,
afor four days from Wednesday to Saturday, inciasrve.
ficit of SI37,8tL,000.
T&eJdngdora has a popcLitiQii of 2T1S7,-
Tic ILig- of Greece is a white cross on. a
Be ground.
About one-Lalf of tha people arc-farmers
osd ssepiierds.
iSo part of ureecuis 40 mllas from the
eea or ecu miles froia the hills.
There are ecren ministers of administra-
tkra, whose siirirj is: 2.1 10 a year each.
The area of the cauatry is abacs 24,977
Equare miles, or half the size of Pennsyl-
-About 70,000 of the inhabitants speak
wtureti. language oaiyr ana au DUE UT-
jU profess tite Cbnstuxn religion.
For purposs ot local government Greece
is divided, in no lJmamarehies, nnderofiicers
calleti nnmnrrbs, Ir. has an excellent TgT
sysrem, Based npon the old Komm Lrw.
The chief characteristics cf the average
Greek arc his inquisitrvcnessr fondness far
excitement, love of discussion t desire far
knowledge, an aptitude for learnrmj and
aggressive patriotism.
Its Tegular standing army consists of
46280 fnfantry, 2,LiO cavalry, 3,842 art2
ieryj It0SQ rngineers and transpcrtaticrn.
en. 4U0 enncers and men, makmg a to
tal of 33,44a troops in the land. forces.
The present king, George Ir came to the
throne In 1SGU in his eighteenth year. He
is the son of the present: king cf Denraar
Ctarles IX, and. brother of the Princess of
Wales, and the dovrager empress of Russia.
Tfeera are three distinct races witam Ks"
confines, speaking different languages.
wearing' ri i Keren t: costumea and hoMins
little social interconisa with tach. other
the Greek, the Albanian and the Walla-
afeisn. or Boinanian.
The king has a palace at Athens, built
by Otho, at a cost of $2,500,000. and a
summer residence at Corfu. He shares
the legislation with a simile chamber.
called the bode, the manbers of which
are elected by the people-1 every four years.
J. PIZER, Proprietor.
Before placing yonr order for VEGETA
TIR Tnnr list: ax4 r?H mura.
you gut SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. Dont rfefc the of time, labor and
ground by plantimr seeds of naknown quality. The market is full of
cueap unrsHaoie- seeos. Uur seeds are well Tecommdecl bv those ha
hare tried tbem. Wears headquarters foe Alfalfa, Seed Corn, Fancy
Seed OatH. Spring-"Wheat aadFoxage Plant Seeds which, are adapted for
dry climate. When, in the market write foe special prices. Our Vege
table and Flower Seeds cannot be excelled. Sead. for our Sweet Pea col
lection, twelve new named varieties for Tweaty-five cents poet-paid Our
1SST Seed Catalogue will be mailed free of charge- oa application.
jraska Seed Co., 520 N. 16 St., Omaha, Heb
Happy Bec 2 . wilL bebred in Stem.
J tt
Samp T?ilsaa Is ill with, the arrfej ai.Ir-
Iazzaroneistakinsrsea bats racnlarrT
a& nngnron.
E2ng Albert. 2 HoX, will be out as
pacer this year.
Mona liza. 221. is said to have
ringing m England.
Jenny "Westr dam of Henrico. 2:15.
a. fnr'T Trtr "T 1 aujtjiy
J ..uu, iL-
Twenty-seven horses are wintcrrnsr afi
the Norrissown stock fnrm
Fatchen Wilkes' book for 1S9T is ra-
ported as being- almost fuIL
Eed Silk, 2:10, the Baron "Wilkeff paring
fiHyr stands but HJi bands.
C H. Nelson says thas 50 mans ara al
ready booked, to kelson, 2:G9.
more we will, daring: this sale, ive free, 5 yards of Skirt dav.
flftj subscribers on the circuit.
Gothenburg- Independent.
Lining and 1 yard of Silesia.
We carry a large line of ladies', men's and children s
Shoes. Drop in and get our prices hefore purchasing
Our yery best Ingrain Carpets at this sale for 65 cts
held a. meeting- in Lincoln a. few"
This is the grandest sale of the season. Don't miss das and 44f4 ffinek,.
a cnfPTl -Frnm Tvnrfli Tnrtr
Thej expect to have about L-, -, , . . . . e
. il . . Bj some accident the. heavy metal
hammer, weighing- over 1330 lbs.
was tripped from the derrick of the
driver when no piling: was ra place
under it to receive the bjlaw, and
it shot throng the ics- cutting" a
hole as. cleafl. as a bullet and burv-
itself in the sand to an
The swine breeders of the state
lit: for if you do you -will lose money.
. Yours for Bargains,
Ottenstein Block JOHN EL DAY.
The Leading Store in North Platte.
the wxjrkqf inoculatiqn against la
chqlera begnin in Nebraska by Dr.
Frank EOlhisrs.
unknown depth. A sounding' rod
of twelve feet In length failed to
reach the mass of iron and the
John Conway, of Tecumseh, who chances are that Its recovery will be
is in jail there charged with raping; impossible. The hammer was
; a. little girl, tried to escape jail but worth about 0,
Edward Harrigan may vrrifce a farce f cr
.May Irwin.
Thomas W. Keene has acted the role of
Bichelira 2r400 times,
During hiscoming-tcur Pluukett Greene
will give several concerts in Canada.
Tanny Da venport is considered, to be one
of the best sage managers in this country.
Isest to playinjr an arduous character
part, J. E. Dodson. prefers a good hand at
"All work and no playt" remarks
Charles A. Bigelcrcv, "vronld be a good way
to describe the average farce comedy. 1
Jessie Bartlett Davis' singing of "The
Argclns" is said to bathe hit of the new;
opera recently produced by theBostonians.
Charles B. Hanford is heartily praised I wiH be ofTerSi in. stakes and purses at
vr .W. 111.3 . 1 I 1 I "J 1' lJ J 1 I h.
In searcit of a. good dgax
will 'always ignat itatjr5"
. TT rt r -
F. Schmalzned's-
them and judges
Carl Brodbeck,
Fresh Smoked and
Salted Meats,
Having-re-opened the City Meat
Market, opposite the Hotel Neville,.
I am prepared to furnish: customers
Bubinstcinr 2:05. by Baron Wilkes, ia i -ar?Tt r-v, .i:. r x
wintering- in elegant condition. " . , iuxulj or
Knishtmare, 2rl2?. iag becasae the t klnds
propcrty of John. iicGlinrt at IS50L j A share of your patronage is re-
A. K. iloore recenilypurchaged flvsTery j spectfully solicited,
valuable brood mares in Ejentucky.
Ananias (2), 2il2r may take a shy at On
liners 4-year-oIri record of 2:04 this-season.
Clifford, the great old flier, will noc see
tie pose before tie opening-of the meettag
as SheepsbeatL
It is said that something- over $73,000
I First National Bank, ji
JBrPBgglfScaiB A general banking btisineis 5
S0 IBSSH transacted. l
was shot and captured- It is a pity.
tf the charges are true, that he
was not killed brthe shot.
J. Li. Dollins sold out a car load
Huron "Warner, as administrator
of the estate of Perry M. "Warner,
began suit against Br, Frank J.
Hosenhenr,. in the district court of.
j dose of antitoxineand morphine in-
-r p&fTg-reftfcei oqrToonis In tke Sesi at sijle, tke psWie
k suited to MIi d see uSj Iasnrig eoarfeoas timtaseafc.
FJrtest Wines, Liquors and Cigars t the Bar. feaf fetters from combs char-
of wheat to farmers in. this Ticinity Dawson county, on "Wednesday, to
last weet tor seed, shipping it ?n secure .000 damage for the death
from Greeley, C.qIq. It is espedaHy of his son Perry M. Warner, which
adapted tq irrigation and was re-1 occurred on Febnaary, 5th, 197. At
i tailed t 9a cents a bushel Co?ad the time of the dot's death Dr.
4- iLttnc. Rnsenbnrtrwas the- affpnr5tn- nftv-
The Plattsmouth board of ednca- sician. The complaint sets up that
ii t 3r a c xi.- r , r
tiQiLcanremrfaf-ss n tt,c- 1 LUU Irum eixecc ox a
- J XT r r. . I u
cuuij, uu icuuceineiorceoi teacn- jected into his Iej
ers- in rnar city trom twenty-three
to sixteen. The project for a new
high school building- in that city is
also abandoned.
The Haller Proprietary company
at Blair has been, reonramzed and
hereafter Barbwire liniment will
flow like water there. Senator
Haller Is the leading- spirit of the
enterprise and the concern is being
located so near the the Missouri Its.
raedicise can be compounded
S. A. Cpetbsj of 5oerr has been
sied for $X0, 600 damages by John.
Ashfardia theDakota county cort.
Tke oasis was the reading- In the
United States senate by Senator
efeieat tte4ats will soppily sU jeer wsaig.
oimwitted cm. Tadian wosex aad
Ceiefccatett fr Its rreai learresise- stn wtk
iTrntiniT -iff" fnmin nr wiiiin ilfi m
support of Thomas W- Keene's "Ixrais XT.'
Leon Herrmann's rapid progress inEng-1
Ksij may be attributed to the fact thac he j
w accoapsnied by a special tutor in his
Eobcrt Hilliard goes to England late in
jayr but will return early in August, in j
time to open bis starring tour in a new
Henry 3filler lias been so successful in
"Heartsease" that the engagement of Olga j
Jsetaersolehas been cancelled a? the. Gas
den theater, New York.
The materia far Adelaide Herrmann's
BftTicrng aarmeBta is imported from India.
It is eq light in texture that 2a jards cf J Lake Gecrgc Trotting- aseociatioH-
Prank Catos. considers "Valley Quees
about the fastest trotter in. Eurcpevnoc ex
cepting Bravado.
Sky Pointer,, a brother to Scar Pofeter,
20252, has been a mile in 2:24 for Traiaer
Ed Geers at Selma.
'Rifles have been paced in. 2 ala and better
over 39 different tracks scattered tbrosgk
15 states, and Canada.
Peter Buryea secured Alnwter, 2t24Hr a
dficgiitercf the famous Aim 3aser, at
auctiort for $390 recently.
Gypsy Boy, owned by Coaklhsg- sad
Stone, Iiuzcrne. X. Y., -wurt over five oas-
petitcrsat the recent ice meeting: ot tl
it scarcely weigh: a. pound
There is no truth, in the rumor that Mel
bourne HcDowell will Jitar nest season.
He will create a strong role in. Eanny Dav
esport's new American play.
Alfred Bradley has bought ' ' Christopher,.
Jr.," which, was written by ids sister,,
-Madeline Lncctte Byleyr for John Threw,
and will send is on toe road next season.
Senator McCarthy of Brooklyn. Trio
bought Fred EchL. 2:125. and Prad S.
Moody. 2il-i, at the San Mateo sals, will
iave them raced on the grand cirrais.
tlanfe f eiianl
Coal Oil,
Gasoline, -f -
Cas Tar,
And Crude Petroleum.
Xeave orders at oSce
m. Broeker's tailor shoo.
The Princess Louise, marchioness of
.Lame, objects to her portraits being sold
esr reproduced
The Duchess of xife has followed the ex
ample cf her mother and invested in a
spinning wheeL With this wheel the duch
ess spins her yarn, which she knits into !
golf stockings far her busband.
King-Humbert of Italy holds the record I
mivuj niMj Uiu u.C3)U iiJc VCC SCdZ
.It is estimated thafr is tie Gerraaii
pire there are 7T50O,WaiIkoows.
AH young- mammals for-a -neried of
to three years subsist entirely upon -mTTV.
In 1837 MnlhaTt estbnafied the mrTw
of cattle in theTJauad Ss&teg at 43,200.-
isSQ-poundsof tetter and ISO poE4s of
cieese per aaKKEL.
The Jersey wttle were import, into '
tuts country in considerable vsmbees eady
in the present century.
Use first imports- of cattle to America
Meats at -wholesale and re
tail. I'isk and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
tie distaac betrreei the horns 2T inches.
Heias also shot the second best specimen.
Tbe empress of Japan takes a great in
terest in ali that enncems the nation, from
tfcerice crop upinrrd Her majesty is sard
toiave a special talent far literature and
writes verj beautiful poetry. A poem of
has, set to music, is sung in the schools
all Qprer the land.
Ifee German empress is the latest recruit
to tie royal army of cyclista. Her majesty
is dearoas of becoming small by degrees
aad beautifully Ies, as she emperor ba?&
great objoition to portIiaesf?r and by her
ttoctmrg advice she has: taken, to cycling; as
ihe hesfr geveative' aegbass the eBeaay.
Xaccalise wHi cure any case of itching
Oas. It has BTer failed. It affords
inntoint relief, aada cure-is du-e time.
Pnee 25 ad 50 Xscfe by Fcere
Maasfactarac Co. aad seJd bv A. F.
The Argentine Republic istae gractesc
cattle raising country in South, Ameriea,
having: in 1SS7 raised 22,870,000 hesuL
Butter is frequently mesaeed ra tie
Old Testament Scriptures, but tae best
Bihlicril scholars now regard tae Hebrew
wordtranslatgd batter as: rrnwTring-creaaa.
Cbevreulv the famoss- TreBch
seys that caw's, butter is eoasposed of
xsaT margarm and obeise, witk -rmrrTT
qoantitiefi of butyrfn, eaproiae aad eaa-
Scbabziegerkase is made is $fee csatss.
of Glarus, Switzerland, of curd wMckaaa
beeafermeatcd. It is mrsed wita tke pel
Teriaed dried flowers of seaaaarkle aad
pressed in. a maid.
The best chemiaaL a-ataarittes state taat
it is sou neccascry foe tae creeaat,ta become
SKtr before chirm fog. Swuut mum wiTT
cxiaee butter i& as
eeur ersa3Bcaad. in
5aaHy e Tmmec St
Pirate, Ttatta
General Eepairer.
Special attention given to
WaKed-Jln I