S6BB ,z s i. ' 1 mi. JTORTE PLAiETE, MBEASEA: THESMI EYMIIS, MAEGH 2, 1897. m 2-2. tf 5; jr TV Horses at Auction One Iron Gray Norman Stallion and 75 head of work and stock horses will be sold -witliotit reserve on Saturday, March 61, '97, at the Patterson stable in North -Platte. TERiis of Sale Ten per cent discount for cash, or rnnp months 'time will be given on good security bankable paper. H. OTTEN. r DEALER IN Coal Oil, Gasoline, Gas Tar, And Grade Petroleum, Leave orders at office in Broeker's tailor shop. . GEO. NADMAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all iiime&. Cash paid-for Hitres. P. J. BEOEKEE, Merchant Tailor A well assorted stock of foreign and domestic piece goods in stock from which to select. Perfect Fit. hew Prices. SPRUCE STREET. I J A AAA. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOEfG EAST CESTEALi TULE. .No. Fast Mail 8:45 n. m. No. 4 Atlantic Express 11:40 p. m. No. 2S Freight a. m. GOI2TG WEST XOTUTXAEC T13TK. No. 1 limited.- 33p.m. No. 3 Fast Mail IL20p.m. No.23 Freight 735 a. m. No. 19 Freight 10 p. m. N. B. Olds. Agent. Sets, Tftagt, raetarz Can far trnfiattnce. Laa of Uankeed, Seminal Nasauanasa. Sif Distrust. Loss cf Mtteery !& VS31 make gen e. SIS0X8. Ylgnr as8 Mot. Price $7.G73 6 wit task Bex- Jt&rtas iiHiri Sky Ltetect C, 29WtCAA. ST.LCK, HO. SoH by North Platte Pharmacy, J-E Bush, Manager. Wanted-In Idea "?ho can thins of same simple Intiet T9V Messr they maj bris? yea trealth. Wre 3K3f WmDEKBtrKX & CQ Patent Attor- aeS, Wllimiim. U L,zar tarir usu prize vu-cj- tmLmt of tn Irtmr'rri isrsasSona wanted. Haccalins will cure any case of itching piles. It has never failed. It affords instant relief, and a cure in due time . Price 2a and 50 cents. Hade by Foste Manufacturing Co. and sold by A- F. Streitz. r SEEDS "Rpfnrp BLE, nlaaca mm you our SPECIAL QUOTATION. Don't risk: the loss of time, labor and ground by planting seeds of unknown quality. The market is full of cheap, unreliable seeds. Our seeds are well recommended by those who Seed Oats. Spring Wheat andForage . t i i - t t a. drv climate, vvneo ra ine marset wnw wr ipeam prices, uur vcytr table and Flower Seeds cannot be excelled. Send for our Sweet Pea col lection, twelve new named varieties far Twenty-five cents post-paid. Our 1997 Seed Catalogue will be mailed free of charge on application. The Nebraska Seed Co, 52 PISEST SAMPLE EOOM IK SOETH PLATTE Bating refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public ig invited to call and see ns, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Omr MHiari hall is supplied with the best make or tables asi cospeient attendants will supply all your wants. QSITrTS BLOC OPPOSITE xHE UKI0IT PACIFIC DEPOT to As I am going" out of the drug business. Now is the Time to Bny. Look at these prices: SI bottle Sarsaparilla and Iodide Potash. G5c SI bottle Blood Purifier 65c SI bottle Indian Sagwa -S5e SI bottle Scott a Emulsion . . S5e SI bottle De Witt's Stomach Bitters. .85c SI bottle Iron. Bitters Soc SI bottle Pierce's Fa v. Prescription.. 9Gc SI battle Pause's Celery Cdmpoaed..90c SI bottle Shifoh's Consumption Cure.SOc 50c bo t. ShilGh's Consumption Care.. 40c 50c bot Ballard's Horehound Syrup. 45c ac bottle Shi ion's Yitalizer 60e LEWIS E. MYERS, Comer Sixth & Vine Sts. Legal Notices. X. C. Patterson, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Harry C. Xord. Fanie 3L Lord, T. J. IcrdJIrs. T. J. litriy his lrlfe, John EoflrrerIefeciiante, will talce notice that sa the 21 day of February, 1S97. Henry L. Bliss, plaintiff herein, filed his petition m the district conn of Iincoln county, Jfefaraska, acainst said defendants, the object and prayer si Trfaiclr are to foreclose a certain mertaxe execn ted by Harry C Lard and Tannic 3r.Xord.sw wire, to The MrKinley-Lannrng jjum &. Trust Company cpoc the east half of the- North-sest quarter and Lots see and tvn cf Section SO. Town ship fourteen. Kance thirty diete Vest, in Iincoln Cocnty, Xebraska. to seenre the payment of a cer tain cocpon bond dated Aixsst 1st. IKK), for the sms of jOO, and due r.r.ii n-iyattie hi five years from the date thereof. Sai-J morfczase and lie deht seenred thereby were daly assigned to plain, tiff in the usual coarse of business and before ma turity: that there Is mrr due trpoc said cotes and mortgage tho sum f ?44S.fcO with interest at ten per cent f roca Ansnst 1st. 2-95. for which, plaintiff prays for a. decree that defendaaks be reqoired to pay the same, or that Hid premises rosy be sold to satisfy the amesat fsund due. Tea are required to answer said petition en or before the 15th day of Starch, 1ST. Sated lebrcary 2nd. JSST. HE5BT L. BUSS. Plaintiff. By Thos. C. Eaxxtbsos, 15-4. Attorney, fT. C. Patterson. Attorney. ORDER OF HEAR !riC. State 2febraska, Xiacoln conctr, ss. x'ta 0uii7 Oaort. held at Sfee Csnnfey- Court Brain, ia and far said etwmty, February 12th, 1857. Preset. James Eay, Coosly Jcdge. In the sorter ef The Sstate of Eteanar A. Claxt deceased. Or reading asd 5Jiac the petition of Charles Van Brest and EAward 5. Grew, praying Jfas Lsne f Letters Tessameatary to them ki said Estate upon the certified copy of the wQl of safe de ceased and the pmof ei x rebate tbereof hs certi fied Wy tte Prafeefre Cwrt of the District ofPsmfret in tho State of rooHecticsi. which, certised copy and proof are sied in the Cocnty Court of Lincoln county, Xebratta. the dax atresnid; Ordered, that Maich 8th. IP87. at 1 o"slck p. m i asMzned for heariB? said petitioc, when aB persons intereed in said matter raay appear at a Coanty Court t be held in aed for said county. rami stow caase why the prayer of petitioner should Bet be srasted; act! that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, benirentnaUpefseas interested in said matter by pnbHyfcir.fr a copy of this order in Tttk Tei mnrz. a lenal semi-weeidy sewspapsr printed in saii eounty, for three snccesEixe weeks, prior to said day of hesris?. LS-S JAHES iL K-LT, County Jndg. t SMOKEHS 1 In search of a good cigai -vnil alvrays find it at J. o F. Schmaizrieds- Trv them and judge. COX & HATiTiTGAN, o'OETH PLATTE, - - KEBRASKA Office over 3rorth.riatte XationaEBank. D TL N. F. DONALDSON, Aefistant Surgeon Union Pnr.fir E?n end Member of Pension Board, SOETH PLATTE, - ISEEEASKA. Oface orer Strsiia Dreg-Store. E. E.NORTHRTJP, DENTIST. "Room No. 6, Orteasteia Building, NORTH PIxATTBr NEB. pRENCH & BALDWIN, ATTORHTEYS-AT-LAW, PLATTE. - - XEBI Office over N. P. NtL Bank, rjl C. PATTERSON, All Q IS: S V-?T-L.7Ll. Office First National Bank Bldg . NORTH PLATTE, NEB. qR55S AND FLANTS. I A full line Fectx Trees op Best X Yakietxesat II aed Tikes Pkices. Small fruits in great supply. Mil lions of Strawberrv Plants, very thrifty and well rooted. Get THE BEST near home and gave freight or express. Send for price-list to NORTH BEND NUR SERTES,North Bend, Dodge Co-, Neb. nlacimr vonr order for VEGETA FEOWER AND FIELD SEEDS cortr? nc vnnr Tfct. Jinrf WP will C1VB Plant Seeds which are adapted for $ i r- , - r "VT- N. 16 St., Omaha, Heb. TPTF S0XCESEE. Being" interested to some extent as a member of the chorus in the opera produced on Friday and Sat- nrdav eveninsa last, the editor C3 solicited a criticism from one who was in the audience, and this per son writes as follows: One of the most brilliant and en tertainins" operas that has ever been given in this city was "The Sor cerer, by Gilbert and Sullivan, pre sented at Lloyd's opera house, Fri- dar evening, under the auspices of the choir of the Episcopal church. The music of this opera is of a high grade, and rather dificnlt to render, as may well be known from the reputation of the composers. For two months past, the musical director, Professor E. A. Garlich, has been drilling a chorus of fifty voices for this occasion. The suc cess of his efforts was shown in the excellent manner in which the grand choruses were rendered in the performance- "Words of commendation here are not necessary, for they are heard on all sides from those who were present at the opera. North Platte should certainly be proud that an entertainment of such a character could be given in so credit able a manner by local talent. The opening chorus was a most exhilarating; and thrilling introduc tion to the successive musical treats. Miss Julia 3aker, as kkCon stance" in love with the "Vicar" was perfect master other part, Her voice and acting" combined to make a very pleasing" representation of a young maiden in love. Miss Mabel McNamara, in the difficult character of "Mrs. Part Iett,T mother of "Constance," por trayed in perfect symmetry the lines and expressions of an old woman interested in young love matches. Miss McNamara was perfectly at home in her part, and sang well. -Jasi-B. McDonald, as "Dr. Daly, the Vicar." could not have been im proved upon. He represented, in manner and dress, the typical parish rector of the old school- His soles were highly appreciated by the of the many pleasant feat ures of the evening" was the drill by the eight little flower girls. They were dressed in pure white, and each carried a crescent of roses. The figures in the march were varied and unique, and the posings were very pretty. At the close of the second chorus Miss Wright, of Sidney, appeared in the character of "Aline," who is the daughter of Lady Sangazure, and is betrothed to "Alexis." Miss Wright made a very charming- ap pearance in her beautiful costume, and won a hearty applause from the audience during the evening's performance. Her solos were very difficult, but she sang- them with ease and precision. Much credit is due to Miss Wright for the efficient and pleasing- manner in which she handled this important part of the opera. Mr. Chamberlain's voice could not have been better suited to any character than to that of 'Alexis." His solos and duets with "Aline" were of such a character as to re quire the most accurate tones, and choicest expression, but in every instance he proved master of the situation, and was heartily ap plauded in many of his parts. FredTr Baker, as Sir Marmaduke Pointdexter, more than pleased the audience, both by his excellent singing" and accurate portrayal of the character. Mr. Baker is the possessor of a very smooth and full barytone voice, and on this occa sion he fully sustained the reputa tion he has attained as one of North Platte's most pleasing" vocalists. Mrs. Doolittle acted the part of "Lady Sangazure." She received a hearty applause as soon as she appeared upon the stage. The peo ple all seemed to know what to ex pect from her. and they were not in the least disappointed. Her duett with the Sorcerer was very comical. The "Lawyer" was a uniciue character, and was well presented by Mr. Shaffer, with his long- wig and courtly gesters, and excellent voice, which was well suited to his character. "The Sorcerer" well, indeed it could not have been called by this name without Mr. Doolittle's voice, manners and dress-suit to make up the character. The general expres sion of the community is: "He was immense." The audience began to laugh before he began to sing, and it kept on laughing" until he disap peared. He could not have por trayed this character more perfectly if he had been a professional. There seemed to be a general relaxation from stiffness and formality among" all the actors, as soon as he made his appearance. . The incantatiosL scene was excel lent. An expression of one of the children who was-present is worth recording" here. When asked what he thought of the,singing he said: "Liked Misser Doolittle bess, 'cause he talk so fass. and 'cause he make it lightnin." The last chorus was grand. It was a very rare musical treat from beginning" to end. Every one cer tainly enjoyed it who were present. The attendance was not as. large as it should have been, and the net receipts .vere consequently small the choir will not (clear more than 540. Yet such an. entertainment establishes a good precedent, and those who took part in it deserve much praise for their efficient labor. SHADY SUBSET. A. W. Mathewsoa, Kalph Elliott and Frank JVEevers were in Gothen burg Saturdav. Hans Jepson catfie over from Far num Saturday andwas a visitor at R. "McMurray's. H. E. Morrell and E. L. Mathew son will ride the Woodmen's frisky goat at the lodge's next meeting; The question, debated at theGas lin literary last Friday was "Re solved that it would have been bet ter for the American people if Bryan and a free silver congress had been elected, than McKinley and a gold standard congress. H. Peck ham and H. E. Morrell had the affnnd"Rarph Elliott and E. ' L. Mathewscn the neg. It is reported that work will soon commence on the ditch north of town. Word was received in town Tues day that Otis Moss, who lives south of town had had the misfortune of receiving a broken limb. He was driving" cattle when his horse slipped and fell with him, breaking" his leg" in two places below the Parsons was down from North Platte Wednesday as attor ney for the defendents in the case of Wilson vs. Martin Bros., G. D. Mathewsoa was attorney for the plaintiff. The jury rendered a ver dict for the plaintiff. Don't forget the enterrainmentat the M. E. church March 6th. The North Platte Mandolin Club will furnish the music. Frizzles. Condensed Testimony. Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manufac turers Agent Columbus, Ohio certifies that Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a cough remedy. J. D.Brown, Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Waynne, Ind testifies that he was cured of a cough of two years standing, caused by la gnppe, by Dr. King's New Discovery. B. F. Merrill, Bald winsville, Mass., says that he has used and recommended it and never knew it to fad and would rather have it than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. Hemming 222 . 23th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of croup, because it instantly relieves. Free Trial Bottle at A. F. S treitz's drug- store. 3 Repsesentative "Wooster of Mer rick has furnished more diversion for the legislature than any other member thus far this season. It appears from the results, however, that he is one of the most effective fighters in the capitol. He is charged by the friends of the expo sition bill with the responsibility of reducing" the amount to 5100,000. Ex. IT POWDER Abtiiteiy Pmrm Cdeljratea-for Its great leavening-streatk aralTieattftfnlncgg- Aseares titc food azaiet .aloE-OHd an farms of adnfrrra twa cemmea. to tie c&eapterads. Karjx, bakisc Powwst Co.. NsirxasK: A boy five miles. soKth ot Nebras ka City shot his brother in the groin. It was the same old story of a fool and an unloaded gun. Plattsmoufh is resuming- her old time proportions as a grain market. Forty thousand bushels of corn were brought there last week. A Bradshaw boy pushed another youth's features all out of shape and made chewing" gum of his thumb. It cost him $30 in York to fix the matter with the justice. The Grand Island Light and Power company had a hard struggle of it Tuesday night, a portion of the dynamo burning out and a large belt slipping" and being" torn into pieces. A green looking" Wyoming" stock man was steered into an Omaha gambling" house Saturday for the purpose of being- fleeced, but he turned the tables on the card sharps and won something" like one thou sand dollars from them. W. D. Watkins was awarded an other government contract the first of this week, according" to the terms of which he is to furnish 164 head ot prime mares at the Santee and Ponca agencies by June 1. They must weigh about 1,100 and be free from blemish. The Union Pacific Company is taking advantage of the big cut in steel, and has purchased 150,000 tons of new rails which will be laid on the main line the coming sea son. This together with the bal lasting, which will be continued, will give employment to a great many idle men during" the summer and f alL The widow of John G. Higgins, formerly of Columbus, who was Governor Boyd's private secretary, has just been awarded a verdict for S2000 against the A. O. II. W. When her husband died he had a policy in that order and had al-lowed-it to lapse?bnt?it: was-shown that he had not been given notice of his delinquency and his widow won the suit Two young" men of Shelton, who were short of coal, backed a cart up to a train standing- at the sta tion and loaded on 500 pounds. The conductor caught them at it and closed the door on them. He locked it and carried them fortv miles away from home. They were liberated and walked back and were finally fined S12.S5 for their escapade. The Cambell system of tilling the soil is still attracting" a great deat of attention among progressive farmers in the state, and there is reason to believe that the coming season will convince many of the skeptical of its superiority over the old styles Those who are opposed to book and newspaper farming should not forget to keep their good eye on the Cambell system. The Standard Cattle Co. at Ames had 2,462 acres devoted to corn last year. This entire acreage was cut and shocked and the husking has just been completed. Of this there were four hundred acres of sod corn including" all of which, the average yield per acre for the entire 2,462 was 6S.6 bushels. It is believed that it is the biggest yield on re cord for so large an acreage under one management. W. F. "Wilson a farmer living north east of Humboldt delivered fifty-nine head of fat steers for which he received 54,000. This is the finest bunch of cattle that has been delivered in Humboldt for a long" time. Several of the steers weighed over 1800 and the entire bunch averaged about 1600. Mr. Wilson says the corn that he has fed these steers has brought him over 50 cents per bushel. L. B. Fenner, who has been ap pointed by the present state admin istration as one of the teachers in the reform school at Kearney, is the cause of much bad language up in Box Bntte county. Both the demo crats and populists are howling" St to kill. The populists say he has never been a populist, while the democrats avow that he is not one of them. Evidently he has been carrying" the load of both these parties, a feat which few can man age successfully. "When a dozes, eggs are worth more than a bushel of corn savs the Randolph Reporter, it is time to stop ana tninr, ana rr your thonsrkts lead you to the conclosioa tkatit would par yo better to raise more hens they will not have i led yo far wroag". If at the same Commencing Tuesday the I8th, and continuing-the balance of the month. Ourstore is crowded with a!3 kinds of winter and spring goods and still more arriving, so we . must make room, . . . . IS OEDEE TO DO SO WE OFFER GOODS AT THE FOLLOWING LOW SERE is OTJjR 20 yards 7c sheeting for SL Amoskeg Ginghams, 5c per yard. 10c dress Ginghams, new patterns, 8c per yard. Tc Standard prints, sc per yard. 20c Satine at 12j per yard. French and Scotch Ginghaas at 9c. One yard wide spriag-dress geodsjesfej arrived, at 12Wc. One yard wide 49c Henrietta, aH colors at 23c. Wo offer 50 pair of fediesr faee sfeoee, with the new toes, regular pciee 5L25, at this sale for Slio. We offer 160 pairof iatiiss'Saeeeaefet button shoes at Sl.S, register price 82. Ladies' oil grained shoes, geoti ooes, at S8c per pair. Children's School House Shoes We wi-h to close out our liae of Ilea- derson's Bed School Kosee Sbees. We have them in heels spring beefe; iace or button different grade. Here is the regular selling price from Hendersoa list. Bright grain, sises 5 so Sr Henderson's SU0 our price 95c. Our line of Laces aad Embroideries are here. and price there is no The Boston Store, The only cheap store with good goods in Lincoln County. Ottenstein Block. Room formerly occupied by Otten Shoe Store. Ko. 3496 II First National Bank, ICOltTII PLATTE, time they lead you to believe that , more cattle and hogs to fatten on : cheap corn and more cows to milk i would be a better plan that selling cheap corn, and you then proceed to act on the idea and stock np as ! rapidly as possible, you will do well. j The whole state will be interested ' in the announcement of the accep- J tance by the Rev. Edward Everett Hale of an invitation to deliver the. comencement day address at the I university on Thnrsdav morning, ' June 10. " , The commission appointed by the j governor to secure relief for the i starving" people of India will soon make a shipment of corn by the wav of San Francisco. The rail roads have offered free transporta tion from Nebraska to San Fran cisco Day, wnere a steamer is now preparing to load wheat, corn and miscellaneous provisions. No I doubt the contributions from this! state will be liberal. But a small amount of corn from each countv will make a handsome donation in the aggregate. The shipments will be made by individual car loads as fast as the "ram is col lected. It is needless wnatever is aone must oe aonct- T 1 - J t quickly. The situation calls for1 with a choice quality or meats of immediate action, or none at alL jail kinds. Journal. j A-share of your patronage is re- BncHen's Arnica Salva- The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sorest ulcers, salt rheum, fever . sores, teter, chapped hands, chilblains; corns, and all skin eruptions, ana pesi- ' tiveiy cures piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. j For sale bv A. F. Streitz - It has been said that there could beno cure for internal piles without a surgi cal operations, but over 1G0 cases cured in Council Bluffs, la., by the use of Hemorrhoildine proves the statement i Berit relie cr sI1 wfco vith bIind? t l bleeding and protruding piles. Its use I f no P;en in the most rgra- I mtion- Price SL50. For safe fcv A. F Streitz. fliarj OUT PBI0ES. PEICS LIST. 15-inch. aH wooL silk finish Henrietta, formerly Soc, at this sola for 4Sc. (Sc, 40-inch, new novelty goods, silk asd wool, at o7fc per yard. 50c. all wool serge, 40-inch wide, 32Jfc per yard. 50 dosen. pair children's ribbed hose sfses 5-12 to ?. 5c per pair. 53 dozen ladies fast black seamless feese, Sc per pair. Blankets, underwear and clocks go for fess than filty cents on the dollar. SHOES! Bright grains, S to 12, HeadersonVi price 1 25 our price 110. Bright grains,, sizes 12 to 2, Hender son's pcico L50 our price 130. Golden Rods, S to 12 Hendersons pries 1.60 ouz price 135. GoMen Rods, sizes 12ft to 2 Hender son's price t-So our price L60. BoBgi bos calf, sizes 5 to S Hender son's price- L20, our price 1.05. Docgofa box calf, sizes S4 to-12, Hen dersoe's price l3o, our pries 1.10. Docgofa. box calf, sizes 125 to 2, Henderson's price L60, our price L30. WeoSerJ. B. Lewis make .of men's sfeees. regular price 2 50, for LSO. As for style, quality ecnal in this city. J. Pizer, Prop. J. F. PILLION, Piute, Tinworbr General Eepairer. Special attention given to mm im WHEELS TO EEISTT :iCarl Brodbeck, dstat.kr ry Fresh. Smoked and Salted Meats. staving re-opened the City Meat Jlilt to add that Markefc opposite the Hotel Neville, ust be doneU aiT1 prepared to furnish customers ' spectf ully solicited. ' SO YEA3S i TRADE XAWXS, DCSICXSy COPYXtCKTS e. Anyccaseciang a yiegtri aatl desert ptlea ssf crates!?- atcatain, irec wbet&er aa tsTeacias ia protexliir pa&Mta&le. Commimfcatfaws strict!? x. Azseziea. Ws terre a WaafeinBae. oWmu Patents tzien. thrcaek. "Mwiir fc Cfc- Meatva sedalEcticaiiitbe SGIESTIFB aMElie, tezaefiurr lErnrted. fomt i In nt n " "i in' of jar seiessiSc journal. w?! y.serasa JK ajrac; Sees, cs t ixcrrsscatfra. iitlrirnnii fUNX & CO., 2G1 Scraiwxr. Xew Tark