ntat V m. mi. SORTS. PLATTE, 5EERASKA, FBIDil EVESffiG,- IEBBUARI 19, 1897. . 19L . z3. time: tablh. - -f ast J4ail S:i5 a. m. Atlantic Express 11:40 p. m. No. 2S Freight 7:00 a. m. GOIXG WEST ilOtTSTAET TLMX- o.l Iitmhed. . 3:55 p.m. -No. 3 Fast Mail n--n p. rn. NafS Freight 7:35 a. m. o.l9 Freight V-iOp -m, X. B. Olds. Agent. TLCOX & HATTJGAN, OKXE PXJ.TTE, - - - SEBEASZA OSce orerXorii Platte JTaticcalEssk, JQR. X. F. LK)NAIDSON, AasietEi Sarseca Union Pa&Ac 5? ai Xerriber of PenaorLBoani, OSes oxer Strtltz's Umg: Store. E. FNOETHRTJP, DENTIST. Boom No. 6, Ottenst-em Building", NORTH PLATTE, NEB. JlRENCH BALDWIN, PLATTE, - - XEBI OSce over N. P. NtL Bank. a PATTERSON, ttTTOHNEY-i OSce First National Bank BId NORTH PJjATTS, NEB. F. J. BEOEKEE. Merchant Taiior A well assorted stock of foreign and domestic piece goods in stock from which to select. Perfect Fit. how Prices. SPRUCE STREET. Carl Brodbeck, DF.A f.KK ET sFresli Smoked and Salted Meats, -jHaving" re-opened the Citr ileat ilaxket, opposite the Hotel Neville, I am prepared to furnish customers with a choice quality of meats of all kinds. A share of jour jjatronrrge is re spectfully solicited. SMOKERS In search of a good cigai will always find, it at J. F. Schrnalzrfed's- Try them and judge. J. F. FILLION, General Repairer. Special attention, given to III Ml, ,S TO KENT DEAI.ES. IX Coal Oil, Gasoline, t Cas Tar, And Grade Petroleum. Leave orders at office ijx Broeker,s tailor shop. GEO, NAUMAN'S SAT MARKET. Hfiftts irMesale and re- twL 'Fish nd Game in jeaso. Snse at all iiiaes. Cask pid for Hides. mi" 3K!ii! ill Tinworker mi! WHEKL Horses at Auctioi One Iron Gray Norman Stallion and 75 head of work and stock horses wiH be sold -without reserve on SaWay, March at the Patterson stable in North Platte. Testis of SAT.B-Ten per cent discormt-fbr cash, or nine months time wiH be "iven on sjeod secnrirv bankable paper. H. OTTEN. J-iegal Notices. SOTJCE. U. S. Laad OSce. S&rih piiite, ieb-, f JaacarrStis. J3T. t Complaint having been entered at this ace by huiuei J. aiaxtut ipuajt Baas P. Kelson lor abaadoaiac- bis Hesrsriead Bstrr Se. IKCC dated September 131a, 1550, spoa the sodJieast q carter j of the nortlrwei qaarter ssd lots 5 sad 6, section j 6, tn-srarfup M north, range 54 trest, le Lincoln ! cocatjr. Jfebrasia. Trita a View to the eaaceMoiiaa ce ice cumii qpgrrre- im iff w?bm cnrf g r of said entry, the aaH parlies are hereby 5na moaed to apoear at Xerth Platte. Xeb bcf.jre Hegisterasd BeceiTer. as the 30tk iaj ef Feb rcary. li-ST. at 9 .isci: ru i to repMi aad far 25h. testimacy concerning said aHesed abacdoa sseat. JOHX P. S-5 Begistez. xoncz. XT. S. Xaad Oa-ee. Xorta. Platle. 3"eb i Jaaaarj- ISta 1SST. ' Coaiplaiai ha-rfas- beea entered at fcis efilce br Hecreitta D. Scasj apiiast Jacaes Tfat-- Uir abaadoniaa-hia Hamestead Eatrx No. dated jliy 3d, cpon tiie soath east quarter section SS, ttrmsiip 13 aursa. raae 31 -rest, in Lincoln eotmry. Sebr2ka. s. viesr to the 3r-AHtiffn of said estry. the ssid parties are hereby staa zsaaed to appear at Xaria Psaite. ifeau, be fere Beaistar aad. BecaiTer ea the 21th. day Tefcrnary. IST, at 9 e'rfeci a. ra to repoad aad. fsraiih tetiaanyceaceraiagaid alleei abaadnEaent. J oh:; p. HxaoiAS. 11-5- Bsister. NOTICE FOE rUBLICATIOX. Land OSce at Xortfc Ptette. j'ck, ? Jaaenry lath, 136T. f bailee b hereby jSrea that the SoUewii'-aaaied seder has filed Bailee ef his iateadee to maks aaal proof is ssppert of his rtniTT. zsd that said prasx wilt be made beSsFe Besistsr aad Receiver at Xorth Pkite, Neb oa Pebroary 27. lt, viz: 7.AFAYKTZE BOLKCOH. whwiaade Kome-!ei Harry for the west half ef the seath Trst qaarter rectiaa S- asd. aorth vert quarter e:iaa 17. t.Tyabif 17, nartb-xnags "Si. Ee ssate the fwBnwMwr -aiasees ti prove fci? castinaeet? reMescfe pKi aad caitiTalie'i of, -said lasd, tbc jjfert P Hawi. Ceocxe 31. Brsots. Heofiis Brathars. aad Ste Cbxmer. aH ef ;esbit. dfe. OSS x. HIS 31 AS, 6-Sfll Besieiar. PEG BATE Is tttx v.v m ey thz arrATK j or xisaEaics Bees. la the Caary Caere at ZJaeote oaaaty,2t;brasia, Jaaaary :3th. fcf7. Setice hereby pi Tea, that tfce creditors ef said deceased irOI aieet the Zzecaiocs f .-aid estate, before the Caosty Jsdtre C Ihiuba anacty, X e bra?ka, at the ewKBly court roaa. in ad emty. on tiie -i'itiL day f 3Iay. an 3fih day ef June. )5;aadeHthea7& day f Jniy. ktrt, at ece cfeci; p. s. aeh day. fs- the pnrjute of pre alies tbeir rln m- Sar eBfaatna. ads?a:eat ad aWn nm:t'. Stz seaeihs are aBowed fer credter? to preheat their dsRS5. aed aas ycarfar the iixecatar ?et?e said estate, frcar tferf 2?th day af Jassnrj. Is7- Ths aetice x9 be pcbi-?fl is Tee TuTncyz. a legat serspaper posted ha $sxd conaty. fer ferrr snxks saece&iTey, aa aad after Jascary 23th, i.-7. JiHES 51- EAT. Oecaty Jadge. fT. C I'attrron, Attorney LEGAL nOTlCE. Harry C IenL Pirme 1Z. Lord, T. . XordIrf . T. J Lord, hte wife. Jabs. HoaerleWecdast3.-TifI tate cetice that ob the 2d day ef Pebrcsry. 1-37, Henry I- BJi5s. pUuaixff herein, liee his petitiea m the district csnrt ef Liaeeta coeety, 2tebra?ba. iiraiet said defesdante. the object aad prayer ef rfcich are to ferccl-M? a ce.laiu asarlswr execa ted by Harry C Tjerd aad Psaae 3- Xeni. his 'rife. to The McKisley-Tjnrrrr Lmh & TraS Caaipaay upon the east half of the yorUrxest qsarteraad Lot one and f Sectioe 3H. Tetm ship focrfreea.E3iarethtrty ihree 'West.iB liaeia Coanty. y ebras&a. tn secare the payment of a ;r tsia csnann. bead dated Aasasi 1st, 198, for the rma if 3 100.0(1. aad dae aal payable in 5 re years f ram tic date thurctf. Said asertaage aad the debt fecored thereby arere irafy assigaed ta plaia ti2 ia the osaal emtrse nf besisess aad before Tsa tariry: that there t nm de apas said Betes aad aierKrase the sesi f 148. iriMtiBterfcft at tea per ceatfrea Aairart K. -Sa. far which plaintiff for a decree that deCecdss be repaired to pay the nuae. ar fest saM presxuef atsy be sell to sa!Ly the actaaat f'd dae. T-hi are reqstred ta arer sai ytSion as ar before the 13th day ef March. 1-97. Bated Pebrsary 2d. i'e7. HESTBX L BIJSS.Pfcuai2. By Thqs, C Pjite2sis, 13-i. Attorney, KOTTCE OF SALE. In the ataster ef the eateaf jordlca C Pnm Uk. deceased, setice hereby aives that in par ef aa erderef H. 31. Griaiw. Jtidze ef the District Ooart of ILmeebi eoaaty. 2ebran, aiade n&th 30th. day f Deeeaiber, lilS. ftT the sale ef lhe real cstae herewafter descred. there Titt be sold at the east front daor af the CrHrrt-bflnse. in Sorth Platte, Xebrata. ea the 1st day of March, 1537. at one o'clock V ta. af said day, at psblic readae to the highest bidder, fer ea.-u the fnlle-r-irur described real e-tate. tni.it: The Sealhwest Quarter ef the Xartlnreft Quarter acd the 5rth westQaarteref the Ssolh-irest Qaarter (Beiag loU 1 and Z. ' md the Easthaif af the Seath-rest Qaarter. all in Sectfen 13, Torraship 3, Serth af KaageSWest. Said sale mil remain epea ece huvir. Eated February 2nd. 2537. ABIGAIL P TTKXJSH. adasiaistratrix ef the estite ef erdiea C . Paml-h, deceaeed. 15-35-. fX. C. Patterson, Attorney. ORDER OF HEARING. State ef Xebrasta, Lincoln eocnty. jftaCecaty Court, held ai the County Gecrt Boom, in and fer iirf coeBty. Pebmxry 15th, 17. Present. James 31. Kay. Cecaty Jcdge. la the ssatter of he Estate ef Eeaaor A. Clark On reading ?-d Siims the petiticn af Chsries Vaa Brunt aadEdward S- Grew, praying the issce of Letters Teftaaieatary ta them ia said Estate upon the eertiaed cepy f the tnB. of said de ceased aad the proof ef probate thereof as certi fied by the Probate CjnrtGf the District efpanifret ia the State of Connecticut, -xhich. eertiaed copy aad proof are filed ia the County Cosrt ef T,?7Tron county. esrssa, tae cay atoresatiu Ordered, that Hatch 6th. I'BT. at 1 o'clock p. is aseizaed for harinrr said petitioc, ohen all aersocs interested ia said asnserasay appear at a. Cecaty Cosrt to be held in aad far said coonty sbocld sot fee srriBtedi aad thai notice of the?J ; TjendeccT- of said peiitics.aad the heariaa; there5f.'j be airea tallpersoas interestea la saux aasner; by pchll-iirar s enpf af thl- order ia TscWTiai rasx, a lesal eerai-areehiy neirppapr printed irf said eocsty. for three ssceesstre ets, priorto sasd day of hsariac jsjS JA3IES iL KAY, County Jafce. T; REES AND PLANTS'. A fnll line Fncrr Trees of Best Taexeties ax Haeo Testes PsiCEsf Small fruits in great supply. MD lions of Strawberry Plants, very thrifty and well rooted. Get THE BESXjMear home and fare freijrht or express? v:y&i& forpriee-list to NORTH BEND NHS SERIES. North Beed, Dodge Co Neor xtcEois jrjnrs. Eev Coslet opened a series of re vivals at the school house inHer shey last evening; J. AL Calhoun of Omega, McPher son county, visited with, his brother EL vV. a.nd family, the first of the week. Will Brooks shipped a car of hay to Denver Thursday. Mr. and Mrs P. E. E rices on are rejoicing over the advent of a thir teen pound boy "which arrived on last Tuesday. The Modern woodmen wi31 grive a supper and entertainment at the hall in Hers her this evening. A Ln umber from this locality expect to attend. Mrs. M. C Brown writes from Sidney that she expects to reach home Sundav evening. The pay car passed down the line Wednesday, causing the employes to wear an unusual broad smile. The snow storm was welcomed by most of the farmers who intend to put in small grain this spring. Dymond shelled about three hun dred bushels of com Wednesdav iternoon. TAUfcm.T. 2T0TZS. Mrs. J. W. Nugent came over from Cottonwood and spent a few davs with her husband. Blanche Widmeyer spent Satur- dav and Sunday with her parents in North Platte. Mrs. Ehlers was called to Grand Island by the illness of her father. Mrs. McGovern and daughter May spent two days at Mrs. P. F. Dolan's. Mr. Dolan is very much im proved and is about again as usuaL Misses Minnie and Annie Able came from Willard to attend the oyster supper Friday night- Charles Kelson shipped two cars of com fed steers fron here on Mon day. Dr. Eves was called to attend Moses Brooks last Thursday who was seriously ill. He prounced Mr. Brooks' trouble appendicitis and removed him to North Platte Mon day. This morning (Wednesday) word was received that he died on Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Mr. Brooks has been a resident here for a number of years and was respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and large family, father, mother and two brothers to mourn his loss. The heartfeft sympathy of his friends and neighbors is ex tended to the bereaved family and kindred. The oyster supper given last Friday night was well attended and proved a success socially and fi- l nanciallv. A party of out of town residents of North Platte who boarded the train to see friends "off Sunday night were carried to Maxwell -and Thob. Han rah an was seven dollars in pocket by the trip. He took them to North Platte in a wagon. A. W. PInmer made a business trip to North Platte. Tuesday. Mrs. Val Scharmann, of North Platte, was the guest of friends here Tuesday. BEADY BTTDGZT. H. E. Worrell and E. L. Mathew son were North Platte visitors Sat urday. Miss Grace spent Sunday at her home in North Platte. Robert Craig was- up before Jus tice Carson Monday to answer to the charge of stealing an overcoat. A continuance was taken until Friday: E. D. Murphy transacted busi ness in North Platte Wednesday. Sev. Derreberry is holding re vival services on the south side this week. The entertainment and supper which was to have been given Sat urday has been postponed until March 6th. The pupils of the Brady schools are making quite extensive arrange meats for the observance of Wash ington's birthday. r ;Tbe funeral of Moses Brooks was neia at tne ai. r. cnurca a aursdav attemoong The wife and family of j t- , , , J - . ne deceased nave th sympathy or enfiBspcbmmuTiirv in their be- vem en tMm&? nKSfS fiEjftlgwson is very ijty ana mere is jPUJapngni nope ot h& recovery. , ' Fstzzi.es. JJ IT" TT riT . , - -ajvxaum: ut cure any case ot xscnEg" piles. It has sever fail-ed. It anords instant relief, and a cure in due time. Price 25 and 50 cents. 3fede by Foste Xaaulacterag Co. asd sold' ,bvr A- F-. Strekz. liWS ZS0M THE CX)U5TSY PEEGE5CT3. Four thousand sheep from Wash insrton have been inloaded at Ash land to be fattened on Nebraska corn. A farmer near Bancroft dug a pit near his chicken coopv and the vonncr man who fell into -it had to be helped out. Gahdy citizens are taking steps to orsranize a bimetallic union for the spread of silver sentiment among the people. Celmer Fairbanks of Gothenburg- aged eight years, was thrown from a horse. A dislocated elbow was the chief damage. Last Tuesday while on the way to Ord the locomotive of the Union Pacific train broke loose from the train and ran to Ord. a distance of seven miles before it missed the train. Mrs. Mackay, wife of tie late su perintendent of the Norfolk asylum has brought suit for divorce, alleg ing adultery and naming one of the former employes of the asylum as co-respondent. The Wayne Democrat says Hash, the family murderer, is not crazy from religion. It says that it will be proven later that three years a no he threatened to kill his wife. At a charivari given a recently married couple near Humphrey, the grooci tried to buy the crowd off with a quarter- They finally com promised the matter and the boys took a half dollar to "blow' as they saw fit Deputy Sheriff Ed McConaughey of Hamilton county is supposed to be in the reform school atjKearney. He attempted to take the Fritz boy there the other day, but it seems the boy turned the tables on him, and when the papers came back they were certified to in proper manner, and detailed Jthat Guy Fritz had turned over tohe proper authorities at Kearney case Ed Mc Conaughey, incorrigible One farmer down in Kansas has been figuring and says that a hen is equal to an acre of land- His acre of land he says produces twenty bushels of com worth 52, while his hen lays ten dozen eggs worth SL50. The 50 cents difference is saved in labor. And yet the Nebraska leg islature declined to make the steal ing of a fowl worth an acre of land a felony. Journal- Residents of the western portion of Louisville, Ky., and of Shipping port enjoyed an unusual spectacle and sport on one morning when the air was clear and cold and very light and the sun shining. As it is described, -suddenly large balls of pure crystalized frost, shaped after theiorm and size of thistle-bloom 'balloons' that children use as play things, began falHing in profusion, and before the shower abated the ground was covered with frost balls. The pretty visitors came down slowly and lighted on the ground so easily that the small arms that extended from the center of each ball, were not broken." Some per- sons caught the balls on dishes. The old Standard Oil concern is in process of liquidation. This means simply that the old corpora tion will go out of existence and will be succeeded by another one of exactly the same character, bat with a slight change in the name. When the business was first started there was no predju dice against the name of "trust" and that name was made to appear in the articles of incorporation. Now there is so much opposition to the name and so many legal ob stacles in the way of its use that-it will be dropped, and the business will be done everywhere by the plain Standard Oil Company. And the price of oil will remain un changed. Ex. POWDER Absolutely Celebrated, for its exeat learesiag- stres-th anil h.ilThfnTnf "Assures tie food 3aiat alEcx aad all "forms of adciteratfoa contmim to the cheap brands. BOXAX.BASXS& POKHSt COXSTTOBK Feb. 15th. Board met, present fall board and county clerk. Claim of X U. Brewer for 343), allowed on bridge fund; The claim of Walla Walla lodge LO. O. F.for 2&S.90, taxes paid: under protest was allowed and treasurer ordered io refund the same. The claim of Platte Valley lodge A. F. & A- M. for 5162.00." taxes paid under protest, was allowed and county treasurer ordered refund the same. to Edward Jackson was appointed justice of the-peace for Fox Creek precinct. Win. Ireland was appointed over seer of highways in district No. 5L. f "T- r o. Lr. jjieni was appointea over seer of highways in district No. 40. Resignation of C J. GambreeL overseer of road district No. 40 was accepted- Michael Cox was appointed to superintend and repair bridge over the North Platte river at North jfaiteana Jame Aioran to repair bridge over South Platte river at North Platte. Wm. Anderson was appointed constable of Somerset precinct. Of ficial bonds were approved as fol lows: Terkel Jepson, assessor Fox: Creek; and S. G. Diehl overseer of hisrhwavs No. 40. Report ot W- a Elder, clerk of the district court, for the year 1S. was examined and approved. Feb. 16th. Board met, present full board and county clerk. Board continued settlement with county treasurer. Feb. 17th. Board met, present full board and county clerk. Board selected a juror list for the March term of district court. A. 5TIE3Q3n In regard to the statement made in the Hershey Review concerning cards and dominoes being played in my school. I will say that dominoes were played in my school for about two weeks and only two weeks. But r.o cards were ever played-in SSSS the bsilding or on the grounds? " during my term. When I first came here I heard I was going to be watched, but had no idea I was going to be adver tised. I have tried to do mv dutv. and if am doing any thing- the parents think wfong. I would con sider them ladies and gentlemen if they would speak to me about it Then if I don't heed I am willing- to be advertised. Had I not known dominoes were played here in i previous years I would not have permitted the play ing of this game under any con sideration. Dominoes and authors were both played here in previous years. Dominoes not later than last year. But it was not put in the paper, however. Dominoes was the only game played daring my term and as they were played here during previous terms. I do not consider that I have committed any great offense. But I want it distinctly under stood by all that there has never been any cards pla-ed in the build ing or on the grounds during my term. Nextje G. Loxergax. HOMESICK HIPPOPOTAMUS. It Iasg-ed Por the Iaarss ef Its Saby- booi Ease. l Irrririg Bayard Taylor's visit to the zoological gardens in London he noticed a Innpopotamus which lay in its tank apparently oblivious of its surroundings. Entering into cenversarion with the keeper one morning, he was told that the creature refused to eat and was gradually starving itself to death. "I fancy it's homesick, added the keeper. "He's a frnp specimen, and it seems a pity we should lose him, but he's moped ever since the keeper who had charge of T-ifm on heard the steamer left. He pays no attention to anything I say.' Timm rfretr ihp PTpatirm ftim from a part of Africa he had once visited, Vt. Taylor, on an impulse, leaned for ward and addressed it in. the dialect used by the hunters and keepers of that region. The ?rnfmn7 lifted its head, and the small eyes opened. Mr. Taylor re peaxed his remark, when what does Mr. Hippo do hut paddle slowly over to where he stood. . Crossing to the other side of the tank, -the experiment was re peated with, the same result, the pear thing showing mnnistakahle signs of joy, even consenting to receive food from the hrrad of his new friend. Yr. Taylor paid several visits to the gardens, being alwsys noticed by his Afrrran friend Finally, before leaving the dry, he taught the keeper a few eenteaces he had bear in the habit of addressing" to the h "pp-in-ira m n t an? west his away. Two years later he was in London, aad, csriocs to know the result, again sd T respects to his amphibious frww! To Tits surprise th."2 crearsre rec ogniaedhisycicear oace, aad expressed his joy by paddling xroHi ade to side of Jug ranV after his visitoc Baysrd Taylcr says that it ccrvmced fcn tmat cvezt a nrppopxBas mar jHcve angctxjns and tenaexms oacs at that, ag well as :t good aseaocy. "Watch- -GBEAT ci . mm a Commencing Tuesday the 1 6th ? and con tinuing the balance of the month. Our store is crowded with ai! kinds of winter and spring goods and stlil more arriving, so we must make room. .... HT OEBER TO DO SO WE OFFER GOODS AT THE FOLLOWED- LOW CUTPKICES. HERE IS OUR 20 yards 7c sheeting for SI. Amoskeg Ginghams, oc per ymd 10c dress Ginghams, new patterns. 6c per yard. 7c Standard prints, 5c per y&sS. 20c Satin e at 12? per yard French and Scotch Giagharas at Cc One yard wide sprg- dress geeds. Jsst arrived, ai 12e. One yard aide 49c Heertette. aft caters at 23c. We offer 50 pair of fedtes feee shes, with the new toes, regular price SL2r this sale for 8L45. We offer ICO pair of ladies' dae dosgote Indies' oI grained sfcees, gtxi enes, Ladies' oil g at 9Sc per pair. Children's School Hosse Shoes. I --: t. . . it r rr dersou's Red School fiatse Siwes. Wej5011"?008 oar pnce LOo. have them, in heels sxias hek; Iaee Doagofa box calf, sizes to 12, Hen- or button different grade. Har m the i regular selling price from. Heudeseaavs j list. B right grain, sizes 5 to . Henderson's ! 3110 our price S5c. ' Our line of Laces and Embroideries are here. As for style, quality and price there is no eqtml in this city. The Boston Store, The only cheap store with good goods in Lincoln County. Ottenstein Block. Room Ilcctinjr tlie lialLuL, In no liild cf iit erxrere have the iorgnr and the nifniipnlator worked with greater vigor and soccess. 'Ftssb. Percy's day to our own it "has been tJaocgks an. innocent device to publish alas of one's own versifying- now aad then as an. " old ballad or an "anciens sons. " Of ten, too, a lare stall co of a ballad, getting into oral circulation, "has "keen innocently furnished to coQecKus as traditional marrer, Mere learsiBg wiH not guide an editor through sheee per plexities. What is needed is, ia addi tion, a complete usasistaadiBg of the "popular" genius, a synxpsthesse recog nition, of the traits that chsrscvrrYTB cxal Irtercture wherever and in what ever degree they exkt. This facaJsy, which even the folk has not retained, and which collectors Eying ia halhid singing and tale telling nrs have asea failed to acqrdre, was vouchsafed by na tirre herself to the late Professor Child. In reality a kind of instinct, ic habiheen so cultivated by long and hwiBg ssudy cf the traditional literature of all na riens that it had becoise wonderfully swift in its operasicBS and almost in fallible. No forged cr retocched piece could deceive him for a zseiaenc. He detected the slightest jar ia the genuine ballad tone. He speaks in one place of certain writers "who wcsM have been all the better hisusriKHS for a Huie read ing cf romances " He was hrnsef the better interpreter of the pee try ef art for this keen svatjatfey with she cf nature. A stearic. Americas Watnes rrru Hoyalty. 'During the Prrare cf Wales" tear through Canecs I had atsr&aSsd sbe strange conduct of the ladies to aa ex cess of loyalty. As scon as the priace had left a hotel they wenM raak into his rooms, seize aH kss ci articles, from a furniture hasten to a saSed towel, as souvenirs, aad evea bottle Tip the water with which he had Jusc wash ed his face," wrires Stephen Fiske in The Ladies Heme JcsrcttL "But- in the United States the women were equally curkius and sycophantic The luggage of the royal party was carried in. small leather trunks a trunk for ev ery suit of rlnth and whenever the train sropped the crrowet? woaH beg that soma of these trunks might ha handed out- and women, would, fondle and Ms3 'II First National Bank, FZ,A.TTE, NISI?. $ ml i TwnilfTi f. A. waite. vice-rrest m 1 brim PEICE IZEST. aC-ineh. all wool, silk nVn Henrietta, ; formerly Sc, at this sale for 4Sc. Sic, 10-inch, new novelty goodEj-silk aad wool, at 375tfc per yard. 50c, all wool serge, 45-inch wide, 32c per yard. 59 dozen pair children's ribbed hose sises 5-12 to 9, oc per pair. 50 dozen ladies fast black seamless hose, Sc per pair. TUanlrpts. nm?ii-Eri7-srnr flonfrss m fnr- ' less than ftv cents on the dollar. Brkrbt crains, S to 12, Henderson's pace 1 25 our price 110. Bcight grains, sizes 12 to 2, Hender- u our price U30. i rrm 71Z i j Golden Rods, sizes lflH to 2Hender- soa 5 P onr Pnce -LbU- Doagfe. box calf, sizes 5 to S Header- derson s price 1 3o, our pnes 1.10- Doegoia box calf, sizes 12 to- 2, iieaderson s nnce 1 60. cur nnce L30. WeoSerJ. B. ILewK make of men's shoes, regular price 2 50, for LSO. J. Pizer, Prop. 5oredy occupied by Otten Shoe Steve. f!Zrn. X need not say tnat tne trarmnen were never too porricnlar as to whose luggage was subjected to this adoration, and I have had the pleasure of seeing my own portmanteau kissed by mistake. Befcre the prince arrived at "Rich-mmy. his room, at the Ballard House was en tered by the ladies, and the pillowslips and white coverlet were so soiled by she pressure cf inmdreds of fingers that hey had so ee twice changed by the eharaJDerraaies. When he attended church on Sunday, the whole congrega tion rose as he departed and climbed upon the seats t gee a better view cf 3IoaotoEoas. Awefikaown physician once told a parifinr, who he suspected was receiving1 too many calls from solicitous friend?, to make a stroke with a pencil cm a piece of paper every time he was asked, "How are yen today V The result; far one day was just 24 strokes, and the physixmrniramediately gave strict orders that no visitor should be permitted to enter the sickroom un til further notice, remarking to the nurse that if his patient must be wor ried to death there was at least no rea son why it should be done in such an Only these who have suffered seriou3 Trh'pgg know how trying it is to be re cpaired to Txavr rnrn and again the same question, asked by cue well mean ing rndrsidual after another. It would matter less if visitors contented them selves with asking just the one question, hot they do aor, and the minute details of eoe's ailiTfnts become peculiarly de pressifig after a few repetitions. Many people forget that rest and quiet are often invaluable agents in securing restoration to Ttltr. Philadelphia Ledger. sic rw ST. LOOM. - MO. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy, J.E. Fush, Manager. HLHHflflaHLflaiLLIBLLflflLlfl Mf