I Jtetlt mi -fcl NORTH PLATTE, , NEBRASKA, FfilDAI EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1897. NO. 15; TOK xni. . .' t -..,.. . , , a -' ' " - ' 1 - - - - - . . - - - - - : . - " : a-tr-: - - V r v SPECIAL CASH Commencing Monday, February 1st, and continuing one week only, we propose to put the knife right through all of our fall and winter goods. We need money and we will have it, if sacrificing goods at cost will bring it. Here are a few of our prices they are decided -bargains: 36-inch Novelty Goods we were selling for 35 cents, now go at 25 cents. " 36-inch Novelty Goods we were selling .at. 30 cents, now go at 221 cents. . 30-inch Novelty goods we were selling at 15 and 18 cents, now go at 12i cents. 38-inch Serges, regular price 35 cents, go at this sale at 28 cents. Remember that with every $2 worth of goods purchased you will receive a nice piece of glass ware. Plain Black Sateen at-.V.U; v ....... 9 cts. Plain Black Sateen at 12i cts. Plain Black Sateen at 15 cts. If you trade to the extent of $10 during the week we will give you FREE a nice water set con sisting of a tray, pitcher and six glasses. Our 54-inch Dress Flannel goes at 38 cents; former price 50 and 60 cents. Outing Flannel at this sale for 5 cents, regular price 8 cents. How is this for an inducement to come and see what we give: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will 'sell 10 yards of standard print calico for 34 cents; only 10 yards to each lady customer. On Thursday, Friday and .Saturday we will sell 10 yards of Dress Gingham for 49 cents; only 10 yards to each lady customer. " - Kemember.wecarryiull line of Carpets and Oil -lloth. " Dress Duck in-plain, figured and striped, We l)a-sre a laire ii?e of If5CES aijd E1h BOIt)IBSHHjiist attisred. Attend this sale and save money. JOHN H. DAY. North Room, Ottenstein Block. I First National Bank, 1 JSOHTH FIsATTJB, jVJBB. NORTH : PLATTE : PH A KM ACT, Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., isrOIRTIH: PLATTE, We aim. to liandle tlic 13 est Grades of G-oods, sell tliem. at Reasonable Fig-ores, and "Warrant Jtiverytning as IRepresented.. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific railway respectfully solicited. 7 . FINEST SAMPLE ROOM IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in is invited to call and see us, Finest Wines, Liquors Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will suddIv all vour wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE S L E I J. B. BUSH, Manager. - - UEBBASKA-. the finest of style, the public insuring courteous treatment. and Cigars at the Bar. x'HE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT JAEMEE'S INSTITUTE. WiiLAED, Neb., Feb. 3, 1S97. En. Tribune: Please announce that a District Farmer's Institute will be held at Garfield, Feb. 10th and 11th. The following speakers are expected to be present and take part: E. F. Stephens of the Crete Nurseries, I. A. Fort state irriga tion lecturer and Editor Mcintosh of the Omaha Cultivator. All are invited. W. A. Gregg, Secretary Farmers7 District Insti tute. BEADY BUDGET. Herbert Votaw, of Wellfleet, spent Saturday with E. I. Mathewson. The Misses Leadville, of Chica go, are visiting Mrs. Phil Hespm this week. A. W. Mathewson transacted business in Gothenburg Monday. S. Gilbert, of Cozad, has been holding down the night operator's place this week while Mr.. Malloro visited in Omaha. Mrs. M. I. Mathewson has been quite sick for the past week. - Dr. Quinn, of Gothenburg, was in town Tuesday. The appearance of the U. P. build ings have been greatly improved during the past week, by the com pany painters, who stopped in enough to supply the buildings with a fresh coat of paint. Newell Burritt of North Platte was in town Tuesday. Quite a number from town at tended the "Gaslin Literary" Fri day night. As usual there was a crowded house and a spirited de bate. We understand that at the next meeting six young men from over on the B. &M. will be present and "five an Indian war dance. The young people of Brady will n-icp nn prtprtninirient and suDoer on the 20th of this month for the benefit of the Christian church. A mandolin club and a lady's quar tette from North Platte will be present to furnish the music. Frizzles. tee eunice goodeich company. Eunice Good rich . and her pleasing compa ny will be with us for one night at Lloyd's opera house Tuesday, Feb. 9th. Eve- rv where refined v amuseme n t i s recognized byre- fined people as a necessit, and those who provide such amusement are as much entitled to respect and support as are people who fill any of the other needful professions of life. , When an organization, com posed of ladies and gentlemen pay particular attention to the moral atmosphere, as well as the artistic and amusimr character surrounding its entertainment, there is never a lack of appreciation. That they have struck the ke3'note of popular taste is proven by the large and appreciative audiences and social recognition with which they have been "rceted everywhere during: the last nine vears of their public life. Electricity will play a prominent part in this engagement, and the wonderful "Vivrescope, with its life-like motion pictures, and the remarkable dauces, which are enhanced by electrical effects are introduced. Proiectinx in Atlantlo Cable. The "core" is now finished. But as ifc now stands it is in no wise fitted to meet the shocks that await it at the "bot tom of the sea. It must be protected against the chafing of sands and rocks and the possible wrenches of anchors. This protection lies in a sheath of steel wires, separated from the soft gutta percha of the core by a packing of jute. The jute is spun about the core exactly as the 11 copper wires of the conductor are spun about a central wire, and about all, finally, is spun the steel sheathing in the same fashion. As one goes about among the spinning machines he notices that the sections of steel sheathing Vary much in thickness. Here is one woven of 21 wires, one of 13 and one of 12. And the wires also vary, so that the section of fewest wires is the largest in diameter. Here is a section made not of single wires at all, but of stands of three wires. In fact, one sees seven different varieties. The occasion for such diversity is this: In the middle of the Atlantic a cable is dropped to a depth of two or three statute miles, and as it is payed out to such a depth it must have a great burden to susteui in its own weight To make the weight as Httle as possible consistent with need ful quality and strength becomes, there fore, important The deeper a cable is laid the less its liability to disturbance, and the peep water sections, therefore, maybe made much lighter than the shallow water sections. As the cahle draws nearer the hore, where the dan gers grow greater, a heavier and heavier sheathing is adopted, until, in what is known as the "shore end," comes the heaviest of all. McGlure's Magazine. LLOYD'S OPERA. HOUSE OXE NIGHT, ONLY TUESDAY CTCB ft EVENING, I'JLflJ J The popular actress Eunice Goodrich and an excellent company in the comedy success "EDITH'S BURGLAR" .AND, "MY WIFE" introducing high-class specialties. AN. EXTRAORDINARY FEATURE! The Maryel of tli24Age, the - 'VIVRESfcOFE," -y Best of animated picture machines. Seats now on sale at Clinton's. Prices 50, 35 and 25 Cents. TfE HEQISLiHTURH. The ways and means committee of the house has discussed on sev eral occasions the Omaha exposi tion bill,, 'but the members are not yet ready to make a report. It is the general opinion that the ap propriation asked for will be scaled down to about 200,000 dollars. The house committee on consti tutional amendments has recom mended for passage the bill provid ing for an amendment to the consti tution giving womeu the right to vote. Following this reccomenda- tion Mrs. Colby of Beatrice ad dressed the house on the subject of woman's suffrage. The house committee on irriga tion, of which Lucien Stebbins, of this county is chairman, has re-: ported favorably on a bill appro priating $10,000 to experiment along: the line . of Rainmaker Wright's plan of exploding dyna mite to produce rain. Such an ex penditure would doubtless be use less. The legislature will serve the people" much' bc-fl&iMiy appropriat ing the money tor artesian well ex periments. The house of representatives on Tuesday passed the- bill providing for a'recanvass of the votes on the constitutional amendment relative to contingent judges of the supreme court. The vote stood 71 to 26, the solid fusion vote being behind the measure. It is believed that the measure will meet with opposition in the senate, as several fusion sen ators do not take kindly to this radical and unauthorized action of populists. They will- at least in sist on a non-partisan canvassing board ?f the vote on the amendment is to be recounted. One of the bills in which the members of organized labor unions in Omaha are particularly interes ted at the present session, is one in troduced by Senator Ransom- It provides, in brief, that no company, corporation or individual shall blacklist or publish or caused to be published any employe, mechanic or laborer discharged or voluntar ily leaving the service ot said com pany, corporation or individual, with intent and for the purpose of preventing such employe from se curing similar or other employment from any other company. NOTICE TO BUILDEES. Sealed bids will be received until noon of Saturday, February 13th, for doing the carpenter work on the church to be erected about thirteen miles southwest of North Platte. Size of the building 22x40. Plans and specifications can be obtained of Henry Cordes, Fred Wendeborn or Chris Haverland, North Platte postoffice. The riffht is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of The Committee. &AKlKS POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfnlness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap orandsl KOYAL BAKING POWDEU CO., NEW YOQK ISP IffMI EVENTS Ifi tfEBSASKH. Adjutant General Barry issued a special order authorizing the students of the schools at Aurora to drill and parade with arms in public under the superintendence of their instructors. Corn in the ear has been brought and cribbed up in Sutton, commenc ing about ten days ago, until now there are over 100,000 bushels safe ly housed for better prices. It has mainly been bought at 10 cents per bushel and the crop both shelled and in the ear, is in prime condition. A club composed of misses be tween fourteen and sixteen years of age has been organized at St. Paul for the purpose of forming an offensive and defensive alliance with respect to matrimonial mat ters. It is called "The Uupro tected Spinsters' Club. Municipal matters are getting terribly mixed down in Nebraska City. The city council has com menced impeachment proceedings against Mayor Stahlhut, but the mayor has just instituted a flank movement by getting out an injunc tion to restraia the city council trom proceeding with their nefar ious scheme. David Nehr of Beatrice shot and killed a dog belonging to John A. Dobbs. Dobbs arrested him and he was convicted and sentenced to one day in jail, which he served. The case was appealed to the su preme court, where it was reversed. Nehr then brought suit for $10,000 damages lor imprisonment and a jury has just returned a verdict tor $250 in his favor, which is the price of one day's work in jail. This is a pointer for Richard Roe and J. Doe- When the Nebraska farmer understands that sugar is the greatest of all our importations, and that it will be next to impos sible to oversupply the demand in the United StUtes alone, he ought to realize the importance to him self and to the whole state . of de veloping the beet sugar industry as rapidly as possible and to its ut most capacity. Overproduction of corn ana oats in JNeorasKa ana under production of sugar beets tell the whole story of our agricultural depression. Hub. Now that the state senate has passed a joint resolution instruct- Thurston to vote for the free and-unlimited coinage of silver of the ratio of sixteen to one with gold without biding the action of any other nation, perhaps it would be a good plan for Senator Allen to write a letter to the state senate instructing" that bodv to vote for the fostering of the beet sugar interests in Nebraska, which he advocated in his recent strong speech in the United States senate. Fremont Tribune. A smooth, oily-tongued "duck" hailing from the east dropped down on the unsuspecting and unsophis ticated residents of Litchfield a few days ago, says a local paper, and worked them for some of their loose change. His scheme was selling apples for future delivery at a re markably low price. The cash, or a portion of it, had to be put up in order to get in on the ground floor of the great snap. The cash was what the swindling chap was look- insr for. . Kow the other fellows are looking lor the apples. The plant of the Arena publishing company has just been sold at Bos ton under the hammer. The Arena has made something of a commend able record in magazine circles, but its tendency to advocate every wild theory advanced by socialists and populists brought it so much into disrepute as to bankrupt it. It was for three or tour years the popu list bible to which the "Seven Con spiracies" played the part of the new testament, could not follow it went. Ex. Thinking1 people it to the lengths Pfae; boys and girs, ranging in age from 8 to 16 years, children of J. Mcllvane and Phoenix and George Gibson, were drowned Tues day wnne sKatmg on tne ice m a slough near the river on the Iowa side opposite Nebraska City. No one witnessed the accident Upon the nonarrival of the children irom school at the usual hour search was instituted and the bodies were found close together where they had crone down at a small break in the ice. -The Gibsons and Mcll vines are prominent farmers m the section. Spring Goods at the tsr 4 We have just, unpacked $3,000 worth ojthe latest styles and "patterns of Spring Goods, consisting of . - ., LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, PER- ' c - - CALES, ZEPHYR AND SCOTCH GINGHAMS, OUTINGS, FABRICS, DUCKS, SATEENS, MUSLIN AND SHEETINGS. : The latest Embroideries and Laces, Hosiery, etc Also a large stock of the J. B. Lewis (of Boston) make of Shoes. We invite the public to call and inspect this large supply . of new seasonable goods. They suit all buyers. . The South Room, Ottenstein Block. Legal Notices. PUBLICATION NOTICE. Frank B. Sharon, Ammlo . Sharon, Lew E. Dnrrow, and T. & H. Smith and Company, a firm composed of Frederick. Smith, Lappa Lupen, Habbe Velde. and Dietrich C. Smith, defendant?, will take noUce that John II- Jewett. as executor of the lost will and testament of Cyrup 17. Dixon, deceased, plaintiff, has filed his petition in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed November 1st, 1889, by the de fendants, Frank B. Sharon and Ammie . Sharon, to one Lew E. Darrow, and by him assigned to the sold Cyras W. Dixon, now deceased, of whose last will and testament, the plaintiff is the dnly ap pointed, qualified and acting executor, upon the following described real estate situated in Lincoln county, Nebraska, tc-wit: The southwest quarter of section thirty-four, in township thirteen north, in range thirty-four west, of the 6th P. M., to secure the payment of their one principal note for $800.00 due November 1st, 18tH, and ten interest notes for $28.00 each, due respectively the first days of May and November, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1801; all of said notes bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum after maturity. There Is now due the plaintiff upon said notes and mortgage. Including the amount paid for taxes on said premises, the sum of $10.)O.G9, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum, on said notes from the maturity thereof, and on the amount of taxes paid by plaintiff, from the date of payment thereof, nnd plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount, with interest and costs of suit. Yoa are required to answer said petiUon on or before Monday, the 8th day of February, 1897. Dated December 23th, 1890. JOHN II. JEWETT, Executor, Plaintiff. By V. S. Monuui, His Attorney. 4-5 NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office. North Platte. Neb. December 19th, 18D6. ) Complaint having been entered at this office by James C Crow against Octavus Robertson for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 1IW72 dated December 10th. 1890. upon the northeast quarter of section 28, town ship 12 N., range 30 W.. in Lincoln county, Ne braska, with a vinw to the cancellation of said en try, contestant alleging that the claim has been wholly abandoned for the last five years and that there has been no trees, troe seeds or cuttln&s planted on the claim; the sold parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 6th day of February, 1897, at 9 o'clock n. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. D22-5 JOHN T. II INDIAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) January 16th, 1837. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intenUon to make final proof in support ot bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on February 27, 1897, viz: LAFAYETTE BOLECOMc who made Homestead Entry 15630, for the west half of the south west quarter secUon 8 and north west quarter section 17, township 17, north range 29. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Albert P. Main, George M. Brooks, Dennis Brothers, and Silas Clothier, all of Nesbit, Neb. JOHN F. HINMAN, 6-10. Register. PROBATE NOTICE. In th e mattes of the Estate 1 of Fbedebick N. Dick, V Deceased. ) In the County Court of Lincoln counly, Nebraska, January 2fith, 1837. Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executors of said estate, before the County Jndge of Lincoln county, Ne braska, at the county court room, in said county, on the 26th day of May. 1897, on the 26th day of June, 1897, and on the 27th day of July, 1827, at one o'clock p. m. each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims far examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Executors to settle said estate, from the 2ttb day of January, 189. This noUce will be published in The Tribune, a legal newspaper printed in said county, for four weeks successively, on and after January 29th, 1837. JAMES M. RAY, County Judge. STATEMENT. We. the undersigned directors of the Sutherland and Paxton Land und Irrigation Comoanv. do hereby certify that the foltowing Is a correct state ment or tne property ana debts of our Company uecemoer iSisi, iom: IIESOUBCES. Personal property 2 graders, etc. $ 2 023 01 Cost of canal and water appropriaUon.. 59 378 83 water contracts face 12 465 17 Interest accrued on same 807 00 Maintenance tax now due 2 195 20 Balance due from personal accounts 2 756 40 Stock investments 8 200 00 $87 915 61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock issued Ill 500 00 Bills payable for labor and supplies.. .. 6 112 78 Balance resources above liabilities 37272 86 87 915 61 David Huxteb. Alex Neilson. John H. Conway. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of January. 1897. Henbt Cokeb, Notary Public. T REBS AND PLANTS. A full line Fruit Trees of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices, Small fruits in creat supply. Mil lions of Strawberry Plants, very thrifty and well rooted. Get THE BEST near home and save freight or express. Send for price-list to NORTH BEND NUR SERIES, North Bend, Dpdge Co., Neb. BOSTON STORE. will be sold at prices that will ,; Boston Store. J". PIZBR, "ProTD. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., ) January 9th, 1897. ) Complaint having been entered at this office by William J. Martin against Dans P. Nelson for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 15902, dated September 13th, 1690, upon the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and lots 5 and 6, section 6, township 10 north, range 31 west, in Lincoln county. Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties aro hereby sum moned to appear at North Platte, Neb., before Begister and Receiver, on the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1897. at 9 o'clock a. m to respond and fur nish tesUmony concerning said alleged abandon ment. JOHN F. HTNMAN, 8-G Register. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., January 18th 1897. f . Complaint having been entered at this office by Henreitta D. Neary against James Baum for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 16526, dated May 3d, 1892, upon the south east quarter section 28, township 13 north, range 31 west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at North Platte, Neb., before Register and Receiver on the 27th day of February, 1897, at 9 o'clock n. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. JOHNF. HINMAN, 11-8. Begister. STATEMENT Of the CondlUon of the 3VL LTT CJ AT i Building aqd Loan Aociafciorj, of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 31st day of December, 1896: ASSETS. First Mortgage Loans . -113 200 00. Loans secured by stock of this Associa tion 1 600 DO - Real Estate 2 800 00, ! Expenses and taxes paid 2 081 16; Cash with treasurer 155 97 Total $119 837 13 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid up $ 59 776 00 Premiums paid 31 580 98 Interest received 27 217 00 Fines collected 877 90 Entry fees 521 75 Transfer fees 33 50 Total $119 837 13 State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. I Samuel Ooozee, secretary of the above-named Association do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condlUon of said Association Is , true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Samuel Goozzz, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before we this 7th day January, 1897. Wesley T. Wilcox, Notary Public. Approved: Tnos. C. Patterson, ) W. J. Roche, Directors. JohhSobehsoit, T. C. Patterson, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. " Harry C. Lord, Fannie M. Lord, T. J. Lord.Mrs. T. J. Lord, his wife, John Hoffner,defendants, will take notice that on the 2d day of February, 1897, Henry L. Bliss, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the obiect and nrater of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage execu ted by Harry O. Lord and Fannie M. Lord, his wife, to The McKinley-Lanning Loan & Trust Company upon the east half of tha Northwest quarter and Lola ono nnd two of Section 80, Town- snip iourieen, Kange tnirty three west, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a cer tain coupon bond dated A ngusi 1st, 18S0, for the sum of $400.00, and due and payable in five years from the date thereof. Said mortgage and the debt secured thereby were duly assigned to plain tiff In the usual course of business and before ma turity; that there is now due upon said notes and mortgage tho sum of $448.00 with interest at ten per cent from August 1st, 1893, for which plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lath day of March, 1837. Dated February 2nd, 1837. HENRY L. BLISS, Plaimiff. By Tnos. C. Patterson, 15-1. Attorney, NOTICE OF SALE. , In the matter of the estate of Mordica C. Furn ish, deceased, notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of H.M.Grimes, Judge of the District Court of Lincoln connty, Nebraska, made on the 30th day of December, 1896, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the east front door of the Court-house, in North Platte, Nebraska, on the 1st day of March, 1897, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at pnblic vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described real estate, towlt: The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the North west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (Being lots 2 and 3. and the East half of the Southwest Quarter, all In Section 13, Township 9, North of RaDge29 West. Said sale will remain open on hour. Dated February 2nd, 1897. ABIGAIL E. FURNISH, administratrix of the estate of Mordica C. Furnish, deceased. 13-3w. Btrre, Prompt, Pottire Cure for Impotancs. Lota of Manhood, 8tmlnal Emfsslont, Spermatorrhea, Neroousnets. SilDlstruit. Loss of Memory, Ac. Will make you a STRONQ. Vigor ous Man. Price fl.00, 6 Boxes, 9&-00. 8 o tela! Directions Malta with each Box. AiUrees Billiil Sasv LiiixKi Cl., 2BIB LUCAS Ave. ST.LCU18, - MO. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy, J.E. Bush, Manager. Wanted-An idea Who cam thizx of some !mpl thin? tn ruttjuat Protect your ldeaa: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBUBN CO .Potest Attor neys. Washlagton, D. C. for their $1,900 prUe offer aad list ot two huBdred IstmUoba wuteU.