4 SJriferoe NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1897, YOL. xni. Wat I Closing Owing to an expected change in business we are . . going to sell our entire stock of . . - Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises -AT- Slaughteriiig I Call and be convinced that what wc tell you are facts. Star C oil t . Weber & Yollmer, , All parties iudebted please call and settle. I First National Bank, 1 il. P, There's no Use! (SEE THE NAME ON THE XYEG- If you are posted you cannot be plepeiyefl. We write tms po posu yoi. ounu uriiJi -y-t , L UA ? 109 in Lincoln Co. that no one Owes Full Line of ACORN STOYES AND RANGES, STOYE PIPE, ELBOWS, COAL HODS, ZINC BOAEDS, etc., at Lowest Prices on Record. ttORTH PLATTE. ' - FINEST SAMPLE S0QM Having refitted our rooms in tie finest of sle, the ppblc is invited to call and see qsj'insapng qqqrtequs trpat'nienfc. Einest Wines, Liquqrs Qnr billiard ball is suppled the best raae of tables and coranetent attendants will supply all yonr wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE Sale! Low i Prices. so, CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $50,000. $22,500. S. White, - - - President. A. White, - - Vice-Pres t u Arthur McNamara, - Cashier. A general banking business transacted. You can't find in these United States the Equal of the Genuine Beckwith ontid Oak. You may try; you'll get left. Remember, if s the combination of good points that makes the Perfect Stove. That's where we get the IMITATIONS. They can't steal the whole stove. They steal one thing and think they have it all, but it FAILS. They build another. It fails Still they keep on crying good as the ROUND UAa. borne peculiar merchants say they liave then , Wheil II b 4S U 4- U. an NEBRASKA. IN NORTH P1ATTE and Cigars at the Bar x'HE UrttON PACIFIC DEPOT I COUNTY NEWS, j BEADY BUDGET. Mies Grace and Messrs. Worrell and Mathewson attended the teachers meet ing at North Platte Saturday. Chas. Brown transacted business in North Platte Saturday. Mrs. Mallow is visiting friends in Co zad this week. The Misses George spent several days in North Platte last week. J. H. Giffin is having the old harness shop moved out on his farm. Miss Stella Elliott is " spending the week in Maxwell- Mr. and Mrs. John Ewing, formerly of this place, passed through on No. 2 Tuesday from Pocotello, Idaho. They were on their way east to visit Mr. Ew ing's relatives. Frizzles. MAXWELL HOTES. Mr. Coddington, of Kearney, was here on business Monday. Our people have been busy the past week putting up ice from the Snyder lake. It is sixteen inches thick and of fair quality. Mrs. Robinson, oE Deerfield, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs Struth ers, at North Platte. The weather has been quite cold the past week, six below zero being the minimum. Henry Appleford met with quite a serious accident Monday evening. Ho was running some eaitle and his horse became unmanageable, and he was obliged to either run into a wire fence or jump the ditch. He chose the latter and the horse fell and broke Mr. Apple ford's leg. Dr. Bedell was called and deemed it advisable to take him to North Platte, where he is now. THE LiEGISLiATURE. Dobson's bill to repeal the sugar boun ty law was passed jn, U13 house Tuesday morning by a vote of Go to dO, btebbms of this county, votn for the repeal. Representative Liddell has introduced bill providing far the branding, mark ing and tagging of all goqds made and merchandise manufactured in any peni itentiary, prison or reformatory where convict labor is emp'oyed, and providing punishment for violation thereof. The bill reducing the salary of the general superintendent of the Omaha deaf and dumb institute from 82,000 to 31,500 has passed the house, and thus the great work of reform goes on. The bill reducing the salaries ot th officials at the Kearnev reform school has been sent back to the committee for correc tion . Representative Stebbins of this coun ty has introduced a bill to promote the industry of farming and to, encourage agriculture In the arid district in the state of Nebraska by means of irrigation with water flow from artesian wells con structed therein at public expense un suitable officers of the state of Nebraska and to provide an approprirtion to cover the expense of constructing the same. Last Monday the following resolution was introduced: Resolved, By the sen ate, the house concurring therein, that a committee of three be appointed by the president of the senate to act in con junction with a like committee of three to be appointed by the speaker of the, house, to prepare a bill revising and amending the present revenue laws of this state, or such sections thereof as hey think proper, and. report the same tq the senate and house fqr their action. Representative Sheldon of Dawes county has introduced a bill for a reap portionment of the state for legislative purposes. The bill is based on the vote of 1896, and reduces the apportionment of the southeastern counties of the state as a whole, though Douglas coun ty is given three senators and twelve representatives, three more representa tives than at present, and Lancaster county is given an additional representa tive at large to be elected by Gage and Lancaster county electors. That part of the state west of the Sixth principal meridian gets fifty-three representatives. The number of senatorial districts are reduced from thirty to twenty-eight and, h$ representative districts increased from sixty-eight to seventy-six. Buckleys Arnica 8al?a- The hpsfe Palvfi in tfm trnrm for rntc bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever soree, teter, chapped hards, chilblains cams, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. F. Streitz S100 Eeward, S100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous 'surfaces "of the system, thereby1 destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength b building up the constitution and as sstingl nature in doing fts work. The proprietors haye so. much' faith in it curative powers, that they offer one hundred dpHars fpr any case that it fails tq cvirp. S.enci for list of testimonials. Address, F. J Cheney & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75a. Hall's Family Pills are the best. E!HfiTS iH HBHRSR. P. K. Burrell of Stockville caught a beaver that weighed fifty pounds. The pelt is fforth about 312. A Saline county farmer hauled eight loads of corn to the Western market and then hauled it home again. It was too wet. Michael Meagher has sued the city of Neligh for 31,000 damages for injuries received by his daughter from a fall on a defective sidewald. A Julian boy' took a shot at the ground with a small rifle. He hit the ground, but the bullet passed through the foot or another boy first James Grimmerson of Albion fell while carrying a basket of corn. The handle of the basket landed in his ribs and broke three of them. Constable Tate of Plainview went to the farm of August Senne to levy on some hogs and while he was loading them up Senne took" a shot at him, but missed. Senne was arrested! A gang of ruffians, waited outside the church at Niobrara until Elder Powers, who was conducting revival meetiugs, came out and then pelted him with corn cobs and other light missiles. Parrisb, the young man who voted both at Herman and Summit polling places at the last election, was caught at Creston. Ia., this week, and has been taken back to Herman for trial. Hariington has a theosophical society and is otherwise up to dute to a large and agreeable extent. Even the child ren there discuss the attributes of tho mahatma in a way that would thaw a Bost -n school ma'am. Members of the Masonic fraternity re siding in and around Ravenna have about completed arrangements (or insti tuting a lodge at th,at place. The lodg will organize with a membership of abont twenty. Tho sheriff; at Fairbury has ft man in custody who admits the team he had in his possession, when arrested, was stolen.but refuses to tell where or who it was stolen from and tho sheriff has not yet been able to flod out, Tho Norfolk firemen and the city council are at outs over the possession of a room in the city hall. The volunteer firemen furnished the room in good shapo and then the council demanded possession. To this the Bremen, de murred, all threatened to resign. At present the matter is in statUj quo. Annie Blado, a Liijcrjhj woman, has sued the city for 15,0 which she al leges she should have as damages to her by falling through a hole in the side walk. She says she sustained severe injuries to her left leg, knee cap and tendons thereof, heart, liver, spine and other internal organs. If that's the case it seems that she should have not leEs than $15,C0O, Will Louis, of Decatur strolled home f roai a literary society in the mellow moon'ight with a girl living in the coun try. After he had safely delivered her at her boudoir and was wending his way homeward pondering ovGr the airy noth ings they had talked about, as all of us have done, he was cqnfrqitej by a foot pad who leveled a gun at him. His hair raised sq quickly that his hat landed on a sandbar in the Missouri. The bandit got nq plunder but Lewis got a scare that will turn him prema turely gray. The Omaha Bee publishes a list of the state depository banks, who handle the money belonging to the state, and the total balance reported Nov. 30, 1S96, amounted 31.729,627.30. Of this amount the Onaha banks have 292,615.23, the Lincoln banks 3630,1717, the balance being divided up between other banks in the different parts of the state. The total number of bank depositories dur ing the past two years amounted to forty two, six of whom have failed having state funds on deposit amounting to 8271,522.03, at the time of their respec tive ftiilures. Advertised Letter?. List of letters remaining uncnlled for in the post office at North Platte. Neb., for the week e'ndipg January 20, 1897. GEXTIE1IK'. Foley, Thomas LADIES'. Robertson. Mrs Eliza Persons calling for above will please Eay advertised." M. W. CivrB, Postmaster. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and" heilthfulness. Assures the food against alam and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal. Bakisg Powder Co.. New toqk ITiRUTI, STORMING THE Dee. 2, 1305, Na HEIGHTS. Poleoti look the bat tle cut of the hands of his enemies and won the great vic tory of Austerlitz. So coufident were the allies of a victory that would destroy the French, that they did not bring up all the forces available. Resting cn the heights of Prtzen, they detached a column to cut Napoleon's road of re treat and moved to the attack on (he right and left. The French were driven at all points: Napoleon was unperturb ed and calmly awaittd events. He had seen tho Austrians strip their line cn the heights of infantry nnd knew that the stronghold was kept by artillery with no ether support than the Russian cavalry of tho Grand Duke Constan tino. Themame lakes, moented chasseurs and grenadiers, like HARSH AT. SOULT. wise the imperial guard, were kept well in, bad to look after the duke's battalion. Soult'a corps lay in a hollow opposite the heights, and the old mar fbal counted the moments it would take to hurl his line up the slopes among the Austrian guns. Napoleon listened to the sound of the Austrians moving around to his right, where he had the corps of Davoust in waiting to protect his road of retreat. The order was given to Soult at 9 o'clock in the morning. His soldiers, were compelled to climb a steep bill to. reach the table land, on the. iuther edge of which rose the heigh.ki, crowued with cannon. Acr the wide plains these cuUHft gwept the advanciug lines. The combat around the guns was fearful, but there was nc staying the impetuos ity of. fha French, Napoleou had said to them on going in, "FiniJi the cam paign with a clan of thunder." The an swer was a thunder roar of huzzas, with a waving of banners, when they burst among the Austrian guns. Soult wheeled at once to assail the rear of the column that had marched out from the heights to turn tho French right. By that stroke the enemy was caught between vwa fires. After the battle Napoleqn, said to Soult, "Marshal, I consider you tho ablest tactician, ii my empire." Some years later, gouh was accused before the. empaxor of ambitious designs. Napoleon admitted that the, report was ot new to him and added, "L remember nothing but Austeriitz." A GRAND CAY- Napoleon used his ALRY CHARGE 1tj ?aSt?e' htz. as a bolt to give tho finishing blow. Although the squad rons wero massed uuder the iutrepid Bessieras, tho emperor led in persou. When Soult's lines reached the plain at the top of the heights, the Russians dashed among the battalions. Seeing that, Napoleon gave the order to the cavalry to charge. The brave Rapp was at the head of the advance guard and said to his men: "Soldiers, seo how they are sabering your comrades. Let US; fly to their rescue. " Breaking from a. trot into a gallop, the Fxeuch horae rolled with irresistible, $ury upon the Russian?, and a fearful combat between mounted v?Triws raged over the plains. The regiment led by the emperor's brother, Joseph, lost an eagle, and then for the first time that day Napoleon be came excited. Ordering in the last re serve, he swept the field and captured the Duke Constantine with many of the Russian noble guard. As the masses were about equal in number neither Bide would give way, and the combat was reduced to a hand to hand struggle with sabers. The infantry on the right and left of the cavalry was fiercely en gaged, and for a time the issue hung upon the sabers in the center. At last the Russian horsemen broke, and Bes sieres poured his squadrons utq their broken rauks, literally cutting the lines of the allies in two.. AWTJt, VENGEANCE. The war demon in Napoleon was thor oughly aroused at- Austerlitz. He fought on the defensive, but was coui-cious of his advantage. The allies had 200,000 soldiers in the field against his 50,000 and considered his army lost. Agayi lie had violated all rules of warfare and placed his ar my far into the enemy's territory. Prus sia was neutral in that campaign, but held ready 200,000 men to fall upon his line of communication with France in case tho battle went against him. He told his soldiers the night before the battle that the enemy would attempt to cut him off from Vienna, his temporary base, and that he expected them to 33 Eail the enemy's flanks while they were eo engaged. It being well understood by the gen erals and soldiers that Davoust, on the xicpch right rear, held the key to com plete viciuty and was in mast danger, all turned from the field of victory in front against the antagonists of Davoust. The butchery that ensued, when, fhe luckless allies were, hedged, in between two fires wasri'ghfcfn.J. They lost that day 30,PQ0" men killed, wounded and prisoners. Napoleon's positions were surrounded by swamps, and, like the frightened Mexicans at San Jacinto, tbx bewildered Austrian and Russian sol diers threw themselves into tho miry pools, where wero cut- down by ar tillery. At onetime about 5,000 Rus sians were seen crossing tbo ice of a large lake to gef away. Kapoleon or dered, his cannon to pl&y on the ice, and Th.e whole mass, horses, eanuon and men, sank into tho depths. "Victory must not bo doubtful on this occasion," the emperor had said to his soldiers the night before. Pierce to frenzy was his adherence to the motto. Geo kgb L. Ktlmkb. A MAN l . -.- Or woman who is in need of- UNDER- V cl; "'. WEAR OR BLANKETS and fails Jto "Ih. : i purchase these cold weather . necessities T at THE BOSTON STORE shows . a. lack o .commendable judgment.. , 7i,: WHY? ' Because at no other store in the city are.- these. lines of goods being sold so cheap, quality cons . sidered. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Call and BOSTON ST0R H Legal Notices. PUBUCATTOX NOTICE. Frank B. Sharon, Ammie E. Sharon. Lew K. Darrovr, and T. k. II. Smith and Company, a firm composed of Frederick Smith. Lnppe Xnpen, Habbe Velde. and Dietrich C. Smith, defendant?. will take notice that John II- Jewett. as executor I deceased, plaintiff, has filed his petition in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against the above named defendant?, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed November 1st, ISS'J. by the de- I fendants, Frank B. Sharon and Ammie E. Sharon, j to one Lew E. Darrow, and by him assigned to the said Cyrus W. Dison, now deceased, of whose last , will and testament, the plaintiff is the dnly ap- j pointed, aahned and acting executor, upon the ! following described real estate situated m Lincoln t county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter j in range thirty-four west, of the (1th P. 3L, to secure the payment of their one principal note for S&OO.CO due November 1st, lUl, and ten interest notes for 2aB0 each, due respectively the first days ot nay ana Novemwr, lyi, ituz, lV3 and lxSt: all of said notes bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum after maturity. There ia now due the plaintiff upon said notes and mortgage. Including tho amount paid for taxes on said premises, the sum of jlOTjO. with Interest at I the rate of ten per cent per annum, on said notes from the maturity thereof, and on the amount of taxes paid by plaintiff, from the date of payment thereof, and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount, with interest and costs of suit. Tou are required to nnsrer said petition on or before Monday, the 8th day of February, IbV". Dated December 29th, 18JW. JOHN IL. JEWETT, Executor. Plaintiff. By W. S. Monuur, His Attorney. i-3 NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office, North Ptatte, Neb., t Becembor i3ta, I&Ub. Complaint having keen entered at this office by James C. Craw agata Octavus Bobertson for failure to. ccaply with law aa to Ttabcr-CaU ture Entry No. isfe dated December 10th, 1800, uiym tha northeast quarter of section 23, town- shlpIN., range 30 w.. in Lincoln county, Ne-I braska, with a viw to the cancellation of said en- try, contestant alleging that the claim has been wholly abandoned for the last nve yean and that there has wen no trees, tree seeds or cuttings planted on the claim: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 6th day nf7ihrnnr 1WI7. nt nolrwlr a m tnrMin,l and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. D22-a JOHN r. HINMAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) January 16th. 1507. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make 2nal proof in support Of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register an4 Receiver at North Platte. Neb., on February 27, 18-JT, viz: LAFAYETTE BOLXCOM, who made Homestead Eatry W30, for the west half of the south west quarter section H and north west quarter section 17. township 17, north range 29. He names the following witnesses to prove his continaou residence upon and cultivation of, said land, via: Albert P. Main, George M. Brooks, Dennis Brothers, and Silas Clothier, all of Nesbit, Neb. JOHN F. HINMAN, B-10. Register. PROBATE NOTICE. 13 THE UATTZfi OF THE ESTATE or Fezdeeick N. Dick, Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, January 31th, 1U7. Notice Is hereby given, that t& creditors of said deceased will meet thj Executor ot said estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln county, Ne braska, at tie county court room, in said county, I on the Stith day of May. l-87, oa the 2fith day of t June, 197, and on the 27th day ef July. 1827, at one o'clock p. m. each day, for the purpose of pre-1 and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Executors to settle said estate, from the 2tb day of January, 1807. This notice will be. published in The Tbibujte, a legal newspaper printed in said coanty, for four weeks successively, on and after January 20th, 187. JAMES M. RAY, County Judge. STATEMENT. We. the aadersigaed directors ef the Sutherland and Paxton Land and Irrigation Company, do hereby certify that the foUouieg Is a correct state ment of the property and debts of our Company December 31st, 1MW: nESOOBCES. Personal property 1 graders, etc. ? $ ft3 W Cost of canal and water appropriation... 59 378 St Water contracts face 12 MS 17 Interest accrued on same 97 CO Maintenance tax now due 2 183 20 Balance due from personal aoensnts 2 7i 40 tock iawtmects S 2W CO ?KI 913 61 UABtr.rrrEP. Capital stock issued Ml 5C0 CO Bills payable for labor and supplies ti Wl 7S Balance resources above liabilities 37 S2 Ji fVT 313 G4 David HinrrEK. Alzx Nzixjson. Johx JL Cosway. Subscribed aad swra to before me this 20th day of January, 1697. Heskt Cokes, Notary Public. OREES AND PLANTS. I A full line Frcit Trees op Best JL Varieties at Hard Times Prices. Small fruits in great supply. Mil lions of Strawberrv Plants, very thrifty and well. rooted. Get THE BEST near home and save freight or express. Send for price-list to NORTH BEND NUR SERIES, North Bend, Dodge Co.TNeb. examine. H NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb.. January 9th, 1S3T- J Complaint having been entered at this office by William J. Martin against Bans P. Nelson fer abandoning his Homestead Entry No. ISPOi, dated September 13th. l&Vi). udoq the southeast uoarter of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter I of the northwest quarter and lots 5 and ft, section 6, toirnsnip JO nortn, range Al west. In Lincoln county. Nebraska, trith a view to the cancellation j fnt ? JSSLS!8 KSZ ' moned to appear at North Platte, Neb., before Register and Receiver, oa the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1S97. at 9 o'clock a. m.. to respond and fur nish testimony concerning said, alleged abandon ment. JOHN F. HTNarAN, . S-fi Register. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, N8b January 18th 1S97. Complaint having been entered at this office by f abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 16523, dated May 3d, leitt, upon the south east quarter section Henreitta D. Neary against James Baam fee j 2. township 13 north, range 31 west. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at North Platte. iab.. before Register and Receiver on the 27th day of February. i 1S17, at 9 o'clock n.m.. to respond and furnisb ! testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. JOHN F. HTX1IAN, !!-. Register- ST-A-TiEiiyciEiLsnr Of the Condition of the TV! i T A Tt Bnilding aqd Loan AociaMoq, of North Platte, Nebraska; on the 31st day of December. 1805: ASSETS. First Mortgage Loans ins SX) 80 I Loans secured by stock of this Assocfa- i i " pv rn and taxe'd Sji i nhn.ar. P111 -r 1 Cm11 treaorer 1& 97 Total U9 837 13 - ..,Z' " ' . - lM i JT F IS, Premiums paid 31 3i0 9K Interest received 27 247 HO Fines collected tf77 90 nA., .... .. ;'f,,f " iraQ.lcrn.CT - - Jil M Total U1U 837 15 State of Nebraska. Lincoln county. s. I Samuel Goozec, secretary ef the above-named Association do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of sold Association true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Samtjii. Goozxr, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day January, 1S97. WjcsletT. Wilcox, Notary PuWta. Approved: Tho. C. Pattebsox, W. J. Roche, t Directors. Jomt Sobe3cso!t, ) 1 i DEALER IN Coal Oil, Gasoline, -f Gas Tar, And Crude Petroleum. Leave orders at office Broeker's tailor shop. V Carl Brodbeck, DEALER IN Fresh, Smoked and Salted Meats, Havin; re-opened the City Meat j I am prepared to furnish customers with a choice quality of meats ot all kinds. A share of your patronage is re spectfully solicited. Cun for IxpUmce, Lets of Manhpod, Seminal Emissions Spm maiarrk sar Netwxtsmmg, $lf Distrust, Loss of MvMry.Jtc. Tint meke ymsKST&QM. fJfor ou3 Mat. PrUs tlJXX, 6 farw, 4S.09. trKkekBax. At4nss a.n-- .Tft. "I. 2SW LucaAvc rr.Loow. uo. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy, F.E. Bush, Manager. Claude WemeaD