1 VOL 'mi. ifORTH PT.ATTB, HEBRASKA, TUESDAI EYESWG, JMUAET 19, 189T. WL 10. 3- 3te Closing Sale! Owin- to sua expected change in business we are . . going" to sell our entire stock of . . Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents9 Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises -AT- Slaug-litering; Gall and be eoavineed that wh&i we tell von are facts. St ar Mil . . Wefter & Yollmer. . . All parties indebted please call and settle. Ho, 3495 - First National Bank, XOKTT PLATTE, JY-EB. te ll. P. 'Mllllp fe-ggg There's no Use! laaaBBBBBBBaBaaS J I23a1t!3nwl$ ;see the xiaie ox the leg If you are posted yon cannot be deceived. We write this to post you. SOLD ONLY BY A I flAVIQ Great and Only Hardware Man A L Ul 7 1O5 in Lincoln Co. that no one Owes. Eull Line of ACORX STO YES AND RANOES, STOYE PIPE, ELBOWS, COAL HODS, ZINC BOAEDS, etc., at Lowest Prices on Record. NOHTH PLATTE, HpST SAMPLE S00M W IQSTS PLATfE payipg refitted oar rooms in the finest- of style, the public ia invited to call and see est in sarin g courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supplv all your wants. aJSLTH S BLOCK, OPPOSITE Low I Prices. ion 2r' CAPITAL - - $50,000. SFRPLBBr-- $22,500. S. White, - - - President A. White, - - - Yke-Pres't. nnur McNamara, - Cashier. A general banking- business transacted. You can't find in these United States the Equal of the Genuine Beck with Round Oak. You may try: you'll get left. Eemember, it's the combination of good points that makes the Perfect Stove. That's where we get the IMITATIONS. They can't steal the whole stove. They steal one thing and think they have it all, but it FAILS. They build another. It fails. Still .thev keep on crying srood as the BOUND OAK. Some peculiar marr-Vio nfs cot rKoxr Tno-r-a them, when IT'S NOT SO. NEBRASKA. x'HE union pacific depot MULLD AEUTEEZ BIG CA5AL The directors of the Lincoln and Dawson county irrigation district met at Gothenburg- Saturday for the purpose of selling 5275,000 worth of district bonds,as advertised and to contract for the construction of the same. A number of prominent contractors were present to bid on the work, but the bids tor the bonds were limited to the bid of I- E. Doty ot David City, who bid 95 cents on the dollar. His bid for the construction of the canal was SI cents per yard for the upland and 101 cents tor the bottom land, or an average of about Sfc cents per cubic yard for the grading, and 532 per 1,000 for the lumber in bridges and flumes. Rushart Sc Co., of Omaha, bid 5 and 6 cents percubic yard for the grad ing in excavation and embankment. The bonds were sold to L. E. Doty, who was awarded the contract to construct the canal, as per his bid. Mr. Kitten of Kortb Platte was awarded the position of chief engi neer, Sturegk of this city assistant, while Channel of Kearney will do the drafting and office work. The work will begin as soon as arrange ments cat be made to set the ma chinery and material on the grounds for its construction, and will be pushed to completion as soon as possible. In sixty days they will be working all alonr the line. The main canal is fifty-six miles long and about 115 miles of laterals, and its capacity is 450 cubicteet ot water per second, which is calculated to irrigate -0,009 acres of land, the amount of land in the district. FKGTECnOS" TO TP"? StJGAS IS2TI5TEY. State Journal. 1 The republican party is accus tomed to carrv out its pledges. The people of Nebraska interested in beet sugar, although they elected four democrats to congress, may rest assured that it will in no way prejudice them since other states came to the rescue and sent up a rousing republican majority, and that the following pledge of the St. .Louis, platform, will be carried out if no slip occurs in the senate. This is the sugar piank ot the re publican national platform: "We condemn the present admin istration tor not keeping faith with the sugar producers of the United States. The republican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on American soil of all the sugar which the American people use and for which we are sending abroad annually more than $lGQtQQQ,QGQ to foreign countries. coes as fitzl. Experiments are now in progress at tbe unviersity to demonstrate the comparative value ot corn and coal as fuel,savs the State Journal. They have not been carried far enough to give conclusive results, but it is made clear enough that corn at 10 cents a bushel is as economical a fuel as coal selling for more than S5.41 a ton. The corn used in these tests was yellow dent of the crop of 1S96 which was not thoroughly dry when it was placed in the furnace. The coal was screen ed Rock Springs nut, costing in Lincoln 56.65 a ton. The experi ments will be continued by the uni versity, and in due time a complete report will be made, showing the heat producing power of various grades of coal as compared with the fuel value of corn under all condi tions. Tfce economic importance of this investigation to the state can hardly be overestimated. During the last few weeks since the farmers south of the river have turned their horses iato the com stalks a number of them have died. Mrs. G. W, Xewman lost six head, Fred Young, two, M. T. Turner, one, I. F. Siemiller, two, and Ed Marcott one. The farmers have opened and examined them, and their lungs and stomach all seem to be in a healthv condition. Thev seem to die easy and do not bloat before or after death. The farmers have not been able to discover what killed them. Gothenburg Indepen dent. Mrs. S. S. Willis of Gothenburg 1 has turned her three children over to the Orphan Home ot Omaha, being unable to support them. Seliered of Terrible Pairs. letse. Traveling- Salesman, Galveston, Texas, savs TtaifaWK? rvnr Liniment cured me of rheumatism of three months standing after use of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Danville, IIL, says I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment or years and would not be without it. J.B- Crunch, Bio, His., says Ballard's snow Liniment cured terrible pains in : back of head and neck when nothing . else would. Every bottle guaranteed j Price 50 cents. Sold by The North Platte Pharmacy1 J- E. Bush, ilgr. 1 "i C0XM33 SI0STTR3r 2X0CEE2I5G6 Jany 11th R. D. Thomson at tends meeting of S. S. L & L. Co. and Hardin and Garrison inspected the Bird wood and CFallon bridges. Tan'y 12th Board met, present full board and county clerk. Re quest from clerk of the district court asking for more time to prepare and file his annual report was granted- Report of P. H. Sullivan overseer of poor for fourth, quarter of 1S96 was examined and approved. The following official bonds were approved: Greeley Bundy, asses sor; J. P. Xystrom and J. C Preit aner, justices of the peace; E. S. McCoy, constable; Chas. Suska, overseer of highways. Jan'y 13th Board met, present full board and county clerk. Board spent the day making estimate of expenses for the year 1897. A. B. Longpre was appointed superinten dent of the MaxweH. bridge from this date until further notice from this board. Jany 14th Board met. present full board and county clerk. Board completed estimate of expenses for the year 1S97 as follows; General fund 530,000, bridge fund 10,000, road fund 10,000. soldiers relief fund 700.00, funding bond 1600.00. jail bond 700.00, North Platte bridge 1000.00. r Estimate for precinct bonds: Brady Island bridge, sinking fund 1000.00, interest 1200.00; Nichols bridge bonds, sinking fund 350.00. interest 550.00; Birdwood precinct bridge bonds, sinking fund S00.Q0, interest 1000. 00r OTallons precint bridge bonds, sinking fund 400.00, interest 60Q-0Q; Eureka, precinct bridge bonds, sinking fund 700.00, interest 1200,00; Medicine precinct road bonds, sinking fund 300.00, in terest 60.00; McPherson precinct irrigation bonds, sinking fund 500.00, interest 1000.60; South Side Internal Improvement bonds, sink ing fund 500.00, interest 1000,80. Estimates were also made for school district bonds. The following claims were al lowed on the road fund: "Ware i2c Snow blacksmithing 10.95, E. A. Johnson flagman 4.00. Walter Eavev chainman 4.00, Alfred Weber chainmaa 5.00. The claim of G. C. Hawkins S64.)9 bridge work was al lowed oa the bridge fund. The foikwm" official bonds were approved: W. A. Latimer and LeopakL PoLral, overseer of high ways; C. A. Smith constable. On motion oi Hardin the county clerk was ordered to cancel road warrant No. 11 of the levy of 1S95. it being a warrant for $25.00 issued to S. I. and J. B. McConnel as dam ages for Road No. 190. The war rant is cancelled because of a de cree of court in the case involving the matter. Jan'y 15th Board met: present full board and county clerk. The contract for printing and for books, blanks and stationery being under consideration, it was moved by Hardin "That we designate the Independent Era of iNorth Platte as the official paper of Lincoln county for the year 18,97, 2-nd we direct that the delinquent tax list and all legal notices and. advertise ments be published therein at the rates prescribed by law; the com missioners' proceedings to be pub lished in said paper tree of charge. The motion carried. R. D. Thom son voting no, Hardin and Garrison voting yes. Contracts were awarded as fol lows: J. W. Ellinghan; for print ing envelopes, noteheads and letter heads. Ira L. Bare for printing blanks, claims and bar docket. State Journal Co. blank and printed records, poll books and other stationery and supplies. T. Jepsen was appointed asses sor of Fox Creek precinct. L. R. Hansen was appointed overseer of highways for Dist No. 20. The official "bond of Chris Marquette constable and J. W. Johnson as sessor were approved. On motion of Hardin it is ordered by this board that road districts Nos. 2S and 29 be consolidated into one road district under the name ot Dist. No. 2S. and road district No. 29 is hereby cancelled. Two claims of G. T. Field for 21.05 were allowed on the bridge fund. POWDER Absolutely Pure, Celebrated, for Its great Ieavenin g stremrti and healtlifnlnes3. Asaures tlie fowl against alnm and an forms of adnlteration. common to the cheap Lranda. BOTALBAmC PCTOJES CO SEW TOKK. mi TJE LlEGISIiSTURH. Smith, of Richardson couaty.has introduced a bill to appropriate $250,000 for a state beet sugar fac tory. The bill will probably die in its infancy. W. C. Grimes of Holt county has consented to push the bill providing an amendment to the constitution granting woman suffrage witkoet anv restriction. a t:tt t i.t-t i .i i - put down the Russian thistle pest I has been introduced in the hoese. This measure was passed two years ago upon the urgent demand of the farmers. It seems however to have proven a poor law. This Tuesday evening has been set for a meeting ot the finance ways and means committee to hear the Transmississippc exposition matter. The bill introduced ui the house calls for an appropriation of $350,000 for the exposition, bet the general belief is that the amount will be cut to about5250,00Q, "Welch ot Polk having in mind a tew incidents of the last election would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to manufacture, carry or exhibit the American Sag with aay cut. profile or emblem upon its folds. The crime he considers is serious enough to warrant imprison ment from ten to sixty days. Representative Eastman is in favor of the state going into the railroad business. He has intro duced a bill which appropriates $350,000 for the assistance f the i Iowa, Lake Superior &: Gulf rail-1 road. This action he takes, as the preamble of the bill shews, because of the utter contempt of the great railroad lines for the agricultural classes. Severe, ot Otoe, has introduced a bill which provides that any candi date for offices in Nebraska who uses money, intoxicating- drinks, cigars or bribes of any kind directly or indirectly to influence tbe vote of any person or if an? person use the same for tbe benefit of any candi date tbe same sball be a felony. Anotber section provides that if any representative of any corpora tion shall coerce, intimidate or threaten to discharge or to redaee the wages oi any employe or em ployes of the corporation the penalty for the crime shall be impcisonmeat in the penitentiary tor from one to three years. Tbe western members of the legislatnre have a movement on foot to redistrict the state, giving- a new legislative appointment based upon the vote cast at the last general election. Sheldon of Dawes coenty is preparing the bill which will be introduced at an early date, it is claimed that the populatian ot the state has increased; lately in the west since the last apportionment. It is reported that the feasibility of the plan was submitted to Samuel Maxwell for his opinion and that he believed that the present legis lature will be prevented from mak ing- an apportionment on the basis ot the census ot Ici but tnat the basis migbt be the votes cast at the last election. TEE ri-WCUa ESTATE. Henry W. Haig, who is adminis trator of the estate of Robert F. Fawcus. savs the Gerinsr Courer. expects to secure the passage of an appropriation bill through the pres- ent legislature to proride for the payment for tbe real estate belong ing" to the estate. It has been ap praised according to law at S&.3D0 lg- to raw at io. Jix and the law which provides that alien heirs cannot inherit realtv in this state, also provides that the state shall bHy it at the appraised valuation. The claim is reco"- nized as just, the estate ha.rt Re compiled with the statate. bt there being no foods "ant otaer- wise appropriated it becomes necessary to either secure an appro- priation or see and get jadgneat against the state. HUrabert iH fRipfoaCe with the surest ion of the ceie - iestion of the cele brated Italian traveler, Ctj Gnbernatis. who has recently re turned to Rome from a tourthroagrh the United States, has decreed the foundation of a permanent museum cf American industrial and natural products in the Eternal City, the object of which is to foster the trade between Italv and this courttrv The teachers in the Aurora! schools have consented to a Cttt IS. wages rather than have the schools. aoseel Detorc the end of thQ school year. Tk Great Annua Closing Sale oi the COMMENCING- JANUABY 12th, TO GONTINilJiE THE BALANCE OF THE MONTH. I expect to go east next saontk to lay ia oor ssfJy of spring; aseS snramer goods and as we still Sod ourselves heaviiT kade with, -winter ; goods rather than to carry them over we shall make a clean sweep ot Dry Ooods, Cloaks, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing, Blankets, Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods regardless of cost. . . Here are Some 25 ptsees of English Oeiisgs, reenter price lc, gowfr a sfe: fosryzdt. 20 pieces of 12 cts. Canton Ftansel goto as sX. casts. Dress Giaeham. 10-cent quality, sotc? at 6 ees. Apcoc Gingham 3 cents per y&ra. 15 pieces 10-eeat quality Lises Crash, goissr at Thx eaate 29 doses Dutrar 2sokine, Ldt) qeahiy, zausz a SLCOper dheao. Table Lisecs, 1.00 quality, gutB aicU25; Si.COatSS casts? 5 mis. afc jJSkiSft, Q-i Pepecall Bleached SheettagE, resrufetr price 25 cie ma at TSL si pec 9-i Uabteacbed, regular price 23 eeote, a IS ceass pec yusi. 1 tet Sak.rd -ee; Print, ia dose out, 5 cents per yarL DPoSSS GOODS. 1' yl wide Ladies Cloth, ia aH colors, regular prica T5 efcs. gciag &-t JS mks. per yard. 1 yard wkie LaAesT Cloth, ragnl&r price 43 cte goime; a 2 eie. pec yareL 55 inch afl weol Heosieffias, center price S3 ceas. goiasr at 55 efcs. per yiL Imported Serges, 5S mcbes wide, rttaatag- fiwa SLW to $kJSt 6c &? sate; SS-eenSe per vassal. 1 lot oi ladies fa qfity 5l.25saraee.r oia at m eaate. imlitjt gwag at 5S eeefs; a cast qoaitity at ete; S9 aso4; ijpoMjfe? at 3i teats. - " - - 3T, A ICTS. iiKiIisy Cafilocsia iaska at $5.7. ipKiK&y at SOqmfity at 58. 2.CO qaH.y at IsZk LCO roiitty at .m eeets qsahty at 4c ceals. Whatever we have left on baaiL sad ib ewt sale at (town to . ML Hosiery, Gloves. Mitteoe, Yarae, Zaphsts, Sksmv, Gaels' Fwcnrraang- ff7eefe at a gseat redoctwe. 3QQTS ATnTX) SSOSS. All our ladies 82 and SL w quality gams at for this sufe. All oar ladies fine shoes S&sOmad L0. Hesdersos's and Paddan Bros. mk sbom to close oet at 2JS5. Headeaa!& Bed School Hoese shoes at a bt- dseoaot. 1 lot of cbiMcea a eehaal sfwes,. spodl ones, heel or sprra beel.6 to S at 73 cents. S to 1 at 9T eessr 23 te 2 at. SfLfSt. Men5 asd boys shoes at a great redaction. iCt ees thie ad asd brin it to the Boston Store so that yo wS feee Kst of goads ibr this sale asd the prices we promise to sail thera iar. Toe is for Barsaiog. Tffi Sooth room. OUeesfcetn Eicck. C. F. IDDINGS AND GRAIN Order by telephone from Xewton's Book Ssore. WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WEsBOW GLSS, TARNISH "RS, GOLD DSAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES. ARTISTS COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIAtfQ AS FDRNTTURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND RUGST PAIMS, KALSOMIXE MATERIAL, WINDOW SSADgS- ESTA31 JCLY 1S66. - The cocnty printing" was fet bT tfee coonty commissiooers Taes- day to the Clipper-Citizen lor sixth legal rates for publishing- tie Iinqent tax list and one seventh "-5" t ' ; Hltsslooers pcoceeetags tree, lite j Gotheabtwr- inafepeafest -cte the ib pciatiag-- The amwtj wifl have reasaa M eowpiasia ot ise poce P' for P"iatia- this year. Coead Tribeae. In 17 George Washington wrote: "My anxioee recoUectiaac, mj sympathetic ieeliags. aad y best j wishes are irresistibly whensoever ia any coeatrr excised rr I see an oppressed peopte aafarf the seatiaeat of Aaerkaas to-day. f TFaSU So Mr. GQeMm Brows, of & XiXl St: Soetfc Ganiaer. Maes., was told bjr taa' doctoc. Hie soa bad leas tsaabfe. ioh Jowiac Sjpboid authtria, and he saeni three hoadred aad seeety-ave doOars with doctors, wbo SaaDj srava hka ap Hft Dr Kts jy gsd sarwin xoor soy woo live a bioqsb. a few bottles restored hha to health aad enabled him to go to work a josfGsttj vnH mw XTv i- ti Mr ka u lIc nraCan ! ' crrA ak ta aca raf TV- TTmarc INTaar j rza. uiau a cr setje aer uv amv.u i Discovery, aad knows it to be the best - rpal ss 4 BOSTON STOE, of Our IPricesr ae high ae 513, joec BOSTON STORE. JULIUS PIZER, Prop: --- 310 SPRUCE STI There i& aa eaxaest aad hoaor aUe coBspetkm aiaoog the Metho dist Episcopal charches at WaeJa iagtoa as to which will captxse the McKialey faatilj. Major McKtatey has seat letters of greefeiig- to the five diareat charches which hone iavited kiat. bat Ut aoae has he saial -I will be with voe." Soaie of the best atiat&ters ia the coaiefeaee wffl he selected for the Wa&aaa- toa chnrches.2ml the preside aat&j waat to hear all of them before se lectxag- his pew. Sxxsx or Oaao, Crrr or Tou, i SL Lcrfc Corxrr- y Fraatk J. Cbeoay aaatses oah As fce ig Shsmtor partaaroftae fcm ac PX CTaaaay & Co-. oVaag baataess ia tfceeiajr r m . !. r m il tufn n fa 1 1 i i iaaai 1 thT j JJ 1 etrrad oj she mm oi Hall s Caxa j xfai -baSrf m ay pessaaea. Titig Cth day of Decear oec, L. JU. JSsW. A. w . uutieosr, t scAL.) Noterj Pahfitt. HHs Catarrh Cosa is takaa iBteraafla: asd acts direeSly oo thebieodaBd amir sarfiaeae of taa sfsSaei. eoeiBac F. J. Cuertr f TbUedo, Oh. Sold by draegtsaH, tac HhsTs Bamllvr Pibs are "tbe best. 3 Cheap Reading. The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean: I aad The Semi-Weekxt Trjbsse U , , , - - T vane. Tbt fFernlv holds ircod. COAL ' nrti Ftr'i v T5-v.