The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 08, 1897, Image 2

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    Me 9ml -mm$ Srifome.
IRAIi BAKE, Editor aji-dPropbiktor
One Tear, cash in advance, $1.25.
SIx Minths, cash in advance 75 Cents'
Entered BUheK'orthPlatte(Kebra8ka)po8toincea8
C. W. HoxiE, a Lincoln populist,
will succeed J. T, Mallalien. as su
perintendent of the Kearney indus
trial school. Mr. Hoxie is a farmer
by vocation.
. The statistics show that' 'the poor
drouth-ridden state of Kansas" has
during- the last twenty-five years
produced $779,000,000 worth of corn
alone, to sa' nothincf of other
nculture and of the general labor
interest. To be sure, the success
of beet sugar raising1 in other coun
tries is due in some measure to
the tact that they pay bounties on
the product; but if they can afford
to pay bounties so can we, if such
a policy is necessary in our case:
The fact of most importance is that
we are buying the bulk of our sugar
abroad when we have the means to
produce it at home, and other na
tions are thus orofitimr by our ne
glect of a splendid opportunity.
Happenings From Home and Abroad Re
duced From Columns to tines Every
thing But Facts Eliminated For Our
Readers' Convenience.
The last day of December, 1895.
the Wilson-Gorman tariff showed
a'deficit of 512,327,722; on the last
day of December 189l it showed
$37,000,000, and some accounts not
yet closed.
The most widely advertised man
m- Nebraska is the Boone county
farmer whose wife recently pre
sented him with five babies. No
where do women show so much en
terprise as in Nebraska.
-The capitol building of
York is over acre. It was
twenty-five years ajro, has cost
about $20.00,0000, and the architect
wants another million to put a few
extra touches on its gables.
,Through an oversight a little
ante-elecion squib appeared among
the news matter in our our Tues
day's edition which, while credited
to-a paper, was hardly in keeping
with the principles advocated by
this paper.
. JcpGE Neville, of this city, lias
declared in favor of the legislature
making a liberal appropriation for
the Transmississippi exposition,
and will lend his influence in secur
ing it In this respect, at least, the
Judge believes in standing up for
Hundreds of men who went to
Lincoln a week ago expecting to
secure berths from the state officers
elect, or from the legislature, are
now returning home weary, disap
pointed and foot-sore. They all
expected a job, but only one in fifty
was successful. The laws of the
state should be changed so that
every fusionist who wants a soft
job could be accommadated.
The number of Bryan
that are berating the republican
party because "the promised pros
perity has not come" are about as
smart as the wolf in the fable that
accused "the lamb that stood below
him in the stream of muddying the
water" which his wolfship was
drinking. The republicans will as
sume the responsibility when they
get there, and not before. Things
are still democratic. Inter Ocean.
The votes of two or three demo
cratic senators for the tariff bill ap
pear to be expected by the republi
can leaders. They intend to make
the bill appeal to intelligent men of
moderate views in the opposition
parties. That is, while the duties
will be adequate they will not be
high enough to bolster up the
A J 5 t f . ,
trusts, ana tuey win at tue same
time furnish abundant revenue.
which at present is a very serious
IT is said that every pound of
wheat and flour exported from this
country is needed to pav for our
sugar importation. What a shame-
ml waste. And Nebraska can sup
ply sugar enough to feed the entire
United Stutes at that Certainly
our people are sleeping" on their
possibilities and letting their op-
purLuuiues puc on wings ior an
early departure. Oh, for a little
business horse sense alonr with
the political doctoring that we are
annually subjected to. Kearney
Friday, Jan. 1.
Captain Xathanicl A. Mcrrell died at
his home in Dcwitt. Ia.. aeed 67 years. Ho
was a member of the Iowa 14th general
assembly in the lower house and in the
senate during the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th
sessions The Illinois legislature is asked
to pass a free text book bill by the State
Teachers' association Kentucky officers,
who accidentally shot an innocent man in
Indiana, narrowly escaped lynching
At a meeting of trained nurses of Penn
sylvania over 50 volunteered their services
for the Cuban revolution The remains
of John Conlon were found near the rail
road tracks at Oakland, CaL, and some
boys used the head for a target while
practicing with a rifle Reports from
the Mexican coffee districts show that the
crop will be very heavy An American
named Bass has been arrested in St.
Sebastian, Spain, on a charge of trying to
cash a forged draft for 6,900 pesetas As
a protest against the new German law
prohibiting speculation in futures, the
Stettin Corn Exchange and the Berlin
Produce Exchange have decided to sus
pend Two Americans named Hurley
and Ivastle, who have established hun
dreds of watch clubs throughout Mexico,
have, it is alleged, defrauded 7,000 sub
scribers to the extent of $300,000. Applica
tion for the extradition of both men, who
are now believed to be in the United
States, will be made The authorities of
Osceola, la., offered a reward of $550 for
the murderer of Mary Gilflllan. The gov
ernor has been asked to offer $500 The
annual convention of the Des Moines
Presbyterian Y. P. C. U. opened at the
"United Presbyterian church at Chariton,
la., with n large attendance Rev. O. J.
Xylandcr, a young Baptist minister who
cut his throat with suicidal intent in "West
Union, la., several weeks ago. has been
adjudged insane and taken to Mendota
Builders of the new $S0,000 courthouse at
Knoxville, la., have tendered the building
to the supervisors, but it has not been
accepted. Charges arc made that inferior
material has been used The milch cows
in Hancock county, Illinois, arc dying of
a peculiar disease that resists all treat
ment, i lie animals aucctcu lose the use
of their legs and arc prostrated. Steers
and young cattle are not afflicted.
Saturday, Jan. 2.
Edward "Wright was hanged at "Wil
mington, Del Mrs. A. E. Rinehart, the
Denver cyclist, made 110 centuries in '9G
xupntnerin is prevalent m Uhicago
and a number of deaths are reported
Thomas Farrcll was thrown from his car
riage at Chicago and fatally injured-
'Iho Miami Powder company's mill at
Goes, O., exploded, killing. Tacob Kreitzcp-
Anthony Morlcy, a 50-year-old teamster,
was run over by a train and killed at La
Crosse, "Wis George Durst, a German
tailor, committed suicide by hanging him
self at Austin, Tex A St. Louis firm
has been awarded the contract for laying
the drainage pipe? in the City of Mexico
Engineer T. S. Hill and Brakcman
John Seigrist w;ro seriously injured in a
ireignc wrecu at leipsic, u By a ma
jority of 2(5 votes the saloons of Texark-
ana, Ark., have been thrown open to the
public Dr. h. McLcod Smith of Hutch
inson, Kas., died in jail at Denver through
excessive use of morphine and cocaine
Charles "Wilson, arrested at the residence
of a prominent Dallas, Tex., business man
is believed to be a notorious burglar
Mayor Pcnnoycr of Portland, Or., has re
fused to accept more than half of his
salary, saying tljafc it was too much-
Captain T. H. Leslie ehot and killed hia
brother-in-law, A. H. Strode, nfcGillett,
Ark., in a quarrel, and is now under atr
rest Felix Brown and Fred Ashford
quarreled over a woman at Courtland,
Ala., and fought with pistols, the latter
being killed Miss Anna Stephens at
Denrer, Colo., ih Might to have been sand
bagged, is dead, and investigation showed
softening of the brain Proceedings to
dissolve the Kansas City live stock ex
change, on charge of violation of the anti
trust law, have been begun at Topeka
Henry Husted, cashier of the Union
county National liank, Liberty, Ind., com
mitted suicide by hanging in a stable' in
the rear of his residence. His financial
affairs are in good shape.
years connected with journalism In New
York city, is dead An explosion oc
curred in the Anderson mine at South Mc
Alestcr, O. T., in which five miners were
killed Ferdinand Zahn, a Chicago
saloon keeper, grew despondent because
his wife left him, and committed suicide.
At Manilla 13 men who were convicted
of a conspiracy against the government
were shot Owing to the importation of
a number of non-union miners into the
tunnel, nine miles v?fcst of Ouray, Colo.,
there is likely to be a strike of miners
which will affect about 2,500 men
Henry Boese, agol 73, was found dead in
bed at the Park Center hotel, New York
city Editor Clarence Cook of the Fort
"Wayne, Ind., Sentinel, was run over by a
street car and his right arm cut off Senator-elect
Money, who mysteriously dis
appeared from his hotel in Havana, has
returned without any explanation of his
movements United States Minister
"Willis, at Honolulu, who has been suffer
ing from pneumonia for some time, has
been given up by his physicians
Tobacco manufacturers and importers
were heard before the ways and means
committee and gave their ideas on the
tariff legislation necessary Charles
Bramlctt, aged 80 years, of Cynthiana,
Ky., directed in his will that his body be
buried in a tank of old bourbon whisky
and his desire will l)e carried out Isaac
B. Allen, the colored man who was elec
ted a governor's councillor, stated in Bos
ton, Mass., that he has been offered $20,-
000 to leave the country for 12 months
Several country newspapers in the north
western part of Kansas have advertised
that corn will be accepted as legal tender
for subscriptions at the rate of 20 cents a
bushel In a collision on the elevator in
Kansas City, Kan., Dr. Adolph Reitrich
was seriously injured and Lizzie Fitcher,
Hattie Boyd, Fred Cummings, Miss Tosh
and Miss Cronin hurt.
Result of His Visit to Canton Upsets the
President-Elect's Calculations Sends
Telegram to Senator Sherman to Come to
Ohio For a Conference.
J "Wednesday, .Tan. C.
The new "White Star line steamer Del
phic was launched in Belfast yards
Mrs. Frank Gusman was attacked and
probably fatally injured by a mad dog at
Huntington, Ind. The convention of
the Order of Railway Telegraphers has
been called to meet at Peoria May 17-
"William Downing and Charles Williams
expiated the crime of murder at Norfolk,
"Va., on the scaffold General Lew Wal
lace Grand Army post at Crawfordsville,
Ind., refused to indorse him as a candi
date for the United States senate Rich
ard Falk and Thomas Hanna, young men
oi Indianapolis, playluJly sculllcd over a
pocket knife and the blade pierced tho
heart of the former, killing him instantly.
The dead body of Jacob Gindelbarger
of LaGrange, Ind., was given to a medical
college in fulfillment of a contract made
15 years ago, Giudelbargcr selling his body
for a consideration of $15 Tho body of
the l.vte Archbishop Fabre was laid to rest
in the crypt of Xotre Dame cathedral at
Montreal The panic at Bombay arising
from the plaguu has spread to the police,
many of whom have abandoned their
duties and sought safety in flight Gov
ernor Bradley of Kentucky ordered Com
pany E, Second regiment of the state
militia, located at Lexington, to intercept
an alleged tureatencd raid of toll crate
rioters Examination of the accounts of
Fred M. Inglehart, the Buffalo, X.
Y., attorney who was declared insane
several months ago, has brought
to light the fact that he misappro
priated ?5'',,000 belonging to his clients
Guthrie, capital city of Oklahoma, has
passed a curfew ordinance As a result
of a quarrel with her suitor. Miss Ruth
Pcdcn, a young lady of Macon, Mo.,
drowned herself in Muscle Fork creek
Major McKinley is reported to be consid
ering the ai jointment of Henry Hitch
cock of St. Louis to his cabinet to repre
sent Missouri By order of Judge Phil
lips of the United States court in Missouri,
warrants may be issued for illicit liquor
sellers before they are indicted James
Harvey, the alleged wife murderer of
"Wilmington, O., made affidavit charging
the crimp upon his father, a Quaker
preacher (59 years of age Tho Southern
Base Ball league was reorganized at Mont
gomery, Ala., with a salary hmjt of $1,000.
Powers of New Orleans is president
Citizens of Topeka, Kan., have petitioned
the city council to prohibit a brass band
from playing a certain piece of music con
taining a strain keyed very high, claiming
it to have caused two deaths.
Thursday, .Tan
The Second National bank of Erie., Pa.
withstood a Dig run on account ot a scare
Governor Altgeld has signed six par
dons and twenty papers commuting sen
fences so far this year The next eon von
tion oi tr.o w. u. x. u. win he held in
Buffalo Charles G. Conn, ex-proprietor
of the Washington Times, has been h
dictcd on a charge of criminal libel
Henry Ellison shot and killed Sue Collier
at Lea Springs, Ark., by accident and sur
rendered to the authorities The presi
dent has signed the act amending title 60,
chapter 3 of the revised statutes, relating
to dramatic copyrights .John J, Kelly,
aged 7b years, died sitting in a pew attend.
ing early mass at the Church of St. Yin-
cent de Paul, St. Louis Albert Gielter,
ncsponucnt through sickness and lack of
funds, attempted to commit suicide by
taking morphine at Chicago The su
preme court at Jefferson City, Mo., de
eded the case of Jones against Pulitzer.
m -i . .
x here does not seem to be any
good reason why the United States j
should lag- so far behind other coun-i
tries in the production of beet!
sugar. The 4,236,000 tons of thatj
article produced ill 1895 are cred- i
ited mainly to Germany, Austria,
ranee. Kussia. Belgium, Holland,
and Sweden, our share being only
bu.uuu tons; and yet the natural
conditions are more favorable h:re
than anywhere else in the world.
W.e liave a large area of territory in
wmcn rue surar oeetcan be success-
fullygrovn, but it is persistently
devoted to corn and other unprofit
able crops. Our farmers do not;
realize how much better it would
be for them to turn their attention
to a product of this kind than to go
on clinging to things that do not
pay. The consumption of sugar is so
large over ou pounds per capita
annually that there is no danger
of producing more of the raw ma
terial than can readily be sold at
a good price. We are pavimr a
vast sum every year to the foreign
producers of sugar which ought
to be' kept at home and made to
contribute to the prosperity of ag-
3Iomluy, Jan
The burglar who robbed the postoffico
at Cotopaxi, Colo,, has been captured and
lodged m jail at PuelnorrFred Reynolds
and Miss Mary E. Friend of Evanston
near Chicago, eloped to Racine, Wis., and
were married Mrs. Henry Esccrson. a
leading society lady at La Crosse, Wis.j
fell and hurt herself and died from her
injuries The employes of all the mines
in Massillon, O., district, about 2,000 men
have struck on account of a reduction
Johnson Davidson, congressmaiplcpt
from the I wenty-fif th congressional dig
trictof Pennsylvania, died at Phoenix.
A. x. V hilc dnvimr at Chicacro Mrs.
James Delaney got mixed up with a fira
brigade, was thrown out of her buggy and
narrowly escaped death Tom O'Bourko
is negotiating with Parson Davies, match
ing Denver Smith against Choyniskf for
twenty rounds, and the two will meet in
February Roswell Beasdsley at North
Lansing, N. Y., has completed his 09th
year as postmaster, being appointed by
President John Quincy Adams m 1S28
j. ne czar is imported ro nave sent a mes
sage to the suitan recommending him to
f eriously consider tiie remonstrances and
ad vice of the powers regarding the reforms
asked Mrs. T. "W. Espey of Kawsns
City attempted to commit suicide by tak
ing morphine on account of ill health, but
the unexpected arrival of hr husband and
a physician saved her life John Wen
dell Smith, whose correct name is said to
be Del Mastock, who is supposed to have
come from Kentucky, committed suicide
in the Amnesty hotel, New' York city, by
turning on the gas A cyclone wrecked
dcarlv every building in South Benton,
Ark., and passed on in a northeasterly
direction, damaging even- building in its
path. In an outhouse near the depot a
tramp was killed Mayor Swift, has
named F, "W. Poek, .J. S. Miller, "W. A.
Giles, A. H. Bevel and J. F. Fulton dele
gates from Chicago to the co?) veijriou at
Tampa, Fla., to discus3 methods of forti
fying the gulf and sont Atlantic ports.
Tuesday, Jan. .".
Advices from Koine say that the pope is
slightly indisposed Senator Thurston
f Nebraska will have a conference with
Major McKinley some time this week
E. S. Drqycr, head of the banking firm of
E. S- Dreyer & Co. is dying at Chicago
Michael 3. McGrath, lor a number of
for the control of the Post-Dispatch of St.
Louis, in favor of Jones A carload of
prisoners, consisting of Indians, negroes
and whites, has been shipped from Fort
Smith, Ark., to the United States prison
at Columbus, O. The recent blizzard
and snow storm stopped all traffic from
the south and west into Stromsburg,
;seo., since rsiruruay anci tho snow
ploy Jas ditched at McCool
The newsboys of Washington, D. C, have
been denied the privilege, by the commis
sioners of the district, of crying their pa
pers on the streets on Sunday. They have
decided to fight the order The New
York fire department, board of public
works and city authorities will present
a bill in the New York legislature asking
that the limit jn height of buildings in
that city be made 175 fjfeitfe Governor
Altgcld of Illinois commuted the sentences
of Charles G. ami Frank K. Meadowcraft,
convicted of reciving deposits up to the
time their bank in Chicago was placed in
the hands of a receiver The Transmis-
souri committee of the Western Passen
ger association referred the matter of
summer tourist rates to a special com
mittee, selected from the Gulf, Santa Fe,
Rio Grande and Rock Island roads
Commissioner Kerr of the board of health,
Chicago, has notified President Halle of
jthc board of education that the water sup
ply to public schools will be turned off un
less iiicans. of purification is adopted to
protect childroii. '
Bank Cashier Siiichfc.s.
B4J.17M0UE, Jau, , Richard Corne
lius, cashier of the Farmers' and Mer
chants' bank, lias committed suicide by
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
This invaluable remedy is nnn t.hnf.
ought to be in every house ho!d. It will
cure your rheumatism, neuralgia.
sprains, cuts, bruises, burns, frosted feet
and ears, sore throat, and sore chest.
It 3'QU have a lame back it. will nnrn if.
U penetrates to jthe seat of the disease.
It will cure stiff joints and contracted
musoloa after all ' other remedies h
failed. Those who h
or years have used Ballartls Snnw
iment and thrown awav their
and been able to walk as well as over.
It will cure you. Price 50 cents. Rnlrt
by North Platte Pharmacy. J. C. Biinh.
Manager. i
Cantox, Jan. 7. Senator Allison re
niained at the McKinley home till train
time yesterday afternoon. He left in a
most happy frame of mind, saying aa
he shook hands with the President-elect
Goodbye, goodbye and God bless you
is iny prayer and yours too, I pre
Senator William 0. Allison has for
the third time declined the proffer of an
Ohio-born president to accept a position
in his cabinet. This is the position that
President-elect McKinley finds himself
in as the result of his conference wdth
Senator Allison. The interview with
Major McKinley lasted from 10:30 unti
1:15, when the gentlemen sat down to
lunch together.
Senator Allison expressed his fullest
sympathy with and good wishes for tho
incoming acministration and expressed
his desire to do all he could to promote
its welfare. He was decisive in his
statement, however, that he conld not,
with the new senatorial term beginning
with tho administration, give up his
place in the senate for an administrative
In explaining his regrets at not being
able to accept a cabinet position Senator
Allison gave the president the heartiest
assurances of his co-operation in the
senate, where, he said, he felt that he
could be of far more benefit both to
Major McKinley and the Kepublican
party than by taking up the intricate
and difficult task which must fall upon
the shoulders of a cabinet officer. The
decision of the Iowa senator to remain
outside the new administration is doubt
less much of a disappointment to Major
McKinley. His refusal opens up anew
the entire cabinet situation, and all the
old problems and complications in which
the Ohio situation is most prominent,
are now opened afregh, It issaid that
the last thing Major McKiuley did be
fore leaving Canton for Cleveland was
to wire a request to Senator Sherman to
come to Ohio for consultation.
Silver Forces of Nebraska Organize For
the Campaign.
Lincoln, Jan. 7. The meeting of the
Nebraska Bimetallic league was called
to order at 2:30 p. m. by John Jeff coat
of Omaha. He introduced Rev. James
Mailley, chaplain of the house, who in
voked divine blessing.
The permanent organization was
effected by tho election of Cunningham
R. Scott of Omaha as president, and
James Stockham of Custer county as
There was a majority and a minority
report, the latter favoring greenbacks,
and oyer this the delegates argued for
nearly two hours. It was finally de
cided to make tho minority report a por
tion of the whole platform. In sub
stance the resolutions declare for
the formation of the "Nebraska
Bimetallic Union,'' under direction of
four committeemen. Thev declare for
the free coinage of silver at the ratio of
10 to 1, without the consent of any
other nation ou earth, and declare that
the money question is the paramount
issue of the day and will remain so until
The minority report added as follows:
'And we demand that all money,
Whether gold, silver or paper, shall be
co'ued by the government and shall be
full legal tender for nil debts, public and
private." There was developed some
opposition to this, but it was adopted by
a large majority.
A card from W. J. Bryan was read
in which he volunteered to subscribe
$100 toward the expenses of the organi
zation for the ensuing year.
Victory For Quay.
HARitisppEG, Jan. G. The factional!
Republican contest for "the succession to
the seat hi the United States, senate oc
cupied by J. Donald Cameron, which
has kept the people of the state in a
fever heat for mauj weeks, wns fiually
settled last night in the joint part cau
cus of the Republican members of the
legislature, who chose State Senator
Boies Penrose of Philadelphia as the
man upon whom tho honor shall be be
stowed. Of the 215 Republicans in the
legislature, 211 were present and voting.
Of these voters Penrose received 133; ex
Postmaster General John Wanamaker,
75; Senator Cameron, 1; Congressman
Robinson, 1, and Superior Court Judge
Charles E. Rice of Wilkesbarre, 1.
Three St. Paul Hanks Closed.
St. Paul, Jan. 5. As a direct result
of the closing of the Bank of Minnesota,
two weeks ago, which created new dis
trust among depositors and started runs
on a number of city banks that were re
puted not to be as strong as the deposit
ors wished, three St. Paul banks, the
Germania, the Allemauia and the West
Side, none of them national institutions.
all closely associated have closed their
doors, one being in the hands of the
.state bank examiner and the others
Iirickmakcrs to Meet.
Lincoln, Jan. 4. The Nebraska
Brickmakers' association will meet
annual session in
this city Jan. 10,
Birklianser Fills Vaudcrroort's Shoes. j
Lincoln, Jan. 5. P. W. Birkhauser j
has been named as the successor to Paul j
Vandervoort upon the board of fire and j
police commissioners of Omaha. j
From All Farts of lite Woat l.eportr. of
Damages ly Flootls ami Storms Arc llcing
Received In Illinois n Ilexxvy Ilaia lias
ased "Washouts In Missouri.
KTotor Line Changes Hands.
Norfolk, Neb., Jan. 3.- E. A. Bul
lock and H. II . Patterson bought the
street railway motor line at private sale
from the General Electric company of
Corpse In the Missouri.
Bellevue, Neb., Jan. 1. The badly
decomposed body of August Diem, a
Swiss, GO years of age, was found
floating in tho Missouri river opposite
ISluzc at Xor folk.
Norfolk, Neb., Jan. 1. The general
merchandise stock of C. E. Shurtz was
heavily damaged by smoke and water,
resulting from an obstinate fire in tho
basement. Estimated loss, $10,000; in
surance, $S,000.
Thurston Returns to the Capital.
Omaha, Jan. 5. Senator Thurston
left last evening with his wife and son,
Clarence, for Washington. The senator
is of the opinion that the session and
extra session will detain him at the
capital into the summer.
Voluntary Liquidation of a Rank.
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 31. The Farm
ers' and Merchants' bank of this city
gave notice last evening that no further
deposits will be received after this date,
and that all depositors can have 100
cents oa the dollar, on demand.
T i
"Will Go Out of Uusiness.
Crete, Neb., Jan. 2. The Crete Na
tional bank closed its doors yesterday
and went into voluntary liquidation.
Deposits are only $12,000 and will bo
paid on demand by the First National
bank, where money is deposited to pay
them. The Crete National has on hand
in cash 57,000 and only closed because
the business did not pay.
uhan Muss Meeting.
Omaha, Jan. 1. A largely attended
mass meeting was held here last night, ! his homo in Evan.-ton
and adopted u stirring address to con- j
gress and the people at large, calling for !
the recognition of the Cuban patriots as
belligerents by the United States gov
ernment. Senator Thurston and Con
gressman Mercer were present and
made tho principal addresses.
Cochin 1 1 .Sentenced to Thirty Years.
UKEELEY, UOlO., Jail. 1. A. Jj,
Cochran, the cattle rustler, who is well
known throughout tho northwest, has
been sentenced to 30 jears in prison for
cattle stealing. It is said that Cochran
is under indictment in Kimball county,
Nebraska, for the murder of Paul Rose,
the stockman whose cattle was found in
his possession when he was arrested,
aud for the theft of which he was found
guilty in this state.
1511 iott Sent ITp For Life.
Omaha, Jan. 1. Judge Baker today
sentenced Charles H. Elliott, convicted
of murder in the first degree, to
life imprisonment for the killing
of his roommate and friend,
Gay Hutsonpiller. Judge Baker told
Elliott it was very fortunate for him;
that the jury had the right to fix the
penalty, for had it been otherwise the
judge said he would have l-cceived tho
severest penalty known to law. '
Chicago, Jan. 4. From all parts of
the west reports of damages of floods
and storms during the last iii hours are
In Illinois heavy rain has fallen,
streams are flooded, making roads im
passible and damaging winter wheat.
Joliet is threatened with one of the
worst floods in its history. Hickory and
Spring creeks are out of their banks and
the Des Plaiues river and the lower
level of tho canal has raised 16 inches.
Families are moving ont of their houses
and lowlands are flooded. Water is
! sweeping through the lumber yards and
' the Rock Island track is submerged in
the vicinty of Lacou. "Wheat has been
damaged badly by the 24 hours rain and
the roads are impassible. The Sangha
mon river is rising, threatening destruc
tion to thousands of bushels of cribbed
corn, it lias rained lor bO Hours and is
still raining, but growing colder.
South Dakota suffered a severe snow
storm, which prevailed all day yester
day. The snow drifted and a railroad
blockade is feared.
In western Kansas there has been
much trouble because of the snow pack
ing across the trades and trains havo
been held at eating stations until the
tracks can be cleared.
Nebraska is suffering from the worst
blizzard it has experienced for years.
Snow was YZ inches ou the level last
night and the wind piling great drifts
six and seven feet high. Trains are
delayed in tho vicinity of Hastings.
Last night a blinding snow was falling
and a sharp wind blowing. At Grand
Island there was five feet of snow in the
Union Pacific railroad yards. Telegraph
service is greatly impeded.
Rudy Is Rreoveret.
CinCAGO, Jan. 3. "W . A. Hammond
vice president of the National bank of
Illinois, is missing. Some of his effects
were found this morning on the lake
front, at the Dempster street pier, near
The recent sen
sational failure of the bank, of which
Mr. Hammond was vice president, is
supposed to have led to his disappear
ance. Mr. Hammond retired as usual
last night. This morning the members
of his family on going to his room,
found it empty. Search -was begun for
hini, and it finally led to the Dempster
street pier. There they found a num
ber of private papers in Mr. Hammond's
handwriting, This convinced the
searchers that he had probably com
mitted suicide by jumping into the lake.
The federal lifesaving crew at Evanston
was immediately notified and began a
quick search for the bod. A tug was
also wired for to come from Chicago for
the same purpose.
The coroner at 1:50 o'clock this after
noon was advised that the body of Mr.
Hammond had been recovered from the
lake. The body was taken to the Evans
ton police station. The body was found
at the foot of Church street, five, blocks
north of where he is supposed to have
jumped into the lake. It was discovered
by two boys, who informed the police.
Seven at Roherval, Quehec, Cremated In
a Rnrning: Convent.
Roberval, Lake St. John, Que.,
Jon. 7. The lives of seven Ursuline
sisters were lost today in a fire that de
stroyed tho convent of Our Lady of
Lake St. John at this place. The estab
lishment was controlled by the Ursu
lines of Quebec, a cloistered order and
the oldest religions sisterhood in Can
ada. The names of the dead are as fol
lows: Sister Providence, Miss Eliza Gosselin
of St. Jean Chrystostome.
Sister TJrsule Miss Rose Gosselin of St.
Jean Chrystotomc.
Sister Annie, Miss Emma Lcstourneau
of Quebec.
Sister Louise, Miss C. Gnrneau of St.
Sister Antoino de Spadua, Miss Laura
Hudon of Hebertvillc.
Sister Domique, Miss Bourillc of Dos
Sister Paul, Miss Louise Girard of
"When it was known that tho con
vent was on fire, there was consterna
tion in the village. Ordinarily, in that
institution there were almost 50 youug
ladies under tuition, besides a number
of nuns, novices, etc., making a total of
almost 100. Most of the students, how
ever, were away on their holiday vaca
tion. The utmost confusion prevailed
at the scene of the fire. Nuns and pupils
rushed from tho place. All the young
ladies, so far as can be learned, es
caped. Today they are quartered
comfortably and so far none are reported
missing. "With the nuns, however, the
case was diiterent. Theirs was tno
especial care of looking after the young
girls, and when the roll was called
seven of the older women did not re
spond. They were overtaken by the
flames and smoke and perished. The
loss is estimated at 75,000, with only
about 12,000 of insurance.
Stuart Guarantees to Find a Place For the
Heavyweights to 3Ieet March 17.
New Yokk, Jan. 5. At Jersey City
today Bob Fitzsimmons signed Dan
Stuart's articles for a fight with Cor
bett. He agreed to do everything in the
articles, but objects to Stuart's having
the money for a picturo of the fight
offered by the kinetoscope people.
Stuart agreed that if money was re
ceived for a picture it would bo equally
divided between Fitzsimmons, Corbctt
and himself. The fight will take place
on March 17 for a purse and a side bet
of 5,000 to 10,000.
aicCullash's Death Was Accidental.
St. Louis, Jan. 3. The coroner's jury
in the inquest on the remains of Joseph
B. McCnllagh, editor of The Globe:
Democrat, has given a verdict tq tlje
effect that the deceased came tq his.
death by failing from a wandow while
attempting to escape from the effects qf
escaping gas, the result of an accident..
Short Sellers Caused the Vuloadiu of Loiifj
"Wheat Tn Large Oiiantities,
CmcAOO, Jan. 0. Wheat today for the first
time in months caino undor the control of tho
hears. Short sellers caused the unloading of
long wheat in largo qunntitjes and tho result
was a very weak market aijd l?.fc not loss fop
the day at Corn Jost ?ac; ont.i, Jgc!
2$c Closing
State Normal School liuiiding Destroyed.
Pjsrj;, Jan. 0. While the wind was
blpwing a gale yesterday the dormitory
building at the State Normal school was
discovered to be pn fire, and despite tho
efforts of citizens, students and mem
bers of the faculty, was completely de
stroyed. The other buildings were
threatened, but were saved by hard
work. The Eev. B. Bedell, who was
aiding the fire fighters, was struck by
falling bricks and narrowly escaped
with his life. He is badly hurt, but will
probably recover. The loss is about
30,000, .with no insurance.
Kdilol' Uses ;r Gun.
Cijlbeksox, Neb., Jan. 'G. A long
standing political feud between M. J.
Abbott, editor of the Hayes County Re
publican, and Jali H. .Ohristner, Re
publican state committeeman, culmi
nated in a street encounter at Hayes
Center, in which Christner soundly
thrashed the editor, After the men had .
been sejaratqd aud Christner had '
walked away, Abbott, it is claimed, '
drew his revolver and fired at his enemy,
inflicting a wound in tho back. Christ
ner is not badly wounded, but there is
some fear of further trouble between tho
two men.
makinc assignments. TVnrimr rh Hm high
. : T A 4 1 l
that had intervened sjnee the closing of
the Bank of Minnesota, the Germania
bank paid out $225,00Q to frightened de
positors, and early yesterday the direc
tors concluded they would stop the
drain and make an assignment to the
cashier, Peter M. Keerst.
Union Pacific Keceivers meet
Omaha, Jan. 7. There was a confer
ence of Union Pacific receivers at head
quarters here today. Receiver Mink
said only routine matters were consid
ered. The receivers will go to Salt Lake
city tomorrow to witness the severance
of th Oregon Short Line and Utah
Northern from the Union Pacific svs-
em. Mr. Mink stated that a comnanv
iad' formed to buy the Short Line
at the foreclosure j reached near)
the two lines wilUig Operated by a coin- ' Fencrof All":
pany friendly to the Union pacific.
Lightning is zigzag because as it
condenses the air in tho immediate
advance of its path it flics from side
to side in order to pass where there
is tho least resistance to its progress.
Depositors to He Paid In Full.
Lixcolx, Neb., Jan. 7.- Cashier Wil
bur of the Omaha Savings bank, which
closed its doors a few days since, has
been in Lincoln with Mr. Morris, tho
bank's attorney, and at a meeting of the
State Banking board they presented for '
approval a bond guaranteeing the settle-!
ment in full of all claims within four !
years. The bond was signed bv men nf
financial standius:, who onalified
Jor more than $2,000;000. The State
Banking board approved the bond and
issued a fqrnial order to Bank Examiner
Dodder to turn the institution over to
its officers. " ' j
pled Crahtrce of Ilcatrico. !
Li.vcolx, Jan. 3. Yostorday closed '
the business of the State Teachers' as-:
scciation, the most interesting part of
the last session being the election of of
ficers, as follows: President, J. W.
Crabtree, Beatrice; secretary, Lillian
Stoner, Valentine; treasurer, C. R. At
kinson, Fairbury. Superintendent
Pearse of Omaha offered a resolution in
viting 7he National Teachers' a-?-K;ia-tion
to meet in Omaha in lSO-i. This
was adopted. The total onroimit-ut
ly 1)00 this year. L. B.
nice was made chairman
Heavy Losses ly Floods.
St. Louis, Jan. 7. Reports continue
to come in of heavy losses along tho
Gasconde river and smaller ttreams
tributary to the river. On account of
the bridge between Richland and
"Wayncsville being washed away no re
port as to the extent of damage done on
the east side of the river can be obtained.
Jiuudreds of head of stock from Texas
and points south, which were en route
ts this city to tie shipped, have been de
layed on account of the high water for
several days, which will entail a heavy
loss to shippers.
Inventor Makes a Fortune.
Sleepy Eye, Minn.. Jau. 7. Grant
Bramble, who invented and patented a
wonderful rotary engine, transferred
the right to manufacture and sell the
engines to Henry Francis Allen, repre
senting the Allen syndicate of England,
for $'3, 100,000. This sale is for only the
United States, England and Germany,
France and Europe having been pre
viously sold for over ?4,000,000. Tho
inventor yet controls the engine for
Mexico and the Canadian provinces.
"Western Association Meets.
Buklixctox, In., Jan. 7. At a meet
ing of the representatives of the West
ern Baseball association it was decided
to admit F. G. Pahuer, owner of the St.
Joseph franchise, to the association.
Each member is required to deposit by
Feb. 1 a forfeit of .o(K) to play the sea
son out, to stay within the $iK)0 salary
limit, not to farm or loan players, and
to incorporate under the laws of the
state by Feb. 1, under nenalty of for-
pork and ribs each oc, and l&rd,
"WHEAT May, SlJo-
CORN Jan., Ja ; May, 23J42.Mc
OATS Jan., loftc; May, 18gi0c.
PORK Jan., $7.53; May, $7.&).
LARD-Jan., SU.SO; May, $3.93.
RIBS Jan., 3.S5; May, S3.93a3.97j.
Cash quotations: No. a red whoat, 8387c;
No. 2 spring, 79c; No. 3 corn, 20c; No. 2 oats,
South Oinaiia Live Stock.
South Omaha. Jan. 0. CATTLE Receipts.
1,000; 10c lower; native bcof steers, ?3.70&4.70;
western steers, W.00'(a.80; cows and heifers,
?2.65d.50; canners, S1.50i2.50; stockers and
feeders. ?3.00fe:j.9J; calves, $8.0085.0 ; hulls,
staj;s, etc., $I.75($a.-S.
1 HOGS Reee-jts, S&X); steady: heavy, $3.20
3.35; mixed. $3jy&sa.23; light, S3..t3p0,- h'tflk
of whs,' $3.25 (S.-J.r'O. ' -t
SHEEP-Receipts,' 00j i-troiisj fair tM
choice natives, $2.8 QZ.Tj: fair to choice west
cni3,$2.50Sa.J0; common and stock sheop, $2Ji5
Q3.25; lambs, $i. Oft".. 0.
A Ifovel Idea In Tunnollnsr.
A wire carrier or tram to carry
baskets or tubs of coal or earth is
among the recent achievements. An
electric cable is arranged trolley
fashion, and below it is a thick wire
Cable so put up as to sustain tho
baskets by means of a series of
email wheels attached to a handl:
Thego roll upon the wire and 'aiiu
kept in place by long ears that ex
tend below tho wire pn either sido,
The cable is in the form of an eloiir
gated letter O, the upper or homo
end having a simple transferring
device to admit of its being started
pgain without unnecessary delay.
There is a grip attached to each bas
ket, and a catch for dumping the
contents is affixed to a stout posfc
placed at the desired point. A man
may go down with a light load, or
feiting the deposit and losing the frau- the basket may bo sent and looked
Ilecoiiies Member of a I'aiikiu Firm.
Sax Francisco, Jau. 7. Private ad
vices from New York state that George
Crocker, the- San Francisco millionaire,
who, yesterday purchased $1,500,000
worth of property in New York, has
become a member of the New York
banking firm of Price, McCorniick fe
CJo. Crocker is one of the sons of the
jate Charles Crocker, wliQ, with Stan
ford and Huntington built the Southern
Pacific and he inherited several millions
from his father.
)f tho legislative committee.
Ppnclonsbu Testimony.
Cliaa. IJ. Hood. OroljGr nnd'-Manufnc-turor'n
Agent Columbus, Qhiq cortitios
that Dr. Kiu'h ow Uiwtuvnry litis no
equal as u ooutfh remedy. J, P. llrown, :
I'rop. ht,.JauuH Uutol, Ft. Wnynno, Ind.,
Churned With Kiuhczzlciurtit.
Kansas City, Jan. 7. William 13.
j Porter, cashier and confidential clerk for
! the Buford & George Manufacturing
company has beeu arrested charged with
, the embezzlement of 5,000 of his cm-
i plovers' funds. Although Porter h;is
; been employed by the company for over
; nine years and was implicitly trusted, he
j is aid to have squandered money re
; centlv as a result of associating with n
fast set.
after by a caretaker stationed at tho
dumping point. This arrangement
is susceptible of many uses. Passen
ger baskets might be arranged to
carry people over places where it
would be impossible or too expen
sive to build railways, or where
there was not sufficient traffic to
make them pay. Light freight, par
cels and the like could be taken in
the same way. At points whore rri
quem; stops wcrw not required this
rdun could bo made exceedingly (f
feotive. New York Ladiror,
Turkish Knlara,
Mohammed, the fouadw of Ife&tft
is not reckoned uikhi& t-be caUMfe
being the prophet. The first cj$Jpt
was Omar I, who nacentied til
throne by virtue of ejection ia
From tlmt time until th5 defeat antt
dentil of Al Moeteett i HQ
caliphs ruled.
A noted physician snj3 ono of ttw
finest remedies for liver disorder! If
to bo found in apples, entun iw, ov
baked if the raw fruit is not easily
Of course, a disordered
A writer jn the London ftK'nlfui
(leclares that tho greatest aid to dj
gestion is conversation nt ntohfy
and that laughter is ulmoMt u viv
for dyspepsia.
toHtldim tlmt ho wiih onred of a o'iif,'h of digested.
I... IV. n i. i i tn
of apples will do a great deal toward
clearing and beautifying th akin
two yoitrH Huuuhng, oiuiaod by la gnppo, ver causes tho complexion to be
Morrill, MiiMwinavilU Msa, biivh Unit mlU(y
u Iuih and reooiiuiiemlod it and
novur knew it to fiul and would rathor
liiivo it than any dnntor, heoniieo it
HhviijH lairee. .Mrs. Hamming 222 J3.
SJftlh Ht , Phiimjfu, always Uoouh it at unit tmd mi fuar nf uruun. because
t liiBtnntlt rulwes. Frco TrinI Bottle , JJiem freely
Hi A V blreiU'a drug store, 3
Eat them raw, if no inconvenience
is experienced ; otherwise have them
baked or stewed and partake of
Try mit lliuwa tpml r
vour innibk? jr gt feoUfc
nd t reiw. This mediete fete
found to b peculiarly adapted to tike
reUef and car-- of aU faaak comnlniates
exertin a wonderful dirwt inttaeaco ia
jjmnR strength and tunc to U or?as
If you hare kw of aopetitos co4etpa
tkm, hodacbe. faianne sks orftre
nervous, sleooloe. accitabfe. wwtaneikttK
or troubled wiih dnoqr slte, Kssfcrt
Bitters is tho medicine you a si HtHh
.ind strength are i:uRmu!tvd bv its vsa
Fiity coats and SI. 00 at StrettW drug
store. 3