m Smi-mm SrUnm. IRA Li B ARE, Editor axd Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year, cash in advance, $1.25. Six Months, cash In advance 75 Cents. Entered attheNorthPlatte (Nebraska) postofflce as 8 econd-clasE matter. FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 18 1896. With this issue The Tribune enters its "teens", having- complet ed its twelfth year last Tuesday. The oast two or three years have A. been trying" ones' for the newspapers of western Nebraska, and it has only been by hard work and the strictest economy that both ends have been made to meet. Collec tions, especially irom the farmers who were so unfortunate as to lose their crops each year, have been very difficult and the subscription arrearages on The Tribune's books amount to many hundreds of dollars. Those subscribers who are in arrears and can pay will con fer a favor by so doing. If you can not pay in full, please pay what you can. With an outlook for more promising" times, it is quite likely that some improvements will be made to The Tribune in the near future which will result in an increase in news service and the ability to present the news to sub scribers in better form. The supreme court of Nebraska handed down a decision Wednes day in the sugar bounty case, in wmcu tne court noids tnat mere is no specific appropriation for the payment of the bounty. As a re sult warrants to the amount of about one hundred and fifty thous and dollars held by the owners of the sugar and chicory factories will remain unpaid until an ap propriation is made and as a ma iority of the members of the next legislature are opposed to the su gar bounty, the prospects for an early pajunent of the warrants are not bright. The beet raisers will receive but four dollars per ton for the 1896 crop unless an appropria tion is made. Down' in Kansas the applicants for places at the pie counter under the new poo administration are registered, and each applicant is required to pa' a registry fee of one dollar. This money, it is claimed, is to wipe out a big" de ficiency in the expenses of the late campaign. Had the newly elected .Nebraska officers adopted this novel plan they could have accumu lated several wagon loads of 100 cent dollars. Senator Allen has introduced a bill appropriating-one million dol lars for surveys and examinations of the headwaters of all the large rivers of the countrj-, some 120 being- named, beginning- with the Penob scot and extending to the Rio Grande, to determine the cost and location of reservoirs to be con structed and maintained for the storage of waters of these rivers and their tributaries, to be used for industrial purposes. The United States district attor ney at St. Louis has notified the Cuban agent in that city that the enlistment of recruits for Cuba must cease, as such action is in direct violation of the neutrality laws of this country. Several hnn- dred men have already been sent from St. Louis to New Orleans, where they will embark for Cuba. Some of the papers are calling attention to the fact that pensions have cost this country $2,000,000 since 1865. But more than that amount within the same time has vanished in the flame and smoke of conflagrations in the United States, ana noooav seems to ne -vnrvmo- J o about an outg"o that is largely pre ventive. Ex. If there were more sugar facto- ries in Nebraska there would be less 12-cent corn. It is within the power of the Nebraska farmers to work out their own financial salva tion and one of the means to be employed is the encouragement of the beet sugar industry. To the credit ot congressman- elect Greene let it be said that a whole week has passed without him going- on a jamboree. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as mercury will sureiy destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the muscous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on perscrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do ib ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine' It is taken internally, and made in To ledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. bold by Druggists, price 75c, bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. per 1 STANDS BY HIS STATE ALLEN PROTESTS AGAINST CRITI C1SMS OF EASTERN MEN Ncbraskan Hsw a Lively Tilt Vith Senator Hoar Call Offers Three Cuban Resolu tions Demands an Investigation of the Killing of Maceo. Washington, Dec. 15. The final vote on the immigration bill will be taken in the senate next Thursday at 4 p. ni., ac cording to an agreement reached Mon day. Little doubt is entertained as to the passage of the measure, as it already has passed the house and will be in con ference before the holidays. Call (Dem.. Fla.) renewed attention to the Cuban question by threo resolu tions, one being a bitter denunciation of the manner in which it is alleged Gen eral Antonio Maceo had been killed while under a flag of truce. Mr. Allen's speech protesting against intemperate criticism of Populism in Nebraska led to a passage between him and Mr. Hoar. Mr. Allen said that neither Kansas, Nebraska nor any other stato which had returned Populist electors was on that account to bo classed as revolutionary and regardless of the sacred nature of legal contracts and obligations. He as sured eastern stockholders in western railroads that they had nothing to fear, and said western judges were equal in justice and intelligence to those of the east and would hold the balance fairly between residents and non-residents. They would prevent over-capitalization and wild and reckless management of corporations, but would bo impartial in the enforcement of both the letter and spirit of the law. In conclusion he scored Senator Hoar's remarks as "a re flection on a poor and struggling, but honest Christian community." House Agreos to AtUourn. "Washington, Dec. 15. Beyond agree ing to a resolution for a two weeks' holi day recess beginning Dec. 22, the pro ceedings in the house Monday were almost entirely devoid of public interest. Most of the day was spent in a struggle over the bill of Morse (Mass. ) to render the laws relating to the sale of intoxi cating liquors in the District of Colum bia more stringent. The opposition was inclined to filibuster against the meas ure, but it was finally passed. MORGAN FOR DECISIVE ACTION. Alabama Senator Makes n Stronir Speech on the Situation In Cuba. "Washington, Dec. 16. Senator Mor gan of Alabama held the attention of the senate and well filled galleries for an hour Tuesday by his advocacy of a stronger decisive policy in dealing with the Cuban question. The prominence of Mr. Morgan in the Cuban debate of last session, when he had charge of the Cuban resolutions reported from the committee on foreign relations, gave special interest to the speech. He spoke in a dispassionate style, although his words had a directness and severity in picturing the horrors existing in Cuba such as is seldom heard in the senate. At the close of Mr. Morgan's speech his resolution was adoptedrequesting the sec retary of state for papers and information relative to the Competitor prisoners and other American citizens held in Cuba by the Spanish authorities. The question of passing the bill granting Nancy Alla bach a pension, the veto of the president notwithstanding, occasioned consider able debate, but was finally passed over the veto, yeas, 41; nays, 11. Early in the day Mr. Allen introduced a resolu tion for the appointment of a committeo of nine senators to investigate the ex tent to which money was used in the recent presidential election. I.0111I Dill Considered. Washington, Dec. 16. The house entered upon the consideration of the Loud bill to amend the law relating to the transmission of first class mail mat ter.Before this bill was brought up,a bill to reorganize the Atlanta and Pacific railroad was called up and passed. DINGLEY BILL IS DEAD. Recognized Leaders of Various Parties Take Part In the Debate. "Washington, Dec. 17. The session of the senate developed the most eventful and exciting debate that either branch of congress has heard 111 a long time. It brought forward the recognized leaders of the various parties and elements, in cluding such conspicuous figures as Messrs. Frye, Teller, Sherman, Gorman, Yest, Aldrich. Piatt, Mitchell (Or.), Chandler, Hale and Allen in notable statements on leading questions which have engaged the attention of congress and the country of late. !Nbt only were the lines laid down on tariff and finance, but the debate partook of all the pentup feeling resulting from the recent na tional contest. Often it was dramatic in its intensity and at all times absorb ingly interesting to the crowded galleries and intent body of senators. Political differences came in for a fair share of attention and the names of McKinley and Bryan often were heard. President Cleveland also came in for a share of attention, Mr. Allen declaring that the president was a Republican' who rejoiced with Kcpubucans over the recent mut ual victory. The debate came unex pectedly when Mr. Yest called up the Allen resolution for consideration of the Dingley bill, in order to make some remarks on it. Mr. Piatt of the finance committee an nounced that no effort would be made to urge that bill to passage. The superin tendent, Mr. Sherman, promptly arose and said in new of wliat had been said, he acquiesced in the general sentiment that no further effort should be mado on the Dingley bill. This was regarded as the final disposition of the bill. Deadlock in tho House. "Washington, Dec. 17. Tho day in the house was productive of little prog ress. The army appropriatio'n bill was under discussion, but a deadlock oc curred over the proposition for the abandonment of tho army and navy hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., and the house adiourned. Sugar Bounty Warrants Illegal. Lincoln, Dec. 17. The supreme court has decided that the payment by State Auditor Moore of some 46,000 in warrants for sugar bounties to the Ox- nary company is illegal. Fortnight For Tariff Hearings. "Washington, Dec. 15. The ways and means commictee of the house today de cided to begin hearings on the tariff on Dec. 28, and continue them for two weeks. j Creedon Won In the Ninth. New York, Dec. 13. In tho fight last night between Creedon and O'Brien. Burglar Sent to the Penitentiary. North Platte, Neb., Dec. 16. Judgo Grimes sentenced John Cur tin to five years in the penitentiary for robbery. Complaint Is Dismissed. Lincoln, Dec. 11. The complaint of the Lincoln Commercial club against the Union Pacific and Elkhorn roads brought before the board of transporta tion has been dismissed. Postponed Another Week. Pender, Ifeb., Dec. 13. The prelimi nary hearing of Dr. J. S. Goodmanson, charged with poisoning his wife, which was postponed until Dec. 14, has again been continued one week. Think They Have .Detlefsen. Sctiuyler, iNeb., Dec. 12. A tele gram was received from Norfolk that a man answering the description of Clans Detlefsen, murderer of Deidrich Gles- ing, was detained there by officers. Clarksnn Dank Entered. Clarkson, Neb., Dec. 12. Burglars broke into tho section house here and stole some tools and later made entrance into the Clarkson bank. They forced the safe, but secured nothing. Dies From Ilia Wound. Heihngford, Neb., Dec. 17. True Miller, living 20 miles west of here, who accidentally shot himself three weeks ago, died from the effects of the wound, blood poisoning having set in threo days ago. Move on the Maximum Rate Case. Lincoln, Dec. 12. The state board of transportation has made a stipulation with J. M. Woolworth, representing the railroads, whereby a motion to advance the case for hearing will be presented to the United States supremo court. The hearing of the motion will be set for the third Monday in January. No Guarantee I Jo mis. Lincoln, Dec. 13. A opinion rendered at the request of Governor Holcomb by Attorney General Churchill has caused surprise among incoming state officials. It is, in effect, that the law passed by the last legislature allowing state, county or city officers to give bonds furnished by guarantee companies is unconstitu tional. "Nebraska State Grange- Session. Curtis, Neb., Dec. 11. The Nebraska State grange is in session here with full delegations. The annual address was made" by O. A. Hall of Pawnee City. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: John F. "Williams of Culbertson, master: R. Hansen of Cur tis, overseer; A. M. Bovee of Yancoma, lecturer; Travelpiece of Kearney, stew ard. Shoots Her Drunken Husband. Lincoln, Dec. 12. Charles Scott, 45 years old, residing at 1321) P street, was hot in the head and dangerously wounded by his wife, Lucy. The ball entered his head to the right and a trifle below the right eye. The bullet has been located, but not yet extracted. The couple were quarreling. Scott was drunk and was coming toward his wife with a large butcher loiife when she fired the shot. Mrs. Scott was arrested and released on bail. Dry Goods ...Stock Ruined. Grand Island, Neb., Dec. 13. A column of flame 20 feet high was dis covered at 4 a. m. coming out of the basement of P. Martin & Bros'. dry goons ana notion store, it was fully 15 minutes before streams of water was turned on the blaze, being hen too late to save auythiug in he west room of the double store. The stock was valued at $33,000. The insur ance is 23,000. The Free Press, located on the upper floor, has lost through water about 300. Lee Case In the Hands of the Jury. York, Neb., Dec. 12. The Lee case went to the jury at a late hour last night. The defendant told a remarka ble story on the stand. In substance, Lee said that his conversations with Messplay were for the purpose of ascer taining his guilt or innocence with re gard to a burglary which was perpe trated at Lee's house. Lee denied ever plotting to wreck the Burlington flyer. He denied ever confessing to Messplay that he attempted to assault Bissell. Lee said that Messplay was the one who suggested the wreck. He also said that Messplay told him of an attempt on BisselPs life, which he had made from ambush. Detlefsen Still at large. Schuyler. JSieb., Dec. 11. Tiiero are no new developments in the Detlefsen murder case. The last known of him was that he was at tho home of his sis ter, eight miles northeast of North Bend, Monday night. He left there, it is said, on foot. His relatives claimed to know nothing of his whereabouts. The coroner's inquest was held yester day morning, the jury finding that Died- rich Glesing met his death by pistol shot wounds made by Claus Detlefsen, who maliciously and feloniously did tho deed. The funeral of Diedrich occurred yester day, people from miles around being in attendance. Bishop Bonacum Does Not Appeal. Marshall, Mich, Dec. 13. Bishop Bonacum has filed no notice of appeal from the decision rendered against him in the metropolitan curica at Dubuque by Rev. Father Baart, the judge dele gate. The time for filing an appeal ex pired yesterday and the whole sentence lias now become res judiciata, and an authentic exposition of tho church law concerning the disputed points, espe cially the rights of bishops and priests. Father Baart said today mat since Bishop Bonacum had attacked him in his official capacity as judge advocate, he preferred to leave to the apostolic delegate the execution of the sentence in the cases of Revs. Murphy and Fitz gerald, as well as the matter of the attack made upon him bv the bishop, which constituted serious contempt of court. Mail from New York city to the German Earner un will bo delivered in 44 days. o o MECCA CATAKKH REMEDY. For colds in tho head and treatment of catarrhal troubles this preDaration . has afforded prompt relief; with its con tinued use the most stubborn cases of catarrh have yielded to its healing power. It is made from concenstrated Mecca Compound and possesses all of its soothing and healing properties and by absorbtion reaches all the inflamed parts effected by that disease. Price 50 cts. Prepared by The Forter Mfg. Co. Council Bluffs, Iowa. For sale by A. F. Streitz. SPAININ HOT WATER. LAURADA AND PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE CAUSING TROUBLE. Spanish Authorities Taking Every Pre caution to Avoid Trouhle at Valencia American Consul Will Proceed to Sea and Advise Captain Not to Land. Havana, Dec. 15. The United States consulate in this city is under a special guard of armed policemen. This pre caution is taken by the Spanish author ities to the fear that the indignation ex pressed by Spanish sympathizers against the United States would find vent in an attack upon the consulate. Madrid, Dec. 14. Tho minister of marine, Admiral Berauger, states that he has given orders to the maratime commander of Yalencia to receive tho United States steamer Laurada as he would any merchantman upon her entering that port and to give her facil ities to continue her voyage in accord ance with the marino regulations. If tho Laurada needs coal, provisions, etc., and private individuals refuse to supply her the marine authorities will supply them. As the presence of the Lanrada might cause disorders the authorities have taken the precaution of having at Yalencia the cruiser Mario Theresa, tho gunboat Yulcana and tho coast guards Admiral Beranger stated in conclusion that he hoped the Laurada would avoid Spain and he trusted to the discretion of the residents of Yalencia to refrain from disorder in case the vessel put in there. London, Dec. 14. A Rome dispatch to the Daily News reports the American steamer Laurada has gone from Palermo. Captain Hughes, upon being asked whether it was true that he was going to Yalencia to be captured so as to pro voke a casus belli against Spain by the United States, replied that ho knew nothing and must await orders. His ultimate destination, he said, was Balti more. The Standard has a Madrid dis patch which iys the government has increased the force of police and mili tary at Yalencia. The Laurada will be allowed to anchor alongside the men-of- war in the harbor, but not to approach the wharves or to load. She will be re quested to leave promptly. The gov ernment is determined, this dispatch goes on, to entorce tne respect for a ves sel carrying the American flag like any other, but it will let the responsibility for the consequences of any conflict rest with the owners. The "Washington government's advice to the Laurada not to come to Spain is highly appreciated in official circles. GENERAL RIVERA IN COMMAND. aiacco's Successor Has Taken the Field Against the Spanish. Havana, Dec. 16. A special to the Tribune from Key "West, says: Fight ing is reported west of the trocha in Pinar del Rio section, w'here the insur gents under Maceo's successor, General Ruis Rivera, haye taken the field against the Spanish forces left there by General "Weyler. No details have been received yet, but 50 wounded soldiers came in yesterday from the neighborhood of Artemesa. It is stated in Havana that General "Weyler has called in some of the troops now stationed outside the city, fearing an attack by General Gomez, who is reported as coming east ward with a large force, well armed and provisioned. The insurgents have al ready ocenpied several small towns held by the Spaniards in the eastern part of the province of Havana and have met hardly any defeats. Two trainloads of provisions and anus were captured by the insurgents on the Matanzas railroad with slight loss. It is reported that an expedition from Honduras landed on the south side of the island Saturday with large supplies of ammunition ant" arms and that the cargo was safely de livered into the possession of General Kivera. OFFER ASSISTANCE TO CUBANS. Junta at Xew York Keceivcs Uncourasro- ment From Many Source. New Yokk, Dec. 15. From all part of the United States, from Mexico and from Paris telegrams have been received by the Cuban junta and by prominent Cubans m Xew York, in which the cor respondents express their sympathy for free Cuba and offered financial assist ancc to the men who are malting a fight for liberty. Ono of the most ardent writers was Herbert Wolcott, chairman of tho Cuban American league of Cleveland and brother of United States Senator Wolcott. In his communication to Fidel G. Pierrera, Mr. Wolcott said tho American-born citizens of Cleveland were enthusiastic and condemned the murder of Mticep and his staff. Money, Mr. Wolcott said, was coming in faster than at any umo smco tjie war began, and if mmi wore wanted there would be no troublo in recruiting more than one regiment. So fervent is tho sympathy for Cuba that tho innta would not bo asked to expend a dollar of its funds for equipment or transportation, Mr. Wol cott said. He wrote that members of tho G. A. R. of Cleveland, who were officers in tho civil war, had volunteered to go with the enlisted men and assume command of them m Cuba. lacco's Successors are Xamed. TIT . . -w-k - j Washington, uec. 14. The success- ion of General Galixto Garcia to the lieutenant generalship of the Cuban in surgents and of Major General Rios Ri vera to the command of the forces in Pinar del Rio, both of which were held by Maceo, are fixed upon practically as certainties by the Cuban delegation here. Awful ,oss of Life. Berlin, Dec. 12. The German Lloyd steamship Salier was wrecked on the night of Dec. 7, four utiles north of YHlagariea, Spain, and two and one- half miles from land. The dispatch further states that she must have broken up immediately, as parts of the steamer have already washed ashore.. She had on board 33-t passengers, mostly steerr age, and. a crew or oo men. iui on .board were drowned. To End the Dock Strike. Hamburg, Dec. 13. At meetings held today the striking dockers adopted reso lutions in favor of coming to some ar rangement with the employers. A con ference between the strikers and their employers will decide upon the composi tion of the board of conciliation. Unable to Overhaul the Three Friends. Washington, Dec. 17. The cruiser fewark . returned to Key West this afternoon. She reports to the navy de partment that she had been unable to overhaul tho filibuster Three Friends. WAGE WORKERS MEET. Sixteenth Annual Convention of Federa tion of Lahor. Cincinnati, Dec. 15. The 16th an nual convention of tho American Feder ation of Labor was called to order hero at 10- o'clock yesterday by President Samuel Gompers. After the appoint ment of the committees on credentials and officers of tho convention, a recess was taken until 2:30 p. m. awaiting tho report on credentials. Secretary McCraith reported that tho receipts for the year showed an increase of 15 per cent over last year, while tho balance on hand is 25 per cent greater. Tho membership was increased 68,292 during the year and heavy appropria tions were made for strikes and other purposes in the interests of the federa tion. Treasurer Leuuon reported re ceipts of 19,621; expenses, 15,452; bal ance on hand, $4,169. The executive council submitted an elaborate report on its work during the year, in which it referred to the de tailed statement of strikes and other efforts, of which Secretary McCraith gave an elaborate history in his annual report. All the reports were referred to the appropriate committees The committee on credentials reported its finding on the case of President Ponieroy of the "Waiters' association without recommendation. The charge: ef the Illinois State Federation and others were submitted for final action. Delegate "Warner said when the com mittee on credentials went to Pomeroy's room to get the contestee's statement that Ponieroy called on his attendant to get his revolver. Out of 2,400 votes only 197 were cast for Duncan's amend ment. Then the motion of Morrison, which was the main question, to reject the credentials of Ponieroy, was carried by only 198 dissenting votes out of the total of 2,400 and the report of the com mittee on credentials was then adopted. There was much jollification over the unseating of Ponieroy, as the vote was an indorsement of the previous action of the general officers and the executive council. Trial of Competitor Crew. Havana, Dec. 16. The second trial of the crew of the American schooner Competitor, captured on April 29 last by a Spanish gunboat, while apparently landing a filibustering expedition on the coast of Cuba, is still in its preliminary stages, and consequently, according to Spanish law, the proceedings are yet private. It is expected that the proceed ings will shortly pass into open court, when all the features of the case will bo made public. The stories circulated in the United States of the secret trial sen tence and approaching execution of the prisoners are wholly false. Itice Anxious For a Itace. New York, Dec. 15. It is said that the net receipts of the six day bicycle race m Madison bouare garden were 37,000. Edward Hale, the winner, will probably make 5,000 by his week's work. The first prize is 1.300. Then he was paid for riding a certain wheel, tires, saddles, etc. J. S. Rice of "Wilkes- barre. Pa., who finished second, is in better shape than any of the other rid ers. He is anxious fo arrange for an- inifuj. nun wuii xwi um k miu ui iiuv 10,000 backing. Hp is willing to wager $5,000 that ho can ride 3,000 iniles in 142 hours, Double Tragedy at iioston. Boston, Dec. 13. Mary L. Collins and Samuel P. Putnam of Chicago were found dead today upon the floor of a room occupied by tho woman. The gas was turned on. The woman was 20 years of ago and the man about 50. An investigation is now being made by the police. The bodies were both completely clothed. A whisky flask was also found in the room. The indications are that the couple committed suicide last night. Miss Collins and Putnam were lecturers. The man accompanied the wouiau home last night. President Killed Sixty-One Ducks. Georgetown, Dec. 17. The president and party spent the morning hunting ducks on tho southern extremity o South island, their reward being 10Q birds, of which the president brought down 01. President Cleveland also joined in a dear drive, but none of the hunters got a shot owing to the high water on the island. It is not definitely known when the president will take his leave, but Saturday is the time inti mated. Young Salvini Is Dead. Florence, Italy, Dec. 10. Alexander Salvini, the son of Tomasi Salvini, the great Italian actor, is dead. WHEAT DROPS OVER TWO CENTS. The Speculators Overbought on Hessian Fly Damage Iteports. Chicago Dec. 10. After encouraging the bitlls today with an advance of c over yester day's close, -wheat broke suddenly and sharply, closing at a net decline of JJJtfc. Speculators rather overbought oii Hessian fly damages re port and the anxiety of speculators to unload started the general liquidation which resulted in the lump. Corn r.nd cats were sympathet ically weak, clpsing alxmt c and He lowtir respectively, Provisjonsj closed at subsequently unchangod figures. Closing prices ; WHEAT Pec., ffic; May, 7icf CORN Dec., ; May, 5Vc. OATS-Dec, lC&o; May, 20o, PORK Dec., 56.80; Jan., $7.(i"; May, LARD Dec., Ju-i &J.S3; May, i.0. RIBS Dec., S3.90; Jan., S3.87W; ; May, $i.tt Cash quotations: No. 'J red wheat, SU&91a; No. 3 red, 3-5 Stic; No. 2 spring, 7ti78Kc ; No. 2 corn, 22?$c; No. 2 oats, 17J 17;ie. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. Dec. 1(3. CATTLE Receipts, 3,600; active, strong; native beef steers, U;0 1.85; western steers, ?3.X'5':J.!0; Texas steers, S2.503.6.i; cows and heifers, ?2.o02;j.1;j; can ners, $1.50&2.J0; stockers and feeders, $3.0tft 3.85; calves, ;3.50j5.5'); bulls, stags, cts., S1.75 (3.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,830; steady; heavy, $3.10 3.20; mixed, 3.133.20; light, S3.20S3.35; bulk of sales, 53.10S3.20. SHEEP Receipts, 1,250; steady; fair to choice natives, S2.75S3.50; fair to choice westerns,S2.50 3.35; common and stock kunbs, S3.005.00. sheep, 52.00Q2.75; Chicago Live Stock. pniCAGO, Dec. 16. HOGS Receipts, 35,000; active and prices strong to 5c" higher; light, S3J20Q3A5; mixed, S3.203.!5; heavy, S2.5a .3.40; rough, 52.fl533.05. OATTLE Receipts, 10,000; best strong, oth ers steady; beeves, SJ.0(g5.0; cows aijd heifers', 5i.704.iw; lexas steers, ?z.d4.zo: stocKers and feeders, S2.S53. New England Farming. New England fanning is unique in its restricted area in tillage crops, having a lower ratio than any civi lized nation of ancient or modern time, so far as I am aware. Ours is the farming of little capital, labor and manures, and in this sense a low type of agriculture. Less than 12 per cent of its tillable area is under the plow, while in the west S8 per cent is more than quadrupling the ratio of the area tilled in this sec Hon. Country Gentleman. riat n tat a -nVTTVTfT WAT) "HO A OLD IN APE YV VVOilDb EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALLSECTIONS SUMMARIZED. Happenings From Homo and Abroad "Ro- duced From Columns to "Lince Every- lifn- lint F:iets Eliminated For Our Readers' Convenience. Frldar. Dec. 11. Govcrmor Morrill has errantcd a pardon to James L. Dick, defaulting treasurer of Ellsworth county, Kansas, on account; 01 the accidental death of the prisoner's son, who was his mother's solo support Joseph H. Choatc has been endorsed by the Union Leatruo club for the unitcu , - States senate, to succeed Senator Hill Luke Alexander has been sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment for killing his wifo at Jjinneus, Mo., because she retusea to live with him Whcclock G. Veazy of me anrersxarc oomineruu cuumuiuu not resigned. Ho may do so soon, how ever on account of his health. Ho is over 60 years of age President A. J. "Warner has summoned tho executive committee of tho Bimetallic union to meet at "Wash ington Dec. 15 Tho noted Modoc chief, Scar-Faced Charley, died of consumption in Indian territory John BT. Leon, a pharmacist at Denver drank a mixture of morphine and chloroform and died Tho track of tho Wichita & Western railroad between Pratt and Mullinville, Kas., has been ordered torn up by Judge Foster The Andrews Packing company of Pueblo, Colo., slaughterers and jobbers of fresh and cured meats, has assigned for tho benefit of creditors John C. Xowbill of the land office at Sm-intrficld. Mo., has been requested to send in his resignation Samuel Barnum has been appointed receiver for the silver statue of Ada Rohan at Topcka Kas., upon tho application of W. Bcckford andA.H. Mitchell of Helena, Mont. George Thomas, a merchant of Grand Junction, Colo., was attacked with noso bleed about four four weeks whilo exerting himself, and despite all efforts of physicians he died Tho 6-ycar- old son of Will King at Pittsburg, Kas., fell into a cistern and was drowned While Vincent Louk was felling a tree on Files creek, near Elkins, W. "Va., a splinter rebound and struck him, tearing his stomach and causing death George E. Ross, the defaulting clerk of thoPacinc Express company, is said to be safe in Mexico, a Kansas traveling man having seen him making his way thither, Saturday, Dee. IS. The legislature of Georgia has passed a bill making women eligible for the posi tion of state librarian The Kansiis City Gas company is now contemplating tho purchase of the Missouri company and raising the price from 50 cents to $1 Mr. Harris of the Nickel Plate circus has de cided to have Gypsy, the man killing ele phant, electrocuted at Tattcrsalls, Chicago, next week The monitor ram Puritan has been placed in commission at tho" Brooklyn navy yard A resolution has been adopted by the Ohio state grange recommending Hon. J. H. Brigham of Ohio to President-elect McKinley for secretary of agriculture Henry Folsom and Ora Rice, who left Sundance, Wyo., in October last with two airloads of horses, have not been heard of, and their friends suspect foul play has been meted to them John F. Elliott, brother to Sir G. H Elliott, governor of one of the British provinces in South Af rica, has been ar rested at Pendleton, Or., for forging a check, and is now a maniac The grand jury at Denver, uolo., voted tint- tn tiwl. . ft.,,-;!. 1,511 for nn indictment; nffainst An- drew J. Snute, who was accused of the murder of his wife and four children- D. F. Stone, who helped the Taylor broth- prs escape from Carrolton, Mo., is in jail at Canon City, Colo., for robbery A numlcrof spurious $5 cold pieces have made their appearance in St. Louis- Burglars broke into the homo of Patrick Callahan at Denver Colo., and stale nearly 100 in cash Itoy Miller, tho 13-year-old boy who was run over by a Hannibal train at Kansas City, is dead Henry AVethcrs, a coal miner at Lehigh, I. T., was instant ly killed by the premature explosion of a shot Kev. "Worlein of St. Louis is about to commence a crusade against Sunday racing at the South Sidetrack Extradi tion treaties made with the Argentine Bcpublie and the Orange Free State have been sent to the senate The London Sporting Life estimates that about 40,000 American bicycles will be imported into Great Britain during the next season. Monday, Dee. 14. Secretary Bohinson of the Cleveland base ball team isdyingfrqm inflammation of tho brain Will Perry, who killed Leo McLean at Indianapolis. Ind., has been sentenced to life imprisonment Boss, tho 10-year-old son of P, T. Bryan, treasurer of Lebanon, Ind,, was fatally hurt by jumping from a Vanuaha freight train at Brazil, Ind. Bobbers brake in to J. Bourland's store at South McAlestcr, I. T., killed Night Watchman McDonald, and breaking open the safe got a largo amount of cash George Bryan of Elm Springs, Ark., set lire to a fuse in a well, and before he reached the top of the well the blast exploded, blowing his body to pieces "Whilo workmen were digging a ditch at Tenth and Bond avenue, at East St. Louis, they discovered a box contain ing the skeleton of a man supposed to 1 T ? , , i . , nave oeuu imncu ociorc tno city was located Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martens of Clinton, la., have just celebrated their golden wedding Charles Gardner, who escaped from tho Lyon County, la., jail, after stealing 30 and a gold watch from the jailer's residence, was arrested at Sib- ley, la. no oners succeeded m opening the door of the vault in the Bank of Lock Springs, Mo., and had drilled a holo in the safe door preparatory to dynamiting it, when scared off Judge Baker has declared Omahajcurfcw ordinance is uncon stitutional Andy Johnson and Ed Manning were sentenced at Salina, Kas., to ten years' imprisonment fqr holding up threo lxiys Frcoland, the greatest thor oughbred on the American ttjrf, died of old age on George "Wright's utook farm at St. Louis Whilo Frank S. Thompson of Sand Creek, Colo., was crossing tho Union Pacific tracks at Denver ho was struck by a train and fatally injured George E. Boss, alleged emliezzlcr of $1,500 from the Pacific and United States ex press companies at Kansas City, was ar rested at Baton Kouge, La. -A smooth individual worked District Attorney Johnson at Denver for $2 for some Den ver & Bio Grand advertising pamphlets which the company give away gratuit ously. Tuesday, Dec. 1.1. Hon. Joseph H. Choato has formally an nounced his candidacy for the United States senate from Xew York Miss Cora Kclley, daughter of J. E. Kclley, died suddenly at Wymore, Xcb., from rup tprc of a blood vessel in the head- Three Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicinp suited for any season but perhaps more general ly needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A nromnt use of this medicine has often averted lonir and oer- haps fatal bilious fevers No medicine will act more surely in coiinteractimr and freeing the system from the malarial poison, headache, indigestion, consti pation, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50-cents and 81.00 per bottle at Streitz's Lrug Store. 1 fcundrca cieiaws ana i,uuu visitors present at the opening of the national irri- rration concrress at .Phoenix, A. - xno Young People's Society of Christian En deavor of valley, Sherman, Howard ana Greeley counties closed a successful con vention at Scotia, Xcb Ormond Mc- Pherson, who was in jail at Decatur, Bis., was identified by William do Ford of Louisa county, Iowa as the man wanted for the murder of John Finlcy at Morning Sun last September Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, United States ambassador to England, and Mrs. Bayard,will be guests of Lord Middlcton at Birdsall house, York shire, during the Christmas holidays In a pamphlet sent to members of tho new legislature, Governor-elect Rogers of "vVjishingtoii advocates exemption of realN., estate and improvements used as home-,-" steads not to exceed the value of $2,500 vt nil fcix "Eddv Connolly of St. Tnhn X. "R.. :md Dick Bunre. tho English lightweight pugilist, have signed articles to fiht twenty rounds before the Olympic i b of Birmingham, Eng., on Jan. for a pursc 0f i,0C0 The recent Popu- i?s- candidate lor tne vice prcsiucncy, Watson of Georgia, is expected in Wash- ington immediately after the reassem bling of congress to contest the scat now filled by V r. Black of the Tenth Georgia district. Wednesday, Jee. 16. The official count of the votes cast in the election in Utah was stopped pending the decision of the court as to the validity of the election At Superior, Wis., tho East End fire station burned and ten lire men escaped death by jumping from the second story windows and from the roof Tho official vote of Arkansas at tho recent presidential election was as follows: . Democratic, 110,103; Republican, 57,512; national, 893; prohibition, 839 John Seward was sentenced to two years and William Trustee to one year in tho Ken tucky penitentiary for falsely swearing in the Pearl Bryan murder trial rTho Washington D. C. Times was purchased fromC. G. Conn by Stilson Hutchins. Hon. John Oborly, formerly Indian com. missioner, has been placed In chargc While drunk and raising a disturbance in a saloon at Claremore, I. T.Ed Reed, who killed tho Crittenden brothers a year ago, was shot and killed by a deputy sheriff Tho comptroller of tho currency appointed J. S. Schofield of Albuquerque, X. M., re ceiver of the Union Xational bank of Den- vor, Colo., vice Nelson, resigned Mem bers of tho Xalional Wool Growers' asso ciation are in session at Washington At Hot Springs, Ark., a mass meeting of business men was held to protest against closing the United States army and navy hospital, as recommended in the report of Secretary Lamont Alexander Salvini, son of Tomasi Salvini, the great Italian actor, is dead Samuel Gibbons, a Church of England clergyman, well known in various parts of America, is dead. Mr. Gibbons was an Esquimau The Union Pacific system earned gross for October $2,022,202, an increase of $19,- 37S5 The senate confirmed the nomina tion of Charles C. Xott of Xew York to be chief justice of the court of claims In a decision rendered by the supremo court at Jefferson City, Mo., the poolroom law of lS9a is declared unconstitutional and tho state of Missouri is now without u ' race hotting law. All pool rooms wilL bo ' reopened Comptroller has given author ity for a new national kink at West Lib erty, la. Twenty-seven states arc repre sented in the national irrigation congress at Phoenix. Ariz. Thursday, Iec. 17. The postoffice at Galloway, Ark., was burned The first annual convention of the Pennsylvania Bankers' association met at Pittsburg, Pa St. Louis is to have a $1,000,000 plate glass manufactur ing concern, which is to fight the plate glass trust Dr. J. L. "Williamson shot 191 out of a possible 200 live birds at Mil waiikec, breaking the world's record Taylor Doty, despondent for want of em ployment, took an ounce of laudanum at Indianapolis, Ind., and died r Joe McGeo of Dodd City, Tex., while rjding, was seized with an epileptic fit and falling from his horse was killed The steamer Empress of India just arrived from Japan brings nows that smallpox Is raging in all seaport towns A Chlnoso leper who has taken up his residence at Threo Klv- ers, Que., has caused great alarm through out the province Hog cholera is preva lent in Jackson county, Missouri, several hundred head having died from the mal ady during tho last few days John Blair, a Cherokee, while on a drunken spree at Fort Smith, Ark., -was fatally shot by City Marshal "Williams, who him- . self received a wound United States Vice Consul General to Mexico Williairi J. Crittenden, while playing polo on tho Pasco, fell from his horse rtnd sus: gained a severe fracture qf the s'kull--r Frapd orders have been issued against thq Merchants' Xatiqnal union of Chicago! parrying qn a collectiqn agency Gover nor Morton of Xew York appointed "Wiib jam Kt Olcott as djstrict attorney qf Xew York county, vice John K. Fpllows, dor ceased There have been frequent riot ous disturkmces by tho striking dock laborers in Hamburg, and a large numcr of the rioters havo been taken into cus tody Ex-Congressman Boswell G.Horr, who has been seriously sick at Plainfield, X. J., for the last two weeks with, bron chitis, is not expected to live The Span ish government has authorized the publi cation of a statement declaring the rumors that General Maceo was murdered by poison or in any other manner are baseless and ridiculous. Teath is Icokmjj in at tl.e window at thousands of sutienag, pain- acked women. whom the proper measures would . render healtlrv and happy. Every 5ro V t : i y 1 a man suuuiu Knqw ' t h e importance of keeping iti a k healthy condition, those qrgans that make ier a wq man. If she neglects this, she will be a burden to herself, her husband and her children. She will grow old before her time. She will lose bappinefls and love and life. It is easy for a woman to keep herself well aud strong in a womanly way if she will only take the proper care of herself and use the right remedy for her peculiar troubles. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a boon to suffering women. It cures all dis ease and weakness of the organs distinctly feminine. It acts directly on those organs and makes them strong and healthy It allays inflammation, soothes pain and stops weakening drains. Taken during the pe riod preceding motherhood it does away with the usual discomforts and makes baby's coming easy and almost painless. Druggists sell it Substitutes arc dangerous. Miss Edith Cain, of Clinton, Allegheny Co Pa., writes : " I take pleasure in expressing ray faith lnyour ' Fa-onte rescriptic. After tvo years of sufierins I bean taking Dr. Tierce's medicine and now I am entirely cured. I had been troubled with female weakness for some time and also with a troublesome drain on the 1 will Favorite Prc Dr. Pierce's SSSKpSs constipation are cured in a thorough, natural, scientific way by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They Clear the superfluous bile out ..of the blood; tone the stomach and .anse the bowels to RCt oomfort. Pleasant sggj sour stomach, foul taste in the mouth! biliousness, pimples, and palpitation pf the heart are all caused by constipa tion, and constipation is cured positively and permanently by Dr. "STk'gl ').-"- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. iT elietS. 'mm i!fiii Mm 1 ifm 1 i 1 tvsicni, uiu now 1 am nappy and. well cneermiiy recommend Dr. Pierce's ,,iunuu ii ifu nivuu lames."