A, SAs , Jfarifc YOL. IHL UfOEffl PLATTE, MBRASEA, FRIDAY EYESEfG, DECEMBER 18, 1896. HO. 1. Closing Sale! Owing to an expected change in business we are orninr tn qpII nnr Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents9 Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises -AT- Slauglitermo; r Call and be convinced that what we tell you are facts. ji ir mm a b Weher & All parties indebted please call and settle. c hristrnas "Will soon be here and everybody is now thinking as to what they will buy for Christ mas presents with which to remember their friends-. . - . . . - . - THE BOSTON STORE - JJas just received a large supply of goods for this occasion which, will make useful presents. Here is a list of some of our specialties: 50 fine Dress Patterns which we offer to sell cheap. An elegant line of very fine Linens. A great variety of Moqaette and Smyrna. Rugs. Ice "Wool and Silk Fascinators of the very finest made. Xid Gloves in all styles and colors. Ladies' and Children's Mafe and Boas. The finest line of Bed Spreads ever shown in North Platte stores. - Handkerchiefs and MuSers of every description for ladies and gentlemen, from one cent up to S3 each. Pocket Books of all descriptions. Baby Bonnets from 25 cents np to S2.50. A fine Cape or Jacket will make a suitable Christinas present. We have them in the latest styles. Or what is the matter with a pair of Henderson's fine button or lace Shoes for a Christmas present? Cold nights are here and a pair of those aS-wool Caiifbrnia'BIankets would make a suitable present. Gents n We have not forgotten yoe. We have a fine line of house Slippers, some very handsome Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, fine Furnish ing Goods, Gloves, Mittens and Hats. Gents, if you wish to reraeafeer your mother, daughters, or sweet hearts come to the Boston Store, where yoa will find many articles which will make handsome presents, and we will make a special low , price from now until December 23d. THE BOSTON STORE, P. S. Albums, work boxes and manicure cases given away with a certain amount of goods purchased at our store from now until Christmas. if First National Bank, I CAPIT " " fjj00' i pntirft stock of Low I Prices. Vollmer. J. Pizer, Prop. w Boose, szssox&l xaraoir. Mrs. M. Boolittle and Mrs. F. W. Rmcker are expected home to-night from a visit in Omaha. Fred Meyer, one of Fremont's best known citizens, transacted business in the city yesterday. Jacob Pizer, of Shelton, was the guest of his brother Julius, of this aty. for a day or two this week. Mrs. G. F. Ferrell returned to Chicago Wednesday after a several months' visit with her nephew J. E. Baker and family. Ed Goodman, who had been spending several months in the Big Horn country, is visiting his par ents at the Cody ranch. Colonel Cody returned Wednes day night from his business trip to the Big Horn country, where he has extensive land interests. F. E. Ballard, W. H. McDonald and Chas. Hall were in Omaha this week attending- a state meeting" of the chapter degree of Masons. Judge Grimes left yesterday for Grant, where he wiE hold a brief term of court. The Perkins county term closes up the work in this dis trict for the present year. Mrs. M. B. Cry derm an, who for several weeks has been receiving treatment at a sanitarium at Abi lene, Kansas, is reported as rapidly improving and will probabiy be home within a month. Red Men's Masquerade Bail Jan'v 22d 1897. The city school will close next Tuesday for a two weeks' vacation. Up to last Sunday the Grand Island factorv had made 4,150.000 pounds of sugar this season. Eli McCart returned Wednes day from a tour of inspection on the Kearney & Black Hills road. Attorneys HalHgan, Baiwdwin, Hoagland and Gantt attended dis trict court at Ogalalla the early part of the week. J. H. Seaton of Wallace, is an applicant for a position at the state honse during the sitting of the leg islature. . John Davis yesterday placed his resignation as night policeman in the hands of Mayor Baker and Robert Rannie has been given the position. Two western steers which are being ted at Grand Island on palp from the sugar factory no ,v weigh X600 each, and the fattening pro cess still goes on. The Souring mill at Ogalalla has been closed down on occotmt of failure to secure capital to keep it running". Mr. Burgner has gone to Elm Creek to take charge of a mill. Ice shipments from Gothenburg to this city will be resumed to-day. Supt Nichols says Blm Creek and Kearney will also furnish ice to fill theTJ. P. houses in this city. The rotting oft of a pile on the south river bridge caused a no ticeable sag in the structure, and travel over the bridge was suspend ed until a new pile could be driven. which was done yesterday. Will Dolson defeated Gus Sievers, of Grand Island, in a live bird shoot contest a few days ago and as the former is one of the crack marksman of the central part of the state, Dolson is feeling" rea sonably proud of his victory. Tor Sale at Cost Prices. My entire stock of watchesrclocks jewelry and silverware, a's I am go ing" out of business next month. L. D. Thoelecxe. Reunie's sie:cia.l sale From now till after Christmas. All Out Coats and Capes go at Half Price, - Our fine 20 and $35 plush, capes . . Our fine 812 and 15 plush caoes. Vine. S18 and S20 fur capes. . r. ... ah our canes and nnafs of cost. p have jnst received a large line of French china and cut al large line of Silk Mufflers, and Genuine Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Also a large line of Seal Muffs in price Wedier in our dress goods department this week our ...o black silk at S1.25 per yard. We have also a tlLM6 ess Patterus in and wool, in all colors, now .00, former price 12.00. We also carry the finest line of men's, ladies7 and children's shoes in the city. Call and be convinced at BlMfS.. f REMITS, BENNIES. E. Zabreskie and son, of Omaha, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Z. is one of the stockholders of the First National Bank, of this city. The Bee's special correspon dent says: A great many letters are being" received bv Senator Thurston daily from- 'his Nebraska constituency asking for his opinion upon the subject of holding local elections for the purpose of deciding among the stalwart republican voters of that place their prefer ence for postmaster. These letters have become so numerous that Senator Thurston has. outlined a policy to one of his friends in this state, taking the ground that such elections would be without warrant of law, and would tend not only to a corrupt vote, but would hardly be regarded as a fair test of anv one person's popularity. He stated to the Bee representative that he was opposed to submitting" ail such appointments to any kind of vote. A DELIGHTFUL PLAT- The Clement Brainbridge com paav will present Augustus Thomas' delightful -southern plav, "Alabama." at the opera honse on Monday evening of next week. Mr. Thomas has furnished a strong ar gument against the statement that the native born writers do not lend themselves to the literature of the stage. American people want plays ttat they can understand plays taat bring before them the people; the customs and the country they fcnow. r oreign plays are built on toreign ideas, concieived in a for eign spirit, and are out of sympa thetic connection with the American people. It is in this that Mr. Thomas has made his success. He has given the people a play that they can. understand; he has re spected their prejudices; he has been true to American ideas. 'Alabama" does not abound in stirring scenes, melodramatic situations and de clamatory lines. It moves along as quietly as the life it reveals. There is a vein ot quaint and subtle humor and it is never forced or coarse- It is tree to the life it oicturesut is bright in dialogue, clean in plot, direct in storv and interesting in characters. It is redolent with the sound of nature. It is something to think of with delight this idel ot the south not alone for the passing pleas ure it "gives the spectator, but f or what it means to the American stage. In itselt it has the subtle charm, poesy. It brings with it the soft airs and dreamy quietude of the somnolent south. It appeals to the eye with a series of pictures breathing- chivalry and sentiment, twin characteristics of the ardorous southron; to the ear with the musi cal dialect whose spell is potent, and to the mind with a harmonious blending of all these mellowing in Stxances. It is a veritable Grad grind who will look at 'Alabama" and not feel his soul soften and ex pand, and his heart warm with human love; and, fortunately, there are very few Grangrinds in "modern life, in almost every nature there is a cord of sentiment and poetry, which viabrates musically when rightly touched, and it " is Mr. Augustus Thomas distinction to have found the delicate manner of doing this difficult thing. "Ala bama" is his medium. AH members of Silver Leaf Camp No. 301 Royal Neighbors of America are requested to be pres ent at the next meeting Dec 23d, 1S. Important business to be transacted. Eliza M. Ejau&EAS, Recorder. AdyerrUsed Letters, List of letters remaining uncalled for ia the post ofSce at North Platte. Neb for the week ending December IS, IS Go GESTLESCEjr. Cacaedv Edward Kilaer S S Clark Thomas Miller C P Doc lap Geo Tift L Disoo C K WOlis Frank White W H LADIES. Becket Mrs OUIe Betterfield Mrs G Persons calling for above will please sav advertised." M. W. Clair, Postmaster ss ,..-$1 .GO. -SO. I2.0O. miKHr'ho n LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, (OXE XIGHT OXLY-) Monday, Dec. 21 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OP Clement Baintoidge's Co. -OF- lexii York Players, -IS- ALABAMA, Augnstas Thomas Masterpiece. Advance sale at Clinton's Jewelrv Store. Tickets 50 and 75 cts. 1L&XWELL IT0TES. Miss May Dolan and Miss Ellen McCnllongh are preparing- Christ mas exercises for the children of the two schools. Frank Martin, of 2orth Platte, is doing- the mason work on J. Mc- Cullough's new house on the island. John Moore spent Sunday at his home in Mayfield. Mrs. Baker, of North Platte, is spending- a few weeks with Mrs. Geo. W. Roberts. May Brown, of the Island dis trict, will make her home with Mrs. M. Geraghty this winter. P. F. Dolan shipped a car load of hogs from this point Wednesday. Miss Anna Snvder was on "the sick list a few days last week. Chas. Xute. of Wiliard, delivered corn to W. H. and A. W. Plainer last week. Geo. Snyder was a North. Platte visitor Saturdav. Mrs- D. McNamara will visit .! ItUUJ ill iUlSSUUil I. Lit a Vr LU.LCA. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Matthewson, of Brady Island, were Snnday visitors. C. W. Home lost his old famtlT horse "Bird" last week. It died from the effects of eating- paist A. W. Plumer was in the Platte on business Saturday. Hunters are quite numerous in this locality and go away with a sroodly number of birds. D. McNamara, our quondam night operator who has been in Wyoming- for some months past. came nome to spend the hotidavs with his family. 2J1CH0LS HZWS. Toillion brothers loaded a car of potatoes for an eastern market Monday. Calhoun and "Dug Brown trans acted business at the city of North Platte the first of the week. John Feekin is very busy these mes shelling- corn. This week he has several cribs near Hershey to empty. Miss Cal Sullivan left for her old home in Wisconsin Monday, where she will visit relatives and friends for several months. Hill and Calhoun returned Mon day from Wallace, where they had been after household goods belong ing" to Hill. Our Sunday school is becoming smaller every Sunday for some rea son. The people are rapidly losing all interest in the matter. Will Brooks has started up his corn shelter once more and began to shell several hundred bushels for Ellison Wednesday. soyrraszT sm&s shots, Lote Kidder and wife are enter- taininjr a new sirl Chas. Spelde was a North Platte visitor Satur- Gay. , . .Miss .baitn Jomtr recently made final proot on her homestead . .D. E. Jolhfi recently purchased and moved the house on the Davis place S. J. Filbert and wife, of Weimeet, spent Sunday at W. A. Latimer's Miss Anna Crandell, of Wellfieet. has returned home af ter a week's stay at J. H. JolIifF s. ..W. J. Jones transacted busi ness in ort a Platte Monday D. E. Miller, of Orleans, Neb., is visiting- his brother and sister, G. W. Miller and Mrs. Julia Jol- ifr W. A. C rand all and wite, of Wellfieet. called on friends here last week J. H. Jolliif is having- a serious time with a lame back. ... Rer. Preston, of Curtis, was here Monday night attending- the Mc-Conneli-Joilifr wedding- .... Quar terly meeting- was held at the Belle Prairie school honse Monday even ing John McConnell and Miss Edith Joliiff were united in mar riage Monday night, Dec 14th, at the residence of the bride's parents. Their friends wish them mnctt happiness and success. I.O.C AKaatioa. Sana cf Yetaran3. There will be a special meeting- of the Col. Josiah B. Park Camp Sons of Veterans on Saturday evening-, December 19tk at 7:30 o'clock, at the office ot A. H. Davis. All members are earnestly requested to be present as there is some im portant business to attend to. A. H. Davis. First Sargt. Believed cf Terrible P2123 R. E. Merse. Traveling Saiesman. Galveston. Texas, savs Ballard's Snaw Linaeat cared me of rheumatism of three months standing after use of two bottles. T. S. Doan. Danville, I1L, says I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment for years and would cot be without it. J. B. Crouch, Bio, Bis., say? Ballard's Snow Iiimmeut cured terrible pains in hack of head and neck when nothing else would. Every bottle, guaranteed. Price 0 cents. Sold by The North Platte Pharmacy, J. E Bush, ilgr, 2 g Tremendous ! Holiday I Display. ANTA CLAUS is here at the Fair Stoxe Feady to receive the children of North Pfatte and ail the surrotmdmof country. . He has established his headquarters in the center of the store,- ranning almost its entire length. The tables are crowded with Toys and Dolls and Games and everything- possible to delight tne little folks. The Fair Store is now ready to receive the enormous throngs which will pour tbroog'h its portals during the next two weeks. For yoor own convenience and profit we advise that you do not put oft your purchases till the last day or week, because now the selections are complete and un broken and vou can 9-et around with more comfort. We are giving away Free to each of our lady customers, from the 10th to the 25th, A HANDSOME SOUVENIR BOOK. Ask for them as we are apt to forget: abowt them durinof the rush. j Yours for basin-ess, Richards Bros., - The Fair. SIS STATE 2TEWS. Charles Scott, a Lincola bocwer. went home full of badge. He raised a row with his wife and while be was approaching- her with a butcher knife to caress her with the weapon she inserted a bullet in his head from a 32-caIibre revolver. Scott mar recover. A side hunt was held at Albion a few days ago. One item of the were over 400 oranH cl-i n rrVt pr raooits. rue iaw aas piacea a premium on cojote scalps and the killing ot these for the bounty has increased the crop of rabbits until they are doing more mischief than the covotes, which prev upon rab bits. Henry Steele, who brought suit against the Missouri Pacific road for twenty-five thousand dollars for the loss of both legs, compromised last week during the trial for sev en hundred and fifty. Immediately after this his attorneys filed a lien on the seven hundred and fifty of four hundred, which will leave Steel just three hundred and fifty dollars net for bis pair of missing limbs. There was strong evidence that Steele was badly intoxicated when he was injured, and this accounts for the small amount agreed upon in the compromise. J. B. Meserve the newly elected state treasurer, is working like a beaver to get bondsmen. He was going to get one from a guarantee company but C. J. Smyth, the new attorney general, advised him that it would not meet the requirement of the law. He is therefore work ing on a personal bond, with the in tention, it is said, of substituting a guarantee bond for it within two weeks after the oSce is turned over to him. He must have bondsmen who will qualify for the sum of 52, 000.000. TEST ASH HOT 5SPTTBIATI05ISTT. There was reasonable ground of excuse, if not absolute cause, for Senator Allen's vigorous defense ot the people of Nebraska and what he said in behalf of Nebraska is true of Kansas and all of the other populist-ridden states. The so called granger or populist states are parts of the republic- Whatso ever cripples their industries or weakens their credit works injur iously to the whole Union. It has been a misfortune to the country that adverse seasons and poor crops, the ill effects ot which have been aggravated by bad tariff legislation have depressed several of the west ern states; wnen tne western con sumer is straightened in purchasing power the eastern purveyor is strightened in power to employ men, and these are straightened in their power to purchase tie pro ducts of western farms. In. the complicated structure of modern so ciety. A myriad Haks is esc vase chain ae, Teatk or teH-tlKBfiaaitfi fcceaks tie cfeoia alfce. Eves that much-abused person, the eastern money shark,' suffers when Kansas and Nebraska suffer for he loans with expectation of in terest, and in dull times interest is mm s The Fair Store - in Gala Attire. MS paid slowly or not at alL It is unfortunate that during a a period of unavoidable irritation the western, farmers and merchants were assailed by the rogish bland ishments of demagogues that offered a fool panacea of rotten cur rency and sectional discord. But, despite the facts that a few mouthy men and irrational women spoke high-sounding words from oScial or semi-oScial altitudes and that here and there a fellow more fitted by natural endowment and by de praved associatioa for the manage ment of a chuck-a-luck game than for the interpretation of law was elevated to a judicial seat, the in tegrity of the great mass of the people remains unsotled. Most of the state judges in Kansas and Ne braska will deal justly in a contro versy between an eastern, creditor and a western debtor, and there is appeal from those who do aot. Moreover, a foreigha creditor can elect to have his cause heard ia a federal court -There is no just cause of appre hension of repodiatioa of western debts. Hardly less culpable than the western demagogues who have sought to engender hatred of the east are the eastern orators wiw are impeaching the good faith of the honest minded majority in the west. It is time that all this irrita ting clamor shall cease. The elec tions are over. A reformed tariff is in sight. The currency question is settling itself. A recurrence of propttiotts seasons reasonably may be expected. The probabilities are that the west again is about to be a factor of and a sharer ia national prosperity. Bnt, whether their lot be adverse or prosperous, the west will continue to be hoaest. Inter Ocean. IteekkEE Araiea SaJve Tbe be9 salve in the world fier amis braises, sores, leers, slt rheoui, leer sores, tater, efa&pped fc&ads, cbHWaiuj corae, aad all skra ecxtpito&s, aad ptei tively cures piles, or bo pay req-Nced,, It is gaeraa&eed to give perfeo satisfac tion or mooey refuodad. Price 23 eeaSs Derfeox. " For sale by A.F. SSrertx letdaa-LrRorirr , For the annual meeting- of the state teachers associatioa to be held at Lincoln, December 2S-3L, the Union Pacific will sell tickets at one rate for the round trip from points in Nebraska. Call and get rates, liait of tickets, eta N. B. Olds, Agent. GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STBEET MEAT MARKET. Meats at "wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Gash paid for Hides.