The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1896, Image 3

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I -wonder Tr'ero them peddlers Is
'At esq to come arocn
'Ith one hess carts, plum fall of biz,
An peddle tip an dovro,
An tcrried ribbons, pans an pots,
Silk gown&s an carpet bags
An jewelry oh, lota an lots
An tnfc their pay in rags?
I tell ye -women folks wnz'glad
'en Eisenstein keni ronn.
Sech purty things that feller hadl
Nothin like them in townl
2To, sir. An he'd put np his hosa
An stay 'ith us all night,
Chaffin an tellin tales crcross
The fiickerin firelight.
Borne peoplo thought 'at he vrxa "near"
Bekase he -wouldn't give
No more fer rags, an tin wnz dear.
But, shucks, a man mus' live I
An now we couldn't git a cent
Fer rags in times like these,
"Wen woodpulp fellers is hell ben
On grindin up the trees.
Somehow it sorter don't seem right
Ter spile the wavin wood
Fer paper. An on sech a night
As this 'twould soun so good
If Eisensiein could come ter stay,
Put up his cart an hosa
An shout in his queer, f urrin way,
"Hi, Chakey, how you vos?"
J. li. Heaton in "The Quilting Bee."
Yawning; For Exercise.
Children used to "be taught that
yawning was a "breach of good be
havior, lyftt now, if certain medical
testimony may be credited, it is in
cumbent upon parents to see that the
youthful members of their flock not
only yawn when nature so disposes
them, but even practice what may
be called the art of vawniner. Ac
cording to the results of late inves
tigations, yawning is the most nat
ural form of respiratory exercise,
bringing into action all the respira
tory muscles of the chest and neck.
It is recommended that every one
should have a good yawn, with
stretching of the limbs, morning
and evening, for the purpose of ven
tilating the lungs and strengthening
the muscles of respiration. An emi
nent authority asserts that this form
of gymnastics has a remarkable
effect in relieving throat and ear
This being the case, the revival o
an old English pastime, indulged in
as a kind of Christmas gambol in
the early part of the eighteenth cen
tury, might not be out of place.
The game was a yawning match and
was played for a prize, which in one
instance on record consisted of a
Cheshire cheese.
The sport began about midnight,
when the members of the company
were disposed to be drowsy, and
yawning was not altogether a forced
act. He who yawned the widest,
and at the same time in the most
natural manner, so as to produce
the greatest number of sympathetic
yawns from the spectators, was the
winner of the cheese. Youth's
I.0T0 Lessons For the Lowly.
"Indeed we may smile," writes
Lilian Bell of "Other Girls," in The
Ladies' Home Journal, "as we often
do, at the primitive customs of the
lowly and at their homely phrase
of 'keeping company.' It makes a
delightful jest. But beneath it is a
greater regard for the rights of a
man or woman in love than one is
apt to find higher in the social scale.
With them to select one another 'to
keep company' is like an offer of
marriage. To 'keep steady com
pany' is the formal announcement
of an engagement which is a poten
tial marriage. It is the first step to
ward matrimony and is almost as
sacred and final. "With their more
fortunate and envied sisters in the
smart set an engagement is the
loosest kind of a bond, and neither
man nor woman is safe from the
wooing of other men and women
until the marriage vows have been
pronounced, and, if your society is
yery fashionable, not even then."
They Arc Found In Tropical Seas,
Their Poison IVIay Be Fatal.
There are several species of fish
which possess a poison like that of
snakes and have been known to
cause tho death of man.
Their poison serves the double
purpose of causing the death of their
enemies and preserving their own
existence through the hesitation of
other fish to touch them. The fish
so armed are, as a rule, conspicuous
by form and color, and their special
organ of defense consists of spines
which to them are what the tooth
is to serpents. These spines may be
pimply a modification of existing
processes, such as prolongation of
the rays of a fin, or may be a special
Bpine attaohed to some part of it3
body. These spines have a poison
gland in connection with them.
Two fish which are both very poi
son qus aro found commonly on the
shores of the Mediterranean. These
fish aro the sea dragon, traohinis
draco, having as members of the
same family traohinis vipera and
trachinis areneus, and the scorpsena
scropha, which has as correlatives
in different parts of the world scor
psena porcus, scprpjena truslutata,
scorpasna diabolus, etc. These fish
are only poisonous as a serpent is
poisonous i. e., by wounding. Their
flesh is good and wholesome. Though
they differ widely in appearance,
yet the poison produces the same ef
fect. The trachinis draco is a handsome
fish, striated with blue and brown,
and not unlike a trout in general
appearance. Upon each of its gill
covers there is situated the spine in
connection with the special gland.
This spine is grooved and slightly
erectile and is attached partly to the
jaw and partly to the undersurface
of the gill cover. It passes through
the gill cover, where it shows as a
sharp point, the length varying with
the size of the fish. The spine is cov
ered with a very Sua membrane al
most to its free extremity, and this,
membrane converts the grooves on
the spine into- little canals, which
open near the extremity or me spmo
near the point. At the base of this
spine, upon the upper surface, lies
the poison gland, under the gill cov
er and partly covered by tho adduc
tor muscle of tho gill cover, which
helps to compress the gland, forcing
the fluid into the canals and at the
same time erect the spine. "When the
spine enters another fish or animal,
its membrane is stripped back, and
the poison enters at once into the
The scorpsena scropha is an unat
tractive looking fish, squat of body,
large of head, red in color, having
many protuberances on its skin and
fins of an exaggerated character.
The fins are peculiar also in that the
rays project beyond the membrane.
Men, when bathing, are some
times stung by these fish, but more
often in handling them when
caught. At the moment of puncture
only the sharp priok is felt at tho
place of contact with the spine. In
a few minutes, however, the part
commences to burn and itch, and
then becomes acutely painful, with
sudden stabbing pains. These pains
increase in violence and shoot from
the foot, passing up the leg in light
ning darts, which force the person
to lie down and writhe. Then a feel
ing of suffocation is felt and pain
over the heart. St Louis Post-Dis
Gorgeous Marbles That 3fay Be Cheaply
Imitated In Plaster.
In this ago of imitations no one
will be surprised to learn that in the
decoration of large hotels, theaters
and other public places a mixture of
plaster and chipped stone is being
used instead of marblo.
Only a night or two ago a promi
nent architect, in company with a
friend from out of town, was pass
ing through the corridor of ono of
New York's most palatial hotels,
when stopping in front of a huge
marble column he paused and in
quired, "What do you think of that
for a fine piece of stoneoutting?"
"Excellent," replied the friend.
"Well, I'll give you a pointer,"
continued the architect. "There is
not an inch of genuine marble in
that whole column. The entire work
is imitation. That is simply an iron
column surrounded with plaster,
which is finished off by a patent
process to look like marble. Work
of that kind has become popular
now. This stuff costs little and can
be put on in no time, whereas, if
marble were used, the cost would be
enormous. Look at it. No one could
tell the difference from real marble,
and every one goes away impressed
with the magnificent and expensive
manner in which this hotel is finish
ed up. Jnst up the street a way is
a theater over whose splendor people
aro doing no end of talking. The
entrance blazes with electric lights,
and on all sides is this imitation
marble. What is the use of spend
ing money for the genuine artiole
when the imitation does just as
well? It's the same old story of the
rich woman and the diamonds. Any
one who has the reputation for riches
can wear any amount of paste
stones and they all pass for gen
uine." And the men passed on and
out of hearing.
A reporter called on several of the
leading architects, making inquiry
as to the extent of the demand for
tho imitation marble. In almost
every architect's office there were
samples of the imitation stone.
Some of tho architects admitted
having used tho article in buildings
designed by them, while others said
that in all their work only the genr
nine marblo was used. Those who
had used it declined to name any
building, saying that, in so much as
it was imitation, the owner would
not care to have suoh information
given out for public use.
The artificial stone is made gen
erally in styles to resemble the dark
red marble. No small amount of
human intelligence and ingenuity
has been expended in the effort to
make a product which would take,
tho place of the genuine stone. At
ono time there was a concern claim
ing to be able to take white marble
and color it so that it could not be
told from the most expensive of im
ported goods. As white marble costs
as little as any of the yariaus kinds,
and as the cost of coloring it was
slight, it could be put in much
cheaper than the costly colored mar
bles, and some one expected to make
a fortune from the process, but from
what could be learned nothing
much was done with the new pat
ent. In the best class of buildings
the genuine article seems to have
the call, and most of the interior
work is finished with bona fide mar
ble. In finishing columns the arti
ficial process has a great advantage
in the rapidity and cheapness wth
which it can be put on, and no
doubt will have an extensive use for
such purposes. New York Tribune.
Decrees of Foreclosure.
Lixcolx, Dec. 9. Decrees of foreclos
ure of mortgages on four "buildings be
longing to the Burr Brothers of this city,
were entered up in the district court.
The mortgages aggregate $150,000. One
of the buildings is the Burr block, a
seven-story stone office building. The
mortgage on this one is $96,000. The
Northwestern Mutual life Insurance
comranv holds the mortgages.
Bucklen's Arnica Salrg.
Thp best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt- rheum, fever
sores, teter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 2o cents
per box. '-.- t , "
For sale by A. P. Streitz. "
Man's 3Ls2 Cannot Rise Superior to the
Terrors of Battle.
An expert, writing to the London
Daily Mail on the importance of se
curing well trained men for naval
service, says:
"To resume the subject sf the im
portance of having enough men
trained to the working of battle
ships, we all know that in sudden
emergencies, or when any great
mental trial is upon us, we are apt
to act irrationally. An untrained
cockswain in a bumping race, when
he is overlapped by the boat behind,
will as likely as not do the wrong
thing. He is not accustomed instinc
tively to do the right. Instinct can
only result from habit in these mat
ters, and this is where training
comes in. The crew of the 6 inch
quick firer, if they are trained men,
will handle the weapon correctly,
because they have done the same
thing a thousand times, and because,
whatever their minds are thinking
of, their hands perform the right
movements unconsciously. And bat
tle is the most terrible trial of the
nerves and mind imaginable.
"Firing heavy guns loaded with
shot or shell, weapons which show
by the shock and noise of their dis
charge their enormous power of in
jury, is in itself a thing which re
quires nerve. How much more so
when there is a ceaseless crash of
the enemy's projectiles arriving, the
sight of the dead and the dying
for the wounded may have to lie
where they fall and perhaps an
ominous tilt of the ship, to appall
the timid !
"A man does not cease to be a
man because he puts on a uniform.
Blue cloth and brass buttons do not
ward .off death or maize dying easi
er. Character gives courage, and
military or naval training is, apart
from the mechanical education, a
strengthening of character. Ho who
thinks a man-of-war's man can be
made in a week or a month over
looks this most essential point and
can never have been on board a
"Below deck this is as much the
case a3 upon deck. Smartness in
passing up ammunition may often
decide a battle. Nor is it easy for
untrained men to work in the sti
fling heat and acrid atmosphere of
the hold when all openings in the
armor deck have been closed. I have
seen even the seasoned sickened by
the heat and smell of a submerged
torpedo room. And the very closing
of all the openings in the deck is
and must be unnerving to the men,
who see their escape cut off. The
maintenance of discipline will be
difficult in the extreme with many
untrained men below the water line.
The commissioned officers at these
posts of danger will have, to be good
men, and they cannot be every
where. If either officers or men are
of inferior quality, unaccustomed to
their duties or imperfectly imbued
with mutual confidence and esprit
de corps, there will bo anarchy be
low the armor deck, with, as its con
sequence, paralysis of the combat
ants above."
Snubbed the Emperor.
Dr. Temple, the archbishop of
Canterbury, is perhaps the one man
living who has refused to yield to
the will of the emperor of Germany.
When the latter was visiting Eng
land, says a writer in the Boston
Transcript, he sent a request to Dr.
Temple to call upon him. The time
of the bishop of London is always
fully occupied. Every quarter of an
hour in the day has its appointed
work. To make even a formal call
on the emperor of Germany at a
time when, owing to his visit, pas
senger and vehicular travel was al
most at a standstill in the streets of
London meant the giving up of
nearly a whole day, every minute
of which was filled up with most
important episcopal engagements.
Actuated, therefore, by a high sense
of duty, Bishop Temple declined to
go, saying it was impossible for him
to comply with the emperor's re
quest. The bearer of the message
was thunderstruck at these words,
and said, "My Lord, neither I nor
anybody else ever conveyed such an.
answer to the emperor of Ger
many!" "I cannot help it," said
Bishop Temple; "you must convey
it now." And he never made the
desired call.
So Talking In Paris Theaters.
"Talk about disturbing the audi
ence of a theater," remarked a gen
tleman yesterday, "you ought to
see how particular they are in Paris.
No such free and easy ways as those
tolerated here are submitted to in
that city. I remember attending a
matinee a few years ago with a
friend, also an American. It was
Saturday afternoon, and the theater,
which was not one of the highest
priced, was crowded. We got good
seats, and all went well until I made
some sotto voice remarks to my
companion. I spoke in a low tone
and one which would have disturbed
nobody in this country. But you
ought to have seen how those
Frenchmen and. women looked at us.
We were transfixed at once by a
dozen pairs of angry eyes, and the
man who sat next to us clinched
matters by exclaiming aloud, 'Mon
sieur, voulez v-QUS taire 1 ' This was
only a shade politer than 'Will you'
shut up, sir?' and he meant it We
took the hint, and we shut up for the
rest of the matinee." Exchange.
Maccaline will cure any case of itching
piles. It has never failed. It affords
nstant relief, and a cure in due time .
Price 25 and 50 cents. Msde by Fcste
Manufacturing Co. and sold by A. F.
Hs "Wanted Pure English.
A professor from the Midlands,
'who is at present inLondon making
some philological researches at the
British museum, prides himself on
always drawing his language from
the "well of English undofiled" and
work3 himself into a towering rage
about the irregularities of the an
nouncements in tradesmen's win
dows. While walking along Totten
ham Court road he noticed in a fur
nituro dealer's shop the words, "Ev
ery article in this window reduced."
Full of pedantic resolution, he en
tered the establishment to give the
owner a lesson in English. That gen
tleman came up smiling, in hope of
a customer. Placing his hand on a
cabinet, tho professor said, "Do you
mean to say that this has been re
duced?" "Considerably," replied
the owner. "Dear me, I can hardly
credit it," answered the professor,
and, taking a folding three foot rule
from his pocket he proceeded to
measure most carefully the dimen
sions of the article.
The other looked on in amazement
and began to think that ho had a
madman to deal with. "There is
some mistake, " continued the pro
fessor. "I saw this very article
when I passed here two years ago,
and it was exactly the same size then
as it is now." "We don't mean re
duced in size. Wo mean reduced in
price," cried the furious dealer.
"Then why in tho name of the
queen's English do you not say so?"
replied the pedant as he walked
away, chuckling over his practical
joke. The placard was soon after
ward removed from tho window, the
shopman no doubt thinking that it
might lead to still further complica
tions with philological cranks.
London Telegraph.
The editor "has pne prime source
of gratification he can manufac
ture his own language. He is su
perior to the dictionary. To him the
queen s English is a mere phrase.
He insists on the use of editor's Eng
lish. I have known him give stern
instructions that the word "while"
must be written for "whilst;" that
jeopardy" was quite inadmissible
it shotld be "jeopard:" that
"staunch" should bo spelled
stanch, and that " no fewer than' '
must always supersede the stupid
phrase "no less than" in his col
umns. He has (very justly) assert
ed that there is no such word a3
'reliable" and that the word
'transpired" is a vulgarism. Gen
tleman's Magazine.
The busiest and most useful men
are not always exempt from sickness.
Especially are they liable to be at
tacked and completely disabled bthat
most annoying and painful ailment
Rheumatism. Men in all walks of life
are subject at any time to be seized
with this disease, and besides the great
bodily pain, there is almost unbearable
mental anguish at the thought of hav
ing one's strength and vigor gradually
suoplanted by a condition of utter
helplessness. Under the effects of
Rheumatism, the strongest men be
come the weakest, and the most useful
are robbed of their usefulness.
Mr. J. A. LeSeur has lived in At
lanta, Ga., for years, and some of the
prettiest residences and most substan
tial business blocks of that city are
monuments to his skill as an architect
and builder.
Mr. J. A. LeSeur.
But like many other busy men, Mr.
LeSeur was overtaken by Rheumatism
and soon his strength gave way to a
condition of helplessness. This dread
disease produces more agony, he says,
than can well be described. "For
years I have suffered with Sciatic
Rheumatism and often felt as if a
small piece of my spine had been
taken out, also as if a fragment of
bombshell had passed through my left
hip. "When I would sit down, I could
not straighten up ior several minutes,
and then only at the expense of great
pain. I could get absolutely no relief,
though many remedies were tried.
Someone recommended S. S. S. and I
was almost in despair when I began its
use. In three days, however, I was
so greatly relieved that I felt very
little inconvenience from the rheuma
tism. The disease grew less painful
as I continued the S. S. S., and very
soon disappeared entirery. S. S. S.
also proved to be a nne tonic, as I now
have more appetite, jand feel better
than ever before, in my life. I cannot
say too much in praise of S. S. S."
Rheumatism is a condition ef the
blood which has always baffled the
doctors, and it is a peculiarity that
those who once have it are sure to al
ways be subject to its attacks from
time to time. The reason of this is
that the doctors are only able to give
temporary relief, but cannot rid the
system of the disease permanently.
S. S. S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) is
the only real blood remedy for real
blood troubles, such as Rheumatism,
Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, Catarrh,
Tetter, Contagious Blood Poison, etc
When S. S. S. once forces a disease
from the system it never returns. Our
valuable books will be mailed free to
any address. Swift Specific Co., At
lanta, Georgia.
with each
tP$ A 111
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, :ils,
Deutsclie .potlaeke
Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
Order by telephone from IN e-wton's Book Store.
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.
We aim to handle the Best Grades of
Goods, sell them at "Reasonable
Figures, and "Warrant JbS veryth in g
as ilepresented.-sssssssssss
Orders from the country and along the line of tbe Union.
Pacific railway respectfully solicited.
SfNorthwest Qorner'of Courthouse square. '
packaqe oi
Comfortable Higs,
- U. P. TIME TAB tZ.
No: 2r Fast'Mail 8:45 n. m.
No. i Atlantic Express 11:40 p. m.
No. 28 Freight 7:00 a.m.
No. 1 Limited 3:55 p. m.
No. 3 Fast Mail 110 p.m.
No. 23 Freight. 7:35 a. m.
No. lO-Freiigh? 1:40 p. m.
N. B. Olds. Agent.
Legal Notices.
I cola coanty, Nebraska.
la the matter o the estate of Xordica C. Fur
nish, deceased.
This cane came on for hearing apoa the petlUoa
of Abigail E. Tarnish. sdmiBistratrix,of tho estate
of ilortlica c. Furnish, deceased, praying for
license to sell the southwest quarter of the north
west qttar&r, and the northwest quarter of tho
southwest quarter, (beiDg lots two and three) and
the ease half of the southwest quarter, nil in Sec
tion 19, Tora?hip 9 north, Rango 23 -west. In
Lincoln county, Nebrasia, or sufficient amount
of the same to brinjr the sum of ?S00, for tho pay
ment of the cebtj allowed against said estate, and
the cost of administration, there not beta? suffi
cient personal property to pay the said debts and
It is therefore ordered, that all persona Inter
ested In said estate, appear before me at my office
In North Platte, Nebraska, on the 30th day of
December, lSt. at one o'clock p. m. to show cause
why a license should not be granted to said admin
istratrix to sell so much of the above described
real estate of saftl deceased, as shall be necessarr.
to'pay said debts and expenses. It Is further
owereu taat tills order be published In the North
?iaTTE Sehi-Wkxelt Teibtoe for the time re
quired by law.
Dated this luh day of November. 1S.
H. 31. GRIMES,
J-t District Judge.
Land Office at North Platte. Nebw, ?
November 17th, ISPS. f
Notice Is hereby riven that Michael C. Hcxrimrtori
bas Sled notice of intention to make final proof be
t-toco Register and Receiver at his office in North
ITKUo-Neb., on the 29th day of December. 13Cb on
wnoer culture application No. rjSM, for the south
west quarter of section No. 4. in township No. 14
north, range No. 30 west. He names as witnesses
Isaac Latrptagli. Harry Lamplugh. Allen Tift
Lester Walter, all or North Platte, Nebraska.
9,-6 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register.
OSce ever. North P!atio National Bank.
Assistant Surpeon Union Pacflc Rp,wa
and Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streita's Drug Store.
Koom No. 6, Ottonstein Building,
"VT-T"krrT-r r-r mfnrv rtr
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office First National Bank BIdg.,
It has been Eaid that there could be no
cure for internal piles without a surgi
cal operations, but over 100 cases cured
in Council Bluffs, la., by the use of
Hemorrhoildine proves the statement
false. There is a cure and quick perma
nent relief for all who suffer with blind
bleeding and protruding piles. Its use
causes no pain, even m the most aggra
vated cases. It is also a cure for consti
pation. Price 1.50. For sale by A.F
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
e ni i nr.! i
uauue v emgana,
Coal Oil,
Gas Tar,
And Crude Petroleum.
Leave orders at office
in Broeker's tailor shop.
i Merc
A weH assorted stock of foreign
I and domestic piece goods in
j stock from which to select.
Ploier, Tinworker
General Eepairer.
Special attention given, to
III 11115.
iiant Tailor