The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 04, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 101.
Slaughter! Slaughter! Slaughter!
We have got to
immense line of Fall Goods and for that
reason will sell all of our goods at marvel
ous low prices lower than ever known jn
Western Nebraska. .;: . .:.
Now is Your Chancel
We positively will allow no one to
undersell us. Comparison solicited. Goods
freely shown.
11 Ho' 3496 II
1 First National Batik,
I CAPITAL, - - $50,000. !
k SURPLUS,-- - $22,500.
I lfel H. S. White, - - - President. 1
H?SWflS P' A' White'" " ' Yl'Vl'1 1
II ttlfS ArtllW MeNmava, -. Cashier.
general banking business
SSrSTtS transacted. $
If you are posted you cannot be deceived. We write
this to post you
A I H A VI The reat and 0nly Hardware Man
j. L liA T 1O5 in Lincoln Co. that no one, Owes,
etc., at Lowest Prices on Record.
Having refitted oqr rooms in the finest of style, the public
jfJ?-y is invited to call and see us,
i c n est "liSL I q u o rs
Onr billiard ball lsuprid
UiJ v
make room for our
no Use!
You 'can't find in these
United States the Equal
of the Genuine '
Round Oak.
You may try; you'll get
left. Remember, it's the
combination of good points
that makes the Perfect
Stove. That's where we
They canlfc sfeal the whole
stove. They steal one
thing and think they have
it all, but it FAILS. They
build another. It fails.
Still they keep on crying
good as the ROUND
OAK. Some peculiar
merchants say they have
them, when ITS NOT SO
insuring oourteous treatment.
and Cigars at
the Bar.
with the best make of tables
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sny
der, a baby girl.
E. Delay has gone into the lake
country to build for R. Fowles.
jvi. u. Harrington ana son, or
North Platte, were in town one day
this week.
Mrs. J5. Plumer, Mrs. W. H.
Plumer and Mrs. C. W. Home were
North Platte visitors Tuesday,
Quite a number of weddidgs have
taken place in the island district
the past week.
John Snyder contemplates mov
ing1 his house from the island to a
site near his blacksmith shop in
Henry Appleford made abusiness
trip to Gothenburg- Thursday.
C. H. Kulms is hipping- a num
ber p cars of hay this-week.
Austin Brown spent a few days
with his famjly the past week.
Miss Minnie lOtchison left for her
home in Sutherland Wednesday.
A. "W. Mathewsou was shaking
hands with friends in town Tues
Ben Dean will have charge of the
Plumer ranch this winter.
Through the cold weather ol last
week frost found its way -into some
of the best protected cellars in the
valley. In many cases potatoes
were a total loss.
Quite a large drove of western
horses passed through Tuesday en
route-to the southern part of Daw
son county.
A majority of our farmers are tak
ing advantage of the raise in wheat
and are busy this week hauling to
the markets at North Platte and
A social dance will be held(at the
lome of Henry Cook this evening-.
Rev. Coslet will hold services at
the Nichols school house Thursday
evening next at 6:30, western time,
instead of pastern time as men
tioned in Tuesday's issue.
This wek. will about wind up
corn husking for the season in this
ocality, the crop proving to be
considerable above the average.
A meeting-will bejheld this even"
ing at the school house tor the pur
pose of practicing for the Christ
mas entertainment.
V ...
It is rumorgd that ijershey will
soon possess several new business
louses, a gapitalist of Omaha hav
ing recently become interested in
he prosperity of the village.
When the first successful demon
stration of sugar beet raising
made at Grand Island in this state
it. was supposed that the Platte
valley would be t tu,tu,rq seat of
sugar manufacture in the United
States, and it was not thought that
other portions of the country would
enter into competition with us. It
has since been demonstrated, how
ever, that nearly -every portion of
Nebraska is adapted fo beet cul
ture, and not qifly that but many
other sections of the United States
as well.
Utah and California have also
engaged in the industry on a toler
ably large scale, and have some
thing the advantage of Nebraska
in that there is more local capital
in those states that can be enlisted
in sugar manufacture.
But the west is not to be per
mitted to have a good, thing- all to
tself. A '.'sugar belt" has been
discovered in the state of New York,
the beet has been experimented
with successfully in portions of the
south, and the next we know the
middle states wilPbe engaging in
this industry.
Nebraska having been the first
iu the field ought to hold her own,
but is in danger of dropping in the
rear unless great exertion is made
by our people and good faith is kept
with the farmers and manufacturers
witi respect to bounty. This j
state is dependent almost wholty on j
eastern capital for the building- of
sugar refineries, and if the eastern
capitalist can invest his money
nearer home and reap as lanre a
profit upon it nothing is more
natural than that he should do so.
Again, the hostility of the victori
our fusion elements in this state to
the present bounty law, and the
threat of repeal, is liable to stand
in the way ot the further develop
ment of the sugar industry until
the sentiment of the state settles
down and itcanbe-determinedwhat
encouragement is to be given to
those who take hold to build up. the
This is theituation at the pres
ent time, and it requires more than
thoughtful consideration. A strong
movement, covering-all parts of the
state is needed to save Nebraska
agriculture froni ,the loss of the
greatest product that has ever
sprung from her soil. It is not a
party question proper, but purely a
matter of business. Nebraska
should have one hundred sugar fac
tories, and the right kind ot private
and public spirit will secure them.
Kedrney Hub.
The farmers have more corn than
cribs.. and several million bushels
are piled on the ground.
The North Bendjlquring- mill is
running night and day and finds it
hard to keep up with its orders.
The soldiers' home at Grand Is
land has two hundred and forty
seven inmptes including- officers and
The Gibbon Reporter says that
within a radins of six miles from
Gibbon 110 cars
of steers are beinsr
fattened for market.
An epidemic of bog- colera is pre
vailing in the western part of Buf
falo county. Many farners are losing-
their entire herds.
The Elmwood free silver club
has been reorganized and proposes
to fight "until the money of the
constitution has been restored."
J. B. Meserve, state treasurer-
elect, has resighned as treasurer of
Red Willow county. His successor
by appointment is J. H. Berg-e.
Dodg-e county treated the inmates
of its poorhbuse to a special Thanks-
giving feast. Nothing- like offer
ing extraordinary inducements to
iinmijrrants. '
Miss Mae Davisson was elected
county attorney of Brown county,
and evil doers must look- out for
justice both shirred and gored.
plain and gros grain.
Gage county has. ,a female corn
busier, a single lady, who does her
seventy-five bushels daily. What
in the name of Cupid do the young
men down there mean.
Diphtheria is raging- in Furnas
county. Schools and churches are
quarantined, and children below
sixteen yearsofa)Aare. .foxjbidr
den to appear on the streets of the
An Arcadia farmer shipped a
steer to market that had recently
been dehorned and the poor brute
bnmped'the sore place against the
car and bled to death before reach
ing St. Paul.
A year ago Archie Cavanaugh of
Wauneta sprained his ankle, bufc
kept about as though, nothing- had
happened. Necrosis of the bone
set in and; the doctors recently cut
off his foot to save his life.
The Frontier County Republican
says the vote on the poor farm ques
tion in Frontier county- was 684 for
and 381 against. The proposition
not having received tyo.-ttiirds of
all thje votes cast, is lost.
This is the time of the year when
big corn husking stories are in
order, We do not say that no man
cau husk 100 bushels per day, says
the Randolph Reporter, but we
have never seen one whom we were
satisfied had done so.
It is estimated, judging from the
chattel mortgages and real estate
mortgages filed, in the recorder's
office, says the Kearney New Era
Standard, that more that $100,000
worth of debts of Buffalo county
farmers have been paid within the
last six weeks,
.Wm. Shaffer a young Maple creek
farmer, has husked and cribbed
1,050 bushels of corn in ten days,
making an average of 105 bushels
per day. Mr. Sliaffer raised on a
forty acre tract of land 2,870 bush
els of corn, an average of a trifle
under seventy-two bushels to the
The B. & M. road gives notice of
its conclusion to build a handsome
depot at Omaha, coupled with the
information that it is willins" to
join hands in the m enterprise with
the other railways and make it a
station to be proud of. This an
nouncement is at least a good ad
vertisement for the B. & M.
'Steen or twenty political pushers
at Lincoln are yearning- to wear the
brogans of the P. M. ot that town.
It has been suggested, and the
theory may be acted upon, that a
primary election be held by repub
licans to choose the candidate to be
named. Those with a "pull" will
probably not agree to this proce
dure. Numerous parties have spoken
about prospects for obtaining con
tracts for raising sugar beets for
the Oxnard next year. Mr, Ferrar
the efficient manager for the Ox
nards, states that at present they
were making no contracts nor
woum mere oe anything done in
that line until toward spring. Ap
plications are already in for more
than 20,000 acres. Grand Island In
Jennie Flower, of Lincoln, was
committed to the state industrial
school at Iincoln by her guardian,
Rev. E. W. Scott. She has been
released by order of court and now
sues her dominie guardian for $20,
000. She's a daisy Flower.
W. D. Oldham, of Kearney, will,
it is said, be appointed district
judge fo succeed' Bill Greene. Old
ham succeeded in alienating dgreat
many sound money democrats dur
ing the campaign by his rasping
speeches, and he deserves the job
which Tonsilitis Bill surrenders to
go to congress.
A Ponca man had a cataract
athwart his eye and he despaired
he could not see with that eye. He
was chopping wood one day and
was whacking away when a chip
flew up and biffed him on the eye.
It tore the cataract away, opened
up the eye and saved him a $500
surgeon s tee. it was a great
J. W. Burney, of Stratton, was
on a prolonged spree after election
and he was a b-a-d man. Coming
home "oride" a few nights ago he
told his wife the time had come for
shooting her and the "kid." The
after was in an adjoining room and
overheard the remark. He stepped
out and confronted his father whom
he was compelled to kill to protect
himself and mother. The boy could
do no less under the circumstances,
and the law will him.
Row an Equine Friend Was Begardod
and Treated In Ancient Times.
It is perhaps small' matter for
wonder that the nations who first
tamed the horse for riding attached
high honor to the creature, seated on
whose back they scoured with such
swiftness. The exhilaration of rid
ing is on$ whioh custom does not
stale and whioh affects the civi
lized rider of today,, it be he of an
emotional ndttire, probably almost
as keenly as it did the ancient Soyth
ian, German or Slav. In addition
to this, neighboring races who had
not this art looked upon those who
had it with a kind of superstitious
wonder, weaving strange stories
about them. Tho horsemen of Thes
saly appeared, tQ the other Greeks
through o ralstof fables as centaurs,
ha.h?Baiii half brute, but wholly di
vine. And in the frank fashion of all
primitive people the horseman gave
hack to the horse the glory that he
received refleotod from it and made
of his
kind of deity.
The anoient Germans took oraoles
from whito horses, just as the Egyp
tians did from their saored oxen.
5he anjmals were kept in grovea
and gave augury by neighing.
Among the Slavs tho sWord com
bined with the horse to foretell fu
ture events. Tho weapons were
planted in the ground, and tho
horses led among them. By the
movements of the beasts tho attend
ing priests judged the "will of the
gods. Among the .Norsemen the sac
rifice of a horse and the eating of its
flesh was a token of sacramental al
legiance to Odin.
Among the ancient Irish, when a
king was crowned in Ulster, it was
customary to slay a white mare and
boil it in a vat. Into this vat the
newly made king descended and
there sat, drinking the broth and
tasting small portions of the meat.
The eating of horseflesh was so well
recognized as a heathen rite that the
early Christian suints forbade it to
their converts. Among the Scyth
ians the horse was deemed sacred to
the sun, and its worship crossed the,
Himalayas and was early establish
ed among the Bajpu.t kings.
Nest to p human being, who prob
ably was, as a matter of fact, never
sacrificed in ancient India, the horse
was the most acceptable offering to
the gods. It is laid down in the Pu
ronasthat tho sacrificer of 100 horses
ousts Indra, the king of the gods,
from his throne and reigns in para
dise (swarga) in his stead. There is
no record, however, of any one hav
ing earned this surpassing felicity.
Kings, on attaining the throne, usu-i
ally sacrificed a horse, their tribu
tary princes performing the more
menial duties connected with the
aswamedhA (horse sacrifice). In
deed, even the office of porter in
this solemn rite could only be as
sumed by one of royal blood. One
of the books of tho great Hindoo epic,
the Mahabharata, contains an ac
count of the ashwamedha held by
Yudhisthira, king of the Pandus,
when he had, by the defeat of the
Karavas, firmly established his rule
over northern India. The saored
horse was turned loose to wander
wherever it listed for a year, while
the loyal army followed it every-,
were at a respectful distance. Other
tribes whose pastures, jt crossed were
given the option of either turning
out in force to join the triumph of
comrade in war and chasoaiBF103 ana QQaa iurnace to
We are well satisfied if this ad simply 5
brings you to this store. The values 3
we shall offer you will sell the goods
without argument on our part. Noth- 3
ing we can say to you in this space, or
at the store, would appeal half as 3
strongly to your good judgment as the
E goods we will show you and the prices 3
we will quote. This ad is therefore 3
only an invitation to the store. If you
accept and become acquainted, the re-
' suit will be mutually beneficial. "We 3
will make a fair profit on our goods 3
and you will buy cheaper than you could 3
elsewhere. Yours
tBe'ITorse or of accepting wager of
battle. At the end of the year the
horse was led back to the palace and
there sacrificed. London Standard,
Announcement is made of a proc
ess invented by Heibling, says the
London Chemist, for producing alu
mina from day in a form absolutely
free from silioa and readily con
vertible into sulphate and other alu
minio salts. The clay is incorporated
with a mixture of equal parts of am
monium and potassium sulphates in
the proportmn of three moleoules of
ammoniun&Vtilphate to eaoh mole
cule of alumina, this mixture being
pressed into the form of hollow
. i.i-i.
'33BrrQ to 280 degrees U. (Gaseous ammo
nia and aoid ammonium sulphate are
given off at this temperature, whilo
acid potassium sulphate is formed
and combines with the alumina of
the day to form alum. The alum is
leached from the bricks with water
and freed from iron by recrystalliza
tion, and the insoluble silica whioh
remains behind may bo employed in
the manufacture of cements. By
spreading out the powdered nlum in
thin layers on shelves arranged in a
vertical tower on passing over it the
warm, moist ammoniacal vapors
from the briok oven, the alum is
transferred into alumina, which re
tains the form of the original pow
der If there has been any barbarity
in Turkey that excels that of Colo
nel Struch, one of General Weyler's
trusted commanders. The Inter
Ocean has failed to read of it. His
treatment of the 300 women and
children is to horrible to print and
could only be committed by a devil
iu human form. And yet the people
of the United States must be silent
for fear ot offending Spain, "a
friendly nation." Inter Ocean.
A Sound Liver Makes a "Well Man.
Are you billious, constipated or
troubled with jaundice, sick-headache
bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated
tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry
skin pain in back and between the
shoulders, chill and fever &c. If you
have and of these symtoms, your liver is
out of order and slowly being poisoned,
because your liver does not act promptly
Herbine will cure any disorder of the
liver, stomach or bowels. It has no
equal as liver medicine. Price 75 cents.
Free trial bottle at North Platte Phar
macy, J. E. Bush, Mgr.
Meats at -wholesale and re
tail. Msn and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
More I
for business,
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
Merchant Tailor
A well assorted stock of foreign
and domestic piece goods in
stock from which to select.
PeHsct Fit
how Prices.
General Kepairer.
Special attention given to
B Kill
So great arc its Healing Powers
and Pain Relieving Properties as to
seem impossible from a Nort-Poison-ous
Preparation that can Be used
with all freedom. For Burns alone
it is often worth its weight in Gold,
(lives have been saved by its use) and
for healing all kinds of sores its mer
it exceeds all expectations. Prompt
use is most effective and it should be?
in every home and workshop. Pre
pared by the Foster XI fg Co.. Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa. Sold by the trade.
I Claude Weiogand,
Coal Oil, I
J Gasoline, J
Gas Tar,
J And Crude Petroleum.
t Leave orders at office r
in Broeker's tailor shop, t
r flier