The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1896, Image 3

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ITsh. That 2Iake Mighty tcaps Far Up Out
of the Wafer.
"Speaking of jumping," said an
old seaman, "let me tell yon of the
greatest jump ever seen. It -was
many years ago, and we had expe
rienced bad luck for several weeks,
when one morning we sighted a big
. - w wwmiw 4JVU
a race to see who would get there
uuu iub two coats sec on: in
"Suddenly the whale rose not 100
yards away and headed directly for
us. The mate gave orders to stop,
and we sat still, expecting that the
monster would rise near us. Th&
harpooner stood with his iron ready
to throw, while wo grasped our
oars nervously, prepared to jump at
the word 'Stern all,' that nearly al
ways came when a whale was har
pooned. Not a word was spoken,
and suddenly a mountain of black
appeared, which seemed to shut off
the entire horizon. Up it went until
I distinctly saw a 70 foot whale over
20 feet in the air above us.
"The mate was the first to regain
his senses and gave the command
4Stern all.' Just as we were ready
to spring overboard the boat shot
back several feet, and the next sec
ond the gigantic animal dived into
the ocean, just grazing us, having
completely passed over the bdat." j
Such gigantic jumps are rare. A
similar one was recorded by a well j
known admiral in the British navy, j
A battleship was lying in the harbor !
of Bermuda, when all hands wero .
attracted by the appearance of a
very large whale suddenly showing
itself in the harbor and appearing
very much alarmed by the shallow
water. The admiral, who was then
only a middy, joined a boat's crew
that started in pursuit, and just as
they wore about to strike the whale
disappeared out of sight, leaving a
deep whirlpool, round which tho
boat shot. Another moment, and tho
whale came up, having in all prob
ability struck tho bottom, and went
into the air like a rocket.
"So complete was his enormous
leap," says our authority, "that for
an instant we saw him fairly up in
the air, in a horizontal position, at
a distance of at least 20 perpendicu
lar feet over our heads. Wliilo in
his progress upward there was in
his spring some touch of vivacity
with which a trout or salmon shoots
out of tho water."
"Many of the inhabitants of the sea
are good jumpers, and some have
become famous. Araon? them should
hn lnnntinntul thn tarnnn. nr silvnr !
king, a huge fish with scales that !
cleam like silver, wnich constitutes i
the famous game fish of Florida.
In the Pacific waters tho tuna, an
ally of the horse mackerel, is noted
for its leaps. Sometimes a school
sweeps up tho coast, and tho power
ful fish, often weighing bOO pounds,
are seen in the air in every direc
tion. They dart like an arrow, turn
gracefully five or six feet in the air
and come down, keeping the water
for acres in a foam, and, if not the
greatest, thyare certainly the most
graceful of the junipers of tho sea.
Pearson's Magazine.
Uglit and rcrfttraes.
A garden full of flowers is moro
fragrant when shadowed by a cloud ;
than when bathed in sunshine at
least, that i.j the conclusion to which
tho recent experiments of M. Mes
nard lead. He assorts that it is light,
and not, as commonly believed, oxy
gen, which exerts tho greatest in
fluence in destroying odors. -Accord;
ing to the same authority, tho in
tensity of tlie perfume given off by
a flower depends upon tho relation
between the pressure of watGr in
the cells of the plant, which tends ;
to drive out tho essential oils that
cause the odor, and the action of tho
sunlight, which tends to diminish
tbo water pressure in the colls.
Sprinkling the plant increases tho
turgescence in tho cells and so aug
ments the perfamo. A cloud passing
over the sun arrests the action of
the light, thus permitting an in
crease of turgescence and as a con
sequence a more copious production
of perfume. At night the air around
a flower bed is heavy with odors,
because then their emanation is not
opposed by the sunlight. Youth's
Tho Hudson Bay Company.
In 1G0 pharles II granted a char
ter to the Hudson Bay company,
giving to that association the whole
and sole trade and qommerco on the
waters lying within the entrance of
the Hudson strait and on tho
lands adjoining. After the cession
of Canada to-Great Britain, in 1703,
the Northwest Fur company of
Montreal sprang into existenco and
by its competition with the older
corporation compelled an amalga
mation in 1S21.
Twentieth Century Is Uavrnlng.
In a breach of promise suit an In
diana -:ourt has decided that it is
not so bad t-o damage the affections
of a widow as it is to trifle with the
heart of a young woman who has
never known true love. A Daniel
come to judgment! The courts are
getting more practical every day.-
guffap Express.
Death by Boillus,
- In old Eagland, before the law
was passed which prohibited "cruel
and unusual forms of punishment, "
murderers were often condemned to
death by boiling. In such cases tho
victims were chained in large kettles
of cold water, which was gradually
heated until it caused tho flesh to
drop from tho bones. The last Eng
lish victim of the "boiling death,"
was one Bouse, a cook, who, it was
alleged, had killed. 17 persons-Tt.
Louis BepuDlia
-Domestic Wines Easily Passed Por the
Imported Article.
Within a few miles of the New
York Mail and Express building,
buys mat- journal, mere is a
printing establishment wnose chief
source of revenue is the prepara
tion of labels for druggists, sa
loon teeners, erocera and bottlers.
TierG 13 considerable of the legiti
mate about the business, but there
is also a little of the questionable.
The stock on hand consists of thou
sands of various kinds of labels
which can bo had at a few minutes
notice. Those that may be required
and iot found in the regular stock
can be had at 24 hours' notice. A big
percentage of the labels turned out
here are what may be termed for
geries that is, they are imitations
of labels that are copyrighted or
"protected" by a trademark. It is
known absolutely that the establish
ment makc3 a business, and a big
business at that, of supplying fake
houses with forgeries of labels of
some successful and well advertised
goods. It is generally known that
the labols are forgeries, and it is ad
initted that they are such and noth
ing else, but it is no easy matter
recognizing them as imitations. The
workmanship and skill displayed
in making the counterfeits are ex
cellent. All tho wine cellars of Europe are
to bo found in tho salesman's sam
ple bcok, if one goes there with the
intention of doing business. The pe
culiar typo and paper of Russia, the
plain everyday labels of England,
the unattraotive woodcuts and an
tiquated printing of Germany, the
artistio and pioturesque designs of
Franco and the inartistic and thor
oughly uninviting labels of Italy are
all there, ready for tho purohaser.
It is a queer business, and a Mail
and Express reporter so told the
clerk whcm he saw there the other
"Not a bit of it," said the clerk.
"We do not muko any pretensions
in this business. Our chief custom
ers are saloon keepors. It's none of
our business what they do with
these labels. What they do, howev
er, we fully understand. Suppose
that a man were to go into a saloon
where these-labels are used and call
for a bottlo of a particular kind of
wine. Well, it happens to bo all out,
but the saloon keeper has another
brand equally as, good perhaps. All
he has to do is to remove the objec
tionable label and substitute one of
those purchased here. Who knOWS
the difference, and, knowing, cares?
Tho real sufferer is the wine buyer,
of course, but he does not know that
any imposition has been practiced.
Now, were the saloon keeper to tell
him that the last bottlo of the par
ticular kind of wine asked for had
been sold, tho ohances are that the
place would lose a regular customer
or the prospect of securing one.
Then, take some of tho houses where
greenhorns, countrymen and would
be bloods flock to. Tho bartender
knows a wine drinker when he sees
one, and, with the others well, what
is tho use of giving a 'guy' good
wino when he does not know what
he is drinking? One of these labels
fixes all that. Tho bartender who
his business can give him a
bottle of wine costing 50 cents and
tho countryman is happy because he
pays the full prioe for an imitation
and he doe3 not know it.
"I personally have seen a party
of dudes quarreling over imitation
wines and trying to convince eaoh
other which was the best. Asa mat
ter of fact they were talking because
they saw one of these fako labels on
the bottlo and thought they were
getting tho genuine stuff. Our cus-
tomers? Can't say that they are all
from Broadway. It's none of my
business, as I have said, what they
do with theso labels. The handsom
er tho label the bigger the sales all
around, I have found."
A Varied Training.
"I dunno," said Meandering Mike,
"whedder itud be regarded ez work
in er not, but I've got er great mind
ter hang out er shingle an break in
ter der practice of law."
uYo don't know nothin 'boutde
bizness," replied Plodding Bote,
"Dat shows yer lack o' jedgment,
Ain't experience do best teacher?"
"Dat's whufc dey says."
"Well, I've had practical experi
ence in every p'jeeso court in dis
part o' do world, an it does seem a
pity ter wasto it." Washington
Star, '
Tips That Fail.
It turns out that tho British post
office deducts from the wase3 of its
employees tho amount of Christmas
boxes given to them. These amount
in tho city of London alone to $23,
000 a year, some of the men obtain
ing as much as $125 each. In tipping
them, however, the rich city firms
are really tipping tho government.
Her Reason.
"Why havo you never married,
Miss Antique?" hu thoughtlessly
"You never asked me before," she
said coyly, as she gavo him her
hand. Detroit Free Pres3.
Tho wino cellar of the house of
commons is capable of holding some
30,000 to 40,000 worth of wine. It
is ovor 200 feet long, with innumer
able small cellars branching" from
the main avenue. In this storer
house there is seldom less than' 3,
0.00 worth of wine.
English convicts aro to have "-the
. monotony of their lives relieved"
and their- "moral tone raised" by
j lectures on "scientific and interest
ing subionts."
Am Instance Where an Attempt to Skele -
toixixe Was False Economy. j Got Oat Jewels That Fade.
Mr. Blodgett twirled the slip of j Tho famous turquoise mines of
yellow paper thoughtfully around Nishapur, in northern Persia, arc
between his thumb and forefinger, believed to be the only turquoise
and when he looked up Blodg- j mines in the world which havo been
ett saw that' he was about to com-1 worked extensively or whioh have
municato something of considerable produced the turquoise of perfect
importance. I shape and color. On approaching tho
"Caroline, " he said, "it isn't often mines from Isishapur, after entering
that I find fault with you because the low hills and gradually ascend
of your expenditures. I like to see ' ing, one arrives first at the villages
you dres3 well and keep the house up inhabited by the miners, whioh are
in good style, and I never begrudge on undulating ground about 5,000
you tho necessary funds. !Now,do I?" j feet above sea level. After another
And Mrs. Blodgett admitted he gradual ascent f ir about a mile by a
never did. very good road the foot of a hill
"But there's one thing I do kick j about 1,000 feet in height is reabh
about," went on Mr. Blodgett, and ed A1 tbe mine3 onthe south
that is the literal throwing away of, fa(JQ of this hil and from tlQ firsfc
money. Listen to this last telegram tQ thQ lasfc the distanCQ ag orQW
you sent mo and tell me what yon flieg fa not mor8 than half a mile,
think of it, viewing it m the light of The Kejsh miaQf wW(Jh fa tfao on
common sense: J onQ WQrked on ft j gcalQ Qr
"Dear Robert Come directly op to tho - ,t, . . c
honse from the depot. I have invited soma vigor, produces the greater part of
friends for 7 o'clock dinner. Joey had a tooth the turquoises at present sent to
extractedyesterday. Your CjJJj I market. It is 'near the top of One of
"Of course I was glad to see our tbe highest ridges,. at an altitude of
friends at dinner, and it was air nboat 000 feet above sea level. The
rightabout Joey's tooth, butlshould entrance is a hollowed out cave,
havo armreciated ifc Inst na irrach if about 12 yards across, with a vertical
hadn't wasted so mnnh monov
j. t- -
in telling me about it. I don't mind
tho money so much, but I do hate to
give it to the telegraphic company.
Hereafter, Caroline, when you find
it necessary to send a telegram, limit
your message to ten woras. it s a
very easy matter to express yourself
With that number of words if you ' Pps. nia was ruueeu uy a
only think so " I ti,ird ruan unhooked, emptied
Then Mr. Blodeett went to St. ' and reattached it. The other two
Louis on business. He had been men removed their feet, and tbo bag
there three days and had pushed bis Vfent down with a rnn som9 40 feefc
schemes so energetically that a : where tbree otber, eu wf e s
meeting with several gentlemen at larly engaged on a ledge m tho shaft
tho Planters' hotel on tho evening of The mine itself is 80 or 90 efc from
the fourth day would, in all proba- snrfiice. The miners first de
bility, bring tho deal to u successful . SC8nd by means of a narr7 diaS
issue. Several hours before the time nal tael, and then scramble down
of his appointment ho received a tel- j tho I0UGh sldes of the sbaft- ,
egram from Mrs. Blodgett, It read: ! At tbe moatb of fJ6' ?hch
"Fire Sam frightened Joey badlv
hurt no one escaped uninjured."
Mr. Blodgett pored over the un
punctuated message for several min
utes. It was a decided puzzle. At
last his anxious mind evolved this
out of tho ohaos:
"Eire. Sam frightened. Joey bad
ly hurt. No one escaped uninjured."
Then his fatherly heart was trou
bled at the thought of his little boy's
lying at death's door and the wife
of his manhood passing into eternity
without his being there. He hastily
scribbled notes of explanation to his
business associates and took the first
train for Chicago.
His pulse throbbed wildly and
tears coursed down his oheeks as ho
neared his home, and when he saw
that the house, at least externally,
was notdamaged.a prayer of thanks
giving ascended on high and he hop
ed things were not quite so bad as
represented. He let himself in and
hurried up stairs. His wife was in
her room. He clasped her in his arms
and wept aloud.
"Thank heaven you are not badly
hurt!" he cried. "Where are the.
"Out in the yard playing," she
said. "Why, what on earth ails
"Out playing so soon?" he said,
i'What did you mean by this?" And
he gave her the telegram,
"Why, just what it says," she re
plied. -Fire. Sam frightened Joey
badly, Hurt no one. Escaped unin
jured.' If I hadn't wished to confine
myself to ten words I should have
said that the fire was around the
corner, that Sam frightened Joey
with a new false face, and that all
escaped uninjured, butl had to leave
out words. I thought you'd under
stand it all right." Chicago Trib
une. England's High Place In Modern Art,
Whatever may be the shortcom
ings of the British school of paint-,
ing, it can scarcely be denied that
the roll of its artists contains many,
names distinguished not only
among the artists of their own
country, but among the artists pf
the world. To take pnly three pf the
greatest Hogarth, h$ satirical re
flector pf society "Reynolds, tho por
trait painter; Turner, the master of
landscape in what other modern
schools shall we find their parallels?
It would bo rash to prophesy that
the name of Millais will rank in the
estimation of posterity as the peer
of these his great precursors, but it
may at least bo said that ho is as
thoroughly national and original as
any of them and that in simplicity,
sincerity and powor he will hold
his own with the best Cosmo
Monkhouse in Scribner's.
"Who is ih&i man' who calls on
you so frequently?" asked tho rn
pertihont friend.
1 "He's an inventor. "-
'.'Indeed! Vhathas he invented?"
"Oh, ever so. many things."
"Any of them practical?"
"Yes," was the answer with some
hesitation, "he has had a good deal
of success in inventing reasons why
I should lend him anything from 50
cents to $5." Washington Star.
Ires Pills
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen &.
Co , Chicago, and get a free saup e box
..fDr. King.B New Life Pills A trinl
will convince you of ther m rite. The?e
pills are easy m action and are particu
larly effective in the cure of consitpa
tion and sick head ache. For ilalaria
and liver troubles they h.avebeen proved
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deletertious
Ftibstnoc and to be pue!y vegetable
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
siza 25c per box. Sold by A. P. Streitz
druggist. 1
: 3Ictho.N by Which the Stone
- .1 : ,i : i.
auuit bomo uyaiua iu umiuvivr.
men were reclining at tho mouth of
this shaft with their baoks against
the wall of the cave, and turning
with their bare feet a riokety wood
en wheel, which brought up the de
bris from below in a small sheepskin
- ba holding no moro than a peck
IS ou luu Iujpnuu;, musiuu, mil u
dozen men wero seated close togeth
er on a ledge, breaking with small
hammers tho fragments of rock as
they were brought up from below.
When a turquoise was discovered, it
was placed on one side in its rough
state, incased in rock, and sent to
Meshed. Unfortunately, though the
mine is very productive and the
turquoises of good shape, their color
soon goes Since the Abdur Rezai
mine fell in it may be said that the
stones of perfect shape and color are
very rarely found. But, though real
ly good turquoises are rare, there is
abundance of imperfect and bad
stones, which are eagerly bought,
for all the orientals prize them, and
the very poorest like to possess even
a green and spotted one set in a tin
ring. It is more than likely, howev
er, that the hill contains an abun
dance of good stones. Some of those
now found look excellent at first,
but tho color in most cases soon
fades, or a green tinge is developed,
or spots appear on them. Some of
these white spots can only he detect
ed at first with a glass and then as
a mere speck, but in time they may
expand and spread right across the
stone. The color of most faded tur
quoises can be temporarily revived
by dampness. In Mesbed no one
would dream of buying a turquoiso
of good color without possessing it
first for some days, for it is tho most
treacherous of precious stones. Tho
turquoises, as soon as they are cut
in Meshed, are nearly ail sold at once
for export, and their price in tho
town rises at least 1,000 percent.
Somo years ago one could obtain in
Meshed good turquoises of perfect
shape, fine color, fair size and with
out a flaw for a few shillings each.
Turquoises are at present far cheap
er at Tiflis and Constantinople thai;
at Meshed, and at those towns one
might perhaps find somo of good,
color which have been in stock for
years. London Times.
A Vegetable. Pistol.
The most remarkable instance of
this method pf scattering tho seeds
(shopping them from the pod) is af
forded by Hura crepitans, a hand,
some tree, native of the forests of
South Africa, The curious fruit of
this tree is a somewhat flattened,
deeply furrowed or fluted body,
made up of a circle of many cells,
each containing one seed. When tho
seeds are ripe, the cells open and ex
pel them with a loud report, like the
crack of a pistol. Hence the fruit is
Eometime3 called the "monkeys' din
ner bell."
Stories have been told of hura
fruits being placed in desks and sub-.
sequently opening and discharging
their seeds with such violenceas tQ
"frreak ink wells and even to crack
he wood of the desk Thomas H.
Kearney Jr. in St. Nicholas,
Tho Eoy'a Idea,
Little Boy (pointing to window of
India rubber shop) What are those?
Mamma Those are diving suits,
made of india rubber, so that tho
diver won't get wet.
Little Boy I wish I had one.
Mamma What for, my dear?
Little Boy To wear when you
wash mo. London Fun.
A member of the exneditionarv-
.. . r
force on board Dr. Hansen's vessel,
the Fram, has stated that in the
highest latitude reached by this fa
mous ship guillemots, fulmars and
parwbals were seen, but no other
organio life.
Shepherds say that the wool of
the sheep furnishes an excellent in
dication of weather changes. When
it it is crisp, there will be no rain,
Wbea it is limp and feels very soft
to the touch, a storm is imminent.
Accommodating. f .
Castomer-Waitcr, I can't get on with
this lobster. It's'na hard a3 flint.
Walter Beg pardon, sir. A slight mis
take. That's tho papier macho lobster ous
of the showcase. Shall I change it? Answers.
An Old Saw Bevised.
There's many a slip
'Twixt the cap and the Up,
But the slipj ere moro certain to follow
If tho cup meets tho lip
And tho lip takes the sip
That goes just ahead of the swallow.
Cleveland Leader.
Lame Excuse.
She Onco yon vowed that I was tha
sunshine of ycur life. Now you stay oul
night nfternight.
He Er why I don t expect sunshine
nicer aarK. tnamuapoiis Journal.
Is There?
Tell me, jo wandering winds .
That soon will chill and gnaw mc,
Is tbero a place whero no cno sln3
"Just tell them"
New York Gonday World.
One AdrantagG of Heine; Microbe.
"Now, Johuny, tell us ail yon roniein
bex of what I said about microltos. "
"Yea'jn. Yon said it didn't hurt 'em
nono when they gits shut up in foldin
bods. Chicago Record.
Another Hold Up.
"Throw np yonr hands!' I harshly said.
We lingered by the stair.
Her hands flw high above her head.
I Idsded her then and there.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Getting; On.
Bingo How is the new cook doing?
Mrs. Bingd Splendidly. Why, she has
only been here three days and she can al
ready ride my wheel quita nicely. New
York Herald.
A Uaery.
Twinkle, twinkle, litilo starl
Havo yon bikt-s cp Tvhcro you nre?
And arc prices iu tho sky.
As open the earth, so hich?
Cleveland Loader.
S100 Beward, 2100.
The readers of this paper will be
phased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been ab?e to cure in all its -stages, and
lhat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to the med
ical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti
tutional disease, requiresa constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curp is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blond
and mucous surfaces of the system,
'hereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
hy building up tbe constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that thoy offer one
hundred dollars for any case that it fails
o cure, bend for list of testimonials.
Address, P. J. Chenev & Co.
Tole-lo, O.
Sold by all druggist', 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
In search of a good cigat
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge,
Claude WeioKiod,
Coa! Oil,
Gas Tar,
And Crude Petroleum.
Leave orders at office
in Broeker's tailor shop.
Merchant Tailor
A well assorted stock of foreign
and domestic piece goods in
stock from which to select.
Perfect Fit.
k A A A A A AAA tfk AAAA A A X Afl
A A ft ,
Plumber, Tinwoiter
General Repairer.
Special attention given to
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
mi fhi:
1 $2&&kp plE
r Get
i f Your
I Christmas J
gk Gifts
Ip two ounce bag, and two
tj coupons inside each four
ilj ounce bag of Blackwell's
U Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and renrl tTif rnnnnn
gSgs - rw"
Pg which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
ZDIa.rra.nta, Spectacles.
T) entsclie Apoth.eke
Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.
We aim to handle tlic T3est Grades of
Goods, sell tliem at Reasonable
K'iures, and Warrant JbG very thing -?
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific railway respectfully solicited.
fOld. "7s3l Doran Statolo.) -
r iKIfll: TJTL - ll w-
"NorthweFt corner of Courthouse square.
Fcr Hcrse Cattle, Shesp, Dogs, sLoss.
500 Pase Book on Treatment of Aniraala
and Chart bent Free.
A.A.J bpinal JIcDincitls.Uink Fever.
strains, jUaracneas, Bhennatisau
C.CDIsteraper, Kasal Discharges.
J).D. Dots or Grabs, Worms.
K.K. Con eh, Heaves, Pneumonia
JF. Colic or Gripe. Bellyache.
(.G Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
H.H. Urinary aad Kidney Diseases
J.I Ernpiive DHeases, Mange.
J.K. Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis.
Single Cottle (over 50 dosesX - - .60
Stable Case, -with Specifics. MacoaL
Veteriiiary Cure Oil and UedicUor, S7.0O
Jar Veterinary Cars Oil, - - 1.00
EI4 fr7P'u;tHi; er rzi prepaid jiuead tsssy
quality n rcttipt cf price.
HCHFUBETS JED. CO., 111113 ITO&ia St., SewTorfc.
la en 20 yean. Tha csly reccegjful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
&sd Prostration, frora over-work or ether cassaa.
$1 per vial, or 6 tiala sad. Urge vil powder, for $5.
Sold lj Drac;bu,or kci peuptldoa receipt of pries.
imPII KETS 3KS. C8., 1 1 X fc 1 1 3 IfllSaa SC, 5w Taf
Wanted-Hn Idea
TTbo caathiaJr
or some shnpk
thlO to TMlATltX
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