The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 27, 1896, Image 1
-5 I - ' T Yol. in ffOETR PLA1TE, MBRASKA, FRIDAY EYMSG, WFEMBER 2?, 1896, 10. 99. an JJlortn V Siaui ilivl! - We hstYB got to make room imimeiSiSe rime of Fall Goods an( peteon -will sell all of our goods at marvel jams low prices Slower than &vez kuovm in es&ei2st efcrasska. -a W-1S No We positively will . allow no one to widersell us. Comparison solicited. Goods fegaly shown. SUB MTH IB A WEBER & VOU-MER. No. 3496 M 'First National Bank, I i -- CAPITAL, - 50,000.1 M SFRpWJS, $22,500.1 I P p A Vke-Pres L J J SS? A-rttellpNaii - Cashier. jEj "-"'iP geaerai Banking- business I lie 1 1 EE THE XAME ON THB LEG. Iftou are ijosted you Gancor be deceived. We imte in , lAT SOLD 0XLY BY 10 posr you. A I H AIC e Great m 0nly Hardware Man JL liA ? IQ9 vq jjincoln Go. that no one Owes. full Line of ACORX STOVES AND STOYE -PIPE. ELBOWS. GOAL T - etc. at Lowest Prices on Record. If ORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. miEST- SAMPLE 100M M HOEEE PMTIE Having restted our rooms in the finest of sfcyleT the public is invited, to eslt aad see us, insuring caarteons treatment. Finest Winas, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. r bili&trji hall is supplied with the best make of fcabTga arid p.onpeierfdendantj KEITH'S BLOOfaV OPPOSITE Slaughter! Slaughter! for our for that i our Lnance! PROPS. no Use! You can't find in these United States the Egual of the G-eiiaipe Beckwitk Round Oak. Yau maj try; youll get left. Semember, its fhe combination of good points tbftt iaafees the Perfect StOYe. That's where we get the IMITATIONS. hey an't sfeeai the whole store. They steal one thing and think they haye it all, but it FAILS. They bnild another. It fails. SriH they jeei on crying srood as the EOUND iOAK. Some neculiar merchants say thev have : 1 1 Tmr-t' rrr r - 1 Trrvo rrrr r r lii Uti 4 4 9 1VU -L U, HODS, ZINC BOARDS, will all vonr wants. x'HE UKLQK PACIFIC DEPOT Born to Mr. -and Mrs. Henry Ehlers. a. baby. C H. Horn has a new horse barn in course of erection. Dr. McCabe attended Mrs. Galla gher in her last Illness. Skating" parties were ail the go during the moonlight nights. A new brick barn is being erected at Ft. McPherson cemetery Miss Mary Hanrahan well "spend the next two weeks in. Lexington. Miss Minnie Etchison of Suther land will make her home here for a time. Miss Pearl Snyder- contemplates going to -North Platte for the win ter. John McCnlLough is building" a Lseven room house at his ranch on the island. Considerable hay is being" shipped from here by the Plumer firm and Peter Burke. Geo. W. Roberts has replaced his f barn that was destroyed bv fire some time ago. Mrs. E. Kayser and Mrs. H. O. Evans spent Saturday with their mother, Mrs. J. Snyder. . Mrs. John Murray and Mr. Lyuck. of North Platter came down to the funeral services of Mrs. Gallagher. Died Mrs. James Gallagher. 85 years of age. at the home of her daughter Mrs. John McCulIough at ten o'clock-Saturday morning". She was- born in Granada. County Longford, Ireland, and came to this country in the 60s with her husband, who died in 1S74. She leaves three daughters. Mrs. John McCulIough, Mrs Jane Cavauaugh. of Denison. Iowa, and Mrs. John Burke of Bpneher, Nebraska. Mrs. Gallagher was loved and respected by a-lt who knew her. and we all feel that a dear friend has gone. Father McCarthy celebrated mass at II a. m. Monday and funeral services were held at 2 o'clock the same day. Interment was in private graveyard at Maxwell. SOadSSIIT SHAP SHOTS. Winter seems to have arrived in earnest. Corn gathering- is in full blast these davs. Wm Griffith spent Saturday at home, EK Ridgley, of North Platte, is picking corn for A. Green. D. E. Joiinf is picking" corn for J. H. Knowles, The section merrare burning" fire guards along the railroad which is much needed, as the heavy growth of grass makes OUS- fires verr danger- Wm. Jolliff is now chief engineer on Cecil Tuell's huckster route. Mrs. C A. Davis and children, of North P'latte, are visiting" her father, A. Green. A night school is reported to be the attraction at the McDennott school house this winter. Cecil Tneli transacted business at Dickens Tuesday. T, A. McGmre returned Monday after a two years' absence in Ar kansas, A nice bunch of cattle are being; fed "for" market at the McConnet ranch. Wiley Matthews and wife will fdeparl' shortly for,' an extended visit in Illinois O. I. C The Omaha Bee of last even- mg saysr Last night's .storm proved, to be most severe, and there is not a railroad in Nebraska that did not suffer deleterious effects in consequence. - Telegraph poles by the hundred and telegraph wire bv the mile went down during; the night. The wires became coyerecl with a heayy cpatnfr of sleet, and twhei; the wnd t came along- and steadily swayed the wires to and fro they could not stand the vibra tion, with their increased weight and just went d.awn jn a heap. The rails also became covered with sleet and their slippery condition caused the wheels of the locomotive and coaches to slip and slide along- de laying' all the trains this morning-. The Union Pacific this mornin" found over 300 of its telegraph poles between Columbus and Kearney measuring their length, on the snow covered, ground. It is needless to add that all telegraphic caramnci cafclan between these points was suspended. West of Kearney there was. not set much trouble; although the wires were pretty well tangled. The poles remained upright, how ever, and the wires did not fall down. At 1 oclock this afternoon the telegraph department reported fthatiie - worst trouble was between ScSrrv&rasS and ElaCreek. Inim gangs of men have been sent out f . i i 2 i IT 7 t 7 ouperint.eiiucu. xsjulcj nuui. era! stations along" that part of the line, and it is said at headquarters that all the wires will be in working" i condition by to-morrow morning. It will take several days, though. to put the telegraph department in as ffood condition as it was before the storm, ST&33 asws: Between forty and "fifty cars of r celery were shipped -from Kearney this season.- The. Hub figures the output at S14,40r The constitutionality of the sugar bounty law was .argued be fore the supreme court Thursday. It is expected the court will hand down an opinion without delay. J. F. Bohlken, a citizen of Tal mage, killed himself with a No. 12 shot guru He was subject to fits and concluded it better to fir to ills he knew not of than to endure those he had. Herman Faulk, of Scott precinct, Buffalo county, has been found guilty of manipulatind election re turns so as to elect himself assessor. The jury in the case was out but a few minutes. Robert W. Furnas, the versatile secretary of the Nebraska State Fair association has- been chosen president of the American associa- j tion of state fairs and expositions ! at its Chicago meeting. ! George S. Williams, who was i convicted of the murder of Charles j A. Smiley at Fairbury, was sen tenced" by Judge StulP to imprison ment in the penitentiary for twelve years. On the first trial his term in prison was fixed at thirteen years, A negro. burgiaF confined in the Falls City jail knocked down the jailer's son when he came with bread and water to feed him, and made his escape- Theotherprison ers escaped in a similar manner not long" ago and this probably accounts for Richardson county going" poc,o eratic. Jonn D, Oninley. .postmaster at Springfield, reported a few days ago that while in Omaha he was robbed of 5460, -nf winch $366 be longed to Uncle Sam- An inspector went out to investigate the matter and Ouimley will have an oppor tunity to go more into details with the grand jury. Oscar B. Htllis. clerk of the United State circuit court for Min nesota, has been decided upon by the circuit judges as the successor of Elmer D. Frank, who resigned as clerk of the United States cir - cuit court forNebraska.a few weeks agn. There were fifty-one aspir ants, mostly from Omahav HilKs will move from SL Paul to Omaha. An Omaha court has decided an i important case involving the coilec-! shakeii hanfe with aB the bunqnet ton of hie insurance of a suicide ! u-a , -.i tu John H- Hopewell.- The noiicr holder was a member of the Knights of Pythias and had a policy in the Endowment rank which provided that the policy shoald qe farfitred in case of sui cide whether it should be volnn- 4.arT Qr Juy-QjTjntnj-r- Wu-Te J . - . - H' sane or insane. A decree ior the full not- f icy was ordered. A great squash that filled a bushel basket was a present re ceived by:-Bresidqn t-Brejt McKin Iey Thursday, a gift from Colonel eharles Worker of Blaine precinct. Pierce county. Nebraska. Accom panying the squash was a clipping from the Pierce Call, which ex plained that the squash had been grown in the only precinct in Pierce ; county which gave McKmley a raa- pnty. Averse was scratched on 1'thesquasrn the last line of which reads: Early in November I shall make ilcKIaley pies." The official presidential vote in this state is now ooen to the inoec- tion of the public Republicans will find nothing- discouraging- in a study of the returns and comparison with the vote or four years ago. It is true that McKiniev was beaten in ! Nebraska by 13.060 votes, but his total of 103.565 is a gain of 600 OTer the vote received by Harrison. The Bryan, vote oi 115.625 is a. gain of only .000 over the combined vote cast for Cleveland and Weaver. The republicans will come out ahead in the next rounp up.- -State Journal. MECCA CATAKKH: EEMEDY. Far eclds in the bead and treatment j of catarrhal troubles this preparation has afforded prompt relief; with, its- cor- tinned use the most stubborn cases of power. It is made 'from concentrated catarrh, nave vieided to its hnlm-. iuerai vorapouna ana pseessea all or its i Eoothing anf? healing, properties and bv abscrbtion reaches all the inflamed 1 parts eSected by that disease. Price 50 c PrepbyThe-Fbeter Mfg Grj uauncuDicE3,iowa, x or sale by JL. r Streitz. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, Taesday Dec, ij THE LAUGHING FESTIVAL 'TOWN TOPICS, The Funniest Farce-Comedy-ever written, presenting; the fa mous company of fun-makers, - The Bpoafeaij Cagediani. - behlu wm. mmim i esse Secure Your Seats Early. QOEE TE ACi" TEEGK Passenger an a freight col ON PARALLEL TRACKS. JOE Ttro 2Ien Silled and ascorrof lave Saved Ty Almost a Ciuualty-Occnrs on the Pennsylvania Hallway Enlaci and Fireman Crukeji to Death. New Yoek-Not. 26. Tha engine, baggage andrmail ears of the southern express framPkrrida on: thePemisylvarda railway were thrown from tfee traaks ac 2Tew Brunswick. J., early tins morn ing he engmesr and nremnn were, in stantly kiTted urtd threa men were in jured, one badhr. The three sleepers, ! which, with the ears indicated, made up the train , did noc leave the-rails. The accident was caused "by the "breaking at err axle ana ear of a fref grhp train hiea was passing south on another track. The ear swung out irom its place and struck the forward end o the passenger train, knockiajr tfceepste and two cars down an embankaaeisd. ZS"one of the passengers were hurt. The names of the men kiffed are: Jos. il. EA&AX. Philadelphia, eniiwt. H. "W. CmcHESTER-Jerscj- City. IrreraaB, One of the injured, Joha ilysrs had his baeklirokea and will probacy die. The accident ojcurred at 5:10 this f menrnirig at TVIflo Juacaoa, a pJace just outside or the limits of 2tew Bcunswics. Both trains were esfestfeound. rrmrang ea parallel tracks, and not in opposite di rections, as previocsry stated. 1 Bryan UaqwetetL. f Denver, 2sot, id. It was 2.ti skis roorniag when. ilr. Bryan finfeaed Ms I fpeech ar the "banquet of the Chamber or Commerce. At Z eleefc. af ;er kv- left the cisy for Pnebio ac SO. The Fcene in the hanquec hall at the end ef a speech by Congressman. Towne of ilin nesota. on "The Issue of 1800 was re markable. The chntax of his speech ia which he sgpke of Mr. Bryan as "the leader, of Ibmi. the victor trf ISOO'staned & great demonstration. Hen jamped on chairs and tables, snooted themselves jpcg waved handkerchiefs, and acted chairs and tables, shouted themselves generally as only wfldry enthusiastic men, stirred to a frenzy fcy burning eio auenee. can. ace Buffalo,. 2Tov. 24. Trouble feoke our between two factions of she Pe&k Cathohes at Depew aad a. so& sised : riot was the resabr. Knives, rocks oad f fists were used and at feae leiif a ooaeu men were badly isjaretL A isiaalwr of women were mixert p a sae hcbs. iiitrj ctrn iawre xcxwiouc una then- husoawfe. spvea arxesss were made. Itore croubie i esjecsed and a number of special pofixe hare been sworn in. , , Bant Supen for a-Short Time. fciocxiTAiXa. s- u., i. xjie Dakota Xasioeal h&itk. oaeof the oldest in ttn cifcv, tu. ajv tfjK-H. x ut uub matimisT- !Ehe tark will noc go into a ' receiver's-hasd. hut wiR fee ia ehacge of paid in rn-R wkMa three weete and ih bank wiS reopen Jor aesrtoss. The bank has a capital i sfifUNIO, a surpiss nf .1A IWMi f?TwJ daait i sr kt cnu&- mentr Oct. S or Prisoners IsrBtl to Dath. 2SIexa. Ark.2vov. 2. Thowu Casey. a does at one 01 me jaie?u jssyr jtss- Happy Hopkrse. & raikoad iioariims house man. were pox in jsSL here charsed with beias: dratik. Thev a- ! , tempted, to bem their way osC and the ! lire got beyond control and bursed the j bu3diug:. They were ovanzosM Efia j names before they eould be rescuttdand I f tech men were burned t tfeath. 1 St earner T.annrli THairs Up. Ciiao, Uh., 5bv. 4- The steam laxmch 2az on wMck C. Bryan, J- M. 1 tcheB J. X. Peterson and DanM -j wuswu 1 take a pleasure trip to 2ew Orleans, Hew up here. J. 3EteheH and C. j Brvun were-on beard aadtheGthertwoi ere on shore. Mdieli is dyin? and ! Brvan is seriocr scalded. The other ' , " . ' IT WOULD BE : WASTED This painting- of store news, if we -did. .not: live up to and .do a little more than we promised, in our iads." The- public knows when they see a statement m one ' of otrr store an Hotmcemeiits that it is true to a letter. ""We have "built up this handsome business by treating- people rightv and always doing more than oar promises lead them, to expect- We quote below some of the prices -rekich. are makinsr the. t. - it store known and talked about ttatcu. Aiyac luxi axticie you Tnri?Tl -ff-r?rT Tram, j a ucic xi. juu cumc, zluxi zll a. less poce rnri you ex pect to pay. If you are not already a customer of ours, this' week is a good time to become one. 1 OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Regular 25 and 30 cent Cashmeres, in black and colors, at ' 19 cents per vard. f All our Fleeced Goods go at 10 cents- per vard. Zephyr 5 cents per skein in ail colors. Saxony in white and' " black at 5 cents, high colors 6 cents. German Knitting- Yarn in all colors at 15 cents per skeirr.' Ice wool, large balls, 12 cents each. - Good machine thread, except Cferk!sr. spools for ig cents. Feather Boas from 25 cents" rip. Cotton. 5 ets and up pr roll Satin and gros grain ribbon No. 2 5 and 7 at 5 cents pr ydi. Children's Tarn O'Shanters at 15 cents each. Lamb's wool Insoles, gent's and fedies" size, 25 cents.. Children's size 1 ; cents. it Wehave a large assortment oTChiM's aetural" wool under- " t Wear from I.t tO no Cents. We afeo rtfTVf n Terro- t; nf Trrr- T derwear for ladies aad s en tl em - &nc kittens is compiete. SHOE DEFARWIENT YA LK INTO OUR STORE A ND WALK OUT IN OUR SHOES: That is about the best advice we can give you if yotr need' Shoes. Why? Because good advice benefits a person, and this will benefit you if yon heed it. In no other stare in this city will yoa be more carefuily and correctly, fitted. Below we give yon. a few of our prices. Ladies Fine Dongola Kid SI. 50 per pair; every pair "warranted: to give satisfaction.. Children's School Shoes, from 8 to 12 at $1.00;, Srom 13 to 2 at SI 25. These shoes are not paperor pressed leather, they are solid. Infant's shoes 15 cents per pair. Baby Moccasins in tan and ox blobcL verylatesC at 40 and 50 cents per pair. Yours for Business, I r KTOEAEDS BEOS. The fcka!f and a!F" organs afij -want ilcKinley to know that! sound money is sixteen times more ! i sa po riant than protection-" Bat Trehave sound money.and it is going at of the treasury frota S6-XG(50 to S10.00Q,X)0 per month in a deficit, because of a lack of protect ioa. To stop the deficit wiM bean imperative Erst dutv. It was a principle of j the pfetform upon which McKiaiey i was elected that was as prominent j as. sound money. It will keep the money sound, and the treasury also. Inter Ocean. . Balkrd Snow I This iBTahiabie remedy is one t&at osht to be m eerv hese bold. It wiS core yocr rbeamaSisin, neeralgia. t , .u . 3 . I 7l(iKrCf bURf Ul UKU. miW K voe a lame back i will eore it. t i; penetrates to the seat ot the deease. j It vsrfll core stiff joints aad contracted I j mosoies after all other remedies have ( failed Thoee who have been cripples . for have Balfanfe SoOW Lin- . r tBtefS- aai thrown awav their crutches! : aad been aoie to walk as well as ever, f 1 xi wim core oa. xtscs -)" eeEts. ooc j by 'ortfi Ptatte Phariaacy, J. C. BeshT ' Maaager. J. F. FILLION, i er, lift e General Bepairer. Special attention gi-en, to 11s mm WHEELS TO RENT ! p3 lifrlJltPn Ifl IflPS SJJit Who eaE. ttfcJr of iace tixats ! "rite j5hx wzDDtHijBs '& caSAzmz .urorl agy. W-irt Ngam. D. Cte- their 3LSJ prise- oCer ' ml1 " 1 Phi) mi 1. EFFORTS i3 more and more. You mv not wisn to- Buy, Dtitit s sate to sav i i i. "r " r , r en. Our assortment of Gloves f 1 I THE FAIR. Hi 0L.L W . 3 mm neupOi DEALER DJ Coa! Oil, Gasoline, Gas Tar, And Crude Petroleum. Leave orders at office in Breeder's tailor shop. GEO. NAUMA1TS SIXTH STKEET MEAT MARKET. Mftafs at wholesale and TTft- tall. Fish and Game in- season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. MECCA COMPOUND So zrezc 3re its Hofag Pawra. 1- ,! wit&alifrssaci. Fas Ss -Wfi.r JST rt K 9Dm SArrh In -arm i.k. 1iwt icerc r-ra sarc& Wiswrtui 1 ' odrasr all ItnMt at mtm ik ui-- oare i nt- Sur Wester V fi; i. Ceas- FOR bAIiE BY A. F. STRKEEZL ef Mmiitmtw. famimat Emitting. .7wnin i it JPW fiiHinim, WOsersgi, lata of Mmmj.Ss, XU? T .ifirj ML Sold by North Platte Phaxmacv. J. H. Bash, Manager 1