The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 06, 1896, Image 3

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Ongrescninn Charles Curtis cf Trmplm
has some Indian blood in iiis "veins.
The fencing championship of German-:
has been won by Dr. Edward 23rcck of the
Boston Fencing club.
Half a century t- "Tids the nnRtmnr or
tne licr. fa. a. Winkley, Tnitarian, at
Bulfinch Place chapel, Boston.
Peter Beets, James Bean aid Daniel
Mustard are on the national pension roll
close to John Ham, Thomas Tongue and
Da-rid Glutton.
Keports that Mark Hanna is unapproach
abla do iiim an injustice. He likes good
wine, good cigars, good dinners and, "best
of all, good stories.
3r. Leonard Courtney, Trho was a prom
inent candidate for the speakership of the
house of commons two years ago, is threat
ened with total blindness.
Barney Iiloyd of Charlestown, W. Ta.,
is the last surviving member of the crand
jury which in 1859 indicted John Brown
for Invasion and inciting insurrection.
John ilackay, the California mining
millionaire, has ordered in Greenwood
cemetery, .New Tork, the erection of a
-1 00,000 mausoleum over the grave of his
The chancellor of the exchequer, Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach, has resolved to sell
his Wiltshire estate, to the great regret of
his tenants and the inhabitants of the
John Warwick, the telegraph superin
tendent of the Midland railway of Eng
land, who died recently, was the inventor
of the block Eystem, used on many Euro
pean railways.
John Drew is an expert horseman and
rarely lets a pleasant day pass, no matter
how pressing rehearsals and social duties
may be, without a gallop in Central park
when in New Tork.
Li Hung Chang decorated A. E. La
land c, the traveling passenger agent of the
Canadian Pacific railway who accompa
nied him through Canada, with the Chi
nese order of the Double Dragon.
Sylvanus Dodge Locke, who recently
died in Hoosick .Falls, N. Y., was the in
ventor of tho first grain binding machine.
He was for many years connected with the
Walter A. Wood company of Hoosick Falls.
Tho Bev. Joseph Parker of London has
coined the word "neodoxy" to designate
the present theological attitude of Eng
land, which, he says, is neither orthodoxy
nor heterodoxy, but a disposition to revel
in novelties and to make progress without
-any definite idea of the goal to be striven
Tho tallest man in tho English aristoc-
xasy with the possible exception of the
Duke of Somerset is the young Duko of
Leeds, known as "England's gin duko,"
from the fact that he is an activo member
of the firm of Holland & Co., makers of
the famous gin. He is said to be the wit
tiest man in the house of lords.
Mr. J. Murrle, who claims to be the in
ventor of a successful aerial machine, is a
master engineer at Cranston Hill, Glas
gow. Ho speaks with the utmost confi
dence of his machine, which lias occupied
him for 15 years. He says that it is a very
great departure in aerial navigation and a
big revelation in n particular lino.
Hadrian was the first Eoman emperor
to wear a beard.
Henry III of Germany had a complexion
so dark that he might easily have been
mistaken for a negro.
Mary, gueen of England, was noted in
her own timo for an exceedingly sharp
nose and keen, almost haggard, features.
Alexander the Great had a large mole on
tho right sido of his neck. It was regarded
by his contemporaries as a sign of good
Jaropolk, one of the early kings of Bus
sia, had only about half a lower jaw, the
remainder having been cut off by a saber
stroko during a fight with the Turks.
Abbas II of Persia had a fancy for wear
ing a red turban, and as it was over 3 feet
in height and nearly 2 in diameter the
majesty of Persia was somewhat conspicu
ous wherever he went.
Peter IV of Aragon was said by a French
embassador who visited his court to be
the most ceremonious man in Europe. "He"
could dow lower without falling down
than any man I ever saw. "
Louis XIV, spoken of by his contempo
raries as a man of majestic stature, was of
only medium height. When the royal
tombs of St. Denis were violated during
the revolution, tho body of this monarch
was craggea out wun tne rest anu aiscov-
. . . . . - -.
ered to "be only u feet 6 inches.
The mummy of one of the Tothmcs some
.years ago excited the curiosity of antiqua
rians by an appearance similar to that of
metal in tho mouth. An examination
showed that the king had a set of artificial
teeth, the plate being made of wood and.
brass knobs or buttons serving tho purpose
of upper teeth. St. Louis Republic
Mr. Israel Zangwill is writing a series ot
stories which will deal with tho old Jewish
Ghettos of tho past.
Of Mr. S. R. Crockett's forthcoming
aiovel, "The Grey linn," 35,000 copies
have already been subscribed for, and of
"The Murder of Delicia," 34,000 copies
cf the 38,000 printed as a first edition were
already bespoken on the eve of publication.
Dr. Conan Doyle distinguished himself
-in the recent cricket match in London be
tween the Authors' club and the Press
club. The creator of Sherlock Holmes
scored 101 runs against 82 by the entire
opposite side. Among his fellow players
were J. M. Barrie and Frankfort Moore.
"Chauropanchasika, an Indian Love
Lament," translated from an old Sanskrit
manuscript, is Sir Edwin Arnold's latest
effort in verse. It is to bo published in
facsimiles of the author's manuscript, he
having transcribed as well as translated
the text and adorned it with illuminations
of his own.
Whether the college football
or loses, it always has a kick
team wins
New Tork World.
What's this? Columbia not to have a
football team? What sort of a university
Is this? Boston Herald.
Tho college football schedules arc long
enough to suggest an annex to most of the
hospitals in the cities where the games will
be played. Pittsburg News.
The footballBeasonis with usonceagaint
and we are reminded that many people all
over the country will soon be in a stato of ,
arnica. Kansas Citv Times. !
The Indian football team at the Carlisle I
KhooL Pennsylvania, is one of the best in ,
the country. This means either that tho
Indian readily adapts himself to civiliza- !
- w fnnrlwll i not a civilized ,
game. Boston Transcript.
Marvelous Besnlts.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
derman, of Dimondale, Micb., we are per
mitted to make this extract: UI have
'no hesitation in recommending Dr.King's
New Discovery, as the results were al
most marvelous in the case of my wife.
While I -was pastorof tbeBaptistChnrcb
at Rives Junction she was brought down
with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe.
Terrible paroxysms of coughing would
last hours with little interruption and it
seemed as it she could not survive them.
A,friend recommended Dr. King's New
. -Discovery; it was quick in its work. n&
highly .satisfactory in . results. 'Trial
prattles free at A.F. Sireitz's Drug- Store.
Regular sire SO cerit5,ria'ro:a
7n Tnrltri mmr cnn fc rrrlniwl rrr th n
of .11 boilers, the juice being poured from
one ix another until it has become a stiff
' The sugar found in walnuts, hazelnuts
and almonds is cf emetlv the same kind
as that which exists in the juice of the
sugar cane.
It appears, from statistical reports that
the world now consumes twice as much
sugar as it did in 1870 and four times as
much as in 1S50.
The Russian manufacture of sugar from
beet root was begun in the province of
Tulla in 1S11, the year before the great
French invasion.
Fashions prevail as much in candies as
in hats, and it is a singular fact that dif
ferent kinds of candy are fashionable in
different localities.
It is said by statistical authorities that
in the brewing and malting business in
this country nearly 100,000 tons of sugar
are annually employed.
In 1867 the consumption of sugar in the
United States was 24.1 pounds per head of
population. In 1894 the consumption had
increased to CO. 4 pounds.
Before 1S50 Bussia, Belgium and Hol
land produced no beet sugar. Now these
countries are important factors in the sug
ar markets of the world.
In 1847, Marggraf, a chemist, of Berlin,
discovered that the red l'-eet has 4.6 per
cent of sugar, and that the juice of the
white beet contained 6.2 per cent.
Gum drops a few years ago were the
most fashionable variety of candy, hut
dealers spoiled the trade by putting brandy
and. other forms of alcohol in them
The first important manufactory nf beet
sugar was established in Prussia a little
before the year 1816. In that year 1,400
tons of beet sugar were manufactured.
31edical authorities declare that tho glu
cose employed in the manufacture of
cheap candies is unhcalthful, as a large
consumption of it tends to produce dia
The sugar cane was introduced into
America soon after the discovery, and its
cultivation rapidly spread over all those
parts of the new world adapted to its
growth. Now York Advertiser.
Lillian Bussell will not be heard in New
Tork until next Febrnary.
The Chicago critics rate J. E. Dodson a3
being far above John Hare.
Frank Carlyle is the highest priced actor
in tho employ of W. A. Brady.
H. A. Bar net has a distinction seldom
vouchsafed to even the greatest dramatists.
He is the happy and proud father of twins.
Elizabeth iiarbury has been reading
Sarah Beruhardt's new play to Fanny
Davenport. It is called 'La Duchesse
All of the New Tork critics unite in lav
ishing praise on John G. Sparks for his ad
mirable performance of the bibulous father
in "On Broadway."
Rosenthal, the great Roumanian pianist,
is practicing from eight to ten hours a day
to prepare his enormous repertory for his
coming American tour.
"Brian Boru," a romantic Irish opera,
by Julian Edwards and Stanislaus Stange,
had its first performance in Baltimore,
with a most successful result.
August Van Biene, the actor-musician,
sails lor this country on Oct. 24. He has
played "Tho Broken Melody"' over 1,000
times throughout the United Kingdom.
The eagerness of actors to play under
Fanny Davenport's management is evi
denced by tho fact that during tho past
summer she has received over 1,000 re
quests for engagements.
W. H. Batchellor wrote the music for all
the burlesques jiroduced by tho American
extravaganza company. Tiieso include
"The Crystal Slipper," "Aladdin, Jr.,"
"Bluebeard" and "Sindbad."
Upward of 4,000 corpses were
in France during 1895.
Prussian blue paint is made from the
ashes of the burned hoofs of horses.
Artusian wells were first sunk at Thebes
in the tin-e of Timerlon, about 2,000 years
before tho beginning of our era.
The original manuscript of tho "Book of
Mormon" is now in the possession of
George Schwoich of Richmond, Ray coun
ty, Mo. It is valued at $100,000.
A r irmnf ?ir n?n ttpm nvpntlr frti-. in
f w " - -'J
Pennsylvania scaled 8,033 feet of lumber.
It made 17 saw logs, none less than 12 feet.
and some 20 feet in length. The top end
of the hutt log was 5S inches in diameter.
Handel's organ, given by the composer
to the London Foundling hospital in 1750,
is being renovated. Handel played on it
himself at the dedication, when the crush
was so great that gentlemen were request
ed "to come without their swerds and la
dies without their hoops." A French doc
tor says that persons who attain their thir
tieth year without suffering from any seri
ous disease arc likely all things being
equal to live till they are at least 73 years
of ago.
Indian elephants cannot live in Central
Africa, lie l.on.o of a larger and more
hardy sr ccks.
A new ly discovered west African butter
fly spins a cocoon which resembles a mask
made fur a human face.
The hcncyrcc has three simple or single
eyes iiirancd in a triangle between the
two Icrgo or compound eyes.
There is a species of humming bird in
habiting tho isthmus of Panama that is
not larger than a cemmon horse lly.
It is recorded that a short time ago a full
grown weasel was found in the stomach of
a pike which had been caught at Hawick,
Were it not for the multitude of storks
that throng to Egypt every winter there
would lie no living in the country, for aft
er every inundation frogs appear in most
incredible numbers.
The girl who wears a hat at the theater
in New Tork thereby advertises herself as
"not in the swim.' Philadelphia Ledger.
The anti high theater hat crusade has
been renewed in nearly all the large cities
J of the country. It will probably result in
the usual manifestations, including ths
positive reiusai ox uie women 10 pay any
attention to it.-Chicago Tribune,
There is a growing impression that
women who persist in wearing high hata
at the. theater do so because their removal
during' the performance would reveal a
scantiness of hirsute covering that would
ho both awkward and shocking..- Phila-
delphia Press.
"Some people live on the installment plan.
: " It requires more sense to remain Eilent
than to talk. "
. Half of your worry today Is due la your
neglect yesterday. j 1 ,
"A woman who has passed 3Q thinks all
other young women rnusfc be-27 anyway. '
When you are angry, you are apt to be
.unfair with, the Jew jiatient friends you
have. " " . ;
When a marr - says he is a Bohemian,
people begin to -wonder if he pays his
debts;--- - - .
A man trying to borrow money would
not Wso"bad if it did. hot tfcs3xha o long
to coxae. around to. the point,-Atchteoft
GlobV . -
Mmc. Eulatile de Tilleroi, who died in
Philadelphia recently at the age of 97, w&
a niece of Stephen Girard.
Airs. Walter Wilkinson, who is said tc
bo the only woman commercial traveler in
Great Britain, is visiting in Chicago.
Miss Clara Barton has announced thai
she is willing to return to Armenia when
ever the situation may demand her serv
ices. The Duchess of Westminster is known
among her friends as an ardent cricketer,
and she is said to he in particular a bowlei
of some considerable skilL
Jiiss Clementia del Talesco, a New York
society belle and one of the wealthiest ol
South American heiresses, has taken the
veil In the Dominican order.
Miss Muriel Wilson, the daughter oi
"Tranby Croft" Wilson, is one of the beau
ties of the London season. She has jel
black hair, glorious eyes to match and at
olive skin.
Armenia agitation has brought to light
a descendant of the last Armenian kings
of crusading times. She is called the Prin
cess Christophorus Palaiologer-Niceforu-Comuenu.
According to gossip prevalent among
her acquaintances, the new Duchess oi
Marlborough has set her heart for the re
covery f orthe family of Marlborough house,
now the town residence of the Prince oi
At a recent meeting of the vestry of St
George's, Southwark, London, Miss A.
Elliot of Lancashire watf appointed sani
tary inspector to the vestry by 22 votes tc
16. There were 22 candidates, and she was
tho only woman.
The Countess of Annesloy is a famous
botanist and has a largo collection of rart
plants in her gardens, many of which she
obtained in the course of her travels. This
talented lady is also a fine musician, per
forming on several instruments with equal
Mrs. Joseph Char Jin is credited
with being almost as ambitious as hex
clever husband. She is a very charming
and a very beautiful woman, and since hei
marriage with the colonial secretary, eight
years ago, has won great social success in
Miss Henrietta Markstein of NewTork,
the famous and brilliant pianoforte artist,
is a plump, handsome woman, witty,
genial, generous and impulsive. Hei
shapely head is crowned with a wealth oi
Titian hair, which is particularly becom
ing to her style of beauty.
Mile. Anna Held rides, drives and
"bikes." She has a silver mounted wheel
which the Trafalgar Squure club presented
to her. She essayed to ride in London
wearing her Paris costume, butit wouldn't
do. "It was too naughtee," she said.
Sho now wears a skirt that hangs to hei
Mrs. Alexander, wife of the bishop ol
Deny, wrote one hymn which is widely '
known and admired "There Is a Green
Hill Far Away" and it is said that the
popularity of this hymn, having the effect j
of bringing her husband into notice, ob-
tained for him his elevation to an Irish
deanery. He was made bishop in 1867.
The number of persons born blind is 6c
to 1,000,000.
December is tho most fatal month in the
year for asthma.
In the cities of Germany there are 9,820,
000 population, of whom 257,000 die every
In most countries diphtheria has nearly
doubled tho number of its victims in 20
It is computed that there are in the
United States 48,900 blind and 33,900 deal
The average strength of the Union army
during the civil war was 431,000. The
average number of men in hospital was
The worst epidemic cf typhus fever ever
known was in Ireland in 1817 and 1818,
when there were 800,000 cases and 45,000
Since 1832, 148,000 persons have died in
Great Britain from cholera, 457,000 in
France, 351,000 in Germany, 507,000 in
Spain and Portugal, 1,118,000 in Austria
and 1,775,000 in Bussia.
The black death of 1346 carried off 24,
000,000 persons in Europe, more than 30,
000 towns and villages being totally de
populated. As late as 1350 ships were
found at sea with all the crew dead on
Apoplexy has increased in England in a
very remarkable degree since 1850. In the
16 years ending with I860 there wero 457
deaths of apoplexy per 1,000,000 inhabit
ants. Last year the ratio was 577 per
During the Crimean war the hospital
entries of the British contingent from
wounds numbered 1S.300; from disease,
144,400. Those of the French army num
bered 116,000 from the first and 320,000
from the second causa
Professor Norton of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology has succeeded in
getting Boentgen photographs of tho liver,
heart and lungs sufficiently plain to admit
of medical examination.
A 12-year-old boy at Parma has just had
his heart washed. He was suffering from
acute pericarditis, and his doctor, using an
instrument invented by Professor "Riva,
drew off tho purulent serous matter in the
sac and then washed the heart and its
serofibrous covering with a solution of bi
borate of soda. The boy recovered rapidly.
A hydrostaticmethodfor-examining the
abdomen has been explained by Dr. M. See
to the Paris Academy of Medicine. He
suomerges tne patient completely m a
bath, when the abdominal walls tend to
float upward, relieving the pressure on the
viscera and enabling a more easy and ac
curate observation of the organs to be
made by palpation.
One of the latest bicycle texts is Ezekiel
i, 21, "The spirit of the living creaturo
was in the wheels. " Christian Begister.
Mrs. Charlotte Smith threatens to at
tack the reputations of women who ride
the bicycle. Alas, there are no repair
shops for such damages! New York Tele
gram. The Salvation Army is organizing a bi
cycle corps. There is already reason to
fear that several immortal souls may be
imperiled while the corps is learning how
to ride. Chicago Times-Herald.
Ladies who can ride 100 miles on a bi
cyclo should make good housekeepers. A
little thing like being active -about tho
houct would not disturb them, and then
ibvz is the great advantage of being
hea?hy. Baltimore American.
The lady fair mounted, her wheel,
A-lookins just too sweet;
And tho xillain laughed his tTI "Ha, ha!"
Asd had them spriokle the street.
Detroit Tribune.
Careful In Jlaining.
"True," said the mother of the dime
raBseum dwarf, "hedidseem to talk pretty
tall sometimes,, but I brought him up
short I Ob, yes F ' Xew York Press.
A Lster Seriaioa.
Count that day lost
"Whose low descending sun
Eeesrno addition made
Unto ibr jsje of lpoa.
Arctic B, 2:17, is dead. He was 13
years old.
Madrid's price at tho Pepper dispersal
was bnt $225.
China Silk, 2, 2:16, h"s shown herself
! about as good as Jupe.
The Beadvilie track will bo plowed up
and manured this fall.
It is more than likely that racing will be
resumed at Saratoga next year.
A yearling by Norral, dam by Dictator,
lately sold at auction for 1,050.
General Worth, the brother of Snnol, is
to be sold at auction this winter.
Schoolboy, 2 ! , by Meander, dropped
dead at Manchester, Yt., recently.
Duluth's new race track is proving a
very good one and a great attraction.
Star Pointer's form robs current free for
all paces of either escitement or interest,
Octavia, 2:234, by Gold Leaf, trotted" a
mile in 2:14 at Cleveland a few days ago.
The Buffalo maro Alesie Sherman, by
Sherman, lias lowered her record to 2:20&.
Joe Patchen is pacing a series of great
miles on the Massachusetts half mile
W. B, Jacobs of Stockton, CaL, has lost
by death the 2-year old liily Athadel, by
Senator A stands about 14.3 hands. He
is the smallest horse that ever trotted in
the 2:10 list.
Maplehurst farm has had more celt win
ners out this year than any other breeding
establishment in New England.
Boyal Victor, 2J3K. by Boy Wilkes, is
out of the old time race maro Highland
Mary, 2:26, by Pocahontas Boy.
A horse 25 years old, owned by C. W.
B. Edwards of Hartford, trotted a mile to
top buggy during the races at Hickory
park, Baiter, in 2:50??.
Persimmon, the Prince of Wales' Derby
winner, has won the $50,000 Jockey club
stakes in England. Persimmon is by far
the largest money winner of tho season.
The new, very smart, very elegant, very
fashionablo evening toilet has a train.
Leagues of black satin or black velvet
ribbon are used on autumn and winter
dress skirts and bodices.
Queen Bess sleeve puffs and QueenBes3
ruffs and f raises appear upon elegant dress
toilets of velvet, Lyons satin and brocaded
This season there are a Countess Castel
lane cape, a Paget jacket and an elaborate
Duchess tif Marlborough princess dress and
picture hat.
Corded silks and ribbed woolens and vel
vets will be extremely popular for hand
some gowns, entire street costumes and
elegant wraps this winter.
Some of the new fancy jackets have their
tiny skirts set on in a deep point or tabs
that lap at the waist line, front and back,
leaving the sides rather short
Slashed jacket bodices, open up overy
seam to the waist, are among tho favored
styles. A high officer's collar is liked with
these, with often an outer spreading collar
cut in tabs all around, silk lined, slightly
stiffened and edged with silk or metal cord.
There is a notable display at present
among the black woolens, silk and wool
fancies, tho plain satin faced cloths, or
those figured in small matclasse designs,
and also the expensive "dress" textiles
that closely copy the patterns of faconne
silks and satin brocades.
Besides the usual uses to which ribbons
aro put, they are made to simulate narrow
girdles and wide folded ceintures, to out
line bolero jackets, to form a peasant bodico
back and front on the corsage, and they aro
used in rows and bows and choux on overy
available portion of gowns both for day
and evening wear. New Tork Post.
Bussia seems to hold nearly all the
trumps in the little international card
game over in Europe. Boston Globe.
A Chicago girl wants $100,000 for a
broken heart. Now, if it had been a broken
foot! Jacksonville (Fla.) Times-Union.
The rapid changes in the Martian canals
seem to indicate that the Martian con
tractors have powerful pulls. Philadel
phia Ledger.
If the British yachtsmen do not improve
their boats any faster than they do their
manners, victories for America will con
tinue to be easy. Washington Star.
A Connecticut woman who died tho
other day had $13,000 worth of govern
ment bonds in her bustle. Very few wom
en nowadays have better backing than
that. Chicago Tilnes-Herald.
Tho overhead wire continues to urge
substantial reasons why it should not be
suffered to exist in its tendency in emer
gencies to fall and partially electrocute man
and beast. Baltimore American.
An apple pie two feot in diameter was
tho first prize in a poetry contest at Orona
Thus, as ever, do art and literature stroll
hand in hand, bnt the piemaker usually
gets the best prize. Lewiston Journal.
Scientific men have discovered that the
glowworm has been using the rays now
known as tho Boentgen rays for ages, but
has never said a word about it. Man is
not the only creature that is modest,
Baltimore American.
Defender will remain a single sticker.
It was with a single stick that she showed
a clean pair cf heels to the Britisher, and
it is gratifying to national pride to know
that sho will not bo disguised in a differ
ent rig. Newark Advertiser.
A creditor has an insurable interest in
the life of his debtor.
Damages ov be recovered for injuries
to reputation and business.
A parole contract by a new partner to
assume along with tho others the debts of
the concern is binding.
A principal cannot recover of an agent
the profits arising from a business in which
the agent engaged in violation of bis con
tract. If a merchant is in the condition of not
being able to pay his debts in the ordinary
course as they mature, he is insolvent, and
is subject to all the consequences which
the law attaches to insolvency.
A partner is not by retiring from the
firm relieved from liabilitv for services
rendered afterward under a contract made
before such retirement, though the services
were rendered with knowledge that such
partner had retired.
A deed of trust conveying goods to se
cure a aebt, providing that the owner
shall remain in possession until default,
is 'fraudulent as to creditors. A contract
of service made with a firm is not as a
matter of law terminated by the death of
a partner where the business is continued
as before. Becent Decisions of Highest
Some women are too busy studying eti
quette to be polite
A man can fall in love as many times as
his constitution will stand it.
There's more nonsense written about
babies than any other animals.
. 2o woman in the world appreciates &
husband like a four year widow.
Somehow or other a man never comes
DUt even on his wedding presents.
The woman who talks most about her
"sphere" spends the least time in it.
The man who lets Lis wife pick out his
cigars makes about as good a bargain as
tho one who lets his mother TJick out his
wife. New York Press.
Miss Beatrix Hoyt of New -Yorkfs tha
woman champion golf plavcr of the United
By the will of Mrs. Hicks-Lord, Maria
Miller, her faithful colored servant, geta
$100 a week far life.
Adelina Paiti has received the freedom
of the town of Brecon, in Wales, in return
for her benefactions.
Mme. Modjeska has 600 hives of Italian
bees on her California estate and gprfc
much honey every autumn.
Lady Helen Stewart, the daughter of the
Marquis of Londonderry, is one of the
most talented of amateur actresses.
The widow of Charles Darwin, the emi
nent biologist, died a few days ago. Mrs.
Darwin (nee Wedgwocd) was a cousin ol
her husband.
Miss Emma Spieska of Hartford and
Miss Belle M. Sigoumey of Bristol, Conn.,
have been awarded the Steinert violin
scholarships at Tale.
Lady Henry Somerset, aided by Miss
Frances Willard, is engaged in procuring
funds by subscription in England to pay
the passage of destitute Armenians to thi
United States.
Mrs. Frances Mamon Sorcho is a pro-
iessionai aeep sea cuver, tne onlv one m
the world. She is accustomed to bringing
up dead bodies from wrecks and any other
grewsome work in that calling.
Mrs. L. AL N. Stevens has been olected
president of the Maine W. C. T. U. for the
nineteenth time, and without a dissentinc
vote. In all the years that she has served '
there have been but two votes cast fur any
other candidate.
While going down the steps to tho cellat
recently Miss Carrie Adams of Washoe,
Wis., encountered a large adder. She se
cured a hce and succeeded in killing the
reptile. It measured 4 feat in length
and was found to be one of the most poi
sonous of its kind.
Miss Annie Corhin, daughter of the late
Austin Corbin, last year managed a small
hostelry at Shinnecock Hills, N. Y., where
her family and several friends spent
the summer. Miss Corbin is said to have
displayed remarkable executive ability,
and the work was not displeasing to her.
Mrs. D. H. Marsh of Groton, N. T., has
been elected president of the First National
bank of that city, to fill the vacancy by
the death of her husband. Mrs. Marsh has
been one of tho stockholders and directors.
The office of bank president has never be
fore been held by a woman in that part of
the country.
Mrs. Bobert Louis Stevenson has figured
as the defendant in a lawsuit in Samoa.
Sho acted as her own attorney and made
the plaintiff weary before she let him leave
the stand. For three-quarters of an hour
sho cross examined him, but the plaintiff
met all questions with a ready answer,
and at the end of ths tr'al the justice
awarded him half the amount of hi3 claim.
What effect will tho frosts have on the
scorcher? Will they wilt himf Milwau
kee Journal.
The diff erenco between kleptomania and
theft is the size of the bank account.
Philadelphia Press.
The discovery of new goldfields in Alas
ka must he very annoying to Great Brit
ain, as she may be compelled to move the
boundary again to includo them. Detroit
Now Tork newspapers are now bidding
against each other for star men. Wo have
always thought tho reporter would have
his day if he lived long enough. Chicago
The car fender does its work silently and
in tho main well. Wo don't hear much of
the people it saves. It is when somebody
is hurt that the is mentioned. Balti
more American.
Speaking of the improved fire oscapea
which certain gentlemen are about to pat
ent, let us all hope that they will bo fire
escapes which will enable people to escape
from fires. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Boston looks askance at a fine statuo of
a Iiacchante for the public library. The
objection is that it seems too much like "a
monument to inebriety. " This is doubt
less the opinion of tho people who objected
to the naked cherubs over the door. Prov
idence Journal.
A German scientist announces that an
gels have their wings in the wrong place.
We have feared all along that the next
century would find angels old fashioned
and out of date. They don't vote either,
you know, and care nothing for puffed
sleeves or bloomers. Chicago Post
"Where property exempt from execution
is burned, tho insurance is also exempt.
A contract to conduct a business on
shares means that the parties shall share
Mercantile reports are not privileged
conununicatous, aud those damaged may
recover therefor.
One who has accepted a draft and cred
ited the sairo upon n running account
cannot sue iho drawer until maturity of
same, though tho drawer has declared his
A railroad conipnny owes tho duty to
persons delivering amVrcceiving freight to
and from irs freight yard to keep the
passageway for wagons iu a reasonably
safe condition.
The payee of a check must present the
same for payment within reasonable
timo in ord' - to preserve his right of re
course ou the drawer iu case of nonpay
ment by the bank.
As between strangors, where one per
forms services for the benefit of and with
the knowledge and tacit consent of anoth
er under such circumstances as to give
the latter reason to believe that payment
is expected, a promise to pay a reasonable
compensation will bo implied. Becent
Decisions of the Highest Courts.
Electric Bitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season but perhaps more general
ly needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of s tonic and
alterative is felt. A prompt use of this
medicine has often averted long and per
haps fatal bilious fevers Xo medicine
will act more sorely in counteracting
and freeing the system from the malaria
poison, headache, indigestion, conti
pation, dizziness yiel! to Etertric Bitters. J
50 cents and 61.00 per bottle at Sireitz s
Drug Store. 1
I Merchant Tailor
A well assorted stock of foreign c
and domestic piece goods in
stock from which to select.
Perfect Fit.
Haw happy could
Were the other
Ihe ripest and sweetest leaf and
the purest ingredients are used in the
manufacture of "Battle Ax and no
matter how much you pay for a
much smaller piece of any other high-
grade brand, you
chew than "Battle
"Battle Ax" almost as large as the 1
j other fellow's
Office over North Platte National Bnnfc.
Over First National Bank,
JR. N.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pac-fie Bp"'
and Member ot Pension Board,
Office over Streltz's Drog Store.
"Room No. 6, Ottenstein Building,
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office First National Bank Bldg.,
Legal Notices.
l Farmer, defendants, will take notice
that on I
tne 4th day of Anjrast, 1S&4, TVHIiam Stall ami
Louis Stall (partner a Stnll Bros.) the piaiutlfjs
nereis, nieu ineir petition in tne district court ot ,
Lincoln county. Nebraska, apaiast aid defendant?
me object and prayer or whieh are to forechte a
certain mortpace executed oy Sarah C. Farmer
and Samuel Farmer to William Stnll and Jmi
Stall i partners as Stall Bro. . plain tiff, opoa the
northeast quarter of Section twenty-nine itSJt. it
township ten ( 10 north of range thirty-four i34 .
west nf sixth principal meridian in Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, to Feeure the payment of ten certain
promissory note? and certain interest ampon
that might become due and remain unpaid. ?M
Bote dated May 6th. 1892. for the sum of ?l-:0
each, the first dse and payable I'ecember 1.
and the balance every six months thereafter; ?aid
mortgage provided that in case any of said note'
or eoapoes are not paid -when due, or within ten
days thereafter, the whole sura secured thereby
may be declared to be dne and payable; there
how due oa said notes, coupon and mortgage the
sum of 2178 It?, for which ?am, with interest from
July 1st, ISM. plaintiffs pray for a decree that de
fendants be required to pay the same, or that said
tiremises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
Yoa are reqaired to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 2d day of November, ISM. .
- C. C. F1ANSBURG, 1
Attorney fer Plaintiff.
Dated September 23th. lSPtj.
i and Steven
C. Bewick, non-resident defend
ants: Tor and each of you. are hereby noti&ed
that on Joly 1.-th. 1S, Buth S. Yates, as plaintiff.
K-pan an action against yoa and other defendants
in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
be object of wbieh is to foreclose a certain mrt-
sxejm the following land in said county, fcwwit-
he southeast quarter of section number 32. ir
wn number IS north of ranee numHer 33 wet of
he 6ch Principal Meridian, mode by John Wil
liams and Elizabeth Williams, nated June 18th.
1610. to secure the payment of a promissory note
of said John William and Elizabeth Williams to
Thu Clark & Leonard Investment Company for
WCO.0O. on which there is now due 71 JB with in
terest from Jane 1st, lsOl, at ten per cent per
annam ptrrsaant to coupons.
Plaintiff prsjf for decree of foreclosure a ad
sale of said land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid,
for deficiency jadgment and general relief.
Yoa are reqaired to answer plaintiff's petition
on or belere the 9th day of Novembw, IS!.
RUTH S YATES, Plaintiff.
By 8. L. Gzistoaedt, Attorney.
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures 6c "Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds z Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings 3c Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by drasstai, or sent post-paid oarecelpt of price
KXFHEXI8' CO., Ill 113 tr3BuSl-.IeTiri-
I Be with either
dear charmer away."
cannot buy a better j
JO-cent piece
Claude Weiiuranc
Coal Gil,
Gasoline, f
Gas Tar,
And Grade PatTolenm.
Leave orders at office
in Broeker's tailor shop.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
Sausage at all
f." oc PocTi -roirl 4V, t TTilnc?
HDieS. VaSn paiQ 101 HlQeS.
Wanied-An Ides
TTbo can tblalc
tttof UtlmiB
Protect yonr Ideas; t,Vr may briac yon wealth.
Write JOHN tVEDDEKB&BX & CCu Patew Attor
neys. Washington. D. C for tbek- St JBm pctoe oSer
and list of tfro fcuntireU isTestlsss wasted.
General Repairer.
Special attention given to
A Cure for Piles.
We can assure ail who suffer with In
ternal Pile that in Hemorrhoidia we
have a positive cure. The treatment ia
unlike any thing heretofore used audits
application so perfect that every ves
tige of the disease ie eradicated. Hem
orrhoidine is a harmless compoond, ean
be u.'d for an eye ointment, yet poseee
es sai-h healing power that when ap
plied t the diseased parts, it at once re
lieves and a core Hi the sere result oi its
continued use. All who suffer with plies
suffer from Constipation also and Heat
orrhoidine cores both. Price $1 50. Fer
Sale by Drusphts. "Will be sent horn
the factory on receipt of price. Bead Is
Thk Foster an'f'; Co.Cnuneil Btafik,
Iowa, lor testimonials and information.
Sold. "fcy 2 StSToitas
i Wanied-An Idea
"Who caztthinV
of some stmpU
tliisir to luilpnt?
Protect toot tdeos: they may brlac y wealth.
Write JOHlt WEUDEKBCRS & CO, Patet Atter
asys. Washington. 1). c. for tfeelr SIJSBO prtee oiler
asd list el iro liusdrsd laveoLloss wasted.
So crsat a-e is HeaTtag
amd Fata Kn.e ;n ProMtt ;
seem iaipoaoit ic txtm Nin
ons PrtparuOun that cm b tii -
i ::a 3ii trcetloai. For C 's
it s ortea m jrth ita r;r.: ,
(lives hare Wen saved by i.-- .c c d
lor heaiiacaii kiad oi st
it exceeds alt apeetarj2. f '
Me is Mtt efiere s-il : -
Mtcwery home mad i. -r-
Jwed W c:c I'oBtrr ?
eU Blew. Iowa. Scl 1 tr
Sold To 3 -a. Stroxtas