mum M TLSTE, MBMSM IBI8ME -firaRIB 06TOBM &, 18961 toi. in . i Slaughter Slaughter! Slaughter! Iiva i3-nt to hmm&me Ime ci Fall Goods and f oir iiiat peaecrn wiEL sell all of our-goods at mt&rsel ow& low prices lower than e-yer kiiiowm - in Now is Your Chance! We positively mil allow no oaa. to imfcsell us. Comparison solicited. kms freely shown. rni i n pi ATTTIVf DATOP WE3ER & VOLUABR, PROPS. II First iNatiotial BanK- 1 J ZCOKTjET PLATTE, 3TES. "1 CAPITAL, - - $5Sy0M). 1 II H.S.WMie. - - - Preset II A SacH feesiaess it There's no Use! CD (see the xajib ox the LEG. i tnem, wnen 1 lb 2U1 bu. It yon are posted yon cannot be deceived. We write this to post yon. SOLD OSLY BY A A VIC The Sreat and Only Hardware Man Lf AJ1 T lOs in jJhgoIh Go. that no one Owes. Jnll line of ACGRZsT STOVES AKD RANGES, STOYE PIPE. ELBOWS, COAL HODS, ZINC BOARDS, , ete-r at Lowest Prices on Record. ORTH PLATTE, - - - NEBRASKA. SHEST SAMPLE SOOM IS MIME PLA332S Having refitted our rooms ic the finest of styier the psbloe s nrsited to call and see us. insuring- conrteoa? treat cssnt. Rinerf Winder LinUfir; PimCSt Wines, i-tqUOrS rv tnr: x t. tt - rr. 'u:r ULiiiiiiu uitii is? atippuitni sand eooipetenfe attendants ' SEP PS RT fTrxr rvDDrr - ' uj. l uoi j Li make room for our You can't fisid m these Umised States the Efifisal of tbe Genuine Beckwitli Round Oak. YcKi-may try; you'll get left. Remember, it's the combination, of good points that makes tEe Perfect SioYe. That's where we et the IMITATIONS. They canTt steal the whoie stove. They steal one thing and think tbey have It an, bet it FAILS. They build another. It fails. Still they keep on crying good as the R0UJSTD OIK. Some peculiar merchants say they have anff Cer2r5 Si- th Opr ana .arS St ine fcSar. Ti.r. -tt i j-irT wtnu i,ut; uttsi.- iii;uif ili. lilUlPS Tcitl supply -aM yoxtr wants Ci .n ttxtt rynn .tvt, xu'ja trrtix-ux tiaiiCAu jjjQr - vt - On Monday of next week Celanel Cody wd be in Jtortk PJstie with his Wild West Show. Every citi zen of Lincoln cetratyv and in fact eerv citizen sf the state fates more or less pride in the Willi West Show from the tact that it bad its concep tion in this, city.. It was iiere that f&e nucleus of what is the greatest f show on eartli was iociaed. aaa. few of us thought at tfnrt time that the rather meagre compasr of cow-boys. Indians, buffaloes and becktar ! bronchos would be increased to an organization that now Bwmbers 600 men1, and msre-fckaa that nssiber ot horses. Few cars were rered to Irani the show oat of 2sortE -Platte; now It takes, fifty specialty constructed cars, to- transport fckis i wonderful and premiettT Osst ; amusement ocgrmferrtien f tfee wrkL . ' The showr wift be here ie its- ea feiretv; the same ntsmker af aea, ! horses and aK the awe$ afetracte6 that were cosaected witfc it ia CkicagOv in Kew Yorfe, and tiarrag; its triumphal tfmr throag-k l&rofte, will be brought to North Ptarte. We kaTse Cofoaei Qwiy's word far -thisT and hfe weed casseot be liansfet ed. The Colonel ha& als istiia.leti that the performance in tfets citj wrfl be an escepsl e. This is his: hotne. 2nd be is-aKions that the people shall banre the- benefit of the best- Tie raesxbers f tie "Teat show, vxho- kaom tkax. Iortb Ptette is the hrnase BSaW BrlL wiM vie with each otlfef in their 11 varied feate. The fifty or swse L- drans, some of wkoet b&ve travele over this erj grotmd- wtfefeaxrajeA in war paint and wiJfe the scalps of emtgrants hanginwr to their belts. will grvrea exhibit nsEtre earisfig'. more reai, than er before attempted- In bringing; tfee- Wii West S&o to Nccth Pjat5e Cafenwd Gksjt aarf his- assscHntes- -wifi sSer an actaal financial loss, aad it was oatr through .the .gsod-wxll which the Colonel en terrains toe r tows and our pe&ple .tha.t we are to fe?e ' wooeeefci' aggreaSa. Tbe jmwp. from Ociaha. to Xoctk Platte is tbt kjHest one the stow fras sKide tfcts season aad when it is- stated? that the charges for traaspoctfflg: the shew between ttc two places asHonsts to several thocsand dol lars, some idea c tie cost of comxix here is ofciaie. Tbat the fopie wifl give Ceiooei Codraad bis slum a hearty reeeptiw Bd large at tendaace there is B& dosbfc; to loaay it wiH fee tfee ofwartaMitj a iie time t see an atlractKm tcai ts adaaitfeed be the greatest- the best ten eacth- Tfee foilowtdg are the appuiat- raesfes for the North Platte dittnet ; made by the West Nebraska Con ference winch cfesed Its session at (Dgalafe. Testenfer. o - -James- ILeoeaid. presMi&g elder. North Pfetle. Bayard J. 3L Egers. Bigsprmgs ScpfiSed by W. G. Hedges. Brady israad To be srapfifrftt Cnartis Jkn Maiy- Etewwd -EL S. Meore. Pacnaa aad iooce6eki0l F. Cheseoro. Ganay Swpoiieti by A. J. Ar- strong Gtant. SIsie aad Madrid. Jscaes-C- B elf " " Germgr &Szm Ch&mberlamw Harrisburg SerppHed by, M. . Lawyer- KSmibsfi1 3fesses EL iVfeEeaay. Leweifeii Tb he sejapfiedv Lodge Pble aad" - dappeS Randolph. Maywaod Ott Txafee. North Pfatfee C 1 Saeley North Platte Ctrcwfe Aktsa& Coslet-QgaktBa- M. T. Sderi Paxton Scpgfied kEC Nich ols. Sidney ASea Kesrwriky. Sideey Ckrwst To be sgf6en. Stockyiiie F rank T. Hboh. WaSace T be "ntppftrd. Fbur new raerabtas were iat tiated into the B. of H- fede fast t evening. -. GoadfiaseJ Tisatsasy. Chas.B.HeodrBfeker ad MHem& tcrers Aneot Cokiatbas, Obw eeriides that Dr. Kiss's New Dtscavrv has a eaual as a eouiih remedy. .J. D.3x:T rop-t3t. dames Kec-elFt. Wa.jnne fad testifies that he was cared of a c -h wo years staadrBrr, caed by fe. snpg e. i by Dr. Eias Near Dcoverr. "b. F I lilerrilL BaldinsviHe. 5hvk thai he has used ad recimeded it aad1 cecerkcewittoiaal zod wmM iaa&ac We it than any doctor becaP itl ahcav f11 g 3! I c-c-. m" . t uo. v4u;, titfeps K cOTaana nas niear smobl Lrf- Wt-,nfl T3: rrrL.- . -rv . "L'iai r-L'e j iJAu;-iaureutouxu: score-. : Mr. Jtnll expects to- g"o to ifyrtfe in a few.daj to- erect corn cribs on his farm, as there is a good crop of corn- Sir. .Nnll will move back on bis bis place in the spring; as irrigation farming does- not agree with Mm. Q. H. Eyerfey, "who has. been, sicfc qstsite a wIiEe." is no better at tills writing-. ilarttn Magaeson attended' cos- ference afeQgaialia. iliss Mary Zook retnrned the fere part of the. week- from, the tabie-wbereashe'had been visiting friends Joe S trickier made a business trip over on the South Side the lat ter part of the week. ' ' Bee Gaod win is cotfecttng fine sjeciiaens of vegetables for the fair exhebite J. T. Zook is braiding; an addi tion to his residence. The feaaes' aid wiH .meet at the hetae of Mrs Brown to-morrow afterBfion. Mes. Geo (4 win and daughter, of S&ertaan. coc nty, "Kansas are visit lag" with Bee Goodwin- Thej came te take in the great Irrigation Pair sjs show. Mr. GTpodwin w31 arrive the latter part of .the week Mr. Braefc and rson Joe went to Sffrtie last week to- attend the tfereshsiag" of bis- wheat. While there Mr. Brtrak w3l sow rre on his home We Heastanl that Samuel Pnkheser w3 have bfe steam Katfa hnlferat thefakr. Basa .-Weaif -wiB'haie a nne-water- exMbct at the fair. Snfcy bad aB- theappearance f InSan Sa, Miss Gertie Sperrier, of Laxnoni Iowa, is v: is ting her brother N. B. Sgrrier and family. AtteriicT Caikoua frost JEcPfeersoe: counter visited retetitres. near Xichete Secday. . Mrs. F. Brooks- has strfsered cob sitlerabLe with rheumatism the past McKiafeT aad thelrrigaitkMi Pair asre the leadfrmg teeks- tmder discus sioe these days. A. Mr- Fish foem Iowa wiS speak a- the Maceafeee haS this ereaiHg for soxmad &ey and projection- Te pod socKubte held at the scfeeot faotise last esening" was well ateded aad those present report a pfeasaffit tine. The proceeds go to E the miaisrer on this circttiL A. vsiasMe saddle was. stoiea ca Ed j&iafeoK kst Frieay nigkt Ho trace e the thief has- as yet beea iotwd. The lady Msaecahees gae oae of their pieasa-st eatertaimiiests ws Friday evening Ea-t at the Slaccabee haB is Hershey in the shape of a social hop. The affair was Quite well attended aad seedless to say was. carried on in a most harmon M9as raanser. Great credit is due the eotaraittee: in. charge. Mr- ad itrs. Geo. SHrira.a were visitors at the Irrata Gity Sai- f ardaT last. A eaca od Mrs. Jefcm EISeo 1 froot Oraalm, feat, present the guest of fckait.tedy. WiS iThaaie and wise visited aid near here Sasdav. Anok. Ptsxseast to a caWT the republi cass. eiectjars met at the Hinman isdbsol hwse Saturday m. caucus to wo&isast apcecinct ticket. A. H. Prase was chairman and WiiRam Btegae seEretery. The ticket nni naited was as ioHowst Assessor, Bee Gaodwrn; justices of the peace, A. Q Randall and EL Jenkins; con staSie. Henry Weil: overseer. G. F. Palnser; judges of ejection. A- H. Praise. Win. Bogue and Frank TeiEiora; clerks, George Eves and Henry We2 After pledging their sirpport to Major Wo. McEIuley the electors adjourned in full asstrr- f aoee of soccess and overwhelaiia t majority fer the entrre ticket. lifrs- DeMa AnvEtav and- cisiMres ? llefi: Friday night for Rhodes, Iera. after a. three weeks'- visit with fnencSs m this precinct. TmsBE. 30TI2S. TO' EuSHTESS H0TJ5HS. It is requested by the council that yom cia&e, your place of besi- aese one hour before BUIU V-. LOCK' S snew cimi.mesce&and. nenear after, as an heaer to OoL Csdr. Afi citia?ens are warned to . oe on z , ouu. uw. w inff the fair. w "r. w"-rv- uiir- sretmnnce ra reara tsvreep- f papers and rabbh into the .i?rpp-te sTTrt W-s rrrfn k.. t-.,j r m U1- ciaxmwucu. w?a rase notice, an irtrfr m -- T-.. T . . r r , . Lue ssree ana aiievs. JJ. V. S.rEE3i- Maar. s opera xiotzse. QXE WEEK CQMMENCESrC Friday, Oct. 9th -THE- ; floMes Dramatic Co. PRESENTING This is one ot the leadrng repor ts ire companies of the country, and "the management guarantees satis faction at every performance- List of plays will be next issue- given in The Crete Nursnries oarer the fol lowing' special premiums at the Ne braska Irrigation. Fair for fruit grown west of Kearney: One hun dred choice apole trees five or six feet: twelve choice two- Tear best class cherry trees; four dozen two year No L Concord grapes; divided as- Spflows and under rules of this association: For the largest and best display of green fruits: First Twenty apples, ten grapes, three cherry Second Ten apples, tw cherry, five grapes. Third Fiveapples. three grapes. Fourth One cherry, two grapes. For the largest and best coliec tioa of apples First Ten apples, two cheery, sir grapes. Second Five apples, five grapes, one cherry. Third Five apples.. For the largest and best collec tion of grapes. First Ten apples, five grapes,, Secoed Five apples, five grapes Thrd Five grapes. For the largest and best coHec- tioci ot trust grown on the Crete trees: First Twenty apples. Second Ten apples. Third Three cherry. Fourth Two. grapes- . mniuttTTmr TAIR 5QTZ5. The judges stand, which is con structed of iron, was placed in po sistion to-day. The Thomas water conveyor has been placed in position at the north east corner of the grounds. The fence which wiH. enclose the animal exhibit of the Page woven f wire company is being" constructed to-day. Yesterday P. W. Sitton began erecting the dining haS which will be conducted by Mrs. Feed, of O&tahn. The stiff breeze Sunday made sailing on. the hike great sport, the boats skimming; over the water at a rapid gait. Parties having box staE or stable aeawnsjodatkras for racing stock are earnestly requested to confer with the Secretary of the Irrigation Fair as soon as possible- It looks now as though the build ings on the fair grounds will not accnin date afi the agricultural products which wiii be brought in for exnibitien. The old electric light building has at last been transported to the groends. It is now being repaired and when finished wffl be Gccnpied by the fish and apiary exhibits. Regulations governing- carryalls aad dravs at the Irrigation Fain The following- rates shall be charged for dray wagons and carry alls tor passengers running into fair grounds; license for dray 55. GO; license for carrvall, S10.80. ADL dray wagons not to charge to ex ceed 75 cents per lead from the city and not to exceed 35 cents from side track in grounds, to any place in grounds. Passenger rates on carry-alls not to exceed 15 cents one way, or 25 cents for the ro-end trip. Ail passengers tor the STonnds to be nntoaded outside at rn rr Into "rounds emntr fnr ra5f;en- dray wagens w2I not be permitted in the grounds after October 3rd., without Kcenee. E. P. Seeberghs. SecV. ( Appro vea: &L. vj. H .i?Rra&Toy. iV taster ot x ransportation. Did Tan Ever TTfanrri.r Tlftterc n n -ramuT fc, t jsnr troubles? If not. get a bottle now i and set relief. This medicine has been jfoendto be peculiarly adapted to the I -.if u 7 i- . exerting a weoderfBl direct: taasecce ui jrreiiyr screngut ana tune Co tne ergons. if jmi have loss of as petite, cocstipa - r T 3 T, r;. t ' tioa. headacbe, famtrnc speF. or are ! nerveus,sleeples?v excitable, melancholy 'or troabfeti with dizzr srelfe-Electrie , rKecSijs. tfiA.m?irfn-pmi m TT It-F. .Tt. " 7 . mu ciaii4iui die mwruateBtt It Bfcfc mtv cento and 51 m at StreitVv dm- ! tnre- 3 A TERRIFIC UPSETTING OF at A.1old, determined move to make Fair week the busiest week this year! Ifepsr werewe so bountifully supplied wisli Twergain animnmtion- Kowisthe time to buy, when - ysm can choose from hundreds of special purchases to god to last long-. "Hot in our & yearsT experience hae smik all around low prices prevailed. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Otur shelves in tins department are overkxided wkk "Rpps Goods Fhmnefe, Ginghams. Prints, Sateens, MhsShs, Table Liaess, Towels Handkerchiefs and Sundry Notions. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT. Everysody knows that this department is the lasstsfe asd best as sorted of any in the city. We ase every- dav. Call and see them- cloak departmem:: This department is Qfed to overioGdi.ns? m. IkmcksZs. Caces and Cloaks in aS sizes and prices. TRUNK DEPARraiEKT. We have one of the largest line os trasses is the dter. aB kinds. Lowest prices. Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. A fine line of Clothing, Shirfe, Neck-wear. Oresslfe. Blouses bnspenders, etc. Give ns a call. afraid to ask: prices. THE lj " QUAD CAMEA. m s C. M. Newton Has them for Sale at To Arumr C Kaberts. san-resuleat: xae tmrtersurneti aas mea. aer petaaan. m .Bu tties Cam?. Tin coin coasts, Nebraska, pdjintf drrarce from, ymr and tae custody af her islaar child, Henna, because of yoor a&OBdanmeBt fimr two Tears last past. Yon are n?inirti Co answer f there ta cm or before 2Tov. 2. ES6. TT-t "FT.T.A BOBEETS, gtafnttfff. s OKA. FXRitER DnmorCKTB AZTD HTTKT. FarnieK. defendants. Till take- notice toot an the 4th. day of Aagnst, &&, William. StBtl aad Lams Stan, (partners aa atoU Bres. tne pwrr.tniH herein, filed their petition in tht? district eoan f f inroln cnanty, yebrns'ra, against said defendaat? tbe abject and prayer eftrniclt are Uv Joccolem a certain raortzajre exscntml By Sarah C. Soraier and Samuel Faraer ts 'Wllllarrr Stall and Xanis Stall t'partnera as StnH. Bref. . plrrftrttg, apm th northeast qoarter of Section rteiitj-nin in to-wrtfchip- ten (10 1 north, of range- tfctrty-&Kir St-V. -arerft ef sirlh. principal meridian: is. Lict4c esea ty, Nebraska. ti secure- the payment of ten orrfcua prnndascrry nates and certain interest cfmpoB thaSroiirht become due and remain nnpnHU said notes dated May 8th, JSL for the sam. at ?m3 each, the nrst dne and payable Beeem&er L BMC and the balance eTery etz months thereafter: aaM mortgage provided that in earc- any of saM Bats or coupons are not paid Trhen due, er Kithra tee day thereafter, the whale svsn. semxred tfee re fey maybe declared to be dne: and yoyaWei there now due-on mid Rates, coupon, and martnce the sora af lltlLIS, for -which. snra.trith interest frsm JTuiylst; Vf.H, plaintiff pray for a decree that de fendant be- repaired to pay the same, or titat miil premises may be said ta satisfy the amocnt SamuT dne-. Tea are rettnired tn answer said KetStimL on r before Hsnday. the 2d day of Kovemfcen. Attersey fsrPkiintiff. Bated September 25th, IS5. rro jonTT wh.t.ti'hk. exeabexh X and Steven C Be-niciE- non-re4dent defend ants: Ynti and each, ef ysa are hereby aatMed tiat an July i-Hh. IKS. Kcli. S. Yate. za pfciiaaC. i btRan as action asataat yon. and ether defeadoBte f ra. the district court of Xincais escnty, 3aras5a, j the object of which is to fsrecietie a. cert&ia mrt- Base- an. thoDowisg'tandia said eaonty. tn-wit: Tae southeast quarter of section number 3C ia t tsuix number 12 north: of raaga-ausiber Sl-xeet f t the 6th. Principal Meridian, made by Jobs WH-; Ham and EKzabeth. WSHaro?, dated Jnne IflWt. 1HJ0. to secure the payment of a. prumfesary aate-J oC sairi John "Williams aad Elisabeth. TTMinmn 1b t Top- dart & Leonard XsTestment Chic pan,- tmc t SjCCJXJ. Gtr -arhich. thare is eukv das fr4ar -wttil fia- I terest from Jane fct. j&K, at ten fer cent per nnmn pursuant tn cscpans. Plaintiff prais far decree nf fsrecfossre- aad sale- e ssid land to soiiafy sold hens a aSaresoMl fiir deficiency judsmentand general reif eC Yro are required Ut answer plain tig petittiiu. a or before- the-Oth. day tf Sevemaer. 1H5. 2CTH S. TAXES, PiaictSS. By S. I GiiiTHAJiirr. Attorney. Xaad Offtce at 3ri&. Platte. 5el ) Septrabnr K. f ICctica in, hereby gif en: that; tie-laBfTwimf-camerf sewer has Sett nonce a ass inteBaan to- nsase firrnl proof in support of his claim and that said preof wHI be made before- the Besrisier and Be-cei-rer at Sarth. Platte, 2Teb-, en. S"avember tit, . iaH Tlz- ' wbo madEamestead zntry y. elss tor e nnrtheastqnartsectt K, toh Mrtfc. HenamethefaSawiaj;: Tritnease prnTe-aeoaHnnnus rewaenceapon aad vsm- ir, - ..i. eu-anji-jiaa. aB.rjaiBrazbci-ef SatheriaHd. 19-5 PRICES V The receiving' new asiL nghtu fVtr styles Ask to see in all departiaeate, asd db man be "SToffiS for btrsiness. IT A.I It s RICHARDS BROS, Props. C S. Lsatt See. Sartfe PteMe, Sbv, rnfnmbnr MMi. f Goasiatat haoMrbetM aered attfafc jiH fcg mwii t Tttjjnan anwfatnt Jioir? Tl f n ibmiitiii tac gwneg'ont Sstry S. U.3SS. iiwit3fer 3a. IHtL apwa. tlie f waO jaat yinitor S -atfctr 3L. dww!Bp P. Batufg- a west in T humlw enooCy, IwaLlm, wttfc a rtew tke iniittiiriim f inM eatry: ant parttuj arwhojcey 111 111 i d hi .tfvear at 5or. 91ata, 74Kwka, ketaa thefSagi. ifteraai gevwr mb M ifay of T mnftnr. nps a. m to esyM teatiiuauj annmwtwf; gafcT attetoit S3H JioaK r. nvx&S, Begfetec FOR SALE. 300 Acres of GoodLandr Sitated sir aiies west of ZSorfe Pfa-tte: 11 acres of bk tnaber 2 aerts ander CBttiratMs; 125 acre-, .k hay taadL Ffcr kgorMtatkm iwa In seEEca ec agei csr v wiQ always find it as J. - F. Sc Try o . Change of Fir 18 I hare decided tar store htt est m tfee Price; Geantt & 3bss biac&Effih) e6op ce Sie preserst staia! te bwiMifi' Locust street at the Corner of the Alley, where I will be pleased t see aJi my oM jEoeodci ad castosaers. and as asaay aew nes as pog&ifcle. TChea wairiiB- aajtkwg aprfae. W. E. PRICE. Ksistar.