JtflWt - 1. -J - - - - - - IIIMBM.II II ... . I HI I I H -II 1 " " " I IIWIIPMM III II I ' - . - " -3? - - ,i i ii """ " - - i i i i i i i i ii i ii n i i ! i ii I. i 5,-5 TSTOBTE PMITE; MBRASKA, XHESDiT -EYMETG SEPTEMBER 22, 1896. TOL. in. " Slaughter! Slaughter! Slaughter! We have. got -to make room for immense line of-'Fall Goods and for -i i ii. ij reaSQn Will Sell aU Ul ons low prices -lower Western Eebraska - y-v ttt -a r 7u 101 We positively will allow no undersell ras. Comparison solicited, freely shown. MAtt uLUiIm uUUdI WEBER & VOLLMER, PROPS. First National Bank, ly - -v.. Watch this week for from Davis, 11 man nobody -owes" (Old. S7"23. X3oraox Stable.l Prices 3-oo& g3 Northwest corner of Courthouse KEENEST SAMPLE E00M IF E0ETH PIAITE Having- refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public ia invited to call and see ust insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. , - Oar billiard hall is supplied with, the best make of tables' and competent attendants will supply all your wants. -'.hdsmi'b BLOCK, OPPOSITE SALE! Olir ii n . L bllU b . TMftuwA L Otir HUUUb ti moi than ever known in ir Chancel one to Goods CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $50,000. $22,500. H.S. - President Vke-Prest P. A. White.- AjtlmrMcNamara; - CasMerl A general banking business transacted. space next No. 34S6 v announcement the hardware Teams, Comfortable !RIgs, eijX)es & loos: square. zBE UtNTOF PACIFIC DEPOTf CUT CffSSCTL 23ClEBI3Gil At the regular meeting" of the council Tast ereaingv alt members were present but HalL After tBe minutes of two previous meetings had been read and approved, the cleric was Instructed to open the bids for taking care of the street lamps and furnishing- oil for the month of October. The four bids were as follows:: Guy Pitts SL49 per lamp; W. A- Stearns, $1-45 per lamp; W F, Gates. $L40 per lamp; G. A. Dowlan, bi-oO per lamp. Fpon. motion the bid of Mr. Gates was accepted. Pine street between; Front and pFoarth was ordered graded, the committee having previously re- ported that portion ot the street m had condition. Councilman Scott stated th.at one waste oioe trom tne U. Jb'.suoos was stffl em&vinff water Into the nortlt side siousrh. causing water to stand therein. On motion, the mayor was asked to confer with Mr. Barnnnt relative to an abate ment of the nuisance. W. A. Stearns and J- EL Brooks were added to the list of special policemen for fair week. A warrant for 5100 was drawn on the water fundT and the following ills for work on the streets were approved: Fred vetter Sib. or Jos. Courtney 2.ol, Martin .bngusii 27.75. Frank Cochran 18.75; Mike Cox 30.00. E. W- Crane IQ.QOv J- H. Brooks .6.75. The bill of H. a Charles & Co. for street lamps was laid over until the next meeting. The firm had crated the lamps in a very careless manner, thereby causing- the freight to be eleven: dollars more than, it would have been had the lamps been properly crated. The council thought this sum should be deducted from the bill; at least the clerk was instructed to make such, a request. The clerk was instructed to pur chase of G. T Field one dozen stars for the special policemen. The board of health reported that a number of alleys in the busi ness portion of town were in bad condition,, and steps will be taken to abate the nuisances. The mayor and clerk were in structed by motion to sign the papers in the Hintnan-Rennie dedi cation: matter, and the ordinances relative thereto passed the -first reading. THE CODY GTL3.SB HT CAMP. Lincoln Neb Sept. 20, 1S96. Ed. TKiEtnxE: Co. E, 2d Reg., N. 15". GT known everywhere as the Cody Guard, have been in camp here for a week. Rain has some what interferred with, field work. 'butJnolrwit& "tE'eirhavmcr "a""""gc time. For several years past I have visited them in camp, enjoyed their hospitality and been enter tained by their keen: but wholesome wi L If y o u hear of any of the boys having been in the guard house it was because the theatre held later than. 10:30. the time when all passes expired, and not on account of the wagon load of melons they carried off on their bayonets at a shoulder arms. Major Scharmann, with his new uniform, mounted on a fine roan charger, could be distinctly heard in all parts of the field giving orders. I hope Xorth Platte fully appre ciates the splendid young soldiers of Co. E; every private would make a good captain, every officer a good general. The term of enlistment of many of the company will soon expire; the people suoula manirest their appreciation in some fitting manner. Three cheers and a tiger for the Cody Guard! J. E. Etans. WILL OEEEB K2LEXIIJES. Torth Plattf, Neb. Sept. IS. The meeting of the Board of Di- s??siaSr&ned to order Present L Dillon. W. W. Birge, L. Thoelecke, J. R. Bangs. L. Thoelecke acted as secretary. Motion made by J. K. Bangs and seconded bvL Dillon that M. C. Keith. Jolin Keith L Dillon, H. S. White and Matt Clair be permitted to erect a stable or stalls on the fair grounds and to have the use of the track at times when the grounds are not used by publicentertainments or not to connict witn tne business ot the society- Said stables or stalls shall remain: the personal property tof the owners and they shall have the right to remove the same atanv NEW DEPART C. M. NEWTON . " the Candy Business. n WB ARB GOIKG TO CANDY Candy or gum given with. Newton's time and whea removed this privi lege shall be revoked. Motios carried. On. motion of I. R- Bangs, which was seconded by Dillon the follow ing premiums; shall be given: For best samples of wheat, corn, rye, oats, alfalfa, potatoes, beets, tur- mps. and dairy products. 1 EL Thoexecke, Sec. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. A speaakfrom Washington to theGIobe-Dempcrat under "date of September ISth. says: United States Commissioner of Railroads Gen. Wade Hampton and W. J. Coombs, government director of the Union Pacific road, held a conference with Secretary Francis over the proposi tion to foreclose the government's claim ot $67,000,000 on the Union Pacific and the central branch, in Kansas and Colorado. The syndi cate is said to be willing to., pay S5O,G0O;G0a for the government's claim. The proposition is likely to be forwarded to congress next ses sion. -The Chicago weather forecast for to-day is; fair to-night and warmer. Wednesday, warmer with showers; variable winds. The maximum temperature yesterday at North Platte was 5S degrees; mini mum 40 degrees; at 7 a. m. 41 de grees; precipitation .16 of an inch. For the same period and time "one year ago the maximum temperature was 60 degrees; minimum tempera ture 34 degrees; at 7 a. m. 36 de grees; precipitation. .26 of anf inch. By a rather singular coincident Jack Sullivan,, who pulle'd Cody's first show cars out ot this city, brought in ihe zdvertising car Sun day afternoon, and also took it east last night. The gentlemen in charge of the car purchased a lot of fire works last evening, and just before the train left fired them off. As the train pulled out several pans of red-light were burned. v Several teams are employed to day in hauling dirt and filling in. the low places in the streets and alleys. During the past ten years thou sands of loads of dirt have been hauled upon the streets, and one naturally wonders where it has all gone. In a windy country like this, keeping up the streets is a heavy expense to a town- Nearly all the old soldiers who attended the reunion at Curtis last week announced their intention of coming to the G. A- R. reunion in this city- It ilow locks as though the number ot old soldiers who will .attend, tiie.- cg trrln g reu n lo n. w Ol-by far exceed theattendence at the re union held here several years ago. From reports received it is esti mated that fullv twelve thousand people will be here on October 12th to witness the performance ot the Wild West Show. It will be a big crowd to feed, but accommodations for the people are being made. The Tribune Has iust finished orintinsa brief in the. case of An- nie Powers vs. Lucy Newton, which has been carried to the su preme court on error from the Lin coin county district court The local committee is working hard' -to have the A, O. U. W. dav tat the fair one ofthe great events offairweek. Hundreds of members of the order are expected here on that day. Nearly: everv precinct in Lin- colu county will this year show re publican gains over two years ago. This can be taken as ofSciaL Several additional pens for sheep and hogs were erected at the fair grounds yesterday. DEAFNESS "CANNOTBE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased, portion of the ear. There ia only one war to cure deafness,, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an. Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining- of tha Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed yoa have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing-,, and when it is entire ly closed, Deafness ia the result, and un less the iniiamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing- will be destroyed forever; nine cases outof ten are' caused by ca larrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We wQI give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)- that cannot be cured by HalFs Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledoj O. iST" Sold by all Druggist?, 75a. GIVE AWAY A LOT OF AND GUM. . Book Store. URE CXEJLSEITXiTXSQXXiirrX. For the fall festival of mountain. and plain, at Denver on Oct. 6th. to 8th the Union Pacific well seHi round trip tickets for S6.45. For particulars apply to N. B. Olds,, II. P. agent. The old electric light building in the Third ward is being moved to the fair grounds to-dav- It will be used for the fish and apiary ex hibits. - John D. Vaughn, ot Denver, a brother of Maurice "Vaughn of this city, has been selected as a "mis sionary to- go east and preach, tree silver. Mr. Vaughn, is a. printer by trade. Hon. J. S. Hbagland addressed a good-sized and appreciative aud ience m Walla ce last Saturday even ing, tne money question occupying most of his time. The republicans present were satisfied witk Mr. HoagIandrs talk, and many good words have come from the opposi tion in regard to the gentlemanly way in which he presented his views. Mr. Hoagland is making a clean and vigorous canvass,, and it is very evident that the majority ot the voters in this senatorial dis-J trictwill stand by him. Wallace Tug. The Tinge wheels ot the great sugar tactorv were set in motion yesterdav, and a goodlv number of idle laboring men of Grand Island are thus given employment.' Dur ing the first ten davs the thousands of gallons ot syrup left over from last season will be worked up inta sugar after which, the factory willf begin on the beets. A number of those in close -proximity to the fac tory have already been, notified to deliver their beets, and hauling will begin at once. It will reqiare at least four months, night anddav, to work up the acreage contracted for the Grand Island factory. While mauy of the beets will be shipped here by cars from distant points, the necessary acreage in close prox imity to the factory is gradually in creasing, and it is to be hoped that erelong the entire tonnage neces sary to operate the factory may be raised by the Hall county farmers. Independent. SSF03HCAIT MSSTDTCS. The following list of republican meetings for Lincoln county has been: prepared by Chairman French and Secretary Prosser. ot the coun ty central committee, together with names of the speakers: Sept. 2r-Sotnerset; Patterson, Elder anjcL-Bobhlns-,. . - - -r- Sepfc. 25th Dickens? Patterson,. El der and Bobbins. Sept. 26th -Wallace; Patterson, Elder and Rabbins. Sept 28th Sunshine? Patterson,. Bob bins and Hinckley. Sept. 29thr I. p. m. Punk schoolhouse Patterson and Bobbins. Sept. 29th Pairview; Patterson,. EoB' bins and Hinckley. Sept. 30th NoWell; Patterson, Rob bins and Hinckley. Oct. 2d Sutherland? Grimes; Patter son ard French. Oct. 6th Gaslin? Grimes, Patterson and Bobbins. Oct 7th Peckham? Grimes, Bobbins and Patterson. Oct. 8th Cottonwood? Grimes, Pat terson and Rabbins. Oct. 9th, L p. m. Blaine? Patterson and Bobbins. Oct. 9th For Creek? Grimes, Patter son and Bobbins. Oct. 20th Lemon: Grimes and Pat terson. Oct. 2ist Myrtle; Grimes and Patter son. Oct. 22d Whittier; Grimes and Pat terson. Ooadenaed Testimony, Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manufac turers Agent Columbus, Ohio certifies . that Dr. King's New Discovery nas no equaL as a cough remedy. J. D.Brown, Prop. St. James HoteI,Ffc. Waynne, Ind testifies that he was cured of a cough of two years standing, caused by la gnppe. by Dr. King's JNew Discovery. JBv r -MemuVBaldwinsville, Mass., says that he has used and recommended it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. Hemming 222. EL 25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of croup, because it instantly relieves. Free Trial Bottle at A. t btreitz s drug store. J Maccaline will cure any case of itching piles. It has never failed. It affords n'stant relief, and a cure in due time. Pnce 2o and 50 cents. Made by Foster Manufacturing-Co. and sold by A. F. Streitz. TRRTGATTOyZAJX and Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, to be held at North. Platte, Neb., Oct. 9-16. 1S96. For this occasion the Union Pacific will sell tickets trom points on its line in Nebraska, and from Cheyenne Wyo.. at a rate of one fare for the round trip. For limit of tickets, dates of sale, etc., call on or address. N. B. Ouds Agent. " MECCA CA.TAKKH REMEDY. Forcolds m tne head and treatment of catarrhal troubles this preparation has afforded prompt relief; with its con tinued nee the most stubborn cases of cafarrh have yielded to its heaHnjr power. It is made from concentrated Mecca Compound and possesses' all of its soothing and healing properties and bv absorbtion reaches all the inflamed parts effected by that disease. Price 50 cts. Prepared by The Foster Mfg. Ccr Gbuncu B Luffs. Iowa. For sale by A. F Streitz. . Pale. thin. Bloodless pxinJe should use Dr. Saw Tec's csatine. It is the greatest reiaotlr in. Urn world lor mating the west strong. "Sot sale, by F To Axthnr CBoBertss. non-resident: The undersfcfTUHl has Sled her petition, la Di, tact Court, Iincoln county, Xebrasm, prayinjf cItotw from yon. and the custody of her miner childT Innnv because of your abaudaasoent far pro years 105C poet. ion. are- required to answer tnerenj on. or Dgfore Sot. s, IrtiS. .77- . fTUL ROBERTS, Hahillg. 3 DOLLARS -DOING We might give yon quits an essay on. the; silver dollar and gold dollar,, but we won'tt not to-day. fe'll only speak of the plain, ordinary, eTery-day dollar of trade as we get it and knoir it, and spend it, whether ifs goIdT. sil ver, paper or change. And on the line of argument pre sented last week, we'll just drop a word of suggestion that any old dollar will do double duty if you will deposit it with us. We are opening: new goods every day, and before the people the finest of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Bc-stce etc.t ever shown in thedfy01611 Yours for husL Shoes, Ricbards Bros. RAND FILL OPz. Ten Days 2ow is your time to lay in a supply for the Winter Here are a few prices: Serges in all colors, 38-inches-m width, at 27: cents; Simpson Henriettas 14c- Look at this 10 yards Standard Calico for 29 cts. Only ten yards to each lady customer. Everybody wants a Table-cloth when thecan get it so cheap. Talk: About Bryan and McKinleyl They are not in it when you see our line of 10-4 Blank ets per pair 49c. Take notice 10 yards Dress Gingham for 49 cents; only ten yards to each customer. We are strictly in it on Hosiery. Ladies JBast Hiacfc Seamless Hose only 10 cents. Children's Fast Black Bibbed Seamless Hose only -bine Lmen unbleached Fine Linen Unbleached for Damask at 23 cents; Turkey Bed Damask for 34 cents; Turkey Bed Damask for 49 cents. BIG SNAPS Fine Line of Novelty Dress Goods, all colors and shades, from Fall is here. ' Everybody have the largest line of Dress Patterns that ever come to town. All the latest Kovelty goods in 8-yard lengths- Come and see them. Don't Give it Mrfij" Everybody buying 1.50 their choice of one piece of LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN Talk about giving away 10.00 worth of goods for 1 n . o sale, we will give a nne water set. We are bound to sell goods. Fine Turkish Towels for 25, 35 and 49 cts. Our TAotto is Quick Sales and Small Profits. Carpets at all -prices, 35, sels at 75 and 85 cents per yard. We have many Bar gains too numerous to mention. Call and inspect for yourself. SPDon miss the place comer of the alley. Mammoth store. Everybody come- JOHN H. DASY North Platte, Neb., Sept. I6tlu 1896. WALL-PAPE Rt PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GISr VARNISBESr GOLD IxEAFr GOIiD PAINTS, BRONZES ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHESr PliHO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE. AND BUGGY PAINTS, i KALSOMTNE X.aJCERIAI WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHSD JULY 1S68. - - - .110 SPKUCE STSECI- DOUBLE dut!!: in the course .og-v Prop's. Cash Sak 10 cts. lable Damask at 34 cents: 49 cents: Turkey Bed Table 15 to 30 cents per yard. wants a dress pattern. We worth of goods can fake Glassware free. goods L Everybody buying cash, only during-this ten days7 50 and 75 cents, and Brus - In the Ottenstein block.