Is1' Wkt flbruttttte. YOL. UL ffOBTK PLAITE, KBBRASEA, FRIDAY EVMHG SEPTEMBER 11, ISaG: -4? r 4 Slaughter r Slaughter! Slaughter!' We have got to make room for our immense line of Fall Gfoocls and for that reason will sell all of our goods at .marvel ous low prices lower than ever known in Western Nebraska. Now is Your Chance! We positively will allow no one to undersell us. Comparison solicited. Goods freely shown. STAR MIK BSE, WEBER & VOLLMER, PROPS. -Ho. First National Bank, J?JL,A.TTE, 2 13. Watch this space next week for announcement .-from Davis, the hardware " man "who nobody owes." OXcL "Vw" 33orTi,n Stalalo.) Good 3ENcrtrx'3"est corner of Cocrihoese Prices FINEST SAMPLE EOOM ET. SDKffi PL4TTB Hating rsStted oar rooms in the finest of style, ibe public is in vised to call and see cs, insariag eosiieos? trealmeat. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Oar billiard hall is supplied wiih ihe best make of tables and competent attendants will soppij all yoer srsnts. KBITffS BLOCK, OPPOSITE i'HE UKION PACIFIC DEPOT 349S - CAPITAL - - 50s0i SURPLUS. - - m-M H. S. White, Psesiaest P. A. Whm - - - Vke-Pres't ArthuF Md&iaant, - Qtsfcier. A "eaeral b2fcSag- feesisess traaeacted. Te8TTis3 Comf ortafole Eirs. SHjTDS &j LOCK square. ASSQUSCSXEST. The ladies of the Irrigation' Fair J Association desire to announce to f the public that their entertainment j advertised to be given Fridav even- rag; Sept. iith. has been postponed to eanesaay evening; Sept. loth. Mr. Llovd having donated them the nse ol the opera house for that date, justifies them in giving a more elaborate programme. The entertainment" will conclude with a dance. rE2iGinox fae sons. Work on the band stand at the fair grounds will commence to-morrow. It will be located jast inside the bicycle track and directly op posite the gand stand Secretary Seeberger says entries ol stock for the fair-are being made daily. Yesterday one farmer entered a number of Jersey cattle and another several hogs. Arrangements are now being made to lay a water main to the fair grounds in order "that an absndant snppiy of city water may be furnished to the thirsty. There will be no lack of music daring" the fair; some six or eight bands have been engraved for the occasion. Some of them are among the leading organizations of the state. Chas. P. Boss has jnst com pleted a map of the irrigation fair grounds, showing the location of the beiidingsr tracks, roadways and booths. It is a very neat piece of work. The statue of Colonel Cody, which has been reposing in the treight femse for a year, has been removed to the tair grounds and wiii be erected jest north of the main ex hibition baiMing. Mr. Eyerly, of Hersfeey. has been employed by the fair association to receive from the ditch farmers the exhibits intended for the fair X7p to Wednesday he had received a large number of exhibits and the work has scarcely begun. The liberal purses offered by the Wild West Wheelmen at the bicycle locrnament during the irrigation fair wiii attract the attention of riders in Nebraska and elsewhere. As-several of the events are open to professional riders great sport may be expected. The display of Lincoln county fruit at the fair promises to surprise aii visitors who imagine that this is not a fruit growing section. The orchards on the farms of ifessrs Hershey. Jones. Trovilio and the Hostetter place are -bearing well this season aad each of the above named wiii have Sne displays. Ouite a number of letters hare been received bv Secretary See- berrer in which the writers state i ' vided with blankets and will be! satisfied with teat accommodations. Is order to make provisions for sttch. Mr. Seeberger is in correspondence i with several aianufacturers with a view of securing a number of tents. Will Daiv. editor of Mcpherson's newsv oacer. was vision- best -t -1 ... - - -t J- A. J. Neel took in the lecture by Greene in North Platte. Saturday. John Combs also transacted busi ness in the same city. Miss Cora Combs returned from North Platte last week, and com meaced the fail term of school in District 63 Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pease, of Whit tier precinct, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore Sunday. We are glad to see Mrs. Pease's health so f much improved and trust she may be restored to health again. - Miss Jennie McNicoi begun school at White Plains Monday. Martin Witkzie out in rve oa the Mrs- Sara Combs' place last week- He recently- traded bQQ bushels of tioes, and Bryan is warmly ia favor com for a team of broncos to Mr. transpiaatiag them to thss coen Chapin, of Logan coantv. try. It seems that the exceptions A Mr. Martin, of North Platte. in his declaration of independence is lathing and plastering the school i of European ideas are more nam- house this week. The McGrew school opened Mon- day with Miss Jessie Waite as teacher r. . . Miss Winnie Derov reEt to North ..t. t , - sume .her studies Platte i-jo,-vJ tse North a v Tr.-.-. T . . . . A. h Moore last week picked r, , . . . . , from hfcs vines a watermelon that - . . :t , - , . wergucd thirtv-six pouads. How s t . - " , that xor tee sand hills' - , r r . A Messrs- Eckman and Combs, of r. f,-, - . Pawnee Cxtv. are visiting the fam- iiv of W. Combs. " V,.- . . . - . . good rains this week, whica will fee! r tO !f2rt the rve wrr Irt -Wrl precinct. W. T. Banks, of North Platte. banting" in this vicinit y Wed-j nesdav. r a correction. The item reading l r j. Meazie, D. ifcXicoI and Waite returned from North Platte Satnr-t day. got mixed with another item. and shonM read, R. J. Menzie and D. McNicol were North PJatie visitors Saturdav: and the Misses Jennie-McNicpl and Waite returned from North. Platte, where they had been attending the institute Satur- dav. Hayseed: .tot eiZiA xcJ5?J5i.Lri- The elevator at Jierskey is pro gressing" finelvy and-is a great im provemeat to that place. The new school house is weliunder way; the foundation is completed and every thing ready to go riht along. School besnn ifondav at Sissoa. Nichols and Platte Valley. Ai Tin moved his hay camp from theManion ranch down sear the railroad bridge east of the Piatte. We understand he has 600 acres to pet up there Emma Dowhowerieft Susdav for her home south, of Ihe Platte, oa ! receiving word that her mother had a stroke of paralysis. Bert Fletcher has opened a bar- f ber shop in Hershey He -placed a 6ne chair in it the fore part of the week. Albert Pierson made a Sse run with his wheel Sanday,comiBg from North Platte to Hershey in Sfty foiir minutes Sutherland and Hersfeey bad a match game of base baH Sunday afternoon; tally 16 to 19 in favor of Hershey. Zavier Tiiiioa thrashed eighty bushels of alfalfa seed from tea acres which is considered a bigyield. Miss Lotta Wills of eastern Neb. is visitiusr with her sister Mrs. Bee s Goodwin Dad Woolf took a load of See melons west vesferdav. BZFEBIiCAS' ' Thefollowiag list of repcbUcaa meetiass for Lincoln count v bas beec prepared by ir3!rtaan French and Secretary Prosser. ot the coun ty central committee, together with names of the speakers: Seot. I54Ji Cartfei PattersoQ. Haas- koaaaaBobbias. larsd. Pa.iefsoa. Rtbbas mad Elder. Seos. i6 Ptent; HceslaeCj Paiec- soa &ad Kabbies. - Sept. Iitfc HiesMs: Patteisoa zsc Seot. ISih Hershey: Paitarsoe aod Fr-Eeb- SepL92. Weffiket; Pttecsosr Elder I aad Robbias. Sept. S : isa Grwr-: P&ttessoa, El der aoc Hobbies. Sept. 31 Sotaecse; Patiesoer FJder asd Bobbiee. Sept. 25a Diekees; pwatecsoe, Bt- Set 364fe -WaBaee-: Pfctts5r Etfcr acd Boboic Kfae asd Hinrier. 5?t 53sh. I. ziJm. Feisk se&msoiShaa&i Sep5--2SHb Fairriew: ELUecscr Rob bias &ad Hkieklrv. Sept. kh tibsreU: Pa&ecsoa, Rob bi&s aod Hisei:Bev. Oct. 2d Solberlasd: Griusee. Patt&r soq axsd Freacb. Oct.6ia Gaelie: Gsiases, Pattetsos sod Bobbios. 0t TSa Peckaas: Grwses, Bobbin i od PastersEW. f Oei. Stb Gioevcad . Pat- Oct- SbT i. p. ts. BSaiee; PatiersgiB aac Bobbias. Get. 9a Fore Greek: Griiaes,. Patter- ?os s.b& Boob'n?. i 3&h Leeoe: G rises aai Pat- f i SersoE. Oct. 2lsfc Mvrtfe; Grhaessed Paer- SOQ. 0t. 52d Waktiec: Griees asd Pat- We hear that Senator Hoagiand is doing some good missioeary work where ever he goes and is be coming more and more couadecti that there is a chair for him ia the 1 t state News. chamber. Oealalia l The income tax and free trade I are established English iastitu-; I eroes than the other items. St. Loesis Globe Democrat- -r , ; ! -PEOPI-E have very httie ese tor a J quack doctor who des sot snder- f f stane bis Business, rw Tears 7r fc t., . , " r lirat liberal doses of free trade , f would make the American people K , , I I s Happy and pcosceroes, but the re-' ' suit was tne opsosite. 2ow -Boc-' t r" L . ' I tor Bryan, conscions that his ; I ' treatment or rour vears ao ras a . - - 4 , & ..t , btg mistake, prescribes liberal . r .. L f QO?.eS.r iTQf H,s fest e ; scnption wsii rrove worse than the I Sfefe sfe sai war, Sl- 1 THE EED EIFEE XDE. THE FHIL06OFKKTAL EXPtAJtATKJM OF A MIRACLE; Accoc.tirx' For th Jrzrzczss3 trj- "Which. tbe TVaizr Tensed to BIcolsit&s Cor&-m'r-ti of H&e A Tlst 3Iax Hsre Bees t&c c3l 13smt SsxpXsjrd. The account of the turning of th waters of tbeNSle isco hfced is fceaa iii Sxcchs vii, 16-25. At the cgessssba ef Gcg, Mcees siretcbed out ihe sym fcolie rod, iiself s rerraculoas portent, over xh& waters aad snoie the Nile fer thesttOfPhaEniofe. "Azsd sil the wa tcrs thst were ia the river were turned to bkcdl Asd the fefc that river died, and the river staak, sad the Bgjgfrrary could not drink of the waer of she river." The lairsete exteadedl to all the canals and resecv eias asd even ccxsesae sepoiies of BfTpt, as verse It says, "UpcKi their streaa fcaaalsl, upm dieir rivers ( ferraches cf the Nile K uaou their poods (or kes) sad aoa aii their jcois a? water (ssserroirs) asd tsssss. the waser fcoth in vessefe of wod and in vessefe of sttEe" that is, the stosd cisteras ss the corsets of tho streets, sad the doaesde vessels ia the houses. Is this account, ns&v aoc cue ss j in pgjag that, in she very descrrp tiea of she oceratHHi of thealaszse, the histcrisH ktovcs his iathsste acoaxiat aace wish she detaiis of the geography of Efync sad of the heme lite of its peo ple, which is ssrcagfy pcesasucive ot rexsoaal oiservstioa cf what he de scriBesr is there aavthEtg like i; ixi&xy ia the pheaecaem of the Nik saat is, is there any ustursi eoaditkai of she Nile which she skaele coaM lay hold of sad by iateasiSc&doa pecdace she piasae? For answer, says a wriser ia aa Ejk iiih perscdicsJ, let sse fceda wish a qaosadon from Ostezn's caasaeatai History of Eevps.'7 It will lead ap to she full exaisacca. "The saa," savs y--- Oshera. 6was jest riijBg over the Arahiaa hills, aad I was strryeissd to see that the racswut its bcass ssrsxk she water a deep red xeitertkai was caused. The iafrrnsicy of the red siew with the iBcrtase of the 2b(, so saat even Before the did: of the sashadrisea cxeaaieielj stove the hills she Nile oSered the aearaace at a river of bleed. Sosgeetiag soesse iiissioc. I rcse aaiekiy aad. leading overtheseof the feoas, found aty arse isipcesioB coa araed. The ear tire anss of she waters wssasaqae sad of a dark red, asore like hkod thaa agjthiag else so whiehl cguM ccaseere it. At she Eaae tirae. I saw that she river had rises SRaehaeaes darjag the aight. aad the Arabs rsesa iell'iae i was tfte r-ff Nite. " I do cos ase this ctkbsks abeaaese soa of she Nile as aa erplaaatioa of the pJagae, beeacse the red Nile, si shoah it has the aacearxace of bJcoa, hesacaecf she ether deadly- eneetsef she rairaele. Cte she eoBtrary, it is saM sb&t the waters cf the red Nile are specially dslieicas aad r?fzesaiar. Bat yet it ices point as ia the direction we ssast co fcr oar geographkal ideatifiui rioB of the aatar&i phezsceieac5 sad the asiracafcoas plague, fesr she readeaisaj Bssseria! which is ia the c tease aad which ems j fce healthy ia a dearee of ascderxticB rsay decease fautl wbea present in aa excess scch as she piagnoe takes icr granted. The qaestioa is, Is there what may be called a bleed rsate rial pceseat ia tbdcoaissOapbescEaeroa, aad is ihere asy prcaf that it caa as saaae sach deadly iateasiScssion as is sea ia the zairacle? The Bstozsbcf Ehreaeerg hasrsvessi ated the euoee cf this bleed sapearaace of the ZiTiie aad has showa taat it arises iroee the preseace, aot of aiad, as was for s loas: ane sapacaed, bat of irt fasocia sad Btimrse cr vptcaiacasplagts of aredeclon Asscoaaswe ksow this we caa see the aaeratkm of she asirade its opezatioa, sfaoash, of course, act its otisruntiiK power far one of these stlaess is the ahja, sad she alrse. so auaese is itself (there are from 46,65, 000,03,000 so 8S4, 195,000, 090,000 cf phsass is a cable iachX is capable of she race? sssonaeh ia? reprcdacsiveatss. It iarreases so rapidly saat it aereally Sows. The whde bay of she Hed sex ia iSfS was tamed so the color ol bleed by its preseace, sad she Elte seeaedioraa okod frees the saae csase at the fce gyiwgr ihig nnm.fy. Iraaaiae, shea, tyfe? alga, sdaialated by divine power to aa abaoratai excess, iacreaeias o as not aly so color she water, bat so possess is, to thic&ea it iadeed iato the ccasrst eacy of bleed wish frightful predectivs aess, sad shea you have the placre. Aa iliassratKB of sach a fact is quot - ed by Geikie frees Siliraaa's JeoraaL He says that there is aa accoaas ot a a HaasaiB ra a cave in oetrt Tmenea which Sewed bike bleed, whose Earn seeaaed so grow solhi, aad whea is was placed ia boctles it wodtsd ia shsa aad bersc tlsess, aad aos coald eat ir, aad did so grcedOy. The sssEade cf looses only aeeded so iateaeify the 3oiac ia crease of ihe sfeaio aOBaeilirRc liifthii decree, sad shea we reach she coadi of the recorded plaaae, for it ig that the Nile has been kacwa so h&Te the saase Jrofc. hut ato so base bees blccdJi&e'aad so have rerearaed fetid fer reot.tiK. Wishiactca Star. The average stadect ia aa Aaserican eleae today is a aae ecisaea ec asm hood, physically as well as aieaially. This was sot seaersdly so a geaerasaoa ago. The stadeat of assefce&Ks esys was, as x rule, raeatally sooag-, bat psvsse&i wea. His brafn wascalfivac ed, bet his brawn was aegiecfed. I5e was apt so t e roesd shoeldered, chested, holjow cheeked sad r x i Brother Jcaaihsa drawa bj the terisss. rse wasas at all physieal heausj to his soas aad sorssof seday- This eee totliefae that the youag raart of today 'sxas s stroag," as the gfjsfe say, Sac asSt- fecies- H? Tgagerdtqcs digs't: E CSsySsar. eji .i hji -kjj j. I DOLLARS ; v .,DGJNG: ;r "1;; DOUBLE We iMht gije you qmse an say oa ihe silrer dollar -ad gokH dollar, btife we won't, no to-day. We'll only spe.-ik ol tlie pkie. ordinary. eTerr-daT dollar of trade as we eec i asd know it, and spend if, wleher ifr's gold, sil- Ter. aper or change. And on ihe Kne of argument pre sented last week, we'll just drop a word of suggestion ibat any old dollar will do double duty if yon will deposit it with us. We are opening new goods every day., and two or mree weeks will be able to place before the people ihe Snest assortment of Dry Goods, Cloaks. Boots. Shoes, etc, erer shown in the eity. Yonrs for business, Richards Bros. ai ?j 'iir 1 i-rt iT-tr r r . n WALL-PAPER, PAIKT AMD OIL DEPO.T, WINDOW GiSS, YARJOSBES, GOLD LEAF. GOO PAINTS. 3RONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PfA2f O AN PUftKITUSB POEJSHESv PSSPAKKB !EOC'S AXDWCGGY FA5 tL? LSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JCTT 136S. - 330 SPRUCE STJtEsrgir AaTessM lasers. Listot lettess remaining- aaeaBed ias ia thaaost una,: atNotth PtaiSc. Nsbu or tha Vek aadiar 3ciabz II 15S BabeoehvGW Dnaa. Ward Katsh.Cbas Trans. P Jf HO UDOb. GsoBobeO. Miee D CiMracdL Miss M Henry. 3fes J E Fescg5cgJSne: Bocataro wiB jifiii? sgy i advarteed.'' M. W. &&ia. Pbasaunter. MECCA CATAKHS R For rokls ia She bead aad ot catarrlial t?oables this prepamikra has afforded acoaipk ?etief ; with its eaa Stsaed see the meet sUibhora eaces of cararrfa have yieidd to its healiae: power. IS is made from coaeaateaawl 3teeca Coepovcd aad posesees an cf He saothtag aad heahas: arcpe?tiec aad br sbeocbtioc reaettee alt the untamed parts eed hr that dfeease. "Ptatm 50 cssw Prepared by The Foser M1 Gr Cocoed Blaas. Iowa. For sale by A. F Sfireisz. Br. X. 3wrj 3Uz Jl jmm -rife t'wih njurnMi"! t w Boys and gwrfe wach space lib 11 J 111 till J C, M. Mewtonlt xrmci: fob ptblicatio. Ixs Oaal ScaOk nam. Srt I cut JOBS - 9lU. D U TV, in the coarse of Iff Prop's. U. P. TtME CARD. ata.& : Ma3 Itemmm .aa aa ipces ... - Kmm V3Le!&t - -14 a .NSnlFutaaa - ntt.H 26a.ST.?tclKat - lapnt 2tt.4.Ptgax. . - ratine piiCOX & HALOBAN, ATTD2fSTS-JT-LAW, D 8- N. P. DONALDSON, mil i E-NOSTHRGP, DHNTIST. Ifeoai Xa. C, On ?aaniB 2CORTH PLATTE. N3Bl 7?HyCH & BALDWIN, JTT0R$'ETS-F-J1FW OficaoaarN.P.NtLBMat. p a PATTERSON, OSee Ffe Natioeal Baafc' Bfcfe NOBTH PLATTE. NEB. Coal Oil, Gasoline, -f O&s Tar, And Grade Petrokois, Leave osdets at otoce i Broefcer's tailor shop. MECCA COOUM) If I TiBPl stBaak Sold "toy S SroI1 ! J i s 1