The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 25, 1896, Image 1

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Slaughter! Slaughter! Slaughter!
We have got to make room for our
immense line of Fall Goods and for that
reason will sell all of our goods at marvel
ous low prices lower than ever known in
Western Nebraska,
Now is Your Chance!
We positively will allow no one to
undersell us. Comparison solicited. Goods
freely shown.
ira Ml
First National Bank,
-it rTm i x
' H.
Davis' Seasonable Goods
Davis, the Bicycle Man, -
THE .VIKING, is the "biking", Best of cycles.
. -THE- ELDRED GE, strictly first class.
THE BELVTDERE, a high grade at a popular price.
THE CRAWFORD, absolutely the best wheel on
earth for the money. Choice of all kinds of handle
bars, saddles and pedals.
DJavis, the Seed Man,
Has a fail line gf BTJLK GARDEN AND FLOW
ER, EED from the celebrated Rice's Cambridge Val
ley Seed Gardens.
Davis, the Hardware Man,
TOOLS, RUBBER HOSE and the celebrated Acorn
Stoves and Ranges.
gSgDon't forget Davis, "that no one owes" when in need of anything
s in his line. Samples of "bikes" now in.
CQXci "7"atx Doran Stable.)
ISlSi Good
EyNorthreest comer at Courthouse square.
Raving refilled our rooms in. the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring ca.urieo.ns treatment-
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar,
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make o tables
and competent attendants will supply all your wants.
3496 -
- - $50,000.
SURPLUS,-;- $22,500-
S. White, - - - President
A. White, - - - VIce-PresTt.
Arthur McNaraara, - Cashier.
A general banking business
Com fortafole Higs,
Aswaaciata k tis Famine ftlk
rjarrnnE sotes.
Both, the attendance and interest
in the work of the Lincoln county
teachers institute appear to be
largely on the increase the pres
ent week. This augurs well for
the good that will' be acomplishedr
and is alike creditable to the in
structors and attendants.
After the usual opening exercise
Monday morning the roll call de
veloped the fact that there were
133 preceptors present.
Mr. Somers led the class in Third
grade work and made a. very inter
esting showing.
After intermission the instruc
tion in the fundamental principles
of music by Prof. Orr was shown to
have fallen upon good ground by
the excellent fruit it was bearing.
Atll:15 o'clock Mr. HValson, of
Gothenburg, took a class in num
bers through the subject of percent
age in a very instructive and thor
ough manner.
In the afternoon Prof. Orr Ied!the
class in history from 1787 to 1815.
To-day he resumes his subject and
takes the class from 1SI6 to 1S35.
It is needless to say that he suc
ceeded in arousing a
great deal of
interest in his work.
Miss Martin next led in the sub
ject of physical culture and the at
tention paid demonstrated the fact
that a great deal of interest is be
ing taken in. this matter.
There was a light frost in places
Sunday morning The ladies
union aid will meet at the home of
Grandma Tillion to-morrow after
noon.... John Tallmadgeand wife
of Sutherland, in company with
Mr. and Mre. Ernest Gibbons and
Zach Zook and sisters, made a trip
to the canyons last week in search
of plums. They gathered about
three bushels W. H. Hill, of
Hershey, has removed the parti
tion from his store in order to make
room for a larger stock of hardware.
He will also put in a stock of har
ness ..The elevator has been
moved over and it will not be long
until Hershey will handle all the
grain, for shipment in the valley . . .
The dog killing fiends are once
more in the land. They come irotn
their lair after midnight and are
the ones who are -suspicioned of
doing some petty thieving in the
neighborhood Fred Campbell of
North Platte and Alex McNichol
of Myrtle, accgmpanied by several
ladies, took in the sights along the
ditch.Sunday Jf people from the
east think: plums will not jrow on
the ditch, they should visit the
Spurrier farm, and view the plum
trees there The Hershey, Nich
ols and Platte Valley Sunday
schools will hold a picnic at Stod
dard's grove Thursday, Aug. 27th.
Everybody invited. A fine pro
gramme has been prepared for the
occasion. IT. R. I.
Miss Minnie Etchison spent Sun
day with her parents J. H. Ab-
shire spent last week in North
Platte receiving treatment for hay
fever "Water is once more run
ning in the S. & P. canal, but if
the. rains continue the labors of ir-
riga ting will be lessened C. E.
Doran, of Sidney, was here Friday
looking after his. hay interests . , ,
Eunice Johnson, C. J, Farnbanu
E. C. Brown and several others
from this vicinity are attending the
teachers institute Frank Mar
tin, of North Platte finished plas
tering C. B. McKinstry's house on
Friday The carpenters com
menced work on Yates hotel on
Thursday. The foundation was
laid by J. N. Thornly Eli Etchi
son shipped cattle to Omaha the
early part of the week Geo. Gol-
vin, of Hershey, was in town Sat
urday rustling up members for the
Maccrbee lodge Beaumont Bros.
of Madrid were the guests of W.
C. Blackmore the first of the week.
..Ir. G. Applegate is building a
house an his lot in the west part of
town . , , . John Pierson and wife, of
Keith county, are visiting Suther
land friends this week Chris
Sundburg has sold out his Nebras
ka interests and expects to leave
for the Pacific coast within a week
C. B. McKinstry was an Oma
ha visitor Monday and Tuesday. . .
P. C. Meyer and wife, ot Paxton,
transacted business at this point
Saturday Jesse Etchison, of Ft.
Morgan, Col., is visiting his par
ents this week A. E. Cady's
speech last week is said by many
to have been the best ever delivered
in this village T. H. Thurber
and wife visited with relatives at
Paxton the greater part of the
week Rumor has it that O. A.
Boetetter lias sold his west build
ing lot to Ell Etchison G. C.
White purchased a couple of cars
of cattle of H. Brogan the last of
the week Ed Richards departed
for the Rosebud agency the first of
the week. Ed is a fine fellow and
the people of Sutherland dislike to
see him leave this section . . John
Bratt shipped three cars of stock
to Omaha Sunday. Citizen.
A. E. Moore transacted business
in North. Platte a week ago Friday.
Alex McNichol had the misfor
tune to lose his watch, while on the
Dismal after plums Misses Cora
Combs, Jessie "Waite and Jennie
McNichol and. A. M. McNichol are
attending the -teachers's institute
at North Platte D. McNichol
and D. C. Schramblinsr left for the
Dismal Tuesday, and C. A. Moore
on Thursday A number of men
attended the Cady and MacColl po
litical meeting at Gandy Thursday
night Bob Douglas of Logan
county, was in this vicinityjTues
day trvinjr to buy cattle -The
rains of Sunday night, Thursday
night and Friday afternoon revived
things considerably. Owing to the
hot winds of the previous week,
some pieces of corn had commenced
to burn W. Combs, R. J. Menzie
and. A. J. Neel. were visitors in
North Platte . "Wednesday.
A. E. Moore threshed his rye
Wednesday. Among the nine men
who helped all but two are for
McKinley. This speaks well for
the fall election John Combs
threshed his grain Thursday ...
The Myrtleites would like to hear
speakers on both sides of the polit
ical questions. As yet no no speak
ers have been booked for this place
"What has- become of the har
vest picnic 'that was to be this fall?
"We were visited by another se
vere storm on the night of the 20th
with fall of rain, but the only dam
age danerin this section, so far as
learned, was one horse killed by
lightning on Peter Burke's place.
Miss Alva, of Omaha, is visiting
Mrs. Peter Burke this week.
The Rev.. Paine, of the Church
of the Latter Day Saints is again
in our midst.
"Pluming is . the order- of the
day now, and parties are seen in
ail directions coming from the
canyons heavily loaded with the
On last Thursday a picnic party
from Cozad visited the National
Cemetery. The party was com
posed of Misses Cora Broughton,
Sophie Hughes, Mary Larmon,
Stella and Effie Buckley, and
Messrs. C. L. Arthur. C. Ward and
J. B. Hushes. Jan.
Novtell Precinct We have had
three srood rains in this section dur
mgthe past week, and late corn,
barring early frost, promises to
vield well. The early corn will!
practically amount to nothing, as
the dry weather in July cooked it.
Small grain in this precinct is
a very slim crop, wheat averaging
from three to six bushels per acre.
Oats and barley are not much bet
ter. The lightning Thursday
night shattered a number of fence
posts for Henry Cordes. B.
At the free silver meeting last
Saturday, Judge Neville, one of the
speakers, made the statement that
only seven and one half per cent of
the people of this country owned
their homes free from debt, and the
crowd cheered him just as though
they believed it. The judge is
either ignorant or made a willful
mistatement. The fact is that
nearly thirty-five per cent of the
people owning homes hold them
free from debt, and only a little
over thirteen per cent of the homes
of the United States are mortgaged.
When a speaker makes a statement
that is as far from the truth as this
one he is certainly not entitled to
the confidence ot the public and car
not be trusted in any filing Sid
ney Poinardt
The teachers of Logan and north
ern Lincoln counties have organ
ized a teachers association and will
hold a meeting atthe office of Coun
ty Superintendent Kampmeier on
Saturday September 5th 1S, at 1
o'clock p. m. The temporary of
ficers are: M. L. Kirby, president
and Mrs. A. C. Kirby, secretary.
The association has eighteen mem
bers and the intention is to hold
monthly meetings. Such an organ
ization will prove very beneficial to
teachers, and school officers should
do what they can to encourage it.-
Gandy Pioneer.
Bucklens Arnica Salve
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, teter, chapped handsr chilblains
corns,, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money rerunaed.
Price 25 cents
per bor.
or DmrszsT t iictcxi iidiis.
There can question that one
ot the most important parts of abi-
cycle is the tire. It Has to bear the
brunt of the work, is constantly
coming in contact with destroying
elements, and generally receives the
least care from the rider. The im
portance of the work it lias to do
was easly recognized by makers of
bicycles, however, and they -have
given mucn attention to- this im
portant adjunct of the wheel.
There are today, perhaps, thirty
different styles of bicycle tires on the
market, all ot which vary in detail
As to their various merits,, theories
are of little value; actualexperience
is the only way to- determine this
question. Unless an article gives
satisfaction, demaud for it . soon
ceases. After a test of over six
years, during which time double-
tube and single-tube tires have
been marketed, at least three
fourths of all the riders in this
country demand and ride double-
tube tires.
The leading firm in the United
States, and in the entire world, in
the manufacture of double-tube
tires, is Morgan & Wright, Chicago.
Their history is interesting. The
first pneumatic tire the rags-and-glue
kind was giving trouble, and
Morgan & Wright stepped in- to fill
a great public want. They fur
nished a tire that could be easily
taken from the rim to be repaired.
That was the principal require
ment in those days besides the
usual requirements of speed: dur
ability and comfort.
That was several years
Single-tube tires had been pushed
in Europe, and were failing and the
same effort was being started in
this country. The Morgan- &
Wright double-tube tire quickly
proved its superiority with the re
sult stated above The quick-repair
inner tube which is this
years's standard feature of all of
this firm's tires, has made the po-
tsition of of double-tube tires prac-
trcally invincible by making it
quick and easy for the riders to se
cure at the roadside, a permanent
repair" a thing admittedly impos
sible in the majority of single-tube
A ineetingof ladies was held yes
terday afternoon in the court house
to form an auxiliary to assist in
getting a good display of woman's
work from Dawson county to be
exhibited at the Irrigation Fair in
North Platte. Mrs. L P. Griswold
was elected president, and Mrs. F.
H. Adams, vice-president. The or
ganization is composed of ladies
interested in the advancement of
the county through the science of
irrigation, and as Dawson county
has more irrigated land than any
other county in the state a good
exhibit shoui be sent. Lerinjrton
Some fatal disease is wiping out
hogs in this vicinity at a lively rate,
but no one seems to know the na
ture of the epidemic It was
thought by some that it was chol
era, but others think, different.
The doctors killed one of H. M.
Sullivan's pigs" and the post-mortem
revealed that the blood in the
region of the heart, and in some of
the larger arteries was clotted.
The disease made its appearance,
about ten days ago, and. hogs af
flicted with it die in a couple of
days. So far the disease has only
appeared in this immediate vicinity
but as it has every appearance of
being contagious it may spread
over the county before it runs out;
Broken Bow Republican.
The Norfolk News publishes a
prospective review of the best sugar
beet crop in that part ot the statet
which shows promises of a success
this season. Grand Island will not
crow until out of the woods, but we
can assure our Norfolk brethecn
that there never was sucha -pros-
! pect tor the industry in the "home
I ? It t 1 T "XT t "
ot cue sugar oeet in ieorasKa, as
this year. The yield .is enormous
and the quality superior to any sear
son. Independent. . " .
- Open fate of one fare, plus 3)
cents for-admission, tor the found
trip. Tickets on sale August 7th
to Sept. 5th inclusive; good going"
foriconKhuous passage on date of
sale' only; final limit Sept. 7thl
Also I am authorized to sell round
trip tickets at $5.50, which will in
clude one admission to the fair on
Sept. 1st and 2d. limited to expire
Sept. 5thC X. B. Olds, Agent.
Maccaline will cure any case of itching
piles. It has never failed. It affords
r trstaht relief, and a cure in due time .
Price 25 aad 50 cents. 3-Indo bv Fos'er
Hanufactorin Co. and sold by A. P.
Ask a ro
The next time you see the policeman on our beat ask him. if he
noticed any boxes being hauled up to the Fair Store of late Ask him
If the sidewalk wasn't blocked, most of the. time.. ' Maybe he can't give
you the exact number of boxes, but he can tell you that "such is the
case each morning and has been for some time. '
But What About it?
What do you want to hear about how many cases we got in? May
be you don't, but we want to say now that we bought more goods (and
are going to buy more) for this fall and winter, and bought 'em cheaper
than any previous season since we opened our doors.
If big quantities don't interest you, big values, will. Big values
are what we are going to give you from now on. We will quote a few
of them here, but If yott will call at the store we will be glad to show
them to you, in all of the departments:
300 yards dress ginghams at 5 cents, former price 7 and S cents.
- 400 yards check gingham at 4 cents.
Best grade xf calicos, at 5 cents, always sold for 6 andf S cents.
1000 yards 36-Inch cashmere, assorted colors at 19 cents former
price 25 cents.
1200 yards' all-wool henrietta 40 inches wide at 29 cents, other
stores get 50 cents per yard for It.
500 yards novelty goods' at 10 cents per yard.
Outing flannel at 5 eents per yard. -
Our shoe department. We do not claim that we have the largest
shoe stock In the United States, but we do claim that we have the
largest and the best stock In the city. We do not claim to be giving
our shoes away. In order to Induce the people to trade with, its that
have not been doing so, we will offer the following low prices for the
next fiifteen days, commencing August 15th; we wiE offer all of our
high price shoes for the same price tnat you have been paying for
medium goods elsewhere.
Our $3.00, $3-50, $4.00 and $4.50 shoes for ladies at $2.90.
Our 2.00, 2.25, 2-. 50 and 2-75 shoes for ladies at 1.90.
All of our 1.50, 1.65 and 1.75 all go at 1.25. " ' -
Our r.oo shoes go at 75 cents. ft' "
Our regular 1.50 and 1.75 shoes go-at i.eo.
Our regular $2. and 2.50 shoes go at 1.90.
All of our 4.00 shoes in the house go at 3.0O.
We have a few odd lots In children's shoes that we are selling
cheap. Remember that all of our shoes are guaranteed to give satisfac
tion and In case thev rip, break or tear we will repair them free of
charge. Do not miss this sreat sale.
Yours for
Richards Bros.,
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion ottne ear. There
is only one way to cure deafness, and
1 1. 4- r t Ti i.r , -
tucib is uv cuubbiLuuonai remeaies.
Deafness is. caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of tha Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbline sound or
imperfect hearing, and whenit is entire-
ly closed, Deafnesa is the result, and un
less the inflamation can be taken out
and this, tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever?
nine cases out of ten are caused by .cs,
tarrh which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
we will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Q
JF Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Legal Notices.
Cretlltors-of Georsre W. Nerve II. deceased. wilL
file their claims in County Court within sir mnatlw
from this August 12. 1MW. Such claims wilt be "
audited before me ou December 12. leC5. and Jan
uary 12 and February 12. 1SH7, at 1 p. m. each day.
ime year rrom. uns day Is allowed, far tne settle-,
mens, at the Ectate of said4 deceased.
634 JAMES. M. RAT. County Judee.
4 -Land Office at North" Platte. Neb., ) ' -'
August loUvKCH. f
Nofce is hereby uiven that Julia " Merkel
has filed notice of intention to make final proof be-J"
tore neaister ana Keceiver ac ms office in Jfortn.
Platte-Neb., on the 25th day nf September, lcGK ou j
timber culture application No. ILDSo", for the south
west quarter of section. Xo. HLic.tnwn.-hip- No. 1 1 j
north, range No. 50 west. He names as Titnesees: 1
Frank Ebele. William Macrander, Ed Easton and 1
Charles Mallatte, all ot JTorth Platfie. Sebntska. -
CM. Newton's
. : Periodicals,
Z Fine Stationery,:
Fancy Articles,
; Kodaks, .
: r Cameras,
. and Supplies, v
Tents and Awnings, r
. Hammocks, "
Croqnet Sets.
Iron Wagons,--Yelocipedes,
rBafcj Carriages,
- -Doll Gabs,
Cicycles, !,
Dolls,' Toys; Etc.
IS Full Line of pcjool pfipplie
He saw. the fellows make
. some great bigr hauls
But he didn't do a thins
Come early so von can ret first
"Tk Fair."
Taking-effect January 5th..
EAST BOUND Eastern. Time.
No. 2. Fast Mail Deparfcr 9:00 a m
No. 4, Atlantic Express m - Mpa
NoS. Freight Z-Sf) a m
WEST BOUND Western Time.
No. 1, Limited Departs 3:9 p m
Na. 3. Fast Mail - lk25 pm
No. IT, Freight - fcso p m
No. 2X Freight.. 7:50 a ni
N. B. OLDS, Agent.
yrLcox & hatiTjgak;
Office over North Platta National Bant
Assistant Surgeon Union Pac2c
and 3Temher of Pension Board,
Office over Streitz's Drug Stare.
Koom No. 61, Ottenstein BuHdlnt
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office First National Bank Bfife;,
Coal OH,
Gasoline, '"' -f
Gas Tar,
And Crude Petroleum.
Leave orders at ofike
in Broekers tailor shop.
So zreat are its HclITnE Power
and Pain Relieving Prbpertier a to
seem, impossible front x Non-Poisonous
Preparation, that cut he aso
wrth aii freedom. For Boras alone-
:-' its often vazxh its freight ia tioll.
i. !Tes have Been saveiibyksuso 2nd.
: L for heaStrjali kind of sores us. mer-
it exceeds all expectations. Prompt
c mosc enecrrr txtA it amihi xr
in every home and umrfcshog. Pre
parer! b- the Fjstes fa. Coun
ot Elulfs. law. St-tJ '. j Ae trade
1 wTtaii
I Itt 5
Porsale by A. P. Streitz
QXd Toy- ,a