The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 22, 1896, Image 4

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S. Smith, ot Maxwell, trans
acted business in town yesterday.
Mrs. Harry -Reese went to Gandy
yesterday to institute a Woman's
Relief Corps.
"F. D. Miller jSTorth Platte",
-was inscribed on an Omaha hotel.
register yesterday.
Judge Grimes will hold court in
Sheridan county for Judjrelvinfcade
the early part of next month.
All members of the Lady Mac
cabees are requested to be present
at the meeting Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diamond, of
Lincoln, are the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Buck
worth. Dr. Longley yesterday ampu
tated a finger for J. C. Smith, of
Garfield, who had his hand caught
in a corn sheller.
The front of the building occu
pied by C. M. Newton is being- im
proved in appearance at the hands
of painter Spicer.
The infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Blickensderfer died last
nijrht. The little one had been more
or less sick since its birth several
weeks ago.
S. W. Van Doran left this
morning' for his old stamping
grounds in Michigan for a visit
with friends and incidently to look
for employment.
Saml. Richards is having his
residence repainted and otherwise
imoroved. The oainter is also
making improvements on Mrs.
Church's premises.
"Jim" Burdick's address Sun
day afternoon will be for men only.
In the evening he will talk at the
Lutheran church, to which latter
place everybody is invited.
Two Frenchmen who are mak
ing a trip around the world on a
wager, are now enroute through
Nebraska. The public is getting
weary of these traveling fakes who
are after cheap notoriety.
" Mrs. Carrie Lofdohl,
an aired
lady living north of Sutherland, was
examined by the insanitr board yes
terday and adjudged to be in a
condition necessitatin" her removal
to one of the asylums.
F. L. "Williams, district mis
sionary, will preach at the Baptist
church next Sunday, both morning
and evening-. All members and all
interested in future work of the
church are invited to attend.
"We are in receipt of a coov of
Buffalo Bill's Press, published in
Duluth. Among- other interesting
features it contains a large map of
the Big- Horn basin and the location
of Col. Cody's big- irrigation enter
To-morrow will probably finish
the jury cases in the district court
and Judge Kinkade expects to re
turn home to-morrow night. It is
likely that Judge Grimes will hold
a short term of court the early
part of next week. ,
Amos P. Singer,of Gothenburg-,
who was arrested some time ajro
for violating- the postal laws and
bound over by commissioner Pen
iston to the United States court,
has been discharged, the evidence
not being- of such nature as to hold
him for trial. Mr. Singer, who had
been spending several days in this
city, returned home last night.
44An American Gentleman" will
be presented at Lloyd's on May 27th
by the Columbia dramatic club
with Leonard Mitchell in the title
role. Under Mr. Mitchell's instruc
tions the club has been rehearsing
for several weeks past, and the
above comedy-drama will be ren
dered in an admirable manner.
During- the past six years
many chronic invalids in and
around North Platte have been
cured by Dr. Ale', the Lincoln
specialist. He can furnish plenty
of testimonies and references as to
his ability to treat successfully
these diseases. If you are afflicted
and are anxious to be cured consult
him at the Hotel Nevile, North
Platte, on Thursday, June 4th.
Charle' Burklund says the
action of the county commissioners
in refusing to issue a liquor license
to C. T. Richards of Sutherland
has caused some indignation in
that section. The petition pre
sented by Richards was signed 03-forty-two
residents of O'Fallon
precinct and no remonstrance
against granting the license is
said to have been filed, yet Messrs.
Hill and Hardin, being prohibition
ists, thought best to refuse the
An effort will be made by the
members of the Keith county ajrri
cultural association to hold their
county fair just before the west Ne
braska irrigation fair and to have
there everything prepared to take
to the fair at the Platte. They de
sire that every person in Keith
county put his shoulder to the wheel
and help to secure a creditable col
lection for a displa'. Our county
can make a good showing by the
proper effort being put forth.
Miss Edith Newhall went to
Sutherland on last evening's train.
Mrs. J. H. Hershey devoted
yesterday to visiting friends in this
James Haynes, of Texas, is in
the city, having been called hereby
the death of his mother.
Chas. Margileth returned Wed
nesday from his visit with relatives
in Illinois. He reports a very pleas
ant trip.
Parasols at Wilcox Dept.
Mrs. Murray, who has been the
guest of Mrs. W. L. Park for the
past ten days, will return to Chey
enne to-night.
R. R. Hine informs us that he
will send his daughters, Edna and
Gerta, to Nevada shortly after the
closing of school for a visit with
Messrs. Smallwood, Bullard,
Stewart, Olds, Seeberger, McNa-
mara and Douglas were in Lexing-
ton Wednesday
Masonic initiatory services.
Mrs. Guy Morningstar, of Mon
mouth, 111., is visiting relatives in
the city She was met in Omaha
by Mrs. J. S. Clinton. Mrs. Morn
ingstar was formerly Miss Zaidee
The Lexington Patent Flour
is warranted to please.
Arrangements have been about
perfected whereby the justly cele
brated Hamilton lady cadets, of
Lexington, will visit the irrigation
fair next fall and give an exhibition
The funeral of Mrs. Jane Haynes
nes was held at the Presbyterian
church yesterday afternoon, a large
audience being" present. The ser
vices were conducted br Rev. Irwin
assisted by Rev. Snaveley.
Machine Oil at the Wilcox
Dept Store.
Eight or ten members of the
wheel club made a run to the Beer
ranch Wednesday evening, and last
evening a larger number made an
other run to the rural districts.
This evening the run will be around
the "horn."
The Wilcox Department Store
guarantees its rubber hose.
The case of Crick against Frye,
in which the former charges the
latter with assault, has been con
tinued until June 16th. In default
of an appearance bond of one hun
dred dollars, Frre is taking his
meals at the county jail.
A representative of a Michigan
wire company was in town Wednes
day and gave it out that his concern
would probably make an exhibit at
the irrigation fair. The exhibit
will consist of a wire corral in which
will be confined a number ot ante
lope and deer.
E. B. Warner, Dentist, office in
Hinman block, up stairs, Spruce st.
Farmers who think the irriga
tion fair is for the exclusive display
of products raised by irrigation,
labor under a wrrong impression
Products raised without irrigation
will be admitted as freely as the
irrigated products, and "dry" farm
4 -v
ers snouia mane it a point to ar
range as creditable displaj-s as pos
Poultry netting one-half cent a
square foot at the Wilcox Dept.
The case of the North Platte
national bank against Chas. Burk
lund was heard in the district court
yesterday. This is a case where
the bank made a loan to Z. J. Hos
tetter of Sutherland, taking as se
curity a chattel mortgage on his
stock of goods. For some reason,
probably to protect Hostetter, the
mortgage was not filed. Burklund,
who was also a creditor of Hos
tetter, bought the stock of "foods
in order to protect himself, and
shortry after this transfer was made
the bank filed its mortgage. The
bank brought an action against
Burklund to recover the amount due
it on the note. The jury gave a
verdict in favor of Burklund.
Sweat Pads twenty cents each
at the Wilcox Dept Store.
The movement to have a Fourth
of July celebration on a good-sized
scale should meet the approval of
every citizen, and the funds to meet
the expenses should be planked
down without a murmur. Of all
the great days of the year, the
Fourth of July is the greatest, and
to let the day pass without a proper
celebration would be an almost in
excusable lack of patriotism.
Whether the celebration is und&r
the auspices of a civic society or a
committee of citizens matters not
so long as the people of town help
push the matter along. The re
publican congressional convention
is held in this city July 3d, and it
is likely a number of those in at
tendance will remain over the 4th if
we have some inducement to offer
them in the way of a celebration.
The Board of Education will
receive sealed bids, up to 1st of June
for taking the census of school dis
trict No. 1. They reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
D. Z. FouixK, P. J. Gilman,
Sec'y. V. Pres.
Spring Stock of
arriving, 1896 designs, and cheap, too.
Upholstering and Furniture Repairing done.
We have a new line of Room Moulding.
We are framing many pictures, bring yours in now.
Come in and look over our complete stock.
Mrs. C. A. Dill is home from a
visit with her sister in Kearney.
The county commissioners were
up in the irrigated district Wednes
day looking after matters pertain
ing to bridges.
John "Wiseman, the talkative
accident insurance agent, made his
periodical visit to this city yester
day. James Minshall, who has been
having a severe attack of rheuma
tism, has so far recovered as to be
able to be out on the streets.
The Lew Baker building on
Front street is being repapered and
painted preparatory to occupancy
by the John McMichael barber shop.
Lace Curtains, best line in
town, at "Wilcox Dept Store.
The ice cream and strawberry
social given by the Lutheran ladies
last evening was quite liberally at
tended. A number of articles of
woman's handiwork were also
offered for sale.
The members of the alumni
association of the high school will
hold a meeting at the Hiliiker resi
dence to-morrow: evening, at which
arrangements will be made for
tendering a banquet to the '96 grad
uating" class.
See the wire hog fencing at the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
Harry Fikes has been doing
some missionary mork this week,
and has succeeded in interesting a
number of property owners in the
matter of purchasing street lamps,
providing the city will furnish oil
and take care of the lamps.
John Lemasters has been noti
fied by Harrington & Tobin to
vacate his present location June 1st
as the latter desire to use the prem
ises as a warehouse. Mr. Lemas
ters will move to the building
formirly occupied by Mr. Eirdam.
You want good bread, be sure
and get the Lexington Patent
Rev. Snavely will deliver the
memorial sermon to the G. A. R.
and W. R, C. at the opera house
Sunday evening next at eight
o'clock, and a very interesting and
instructive address may be expect
ed. Music will be furnished by
the Methodist choir.
During her recent visit in Den
ver Mrs. J. L. Minor executed some
work iu china painting which is the
admiration of all who call at her
studio. Mrs. Minor has an ambi
tion to become a high-class artist,
and her work indicates that she is
making rapid progress in that di
rection. Carpet "Warp at the "Wilcox
Dept Store.
Judge Grimes handed down a de
cision yesterday in the injunction
case of the B. & M. against three
school districts in the south part
of the county in which he sustains
the defendants' demurrer. The
plaintiff can file an amended peti
tion or appeal to the supreme court
but it is not likely to do either.
It is only once in two or three
years that the people of North
Platte have an opportunity of hear
ing an actress possessing the abil
ity of Rhea, and it is therefore quite
likely that a large audience will be
present at the opera house this
evening. In "Nell Gynne" Rhea
appears at her best, and she is
supported by a most excellent com
pany. Strawberries! fresh every morn
ing. Leave your standing order.
Prices declining rapidly.
Harrington & Tobin.
A Washington dispatch to the
Omaha Bee says: Senator Thurs
ton introduced a bill to-day for the
relief of Charles L. Wood of North
Platte, late postmaster of that
place, who made an error of S100 in
his quarterly account, and who now
seeks to have his rating rectified
by a special bill; also a bill appro
priating four condemned cannon
for S. A. Douglas post, Grand Army
of the Republic, at North Platte.
James Burdick, familiarly
known as "Our Jim" will hold his
initial meeting in this city on next
Sunday afternoon at the Knights of
Pythias hall. Mr. Burdick is a for
mer railroad brakeman and conduc
tor and is traveling under the aus
pices of the international Y. M. C. I
A. He is said to be a very earnest ;
worker, and while he uses homely
phrases, his talk deeply impresses
his audience. Mr. Burdwick will
remain in the city about ten days,
and all should avail themselves of
the opportunity to hear him.
Novelties i
in Silver.
Leather Belts with Silver I
Buckles, the latest, Ladies'
Shirt Waist Sets, Buttons and
Link Cuff Buttons, Hat Pins,
Book Marks, Souvenir Spoons,
Watch Guards, etc. Also a
complete line ot Harps.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Three doors south of old stand.
Judge O'Rouke, of Cottonwood,
was in town on business yesterday.
Father McCarty returned to
Sidney Wednesday after passing a
few days in this city.
Don't buy garden hose until
you have been to the Wilcox De
partment Store.
John H. Clark, of Garfield, was
in town yesterdaj and reports every
thing in shipshape in that section.
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars.
"Shorty" Davis returned Wed
nesday from a visit to Denver. He
saj's that the report that he had
been married is a base slander on
his fair name.
The replevin case of Wm. Ware
against the North Plate National
Bank and R. A. Douglas, heard in
the district court Tuesday and
Wednesda resulted in a verdict
of $386 for the defendant.
Table Oilcloth at the Wilcox
Dept Store.
The net receipts of the lady
minstrels entertainment was seventy-two
dollars. This sum has
been turned over to the officers of
the irrigation fair, and will be used
towards furnishing the woman's art
building on the fair grounds.
The republican county central
committee will meet at the court
house to-morrow afternoon for the
purpose of selecting a date lor the
county convention and for the trans
action of such other business as
may properly come before the meet
ing. . Nails at the Wilcox Dept Store.
Straw hats at the Wilcox Dept.
Congressman Geo. D. Meikle-
john, who is one of the foremost
candidates for the republican nom
ination for governor, devoted yes
terday to visiting acquaintances in
this city. Mr. Meiklejohn is a
bright, progressive gentleman, and
that he is an earnest worker is de
monstrated by the record he has
made in congress. If nominated he
will be elected, and will fill the gov
ernor's chair with credit to himself
and the whole state.
Upon request of a large number
of citizens, the entertainment ot the
ladT minstrels will be repeated on
to-morrow evening, the 23d. There
will be radical changes in
the pro-
New songs
will be ren
dered, new jokes sprung, and the
closing sketch will be supplanted
by one superior in many respects to
the one given Tuesday evening.
Those who failed to attend the first
entertainment will no doubt make
it a point to be present at the re
petition; and it is safe to say that
many who were present the first
niffht will
The admis
sion will be 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Fresh lettuce,
strawberries, every
prices declining.
Harrington & Tobin
At the Presbyterian
tional meeting Wednesday evening
a motion to extend a call to Rev.
Bailey, of Broken Bow, was carried
but an effort to make the vote unan
imous failed. This call cannot,
we understand, be issued until an
other meeting is held fixing the
salary at such an amount as the
church is able to pa'. The salary
proposition submitted by Rev.
Bailey was S83.33 per month for
the first six months and $100 per
month thereafter. This includes
the free use of the parsonage.
A prominent worker in the church
informs us that it is questionable
if subscriptions equaling this
amount can be secured, and
that it is doubtful if Rev. Bailev
will accept a call which is not'ex
tended by the unanimous consent
of the people of the church.
Yes, The Lexington Patent
is the best. Sold everywhere.
Will Jeffers, who is stationed
at Paxton as operator, came down
on this morning's train.
Rhea and her company will ar
rive on No. 1 this afternoon. She
gave a a performance at Kearney
last night.
The Chicago weather forecast
for North Platte and vicinity is
probably light showers this after
noon and to-night; fair Saturday.
Dr. N. F. Donaldson has been
confined to the house for a week
past by sickness. His condition
this morning was slightly improved.
D. W. Baker tells us water was
turned into the Farmers & Merch
ants' ditch yesterday and that he
exoected to irrigate some of his
land to-day.
The reDublicau committee of
the Fifty-fourth representative dis
trict will meet at Ogalalla June 1st,
R. D. Thomson is the committee
man from this count-.
Station Agent Smith at Her
shey has been removed. it is
said the removal was made because
Smith borrowed money from the
company's till for a few days.
The St. Louis Republican says
the Wild West show, now exhibit
ing in that city, is the most unique
and wonderful exhibition that has
ever been given in St. Louis.
A meeting" of the stockholders
of the Lincoln county agricultural
society will be held at the county
judge's office to-Tnorrow afternoon
The obiect of the meeting is to
amend article 2 of the constitution.
Dr. Morrill came down from Suth
erland this morning.
Mrs. E- E. Northrup is visiting
friends in Thayer county.
Mrs Geo. Austin has baen visiting
Grand Island friends for a few days
Joseph Morsch is having the interior
of his barber shop repainted, papered
and otherwise improved.
Dr. F. N. Dick has been in Lincoln
for a few days past attending a meeting
of the state medical association .
Bed Spreads at the Wilcox
Dept Store.
Pat Fitzgerald, a former employe of
the North Platte shops but now located
in Cheyenne, is visiting friends in town.
Miss Nora Hollingsworth, who has
been attending school at Nebraska City,
is visiting her brother H. B."and family
this week.
Buy your summer underwear
of the Wilcox Dept. Store.
Fred H. Benson, after a few weeks'
experience in Colorado, has returned to
North Platte and will probably make
this city his future abiding place.
Mrs. Wm. Brown has been quite
sick for several days past, making it
necessary to postpone the trip she and
her daughters contemplated.
Dr. F. J. Morrill,, vho has been sick for
a week, was taken to Sutherland Tues
day by his brother Dr. W. L. Morrill to
remain until his health is recovered.
W. A. DeBERRY, D. D. S.,
Office in 1st Nafl Bank Bld'g.
Lost, a black covered 189G diary
containing memoranda, valuablo only to
owner. Finder will please return same
to M. M. Spicar and receive suitable re
ward. Mrs. Fred Barraclough had her
mouth and tongue poisoned yesterday
from eating strawberries on which some
poisonous substance had been placed by
unknown means.
O. A. Bacon was in from Well pre
cinct Tuesday, and while here made ar
rangements for a ball game on Juno Gth
between the the farmer hoys of his neigh
borhood and the Y. 31. C. A. team of this
Miss Pearl Ranek, who made this
city her home for five years prior to 1893,
and who was a deservedly popular young
lady, was married at Lewisburg, Pa.,
Wednesday last to Prof. Reed, a teacher
in the schools of Benton, Pa.
The Ladies of the G. A. R will moet
at the home of the president, Mrs. J. F.
Schmalzried, Saturday evening, May 23,
to perfect programme of Memorial ser
vices to be held at Keith's hall the even
ing of Decoration Day.
Buy McDpnald sjiirt waists;
they don't rip. For sale by the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
Neatly furnished lodging rooms
at the Hawley House. House re
fitted and refurnished. Terms
reasonable. Mrs. E. Cf Mills,
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining unculled for
in the post office at North Platte, Neb., !
for the week ending May 22, 189C,
Anderson. August Minshall, J D
Eacher, RH Oathoudt, Joseph
Fish, Arastus Torpening, John, 2
Krugar, Mrs. M.
Persons calling for above will please say
"advortised." M. W. Clair, Postmaster
Dr. A. P. Sawyer I have hsd Rheumatism since
I was 20 years old, but since nslag year Family
Care have boon freo from It. It also cured my
husband of the samo disease Mrs . Itobt. Con
nelly, Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by F. II. Longley.
Maccaline will cure apy case of itching
piles. It has never failed. It affords
instant relief, and a cure in due time.
Price 25 and 50 cents. Made by Foster
Manufacturing Co. and sold by A. F.
Fly Time is
20-inch screen wire for
g 22- " " "
24- " " ' " "
26- " ' 11c a "
28- 44 44 44 44 12c a 44
30- 41 44 44 44 12J a 44
32- 44 44 44 44 '....13J a 44
36- 44 44 44' 44...-. 15c a 44
Screeh doors 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in 95c.
Screen doors 2 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in 95c.
40 sheets of writing paper 5c.
2 bunches envelopes 5c.
6 slate pencils lc.
A belt pin lc.
2 dozen safety pins 5c.
2 1-pint tin cups 5c.
An ax handle He
A large clevis 10c.
2 medium size clevis 15c.
1 plow single-tree " 20c.
- A 12-quart galvanized pail 25c.
A galvanized wash boiler -.- 95c.
A tin wash boiler, copper bottom $1.00.
An all copper wash boiler .$2.00.
A pair of spring hinges, with screws, that
either hold a door open or shut, for i7iQcr
Hame clips, 2 for f'?. 5c.
Hame staples, 2 for .K 5c.
A 2-pound plow hammer TT. 45c.
A 14-tooth garden rake 22c.
A Maynard irrigating shovel $1.20.
Stove pipe, per joint -. 15c.
Elbows, each 10c.
No. 1 common lamp chimneys '. 4c.
No. 2 common lamp chimneys 6c.
Tubular lantern globes 7c.
A copper bottom tubular lantern 45c.
A set of handled tea cups and saucers 42c.
A set of 7-inch dinner plates .35c.
6 engraved tumblers , 25c.
6 hotel goblets 30c.
We carry poultry netting, screen wire, tinware,
hardware, notions, hats. caps, ladies' and gents fur-
nishing goods, trunks and valises, decorated dinner
sets, chamber sets, and the largest Jine of crockery, 2
lamps and glassware in North PJatte. If you pass us
by you lose money. It only takes a call to prove it. 2.
Price and quality talk.
g The Wilcox Dept. Store,
3 North Platte, Neb. . S
New Seeds
Package Seeds from Bice, Ferry, Bowen, Crossmaji,
Sioux City
Bulk Seeds of Extra quality for the Farm, Field and
at much less than catalogue prices,
May 22 "Around the Horn" distance
nine miles. Start at 7 p. m.
May 23 Around town, band concert.
Start at 7 p. m.
May 21 To Sutherland and return,
about forty-six miles. Start at 8 a. m.
May 2G South to Chapen's farm and
return, about twenty miles. Start 7 p.
IP , fujl moon.
May 28 North to Lamplaugh's Lake
and return, nine miles. Start 7 p. m.
All runs start from Pacific Hotel. A
special invitation is extended to lady
riders to participate in the shorter runs.
Tho pace will be Blow and stragglers will
bo cared for.
Guy A. Laisg, Captain.
Our Queen Colony Navel
Oranges are out of sight. Buy a
dozen and see.
Harrington & Tobin.
1. In compliance with orders from
nutiqnal and department headquarters,
t,he members and honorary members of
S.. A.luglas Qirclo No. 20, 1. of Q. A.
R, are requested, to meet at faeir hall
Sunday, May 24th, at 1Q q. m. to attend,
divine services at M. I?, church.
2. On Decoration Day, May 30th, the
members and honorary members of the
L of Gr. A. R, are requested to meet
again at their hall at 1:30 p. m. to march
to ceraetory to decorate all graves of
soldiers, sailors and marines, and render
a service to tho "Unknown Dead."
d. On evening of Decoration Day,
Memorial services will be held at eight
o'clock at Keith's ball.
Everybody cordially invited to par
ticipate in all the exercises of the day
which to us is, and should be to all true
American citizens, the nation's funeral
anniversary. By order of
M. Schmalzried, Pres.
Attest: W. E. Hesse, Sec'y.
Pale, thlD, bloodless people should use Dr, Saw
yer's Ukatine. It is the greatest remedy n the
world for maktog tho weak strong. Fdr s'nleby F.
II. Ls'nsfey.
7c a yard.
9c a "
10c a "
Nursery & Seed Co., etc,
Friday, May 221
And her metropolitan company un
der the direction of Rich and
Maeder, presenting- her
latest triumph.
A new, romantic, historical .
play in four aots by
Please call and see the New
McCormick Lender.
Jos. Hershev.
Strayed pR SaQLEN. Bay
mare,- white star in forehead, heavy
mane and tail; weight about 9ft)
pounds. No brand,
Cecil Tuel.
Somerset, Neb-
Studebaker Wagons and
Buggies at Jos. Hershey 's.
Disc Harrows 1
Sulky Flows
J Rhea j