The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 22, 1896, Image 1

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    Go "-t
BO. &.
-over our Great
Clothing, Gents' furnishing Goods, Boots. Shoes, flats, Caps,
Gloves and jJQttens.
Surprised, First at the Large Assortment:
s "Second at the Superior Quality:
Third at the Immense JYariety ;
Fourth at the Low Prices.
AYe have heen some time in getting these Sur
prises here and ready for you, but at last are
able to announce
Bargains ail Through the House.
We solicit a comparison of Groods and Prices,
knowing that you will find our stock the Best and the
Star Clothin:
Davis5 Seasonable Goods
Davis, the Bicycle Man.
THE VIKING, is the biking", Best oi cycks.
THE ELDBEDG-E, strictly first class.
THE BELVIDERE, a high grade at a popular price.
THE OBAWPOED, absolutely the best wheel on
earth for the moaey. Choice of ail kiads of handle
bars, saddles and pedals.
Davis, the Seed Man,
Has a foil line of BULK GARDEN AND FLOW
US SEED from the celebrated Rice's "Cambridge ValT
ley Seed Gardens.
Davis, the Hardware Man,
TOOLS. RUBBER HOSE and the celebrated Acorn
Stoves and Ranges.
CegrDon t forget Davis, that no one
- - - - , - o i
in his line. Samples
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop.,
"W e a,im to liandle tlie Best Grades of
Groods, sell tliem. at Reasonable
TPicrnTes- and VV arrant jS verrt h ing;
Orders from the country and along the line of the U&ran
Pacific railway respectfully solicited.
T n
a b
For the
This is the month when everybody is ready to buy their summer wearing- apparel. This is also the month
for house-cleaning- and they may need Carpets, Curtains. Window Shades, etc. This is also the month for
school graduates to bar their graduating- suits.
THE BOSTON STORi, is making- a special oirer to buyers of these
oSers. Bring- this along; so yoc may see that we sell as advertised.
We furnish 10 yards of Wool Cba-fiies.
fight or dark, all Mniogs and triflwuiags.
We furnish 10 yards of French Dimity.
Sgbt or dark, in all trimmings eoapieieT
for 8LS3.
We furnish 10 yards AsreraLinen,with ,
all trimmings complete, for . ;
2a Ladies Duck Suits, reaay made. a
assizes, to cfcse out at SS cents a sort.
to a pattern, at ro Gents per pattern.
The very best French Piques at Qc.
per yard.
French Cheviots for dresses and waists -at
t cents per yard.
AH-wcol Henriettas and Serges, ia all ;
colors, yard wide, 2S1g cents per yard.
n j : ry . .
trraQnatin. bTIlt&.
We offer the entire outfit, all wnol, I
white- or cream Henrietta, with all trim-!
mings completes parrot kid. slippers to
match, white hose, long wmte orcrern.
mitts and n. white fan for "-9a only, j
The dress goods afone are worth more.'
The only cheap store with good goods in Western Nebraska.
Stock of-
owes when in need of anvtking
riiui. - " - i
or bikes now in. .
J, E. BUSH, Manager.
1VJ OX lVlii
-r- s l
Month of May coinniences on
'it' sett 81.50 FaBlejoow for 85e per yd
We seH 31 Silk at to eents per yard.
We sell rac SOk for 4S cents per yard .
n rrx '
CrUJiji. j
Mte. quality at ic ;
Sc.HeaRfcY at ac
75 eaftiitr at 10c.
-iue- quality at inc. ;
aualitv at2Qc
We carry a complete hae of Dotted
Swkes for graduating dresses.
with Trilhy caffs and colters 50c qual
ity, 35c; ac quality, 50c: 31 qnalitvT5o;
SI 25 quality. 96 cts; 1.50 queiity.Sl.17;
Sl-ia Reality, 3L33; 32 quality. BLL
Ladies Parasols, 2S inches.
r - r ,
Children's Parasok from 20 eents nn i
We agar all oar millinerv at 25 eents
oa of each dollar.
We wake above cot on all our hosiery.
The very best Silk Mitfe at 25 cents."
Don't Fail to attend this Great
The seating' capacity of Keith's hall
was taxed Tuesday evening to accommo
date the audience which assembled to
hear and see the lady minstrels, and up
to the hour of going to press no one had
been found who was not pleased with
the entertain it ent. The programme
was of such a varied character as to ex
clude weariness in the audience, and
there was a total absence of those
"breaks" so common to amateur produc
fcione. To the critical aadttor the only
improvement which might hava been
made was a more complete localization of
the Jokes sprung by those occupying the
end seats. This apparent lack was due,
however, to the fact that some
times the persons who are made the butt
of a joke take offense at the same, and
k was the expressed desire of the ladies
taking part that nothing should be said
or done that would tend to offend the
most sensitive person.
After an admirable selection, by Prof.
Garlicbs full orchestra, the curtain
roHed and disclosed about thirty ebon-
feued females seated upon the stage
There were eight end girls costumed in
red and yellow velvet jackets, black
skirts, white shirts and powdered wigs,
while tha others wore black zouave
jackets, black skirts and white shirts.
The appearance was more unique than
beatif uL for a white woman no matter
how handsome loses her beauty when
covered with burnt co rk The first
part of t he programme was devoted to
chorusPSj solos, and the witty sayings of
those occupying the end seats. Th
ltter were rilled by Mesdames Park,
Docglas, Finn, Newton and Misses Keli
her. Von Goetz, iloXamara and Baker
with Mrs. Seeberger as interlocutor.
The soloists were ilesdams Stuart.
Finn, and "Park and Misses Sorenson,
Vos Goetz, Sullivan, McNamara, Keliher
Baker and Donshower, each of whom
acotuied herself creditably.
LThe second part was devoted to special
ties consisting of impersonation songs by
Mrs. Murray of Cheyeane, who was
heartily encored, and responded thereto.
Foiiowieg this was a dance by Miss Pest
which was very neatly executed, and
shows that in this direction the young
lady has a natural gift. A lecture on
the subject of Apa.e" was delivered by
; Miss Facnie von Goetz and proved
quite a hit. Mabel Donehower sasg a
topical song evidently composed by J. B.
McDonald, in a very pleasing way,, aad
was fallowed by a well executed dance
by Mesdames Dooglas and Huffman.
The second part closed with a drill of
the Barktown squad in command of
Mrs. Newton. This was a laughable
. , .
banesqae. and the mast ai
- i .
rattstoc feature
of the evenimr.
The third part of the programme con
sisted of a sketch which presented a
number of amusing features, and proved
a fitting finale.
Taken altogether the entertainment
was a pronounced success, and reflected
credit alike upon those taking part and
those who had the affair ia charge.
It has been said that there could be no
j cure ror internal pues witnout a surgi
cal operations, but over 100 cases cured
m Council Burns, la., by the use of
Hemorrhoildine proves the statement
false. There is a cure and quick perma
nent relief for .ill who suffer with blind.
' bleeding and protruding piles. Its use
' causes no pain, even in the most asgra-
rated cases. It is also a cure for consti
pation. Price 51.50. For sale by A. F.
the 16th at
kinds of good. Read oar
Ladies' Trilby Toe Osfords, ia black
and tan, at 51.50, regular price
Children's and Misses Tan Oxfords.
buckels and hoas. G to S. at To cts,
rom S to 12 at 9o cts, from 12 to 2 at
SL1Q. All these goods are of good ma-
tenal and -guaranteed.
Ladies1 Fine Shoes at 81.25.
Men's Fine Shoes at 31-45.
We offer All-wool Ingrain, 2 ply, regu
lar price 6ocn for IS cents per yard.
One lot of Window Rfinrfoc cnMi nil
ubuiEc butuuicit;. iXJ UlUcc UU.U lilt Jl-KiCE5
- rpm,br t,hAq u -
J tl -M bCUU Ctlliii.
In our Domestic Department we still
sell the best Unbleached Muslin at i cts:
best Ginghams at 5c, best Prints a 5c
Sale at
JULIUS HZEB, Proprietor.
A. B. Yates returned from Colorado
Wednesday evening. His health was
not good in the high mountain atmo
sphere. Dentist Morrill, of Xorth Platte was
in town Wednesday and Thursday.
W.C.Blackmore and Geo. C. White
were in JSbrth Platte on Wednesday at
tending court.
The saloon question is the principal
topic of conversation among our citizens
at present.
The Bpworth League people had suite
an enjoyable social at the Holtry "resi
dence Tuesday evening.
O. A. Hostetter received two "buggies
from Council Bluffs Thursday.
C. W.Burklund is spending the week
at North Platte. "
Chas. Kichards secured a couple of
catfish from the Neb. Fish Com. car and
has them on exhibition at his place of
G. C White shipped acarload of hogs
to Denver Wednesday and John Bratt a
car of calves to Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Florence Wells will open ub a
milliner's stock in a few days and give
the ladies who are not already supplied
a chance to purchase summer finery.
Lowell Emerson, of Ehode Island, has
been visiting his brother George the past
Joseph Perkin drove aver from Grant
Thursday. He remarks that gnats feed
in droves between these two places.
School closes to-day and the cbildrea
hold a picnic on Keith's island this after
noon. J. W. Bobbitt has taken down his tee
house as it will not be useful this som-
hser, and is not particularly
Letters from J. D. Tallmadge and O.
P. Poyner state that they have arrived
at Cripple Creek and found considerable
ram ana snow, jiessrs. Absrure and
Coker report the same conditions pre
vailing in Idaho.
Bob Carpenter has secured a aarafeer
of young prairie dogs and is raising them
on milk.
Mrs. E. Costes is on the sick ifet this
P. Ledoyt, of Pas ton, was on oer
streets Wednesday. -
Mrs. Jos. Perkins - came over- from
Grant Thursday and ?wift spend a few
days here.
Wm. Porler bos rented the Streitz
lots and will put them into com this
The boy who was hurt by a -runaway
horse last week has recovered and the
traveling outfit of which be was a mem
ber pa-sed on down the line Tuesday.
will make their
with Mr. Null's
Will NuH and
home for the present
Platte Valley closed a wry interesting
term of school Tuesdaw
The ladies aid of the Christian efesrch
at Platte Valley are makiag a handsome
qnut, which, when finished, will be
People from these parts can have their
carpets woven near home tostoad of
going to Xorth Platte. Mrs. Burr, liv
ing on the W. E. Park place, is engaged
in weaving carpets. Give her a triaL
Willie Spurrier is aa expert horse
man judgiag from the way be haadled
the lines last Sunduv.
Eev.Felton -will preach at the Platte
Valley school hoese next Sunday even
Don't forget the ice cream social at
the Nichols school hoe this Friday
Miss OIKe Funkhousec was given a
pleasant surprise party ia honor of her
birthday fast Tuesday evening.
31 rs. McKein, of Kearney, is organiz
ing a L. O. T. M. hive at Hershey. They
have secured about half the required
number to obtain a charter and think
that they will easily obtain the re
mainder. Mrs. John Eshelman recently received
the sad news of the death of her father
who resided in Pennsylvania. He was
quite an aged man being called to that
pfecefrom which no. traveler ever re
turns cn his seventy-filth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs, Al Hoover risked his
mother in Hiaman preeiaot festSoaday.
They reside on the Vaughn pfaee oq the
south side and report every thing look
ing fine,
A. H Frame rode the Maecabee goat
at Hershey last Wednesday night
Mr. Strickler has gone to Denver oa
besines this week.
A sister of Mrs. Frank Cook's, of Den
ver, is visiting with her at present She
arrived last Wednesday. C. R. I.
EncMea's Arnica Sairs
Tae best raive in the world for eHts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, teter, chapped hands, eh8biaias,
c-uciiina an sum eruptionsjnd positive
Iy cures piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money remnced. nce IS cents
For sale by A. F. Streitz.
Dr. Sa-xyer Dtiar Sir: I can say with, pleasare
thatl have been, csing-yocr medic' ce. arul wiM rec
urn mend it t all soil erirjj ladies. 'Mrs. W. W
Westtersiiee, Angasta. Ga. Sold by F ELocslej-
Board met psrsuant to call of county
clerk. Present Hill, Thomson. Hardin
and county clerk.
The following order was sesfe to ffia
county treasurer:
"Foe are hereby authorized to transfer
free the hoed and bond' interest fends
of school district No. 21 al! money in
said fends to sefeoote district fund of
said district
A. E- Httx. )
R. D.Tnociscw, J. Com
Gfio E-Hajwcs-, )
Th foflowiag claims ware allowed oo
the bridge f uadt
Petor Brke. eeder poste 5 5.75
A. Baach, bridge work $ f .10
John A. Welteer, bridg-a work 3 1C.P0
S. 3Iaag. bridge work. dahnd
519.50, allowed $13.75
The official bond of Charles K Mte
overseer of road district No. 39, was ap
proved. Ob station of Thomsos, tbo eowsty
deck was instructed to inform S- E.
Erieksoa, jastiee of the peece of Cotton
wood prectact, that Mrs Sarah M. Eiag
maj be placed in the poor house.
Petition of 42 freeholders of O'Falkn
precinct asking that a license to sell
Ikfaor be granted to Chas. T. Sieaerds
was presented to the board. R.D. Thom
son mcwd that the petition be granted,
which motioB was lost, Hill aad Hardia
voiisg against the petitkw.
May 20th Commiesioaers Hill aad
Hardia go to Hershey to inspect bridge
laraber and location for bridges.
May 2ist Board mot, present fU
hoard aad cosaty clerk. Claim of W.
H. Hill, S32&7S foe laraber, allowed on
bridge fa-ad. Claim of H. Hasletd, $75,
foe bridge, allowed oa bridge fond. The
potitios. for road No. 231 in Nicfaois pre
etact was granted as petitioeed, aad the
cooaty surveyor ordered to perpetoate
the comers, plat aad record the road.
The petitvm of John Coker and others
askiag that a part of Boed No. 21 be
vacated, vh: Commencing at a pot&t
abot 45 rods north of the sootbeast eoc
aer of section 20.
Gibrolrar &5 a Strategic Poinr.
Gibraltar about 1,900 miles from
Engraad) is of jmrnense iraporcinee as
beiag the great watch sower from which.
the movements of -warships can he ob
served and telegraphed as they pass into
and out cf the Mediterranean sea.
Moreover, situated as it is near the Sank
of our trade routes both ro the Cape and
to the "West ladies aad South America,
it is the point at which vessels wocM
Hflturally call for news, orders, coal
and protf cekki during the ccntinuasce
of a war. "When you consider that in
every second cf time 20 teas of ship
ping go out cr come into cur home
ports, and that, as a matter of fact, the
stream is continuous and never ceases,
and that the value cf the seaborne trade
of the British empire is calculated at
830,000,000, of which about 350,
030,000 neither comes to nor goes from
the United Kingdom, it seems difaeclt
to exaggerate the value of the fortress
of Gibraltar or to realize the congestion
of British shipping which might seek
its protection in war. It has at present
no drydock. Its garrison consists of
seven companies of artillery, four com
panies of engineers and three battalions
of infantry. It is The meeting place of
our Channel and Mediterranean squad
roes. The reads do not afford safe an
chorage in all winds, and an enemy
could conceivably shell thera if he
mounted heavy guns on Spanish soil
National Review.
Anthony Ecpe.
A Tithony Hope may he sesn estering
a gkxnay house in Buckingham street,
Strand, every morning at 10 o'clock
Here all his writing is done. He
changes his coat far a smoking jacket,
lights a pipe and settles down with a
laudable desire to work. If she spirit
does not move him to write, however,
he glances through his letters, reads the
papers or talres up the latest novel till
he is able to concentrate his shooehES
on the wcrk he intends todo. He writes
mcderately quickly, especially when in
cident and dialogue Sow freely. When
he is sketching- a character or describ
ing scenery, his pen moves slower.
About the latter, however, he does not
trouble himself ranch. A rocky moun
tain, with f crest, valleys and river, is
generally sufficient. He enehes at his
club cr has a meal Hens to him from a
neighboring restaurant, afterward tak
ing an easy time, usually spending cn
hour or two on his sof a smoking and
thinking. IJurrng the afternoon he gets
in another spell of work before saunter
ing home along the Strand. London
IMfHeultics of Carre-.tiga Culture.
-Lack is not a reliable factor ia the
difScals problem of carnation culture.
It demands exhaustive kaawledge oi
the habits, requirements and diseases
of the plant, unceasing wntehfubxss,
and unxcniitting labor the year through.
Even when all is done that seems pos
sible to merit success, the grower is
liable to the exasperaticn cf ftnAiTtg
that particular varieties, upon which he
may have based his most sanguine ex
pecrations. obstinately refuse to Sour
ish, under bis care. Almost every cama
taon culturisc knows varieties that he
'simply cannot raise, and neither he
nor anybody else can tell the reason
why. Of course there must be some
thing lacking in soil, water, air or
treatment which they require, but it
seems as if they were capable of taking
offense at him or bis sransnmdings and
preferred death, or as least rsnpreduc-
nve nxsr, so endurance at toe asssca-:
tien. Seribnr"s.
t-trunmed straw-goods, dress hats, turbans, short back saiitocs
Tara O Shonter crowns in black and colors, some sold as hih as S1.55
chce at tfals sale 75 cents. Uutrimmed sailors, untrimmed short back
sailors another big lot of those desirable rough straws in black, brown,
navr aad other colors.
Special for 10 days only
Commencing Saturday. May Ibth.
all of oar $2jX). 2.50 and 3.00 at
5LS; 1.50 and 1.65 at $1-25: 1.00 and
1.15 at 39 cents. Ladies tan slip
pers, formerly 1.25, go at 90 cents.
Men's working shoes, foriaerly
2.00, now at 1.50; 3wG0 shoes at 2.25.
Arasterdaia silk mitts at 19 cents
per pair. Every pair warranted.
THREAD Daring this sale at 3
cents per spool, not over 12 spools
to each customer.
Come to the store and we will
quote you the lowest prices on dry
goods, clothing, hats and everything
in the store.
Yours for Bargains,
Richards Bros.
Kilkenny Cats.
"To nghs like Kilkenny cats" recalls
the hiring of Hessians to suppress the
great insurrection in Ireland. These
German soldiers had a brutal sport, con
sisting of catching a couple of cats, ty-isg--tb8ir
tails- together, throwing them
across a ehxhesfine and aliowimr them
to tear one another to pieces. A Hussar
regiment was statioaed inK3kennyr and
the sport, becoming known to the offi
cers, was forbidden. One day the sol
diers were surreptitiously indulging in
it in their barracks, when the step of
the ofocer of the day was heard, and a
Hussar, hassiiv drawing his sword,
slashed at the cars, cutting off their tails
and releasing them. The mutilated
creatures hastily vanished through she
nearest window, and when the officer
entered aad demawied an explanation of
the severed tails it was suavely explain
ed to him that two cats bad been, nght
ing and had eaten each other up, all but
the tails.
Thomas Hardy.
Thomas Hardy, the novelist, is thus
described by a writer who has recently
met Mm: "'His cheeks are slightly
sunken and his skin is sallow, speaking
of sedentary labors, the midnight lamp
and of a constitution that eouM not
support the sustained strain of an ardu
ous task. Yet his eyes tell another tale
and possess that phosphorescent light
that indicates energy. The solution of
these contradictory remarks muse be
that he is mentally as robust as he is
physically delicate.
"Going thf- whole hog was original
iya piece of butchers slang. In the
colonial days of America purchasers
would frequently buy a whole bog to be
ca up at home; hence the batcher would
ask if the customer means to go the
whole bog or wanted only a part.
It we hope for wba we are aoe likely
to pcsEPSE, we act and think in vain and
make life a greater dream and shadow
than is really is. AiWferyp.
Pale, tfete, Moettese ycaple gh M Or. Saw
yerSUiatie. It is tee grea no? Jk fee
ocWicjaakiBg-tiie wettistrwar. Tc safe b-y F
U. . Law Office. N'ortfe Ffette.
XaT , J.
Cauiphilai krone keen eatereti at fefe Se
Bimx W. Asvfe ae&iiKt Cfearies P. Diet fK-&M-wr
to ramp tj Tit It faar a b ttmfc n r-gUwse eater
S. ELAd dutad 4 ac-i.t trick tS Hu. --.h
nanniyiio oc aia tMnry; ceatestaax at
teitnc; kaaC ta Aid Cfearit p. Dtek ha faHetl u
ptea or ca&$ to be ataoteti any aoc&m aC saW
tract to tree". Jrv- ;i.e" or custms. or ta, e&ttt
e aay amrtkm of saM tmet tae hk4 tijr years,
aad that taeve ar ao trees siwwte aaaasaM
eaoai: ta pztt are aerrer saawmeU ta
appwtr at HatSee oa tte 2tKh Aij- of Ja,lti,
at cKifc a. a M te&m& aad faraAih tti-
Lual O&ev at rtit Ptact. t
, , Jlaj ISlk, -9i. j
ate te Waar gxv-o. taat Ufrti 'eiaaa hag
sseii antfate af tumatkm tn Eaaie aaol proof ke
Sace ta Better and Beeeivr as their aSce la
artfc -Puu. br-ia. m Satimaiy. the 2Itfe
aay of Jaaa. IfiW. oa ttBtberaaaUeattoa. 5o rKM
lot tae ntmA aatf of tae aertbttadt naarter aat
tat 1 of seetioa. Z. ia tcxv&hip 12 BOrtfe. raas 2
Be Barnes m irttee&H JattnT Nytros
amd J. E. Xy-lrwm oC 6otaenbnr ya.. amA
Treaa G. V Sisraa aad Josa. .Vsilfrsa. of Seaa
Botk. Xaca?&a
y2 JOHS r Be?fcer.
aatl ram K :i -ni:i- JKmaertic 3a
! frecu"3tu.a taat oa aa
with ait fmiiiiunt- For
time h s beca tzved Wutxi aad
It '"-cd if ner-
- aw raVaiL ami ic ihotzUi b
Sold. ir j&.m S-tzroxtas.
-A. clearing of cLesraJbl& mer
chandise in all departments.
Special Induce
ments in Capes.
' S7.00 Velvet Capes go at 54-75.
5.00 Silk Capes go at 4.50.
3.50 Broad Ctoth Capes in brack
and tan go at 2-75.
2.50 Ladies Cloth Capes in
black jro at 1.90.
Pattern hats and high-cost
trimmed hats sold at a discount
of 33 Tj per cent during- this sate.
e r rare
A TT n 37713 JJta58
"The Fair."
Plain and Decorated,
Will be sold in sets or hy
the piece. The finest line
of goods eyer shown in the
We have also in stock seent
difrerent patterns in
English 5 China.
These goods are in 100
piece sets, and range in price
from 11 to 15.
An inspection of these
goods is respectfully invited.
Y. VonGoetz,
Ottenstein Block.
Gothenburg Ice.
Pure, Clean and First-Class.
is in the ice business this seasoe as
usual and is prepared to sppljhis
easterners with ice cut frost the
Gothenburg- lake.
The patronage of the public is
solicited. Orders may be left at
the Vienna. Restaurant.
jos. Hershey,
Affricnltnral : hptaen
Farm, and Spring- Wagons,,
Bnggies, Eoad Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locnst Street, between. Fifth aad Sixth
Wanted-ta idea
Pcs yenr Maaar tier
joar iceasr zzerr tost t.? '- -rrm i-wT
to pateai?
I St IST'. V