THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 20, 189G. 1 Highest of all in Leavening Absolutely pure TOLD DUFEW WOEDS EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALL SECTIONS SUMMARIZED. Happening From Homo anil Abroad Re duced 1'rom Columns to Lines Every tJiia bat Fasti Eliminated For Oar Headers Convenience. Friday, March. 13. Colonel L. Q. Hoggatr, for 33 years a re ident of Ames, la., is dead Mrs. Maria H. Taylor, aged 79 years, Jnother of ex-Congre.eman Taylor of Petersburg. Ind., is dead The floods continue in Germany and many villages are inunda ted Prince Hobenlohe dined the Aus trian p:cn:ier. Count Goluchowski The English colonial office has refused a char ter to a company to exploit Ashantee Eight oil wells and two factories in the Rus-ian fields at Baku "were destroyed by fire The English and Americans in Borne have subicribed a large fund for the relief of Armenians It is repotted in London that the porte has decided to expel the English and American mission aries from Turkey The manufacturers of Germany have formed a league to coin bat the demands of the ajrrarians for an export bounty on sugar The new foI- diors' home at Wilmington, 111., has been opened A large number of forged pas ses belonging to the Louisville and Nash ville rrail; 03d have been discovered Fearing the pas .age of the Raines excise bill, Henry Assmau, a f aloon keeper at Brooklyn, X. Y., blew out his brains with a revolver A gang of Mexican cattle thieves crossed into Texas at Fort Han cock, 50 miles from El Paso, and captured 2,500 sheep belonging to Mr. Phchery, which they drove in o Mexico J. 31. Snodgrass of Shawnee: own, I. T.. killed his father in a trifling quarrel Two Vienna tourists who were climbng the Alps without a guido were found dead beneath an avalanche Arrangements have been comploted for a 10-roi:nu con test between Joe Choyin?ki and Kid Mc Coy at the Grand Central palace, New York, March 21 Ex-Commander Booth of the Salvation army by refusing t o obey his father's bidding to icturn to England may cau-e General Booth to make a jour ney to this country As a result of the riot at a party given by the junior stu dents of Kansas university the faculty lias suspended about 30 students for terms ranging f:om 10 to 50 days Old soldiers "frpm Kan as complain bitterly against the railroad-? of that state refusing the Grand Army a one-fare rate Robert Edgren, California university hammer thrower, threw the 16-pound hammer on tho Burkely campus last Monday 147 feet 7 inches, beating Mitchell's world's record of l-5 feet. Sstnrday. Mnrcli 14. Italiau government has opened peace ne gotiations with King Monelik. All riot ing has ceased John P. St. John de nies the statement that he is a candidate for president Burglars broke open the safe in Jsmes Schmidt's grocery store at Peoria and secured 510,000 St Paul road will grant a 1 cent rate for the G-. A. R. encampment in St Paul in September W- C. L'etersou of Fremont, Neb., has succeeded in making crude spirits from sugar beets A tiain on the Vandali.v line wai wrecked while trying to make a j-pnniug switch at Center Point, Ind. lany miners were injured Judge Knowlc-s nnpoin cd .Tohu Forbis and Cap tain Couch receivers fpr Butte and Boston mining company Over 13,003 tailors joined Chicago clo'hing cutters' strike. X'raciicnlly every shop in the city is lied np--Gpvernor Bradley's alltged order to clear senate cloak room, in which weic SenatorUlackburnaud his friends, aroused ft storm of denunciation in tho Kentucky legislntmo. There was the usual bluster, but no blows. TJje senatorial deadlock continues, the Republicans again break ing a quorum in 'he joint as-mbly Ex-Senator Mauderson of Nebraska is in Washington The irousc unseated Gas ton A. Bobbins Lorn the Fourth Alabama district Emperor Franz Joseph paid a brief visit to Queen Victoria at Cimiez It is reported tia-; jjark Twain, the gifted humorist, is ill at Jcypoor, India - The "Westinghouso and General Elec tric companies have agreed upon the -joint urc of certain patents Trains for France aro said to b? ciowded with Ital ians who a'o fleeing to escape military ?i?rvice in Africa Ex- Govc nor Fifor has announced he will accupt tho position of the Repub lican national committeo of Blinois The will of tho late Archbishop Kenrick has been filed in the probate court at St Louis Tho senate committee on terri tories decided to report favorably Senator Gear's bill for the jidmission of New Mex ico as a state Elder McKinney of Hop kins Mo., has accepted a pastorate call from the First Christian church of Len nox, la City bonds to build a town hall and jail wero defeated at Hastings, Li Harvard's young orators won the competi tive debate with Princeton. Monday, March 1G. A BrltisUrKyp:ian advance on tho Nile from Wady Haifa te Dpngola has been or dered The Congiegatioaal council at San Francisco adjourned over until Tues day without finding a verdict in the Dr. Brown case There was a desperate bat tle between government forces and te jxillious Leoni-ts at Pitat. Tho rebels tvgrp defeated -with a loss of 200. There is jrreat rejoicing at Managua over tho vic tory Kinrichs Opera company can celled its western engagements Bal- lington Boo'Ji has christened his new Sal vation Army "God's American Volun teers." The banner selected is white with Au "stars in a blue field in the upper corner Grain rates arc being shaded, by all irhe roads from Chicago east Principal Pomer Lewis of tho Omaha high school ivasplectetl principal of the Worcester high school Fire at Lincoln destroy ed the McDonnell block, causing a lofspf over $45,GC0 Governor Holcomb announced his findings in thp Grand Isl and soldiers' Lome invest igatiou. He holds there is no basis for the charges against fhc couimandn'it and that Adjutant Mart Hoop's summary di-missal was warranted- Observations of Perrine's comet show that it is rapidly traveling jiwny from the earth in a southerly dircc-lica- The American chess team beat the British team by Z)4 games A fresh inquiry will 1)3 held into tho charges against Dr. Carl Peters, accused of hang ing & negro coaple to g: atify personal ends while German commissioner in Africa Mark Twain will resume his lectures next Wednesday and will leave India lor Africa April 1 Presidont Caro of Colombia Las resigned Ex-Governor Ireland of Seguin, Tex., died at San An tonio of neuralgia of the heart Gov ernor Bradley called out the Kentucky iylrirrfl rnnriinl Intv Ttpnr?rnizat:nn nlnn of N o. thern Pacific has been completed Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder Henry Cnsr. tl editor who was dis charged hy Astor. will start a new paper in London, to bo culled tho May Fair Gazette Arnie Lamb, aged 25, of Col- linsville, Tex,, who had been bitten by a rabid dog when 3 years old. died a dread ful death from tho effects The post office at Virginia, 111., was entered, by burglars, who blew open tho safe and re moved about worth of cash and valuables A party of masked men waited on Joseph Conwell as Atchison, Kan., and after thrashing him told him to leave town. He immediately obeyed President Hill of the Great Northern sailed from New York for Europa to con sult with officials of the Deutsche bank in reference to Northern Pacific affairs. Tuesday, March 17. Representative Meiklcjohn appeared be fore the house committee on Pacific rail roads and prosentcd petitions urging an appropriation for tho North Platte exten sion of the Sioux City and Pacific Su preme court holds that California may collect a franchise tax from tho Southern and Central Pacific roads, despite the na tional charter Troops take possession of the state houso at Frankfort and keep or der. Fruitless ballot was taken for senator In the senate Mr. Lodge made an argu ment for additional immigration laws to bar out the ignorant foreigner In the case involving the ownership of Gicor county, Tex., the supreme court decided in favor of the United States Cincin nati court rciuaudcd Jackson and Wall ing, Pearl Bryan's executioners, to the sheriff of Campbell county, Ky. Brit ish steauier Matadi wrecked by gunpowder at Boma. Some of the passengers and crew were saved, but many a:c missing Heaviest storm of the season prevails in the cast ZIutterings of a strike on the Great Northern on account of a cut in wages Senate joint resolution, di.cct- ing tho secrcrary of agriculture to pur chase and dis.ribiito seeds, bulbs, etc., be comes a law without the president's Big- na.ure Joe Walcott knocked out "Bright Eyes" in :uvcn rounds It is announced that Secretary Carlisle is a candidate for president Governor Brad ley appeared before the senate committee and told why he called out the Kentucky militia Father Endeavorer Clarke has joined the Salvation Army The Gulf has made nuotuor cut in Colorado ratci Senator Don Cameron is in Charles ton, S. C. The dist:nguishe.l naturalist Dr. Juan Gundlach, is dead, at the ago of S5 years Big prepa ations arc being made at Wa hington for the Christian Endeavor convendon in July, at which 60,0 0 young folks wili Le present J. F. Howard, a well known horse dealer at La-.vronce, Kan., was held up by two men and a woman who look ftiJ from him. Wednesday, March 18. Examination of D Jnmjjon and Trans vaal raiders reunited in Doiv Street police court and show a strong case against them Miss Allie Douglas of Akrqa. Ja.f was waylaid and jvpcatedty ravit-hed by a tramp. The young girl anived home hound to hsr horse and uncon-cious. Plymouth ccunty is being tcoured for the b ntc Efforts bvhig made by the leader to harmonize tho Mandcrson and McKiuley fuc:ions inNebra-ka Great rejoicing in Oklahoma over the news that the fs ce homes bill has pa scd congre s Kentucky legislature adjourned sine dio without electing a succjs or to Senator Blackburn Hev. D . Brown of San Francisco was at tutted of the charge of immoral conduct with Mr. Slock on Hudini cabinet made it; debut in the Italian chamber of deputies and received an ovation. The additional credit asked by the government to push the war in Abyssinia was votrd unanimously Tho house commiitec on naval affairs decided to provide in its appropriation bill for four new b.utleshijis and 15 to.pedo boats Office s of the steamer Horsa, convicted of carrying armed expedition to Cuba, were sentenced, Captain Wiborg to one year and four months and Mates Pe'erson and Johan en to eight months Ambassador Uhl sailed for Germany Mr. Mor gan continued his speech in tho sena'e on the Cuban resolutions Belgium declines to take the initiative in a move for an international monetary conference in favor of bimetallism During the recent snowstorm in Orel, Kus.-ia, 120 persons were frozen to 'death in one night. Thursday, March 10. The jury in the Ba:uey McGinn case at Omaha brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree after taking 150 bal lots A powder mill at Rif.on. N. Y., blew up, killing five men Governor Bradley was hung in effigy at Dnnville, Ky. Briiish Bimetallic league deter mined ;o inaugurate a great campaign for ilver in all Euiopcan lndu-trial centers Mrrlin L. Sweet of Grand liapids, banker, manufacturer and farmer, assign ri The 2S h annual-conference of the Sr. Louis M. E. church opened at Scdalia with several noted divines pre.-ent Fast cxp:e s wrecked near Livingston, Ky., by striking a rock. Engineer John King was killed Omaha city council passed a curf;w ordinance Mgr. Satolli is to return to Rome. His successor is said to bo already here France may send the Levant squadron to Egyptian waters to oppose England's Nile campaign Governor Matthews of Indiana is painfully ill with laryngitis Senator Thurston addressed the senate in behalf of Mr. Du- pout Republican state convention will meet at Bali ijiore April 22 The com bination of flour millers in the northwest has been completed and flour advanced Wi consin elected McKiuley delegates to national Republican convention Gold has been discovered on the farm jf M. Cadwalladcr, West Prince Albert, N. S. W. A. J. Bauer of Lrvenworth, Kan., has been arrested, cha-ged with forging mortgages John Jones, the double murdcrerand fugitive from justice, has been arretted at St. Louis, Mo. William Waldorf Astor will apologize to Lady Henry Somerset and she has con sented to wi' hdraw her libel suit The woolen mills of Robert Calligan at Phila delphia have been closed by creditors. Over 400 hands are now idle. Liabilities ? 150.000 Mrs. Laura Martin of Cedar Kapids, la., is in receipt of a letter from her brother, ex-Consul Waller. The letter is dated Sussex, England. Waller will return 10 America in about a month. Potatoes For Fuel. Abekdeex, S. I)., March 19. Major Baldwin'of Oakes lias been experiment ug with potatoes for fuel, and is well ileafvl with the results. He feeds his rovv "he morning with hard coal and t uigur with potatoes, and the follow ig liicriiiug fiuds his rooms warm and .jmfortable. The potatoes give off a tight blaze and tarn into a live, red .ass of lire. They form very few ashes, ajor Baldwin calculates that two and e-half scuttles of potatoes will last as :ig as one of hard coal. He believes .tie farmers can afford -to burn them. ENDS IN A DEADLOCK CULMINATION OF THE SENATORIAL F.GHT IN KENTUCKY. Bine Grass 3Lavrmai;ers Adjourn After Ac- coniplisliin" Little Governor llradley Comes In 1 or a Scoring at a Meeting of Blackburn Democrats. Cixcixxatt, March 18. The Commer cial Gazette special from Frankfort, Ky., says: The legislature adjourned last night after a 60 days' session. The legislature failed to accomplish the two important acts it had before it the election of a United States Eeuator and the enactment of legislation to save the state's financial reputation. Governor Bradley has refused to order a special session and the state is in a bad way. The senate committee backed down and offered a report (hat was so mild when the threats to unseat the governor are considered, that even the Democrats laughed. In the house a resolution was passed denouncing the lawlessness and indoising Governor Bradley to the end. Lieutenant Governor Worthington has issued a call fcr a special election April 11, to fill the vacancy in the senate caused by Senator Weissicger's death. Senators Walton and James will resign and the governor will order a special election, refusing to recognize their ex pulsion by the senate. Committee Offers a Mild Keport. The senate committee appointed to investigate" Governor Bradley and impeach bim for usurpation of office, and impose both fine and imprisonment, reported to the senate last evening. The report finds that the militia was not placed under the control of any civil officer; that members were prevented from entering the house; that soldiers entered the senate chamber while the senate was in session; that no applica tion was made to the jailer or county judge for assistance; that the governor made no inquiry of cither house as to the situation and that the object in call ing out the militia was to cast in the joint tiFserab'y two votes and elect a Eenafor. The committee, in closing its report, says: "Your committee there fore find and declare and lecommend that by the adoption of this report the senate of Kentucky declare that said use of the military power of the com monwealth by the governor was un necessary for tho preservation of the peace or for any other lawful purpose; that said military force was not used by the governor fcr the purpose of preserv ing peace, but was used solely for parti san purposes; that said action of the governor was wholly without warrant of law and was and is now a subversion of the civil authorit3 by the military power of the commonwealth." By a vote of 19 yeas to 14 nays the report was adopted. legislature Adjourns Sine Dio. Senator Jones denounced the state ments in the report as absolutely false in point of fact and iudoised the gov ernor. Lieutenant Governor "Worthing? ton did likewise and denounced tho re port. When, tho senate convened last even ing the Republicans, led by Debce,niade a fight to bring up the revenue bills for consideration, but tho Democrats pre vented legislation by filibustering, Sen ator Gcbel leading the fight. " An effort was made to unseat President Worth ington and place Senator Goebel in the chair in order that he might prevent any consideration of the revenue bills, but it was enly prevented by the Re publicans agreeing to allow the senate to receive the report ef the special com mittee and then the Democrats were to 1 assist the Republicans and take up the revenue bills. After the special report the Republicans again attempted to bring up the revenue bills, but were prevented by the Democratic majority and the senate adjourned sine die. The house also adjourned sine die. Three Great Victories For Zelaya. Managua, Nicaragua; March 18. The city of Managua is in a frenzy of excite ment and rejoicing over the news re ceived of Ibiee great victories scored by the government forces over their op ponents, the Leonist rebels. The city of Metapa was taken by storm after two days' hard fighting. The capture was attended with terrible slaughter, one re port placing the number of killed and wounded as high as 1,000 men. The town of Mora has also succumbed to Zelaya's army, with heavy rebel losses. The troops supplied by the president of Honduras io assist President Zelaya are doing active service and in full career down the western ccast of the Occiden tal department. They have already oc cupied Yiogo City, north of Leon, and are proceeding southward. Young Shoahone Chief Dies. Laxdek, Wy., March 1 r. News has just been received here from Kinnear's ranch, on Big Wind liver, of the death of the young Shoshone subchief, Jim Washakie. The Indians will give him an elaborate fniieraL Several hundred Shoshoues will be in attendance and in vitation has been sent to the Arapahoe tribe to participate. The Shoshones have demanded that the murderers be arrested, even if they cress the line into Canada, as it is reported they will do. Captain Wilson, 'the acting Indian agent, apprehends Eerious trouble if Will Lamoraxix and party are not ar rested. Four Keal Gold Bricks. Lead, S. D., March 18. Four gold bricks, aggregating 135,000 in value, were shipped from here as the result of a 15 days' run of the Homes take com pany's mills. This is the first clean-up since the big 200-srauip mill started, and "the first approaching that amount in seven months. To Command Egyptian Forces. Cairo, March IS. Sir H. H. Kitche ner, the brigadier general in command of theEgyptiau forces, has been defi nitely appointed to command the British-Egyptian expedition, which will ad vance April 1 on Wady-Halfa up to tho Nile and toward Dcngola. What a person praises is perhaps a rarer standard even than what he con demns of his character, information and abilities. No wonder, then, that most peoplo are so shy of praising anything. WHare. In 18S0 there were in this country 562 blast fnrnaces, 224 being in the Etate of Pennsylvania. Graphite suitable for making lead lencils is found in almost every country fu the globe. Every ancient hero and god had a flower specially consecrated in his honor. BROWN ONLY MILDLY CENSURED. Ecclesiastical Council Acquits Him of Every Serious Charge. Sax Francisco, March IS. Dr.Brown is acquitted of the charges -of adultery and nnministerial conduct. The council excused Dr. Brown's actions after the charges had been made public on ac count of his quick temper. With re gard to the young woman, whom it is alleged he threatened, the Council says: "We find his conduct to have violated all rules which should control the ac tions of a gentleman and christian min ister, and we censure him for it, while we gladly recognize the kindly and manly words of appreciation ann repar ation offered by him to the young woman in our presence." The council says Dr. Brown's expla nation of the payment of money to Mrs. Davidson is unsatisfactory, but there is not a trace of suspicion in the minds of the council concerning the hitherto stainless reputation of Dr. Brown and his friends consider the verdict a com plete vindication. TAILORS ON STRIKE. . Practically Every Tailor Shop In Chicago Is Tied Up. Chicago, March 14. In aid of the cutters who are now out on a strike in this city, 8,000 Chicago union garment workers declared a sympathetic strike. This vast body of workers will neces sarily be joined hy as many more, who are not members of the union, but who are in sympathy with them and for whom there will be no work during the idleness of the cutters, trimmers and tailors. In accordance -with the action taken last night at meetings of the various tailors' unions, 13,000 tailors went ont on a strike today, comprising approxi mately the total strength of the union organizations. Although there are some nonunion men still at work, the strikers claim that every shop in Chi cago is practically tied up. The big strike was accomplished -without vio lence, the strikers reporting at their headquarters or remaining quietly at home. TRAIN GETS BEYOND CONTROL. An Attempt to Make a Running Switch Itesults Disastrously. Brazil, Ind., March 14. A passenger train on the Center Point branch of the Vaudalia line was wrecked at Center Point, south of here. The engine and miners' car.containing about 100 miners, had gone on the sidetrack to make a running switch, when the other section of the train, composed of a caboose and passenger car, got beyond control of the trainmen and, shooting down the heavy gradfi, collided with the first section be fore the brakeman could throw the switch. The caboose and miners' car was crushed in, while the engine and passenger coach were damaged. The miners in their car were throw into one end of the car and the heavy seats piled on thepa. In their wild efforts to escape, they trampled and tore each other in a frightful manner. HORSA OFFICERS SENTENCED. Convicted of Carrying an Armed Expedi tion to Cuban Insurgents. Philadelphia, March lb The offi cers of the steamer Horsa, who were re cently convicted of carrying an armed expedition to tho Cuban insurgents, were today sentenced by Judge Butler in the United States district court. Cap tain J. H. S. Wiborg was sentenced to one year and four months in the east ern penitentiary and to pay a fine of $300 and costs. The mates, Jens P. Peterson and Hans Joliansen, were each sentenced to eight months in the coun ty prison and to pay fines of $1C0 and costs each. The motion for a new trial was overruled. DISGRACE AND A SENSATIONAL END. Postmaster Mapes of Kansas CJity, Kan., to Escape Arrest Kills Iiiuue:f. Kansas City, Kan., March 16. To esc'app arrest for embezzlement of government funds, Frank; Ma pes. post master of this city, committed suicide Saturday morning in his own residence. Strike Brewing on the Great Northern. Seattle, March 17. There are mut terings of a strike on tho Great North ern in consequence of the cut in salaries announced a few days ago as effective from March 1 . Employes say if the cnt is made applicable to trainmen the road will be tied up as tight as a drnm. The telegraph operators especially are in censed at the reduction. "Father" Clarke Joins Salvation Army. Boston, March 17. Rev. Francis E. Clarke, president of the United Societies of Christian Endeavor, states that his action in becoming an auxilliary mem ber of the Salvation Army has no signi ficance other than as it shows his inter est in the work and aims of the organi zation. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. iLirch 18. Wheat had quite a lit tle boom today under the influence of the threatening poli ical situation, but the confi dent se.ling of the bear contingent proved too much for tho market to stand and closed about above yesterday's final pri cj, after selling 1 cent above that figure. Com and oats were 11 .in, but closed unchang?d. Pro visions h3d an inglorious s.urnp and closed coniiderably lower. Cash quotations were a3 follows: No. 2 red whear, t&c: No. 3 rei. 64c; No. 2 spring, 63c; No. 2 corn.2SJgc; No. 2 oats. 19c CLOSING PJIICKS. WHEAT ATay. G&ffi&Xc sellers: July,63Jc. CORN Hay. 29Jc bid; July, 3. sellers; September, 31Jf SiS2c OATS May, 2j sellers: July, 202.3 bid. PORK May. 59.52Jibid; July, $9.75. LARiJ May, $j.35ao.37J4; Juy, Jo 505.52 South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, .March 18 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.5J; weak to lJc lower; native beef steers. J33D4.13; weitern steera, f3.(ttg3K); Texas steers, Ti.b(3 65; cows and heifers, i2.i) 3.30; canners, S1.75S2.83; stockera and feed ers, J3.00.g3.75; calves. ?3 X(S5.50; balls, stags, eta, S2.0j(i3.-J3. HOGS Receipts, 5.403; a shade lower; heavy, 53.7533 S2 mixed, 3.8JS3.82; light. S3.&J0 3 87JS: pigs, $3.(3-8J; bulk of sales. J3.8J. SHEEP Receipts, none; firm; fair to choice, natives, S2.75S3.33; fair to choice westerns. J2.(xJ53 25; common and stock sheep, $2.10 a00; lambs, S3.u0v5l.25. Painless Execution. In Germany the view obtains that the execution of criminals should be by Eome means more certain even than the electric chair. Dr. E. Cuhmann, a cele brated chemist, suggests the use of car bolic acid. According to his plan, the criminal would be carried to a cell, which can be filled noiselessly with car bolic acid in gaseous form from floor to ceiling. When the gas reaches the de linquent's mouth and nose it causes in stant paralysis of the lungs and uncon sciousness, and life departs without pre vious pain. "Big as a a. LUC For 5 cents you get almost as much "Battle Axn as you do of other high grade goods for 1 0 cents Before the days of "Battle Ax' consumers paid JO cents for same quality. Now, "Battle Ax" Highest Grade, 5 cents That's true economy WALL-PAPER, PAINT AMD OIL DEPOT, WINDOW GLSS, VARNJSBES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOU -E AND BUGGY PAINTS, KJ LSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1SGS. - - - - 310 SPRUCE STREET. F. J- BROEKER. MERGHflNT TAILOR. 3ST-rTJW LIYEBY JISTID PEED ST-AJBLIE (Ilc2. "7"s.23L Dora-n Statolo.) Good dlsal Prices neasonatole- rNorthwost corner of Courthouse JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, NTortli 3?latte, - - - - Nebraska, FINEST SAMPLE ROOM IU NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public ia invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tablps and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE x'HE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPEGiFi CS ?or Horses, Cattle, Shees, Dcgs, Eoa Aim POUXTHY. SGOPage Book on Treatment of Animals and Chare bent Free. CTBEs(Fevers,Coneestions,Tnflaminntion A. A.J Spinal Jlenincitis, 3I:Ik Fever. B. U. Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism. C. CJJistcnipcr, 'asal Discharges. Il.D.Bots or Grabs, Worms. .E.Conchs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F.Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. J.!.Emptive Diseases, Slance. J Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis Single Bottle 'over 50 doses), - - .60 Stable Case, -with Specifics. ManndL Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, . . i,00 ScM b7Drn5rW; cr tret prepaid anjnbfre xad In aay quoctllj ca retrlpt of juice. liLJUiiULis-iiu. cu., jii ft 113 TOHIaa Si., SewTork. HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from ovtr-vjerk or other causes. $1 per vial, or 5 Tills and largo vial powder, for 55. Sold l7 pn:ciu, or lest poi:p!l on receipt of price IICaPHKKYS'SKD. CO., Ill 11S TOnn St., Sew Ten. Dr. Sawyer Dear Sin I can say trim pleasure ; that I havo been Ufia yonr medicine, and will rec j ommend It to all snJTerlng ladles. Mrs. W. W Weathershee, Augusta, Ga. Sold by F U Lcngley 28 Barn Door A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. First-class Fit. Excel lent Workmanship. Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Accommodations for h Faming Public, ELDER & LOOEI. square. SMOKERS In search of a good cigar will alwavs find it at T. F. Schmalzried's. Try them and judge. WORTH PLATTE i MARBLE : WORKS, i W. C. RITNER, llan'Prof and Dealer In i i MONUMENTS, : HEADSTONES, i l ! Curbing, Building Stone, And all kinds ol Slonmnontal and Cemetery work. Careful attention given to lettering of every de scription. Jobbing done on short notice. Orders solicited and estimates freely furnished. U. P. TIME CARD. Taking elect January 5th, 1895. EAST BOUND-Eastern Time. No. 2, Fast Mail... Departs 9:00 a ra No. 4. Atlantic Express " 11:00 p m No. 8, Freight " 7:00 a m WEST BOUND Western Time. No. 1, Limited .' Departs 3:05 p m No. 3, Fast Mail " 11:25 pm No. 17, Freight " 1:50 pm No. 23. Freight 7:50 a m N. B. OLDS, Agent. rjl C. PATTERSON, PCTTO RNE Y-HT-LKlsi, Office First National Bank Bldg., NORTH PLATTE. NEB. JRENCH & BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, NORTH PLATTE, - - 2TEBRASKA Office over N. P. NU. Bank I7TLCOX & HALLIGAN, ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, KOKTII PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA. Office over North Platte National Bonk. D R. N. P. DONAIJDSON, Assistant Sargeon Union Pacflc and Member of Pension Board, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA. Office over Streitz's Drug Store. Legal Notices. NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION Land Ofmck at North Plattk. Nxb., ) February 2Tth, 1S96. j Notice is hereby civen that the followinir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof tvlll be made before the Recister and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on March 30th, 1896, viz: FREDERICK A. STEARNS. who made Homestead Entry No. 16,320, for the rortneast yuaner of section SO, townehip 1C N., range 28 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, sold land, viz: Chester Woodworth, Charles Ganounp, Wellman A. Stearns, John C. Little, all of Myrtle, Neb. r JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. ORDER OF HEARING. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. At a county court, held at the county court room. in and for said county, March 7tb. 1S96. Present James II. Ray. County Judge. In the matter of the Estate of Anna Raskins, de ceased. On readins and filinjr the petition of Charles W. Raskins prating that administration of said estatc may be granted to him as administrator. Ordered, That March 2ath. l&W, a 1 o'clock p. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County. and show cause why the prayer of petitioner suouiu not be granted; and tna: notice ot tno pen dency of said petition and hearing thereof, be lven to ail persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The TmntraE, a weekly newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hear ing. JAMES M. RAY. m-20 County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, North Platte. Neb., ) March 2d. 1890. ) Notice i.- hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of hor claim, and that said proof will be made before the Registor and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April ISth, Kftio. viz: Elizabeth Cragie, widow of Alexander Cragie, who made Homestead Entry No. 15,353 for the east half otthe northwest quarter and the west half of tho northeast quarter Section 26, Township 12 north. Range 31 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: David E. Baker, Joseph H. Baker, James Montague and George R. Johnston, of North Platte. Neb. m20 JOHN F. HINMAN, Uegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., March 8th, 18lti. Notice is hereby given that 'William M. Porter ha filed notice of Intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver at his office in North Platte. Neb., on Wednesday, the 15th day of April, lSStf, ou timber culture application No. 11,S5S, for the south east quarter of section No. 6. in township No. 10 north, range No. 34 west. He names as witnesses: Luke Conneally, William L. Brownneld, Joshua C. Hollingsworth and Henderson Uollingsworth, all of Wallace, Neb. JOHN x. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ? March 9th, 1SP6. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, ou April lath. le. viz: WILLIAM M. PORTER, who mnde Homestead Entry No. 15,11?, for the east half of the northeast quarter, lots 1 and 2, sec tion C, township 10. rango 31. Ue names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continnoaa resi dence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Luke Conneally, William L. BrnvrnfieW, Joshua C- Hei lings'vorth and Henderson Hollingsworth, all of Wallace, Neb. 20 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., ) March 2C, lim. J Complaint having been entered at this office by Patrick Cashing against George Jackson for aban doning his Homestead Entry No. I;,i(l2, dated April 24, 1890. upon the east half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter seotien 13, township 9 north, raDge 31 west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the can cellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at North Platte, Neb. before Register and receiver on the 6th day of April, 1693. at U o'clock a. m., to respond ana furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. M3-6 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., ) February 25th. ISfltt. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Neb., on March 30th, 1806, viz: CHESTER WOODWORTH, who made Homestead Entry No. 153SC for the Southeast quarter of Section 30. Township 16 N Range 28 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: Wellman A. Stearns, Charles Ganoung, John C. Little and Frederick Stearns, all of Myrtle, Neb. 1286 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. Jos. Hershey, DEALER IN : I OF ALL KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixthi GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides kicu lira mDiemen A