A i & "J? . -.ii 1 YOL. XII. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TODAY EVENING, MARCH 13, 1896. 1 V L - Ml F ' 37-000.37- -over our Great Stock of- .Clothing, Gents' furnishing Goods, Boofe, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, - ' - J. G loves and Mittens. 'S. , , Surprised, First at the Large Assortment; Second at the Superior Quality: Third at the Immense Variety; Fourth at the Low Prices. We have been some time in getting these Sur prises here and ready for you, but at last are able to announce Bargains all Through the House. We solicit a comparison of Goods and Prices, knowing that you will find our stock the Best and the Cheapest. Clothing House, WEBER & YOLLMER, Props. . Star m'ost o DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN o THE o WORLD 1 SPURR'S REVERE MOCHA AND JAVA. HARRINGTON & TOBIN, SOLE AG'TS, NORTH PLATTE, NEB CLOSING : SAL OF ENTIRE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes AT Otten's Shoe Store FOR CASH. A large line of the best makes of Ladies, Men and ' Children's Shoes. All goods will be closed out for what they will bring. A large line of over shoes and rubbers will be closed out cheap enough that you can buy for next year. A complete line of the celebrated Lewis Boys' Shoes, Children's Red School House Shoes the best made, Ludlou Ladies' Fine Shoes, Lily Brackett Men's Fine Shoes, I will sell cheap for cash to quit business, Will also sell show cases, counters, shelves, safe, etc. Otten's Slioe Store. Cm F. IDDINGS 9 AND GRAIN. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. m 0 lai-Ifla y Atlas -Issued m 10 Parts-:-i0 Cents Each. FOR SALE AT TRIBUNE OFFICE. t ELI PERKINS . at keith's hall March 16th. Spring Under the Auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Admission 50 Cents. Interesting Price NeWs a yar There was a time noWeiy long since when you couldn't buy a fairly good piece of dress good uuder.-a dollar;- 4, i Ml "vvumuujijig JWU CIIJVA IU IUC Willi ullV UlJtJ IbtJIIl 111' H1H1U, we will surpass your; : expectations. . I GIVEN AWAY FOS SIX DAYS ONLY! ' NICHOLS AND HEESEEY NEWS. Mrs. J .H. Hershey is entertaining couple of ladies from abroad. A section men at Nichols has the ber on the ground with which to erect new dwelling at that station. Mrs. M. C. Brown treasurer of the Nichols school district ness at the Platte yetterday, wo unaersiana tnat tne young who rented an old canal farm recently over north of Nichols is not as vet cer tain whether he is going to get posses- f t. 1 Tt i sion 01 u or not. j.c ue cion c it will un doubtedly delay some of his other plans for his future happiness, J. B. McKee and family did not move to the W. E. Park farm at Nichols as was stated, but have taken up their abode side ols I Tv rv-rl rvn 4-r iufnnTinn -- 1.-. -C 1 ) i 1 n -v-r . -i -t-t .. -.... 1 1 i at uiCJ- u" V..u11vuuvuul uu,v liUU U1 """s to rne people ot iortli natte and vicinitv, we ium- Rer1 mr?Z: "tteacn JJress pattern amounting to l.o0, and up, we will give 5 yards Cambric Kioxu,. yixco'uu uui xsiy uuuus ure luvvet njan ever oerore. will make this; NOTE THESE PRICES AND BE CONVINCED I transacted busi- VWWV2IVVV ... & " J. ","s'utt"uu''icsa"u V Birrse.iunvooj.worm iwyaras Humphrev All of our outins llannels 2i 2 at 25 cents, J J.'. 33-cent goods, $f 50 cents elsewhere. ulakls. .suit.n,iR for m,-n tt a , yards Frnit of the Loom ? I -w- w WW AM L. U LLil L.I . " . . U1UU I Our Price 15 Cents, Our Price 25 Cents. 0 Our Price 35 Conts. Of working shirts, at'o cts. regardless of cost. II for $1.00. J Fine Black Henrietta at 85 cents, worth $1,20. Indigo Blue Calico at 5 cents, former price 6 and 7 cents. Lawerence, L L and Kearne- Home at 5 cents per yard. All our light prints, suit able for various things, at 1 cents per yard. Best grade serge, a 75-cent leader, we sell it foronlvW cents. Cassimere, all wool. A beautiful diagonal very line, at Novetly Goals only 10 cents per yard. at dnly 28 cents. t.ii lit i ii i t i y . . . upon a farm over on the Eou'h YY o Have tllC ia geSU ailu. DeSl aSSOrCineilC 01 UOttOU LrOOClS, SUCh as a Ififlftfi. i mo-hnmc Pornoloo about six or seven miles from Nich- Dress Duckings, Piques and Cheviots ever brousrht to North PIntfcp. Hut- uit -niil lb dozen icvcie Hose, regular nnce zn cents, rp.nnr&c In ... , - , TV; -ww.. iiVJ uvmtji uttuica ucumiesb JULUse, U1HCK aHu'- Mrs. Lawrence now resides in her now tan, regular price 20 cents, our price 2h cents. Twenty-five dozen Puritan Mills Snecial No 1 at PPnfQ wnrfT,- residence in the homiet of Hershey we do to 40 cents per pair. One hundred dozen Men's Half Hose at 5 cents a pair, worth double the money ' "In. of North PIa. 01 ntlemes or Children's Shoes ne pair df , 1UMUC,s iitJt; ui UllttliK. T.S VVKM . 1 J. S (.( )fU 1 II cr irn nannnr nrrnvfi t- mic-D f hp 1 i.U i. cil xnoo imo. jLtcmuuiuei Liicii uur onoes are meriy of this circuit, preached at Her- all waiTaLlted to give good wear, and our prices are as low as the lowest. shey a couple of evenings last week in iuhwu. Vaco of Rev. Coslet, who was called to Big Springs to preach a funeral sermon. Charles McAllister shipped a car load of oats west from Hershey a couple of days ago. Several cars of baled hay have been shipped east from Nichols the past week. Former citizens of Wisconsin now liv ing in this vicinity, were shocked this week to learn of a murder and suicide by an old neighbor up in the Badger state, who first shot his wife and then killed himself.. . His . name vvas A Patterson . A few "tripped the light fantastic'' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivoyos last Tuesday evening. Archio Stncklfr invited a number of his iitt!e friends to his home last Tues day, where they celebrated his tenth birthday. To say that they all enjoyed themselves to the fullest exUnt would be putting it iu a mild form. A social dance took place at the Welch residence a few evenings since. All re port a pleasant time. William Dymond and family still occupy the old school building sinco its removal the same as before. Several neighbors and friends spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. John Toil lion. The Nichols section gang is repairing tho track at the station these days. A number of the older people in " this comrauuity are spending today with Mr. Davis at the home of his daughter, Mrs, N. B. Spurrier, in honor ofjhis soventy fifth birth day. If reports are t- bo roliad upon the largeat acreage of alfalfa ever in any one season will bo put in this season . Westbound "pra:rie schooners" aro becoming quite plentiful of late. We uudorst;ind that the newly organ ized M. W. A, lodge at Hershey is steadily on the increase. Several parlies from up this way are at tho county seat today upon irrigation busiue-8 before the county commission ers. It is said that a certain young lady in tho valley has recently became ' color blind." Notwithstanding tho inclemency of the weather last Tuesday evening the Nichols dramatic club presented the popular drama entitled "Among the breakers," followed by tho roaring farce "The Kansas Emigranis," to a well filjed house at Hershey upon that evening. All in attendance" speak in the most favorable terms of it, and returned to their respective homes feeling that both their time and money had been well in vested. pAT. SUTHERLAND NEWS. M. Perkins, of Grant, has purchased the general stock of M. E. Yates and opened up the store on Wednesday morning. Mr. Perkins has the reputa tion of being a good business man. J. S. Hinckley is circulating u this neighborhoad this week. C. Poulsen, Geo. Evans and Wm. Allis recently joined the Woodmen camp at this place. A pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Nellie Applegate the first of the week. The stormy weather this week has made bus-iness quite dull. RICHARDS BROS Proprietors. ; . Report has it that Mrs. George Hoover will embark in the restaurant' business at this point. ; O. P. Poyner has moved his family into the building he recently erected on E. Mower's lot. The drawing social at Hunter's ranch was well attended and several dollars re- alized "for clftireh purposes;' " - - : W. L. Morrill, M.D. has located in this village, and can be found at Blackraore's drug store. John Lute, of Paxton, was on our streets Thursday afternoon . E. C. Brown, departed for his homo in Iowa on Pndav morning. G. A. Johnson,of St. Paul,Neb.,is visit ing with his sister, Mrs. P. A. Carpenter. He talks 6orae of locating here. Jos. Perkm returned to his home at Grant last week, but has again came back to this place. C. C. Wetzel, of Hershey, transacted busiuess here Thursday. A. B. Yates departed for Donvor ou Monday. He expects to visit Crippie Creek and other mining points in that locality. Fred Pierson is spending the wceU "ia Perkins county, Wm. Miller, of Perkinif county is now located QH on. irrigated farm. 3 lis mov ing outfit passed through town Monday afternoon. Rev. Thurber preached to a good sizrd congregation at tho schoolhouEo Sunday evening. David Hunter has tho boxes and the measuring devices about completed for tho Sutherland lateral. A. J. Lake of Keith county, was in town the first of tho week. Charles McAllister, of Hershey, was on our streets on Moaciav. D. A. Lawler, af Paxton, passed down the line on Mondad afternoon. John Keith shipped in a car of stock from the eastern part of the state last week. P. E. Lindberg has purchased a houso and lot in Hershey and will soon take possession. . Eric Linden and wife spent Sunday with friends in tho western part of the couuly. Tho water users under the Sutherland ditch. at thoir meeting on Monday night selected N. B. Whiteides to superin tend the ppring cleaning out, and f.xed a haif acre as the standard rhte. KEBHASKA NOTES. Will Swanson has commenced the publication of the Times at Emerson. Bennett Irwin of Gordon has returned from Mexico, where he purchased 6,000 head of cattle. Tho Gordon high school has a newly organized brass band. This is a case where the tooters are pupils. The York town council have rejected a damage claim of 85,000 presented by Miss Josephine McLain of University Place who fell on the walk and sprain ed her back. A father and son of Scott's Bluff coun ty had a dispute that waxed sn warm that tho recalcitrant son banged tho in dulgent sire on tho nose with his clinched fist. A complete knock out with a stick of stove wood was the answer and peaoe was established. A Gordon gourmand has broken tho record for mush and milk consumption. A few ovenings since he disposed of six large bcwlsful in the region- of his-dia-r phram and duodenum without jumping a cog or punc: tiring his liver. Ho went to bed and snored unconscious of tho consequent rise in the price of corn. The county seat war now goiug on be tween Allison and Box Butte has resulted in a libal suit brought by H. C Draver of Allison against tho Hemicgford Her ald. Eminent attorneys have been em ployed on both sides to absorb tho cash of tho litigan's. Editor O'Keefo hinted that Draver burned his fiourmg mill for tho insurance. What shall it be, saloon license, or no license; druggist-.' permit or no permits:, a curfew ortiinanco or no curfew ordin ance? These are tho questions which tho city council has determined to let tho people of the nominally dry town of f York decide at tho polls next April, and which have already commenced to be the subject of voluble discussions. PEOPLE MUST EAT, .X Even if times are a little quiet and dol lars rather scarce. They must -have"! Groceries, Provisions and Flourahd they want good goods at low prices. Don't Rlriw Mimh . " ' W W -C- -J- J . ' - .. '. I But when it comes to selling fresh and clean goods for little money werare uin it" just as extensively as any "dealer. We're after Trade, 4 That's what we are "here for and we 'so licit you to call and "look us over." We are confident we can please you. . V. VonGoetz, The Groce,r ttenstein Block. N Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: After suffering four years vrith female weakness I wns persuaded by a friend to try your Pastilles, and after using them for ono year, I can ssy I am eiitiroly well. I can not recommend thorn too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook .Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich, For sale by F. it. ixmylcy. now Nature Makes Silver. The process by which naturo forms her silver mines is very intereatiug. It must bo remembered that the earth's ciust is full of water, which percolates everywhere through the rocks, making solutions of eleiueuls obtained from them. These solutions take up small particles of precious metal which they find hero and there. Sometimes the solutions in quostion are hot, the water having got so far down as to be sofc boiling by the inter nal heat of tho globe. Then they rush upward, picking up tho bits of metal as they go. Naturally heat assists the per formance of this operation. Now and then the streams thus form ed, perpetually flowing hither and thith er below tho ground, pass through cracks or cavities in tho recks, where they deposit their lodes of silver. This is kept up for a great length of time perhaps thousands of yeara until the pocket is filled up. Crannies permeating the stony mass in every direction may becomo filled with the precious metal, or occasionally a chamber may be stored fall of it as if 1,000,000 bauds were fetching the treas ures from all sides and hiding away a mine for somo lucky prospector to dis cover in anoihor age. London Stand ard. Cheap at the Price. "I paid a dollar and a half for this seat," said the angry plebeian in tho front row, "and I didn't como here merely to listen to your chatter." "My deah fellaw, " suavely responded Gholliefrom the bos, "theah awporsons who ha-se gone to the expense of thou sands and still were unable to get with in hearing distance of any of ouah set. You have a bawgain." Indianapolis Journal. : PLATTE : PHAEMACI, Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager. PLATTE. A. We aim to liandle the IBest Grades of Goods, sell tliem at Reasonable ETgizres, and "Warrant Everything as JrCepresented. Ordere from the country and along the line o the Unwn Pacific railway respectfully solicited. jos. Hershey, DEALEK IN Apeiiltural : Implements "OF Alili KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth CLAUDE WEINGAND, DEALER IK Goal Oil, Gasoline, Crude Petroleum and Coal Gas Tar.- Leave orders at Newton's Store NORTH PLATTE MARBLE 80EBf ''- - " " 1 XL W. C. RITNER, Man'I'rof rind Dealer in MONUMENTS, : HEADSTONES, Curbing,.' Building Stone, And nil kinds of Monumental and Cemetery work, Csrcf ul attention iveu to lettering of every de scription. Jobbing dono on short 'notice, drfiers' solicited and estimates freely fnrnished. SMOKERS In search of a good cigar will always find it at J. F. Schmalzried's. Try them and judge. . Dr. Sawyer; Dear Sir: Having used your Pas tilles, I can recommend thorn to the public. I have been attended by four different doctors, but one and a half boxes of your medicine has done me more good than all of them. Yours respect fully, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Bronson, Branch County. Mich. Sold br F. n. Longley.