THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE:. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, 1895. lecial Bulletin We will meet and discount at one per cent, for cash only, any price made on groceries that is published in this or any other paper. Just think of it! We will sell you goods for cash one per cent cheaper than the prices named by competitors. Cash only will bring this dis count. HlJftlHGTOH St TOBlfl, either store. CITY NEWS. TV. TV. Lemon, the organizer for the Order of the TVorld.has returned to the city. District court convened yester day morning1 and has been grinding away on foreclosure cases. "The Tornado," to be given at Lloyd's on next Monday evening excels in scenic splendor the ''Fast Mail." Quite a number of North Platte citizens will leave to-night for Sid ney to attend the state irrigation convention. The arches over five of the en trances to the round house are being enlarged so, as to admit the big 1800 class of engines. Mrs. Baskin, who had been visit ing her son TV. M. Baskin for sev eral weeks, returned to Junction City, Kansas, this morning. John Baereska.late of this city, is now running a motor on the elec tric road connecting Los Angeles with Pasadena. He is in love with that country. 1 A full line of silver-plated ware, lamps, cutlery, skates, etc., all suitable for Christmas presents at Victor E. Meyers' hardware and furniture store, North Side. The works of two of the fire alarm boxes have -been taken out and turned over to O. TV. Sizemore who will clean and regulate them. The other boxes will be similarly treated. TVe publish to-day the opening chapters of a seriel story entitled "An Artist in Crime" from the pen of Rodrigues Ottolengui. The story is a strong one. It will be run In the Tuesday editions. Mrs. Ella McDonald and daugh ters, -who have been visiting friends in town for two or three weeks, leave for Vincennes, Ind., Friday next. En route home they will visit friends in Grand Island, Omaha and St. Louis. TV. J. Crusen Teturned last night from Keystone charge, in Keith county, where he assisted Rev. Crane in revival services. Ke reports nine conversions Sunday night, with prospects of more. Mr. Crusen goes to Wallace Thursday to assist Rev. Wilcox in a series of meetings. Mrs. "Minor has just received from the east another barrel of China for decorating. The list in cludes brush and comb trays, salad dishes, celery dishes, plates, plat ters, "cups and saucers, shaving mugs', bon bons, olive dishes, chop plates, cracker jars, napkin rings, etc, etc. Call and see the many novelties for Christmas. The Catholic bazaar and supper at the opera house last evening was well attended, and all apparently enjoyed themselves. The supper "was excellent, and the amusement features were first-class. This supper and bazaar will be open again this evening, meals being served from five to twelve o'clock. The ladies will be pleased to have the general public attend this even ing and promise a pleasant time to all.' The dance to be given by the local wheelmen on New Year's e e, Tuesday Dec 31st, will be a change from the dances heretofore given, and several pleasant features will be in store for those who attend. The net receipts of this dance will be devoted to putting the wheel track in shape for the meet to be held in this city next May. All who are lovers of bicycle races should attend the ball so that the receipts may be sufficient to put the track in good shape. When we remember that over 1,000 persons from surrounding towns attended the Kearney bicycle races last year it can readily be seen what a great advertising scheme bicycle meets prove to be, and the help they are to the town in which they are held Remember no pains or time will be spared to make this dance an enjoy atble one for all -who attend. The monthly social of the la dies' guild will be held at the Epis copal rectory on Friday afternoon next. Remember the "Christmas" cantata at Keith's hall on Monday evening of next week. It will prove a very pretty and interesting enter tainment. The Junior class of the high school displayed a charitable dis position last week by "chipping in" and securing suitable apparel for a less fortunate classmate. Wallace Baskin has received a two horse power enjrine and four horse power boiler with which, he will propel his meat cutter. Here tofore the cutter has been operated by hand. Saml. Adams has just finished repainting the, Lutheran church spire, a piece of work that was rather hazardous inasmuch that he used no scaffolding other than spliced ladders. Oscar Fine, who just completed his term of imprisonment of one year for burglarizing the house of Mrs Emmons, in the Third ward, has returned to town. He will steer clear of such acts in the future. Just in, the finest line of rock ers in the city; fancy upholstered, swing and cane rockers, etc. Don't fail to examine them. Prices lower than ever, at Victor E. Meyers' hardware and furniture store, North Side. R U HARD-UP And want to make a little money buy a number of pres ents for Christmas? Then call and get my prices on Rockers, Desks, Couches, Sideboards, Bedroom Suits and Christmas Novelties. The rush for picture frames has commenced. .Brinp- in your pictures early if you ex pect to get them before Christ mas. E. B, WARNER. It is just fifty-six years ago to day since Major A. M.DiH entered the employ of n railroad company. The road on which the Major first worked was the New York & Erie, which had at that time twelve miles of track and two engines. TV. H. C. Woodhurst has filed his bond as constable in the First ward and C. L. Wood his bond as justice of the peace in the Second ward. The peace and dignity of these wards will be well preserved. A petition was circulated for signatures yesterday asking the county commissioners to re-appoint L. H. Baker as janitor at the court house. Mr. Baker has filled the position satisfactorily and should" be re-appointed. On Thursday evening of next week, December 26th, the child ren of the south side and north side Episcopal Sunday schools will be treated to a turkey supper at the guild house, to be followed later in the evening by Christmas tree exer cises in the church. The initial party of a series to be given by the members of the ladies' wheel club was held at the home of Mrs. M. H. Douglas one evening last week and proved a very pleasant event.. The members of the club invite their husbands or young men to these gatherings. N. B. Spurrier, one of the pro gressive ditch farmers, tells us that owing to the low price of potatoes he will feed one thousand bushels of the tubers to his young pigs. The potatoes when cooked make a feedvon which young pigs thrive ex ceedingly well. J. H. Culver, Senior Vice Com mander G. A. R., and commandant of the branch soldiers' home at Mil- ford, Nebr., has placed a room of said home at the disposal of the Ladies of the G. A. R., to be fur nished by them, dedicated to their order and named by them. S. A. Douglas Circle No. 20, as soon as notified of this honor, convened a special meeting and this week a package of quilts, sheets and other small articles with money enough to buy chairs etc will be expressed by the ladies, to Milford. O. A. Bacon, formerly of -Well precinct, who has been located at Golconda, Col., for several months, called to see us yesterday. He started for this city for the purpose of attending his father's funeral, but reached here too late. He has been visiting relatives in Well pre cinct since his arrival and will re main until after Christmas. Orrin is well pleased with Colorado. The town in which he is located Is situ ated in the extreme southwestern, part of the state. A Maiden's Dream of Christmas. It is not a difficult matter to become one of the angels in your daughters, sisters of sweet heart's dream, if vou will visi our store, for here you find jew els of all character and prices' DIAMOND. GOLD, SILVEB, PLATED, JEWELRY. CLINTON, The Jeweler. At the Saturday shoot ot the North Platte 'gun club, Tom O'Nea won the medal for the third time, ana it now remains in ins posses sion permanently. There was a tie between Messrs. Woodhurst, O'Neal and Hostler at Saturday's shoot, each breaking- thirteen out of twenty, and in shooting oft the tie O'Neal won. Another medal will be furnished by Clinton, the jeweler. On Sunday evening next Lutheran Sunday school will the Sfive a Christmas entertainment at the church which will prove very inter esting, pleasing and instructive, On Tuesday evening following the Christmas tree will be held at the church. Elaborate, preparations are being made tor these two events and the members are looking" for ward to them with bright anticipa tions. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edis re turned the latter part of the week from their trip to England, where Mr. Edis' father resides. They left this city October 6th and going through to New York embarked on the steamship Lucania for Liver pool. They traveled through Eng land, and spent a week or more in London arid Bradford. Returning to New York they spent several days in that city, and a day or two in Buffalo and at Niagria Falls. From there they went to Chicago for a week and thence to Wisconsin where they made a short visit with relatives of Mrs. Edis. The trip, barring sickness on the ocean, was a pleasant one, but Mr. Edis de clares he has no desire -to reside permanently in England. I. A. Fort, of this city' writes a letter to the Fremont Tribune in which he advocates a law that will permit the formation of sugar beet districts and authorizing the voting of bonds for the construction of factories to convert the beets into sugar. Tnis law would be. modeled after the state irrigation law. The security would be ample 'and the people would then own the factor ies. In speaking of Mr. Fort's plan the Tribune says: "In this there is at least the hint of a remedy for settling- difficulties that are likely to arise between the factories and the beet growers. In line with this general plan is the suggestion that comes from other' sources, ot co-operative factories. Let beet grow ers subscribe stock to be paid for in oeets. m tins manner tlie grow ers would have a voice in factory management. Then in such years as the present, when beet richness was low, a. fair price could be rea lized for beets, the grower foregoing a dividend on his factory stock." "JECONOMT IS W8AJ'?n " We are the People who have The BEST FLOUR, The BEST COFFEE, The BEST TEA, The flnestgfades of everything in the Grocery Line in the City; always fresh and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. Compare Notes Bring in your pass books or bill and com pare prices with our's, and see the difference for yourself. : : : : Get out your scales compare weights with those represented on your book or bill; that is the way the merchants do why should you not do the same? Yours for Cash Bargains, THOMSON SWARTHOUT, GROCERS. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Thomson and Day were absent from the council meeting last night but the other members were pres ent and thus formed a quorum The first business considered was a petition from north side people asking the council -to permit flour and feed dealer on that side to place scales in the street in front A. of his place of business. The mat ter was referred to a special com mittee with power to act. Communication was received from First ward hose company stating that Claude Weingand and Henrv Rebhausen had served their time as firemen and asking- the council to issue ' them certificates A similar communication from the Second ward company asked that certificates be issued to Thomas Haley. Wm. Breternitz and Allie Babbitt. The clerk will issue the certificates. The proposed ordinance relating to closing saloons, billiard halls and confectionery stores at mid niglit which, tlie attorney was in structed to draft was called for, but Mr. French stated that he had not prepared the ordinance. He did not think the council had the power to close any place of business other than a saloon. Someone asked how the awning case was progressing, and tlie at torney said it was taking a rest at present. Chas. Pahs appeared before the council and made complaint against us dogs owned by M. C. Keith. Mr. Pahs had been "held up" thrice br these dogs, and he knew of others who had been bit ten. The city r marshal was in structed to see Mr. Keith and have him confine the dogs or else muzzle them. Fikes moved that the city attor ney be instructed to draft an ordi nance providing that all saloons be closed at midnight. The motion carried. The cleric reported $180.00 in the water fund, but Iddings wanted the amount to remain in the treas ury until the next meeting. He thought part of the income derived' from the water tax could be used to increase the efficiency of the fire department. The warrant was not issued. The f olio wi ng bills were approved: M. B. Cr3'derman, hauling, 5.00; Wild West Hose Co., drying hose, 2.00; Otto Thoelecke, hauling dirt, 54.00; John Koons same 33,00, Joe Murphy same 33.00, M. B. Cryder-' -n nn ot 49.50, Perry Sawyer same 33.00, D. 1MU1I UUUAW 1 . w-Ul&AvJ IUIJ&W ' W, Baker iS.Oi), Peter Chedall work on streets v.ou, Pat n. jj I xtoaay same , 9.00, W. JR Morgan Killing 5.00. - i Bill of lading for the fire hose had been received by the clerk, and the mayor, clerk, cuier ot tlie depart ment and assistant chief were ap pointed a committee to inspect the lose when it arrives. The North Platte gun club has decided to have a live bird shoot on Christmas dar and five cents in cash will be paid for each pigeon delivered to the house of W. S. Dol son between now and that time. The club would like about 200 pijreons. At a meeting of the gun club on December 16th, 1895, the execu- lve committee decided to call in the badge for poor shooting and not use the same until further notice. Anyone who does not shoot because le is afraid he will receive the booby medal need not be further alarmed. 'THE TORNADO." Lincoln J. Carter s srreat scenic melo-drama will be at Lloyd's on w Monday evening of next week, December 23d. Speaking ot this play, the Chicago Herald says: The production depends chiefly upon its scenic effects, and these alone would carry a much less meritorious work to success. The principal sensa tional teature is a tornado scene in the first act. This is accomplished by the aid of electricity and special ly constructed mechanism, and it is but iust praise to sav that it is one of the finest and most complete sen- sational effects ever shown on the stage, even eclipsing the great freight train effect of "The Fast Mail." The scene is a country vil lage in Wisconsin on the Fourth of Jul v. All is quiet and calm. Then a faint breeze is heard. A flag on a staff that had hung limp flutters gently; then as the wind increases it stands out straight. The wind grows into a gale and then a tor nado. The elements howl a"nd the sky darkens. Lightning vividly flashes in forked tongues across the stage real lightning it is, too; roofs, fences and debris are hurled tnrougu tue air; trees are torn up and crash upon the ground and a house is demolished and blown away. The scene is one of terrific reality. The jagged lightning, the roaring of the elements and the con fusion of the tornado are all re markably represented. CHEAP RATES for the irrigation convention at Sid ney, Neb. one fare for the round trip on sale Dec. 17th and 18th. For further information see agent U. P. Ry. C. E. Osgood is having a stable erected on the property which he is occupying here in town. Col. A. J. Sappinsrton, now liv ing north of Ogalalla on a ranch. visited old-time friends in the citv yesterday. Take supper with the Catholic ladies at the opera house this even ing. They are serving- excellent meals for twenty-five cents. The Gpndy Pioneer is author ity for the statement that J. G. Crabtree, of Myrtle precinct, will soon leave that section. It is reported on the streets to- day mat a well-known passenger C 11 j aU i , well-known 3'oung ladv, mcuiau win ssuun wen tin equally H. W. Brown, of Kichols.lrans- acted business in town vesterdav ancj dr0pped a couple pieces of white w i j f - r-r . rr m nr:i i in ruu i utwiivt.' o o At- joun .uamoert made a tiv run rir on train No. 2 yesterday, coming in on time, notwithstanding he was delayed at Maxwell by a hot box. Agent Hearst, representing "The Tornado," spent yesterday in town getting out advertising paper for that great scenic play. Furniture of all kinds, chairs, tables, bed-room suits, beds, etc., all at prices to suit, at the North Side hardware and furniture store. H. C. Rennie purchased at sheriff s snip vpstprdnv fnr cm son I the property at the corner ot Front and locust street. Mr. R. held a first mortgage on the property. A team standing at the freight depot became frightened at a pass ing train yesterday and made a run that discounted train No." 2. The wagon was strewn along for several blocks. Miss Carrie Rankin, of North Platte, has opened a photograph gallery on Front street, at the cor ner of Chestnut Mrs. Wm. Blood, of North Platte, arrived in the city yesterday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis. Sidney Telegraph. DENTISTE7. Rr. Alwine will be at the Ne braska House, North Platte, pro fessionally, Jan. 6, to remain one week. He will be prepared to do all lines of work. Come early. H. W. AM.WI2CE. Do you want that vault attended to? Send your address I do the refit. Box 176, city. The "White Elephant Feed Barn now opened. Good accommodations. Geo. 13. Carter. Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars. Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr, Saw der's TJkaUne. It Is the greatest remedy n tho xorld cr Milnfc tie nfe&V strcfajf. For saleby F. H. Leagtey. m The Time - M H Has Cornel . "When you will be Holiday We ire right on Toys. fM Lamps, SSx il T faPf wft Wo on P.ndlpss vnrmfcv of nrHo.lftR VAVV " that will be sure to Well, everybody knows that our prices are lower, quality considered, than any store in the west. Call and inspect our line. mj ITT1 1 T lie Wilcox Dep n NORTH PLATTE, NEB. One dopr south of Streitz's drug. V Wl "A S JUf I IfWl ifWl ISWL if I S McDonald's Prices Set the Pace! Others may follow but We are to Stay We handle only the best goods that our prices are the lowest for the same. , 19 pounds Ex. "C" Sugar $1.00.- - Maple Syrup in bulk, per gallon ... 85c ; 1 pound Full Cream Cheese .- 10c 1 pound any Ground Spice . .. 20c ; 4 pounds A. B. C. Crackers ... 23c 2- pound can Corn ....... 6c 3- pou nd pail Lard ...".-..,.-.-, ., 28c Baked Beans, in tomato sauce 5c 3-pound cau Sweet Potatoes 13c' 4 1 package Arbuckles Coffee .v..'r.. ; , 19& 1 package Corn Starch ... 5cv - Muscatel Raisins, per pound 5c Get our prices on other goods. Combination Orders are eaSv- for us brillfif them in I ' ' o Flour, Feed and Grain at Lowest Prices.- MOST o DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN o THE o WORLD SPURR'S REVERE HARRINGTON ft- TOWN SOLE JJ O'XI C3 3S, I want an offer -of CASH for my town lots. Thdyf are easily worth $1,500 above incumbrance. Wll) . not consider any offer for less than . . , . 50 for the 28 Lots. Description can be obtained from B. or G. T. Field. Address H. For sale. Thoroughbred Po land-China Boars; April pig"s. Price ten dollars each. Apply to or address K. B. Spurrier. North Platte. Children with nalt. bluish complexions, indicat ing tho absence of tho requisite red globules in the blood fhonld take Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. For sale by V. U. lAmglej. Forced sale of 320 acres of choice land near Sutherland. Ad dress 717 Twenty-fifth street, Den ver, Col. Studebaker Wagons and Buggies at Hershey & Co's- Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr. Saw-yer's-Ukatine. It is the greatest remedy In the world tor making tho weak strong. For sale by F. II. Lbngtey. Dr. Sawyer; Dear Sir: Having used your Pas titles, I can recommend thesx to the public. I bavo been attended by four different doctor?, but one and a half boxes of your medicine has done me more good than nil of them. Yours respect fully, Mrs, Xaggle Johnson, Broason, Branck CburJy. Mich, gold by F. H. IWgley, looking around for Presents. deck with a full line of Toilet Cases, Fine Glassware, Carving Sets, Cutlery, j - suit you. . - in the Lead and Meanr There, s : and our customers will find1 Store, I McDONALD'S. MOCHA AND JAVA; ACTS. NORTH PLATTE. NEB i. Hinmani S. BOAL, SLACK, WYO. .i HI i. J. H. Cunningham has a fine line of ssCANDIESsh for the holiday trade, and always has a fresh stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES GIVE? HIM A CAI,!,,