The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 10, 1895, Image 4

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. Art Plumer came up from Maxwell
last evening to see The Fast Mail.
W. T. Wilcox has been confined to
the house for a couple ot days by sick
ness. .
N. Enright, of Brady Island, is
transacting business in town to-day, as
is also RusFowles of Maxwell.
The county commissioners convened
in session this morning and will do coun
ty business for several days to come.
Rev. li. P. McDonald, formerly ot
this city, is said to be making excellent
progress in his new field of labor at
Council Bluffs.
Train. No. 27 was reported wrecked
at Kearney this morning, but details of
the accident are megre at this time.
H. M. Grimes will probably go to
Sheridan, Wyo., this week to look after
some legal business for Colonel Cody.
A correspondent at Sutherland
writes us that the merchants thero have
adopted the cash system, and as a result
goods are being sold somewhat cheaper.
Frank L. "Williams, the editor of
the daily Record, became the papa of a
big boy baby Sunday. Here's hoping
that he may prove as good a man as his
Tom Hughes, who came down from
Rawlins a week ago to recuperate his
health, is improving . and will probably
soon be able to return and resume his
We learn that the teachers' meeting
held at Brady Island last Saturday was
quite well attended and that the pro
gramme rendered was especially inter
esting. A new kind of "green goods" cir
cular is being sent into the country by a
gang of New York swindlers. Each
circular is accompanied by a genuine
dollar bill as a "specimen of their work."
John Bratt began an action in the
district court to-day to recover from
Allum & Holtry the sum of 82,430.40.
This is a debt which originated in the
railldeal several years ago.
That elegant display of holiday
.goods in the Fair window is as pretty as
it is tasteful. The Fair claims to be
headquarters for Santa Claus aud this
window indicates that the claim is cor
rect. W. J. Crusen left to-day for Ogalalla
and will assist Rev. D. W. Crane in
revival services to be held in the Key
stone ranch section. Both these gentle
men are successful revivalists, and it is
likely much good will result from these
The city was full of commercial
travelers yesterday and they did some
tall hustling for business. Six repre
sentatives of grocery and provision
houses tackled Jim McDonald at one
time, but he came out of the ordeal in
good shape.
.with M. C. Keith's mastiff a few days
ago and the dog seems to have had the
best of it. At least Dick went home with
less clothes than he had before the en
counter, and also with the dog's teeth
marks on one of his legs.
A dozen members of the Cody Guard
took part in the target shooting held at
the range Saturday afternoon. The
best score was made by lieutenant
Jeffrey, with John Davis second and
Dave Scott third. Three hundred yards
was the distance at which the boys shot.
LA. Fort is not seeking a re-elec
tion as president of the state irrigation
asfociation with any great avidity, yet
he will accept if the people wish him io
continue at the head. It takes much
time and the expenditure of considerable
mouey to push irrigation matters as Mr.
Fort has done during the past two years
and to receive nothing therefore but
honor, aud not much of that, is hardly a
fair deal. And yet it is not likely the
association will favor paying any . officer
a salary.
Gus O'Grosky, of Cottonwood pre
cinct, who was charged with assault by
Wm. Baly of the same precinct, had his
trial before Judge Ray yesterday and
was discharged. The two men had some
words over the tresspassing of stock, and
Baly summoned members of his
family to help "clean out" CGrosky.
The latter picked up a revolver and
prepared to defend himself. The quarrel
was immediately settled at that time,
and O'Groeky handed over the revolver
to Baly. Later Baly hnd a warrant
issued for O'Grosky's arrest on the
charge of assault, and the . matter ter
minated yesterday as abovo stated.
The proposition to hold a district
fair in this city is meeting with favor
among residents of adjoining counties.
Matt Daugherty, of Ogalalla, says it is
an excellent scheme and will interest
others in the project. It is also favored
by one or two enterprising men in Chey
enne county. We suggest that the
North Platte delegates to the irrigation
convection at Sidney next week make it
a point to put in a word for the fair
whenever and wherever possible. The
convention will be largely attended by
people from the irrigated district, and
will therefore be an excellent place to
talk up the matter.
.Dr. A. P. Sryer I kre bad Rbeosiatism since
I m 30 yoara ht since jisIhk year-Family
Owe mv bea free frost it- it also cared my
luMbmit eC tite cawe .dlooace. Xrs. Xobt. Con--tteiiy,
Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by r. H. Locgley.
Mayor D. W. Baker has selected the
following delegates to represent North
Platte at the state irrigation convention
to be held at Sidney next week:
John Bratt
Wm. Neville
A. S. Baldwin
J. S. Hoagland
A. F. Streitz
C. F. Iddings
E. F. Seeberger
M. C. Keith
L. D. Thoelecke
Lester Eells
Wm. McDonald
C. L.Patterson -Isaac
E. B. Warner
Dr. N. F. Donaldson
H. M. Grimes
W. T. Wilcox
D. W.Baker
Coir Cody
Mayor Baker also recommends the
following delegates from Lincoln county
outside of North Platte:
David Hunter
J. H. Hershey
S. Funkhouser
John Kith
Silns Clark
M. Holcomb
J. McCullough
Wm. Plumer
L. Walker
W. M. Hinman
J. A. Goodman
Many of the gentlemen selected and
recommended as delegates are largely
interested in irrigation enterprises in
this county and form a fine delegation.
Mayor Baker could not have made better
selections. In addition to these dole
gates, quite a number of other citizens
have signified their intention of attend
ing the convention.
The annual mask ball of the local
tribe of Red Men will be held on the
evening of January 17th. For two or
three years past this annual mask ball
of the Red Men has been the leading
amusement and social event of the winter
season, and is looked forward to with
much pleasure by both those who like
the dance, and those who attend as
spectators.' The ball is already in the
hands of the several committees and it
is safe to predict that the coming mas
querade will be equal if not superior to
those given in the past by the Red
Men. As usual, some taking farce
will be rendered on the stage prior to
the grand march. A meeting of the
general committee will bo held this week
at which the arrangements will be moro
fully completed.
Is what I Watit,
: -You can have :
for it at prices unheard of be
fore in the city.
HJBW stock.
An Elegant line of Rockers
for Christmas.
Get your Pictures Framed for
Yours for Business,
r. Mcuaoe, ot tnis city, was summonea
and rendered the necessary medical aid.
There is some little talk among in
terested ones of organizing an irrigation
district and voting bonds to complete the
ditch on the south side. Just how
unanimous this feeling is, we are not
prepared to say. It is likely the matter
will be considered at the annual meeting
of the ditch company to be held on Jan
uary 7th.
Geo. Taylor, of Callaway, who claims
to be a forerunner of the second coming
of Christ, has been in town for several
days. He claims that the Lord will ap
pear on earth in three years from this
date, and that his (Taylor's) mission is
to prepare the people for the advent.
Taylor served a term in the penitentiary
for hog stealing, but claims he was
falsely imprisoned, and it was during
this confinement that he received his
inspiration from tho Creator.
On only one occasion when Buffalo
Bill gao his "Prairie "Waif" did a larger
crowd assemble at the opera house to
witness a show than was present at ''The
Fast Mail" last night. Extra benches
were placed on the floor, and every seat
in the gallery was occupied. Tho scenic
effects were the best ever produced on a
North Platte stage; especially fine was
the Niagara Palls scpne. Tho acting
throughout was about up to the average,
and taken as a whole the playjwas highly
appreciated by the audience.
An advisory board of the Children's
Home Society was organ izad by Mrs. M.
E. Quivley of Omaha, at tho Methodist
church Sunday. ' The object of this
organization is to find homes for the
homeless children. Twd members of the
board was selected from each protestant
church of the city, and the board fully
organized by the selection of F. E. Bol
lard as president, John Sorenson vice
president, Mrs. II. M." Grime3 secretary
and Mrs. C. I. Adams treasurer. A
mooting of the board has been called at
the Y. M. C. A. rooms for Thursday even
ing nest
A Maiden's
Dream of Christmas.
It is not a difficult niatter to
become one ot the angels in your
daughter's, sister's ot sweet
heart's dream, if you will visit
our store, for here" you find jew
els of all character and prices.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
The state fish commission will ex
hibit twenty cars of fish at tho Sidney
irrigation convention nest week.
The concert last Thursday evening
netted the K. P. lodge So7.ll, which is
evidence that it pays to "rustle."
John W. Wood returned Sunday
from Omaha, where he had been receiv
ing medical treatment for about two
Peckham,. of Peckham precinct, broke
out of its corrall last week and has
yet been recovered.
An especially floe dramatic and
musical program is being prepared for
the entertainment of those who attend
the Bazaar and Supper at Lloyd's on the
16th and 17th inst.
The members of "The Fast Mail"
company carry four thoroughbred grey
hounds with them, and yesterday they
went up to Pallas with the dogs for a
jack rabbit chase.
City Clerk Murray, of Cheyenne, has
been in town for several days and has
accompanied several local sportsmen in
their quail hunts. Last Sasturday he
went to Maxwell with Messrs. Barnum,
Graves, Hostler, O'Neill and others and
did his share toward killing about seventy-five
of the birds.
The cantata "Christmas" will be rend
ered at Keith's hall Monday evening,
Dec. 23d, under the auspices of the Pres
byterian Sunday-school.. This cantata,
with its pretty costumes and bright
music, is pronounced tho best of its class
and its production on the 23d will be of
such nature as to please the audience
and call forth applause.
There are about thirty-five in the caBt
included in which are the members of
the Presbyterian choir and a number of
grown children. The price of admission
is fifteen cents, the object being to secure
just about sufficient money to cover the
cost of the costumes, music and other
incidental expenses.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express our heartfelt
gratitude to our friends and neighbors
for their kind sympathy and assistance
during our recent great bereavement,
the loss of our dear father.
Mrs. J. E. Cooper and Brother.
Forced sale of 320 acres of
choice land near Sutherland. Ad
dress 717 Twenty-fifth street, Den
ver, Col.
Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleasure
that I have been using your medicine, and will rec
ommend It to all suite i lag ladies. - Mrs. W. W.
Weatuershee, Augusta, oa, soul pyra Longley.
tr30N0Mr IS WEAX'TH ,?
We are the People who have
The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line
in the City; always fresh and at prices that
Call and we can convince you that
we are making reduced prices for
Cash and TRB2T Tti&I SMEE,
For Bent Furnished room with
steam heat. Apply to Mrs. A. S. Bald
win. Wm. Brown has severed his connec
tion with the John Keith ranch and will
remove his family to this city if he can
secure a suitablo house.
The "Tornado" is booked at" the
opera house for the evening of Dec. 23d.
The company is under the same manage
ment as ''The Fast Mail," which' pleased
the audience last evening.
Miss Clara Rankin goes to Sidney
this week to take charge of a photograph
gallery to be opened by our townsman
W. H. Broach. Miss Rankin is a finished
photographer aud will undoubtedly
please the people with her work.
Phil Lonergan conducted a mask ball
at the opera house UTiaay whicn was
fairly well attended. . The prizes offered
for the best costumes were won by Miss
Swaighert and Ed Frioud. The dance
was very much enjoyed by those present.
Two of our citizens will deliver ad
dresses at the state irrigation convention
at Sidney next week. E. F. Seeberger.
will offer "Suggestions on construction
and operation of canals," and W. L. Park
will speak of "Fruit under Irrrigation."
We can assure the convention that these
talks will be practical and to the point.
During the past week a half dozen
persons have called nt this office and in
quired for vacant houses. The fact is,
there are uo desirable houses in town
vacant and all fiats in business blocks
are occupied. This is a condition of
affairs that speak well for our city.
The frequency of snow storms so far
this season must prove oncouraging to
the dry farmer. The ground is now in
a more moist condition than it has been
at this season of the year, for several
years past. It the snowfalls continue
during the remainder of Che season a
crop of small grain is virtually assured.
The Council Bluffs Nonpariel con
tained the following item relative to a
young Jady well known to many North
Platte people: Miss Charity Babcock
has successfully served her probation at
the Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltiraoro
and has been accepted for a two years'
course of training as a nurse. Tfo less
than ten of the class who entered with
her were refused admittance, having
failed to meet the rigid requirements.
Miss Babcock is increasingly fond of her
work and promises to make a great suc
cess. Major Dill passed the seventy-second
mile stone on life's journey last Friday
and in tho evening quite a party of
friends assembled to congratulate the
Majot and wish him many returns of tho
day. The Major takes some pleasure in
the fact that ho is more spry at seventy
two than many men are at fifty. Indeed-one
seldom sees a better preserved
man than is Major Dill, and as one of
his personal friends and admirers, The
Tribune hopes to be ablo to record his
birth anniversary for" a score of years to
Geo Carter luckily escaped the cruel
wheels of the fast freight Sunday after
noon as it rolled int the yards. Ho was
speeding his pony up Front, street, and
turned to cross the track at tho west
crossing, over which the train was pass
ing. Tho speed of the animal
great that he did not have time
her until she crashed into the moving
train; but fortunately struck a car side
ways, rebounded from the blow and
escaped. The animal's shoulder was
badly bruised, George escaping injuries
further than getting a violent shaking
Cash is an inducement to us
Are prices toyou-? --.
Tlpisou & Stfarthout
Mr. and Mrs. Lu Farrinaton went to
Omaha yesterday morning.
Mrs. C. S. Clinton and children and
Miss Lottie Kusterer leave next wook
for Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. Annie F. Church returned the
latter part of the week from a visit with
friends in Omaha and Lincoln.
Mrs. Lester Eells leaves in a few days
for Council Bluffs where she will remain
until after the holidays.
Attornev Marshall, ot Hebron, is in
town to-day looking after collections for
an implement house ho represents.
Robert Peale and bride arrived in the
city last night from Shenandoah, Iowa,
and are receiving tho hearty congratu
lations of acquaintances.
Dr. Aley, the Lincoln special
ist, may again be consulted at the
Hotel Neville, North Platte, Wed
nesday, Dec. 18th.
Conductor McKeown returned the
latter part of tho week from Illinois. -
Eugine 684, Wood White's favorite,
has been taken in tho shops for some
heavy repairs. The interior of the cab
of this engine is, very smooth,the guages,
etc , having been niekle-plated at Mr.
White's expense.
It is said that tho directors of the
Pennsylvania railroad have been assured
by an electrical expert that they dan
save $5,000,000 a year in coal bills by
ncinrr an Alpnt,r5f mfitnr FW1
with ii cur-
rent produced by a
gas engine. As at
the last; test an electric engine drew the
heaviest load ever drawn by a single
locomotive, practical railroad men- are
beginning to think that they may be a
great deal closer to a revolution than'j
they expected ajjear ago.
W. J. Roche is as hapyy as a clam at
high tide. The painters' have been at
work for several days repainting the
interior of the engine and tool room
tho quarters m which Mr. Roche reigns
as an undisputed monarch and every
thing looks as neat as a pin. The big
air compressor, under the artistic hand
of Fred Weingand, is now a thing of
bpauty and runs as smoothly as a hoi
knife through a roll of butter. Tho tool
Solves have been re-arranged and en
larged, thus giving moro floor space.
The boys sny that hereafter Roche, will
expect them to tak, their caps when
onteriug the tool room.
The meeting at the court house Fri
day evening for the purpose or discuss
ing tho Cuban quostion was largely at
tended! and proved verv interesting. I he
meeting was called to order by W. G
Elder, who acted as chairman, and tho
following was introduced by W. C. Mill
Whereas, the people of the island of
Cuba are now lighting for their hbertv
from the oppressive and overbearing
government of Spain, and that we as
citizens of the United States of Ameri
ca, realizing the great help we received
during the dark days of tho revolution
by the recognizing of our mfantRepublic
by the French Empire, and believing
that our Nation above all others, from
our position and standing among the
Nations of tho earth, should be the first
to recognize, encourage and assist this
people striving to throw off the bond of
1 potical slavery and therefore bo it
"Resolved, that we as as citizens of the
United States earnestly petition our
sonators and representatives in congress
to use all the means in their power to
secure a speedy recognition of the Cuban
insurgents asbelligerents by tho United
States of America.
H. S. Ridgley then took tho floor in
support of tho resolution and mado si
very creditable speech. Ho was followed
by Frank Edmonds, who opposed the
adoption of the resolution, and presented
some- strong points. Fred Elliott, jr.,
took a neutral position and gave an in
teresting talk. Tfttse three young men
are members of the I. L. A. and it was
previously arranged that they should
take the respective- positions they
espoused. Other speeches were made
by Judge Hoagland, M. A. Daugherty,'
T. C. Patterson and G. E. French, all of
whop supported the resolution.
The resolution was then put before
the house for adoption and carried with
out a dissenting voice. The resolution j
has been forwarded to our representa- !
lives at Washington.
This meeting was held through tho
efforts of the members of the Iiyceum
League and the interest they took in tho
meeting is to be highly commended.
The young men composing the local
league are bright and progressive, and
we trust they will in the near future
take up other questions of such interest
as the Cuban affair.
Do you want that vault attended to?
Send your address I do the rest Box
170, city.
The WhitTElephan'tFeed Barn
nov opened. Good accommodations.
Geo. 13. Carter.
Smoke Wright's Eoyal Sports
and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars.
Tha Time
Has Come
When you will be looking around for
We are right on deck with a full line of
Toys, Toilet Gases,
Fine Glassware,
In fact we have an endless variety of articles
that will be sure to suit you.
Well, everybody
are lower, quality considered, than any store
in the west. Call. and inspect our line.
e Wilcox hi St
One door south of Streitz's drug.
IS' -.
Selling you goods at these prices ? r ; . .
If not, he is not meeting our prices.
19 pounds Ex. "C" Sugar , fSl.Q0
Maple Syrup in bulk, per gallon . ..90c
1 pound Full Cream Cheese . lic
-1 pound any Ground Spice 25c
4 pounds A. B. C. Crackers 25c
2- pound can Corn '. 7c
3- pound pail Lard 30c
Dry Salt Pork, per pound... 6tfc
Baked Beans, in tomato sauce 6jc
3-pound cau Sweet Potatoes ..: 15c
1 package Arbuckles Coffee 19c
1 package Corn Starch 5c
Muscatel Eains, per pound. . ..... 4 5c
Get our. prices on other goods. Combination Orders arc
easy for us, bring them in
Flour, Feed and Grain at' Lowest Prices.
Just Opened with a Fresh Stock of
Groceries, Provisions,
Give us a call. NORTH SiDE.
J. H. Cunningham
has a fine line of
for the holiday trade, and always
has a fresh stock of
Staple and Fancy
Carving Sets,
Cutlery, . K
knows that our prices
Pale, tbln, bloodless people iiiould use Pr, Saw
yer'sDkatlne. It id the greatest remedy la llio
world for making the wenk gtrong. Tor mIo by F.
II. Longley.
Cheap, the John Baieraska house
on west Fourth street. Four rooms
.and everything fn good repair. For
ya.i utumis jmjmre at tills omce.
Studebaker Waerons ami
J Buggies at Hershey & Go's.
Children with pate, blaish complexions, Indlcat-
blood ahoald taie Dr. Sawyer'a TJkatine. For eale
by l. H. Longley.
Land Office nt North Platte, Neb., )
.... . . t , December 6th, ISG5. f
JjoUce Is hereby given that the followin-unmed
settler has filed notice ot hia Intention to make
flnalproorinsnpportol his claim, and that eaid,
proof will be made before the Reeister and Be.
lcXflwa ?Iz-h mte' NeLiraskB' 0B rnnar
who made Homestead Entry No. 16.015, for tho
Southwest quarter of Section 21. Township '0,
JfanBO 28. Ho names the following witness
,.Fr?7e hl.3 continuous resldonce upon arid
cultivation of wld land, viz: Edward Ijacksori,
J. M. Grandstaff, J. A. Damorcn aad Lyman
GxdBer, all of Moorefleld, Ncbra?ka.